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Balmullo Newsletter


In this issue Council Contacts


What’s On?


200 Club






Balmullo School




Bowling Club


Gardening Club


Thank You


Paths Group


Ian Smith M.S.P.


Financial Matters


Balmullo Ads


Multi Path Update


Birds in Hard Weather 15 S.W.R.I.


Jim “The Pig” Michie


Doctor Johnston




Cairnie Castle Balmullo Photo courtesy of Bill Donald




Chairman: Zoë Sanders zoesanders@tesco.net Vice-Chairman: John Docherty 871497 john.docherty1@mypostoffice.co.uk

Peter Lomas pil7@talktalk.net


Alison Jeffrey alison@balmullo.net


Irene McNair irene.mcnair@yahoo.co.uk


Fife Councillors

Treasurer: Andrew Falconer anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk


Secretary: Raymond Crush raymondrita@btinternet.com


Minute-Secretary: Isobel Eccleston DavidEccls@aol.com


Newsletter: Ina Cameron 870253 twaauldgoats@btinternet.com

Maggie Taylor 01382 552718 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk Tim Brett 01382 330629 cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Ron Caird r.caird@tiscali.co.uk

01382 542414

Let us know your views Email us news@balmullo.net

Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper

Lynn Murphy


The Minister

Rev. Caroline Taylor


Dog Warden Community Police


0845 155 0022 P.C. Gavin Rae

RAF Aircraft Noise

0845 600 5702 839471

Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers. Cost to Advertise: Business Card Quarter page advert Half page advert Full page advert

£3 £5 £9 £18

You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 680 and is hand delivered FREE of charge.

TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let me know. Either by phone or email. My details are on page 2 of this newsletter - Ina Cameron.


WHAT’S ON? JANUARY 22nd Annual Burns Supper, 6pm for 6.30pm at Balmullo Inn 23rd Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 30th Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall 1pm. All welcome FEBRUARY 3rd WRI meeting in Burnside Hall. All ladies welcome 10th Gardening Club Soft Fruit for small gardens 13th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 14th Community Council Meeting in School at 7.30pm. All welcome 20th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 27th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 27th Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 1pm. All welcome MARCH 3rd WRI meeting in Burnside Hall. All ladies welcome 4th Bowling Club Race Evening at 7.30pm 10th Gardening Club Floral Art with Alyson Christie 13th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 14th Community Council Meeting in School at 7.30pm. All welcome 20th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 27th Church Service in Burnside Hall at


9.30am. All welcome Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 2pm. All welcome

APRIL 7th WRI meeting n Burnside Hall, All ladies welcome 10th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 11th Community Council Meeting in School at 7.30pm. All welcome 14th Gardening Club - tales from the Village Blacksmith, David 17th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 22nd Easter Friday 24th Easter Sunday Service Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 24th Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 1pm. All welcome MAY 12th WRI meeting in Burnside Hall. All ladies welcome 29th Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 2pm. All welcome JUNE 2nd WRI meeting in Burnside Hall. All ladies welcome 11th Balmullo Gala Day. 26th Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 2pm. All welcome July 31st Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 2pm. All welcome August 28th Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 2pm. All welcome

200 CLUB JANUARY WINNERS £50 Mrs Black, Park View £20 £20 £20 £20 £20

Mrs Smillie, Park View Mr Gray, Anderson Drive Mr Rattray, Inchlaw Mrs Smith, Anderson Drive Mrs Lindsay, Main Road

£10 £10 £10 £10 £10

Mrs Kirkaldy, Dunedin Park Mr Ross, Inchlaw Mr Prophet, Park View Mr Thomson, Park View Mrs Nicoll, David Wilson Park

How to Join? It's easy to join the 200 Club. Call or email Ina on 870253 or twaauldgoats@btinternet.com. It only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can enter as many times as you like. We are currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo community activities and projects.

Be a WINNER!!! With our 200 club.


Mobile Library Every 2nd Monday Lucklaw Road (2.20pm) & Hayston Park (2.50pm)

Please use the Van as often as possible.


Balmullo Bowling Green

Motor Engineer

Play outdoors in summer Indoors in winter


Variety of competitions and friendly matches every week

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No experience required. All welcome to join.

