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Balmullo Newsletter Also online at www.issuu.com/balmullo

MARCH 2011

In this issue Council Contacts


What’s On?


200 Club












Head Gardener


Gardening Club




Golf Society


Thank you


Balmullo School


Gala Committee


Balmullo Small Ads


Multi Path Update


Y.P.R. Group


Financial Matters


A Different January


The Quiz Results


Airdit Loch, very close to Balmullo Photo - Norrie Adamson




Chairman: Zoë Sanders zoesanders@tesco.net Vice-Chairman: John Docherty 871497 john.docherty1@mypostoffice.co.uk

Peter Lomas pil7@talktalk.net


Alison Jeffrey alison@balmullo.net


Irene McNair irene.mcnair@yahoo.co.uk


Fife Councillors

Treasurer: Andrew Falconer anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk


Secretary: Raymond Crush raymondrita@btinternet.com


Minute-Secretary: Isobel Eccleston DavidEccls@aol.com


Newsletter: Ina Cameron 870253 twaauldgoats@btinternet.com

Maggie Taylor 01382 552718 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk Tim Brett 01382 330905 cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Ron Caird r.caird@tiscali.co.uk

01382 542414

Let us know your views Email us twaauldgoats@btinternet.com

Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper

Lynn Murphy


The Minister

Rev. Caroline Taylor


Dog Warden Community Police


0845 155 0022 P.C. Gavin Rae

RAF Aircraft Noise

0845 600 5702 839471

Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers. Cost to Advertise: Business Card Quarter page advert Half page advert Full page advert

£3 £5 £9 £18

You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 680 and is hand delivered FREE of charge.

TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let me know. Either by phone or email. My details are on page 2 of this newsletter - Ina Cameron.



APRIL 2nd Quizzieoke in Balmullo Inn at 7.30pm. Further details in Newsletter 7th WRI meeting in Burnside Hall, All ladies welcome 9th Bowing Club Opening Dance 8pm till late. All welcome 10th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 11th Community Council Meeting in School at 7.30pm. All welcome 14th Gardening Club - tales from the Village Blacksmith, David 15th Bingo in the Bowling Club. Start 7.30pm. All welcome 17th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 20th Burns Club Billy Anderson Ceilidh 22nd Easter Friday 24th Easter Sunday Service Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 24th Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 1pm. All welcome MAY 12th WRI meeting in Burnside Hall. All


ladies welcome Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 2pm. All welcome

JUNE 2nd WRI meeting in Burnside Hall. All ladies welcome 11th Balmullo Gala Day. 17th Bowling Club BBQ supper dance. 8pm till late. All welcome 26th Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 2pm. All welcome 22nd Burns Club Music Evening JULY 31st Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 2pm. All welcome AUGUST 28th Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 2pm. All welcome SEPTEMBER 24th Bowling Club Closing of the Green Dance. 8pm till late. All welcome OCTOBER 5th Burns Club Music & Poetry Evening NOVEMBER 25th Burns Club St Andrew‟s Night Dance DECEMBER 16th Bowling Club Xmas Dance. 8pm till late. All welcome

THE NEXT BALMULLO COMMUNITY MEETING WILL BE ON MONDAY 11TH APRIL. (Although the school is officially on Easter break the Janitor will be on hand to open school as usual for our meeting. Unfortunately it was announced at our March meeting that it would be on the 18th April we only found out as we were leaving that the Janitor would not be on holiday and was willing to come and open the doors for our meeting).


Mrs Phillips, Mansfield Road

£20 £20 £20 £20 £20

Ms G Mathers, School Road Mr Chalmers, Smithy Road Mrs Pasley, Pitcairn Drive Ms Smith, Main Road Mrs Carr, Burnside

£10 £10 £10 £10 £10

Mr Kirkaldy, Dunedin Park Mr Bennett, Murray Row Mrs Wilson, Park View Mrs Calder, Lomond Place Maj Allan, The Mount

How to Join? It's easy to join the 200 Club. Call or email Ina on 870253 or twaauldgoats@btinternet.com. It only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can enter as many times as you like. We are currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo community activities and projects.

Be a WINNER!!! With our 200 club.


