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BALMULLO COMMUNITY COUNCIL Members Chairman: Zoë Sanders 1zoesanders@gmail.com Vice-Chairman: Alison Jeffrey alison@balmullo.net Treasurer: Andrew Falconer anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk Secretary: Sue Smith secretary@balmullo.net Minute-Secretary: Ann Falconer anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk Newsletter: Ina Cameron twaauldgoats@btinternet.com

Tim Brett cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Bill Connor cllr.bill.connor@fife.gov.uk 870674 870496 870221 870496 870253

Councillors John Normand janormand1@gmail.com Gwenyth Mitchell gwenyth@balmullo.net Raymond Crush


Fife Councillors Maggie Taylor 01382 552718 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk

01382 330905 077 1866 8792

Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper: Lynn Murphy


The Minister Rev. Caroline Taylor caro234@btinternet.com


Dog Warden

0845 155 0022

Non Emergency Police Contact


Community Police Officer: P.C. Gavin Rae

0845 600 5702

RAF Aircraft Noise:

01334 839471

GALA Committee: http://balmullogala.weebly.com Member of Parliament Sir Menzies Campbell


Member of Scottish Parliament Rod Campbell


Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers.

Advert Prices   

Small Half Page Full Page

£5 £10 £20

You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge. TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let me know. Either by phone or email. My details are on page 3 of this newsletter - Ina Cameron.

Balmullo Bowling Club Play outdoors in summer Indoors in winter Variety of competitions and friendly matches every week No experience required. All welcome to join. Call John on 01334 870196


DazLyn Motorshine Mobile Valeting We come to you whether it’s the Home Workplace or even the Golf Course, All water and electrics are on board our vehicle.

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ANNOUNCEMENTS So far the defibrillator has not arrived. It was suggested that the children’s groups should be informed and educated on it’s use once it is installed. Fife Council are looking into the condition of the stonework around Park Cottage on School Road. The short bridle path through from Pitcairn Drive to Cuplahills farm track is to be replenished by the Greenbelt with tur/chips to improve the surface. So far the water leak at the west end of Burnside Hall ground has not been repaired. Scottish Water are at present looking for the source of the leak! Dundee City Council has informed us that Bus Service X42 for Ninewells Hospital boards/alights at Stance D outside the Hospital Entrance and they also confirmed that there is an information panel and a real time sign for timetable information. Leaflets are available explaining how Fife Council is taking over enforcement of public parking regulations from the Police. The number of traffic wardens is increasing from 10 to 20. Rural areas

EDITORIAL We had a full attendance of our committee at the meeting and 9 members of the public who had their say on various matters. The Announcements show some of the subjects we discussed. For further information a copy of the Minutes is on display at the shelves at the Post Office. Ann Falconer and myself attended the RAF Forum on Wednesday evening. We were all met by the new Station Commander G M Mayhew who gave us quite a full understanding of the present position at the base and also that he hopes to be in command until the hand over to the Army, which is expected to be in 2015 about the end of March. The move will be done gradually with planes first still leaving some families and personnel around.


COMMUNITY COUNCIL will be visited as well as towns. 140 speeding offences have been recorded on the A914 at St Michaels since monitoring started. As yet we have not received a decision on the Pharmacy application. Cllr Brett has written to the Chief Executive NHS National Services Scotland regarding the time taken for a decision. The Loch Leven Walkathon has been postponed to 28th April. The last meeting of the MUGA was cancelled but things are progressing slowly due to some complicated form filling for funding. The Fife AC is holding their Annual Trail Race round Balmullo on 8th August from 7.30pm. Fife Council is unlikely to find time to resite the Quarry Road sign. We have agreed to see what could be done by ourselves. The next meeting will be in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 13th May. A copy of the Minutes will be available on the shelves at the Post Office .

INA CAMERON The Typhoons are expected to go in June 2014. There will be an exercise involving planes from other countries and night flying. This will take place 24th to 30th April. There is an Army Day scheduled for 19th June and the Air Show in September this year may or may not be the last! For those who may have seen the very large air bus that arrived on Wednesday it was Belgium and brought in all the French personnel and vehicles taking part in the planned night exercise.

Articles for the next newsletter should be sent to me by 13th May 2013. JEREMY GREENWOOD

I am responding to the complaints that "it's nothing but advertisements". I have to say that we have found the adverts useful in putting us in touch with local businesses; they are an important service that the newsletter provides. Thanks for doing the Newsletter. It has really made us feel that we know what's going on in the community, for we cannot always get to the Council meetings.



CCLASP Children with Cancer & Leukaemia Advice & Support for Parents Jake Normand from Balmullo, and 4 friends, are going to cycle the Great Glen over 2 days. Initially we were just going to cycle this route to say we have completed it, but we thought we could raise some money for charity as well, so if you feel you would like to sponsor us for this worthwhile charity, please Donate in the following locations:

Spar, Balmullo The Balmullo Inn, Ceres Butchers, Ceres Luvian’s St Andrews Day 1 - 41 miles - Fort William to Invermoriston. (An overnight stay) Day 2 - 32 miles - Invermoriston to Inverness. All money raised will go to CCLASP




“April is the cruellest month” wrote TS Eliot. It is always a difficult month for many birds. Their food supplies of seeds and insects have been depleted over the winter and will not be renewed until the spring gets well underway. Yet, if they are to get their young on the wing and prepared for the next winter before it arrives, they need to be building up their strength, finding mates, building nests and laying eggs. This year, with such a cold March and no sign of things getting better quickly, things are not looking good. A sign of the difficulties is that the Garden BirdWatch run by the British Trust for Ornithology (covering every week of the year, unlike the oneday per year scheme run by the RSPB) shows that many of our small birds are still coming to find food in gardens in substantially greater numbers than they were at this time last year. This is particularly striking because their BTO surveys show that last year was a particularly poor breeding season, so we would expect there to be fewer birds this spring than there were last year.