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Call Irene on 01334 870315

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From the Community Council

Happy to see so many friends turning out for our January meeting with some of the pavements still quite icy. Thank you for coming along to our meeting. The main points discussed are as follows. The reported talk on Dementia by Ann Little had to be postponed as she was laid low with the flu. It will be rescheduled at a later date. Our Christmas Carol night was a great success. Jim Taylor arranged for about 18 choir singers to come along and their songs and singing was wonderful. We had over 30 villagers in the audience and we joined in some of the songs. Jim also got the children who had come along to stand out in front and they sang Away in a Manger – a most enjoyable evening. We then had tea/coffee with Christmas pies. Our Young People’s Group who have joined our committee came along and did all the dish washing and tidying up. Truly a joint effort by all concerned. Fife Council was thanked for doing what they could to help keep the roads clear and they in turn were appreciative of the help afforded by the many people who assisted by clearing the pavement at their house. They do ask to report any major pot holes to the emergency repairs number 08451 55 00 99. The gritting bins are being filled on a regular basis. There will be a street cleaner every Monday cleaning all the streets in Balmullo. The Young People’s Group (Cameron Campbell, Danielle Carr and Lewis Fordyce) attended a meeting last week to try and find sources to raise the finance for the youth shelter. They have been given various possible sources which they will apply to. They have also been told by the Police and Council that it would be helpful to gather some names of the younger generation in the village who will be willing to use the facility. Could parents please be aware that the only information that needs to be given is the name and age of the child, no address or other details will be taken. It is to ensure to any fund giver that there is a real need for this facility. Balmullo’s hall keeper, Lynn Murphy, wanted to say a big thank you to all of Balmullo’s recycling residents. This year there wasn't the usual mess left in the recycling area. The bins were very full, but most of the recycling materials were contained within. It was suggested that a collection be made for Dr Johnston who is emigrating to Australia at the end of March. We are happy to keep the same arrangement as we did with Dr Salamonski. If you wish to donate put the cash or cheque in an envelope with a note of your name and address and we will revert all the donations into one for handing over at a date to be arranged. Please make any cheques payable to the Balmullo Community Council.

Our next meeting is Monday 10th February. Please come and join us.


Ina Cameron

Thank you to all who remarked on how good the December issue of the newsletter looked with its colour cover. Unfortunately we cannot afford to do this with every issue! We are always looking for interesting articles for inclusion in each monthly issue so if you can produce anything for us we will be very pleased. Finally I just want to thank Andrew Falconer and Rob McDonald for putting up the Christmas Tree, arranging the lights so well and then removing it all again for twelfth night. Well done boys.. Articles for the next newsletter to reach me by 14th February.



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Quality Framing with a Personal Service’ Artwork, needlework, photographs, prints… you name it, we’ll frame it. Henry Brooks 13 Craig Road, Tayport Tel: 01382 552383 e-mail: cynicus@bt.com



Sarah Else

Happy New Year to all in our community. 2011 brings another year and further opportunity to look at ways that the school can work in partnership with other community groups and individuals within the village. This year, in partnership with the community council and park committee we hope to move forward with the development of a Multi use Games Area. At our meeting in November we had a very positive response to this and many benefits for the village were highlighted. If you would like to support this development or have views on this then please let us know. A multi-use games area or MUGA has become a desirable addition to schools and communities across the country. It is a small, safe, all-weather sports surface which is suitable for a variety of uses and can be configured for tennis, football, basketball, hockey, netball and many other activities. Within the last year, a MUGA has been installed at Freuchie Primary School in a joint initiative between the school and the local community council. We would also like to explore the possibility of making use of our school to run clubs/ groups. If you have an idea for a group or club or would be interested in running a group then please contact me at the school. Meantime if you would like to become more involved with the school or if there is way that the school can support you please do not hesitate to get in touch. Sarah Else - Head Teacher - balmullops.headteacher@fife.gov.uk


Mike Withers

Well done to the 104 households who manage to sign up to the Race To Infinity broadband upgrade program last month. This was a jump of 34. The Race To Infinity has now closed. Unfortunately we have missed the opportunity to have our exchange upgraded from 8MBit to 40MBit due to lack of interest, so Balmullo will have to stay in the slow-lane for the foreseeable future. BALMULLO, FIFE - Percentage of votes = 10.29% 104 votes have been cast out of a total of 1,011