Colin Finlay

Opening Hours Mon Closed Tues 9 - 3 Wed 9-5 Thur 9-8 Fri 9-6 Sat 8-3 Sun Closed

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From the Community Council

Our March meeting was well attended as some members of the public had come along specifically to listen to the Fife Council representative giving a talk on the new bin system. We will be given plenty of warning and information once the bins start being delivered sometime in May. The first item on our meeting was the presentation of a Quaich and cheque to Doctor Johnston as he prepares to leave Balmullo for a new life in Australia. He thanked the committee everyone involved and said he would be leaving with happy memories of his stay here. The Quarry Road will be getting a tidy up through the Community Payback scheme. This is hoped to be done at fortnightly intervals. Stephen Melville of Cuplahills Farm will look into the wall on Quarry Road which needs repairing. We are also hoping to have the ditch and gully at the bottom of the road leading to Upperwellfield cleaned out and thus help the drainage. Eventually the grass area along Burnside will be turned into a parking area thus alleviating the congestion on the road. No date as yet has been fixed for this.

Our next meeting is Monday 11th April. Please come and join us.


Ina Cameron

Chairman Zoe and myself attended the Police Forum meeting on Tuesday 8th March at the Leuchars Community Centre. Our Community Policeman Gavin Rae was pleased to report that at present all was going well. They have been targeting the village at various times and various locations for speeding and have been quite successful in catching quite a few offenders. They are also helping the dog warden to target those who do not pick up after their dog and they are also going after the ones who do pick up and then leave the offending bag lying by the roadside. This is also an offence and will be subject to a fine. Please take it to the nearest bin or put it in your car and take it home to your own bin. We both attended the RAF Forum on the Wednesday evening and this was a very informative meeting. Wg Cdr O‟Donnell gave us the latest update on the base. They have no idea if and when a closure will be announced but he did say that it would take 18months to 2 years to close the base. He also gave us information on the disbandonment of Squadron 111 which will take place about 10.30 to 11.00am on Tuesday 22nd March. The F3 planes will go and the typhoons will take over. There will be a fly past during the ceremony. He also said they were preparing for the Air Show 2011 on 10th September unless instructed otherwise if a closure is intimated. I attended one other meeting this week and that was the Burns Club AGM. Everything was fine and their programme for the year is almost complete. If anyone would like to join there are still a few places available. It is £5 for the year to be a member which means you get first chance for tickets to most of the events.

REQUEST FROM LOCAL FARMERS……. Since the lambing season will shortly be upon us could we ask that dog owners please ensure their dogs and well under control so that there is no possibility of them chasing the pregnant sheep and subsequent lambs. There will also soon be pheasants mating and hatching and subsequent young birds. It is a fineable offence to allow your dogs to distress the animals and birds especially at this time of year. On the subject of dogs would you please arrange to take home your bags of dog poo and not leave them lying around the verges. They can be put into any bin – you do not need to look for a dog poo bin! Thank you.


Cynicus Picture Framing ‘Quality Framing with a Personal Service’ Artwork, needlework, photographs, prints… you name it, we’ll frame it. Henry Brooks 13 Craig Road, Tayport Tel: 01382 552383 e-mail: cynicus@bt.com



Ann Falconer

President Mrs. Mary Campbell welcomed everyone, including 3 new members, to the meeting on Thursday 3rd March. Our guest speaker for the evening was local farmer Dr Duncan Pickard, who gave a wide-ranging talk on his life in agriculture. Originally from Lancashire, Duncan started his career as a tenant farmer but also lectured at Nottingham University. After a spell in the USA, Duncan settled at Straiton, where he has farmed since 1992. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed hearing of his experiences as farming changed dramatically over the years. Mrs Betty Gough gave a vote of thanks.

Competition winners: Vegetable Quiche

Baby’s Bootees

1st Jacqueline Stockton 1st Vera Finlayson 2nd Marjorie Pasley

Flower of the month Margaret Williamson

2nd Jacqueline Stockton 3rd Ann Falconer

The next meeting will be on Thursday 7th April at 7.15 pm in Burnside Hall, which will be an Inter-Institute Visit by Balmerino WRI. Competitions will be an Easter Card (any craft), 3 Marzipan Fruits and Flower of the month. New members are always welcome.


Irene McNair

Our Race Evening was a first for our club and it was a fun evening. Thanks to all who came along. We hope to hold another race evening later in the year. Now we are in March, our thoughts are turning to the outdoor season, which begins on Saturday April 9th. The green keeper is preparing the green and the fixture list of matches has been organised. Annual membership is £65. New members would be wonderful - please consider taking up a new hobby or rediscovering an old one. The Bowling Green has a car park and is located on the Main St, just opposite the shop. During the summer, we bowl on Wednesday evenings and Tuesday & Saturday afternoons. Joining a bowling club within the village means that you can pop down to the club and have a practice or bounce game when it suits you, without driving miles. Throughout the year, we organise Bingo evenings and dances. All are welcome. Dates of events are noted in the “What‟s On” section of the newsletter. The club can be booked for functions etc. It is licensed and has a super kitchen, a lounge bar area and a large hall for dancing etc. Please contact myself if you would like more information or would like to come along and try bowling. No need to have bowls as we can let you borrow bowls to try the game.




