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This Community Newspaper is a weekly publication of Escambia / Santa Rosa Bar Association

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Vol. 14, No. 46


November 26, 2014

1 Section, 8 Pages

Gulf Coast Restoration Projects Moving Forward Courtesy of the Department of Environmental Protection


On Nov. 19, Gov. Rick Scott announced five proposals for 20 projects totaling $77 million that were submitted to the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council for consideration under the Council-Selected Restoration Component portion of funding through the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act). Scott said, “We’re committed to protecting and restoring Florida’s estuaries, and these $77 million in projects would significantly bolster our efforts to protect and restore our natural treasures. Our Department of Environmental Protection has worked closely with local leaders and environmental stakeholders to identify the projects that will best benefit our critical ecosystems. Through state funding we’ve made major investments in the Everglades and the Keys, and with these dollars we’ll make similar investments in North Florida’s estuaries and continue to make Florida’s environment a priority.” Funding Proposals These proposals address high priority restoration needs in 10 major watersheds from Perdido Bay to Tampa Bay. They also represent the feedback received from numerous meetings with stakeholders and citizens. Additionally, the proposals represent projects from the list of over 1,200 submissions to the Department of Environmental Protections’ online portal. • The Pensacola Bay Watershed Proposal encompasses two living-shoreline projects, a wastewater reuse project, a stormwater and wastewater improvement project and a contaminated sediment removal planning project. These projects will collectively improve Pensacola and East Bays, a portion of the Santa Rosa Sound, as well as Bayou Chico. The funding amount for this proposal totals $15.9 million. • The Apalachicola Bay Watershed Proposal includes three major projects that would improve fresh water flows to the hydrologically impacted bay. Also, an expansion of a Natural Resource Damage Assessment oyster population rebuilding project, a marsh and oyster reef project, and an agricultural pollution reduction project will help to restore the bay and assist affected oystermen. The funding amount for this proposal totals $26.1 million. • The Suwannee River Watershed Proposal would provide $12.1 million in funds to acquire conservation easements in the Florida Forever Lower Suwannee

River and Gulf Less-than-Fee Program and to implement an oyster-restoration project near Cedar Key, as well as an agriculture pollution reduction project. These projects will restore and protect water quality and habitats that sustain the local communities whose economies depend on these vital resources. • The Tampa Bay Watershed Proposal includes $6.9 million in funding for five projects, three of which are shovel-ready stormwater projects that would improve water quality and habitat within this watershed. Also included in this proposal are Manatee County’s Robinson Preserve restoration and Alafia Bank Bird Sanctuary living shoreline installations, which are two highly ranked projects identified in the Southwest Florida Regional Ecosystem Restoration Plan. • The last proposal, Northwest Florida Estuaries and Watersheds Proposal, is intended to complete the current watershed planning efforts in the Panhandle and includes funding for design, permitting, implementation and monitoring for high priority water quality and habitat restoration projects that will be identified through these planning efforts. The funding amount for this proposal totals $16.8 million. The five proposals, involving approximately 20 specific projects, total more than $77 million in requested funding. Information may be found about each proposal at Many experts and politicians highlight the environmental benefits of these projects. “Water quality is a top priority in Florida, and the projects in the submitted proposals significantly reflect that priority. We hope to see the projects approved and implemented in the near future,” said Secretary Herschel T. Vinyard Jr. of the Department of Environmental Protection. “The proposals submitted are just one example of Governor Scott’s commitment to the environment.” “These proposals show that Governor Scott and the state of Florida are committed to improving water quality, restoring critical habitats and cleaning up our shorelines,” said Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam. “From Apalachicola Bay to Central Florida springs to coastal estuaries, these projects will make a real difference across the state.” “Protecting Florida’s water continues to be my top priority while serving in the Florida Senate,” said Senator Charles S. Dean (R-Inverness). “The projects Gov-

ernor Scott submitted to the RESTORE Council under the Suwannee River Watershed proposal would help protect Florida's natural resources for future generations.” “Thanks to the Governor's leadership this group of Florida proposals advances a vision for restoring some of our most important Gulf Coast estuaries and watersheds,” said Executive Director of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Nick Wiley. “These RESTORE projects would revitalize key habitat for fish and wildlife and help support the economies of coastal communities that are so closely tied to these resources.” “Tampa Bay is a critical lifeline to the health of the Gulf of Mexico and the projects included within the proposals submitted by Governor Scott reflect the much needed restoration and water quality improvement for Tampa Bay,” said Holly Greening, executive director of Tampa Bay National Estuary Program. “The Suwannee River watershed is one of the largest watersheds affecting the Gulf of Mexico,” said Ann B. Shortelle, Ph.D. executive director of the Suwannee River Water Management District. “The projects included in Governor Scott’s submitted proposal would address many water quality and habitat issues in the Suwannee River watershed.” “Water is a necessary part of our lives and ensuring the quality of Florida’s water and associated natural resources is a top priority of the state and our District,” said Robert Beltran, executive director of the Southwest Florida Water Management District. “We are pleased to see that priority reflected in Governor Scott’s proposals for RESTORE Act funding.” Local officials praised the proposals as meaningful and smart solutions to the problems caused by the oil spill. “Both the Pensacola Bay and the Northwest Florida Estuaries and Watersheds proposals are great news for the Panhandle,” said Representative Doug Broxson. “I want to thank Gov. Scott for his continued commitment to restoring the Gulf Coast of Florida following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.” “Pensacola Bay is one of Florida’s most important bays and I am grateful to Gov. Scott, DEP Secretary Vinyard and Nick Wiley of FWC for their hard work in recognizing that restoring this bay is top priority for the state of Florida,” said City of Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward. “We are so pleased to see three pro-

