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The 1990s

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In Memoriam

In Memoriam


1991 The slogan on the bumper sticker sums up the prevailing attitude as the Balloon Fiesta entered its 20th year. The Balloon Fiesta was now a mature event, with most of the large pieces of the event we know today now in place. The weekend mass ascensions, the Balloon Glows with fi reworks, and the Special Shape Rodeo would all expand in the coming years, but that solid core was there to build on. However, 1991 was the end of the line for one institution that had been part of the Balloon Fiesta since 1973 and the World Championships. On the fi rst Saturday of the event after fl ying, pilots and crews loaded up their trucks and 1992

headed headed into town to into town to participate in what participate in what had become New Mexico’s had become New Mexico’s biggest parade. The balloon teams decorated their trucks, and many crews paraded in costume in an event that also featured fl oats, bands, and other community entries. This huge parade, with hundreds of entries, had become too much for both the city and the Balloon Fiesta to manage. It is still remembered fondly by balloon enthusiasts and local residents alike.

In the early part of the 1990s, Balloon Fiesta sponsoring and marketing eff orts underwent a major overhaul, largely through the eff orts of the dynamic Jodi Baugh. In a very short time, through Jodi’s and others’ eff orts, Kodak became the Balloon Fiesta’s fi rst title sponsor, a distinction which continued for a decade. In this pre-digital era, shutterbugs went through a lot of fi lm at the Balloon Fiesta, which to this day is considered to be the most photographed event in the world. These and other marketing eff orts began to put Balloon Fiesta on a more solid fi nancial footing.

Among the new events to Balloon Fiesta in 1992 were the Manfred Radius Glider Show, the Parade of Lights, and – well, not quite a new event – the Dawn Patrol. The fi rst Dawn Patrol fl ight ever took place at Balloon Fiesta in 1978, but it did not become an offi cial part of the event until 1992. The Dawn Patrol pilots have specially-approved aircraft lights that allow them to fl y while it is still dark outside, and their fl ights are a sort of “balloon glow in the sky.” Their fellow pilots launching later in the morning watch the Dawn Patrol to get an idea of wind direction at various altitudes.

the anticipation that seemed to permeate the air as we got closer to our destination. Everybody seemed so happy.

Out of our car, milling around the field in the dark, kind of cold, I had not the slightest idea of what was about to happen. All I knew was that there were a lot of people here and they seemed pretty happy to have gotten up so early in the morning on a Sunday.

With my mind wandering in front of my feet, I was suddenly jolted by a burst of sound, then warmth, immediately behind me, as someone began testing the burner of his balloon. I had never seen anything like this before. Never a hot-air balloon up close and never so many people up so early in the morning stumbling around on an old dirt field in the dark.

Then it began. Inflation fans began roaring and colored fabric started flapping and swelling up all around me in the pre-dawn light. The burners spewed flames into the rising air bags and my head started to spin. I lost track of Jerry and his daughters and began wandering aimlessly amidst the most incredible array of sights and sounds I had ever experienced. It was as though acres of the ground had come alive and the earth was breathing! The constant drone of inflation fans, punctuated by countless ignited burners, seemed to bring life to these giant creatures who kept rising all around, as if they were waking up in a gargantuan pumpkin patch!

And to top the whole scene off, the sun dramatically burst over the mountains and set the entire field on fire with brilliant color and dancing shadows, as the first balloons began their ascent with delighted cheers from the crowd. King Kong-sized balloons, anchored to the ground, swayed to and fro as they awaited their moment to launch. Their massive forms created shapes and shadows that made the sun-drenched balloons rising in the background even more striking in their contrast. Each launch was replaced by yet another inflation, and each inflation by another launch. It was dizzying!

And this entire production repeated itself over and over again for more than two hours! I was so swept up in it all that I consciously lost track of every tangible aspect of my existence. I wasn’t hungry, I wasn’t thirsty, and I couldn’t tell you if I was walking or floating around the balloon field.

As the last of the balloons launched from the field, Jerry found me in a glazed-eyed heap somewhere in the middle, not knowing where to go. I vaguely remember an air show immediately following the Mass Ascension, but it still remains something of a blur. What I do remember is feeling as if I had, for the first time, experienced sensory overload. So many colorful sights, penetrating sounds, and changing smells had virtually numbed my ability to absorb any more.