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THE HEAD GARDENER Well March is here again, but it is still very cold so be very careful with your young plants. I have planted some of my onion sets and shallots in pots and have put them in the cold greenhouse. I have also pricked out some early cabbage and cauliflower and I have also taken some cuttings of geraniums and fuchsias. The begonia bulbs are starting to sprout and also the dahlias. At the beginning of the month I was able to tidy up some of the borders and was surprised at the amount of growth there was. I also gave it a top dress with fish blood and bone. Head Gardener.


Ali Macmillan

On Thursday 10 March, the Gardening Club welcomed Alyson Christie to their regular talk -slot for a demonstration of some fresh ideas in floral art. Alyson travels throughout Scotland, but was happy to be in her home village to demonstrate a number of arrangements for spring flowers, some with an Easter theme. The next talk is on Thursday 14 April, at 7.30pm in the Burnside Hall, where we will hear 'Tales from the Village Blacksmith' by David Wilson. In an illustrated talk, David, who has had a long and distinguished career, will tell the story of his life as a village blacksmith, including his international experiences as a judge of blacksmithing championships, and we look forward to welcoming him. Admission is £2.00 (Club members FREE) The Gardening Club will hold a fund-raising Coffee Morning on Saturday 21st May in the Burnside Hall, Balmullo, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. In addition to coffee/tea and biscuits, there will be tables selling bric a brac, books, plants, baking and other items, and a guessthe-weight-of-the vegetable competition. Admission charge, including refreshments, is £1.50 to all (children FREE)


Sue Smith

UNICEF protects the rights of children and young people. They work in over 190 countries and are involved in the long list of current disasters and conflicts. Their aim is to protect a child‟s right to be educated, to be healthy, to a childhood, to be treated fairly and to be heard. Last year UNICEF launched a campaign called „Put it Right‟. This year they are running a fund raising week in April to help with this campaign. Our local branch, Dundee, is running a Coffee Morning on Saturday 9th April from 10 am – 12 noon in St Peter‟s Free Church lower hall. This is on St Peter‟s Street off the Perth Road. Parking is available in the adjacent health centre. If you would like to donate to this event with cake and candy, fancy goods or a raffle prize you could hand them in by 8th April to 3 Park View.

THANK YOU I would like to thank everyone who asked for me during my recent illness. Thankfully I am now much better and hope to be out and about soon. Your thought and good wishes were much appreciated. - Grace Steven


Peter Colford

This month we headed down to Crail to play the Craighead course which is the newer of the two courses. The day was dry with a slight wind but still managed to feel cold. In a close contest Jim Sidey won with a respectable 34 points, with Martin Baxter just pipping Paul Fenwick for second. Barry Lewis, Jim Sidey and Martin Baxter won the yellow ball competition and John Cox was the most accurate at the 13th to win nearest the pin (just beating the thinned shot off the wall).


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BALMULLO PRIMARY SCHOOL I mentioned in last month‟s newsletter that we were aiming for Get Set! status and I am delighted to let you all now that the work that we have done in school has been recognised by the Get Set network who indicated that they “were extremely impressed with the work that has already been done and the work that is planned for the future”. A large part of the on-going work will be undertaken in school but we also intend to work towards the community goal of improving the outdoor facilities within the village with regards to the MUGA and YPR shelter. Our Rights Respecting Schools group is also making headway and we are delighted that Simon Sanders has elected to support this group along with Shirley Steele. The aim of this group is to ensure that our young people grow up not only with an understanding of the rights that they have but also with a respect for the responsibilities that go with these. The United Nations Rights for the Child have been signed up to by all but 2 countries in the world and it is our intention that our young people are supported as future citizens to grow within these. Having achieved our 3rd Green Flag we are working tirelessly towards permanent status as an Eco School. As part of this we will be having a “Bags 2 School” collection on the 28th April. If you have any textiles, shoes, bags etc. that you wish to clear out then please bag these up and bring them along to school WC 25th April and we will ensure that these are recycled. Just a reminder also that we will be holding another “Day of Action” on Saturday 7th May from 12noon until around 5pm. If you have a little time to spare on this day to help clean, tidy and paint around the school grounds then we would be delighted if you were able to come along and give even a ½ hour on the above afternoon. Tea, coffee and hot chocolate provided. Bring a paintbrush! Sarah Else - Head Teacher balmullops.headteacher@fife.gov.uk

Support your Community by coming along to the monthly

meetings. Have your say. Get involved. Help Balmullo change for the better. See you on the 11th April.