posals including planning and implementation for Panhandle estuaries and watersheds were submitted by Gov. Scott to the Council,” said Temperance Morgan, executive director for The Nature Conservancy. “These proposals would extend the good work being done by TNC and lay the foundation for a sophisticated estuary program for the Panhandle.” “Gov. Scott’s submitted proposals complement the work already being implemented in the Panhandle watersheds to preserve water quality and quantity,” said Executive Director of the Northwest Florida Water Management District Jon Steverson. “We are hopeful the projects will be approved and more can be done to protect Northwest Florida’s water resources.” “The Gulf Consortium is tasked with creating the State Expenditure Plan for the Spill Impact Component of the RESTORE Act funds and working with Gov. Scott is an important step to gaining successful projects for the state of Florida,” said Mike Sole, Gov. Scott’s appointee to the Gulf Consortium. “Florida’s proposals submitted to the Council focus on restoring Florida’s natural resources and as a member of the Gulf Consortium, I am thankful to Gov. Scott for his continued dedication to restoring the Gulf Coast.” “Audubon Florida is supportive of the five proposals submitted for consideration by the Council,” said Eric Draper, executive director for Audubon Florida. “There are many projects within the proposals that would continue Governor Scott’s work to conserve the vital habitats in our state.” “The Gulf Consortium is fully supportive of the proposals submitted by Gov. Scott,” said President of the Florida Association of Counties, Chairman of the Gulf Consortium and Escambia County Commissioner Grover Robinson. “Also, local governments across the Florida Gulf Coast have greatly enjoyed the working relationship with Governor Scott and state agencies to plan, propose, and initiate restoration of our environmental assets.” “The after affects of the BP oil spill are still felt in many communities and by many businesses in coastal Northwest Florida,” said Senator Don Gaetz. “The grant funding announced today is another step in rebuilding and strengthening our environment and our economy. I'm grateful to Governor Scott and Secretary Vinyard for working closely with local leaders on these funding decisions.”

The RESTORE Act allocates 80 percent of the Clean Water Act administrative and civil penalties resulting from the Deepwater Horizon incident to the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund. To date, Transocean is the only responsible party to settle its civil liability and a portion of those funds are now available. The Council-Selected Restoration Component, commonly known as Bucket 2, equates to 30 percent of available funds and is managed by the council. For this first round, the total available for projects is roughly $150 to $180 million to be shared among 11 council members. Once the council staff receives all member proposals, they will be reviewed for eligibility and posted online. The council members will then work to create a draft Funded Priorities List, which will be available in the spring/summer of 2015 for public review and comment. The state of Florida will compete for Bucket 2 funding with the other states and federal agencies represented on the council. The proposals must align with the Council’s Comprehensive Plan, which was published in August 2013. The Department of Environmental Protection and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission have been working diligently to ensure Florida’s Bucket 2 proposals align with the council’s goals, have wide support and significantly contribute to the overall health of the Gulf of Mexico. RESTORE Act funding is just a small portion of the overall environmental restoration work that is being implemented in the state of Florida to compensate the public for injuries caused by the Deepwater Horizon spill. To date there has been nearly $175 million in approved projects and programs across Florida’s Gulf Coast communities through other funding sources, such as Natural Resource Damage Assessment early restoration and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund. These projects range from living shorelines, land acquisitions, boat ramps, coastal conservancy and enhanced recreational use. Project selection processes among these multiple funding sources are coordinated to ensure projects that are chosen are complementary and successful for our treasured Gulf Coast. These projects come on the heels of Florida securing a record level of funding for important environmental projects through the state budget. This year, Gov.Scott approved more than $300 million for projects to improve water quality in south Florida and the Florida Keys. This investment will be used for critical projects for families and businesses that rely on these natural treasures, mitigate impacts of Lake Okeechobee’s discharges on our estuaries and divert more fresh water south to help restore the Everglades.