But I was happy. Very happy.

The picture of me (on the left) and Jerry, Ashley, and Carley Berger was taken by a kind but unsuspecting Japanese woman who could not even speak English, but seemed happy to accommodate our request.

I moved permanently to Albuquerque the following spring and have been at every Balloon Fiesta since that first one in 1984. They have all been distinct and unique, for me, for one reason or another. But as I am sure is true for every veteran spectator, that first uninitiated exposure to this overwhelmingly magnificent event holds a special place in my heart. It was a memorable day that could only be described by saying, “You kinda had to be there.”

Having had no preparation for what I was about to experience, I was fortunate to have seen and heard everything that I did. One of the program articles that I found helpful that year was about spectator etiquette at the Balloon Fiesta. I later learned that there are not many balloon rallies where spectators are allowed so close to the balloons, and so I read very carefully about the do’s and don’ts of being a spectator. Here’s what I mean: • Dress in layers, so you can peel them off as the morning progresses. That goes for the kids, too! • Bring lots of extra film. Everything they’ve told you about how many pictures you’ll take is true. • Always watch where you’re going. It’s easy to lose track. • Don’t smoke around the balloons. We all know propane is flammable, but so is nylon. • Don’t help the pilot or crew unless you are asked – directly. • Be extra courteous to pilots, their crews, and your fellow spectators. There’s plenty of sky, but ground space is limited. Be a good neighbor. • Have the time of your life.

The last thing Pat Murphy, a traveling accountant and house painter, could have possibly imagined in 1984 was that, six years later, he and his newly-formed company, On the Road Productions, would for several years become the official video producer of the Balloon Fiesta.