THE FIFE SHOW Saturday 21st May


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Sheila Simpson

Following our most recent meeting we would like to extend an invitation to Groups in the village who wish to have a stall on Gala Day, please contact one of the Committee or contact us on our Facebook page leaving a message briefly outlining what you would like to do on the day. This year‟s Gala looks to be another exciting and busy event in Balmullo‟s calendar but we do require input and support from our village people. We have lots lined up already for this year‟s event, so it is imperative that you contact us if you intend to take part to help us in our planning of the event. We would also ask that if you can spare any time at all on the Friday before Gala day (10th June) or on the following Sunday or indeed can spare an hour after the Hill Race – we do require bodies to help with the manual work of erecting and taking down of tents. We would appreciate anything anyone can do to help! The crowning of our Gala Queen happens at 12 noon following our parade – and the day will wind up (weather dependent) with our annual Hill Race which starts around 4pm. We are hoping the weather will be kind to up and that most important fun is had by all the villagers and friends who come along on the day. Sheila 870869



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Multi Path Update

Irene McNair

It has been a year since the landowners of Pusk Farm (Mr Cheape) & Milton Farm (Mr Black) agreed in principle to allow a multi path on their land to provide a direct route to Leuchars station and Guardbridge to allow the community to walk, cycle to work as well as use the public transport link at the station and join the cycle route to St Andrews. A consultation exercise was undertaken to gauge support for the path. The result was over 99% of those who responded were supportive of the project. For the last few months, a representative of Fife Council has been in discussions with the landowners in order to identify an acceptable route for the path, alongside the C25 road. Mr Cheape is broadly in favour of the path, with the route on Pusk Farm land being along the right hand side of the road, as you leave the village (the south side). This change to the route has been made. Pusk farmland ends at Motray water and the path would come onto the road to cross the Motray Bridge. There is a right of way and core path through Milton Farm, however, Mr Black was not happy to have the multi path within the farmyard and suggested instead that the path could be on Milton farmland on the south side of the road. There are houses on the south side of the road and it was felt that it would represent too much of an intrusion to have the path at the end of their garden. Further discussions took place to find a route off road round the bends at Milton Farm. Mr Black then suggested that the path go along the west side of the farm and follow the right of way north to the far end of Leuchars. This route is significantly longer and could not be considered a commuter route to work and would not encourage folk to leave their car at home and walk, cycle to work etc. In order to have direct route, the south side of the road at Milton Farm, as originally suggested by Mr Black, is the preferred option, but only commencing off road after the houses, just opposite Milton Farmhouse entrance. The route would be on road at the narrow stretch of road from Motray Bridge past the cottages, and would be off road at the “blind� bend until the railway bridge when it would come onto the road. The path would then be off road down the left hand side of Toll Road until the main road. This description could be confusing to understand; however maps will be on the notice board outside the shop to clarify the route. In the circumstances, it is felt that this is the best route possible and it is hoped that the Transportation Dept at Fife Council would help with measures on both the road and bridges to make it safer to cycle etc. A meeting took place last month with potential funding bodies. It was a very positive meeting, I am pleased to say, and if some additional criteria are met and fundraising undertaken within the community, the path could become a reality, providing landowners consent is forthcoming. Both landowners will only consider a land purchase and to this end, an independent valuation will be sought to ensure a fair price is paid. Correspondence has been sent to the landowners requesting consent to our proposed route subject to an agreed price for land. Mr Cheape is currently on holiday and we await his response. After a very brief conversation with Mr Black, it could be that our proposal has been rejected. A meeting will be sought with Mr Black in order to discuss more fully. Balmullo Community Council, our Fife Council representative and our local representatives Cllrs Taylor & Brett are fully committed to this project which the majority of local villagers see as beneficial, however without landowners consent to sell, the project will fail. It would be wonderful if our community could somehow make the landowners aware of the huge benefit this route would make to their lives, perhaps consent would be forthcoming. I can only hope!!