November 26, 2014

Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association CLE Library

Professionalism Awards Nomination Deadlines Approaching

2014 Survey of Florida Law: 12 General Includes 3.5 Ethics Credits Family Law 101: 7.5 Credits 2014 Medicare/Medicaid Lien Seminar: 3.0 Credits Ethics/Professionalism/Substance Abuse Seminar: 4.0 General, 3.0 Ethics, 1.0 Substance Abuse Credits Elder Law: 3.0 Credits 1.0 Ethics Credit Protecting Business By Intellectual Property: 3.5 Credits Business Valuation Seminar: 1.0 Credit Collaborative Divorce 101: 1.0 Credit Maritime Law: 2.0 Credits Florida Courts E-Filing Portal & Relevant Rules: 3.0 Credits Employment Law: 4.0 Credits $10 Per Credit Member $20 Per Credit Non-Member Call 434-8135 to order your CLE today!

The Florida Bar’s Standing Committee on Professionalism is now accepting nominations for the William M. Hoeveler Judicial Professionalism Award, the Group Professionalism Award, and the Law Faculty/Administrator Professionalism Award. The William M. Hoeveler Judicial Professionalism Award is for either a state or federal judge “who best exemplifies strength of character, service, and competence as a jurist, lawyer, and public servant.� The purpose of the Group Professionalism Award is to find one organization that has an innovative program that can be implemented by other organizations to promote and encourage professionalism within the legal community. The Law Faculty/Administrator Professionalism Award is intended to honor a faculty member or administrator who through teaching, scholarship, and service to the profession best supports or exemplifies the mission of the Standing Committee on Professionalism. The deadline for nominations and all supporting documents for the William M. Hoeveler Judicial Professionalism Award is February 2, 2014. The deadline for nomination packets for the Law Faculty/Administrator Professionalism Award and the Group Professionalism Award is Feb. 16, 2014. All nomination forms can be found on the Center's website at - under the “Awards� section - and must be submitted to the Henry Latimer Center for Professionalism.

Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association Calendar of Events December 11 ESRBA Holiday Reception Gulf Coast Community Bank (5:30 – 7:30 P.M.) December 12 Santa Rosa Legal Community Holiday Luncheon The Imogene Theater (Noon) For Ticket Information Contact: The Byrom Law Firm December 24 Christmas Eve Offices Closed: First Judicial Circuit Court Santa Rosa County Clerk of Court and Comptroller Escambia County Clerk of Court and Comptroller (Court Functions Only) Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association

December 24 Christmas Day Offices Closed: U.S. District Court First Judicial Circuit Court Florida Office of Compensation Claims Santa Rosa County Clerk of Court and Comptroller Escambia County Clerk of Court and Comptroller Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association January 1 New Year’s Day Offices Closed: U.S. District Court First Judicial Circuit Court Florida Office of Compensation Claims Santa Rosa County Clerk of Court and Comptroller Escambia County Clerk of Court and Comptroller Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association


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The Summation Weekly

November 26, 2014




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Published by Ballinger Publishing for Escambia / Santa Rosa Bar Association





PUBLISHED AT 41 NORTH JEFFERSON STREET, SUITE 402 PENSACOLA, FLORIDA 32502 850-433-1166 • FAX 850-435-9174 OFFICE HOURS MONDAY – FRIDAY 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY APPLICATION TO MAIL AT PERIODICALS POSTAGE RATES IS PENDING AT PENSACOLA, FL THE PENDING PERIODICAL NUMBER IS 32 SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20 / YEAR (ALL ESRBA MEMBERS) $22.50 / YEAR (ESCAMBIA / SANTA ROSA / OKALOOSA COUNTY NON-MEMBERS) $27.50 / YEAR (OTHER COUNTIES WITHIN FLORIDA & ALL OTHER STATES NON-MEMBERS) POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: THE SUMMATION WEEKLY 41 NORTH JEFFERSON STREET, SUITE 402 PENSACOLA, FLORIDA 32502 The Summation Weekly is locally owned and operated. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or use of the contents herein is prohibited without written permission from the publisher. Comments and opinions expressed in this magazine represent the personal views of the individuals to whom they are attributed and/or the person identified as the author of the article, and they are not necessarily those of the ESRBA or the publisher. This newspaper accepts no responsibility for these opinions. The ESRBA reserves the right to edit all manuscripts. All advertising information is the responsibility of the individual advertiser. Appearance in this newspaper does not necessarily reflect endorsement of any products or services by Escambia / Santa Rosa Bar Association or Ballinger Publishing © 2014



The Summation Weekly

November 26, 2014


Florida Children’s Cabinet Sets New Course

Scott Signs Death Warrant in Escambia Slaying

embers of the Florida Children and Youth Cabinet on Tuesday, Nov. 18 said they wanted to re-establish the cabinet as a “bully pulpit” for children, with better coordination among the state agencies that serve kids and more political backing from Gov. Rick Scott.

Gov. Rick Scott on Monday signed a death warrant for a man found guilty of committing first-degree murder and sexual battery during a home-invasion robbery in 1993 in Escambia County.