Abbott, Marjorie Abel, Douglas (Scott) Abel, John Abrams, Wendy Abruzzo, Nancy Addis, Eric Aguilar, James Ahern, James Ahrens, Carlette Ahrens, Ryan Alexander, Jamey Allen, James Allen, Jean Allison, JR Alvarado, Yolanda Ambriz, Anthony Ambriz, Sally Anderson, Jeff Andrews, Linda Anello, Benjamin Anello, Clarissa Anello, Sheryl Aranda, Richard Arballo, Vanessa Arbuckle, Joel Arbuckle, Terri Arias, Christina Arias, John Arias, Santiago Armijo, Maria Armstrong, Julie Arndt, Steve Arthur, Luanne Artino, Gina Asper, Amy Atrey, Vedika Attridge Shemack, Teresa Auble, Lorrie Baca, Ana Back, Evalyn Bacoccini, Elizabeth Bacoccini, Kyle Baggett, William Bagley, James W Bailey, Ray Bair, Carol Bair, Ray Baker, Denise Balestreri, Joe Balestri, Andrea Balestri, Joe Balestri, Laina Balestri, Lucian Balistreri, Joseph Balkin, Harris Ballengee, Joseph Ballenthin, John Ballenthin, Linda Ballenthin, Thomas Balzarini, Angela Banta, Victor Bapst, Lisa Bapst, Rick Barker, Dean Barry, Eva Barry, Maggie Barry, William Bartholomew, Sara Bates, Diane Bates, Mike Batt, Sherri Baxter, Marj Baxter, Samantha Baxter, Shannon Beamon, Carlos Beck, David Beck, Debbie Beck, John Beck, Patrick Benavidez, Amber Bennett, Gary Berger, Laura Bergren, Sarah Bergstrom, Tina Bernal, Dodie Best, Audrey Best, Paul Biddison, Patricia Bietz, Tamara Billson, Margaret Blackaby, Gayle Blackaby, Sondra Blake, Deborah Blauwkamp, Rol Blea, Stephen Blech, Dusty Blech, Gay Bleich, Ruth Bobel, David Bobel, Mina Bockwoldt, Diane Bockwoldt, Karl Bodette, David Bodette, Susan Bogdan, Edward Bogdan, Joan Bond, Melissa Book, Charles Borruel, Robert Bottinelli, Kayla Bouchier, Frank Bouchier, Nance Boyd, Charles 'Chuck' Boyd, Susan Bracamonte, Susie Bradley, Fred Bradley, Margaret Brammer, Leo Brammer, Linda Bramson, Barbara LaVerne Bramson, Mark Branch, Doreen Brauer, Teri Brechtel, Adam Sparks Brennan, Bill Brennan, Jane Brennan, John Brennan, Melissa Brennan, Rita Brewer, Mary Ann Brittain, Cynthia Brody, Anna Broemel, Mary Brown, Dick Brown, Karen Brown, Tina Brown, Yvonne Brumbaugh, Beverly Brumbaugh, Steven Bruzek, Beverly Bruzek, David Bryant, Belinda Budde, Anthony Budde, Katelyn Buehler, Shannon Bueno, Thomas Bullock, Mark Bundy, Jeanette Bundy, Robert Burd, Connie Burd, John Burney, Sarah Busam, Carol Bush, Jennifer Bustamante, Elisa Butts, Alan Butts, Judy Buxton, Stanley Byrd, Carol Byrd, James Caldwell, Allison Caldwell, Kimberley Caldwell, Trenten Caldwell, Wanda Caldwell, Wess Callison, Janna Cardenas, Alice Cardiel, Gina Carl, Pat Carrillo Jr, George Carrillo, Albert Carrillo, Geraldine Carter, Carroll Caruso, Ayla Caruso, Dorreen Caruso, Louie Casanova, Ettaline Casanova, Gretta Casaus, Lorenzo Castillo, Steven Caton, Doyle Cavenee, Noah Cavner, Denise Center, Mabel Irene Center, Randolph Chambers, Joann Chambers, Julia Chandler, Michael Chaplin, Ron Chapman, Glenna Chapman, Jack Chapman, Ruth Ann Chappell, Jeff Charles, Cheryl Charles, Chuck Chavez, Aaron Chavez, Chris Chavez, Lawrence Chavez, Maria Chavez, Nicholas Chavez, Ralph Chavez, Tami Cherniak, Gary Choudhary, Amit Chouinard, Ginger Christopher, Tom Christophersen, Mary Lou Chubb, Dillan Chubb, Tiff any Chumley, Kenneth Ciaramitaro, Becky Ciccarelli, David Ciccarelli, Michael Clark, Corby