YPR GROUP UPDATE Thank You to all who turned up for our meeting on Monday 14 th March, which featured a short presentation from 2 Scottish Youth Parliament candidates, Alex Fyfe & Josh Martin, who both live in the village. More information about their campaign can be found on the opposite page. To clarify from last issue, we are going to try to produce an update for the newsletter when we can, but this will be more descriptive rather than including puzzles & word searches. As exams rapidly approach, we had a lot of things to get through before we took a break for studying. Here are some of the points addressed at this month’s meeting:  The Shelter  Funding  Design a Logo competition  Sharing Information and Raising Awareness of our work We hope to clear up a few things left over from the meeting in the forthcoming week before we temporarily stop involvement with the YPR projects. As a result, our next YPR meeting will be on Monday 13th June 2011 at 6.30pm in Balmullo Primary School. However, we will endeavour to come to the normal Balmullo Community Council meetings in April & May. Also we hope to be at the Gala (11 June) to help raise awareness of the group. We are working on having an extended Balmullo Newsletter in June, which will allow us to have an 8-10 page update, compensating for the lack of material in Dec/Jan & Apr/May. Between now and then, don’t forget you can contact us by Email balmulloypr@yahoo.co.uk – please note the .co.uk ending; a mistake on our part advertised it as .com last issue. If you did try to contact us this way during the last month could you please resend to the above address – apologies. We are also on Facebook – search for “Balmullo YPR Group”. Please post any comments or ideas you would like to bring up when we restart work in June. Thank You for taking time to read our update and we hope to see as many of you as possible at our meeting on 13th June. Your YPR’s, Cameron, Danielle & Lewis

SYP Elections th


Local 4 Years Alex Fyfe & Josh Martin are standing in the upcoming Scottish Youth Parliament Elections. Here is a brief summary of their manifestos and details on how you can vote...

 

Alex Fyfe

Josh Martin

Find on Facebook to see the full manifesto: “Vote for Alex Fyfe in the upcoming MSYP elections”

Find on Facebook to see the full manifesto: “Vote Josh Martin to be your MSYP”

Tackling Climate Change within the home Financial advice & education for every young person from the age of 14 More bursary schemes for those going into university education from low income backgrounds To offer more apprenticeships to those who have been studying a college course Free or heavily reduced bus/train fares

 

   

Votes at 16 and Stronger Representation for Young People Lower Transport Costs Education (University Tuition fees should not be raised) Youth Employment Decrease Child Poverty Increase out of school activities Conserving the environment – promotion of 3R’s (reduce/re-use/recycle)

Voting is open to 12-25 year olds on the following dates: Madras – Tuesday 22nd March Bell Baxter – Friday 25th March MORE INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND AT www.syp.org.uk




Fergus D Burns

Following on from last months article explaining your rights should you be made redundant and what payments you may be entitled to. I would like to explain what happens if your employer goes bust, your rights should this happen and list what organisations can help you. What if my employer's gone bust? If your employer has no money left, then you'll need to claim Statutory Redundancy Pay (SRP) which is organised via the insolvency practitioner dealing with your employer's administration. The money you get will come from the National Insurance Fund, a giant government insurance scheme set up after the Second World War into which we all pay as we work. Once that's done this fund will try and reclaim the cash paid out from the company's assets. It's not just redundancy pay If you're owed wages or holiday pay from a firm that's gone bust, you can also claim the following from the National Insurance Fund via the insolvency practitioner. Yet unlike redundancy pay, this is taxed and uses the same „maximum‟ rule of no more than £380 a week. Wages:- Up to eight weeks unpaid wages can be claimed. Holiday pay:- Up to six weeks unpaid wages can be claimed. Compensatory notice pay:- One week's pay after one calendar month's service, and then one week's pay per year of service up to a maximum of twelve weeks. How to claim To apply for Statutory Redundancy Pay, complete the RP1 form http://www.insolvency.gov.uk/pdfs/RP1%20Form%20revised%20Feb07.pdf and send it back to the practitioner dealing with your company's insolvency. It usually takes about three to six weeks for you to receive your payment. If you've doubts about the way your employer may have calculated your statutory redundancy pay call the Redundancy Payments Helpline on 0845 1450 004. If you need any further advice please contact:ACAS - The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service gives free advice on all employment issues. Call it on 08457 47 47 47 (8am to 6pm Mon to Fri) Citizen Advice Bureau - Your local Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) can also give free employment advice. For Financial Help after Redundancy Please contact your local Job Centre to apply for Job Seekers Allowance. Don't be shy about this, you're entitled to it. Receiving benefits also pays your national insurance contributions, which can have an impact on your eventual state pension. You'll be asked to declare any savings, including your redundancy payment, so that your benefit start date can be determined and you're not overpaid, yet this is usually the day after your redundancy notice period ends.


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BALMULLO WANT TO WIN? £50 £20 £10 For just £1 per month any of these prizes could be yours. Join the 200 club today!

For info call 870253

Balmullo Bowling Green Play outdoors in summer Indoors in winter Variety of competitions and friendly matches every week No experience required. All welcome to join. Call Irene on 01334 870315


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Some say, on another planet...


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