By Margie Menzel, The News Service of Florida


The discussion came as members of the cabinet reviewed a strategic plan — now seven years old — and set a new course for improving the lives of the youngest state residents. Members agreed to renew their mission of improving “the self-sufficiency, safety, economic stability, health and quality of life of all children and youth in Florida.” “We know we’re not there,” said Judy Schaechter, interim chairwoman of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Miami and a founding member of the cabinet. “We’ve got to get there.” The Children and Youth Cabinet was established by the Legislature in 2007 and has been housed in the governor’s office ever since. It was intended to break down the so-called “silos” among state agencies — separate missions that often keep different parts of state government from working efficiently and effectively together. A lack of coordination is especially problematic when it comes to children who are served by multiple state agencies, said Mike Carroll, interim secretary of the Department of Children and Families. “You’ve got to understand how all these services are interconnected,” Carroll said. “We should be taking the blinders off.” But without a way to propose legislation or a budget to achieve their goals, some members of the panel had grown frustrated. “This is about the very future of Florida and our country, and I would like more evidence that what we might contribute would actually lead to significant progress for the children of Florida,” said David Lawrence, chairman of the Children’s Movement of Florida and

another founding member of the cabinet. The cabinet includes the secretaries of the Department of Children and Families, the Department of Juvenile Justice, the Department of Education and the Agency for Health Care Administration, along with the surgeon general, who heads the Department of Health, and the directors of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, the Office of Early Learning, the statewide Guardian ad Litem Office and the Office of Child Abuse Prevention. It also includes appointees of the governor, attorney general, chief financial officer, Florida Supreme Court and both chambers of the Legislature. Chairwoman Wansley Walters, former secretary of the Department of Juvenile Justice, said the cabinet had made some significant achievements, such as promoting awareness of human trafficking and bullying. But the panelists agreed that they needed to find a way to pool their resources — both human and financial. “I think more support from the governor’s office and giving us that underpinning to move forward is very important,” said Barbara Palmer, director of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities. “But whether it’s legislation, interagency agreement — whatever it is that we can now share resources, I think, is very, very critical. Or we’re not going to be able to move anything forward.” Attorney Steve Uhlfelder, a Scott appointee, suggested the cabinet develop several legislative priorities that Walters, as chairwoman, would propose to the governor. “If we went to the Legislature

without the support of the governor, it wouldn’t mean anything,” Uhlfelder said. “The right place to start is the governor,” Lawrence agreed. But a number of the panelists, including Lawrence, noted that they were not criticizing Scott. “The governor’s made more progress on early childhood (education) this past session than has been made in 10 years,” Lawrence said. “I respect the governor fully. He does care about children. We still have a cabinet that is foundering.” He pointed to the Healthy Start initiative, begun under the late Gov. Lawton Chiles in response to high infant mortality rates. “I want this cabinet to stand for something, to get something done,” Lawrence concluded. Uhlfelder urged the panel to boost the state’s early investment in children, so as to prevent potential problems from becoming acute as the children age. He also proposed that the group move quickly, since the budget process for the next fiscal year is already underway. “We can invest in them now or pay for them later,” agreed Carroll, who urged the group to identify all the agencies’ funding sources and coordinate them so as to make the best use of dollars. “The money has to follow the kids and their needs.” By the end of the five-hour meeting, the cabinet members were upbeat. “This is a passionate and unruly group,” Walters said. “There are some things we need to put in place to position ourselves for the next step. I am so optimistic that we are going to redefine and reinvent ourselves, because the last thing I ever want this group to hear is that we don’t do anything.”

Scott signed the warrant for Johnny Shane Kormondy, 42, to die by lethal injection on Jan. 15. The execution will be the 21st since Scott took office in January 2011, equaling the number overseen by former Gov. Jeb Bush, which is the most for any Florida governor since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976. Kormondy was found guilty in 1994 in the death of Gary McAdams, who was shot in the back of the head during a home-invasion robbery. McAdams and his wife, who was raped during the attack, had returned home from a high-school reunion when confronted at the front door by Kormondy and his two accomplices. According to a release from the governor’s office that accompanied the death warrant, Kormondy was the leader of the attack, recruiting the accomplices, providing transportation and casing the McAdams’ neighborhood. Kormondy’s accomplices, Curtis Buffkin and James Hazen, received life sentences. Law enforcement was able to close the case when a person to whom Kormondy confessed went to police seeking a posted $50,000 reward for information. The robbers reportedly left the house with $20.