Clark, Roger Clay, Sarah Clements, Cameron Clements, Katherine Clemons, Pradelia Cloney, Kevin Cobo, Lucia Cofer, Jaxson Coffi ng, Steve Coleman, Stephen Collins, David A Collins, Linda Conine, Rachel Conley, Barry Conley, Kristi Conley, Tamara Conner, Kristin Connor, Linda Cook, Pamela Coon, Kenneth Coon, Kirby Cooper, Matthew Cooper, Sarah Corbett, Trish Corbin, Rex Cordova, Bryan Corio, Barb Corio, Bob Cornejo, Gilda Cortez, Rosie Cote, Barbara Courtney Bueno, Neida Cousineau, Gregory Cowan, Elizabeth Cowan, Robert Cowboy, Savanna Cox, Cheryl Cox, Vernon Cramer, Linda Cramer, Roxanne Craner, Paullette Crawford, Christopher Creel, Margie Cress, Dianne Criel, Bruce Criel, Laura Criel, Todd Crocker, Matthew Crocker, Terri Crossland, David Cruickshank, Neffi tti Cruz, Diana Cruz, Jennifer Cuales, Alan Culley, Joseph Cummings, Martha Curry, Barbara Curry, Visty Czar, Jay Dahms, Guy Daily, Fred Dale, Ben Daniel, Doug Daniels, Kathleen D'arco, Christine David, Jack David, Margie Davis, Bob Davis, Gram Davis, Jeff rey Davis, John Davis, Rachel Davis, William Davis, Zane Dawson, Bruce Dawson, Jill DeBlieux, Bill 'Bo' DeBlieux, Karen Deen Jr, Billy Degenhardt, Craig Degon, Carol Degon, Salvatore DeGroat, Sheri Delle Donne, Denise Delph, Daniel Demler, Edward Demler, Grace DeRosa, Arminda Desrosiers, Jim Detorie, Deb Dewart, Kyra Dewart, Mike Dewey, Judy Dewey, Philip Dill, Jeff Dingmann, Joan Dirks, Kristi Ditz, William Dobler, Judy Domenici, Liliana Donahoo, Wendy Doonan, Philip Doonan, Stephen Dore, Victoria Dow, A. Elizabeth Dow, James Dowling, Celina Downs, Jansen Drake, Marilyn Draper, Steven Dunavent, Duncan Dunn, Gerrold Dunn, Jennifer Dunnum, Suzy Duran-Arias, Domenica Dyck, Ron Edelstein, Marv Edwards Witmer, Patricia Edwards, Diana Edwards, Michael Edwards, Tami Einarsen, Suellen Eldridge, Stacy Elkins, Andee Elkins, Ralph Elliott-Snoeberger, Kim Elrick, John Engdahl, Donald English, Celeste English, Larry Erickson, Jim Erickson, Keith Espinosa, Daniel Espinoza, Liz Espinoza, MaryLaine Esquivel, Johnny Evans, Linda Ewart, Tom Fehrenbacher, Michael Fehrenbacher, Misty Felder, Josephine Felder, Timothy Feltman Jr, Henry Guy Fennell, Kathy Fenske, David Fenzi-Richardson, Demetria Ferro, Linda Finch, Deana Fincher-Lucky, Kimberly A Fischer, Donald Fischer, Jim Fisher, Orele Fleetwood, Karen Fleg, Anthony Fletcher, Alicia Focke, William Foley, Dennise Foley, Mike Folgate, Leah Forbes, Ethan Ford, Deztini Foss, Pamela Foster, Denise Foster, Mark Foxworthy, Eugene Foxworthy, Shelly Foxx-Chavez, Erin Francis, Marcy Fredendall, Paul Fredendall, Sue Freebern, Kathleen Freebern, Keith French, Kevin Fricke, Barbara Fulkerson, Ben Fuller, Doug Furber, Brenda Furber, Lawrence Gabaldon, Herman Gallagher, Doug Galvan, Janice Gamblin, Mike Gamblin, Polly Garber, Stuart Garcia, Brianna Garcia, Charles Garcia, Connie Garcia, Deborah Garcia, Ernie Garcia, Jim Garcia, Kathy Garcia, Lorraine Garcia, Mary Lynn Garcia, Mike Garcia, Rosemary Garcia, Sabrina Garcia, Triston Gardner, Michael Gardner, Teri Garman, Chris Gatterman, Melinda Geck, William Gefeke, Beate Gefeke, Ruediger Gensinger, Darla Gensinger, Larry Gessner, Fred Gibbons, Veronica Gibson, Becky Gibson, Linda Gibson, Steven Giersch, Ben Giersch, Darrla Giersch, Denae