Irene McNair

Balmullo Bowling Club is holding a Race Evening on Friday 4th March at 7.30pm. Dancing will follow the races and stovies will be served. Ticket cost is ÂŁ5. Please come along and support this event. It should be a fun evening. Tickets can be purchased in advance. Our membership is small which makes fundraising essential to cover our costs. New members would be wonderful - please consider taking up a new hobby or rediscovering an old one. The Bowling Green has a car park and is located on the Main St, just opposite the shop. During the summer we bowl on Wednesday evening and Tuesday & Saturday afternoons. In the winter months, we play indoor carpet bowls on Tuesday afternoon & Wednesday evening. Throughout the year, we organise Bingo evenings and dances. All are welcome. The summer season will commence on Saturday 9th April when our first outdoor game will take place. Please contact myself if you would like more information or would like to come along and try bowling. No need to have bowls as we can let you borrow bowls to try the game. Irene McNair - Secretary - 870315 - irene.mcnair@yahoo.co.uk




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Ali McMillan

Next Talk: Soft Fruit for Small Gardens, Dr Rex Brennan (SCRI) Thursday February 10th, 7.30pm, Burnside Hall, Balmullo Dr Rex Brennan has been working on commercial soft fruits at the Scottish Crops Research Insititute (SCRI) in Invergowrie for 25 Years. SCRI is one of the leading commercial fruit crop research centres in the UK and Rex and is currently leader of the soft fruit research group there. His main research has been on blackcurrants and raspberries and this has led to the development of leading varieties in domestic and commercial soft fruit production in Britain and, in some cases, overseas. Recently he has also been working on blueberries, a so-called 'superfood'. Rex will illustrate his talk with examples of the crops developed at SCRI.

THANK YOU Can I take this opportunity to thank members of the Balmullo community who, along with the local police, came to my help on the afternoon of Sunday 2nd January when my car became dangerously stuck on the Quarry Road. David Wilson is due for particular thanks – sorry David, I ruined you and your good lady’s Sunday afternoon out – also the lady who was out for a quiet walk and who ended up pushing my car (apologies I have forgotten your name).My advice would be to avoid the Quarry Road in ice at all costs!! However I came away from the experience appreciating what a friendly close community Balmullo is. Roll on the Spring !


Linda Irvine

I’m pleased to report that the Balmullo Paths Group is still going strong. We finished last year’s programme with a snowy walk round the Cuplahills followed by mince pies in the Balmullo Inn. Our thanks go to Ashley and Andrew for their continued support and for providing the best mince pies of the festive period. We go out on the last Sunday of every month. During the winter months, to ensure enough daylight, we leave Burnside Hall at 1pm. During British Summer Time, we set off at 2pm. We usually alternate walks around the village with ones slightly further afield. Most of the routes we follow are fairly gentle and walks last about two hours. Look out for announcements in the Newsletter and for posters at Burnside Hall for details. Everyone is welcome to join us. The next walk will take place on Sunday January 30th, when we plan to go to Tayport. For further information please contact me on 870413.


The Community Council

With much kicking and screaming, we have decided to fully embrace the digital age, and for the first time, make our newsletter available online. We would like you to have a look if you have a spare five minutes. Please go to :-

www.issuu.com/balmullo/docs Not only will you find our latest issue there, but also some of our back issues too. Please let us know what you think of our new service by dropping us a line to :-