Special Master Named in FloridaGeorgia River Fight The U.S. Supreme Court this week appointed a Maine attorney to serve as a special master in a long-running legal battle between Florida and Georgia about the amount of freshwater flowing into Apalachicola Bay. The Supreme Court said early this month it would take up a lawsuit filed by Florida against Georgia. The court Wednesday appointed Maine attorney Ralph I. Lancaster Jr. to serve as a special master who will call witnesses, issue subpoenas, take evidence and submit reports to the Supreme Court. Lancaster’s law firm, Pierce Atwood LLP, said on its website that the case is the fourth time Lancaster has been appointed a special master by the Supreme Court. SCOTUSblog, an online site that closely covers the Supreme Court, said Lancaster will propose a ruling to justices. “It usually takes several years for such cases to develop, under the control of a special master,’’ the post on SCOTUSblog said. “The special master does not have the authority to rule, but only to recommend outcomes to the justices.” The dispute, which has involved more than two decades of litigation, focuses on a system of water that flows into the Apalachicola River from the Chattahoochee and Flint rivers in Georgia. Ultimately, the water flows downstream to Apalachicola Bay on the Gulf of Mexico. Florida has long contended that Georgia takes too much water from the Chattahoochee to meet the demands of the Atlanta area.

Chief Justice Puts Spotlight on Civil Legal Needs

By Jim Turner, The News Service of Florida

Supreme Court Chief Justice Jorge Labarga signed an administrative order Monday creating a 27-member commission to determine how civil legal needs can be met for low- and moderate-income Floridians. One of the main tasks of the new Florida Commission on Access to Civil Justice will be to figure out how to provide additional funding for civil legal aid, something Gov. Rick Scott has vetoed the past four years. Labarga said the commission will be asked to consider the potential of establishing public-private partnerships with the business community. He added that the commission isn’t expected to ask for “a lot of money” from legislators. “It is our hope that they come up with solutions that combine all these efforts and various ways to do it,” Labarga said. “My intention, our intention, is to lock up all these smart people in a room, let them knock it

around and see what they come up with.” Gregory Coleman, president of The Florida Bar and a member of the commission, said he expects the members will work to educate top business leaders of the state on the need to expand funding for the civil programs. The commission includes John Attaway, the general counsel for Publix Super Markets, and Jeffrey Craigmile, the chief counsel for Walt Disney Company. Labarga’s action follows similar efforts in about 30 other states. The commission is to meet quarterly, with the first meeting expected to be held in Tallahassee after the New Year. Also among those named to the commission are Labarga; Attorney General Pam Bondi; state Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater; state Sen. Rob Bradley, R-Fleming Island; and State

University System Chancellor Marshall M. Criser III. Labarga announced his intention to make the courts more accessible to all Floridians in June when he was sworn in as the state’s 56th chief justice. Scott did not attend Labarga’s swearing-in, which came less than a month after the governor vetoed $2 million that lawmakers had earmarked for legal services for the poor. The veto followed similar vetoes of $1 million in 2011 and $2 million in each of the following two years for what the budget describes as “civil legal assistance.” Legal-aid lawyers handle tens of thousands of cases a year, with many of the cases dealing with family issues, such as divorce or child custody, or housing issues, such as foreclosures. Coleman told reporters during the signing ceremony held in the Supreme Court that expanding access to the courts wouldn’t

result in more people filing lawsuits. “I don’t see it as expanding litigation at all, I see it as streamlining and making the courts more efficient,” Coleman said. Emerson Thompson, Jr., president of The Florida Bar Foundation and a member of the commission, added, “My concern is not more litigation, it’s simply fair litigation with the cases we have.” Labarga said programs that provide legal assistance have seen a reduction in funding in recent years, while self-representation in civil cases has grown. “Many working-class Floridians find themselves in the predicament of earning too much to qualify for legal aid, but not enough to afford to hire a lawyer,” Labarga said. “I’m talking about hard-working families trying to raise a family on $50,000 or so. These are your

school teachers, firefighters, police officers, plumbers.” Scott’s veto this year came as former Florida Supreme Court Justice Raoul Cantero and attorneys for the poor pushed an effort to increase Florida Bar dues by up to $100 to help fund legalservice groups across the state. The state Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments Dec. 2 on raising a $265 cap on the Bar’s annual membership fees. The Florida Bar has come out strongly against the proposal, arguing that the legal system needs a longer-term solution to pay for services provided to the poor. Coleman said Florida lawyers are already contributing significant time and money to legal aid. Last year Bar members reported 1.7 million hours of pro bono work and about $4.8 million in contributions to legal services organizations, Coleman said.

The Summation Weekly

November 26, 2014




Florida’s Jobless Mark at Lowest Since Mid-2008 By Jim Turner, The News Service of Florida

The state’s jobless mark dipped slightly from 6.1 percent in September to a six-year-low of 6.0 percent in October, with the strongest growth found in education, health care and service-related fields. The state Department of Economic Opportunity announced Friday, Nov. 21 that the number of people listed as unemployed in Florida fell by 13,000 from month to month and stood at 578,000 jobless out of a labor force of 9.6 million. “Today’s announcement that Florida has added 32,000 privatesector jobs is great news as we continue our work to ensure that every Floridian who wants a job can get one,” Gov. Rick Scott said in a prepared statement. While the jobs-focused Scott continues to concentrate on private-sector growth, the state agency recorded an overall increase of 34,400 jobs from September to October. State and local government jobs grew by 4,100 last month, while federal employment in Florida went down 1,700. The state’s unemployment rate is the lowest since June