Giersch, Jadyen Giersch, John Giersch, Kendra Gillespie, Laura Gillespie, Stan Gilligan, Mike Gilson, Diana Gladish, Jerry Glaspey, Kathleen Glass, Steve Glassman, Elsa Glenn, Janell Glenn, MacKenzie Glenn, Richard Glover, Catherine Godfrey, James Godfrey, Rebecca Gonzales, Bernice Gonzales, Debbie Gonzales, Miquelina Gonzalez, Alfredo Gonzalez, Monica Gonzalez, Nancy Goodwin, Harris Goodwin, Kimberly Gorden, Garrick Gorlaski, Chelsea Gorlaski, Matt Gough, Thomas Gradillas, Tony Graham, Jenni Gransbury, Theodore Grant, Kay Grathwol, Colleen Graves, Paula Greeno, Mark Griego, Penny Griego, Rodney Griffi n, Sandra Griggs, Benjamin Groothuizen, John Groothuizen, Monique Grossetete, Ginger Gunderson, David Gunderson, Kathleen Guthrie, Matt Gutierrez, Michael Guziel, Karen Haagsma, Edward Haagsma, Teresa Hall, Deb Hallstrom, Anita Hallstrom, Greg Hallstrom, Katie Hallstrom, Lori Hancock, Nicole Hanley, Kathy Hanna, Marion Hannon, Keith Hanoumis, Terri Harden, Scott Harders, Dennis Hardy, Selena Harkness, Inez Harmon, Francie Harris, Amy Harvey, Zachary Hathoot, Patricia Hathoot, Steve Hawkins, Bree Hawkins, Taya Heacock-Reyes, Andrea Healy, Michelle Heff ron, Kathy Heim, Dave Heim, Jackie Heinly, Calvin Heinly, Mary Ellen Helak, Rita Henderson, Don Hengel, Michelle Henkel, Carmen Henkel, Richard Hering, Susan Herrington, Raymond Herson, Taylor Hessler, Amanda Hessler, Andrew Hessler, Brad Higgins, Brenda Hill, Alisa Hill, Charles Hill, Danielle Hill, Jacob Hillard, Deb Hines, Catherine Hinton, Kelly Hirschl, Meta Hockersmith, Jon Hockersmith, Sherry Hockey, Jacqueline Holbrook, Dennis Holbrook, Patricia Holley, James Holley, Nancy Holman, Cliff Homan, Traci Hooten, Samantha House, Nancy Howard, Lizabeth Howard, William Howe, Joshua Hower, Katherine Huang, Andy Huff man, Crysol Hughes, Scott Hughes, Shane Hughes, Shannon Hunt, Cindy Huss, J. Hyde, Raymond Irwin, Brian Isham, Anne Iverson, Daniel Iverson, Richard Jackson, Harold Jackson, Neil Jackson, Phyllis Jacobs, Jacqueline Jacobus, Christie Jacobus, Jim James, Pete Jansen, Joni Jaramillo, Dalia Jaramillo, Leon Jeff erson, Connie Johnson, Cody Johnson, Kathryn Johnson, Nancy Johnston, Karla Johnston, Marshall Jonard II, Alex Jonard, Monica Jones, Frank Jones, Raymond Jordan, Blake Jordan, Janet Jordan, Janie Kaibetoney, Larry Kakde, Shriya Kaley, Judith Kamm, Sandra Kaniho, Peggy Kautzer, Jane Keating, Kayla Keaveny, Robert Keene, Phyllis Keifenheim, Karen Kelbe, Kim Kellerman, Natoria Kelly, Katherine Kennedy, Tracy Kenworthy, Tiff any Kessler, Debra Kessler, Dennis Kibler, Sara Kinnard, Carl Kinnard, Susan Kinney, Charlotte Kirkwood, Jon Kirkwood, Lyn Kiser, Willie Klock, Jaron Klock, Joshua Knowlton, Carol Knudsen, Sherilyn Kochicas, Denise Kohlasch, Jacquelin Komadina, M.D., Steve Koreski, Marie Koreski, Paul Koroluk, Diana Koroluk, Walter Kosmakos, Lynn Krask, Elizabeth Krebs, Mary Labarge, Susan Ladd, David Ladd, Karen LaFleur, Chris LaGrange, Catherine LaGrange, David Lam, Sally Lam, Wayne Lamb, Kathy Langheim, Jerry Larson, Linda LaRue, David LaRue, Debbie Lattanza, Billie Law, Brenda Lawrence, Jeff Lawson, John Lawson, Teri Layman, Andrew Lee, Bet Lee, Jon Lefevre, Randy Leonard, Shawn Leshner, Helen Lete, Cheryl Leung, David Levenson, Sandra