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YOUR MEMBER OF SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT It is nearly 12 years since I was given the honour of being elected as the first Member of the new Scottish Parliament, representing the constituency of North East Fife where I was born and brought up. They have been 12 interesting, challenging and varied years where I have had the privilege in serving in many different ways, from being a Minister in the first Liberal Democrat/Labour Coalition Government in 1999 to being the Convener of the Scottish Parliament’s Procedures Committee and its Education and Children’s Services Committee during the last Parliament. I have been the Convener of the Economy Energy & Tourism Committee for most of the current term of the Scottish Parliament, a role which has included leading major inquiries into Scotland’s Energy policy, the banking crisis and how Scotland supports international trade. A typical Parliamentary week will see me at my desk in the Scottish Parliament from Tuesday-Thursday preparing for my Committee’s meeting on a Wednesday morning, researching for debates in the Chamber on Wednesday afternoons and Thursdays, submitting Questions to Scottish Ministers, including those to be answered by Ministers on the Chamber during Thursday’s Question Time. Occasionally I will get a chance to ask a Question at First Minister’s Questions, which you may see on the TV every Thursday lunchtime. The most important role we have in Scottish Parliament is dealing with proposed new legislation. There is a three stage process in dealing with new Bills. The first is an inquiry into the General Principles of the proposed legislation. This is carried out by a lead committee, who will normally take written and oral evidence from interested parties on the proposals, and prepare a report for the Parliament. If the General Principles are agreed after a debate in the full Parliament, the Bill will go back to Committee for detailed consideration of amendments at Stage 2, before returning to the Parliament for final amendment and approval at Stage 3. When not in Edinburgh, I will usually be found in North East Fife fulfilling the other key duty of an MSP – representing my Constituents. I hold regular Held & Advice Surgeries in my Constituency Office, deal with letters, phone calls, increasing numbers of e-mails and knock on doors. I take up concerns raised with the Scottish Government, Fife Council, NHS Fife or the relevant public bodies or even private companies. Many of the issues raised are very individual, such as problem with housing or planning. But sometimes issues affect the wider community, such as the Leuchars and Balmullo pharmacy issue and, currently, the threat to RAF Leuchars. I cannot promise to solve every problem that is brought to me. I can only promise to do my best to help where I can, so please do get in touch if there is anything you think I can do as your MSP. Iain Smith MSP North East Fife iain.smith.msp@scottish.parliamentt.uk; www.iainsmith.org; 01334 656361




Fergus D Burns

The month after Christmas is always a tough time financially and with the austerity package put in place by the Government taking effect, VAT rising to 20%, I wanted to look at some websites that may help you save money or help you get a better deal if you wish to sell some items for cash. If you are wanting to sell items like an old mobile phone or old gold jewellery then now is the time to do it, but with many different options open to you the sites below can help you get the best deal. Remember there are always sites like eBay where you can sell other items. www.mobilevaluer.com – to get the best deal to sell your old mobile 'phone. www.comparethegoldmarket.com – the best place to find out where to sell any old gold jewellery. The cost of food is rocketing, yet with a few focused techniques you can save £100s annually on supermarket shopping. By using the websites below you can get the same for less, compare online supermarkets and get grocery discount coupons for free:www.supermarket.com – show deals in place at various supermarkets, along with discount vouchers and competitions, cheapest petrol and diesel in your area. www.markethound.co.uk - enter your shopping list and instantly compare prices at different stores. You can also send your grocery order to the supermarket you choose. As you shop, Market Hound will show you even more ways to save money b y suggesting alternative products that cost less at each market. If you enjoy eating out, there are a number of websites which offer interesting deals:www.vouchercodes.co.uk/restaurants – for 2 for 1 and other discounts at many different types of restaurants. www.toptable.com – over 6000 restaurants offering discounted meals at off peak times, 50% off and also includes Michelin star restaurants. Other websites that can be used for other non grocery items include:www.megashopbot.com – selects and searches the best comparison sites for items like electronics, DVD's, Books etc. If you travel, fly or stay in hotels then a couple of sites that are useful include:www.skyscanner.net – this a site that I use all the time as it shows the cheapest flights, availability and always offer great deals on hotel accommodation. www.laterooms.co.uk – last minute hotel room or apartment deals around the world. These websites are examples of what's on offer on the internet – other websites do similar things but the purpose of this is to show that by doing some research you will yield some good savings which hopefully means you will be a bit better off!!

BALMULLO ADVERTS 2nd hand 12 foot diameter trampoline in used condition with edge padding, Buyer to uplift £30 OVNO tel 871202

Only £1


Zanussi slimline dishwasher no longer required. Free. Contact Sadie Kennedy on 871542 Irene McNair

In October, a representative of Fife Council met with Mr Cheape of Pusk Farm to discuss the path. Fife Council is in discussion with the landowners over a suitable route and purchase of the land. I will continue to update you via the newsletter and Community Council meetings.