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME STATUTE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned intend(s) to register with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations, pursuant to Section 865.09, Florida Statutes, the fictitious name of West Florida Law, under which the undersigned is (are) engaged in business. The present principal place of business is located at 8631 Beulah Road, PENSACOLA, FL 32526. There are no persons interested in said business other than the undersigned and the interest of the undersigned in said business is as stated below. William Arthur Brightwell IV 100%

2008. Florida’s mark, which is above the national rate of 5.8 percent, has wavered between 6.2 percent and 6.3 percent most of this year. Over the past year, the state has recorded job gains in 19 of the 22 metro areas, topped by 3.5 percent growth in both the Miami-Miami Beach-Kendall and Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford regions. Only the metro areas dominated by Ocala and Panama City have lost jobs, showing about 1 percent drops in employment. Statewide, the fields adding the most workers last month were in areas of education and health services and hospitality and food services. Growth also continued to be recorded in retail, construction, technical, and waste services, according to the Department of Economic Opportunity numbers. Meanwhile, insurance, financial activities, transportation and utilities recorded declines in workers from September to October. Across Florida, the lowest county unemployment rates continued to come from the Florida Keys and parts of the Panhandle. Monroe County held the lowest monthly jobless mark in October, down to 3.6 percent from 3.7 percent in September. Walton County in Northwest Florida remained at 3.9 percent, while nearby Okaloosa County dipped from 4.6 percent to 4.5 percent. Many of the counties with the lowest unemployment rates were those with relatively high proportions of state and federal government employees. Southwest Florida’s Hendry County, while falling from 12 percent in September to 10.5 percent in October, continued to hold the state’s highest unemployment rate. Flagler, in Northeast Florida, was the next highest, at 8.2 percent.

Florida Corrections Chief Stepping Down By Dara Kam, The News Service of Florida

Gov. Rick Scott’s corrections chief Mike Crews announced Monday he is stepping down from the agency grappling with reports of abuse by prison guards, allegations of retaliation against whistleblowers and a multimillion-dollar deficit. Crews did not immediately return a telephone call, but Department of Corrections spokeswoman Jessica Cary confirmed the secretary made his resignation public within the agency Monday morning. Crews, whose resignation has been the subject of rumors for months, is the first agency head to step down since Scott’s reelection Nov. 4. Crews, 53, was the third Department of Corrections secretary appointed during Scott’s first term in office. Crews launched a crusade to clean up the corrections agency this summer after reports of inmate deaths and abuse at the hands of prison guards. Crews, who began his career as a prison guard, fired dozens of prison workers, initiated new standards for conduct and asked the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, where he spent nearly three decades before becoming the corrections agency’s deputy secretary in 2012, to investigate more than 100 unresolved inmate deaths. Black leaders are asking the U.S. Department of Justice to expand an investigation into wrongdoing at several Florida prisons. And a group of corrections investigators who work for Scott’s inspector general filed a lawsuit against Crews, Scott and others earlier this year, alleging they were retaliated against for exposing the death of an inmate that opened a floodgate of questions about inmate abuse. Scott’s first prison chief, Ed Buss, was forced to step down after less than a year on the job after being at odds with the governor’s office over contracts and a massive privatization attempt that the Legislature failed to endorse. Buss was replaced by Ken Tucker, a longtime Florida Department of Law Enforcement official and one of Crews’s mentors. Tucker stepped down two years ago as part of a longtime plan to participate in the state’s retirement program.

In December 2012, Crews took over an agency with a $2 billion budget that was $120 million in debt and was tied up in a court battle over privatization of inmate health services. Crews initiated a variety of costcutting measures, including having inmates sew their own clothes, make their own laundry soap and wash dishes by hand. Crews said he hoped to whittle the deficit down to $15 million this year. But Crews’ major headaches came this summer after the Miami Herald reported that Darren Rainey, a mentally ill inmate at Dade Correctional Institution, died after guards allegedly forced him to shower in scalding hot water as punishment two years ago. Rainey’s death prompted Crews to fire the warden at the prison and clean house at other institutions where inmates have died under questionable circumstances. The FBI is reportedly scrutinizing Suwannee Correctional Institution, where an inmate-led riot injured five prison guards in October. The April 2 death of inmate Shawn Gooden at the facility is one of more than 100 inmate deaths being investigated by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. In the lawsuit filed by the group of investigators, the whistleblowers claim they started a probe into allegations of prison guard misconduct at Franklin Correctional Institution in 2013. That investigation revealed that an earlier probe into the 2010 death of inmate Randall Jordan-Aparo, who died in solitary confinement after being repeatedly gassed with noxious chemicals, “was false and misleading.” Several of the guards involved in Jordan-Aparo’s death have since been fired. Crews has also wrestled with widespread gang activity aided by corrupt guards. As an example, two former prison sergeants are awaiting trial after being accused of ordering an inmate to be killed last fall to protect the guards’ role as kingpins of an institution-wide gang operation at Taylor Correctional Institution in North Florida. For more than a year, at least five guards allegedly helped the “Bloods,” “Folk” and “MPR” gangs by smuggling drugs, cell