Levenson, Sherman Levine, Kathleen Lewis, John Lewis, Nancy Leyba, Dominic Liberti, Mike Lilley, Carolyn Lind, Ruth Lipford, Linda Lipford, Robin Lister, Deborah Little, Bruce Llewellyn, Butch Llewellyn, Lawrence Llewellyn, Michael Llewellyn, Will Lockridge, Donna Long, Sigrid Christine Loos, Rhonda Lopez, Cindy Louviere, Cheryl Louviere, Lonnie Lovato JR, Phillip N Lowrimore, Mike Lucero, Bob Lucero, Jack Luenenborg, Cathy Lujan, Judy Lujan, Rachael Luke, Victoria Lum, Brenda Luna, Jay Luna, Tammy Luster, Roberta Luster, Victor Lydick, Yvonne Lyons, Ana Lyons, Mike Lyons, Nadine Maes, Ted Maestas-Wimpy, Anthony Maestas-Wimpy, Michael Magnuson, Nels Maharaj, Amethyst Maradiaga, Benjamin Marciszewski, Dawn Marciszewski, Gary Marciszewski, Scott Marino, Jan Marsee, Erin Marsee, Joe Marsee, Reagan Marsee, Zack Marsh, Christopher Martel, Kenny Martin, Thomas Martinez, Alice Martinez, Emma Martinez, Felisha Martinez, Francisco Martinez, Ivy Martinez, Izela Martinez, Lawrence Martinez, Rose Martini, Cathy Marynik, Ed Marynik, Fran Mason, Tricia Massey, Lisa Massey, Richard Mata, Mina Mathena, Tara Mathews, Dave Maxwell, Nancy May, Rod May, Steven McArdle, Christine McCain, Phyllis McCarthy, Quinta McClung, Glenda McClung, Shea McConaghy, Becca McConaghy, Suzanne McConahy, Kyle McConnell, M.D., Tom McCoy, Danny McCoy, Terry McCurdy, Donald McCurdy, Matthew McDermott, Diane McDermott, Shelly McGinnis, Shannon McGrath-Farmer, Cat McKenna, Lourdes McKinney, Martha McKown, Lora Mclaughlin, Michael McMichael, Kathleen McNally, Diane Meadows, Christina Medina, Barbara Medina, Loretta Medina, Naomi Medina, Paris Medrano, Sarah Mejia, Mercedes Melgaard, David Melgaard, Pam Melvin, Jennifer Melvin, Scott Mercier, Andie Merry, Lawrence Metz, Monty Meyer, Cathy Meyer, Richard Mezzancello, Frank Mezzancello, Patricia Michaelson, Dot Michaelson, Marc Mickelson, Holly Mickelson, Joe Micker, Pam Middleton, Frances Miehls, Laura Miller, April Miller, Cavell Miller, Marsha miller, mary Million, Carol Minch, Forrest Minch, Karen Miranda, Mairiene Miranda, Mike Mock, Diane Mock, Larry Moeller, Jeff Moeller, Melodee Moerch, Darrell Moerch, Marta Moldovan, Lia Molitor, Sheri Monaghan, Daniel Montana, Jan Montana, Jon Montana, Ruben Montelongo, Brenda Montez Jr., Jose Montgomery, Laura Montoya, Cyndi Moore, Brenna Moot, Donna Moran, Michael Moran, Norma Morgan, Denise Morgan, James Morgenstern, Howard Morgenstern, Judy Morrell Jr, Donald Morrison, Blair Morrow, Don Morrow, Julie Morton, Karen Moughan, Jeanie Moulton, Katherine Mulder, Gillian Mulder, Glendora Mulder, James Mulder, Mackenzie Mulder, Matthew Murphy, Beth Murphy, Kelli Murray, Stephen Myrick, Cathy Nail, Alton (Rusty) Nakamura, Judy Naranjo, Johnny Nason, Marilee Neal, Tami Newberry, Lesa Noland, Alee Norris, Patti O'Connor, Dennis Oczon, Arnel Odom, Caitlin Oesterle, Shade Olave, Valeria Olewine, Anna Oliveira, Xenia Olson, Brenda Oranday, Melissa Ortega, Autumn Ortiz-Martinez, Tamarra Otero, Jordan Owen, Deborah Pack, James Pack, Linda Padilla, Brandi Padilla, Chris Padilla, Michael Padilla, Parker Pagliaro, Daniel Palmer, Benjamin H Palmer, Susan Panozzo, Denise Panozzo, Katrina Panozzo, Lawrence Pantages, Beverly Pape, Jay Parks, Winna Parmenter, Lydia