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Jeremy Greenwood

Balmullo gardens have been full of birds in recent weeks, thronging to the food and water that so many people have provided for them. Winter is generally a difficult time for birds. Food becomes steadily shorter. The stocks of seeds and berries that were produced last summer and autumn have steadily run down. Many insects are hibernating. Even those that remain active are growing and reproducing far more slowly than in summer and are often deeply hidden in the soil or leaf litter. The situation is made worse by the birds having so lttle time to seek their food – less than eight hours daylight in midwinter. For the rest of the sixteen hours, they have to huddle in their roosting sites, their bodies burning up what food they managed to eat during the day. And burn it up they must, simply to keep warm, for their tiny bodies lose heat far faster than do our own and, except for species such as tits and wrens (which roost in tree-holes and similar sheltered places), they are fully exposed to the cold of winter nights. Little wonder that they congregate wherever food is to be found most easily. Someone once worked out that a Coal Tit had to find an insect every two seconds during daylight hours in mid-winter if it was to survive. When temperatures fall particularly low, birds are really up against it. They need even more food than usual simply to keep warm. Yet food is even less available. Species that find much of their food on the ground, such as blackbirds, thrushes, starlings, robins and chaffinches, cannot break through the frozen surface to find the seeds and insects that they need. Snow renders food even less accessible. Accumulations of dead leaves may remain sufficiently unfrozen for birds to be able to scratch them aside in their search for food, until they also become snow-covered. Hence the value of not tidying up the garden too much in the autumn – that drift of leaves along the bottom of the wall might be a lifesaver for your robin. Species that feed in trees, such as tits (which spend much of the winter teasing tiny insects out of crevices in bark) are better off but even these can suffer when hard frost and ice form on the twigs and branches. It is not therefore surprising that the numbers are many of our resident birds can be much reduced after severe winters. However, this means that there is more space and, once the growth and reproduction of plants and insects have resumed in spring, more food for those that have survived. As a result, they produce plenty of young and numbers recover within just a few years. The result of hard winters is thus merely temporary, unlike the continuing effects of habitat destruction and agricultural intensification that have had steadily diminished so many bird populations in recent decades.


Ann Falconer

President Mrs. Mary Campbell welcomed members to the first meeting of 2011 on Thursday 6th January. Our speaker was Professor Ian Carradice from St. Andrews University. Ian is the curator of the Museum of the University (MUSA) and gave an illustrated historical talk on the setting up, aims and objectives of the University. There are 4 galleries within the Museum and we had a visual guided tour. All present enjoyed Ian’s experiences and wealth of knowledge. A vote of thanks was given by Rita Crush. There were no competitions this month. The next meeting will be on Thursday 3rd February at 7.15 pm in Burnside Hall, when we will be having our annual party, postponed from December due to the weather. Members are reminded to bring a gift. There will be one competition – an old photograph.

New members are always welcome.


TAYPORT FOOTBALL CLUB YOUR LOCAL SUPER LEAGUE FOOTBALL CLUB Details of forthcoming matches can be found in The Courier, The Evening Telegraph & The Fife Herald as well as on the Club’s Website – www.tayportfc.org and the Club’s Newsline – 01382 552755