phones and cigarettes into the prison in exchange for thousands of dollars in payments, according to probable-cause affidavits. Cell phones, which can sell for up to $600 inside prisons, are a problem in correctional systems throughout the country, Crews told The News Service of Florida last month. “You have individuals who say, ‘If I bring in 10 of those, I’m probably sitting on $5,000 or $6,000.’ Some people can’t turn down that temptation,” he said. “Yeah, we have gangs in prisons just like are out on the street right now. It is a constant battle to make sure we keep monitoring those and try to minimize their effectiveness inside the institution, and outside the institution, honestly.” Crews also struggled to change the culture of the prison system, which oversees more than 100,000 inmates, and which is the best —- or only —job in many rural counties, especially in North Florida, where the institutions are located. In some areas, guards are thirdgeneration employees of the corrections department whose family members and neighbors also work at the prisons. Crews tried to convince prison staff to report wrongdoing, but fears of retaliation and shunning are common in the system. Crews assured workers that he would protect them if they expose abuse or corruption. “There’s no doubt there are still people who work in this agency that are fearful of coming forward for doing the right thing. There’s no doubt in my mind about that. We didn’t get into the position that we’re in today overnight. We’re not going to get out of it overnight. This takes time. And when you’re trying to change a culture you have to do it from the top down and the bottom up,” he said in an October interview. In September, Crews threatened to stop payments to Missouri-based Corizon, which won a five-year, $1.2 billion contract to provide health care to the majority of the state’s prisoners. Crews accused Corizon of failing to follow through after audits revealed shortcomings in multiple areas, including medical care, nursing and administration.



The Summation Weekly

November 26, 2014


Giving Thanks with Flavor Courtesy of Family Features


s the holidays draw near, we all look forward to delicious food and creating memories with family and friends. It’s also a time to give back to those in need.

Giving back has been an integral part of McCormick’s 125th anniversary program, Flavor of Together, which draws to a close this holiday season. People around the world shared stories about flavor. For every story shared – from recipes to memories of family gatherings – McCormick donated $1 to United Way Worldwide to help feed those in need, culminating in a $1.25 million donation. “Many stories we received throughout the year were about holiday moments because food plays such an important role in what brings people together,” said Chef Kevan Vetter of the McCormick Kitchens. “To celebrate, we’re sharing two holiday recipes we created this year: mini apple pies and corn bread and sausage stuffing, to help families create new memories and traditions while enjoying the flavors they’ve always loved.” Find more holiday ideas and recipes at, and

Easy Mini Apple Pies with Vanilla Whipped Cream

Corn Bread and Sausage Stuffing

Servings: 12 Mini Apple Pies: 1 package (14.1 ounces) refrigerated pie crusts (2 crusts) 3 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and coarsely chopped 1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar 2 teaspoons flour 2 teaspoons McCormick® Pure Vanilla Extract 1 teaspoon McCormick® Ground Cinnamon Topping: 1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1/4 cup flour 2 tablespoons cut up cold butter 1 teaspoon McCormick® Ground Cinnamon 1/4 cup chopped walnuts Vanilla Whipped Cream: 1 cup heavy cream 1/4 cup confectioners’ sugar 1 teaspoon McCormick® Pure Vanilla Extract Preheat oven to 425°F. For the Mini Apple Pies, unroll crusts on lightly floured surface. Using 3 1/2-inch round cutter, cut out 6 rounds from each crust. Re-roll scraps as necessary. Press dough rounds into muffin pan sprayed with no stick cooking spray. Set aside. Toss apples, brown sugar, flour, vanilla and cinnamon in large bowl. Divide evenly among crusts. For the Topping, mix brown sugar, flour, butter and cinnamon in medium bowl until crumbly. Stir in walnuts. Sprinkle evenly over apple filling. Bake 14 to 18 minutes or until topping is golden brown and filling is bubbly. Cool completely in pan on wire rack. Meanwhile, for the Vanilla Whipped Cream, beat cream, confectioners’ sugar and vanilla in medium bowl with electric mixer on high speed until stiff peaks form. Serve Mini Apple Pies with Vanilla Whipped Cream.

Servings: 12 (1-cup each) 6 1 1 1/2 2 1 1/2 1 10 1/2 1

tablespoons butter cup chopped celery cup chopped onion cup chopped green bell pepper teaspoons McCormick® Poultry Seasoning teaspoons McCormick® Thyme Leaves teaspoon McCormick® Garlic Powder cups coarsely crumbled corn bread pound cooked and crumbled sausage can (14 1/2 ounces) chicken broth or 1 3/4 cups Kitchen Basics® Original

Preheat oven to 350°F. Melt butter in large skillet on medium heat. Add celery, onion and bell pepper; cook and stir 5 minutes. Stir in poultry seasoning, thyme and garlic powder. Mix corn bread, vegetable mixture and sausage in large bowl. Add broth; toss gently until well mixed. Spoon into lightly greased 13by-9-inch baking dish. Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until heated through and lightly browned.