Pasternacki, Linda Pattyn, Katrina Pearson, Sarah Peay, Aaron Peck, Jill Pena, Eric Pennel, Dean Pennel, Sonya Penner, Gloria Perea, Kat Perea, Manny Perez Perez, Yamile Perez, Jill Petersen, David Petersen, Jane Petersen, Sheila Petersen, Wes Phelps, Charles Philcox, Nigel Phillips, Katrin Phillips, Ron Pientka, Deanna Pienups, Boni Pine, Emily Pollock, Sherri Pope, Rick Pope, Susan Porter, Shannon Powell, Peggy Prendergast, Linda Price, Dana Price, Kelly Prichard, Dale Prichard, Susan K Pringle, Edith Pringle, Rex Puettman, Linda Punyamurthula, Rushil Raff erty, Faye Rager, William (Bill) Ramirez, Gabriela Ramirez, Ricardo Ramirez, Sheila Ramirez-Castillo, Edgar Ramponi, Victor Randolf, Ron Raskob, Chuck Rathbun, Richard Rausch, Sandra Ravishankar, Tara Rebarchik, Joseph Reber, Cathy Reber, Stephen Reed, Terra Reese, Elizabeth Reetz, Larry Reid, Richard Reilly, Mary Renegar, Jeff Resner, Vickey Retana, Alexander Reyes, Andre Reyes, Edith Reyes, Pearl Reynolds, Barbara Reynolds, Debbie Reynolds, Kevin Reynolds, Lynda Reynolds, Michael Reynolds, Shylor Reynosa, Nancy Rheault, Paula Rhoads, Tina Rice, John Rice, Richard Richards, Haley Richards, Jay Richards, Rebecca Richards, Ursula Richardson, Char-Lynn Richardson, Luther Richter, Jayla Riddle, Douglas Riggs, Summer Rimac, Jürgen Ritchie, Pam Ritchie, Steve Robbins, Frank Roberts, Tara Robertson, Carol Robillard, Renee Robinson, Carol Robinson, Jerry Robinson, Paula Robinson, Richard Rocha, Dorothy Rockett, Randall Rodela, Alice Rodela, Diana Rodela, Rudy Roderick, Elaine Rodriguez, Guadalupe Rodriquez, Melanie Rogers - Alfa Roadrunner, Tom Rogers, Patricia Rogers, Sue Rogers, Susan Roller, Lorie Roller, Rachel Romanovska, Olga Romero, Ray Romero, Stephanie Rose, Kelly Rosenbaum, Henry Rouse, Brent Rouse, Robert Rowan, Christopher Roybal, Janelle Roybal, Vin Rudy-Baese, Patricia Ann Runge, Sandra Runyan, Cathy Rush, Kirsten Ruskie, Stasia Rutz, Diana Rypma, Dave Rypma, Willy Sadler, Charles Sadler, Linda Sala, Dolores Salamon, Kathleen Salas, Yvonne Salazar, Alisia Samuels, Linda Sanchez, Alex Sanchez, Amanda Sanchez, Debbie Sanchez, Janet Sanchez, Jeff rey Sanchez, Linda Sanchez, Rebecca Sanchez, Samantha Sanchez, Virginia Sandberg, Caitlan Sandhu, Manpreet Sandoval, Michelle Sanford, Michelle Sanidad, Eli Sanidad, Jay Sanidad, Jose Sanidad, Mahaya Sanidad, Norma Santa Maria, Madonna Saul, Jeff Scarlett, Susan Schaefer, Karl Schick, Virginia Schrader, Cyan Schreurs, Cynthia Schroeder, George Schroeder, Jeanne Schroeder, Thomas Schrum, Nola Schult, Geneva Schulz, Daniel Schwalier, Ruth Schwebach, Doug Scoby, Grant Scott, Ronni Scroggie, Jaquelyn Season, Harry Sedall, Laurie Sedall, Paul Segura, Katherine Segura, Saul Seib, Mike Seigel, Judy Selman, Al Selman, Lori Sena, Antonette Sena, John Sena, Richard Sevier, Jeff rey Shaw, Adrienne Shaw, Brian Shemack, John Shockley, Katie Shockley, Steve Shoemaker, Russell Shoemaker, Susan Sibayan, Joy Silva, Anna L Silva, Barbara Silva, Beverly Silva, Eddie Silva, Renay Simonis, Dave Simonis, Debra Skarlupka, Michele Skinner, Lia Smith, Dee Smith, Karen Ann Smith, Robert K Snitker, Chad Snitker, Geanie Sorensen, Cheryll Sorensen, Russ Spadafora, Thomas Spiger, RaeAnna Sponberg, JanaLee St John, Briseis St