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Mike Withers

This month I thought that I would take time to get to know Dreamz4u C.E.O., Jim Michie, a little better. I think that the obvious first question is; why “The Pig”? Jim chuckled as he recounted when he was a player at Howe of Fife Rugby Club “someone said I played so dirtily that I must be a pig, and it stuck. “But I couldn’t have been that dirty as I was only sent off once in thirty one years.” Jim played both Rugby Union & League both as a pro and a semi pro. “I still hold the record for most teams played for in a season. Twenty eight!!! “Once I hung up my boots I moved to Balmullo and started working with the youth club. I loved doing this as it was such great fun. Mountain biking, skiing, rock climbing and even a trip to a recording studio.” My personal favourite, though, was a custard-pie fight.” It was messy but brilliant!. I left the youth club to become the coach at Dundee High F.P. Rugby Club. Under my stewardship we went on to win sixty five games out of seventy two, which meant the team went from the Division three up to the Premier One League in successive seasons. I am very proud to say that two of my former players, Richard Vernon and Alasdair Dickinson, have gone on to become full internationalists for the Scottish Rugby Union team.” In 2007 Jim decided to set up the Dreamz4u charity, partly as a response to his daughters own battle with a brain tumour, but also as Jim identified a need for a charity to be able to help the dreams and needs of sick and disabled children. “Most charities I feel are quite narrow in who they accept to offer their help to, but I wanted to be able to help anyone who really needed it. I didn’t want to disappoint anyone. I couldn’t say no because they didn’t quite fit a specific profile. One of the first dreams was arranging a trip for a teenage lad who had a leg amputated (due to cancer) to Rangers Football Club. There he met all of the players and they made him very welcome. But the best person he met that day was the then Chairman, David Murray. Murray himself has lost both his legs but impressed on the young lad that anything is possible, even if you have lost a limb. Since 2007 Jim and his team, have made over four hundred and fifty dreams come true for children throughout Scotland, from limousine rides to meeting Westlife and Lady GaGa. Jim enthuses "It is a fantastic feeling when you see a sick child receiving their dream. As the Chief Executive I get to see more than most and the feeling is the most amazing. I wish that everyone who helps make that dream happen can see the total excitement and joy on these children’s faces. "They will have that buzz for the rest of their lives." Jim, who manages the charity by day after his night shifts for Network Rail, pays for wishes by organising fundraising events and by donations. If you would like to donate, then please do so at http://www.justgiving.com/dreamz4u/ Every pound counts. “One of our recent dreams only cost ten pounds, so your cash can really make a difference.” Away from work he loves to spend time with his family. “I couldn’t do any of the charity work without their love and support.” And for that Jim is really grateful. Jim also wishes to thank the staff and customers of Spar Balmullo, who have raised over a thousand pounds by chucking their spare change into the charity containers. “WELL DONE! Finally I must thank fellow Balmullo residents Graham Rattray, Lyn & Daz Moore for their tireless work and dedication to the Dreamz4u charity. If they didn't help, our charity wouldn't have achieved any where like the number of dreams it has. Thank you guys.”



Letter from Dr. Bryan Johnston There have been rumours circulating that I am leaving the Practice. Sadly I have to confirm the rumours are true. I have resigned from our Practice – effective from 31st March 2011, to take up a post in Australia. My sole reason for resigning is because of the decision to allow a pharmacy in Leuchars. It is too high a personal cost to be forced into a situation of watching 20 years of my working life being dismantled for the commercial benefit of people from outwith our community. It is with great sadness that I made this decision having worked here for so long and having gotten to know many of you as more than just patients. However I am pleased to announce that we have appointed my successor:Dr John Kennedy Dr Kennedy is an experienced GP currently working in Inverness. I am confident that, between Dr Ann Mitchell (who many of you know), and Dr Kennedy that the Practice is in good hands. I would like to thank you all for your support in recent months. I shall certainly take many happy memories with me to Oz. Kind regards Bryan


IDEAS! IDEAS! IDEAS! news@balmullo.net WANT TO WIN? £50 £20 £10 For just £1 per month any of these prizes could be yours. Join the 200 club today!

For info call 870253


3 Tarvit Court Cupar Fife Phone 01334 653922 Your Balmullo Your Newsletter


QUIZ TIME Thought we would have a quiz for a change. All questions and answers are common knowledge with no “trick questions”. Don’t be disheartened if you can’t get them all, just send me what you have managed by 15th February. Either print it out or tear out the page and put it in an envelope with my name (Ina Cameron) and put it in the shop. BOTTLE OF WINE FOR THE WINNER. Sample: 6 B in an O = Balls in an over; “Simples” 0 S is Z 1 E in a H A 1 F O the C N 2 G of V 2 L on a B 3BM 3 L on a T 3 M in a B 4 S in the O C 4 P of the M 7 C of the R 8 S on a O 12 D of C 12 V in a C B 14 L in a S 15 P in a R U T 16 O in a P 24 B B in a P 24 H from T 25 Y M for a S W 30 D H S 32 D F, F P of W 40 W 50 W to L Y L 88 K on a P K 90 D in a R A 180 H S in D 240 O P in a P 20 H and 12 P in Name

2001 a S O = A space odyssey.

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ a B _____________________________________________________


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NOT YET, BUT SOON HMRC are to start “Business Record Checks” for adequacy and accuracy. The penalty for poor records of up to £3000 has rarely been applied – so far. IT WILL BE APPLIED THIS TIME. HMRC hope to raise £600M in the first 4 years. That’s a lot of penalties. SELF ASSESSMENT If you can’t pay all your tax bill by 31 January then pay what you can by 24 February so that the payment is “cleared funds” by 28 February. Any balance will have a 5% surcharge, quite apart from the interest charge. FINANCIAL ADVICE


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Some say, on another planet...


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