The Summation Weekly

November 26, 2014

NOV. 26-DEC. 2 Quayside Christmas Member Show Nov. 28-Jan. 3 Since 1973, Quayside Art Gallery has offered a cumulative art opportunity and experience as possibly the oldest co-operative gallery in the southeast. Celebrate with the gallery as it recognizes its heritage, host charter members’ artwork alongside current members, and enjoy all that 40 years represents. For more information visit

C.E.O. Super Comedy Blowout at the Saenger Nov. 29 The CEO Super Comedy Blowout is the funniest and most highly anticipated comedy show along the Gulf Coast! Known for showcasing some of the worlds outrageously funny and wellknown comedians in the business, this extraordinary event serves as the cornerstone of the Wil-Lo Week celebration. This event allows you to let your hair down for the evening and enjoy a night of rib aching laughter with some of the greatest stars of comedy. Bring your family, friends, and co-workers out to enjoy this explosively funny and entertaining show at the Sarnger Theatre Nov. 29 at 8 pm. For more information visit

So You Think You Can Dance Live at the Saenger Nov. 30 So You Think You Can Dance, the 11-time Primetime Emmy® Award-winning show that sparked America’s fascination with dance, is set to captivate audiences again this fall – live on tour – with more stops than ever before. Celebrating its momentous 11th season So You Think You Can Dance’s Top 10 finalists will make their way across North America, performing in more than 70 cities. The show will be in Pensacola on Sunday, Nov. 30 at 7 pm. Tickets for this performance start at $57 and are available at the Saenger Theatre box office, or online at

Cirque Dreams Holidaze at the Saenger Nov. 28 Cirque Dreams Holidaze lights up the 2014 holiday season with its newest stage spectacular that’s coming to the Saenger stage Friday, Nov. 28 at 7:30 pm. This breathtaking show is not to be missed! It’s a cirque show, a Broadway musical, a holiday spectacular, and a family show all in one. Tickets start at $48 and are available at the Saenger Theatre box office or


PMA Presents Kim Howes Zabbia: Creativity Vs. Fear Through Nov. 29 This exhibit by Kim Howes Zabbia, Louisiana artist, author and teacher, covers 24 years of work from 1990 to now. Currently represented by Ariodante Gallery in New Orleans, Kim has had sixteen solo exhibitions since earning her MFA in Studio Art at LSU during which time she developed her “No Fear” philosophy--that of opening her mind to allow the subject matter to evolve from within.” For more information visit



NOV. 26-DEC. 2 PMA Presents Guild Hall: An Adventure in the Arts Through Jan. 4 This exhibition features paintings, sculptures, and works on paper by a variety of significant artists that lived and worked in East Hampton area on Long Island in New York over the past 140 years. Included among the artists represented in the collection are Chuck Close, April Gornik, Childe Hassam, Ibram Lassaw, Roy Lichtenstein, Thomas Moran, Jackson Pollock, Larry Rivers, David Salle, Andy Warhol, and Jane Wilson. For more information visit

PMA Presents Pat Regan: Roots & Remembrance Through Jan. 3 During this exhibition, artist Pat Regan will be debuting a new body of work at the Pensacola Museum of Art. As an artist, Regan garners much of her inspiration from her lifetime of painting as well as the red clay banks of her Mississippi childhood memories. Regan attended Pratt Institute in Venice, Italy where she studied art and architecture. Regan's art has been exhibited in multiple galleries and museums, and many of her pieces have been represented in private collections, including King Juan and Queen Sophia of Spain. For more information visit

Ice Flyers 2014-2015 Season The back-to-back SPHL champions the Pensacola Ice Flyers are back at the Pensacola Bay Center for thrilling ice hockey. For more information call 432.0800. Nov. 26 vs. Columbus Cottonmouths Nov. 28 vs. Rivermen Nov. 29 vs. Rivermen Dec. 5 vs. IceGators Dec. 6 vs. RiverKings

Lost Virtue: Pensacola’s Red Light District at the Destination Archaeology Resource Center Through January The Florida Public Archaeology Network (FPAN) is opening a new temporary exhibit titled Lost Virtue: Pensacola’s Red Light District inside the Destination Archaeology Resource Center. While the women who worked in Pensacola’s red light district left few written records behind, archaeology is helping to tell their story. Several artifacts associated with the women who worked in Pensacola’s red light district during the late 1800s and early 1900s uncovered through archaeology will be on display for the first time. The DARC is located on the first floor of the Florida Public Archaeology Network headquarters at 207 East Main St. (next to Fish House). Admission is free. The exhibit will be on display until the end of January 2015.



November 26, 2014

The Summation Weekly

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