John, Sharon St John, Trey Staelgraeve, David Staelgraeve, Gina Stallworth, Tabitha Stanford, Candice Statton, Carl Stengle, Chris Stengle, Sharon Stevens, Hal Stevens, Tracy Stidham, Richard Stidham, Tammi Stone, Janette Stone, Orbin Storm, Diana Stringer, Debbie Stringer, Randy Strong, Angela Strong, Nathan Stroup, Della Stucker, John Stucker, Susan Suazo, Maya Suhr, Beth Suhr, Tim Sullens, David Sullivan, Lynn Sullivan, Mark Sullivan, Maury Sutherland, Sarah Jean Sutherland, Seth Suttle, Denise Suttle, James Suttle, Penny Tabone, Rick Tackett, Paul Tagart, Nicole Talbert, Catherine Tanguistengo, Pamela Tanner, Greg Tanner, Laurye Tanouye, Paul Tapia, Denise Tapia, Reyna Taylor, Betty Jane Taylor, Bre Taylor, Deborah Taylor, Ginny Taylor, Julie Taylor, Kathy Taylor, Michael Taylor, Renanah Taylor, Robert Taylor, Scott Taylor, Valari Teague, Debra Teigeler, Edward Temeyer, Brad Tetreault, Al Thomas, Denis Thomas, Georgianna Thomas, Mike Thomas, Molly Thomas, Terri Thomason, Makahla Thompson, Linda Thornton, Rickey Thurik, Michelle Tillery, Lynn A Timbreza, Linda Tolar, Cindy Tolar, Danny Tomasov, Susan Torres, Richard Torres, Rosemary Trabue, Dennis Lee Trabue, Kate Tracey, Charles Trahan, Michael Traylor, Rebecca Trujillo, Austin Trujillo, Therese Tulenko, Carol Tuley, Roberta Tuohey, Sherry Turner, Renee Tvede, Cliff Tzamaloukas, Rolinda “Sam” Van Campen, John Van Campen, Susan Van Winkle, Grant VanHaverbeke, Mark VanHaverbeke, Mary Vanzura, Erin Vargas, Andrea Vazquez, Samantha Vazquez, Vanessa Vella, Mark Veloz, Laural Venable, Jeff Venable, Linda Vesely, Kimberley Vigil-Cottrell, Nancy Villarreal, Mary Ann Virgin, Laura Volker, David Volna, StaceyJo Volna, Tom Vonderheide, John Vos, Michael Vredeveld, Martha Vredeveld, Walter Wagner, Michael Wagstaff , Berta Walker, Bill Walker, Birgit Walker, Jim Wallace, Karen Wallace, Xavier Walsh, Jack Walters, William Wambold, Dylan Wambold, Lawrence Wampler, Barbara Wanatee, Clyde Wang, Benjamin Ward, Patrick Warner, Robert Waters, Larry Waters, Renee Watnik-Saul, Joy Watson, Charles Watson, Glenda Watts, Tunell Weber, Craig Welz, Caryn Welz-Garassino, Sharon Werner, Jennifer Werner, Phil Wertz, Nancy West, Deb Wester, Rachel Weston, Beckie Weston, Erwin Wethington, Linda Wetsel, DeLynnda Wetsel, Marlynnda Whitaker, Doug Whitaker, Patricia White, Clayton White, John White, Leslie White, Mary Jo Whiteman, Kimberly Wiggins, Theresa Wilde, Joyce Wilkins, Mark Willbanks, Carolyn Williams, Kathleen Wills, Rachel Wiltse, Christie Wimpy, Halecia Wimpy, Stephen Wine, Karen Winn, Denise Winn, Dylan Winn, Mark Winn, Rachel Winsett, Judy Winsett, Mike Wise, Robert Wittmann, Catherine Wittmann, Mark Wolf, Jennifer Wood, Caroline Wood, Cinda Wood, James Wood, Philip Wood, Stephanie Woolcott, Jenifer Wormington, Buck Wrhel, Janice Wrons, Ralph Yacisin, Margaret (Peg) Young, Glenn Young, Leslie Young, Susan Young, Ty Zajac, Brendan Zamora, Jenifer Zamora, Loretta Zavakos, Petra Zavislak, Nancy Zavislak, Paul Zentner, Jr., F. Larry Zimmer, Jesse Zimmer, Rachel Zimmerman, Angelynn Zimmerman, Corey Zimmerman, Sierra Zink, Michael Zink, Nancy Zubia, Isaac Zucosky, Alex Zucosky, L. Jane & Thousands of Chase Crew members

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