Indeed, there probably are fewer in the countryside in general; the greater numbers coming into gardens are doing so because they are desperately seeking food. So it is important to keep feeding the birds throughout the spring and summer. People used to think that this was not a good idea because some of the food that we supply to birds is not the best for their nestlings. However, we know that birds frequently deliver different food to their nestlings than they are eating themselves – they can choose what is appropriate. There now seems little doubt that garden birds benefit if we continue to feed them throughout the year. There are perhaps some things to avoid in the summer in case the parent birds mistakenly feed them to their young: whole peanuts have occasionally been found to choke nestlings and bread is probably not the most nutritious food for growing youngsters. Apart from that, please keep up the feeding that you have been doing through the winter.

THE 200 CLUB DRAW - APRIL’S WINNERS £50 £20 £20 £20 £20 £20 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10

Mrs Samuel, Main Road Mr & Mrs Cramb, Lucklawhill Mrs Rogerson, Burnside Mrs Brown, Hayston Park Mrs McNair, Pitcairn Drive Mr Kennett, Anderson Drive Mr Harrow, Melville Close Mrs Kerr, School Road Mrs Thow, Pitcairn Drive Mrs Thomson, The Mount Mr Hamilton, Lomond Place

How to Join Our 200 Club? - It's easy to join the 2 0 0 Club . Ca ll o r ema il I n a a t twaauldgoats@btinternet.com or call 870253. It only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can enter as many times as you like. We are currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo community activities and projects.


WHAT’S ON? APRIL 21st Coffee Morning & Craft Fair 11am-1pm Balmullo Bowling Club 25th Extraordinary General Meeting of Burns Club 8pm in Balmullo Inn MAY 2nd SWRI in Burnside Hall at 7pm 13th Balmullo Community Council meeting at Burnside Hall - 7.30 18th THE FIFE SHOW 9am to 5pm at Cupar. JUNE 8th THE BALMULLO GALA 12pm til late

Running an event? Email twaauldgoats@btinternet.com

The Gala desperately needs volunteers to help clear up on Saturday & Sunday afternoon.

BALMULLO S.W.R.I. President Mrs. Ann Falconer welcomed members to the meeting on Thursday 4th April. Our speaker for the evening was Steve Penrice, a Cupar archivist who gave a talk illustrated by numerous old photos and artefacts of Cupar from 1800 onwards. Older members had personal recollections shown by many of the photos and younger members learned about the historical importance of Cupar. Its status as a Royal Burgh and county town of Fife, and its central position in the agricultural area of the Howe of Fife made it a natural market town with weekly animal sales. Steve’s enthusiasm for his subject and obvious thorough research showed in the wealth of detail he displayed. He is currently working on a map and diorama of Old Cupar, both of which he brought along for our interest. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed his visit and Mary Reilly, a

ANN FALCONER celebrated historian herself, gave our visitor a hearty vote of thanks. Competition winners: Two Muffins 1st Rita Crush 2nd Jacqueline Stockton 3rd Grace Steven Landscape photograph 1st Gillian Hall 2nd Grace Steven 3rd Rita Crush Flower of the month – Mary Campbell The next meeting will be on Thursday 2nd May which will be an Inter-Institute Visit with our guests being Kingsbarns WRI. There will also be a Bring and Buy Sale. The competitions will be a Birthday Card (any craft), Best Polished Black Shoe and Flower of the month. New members are always welcome.


GARDENING Well the snow has gone, and even as a skier I hope we've seen the last of it, but it doesn't seem to be any warmer. I spent the morning starting to prepare the barrels in the hope of sowing parsnips and carrots soon, came in for a plate of soup to heat myself up and now it's raining so outside work has ground to a halt once more. At least being retired and an optimist there's always tomorrow to get going again. Hopefully by the time you're reading this the weather will have warmed up and plants will feel happier and start to grow because just now nothing's moving.

BILL DUFF to pot them up, as they will be needing more space to grow. I use multi unit trays with 6 units of about 2 inches square ( I think that's 5 cms. ) for starting off onion sets and the same size should do for plugs and they can stay in these until they are planted out in the garden or containers. I find these less expensive than pots, they're easier to handle and take up relatively less room.

Fill the containers with compost give them a good soak and let them stand to drain off excess water before transplanting the plugs, also make sure the plugs are not dry then gently ease the plug out, Ann and I like to grow a lot from seed, I still find it you may have to squeeze the underside to loosen magical seeing little seedlings popping through it make a hole in the compost pop it in and firm it the compost but this year as I only have minimum up. “simples� as the meerkat says. heating in the greenhouses, mainly for frost As stated last month always use good quality protection it's proving difficult to get anything to compost and after a few weeks give them a top germinate and time is marching on, we're well into up with a liquid feed before planting out. April. If you do not have a greenhouse or similar

So, we've started looking around at plug plants to structure place them in a sunny sheltered position try and catch up. and if there is any danger of frost ( which there will Plug plants come in various sizes and are available be ) cover them with fleece another thing to buy almost everywhere and you bypass the initial before or with the plugs and remember these plugs stages where there can be problems like poor have probably come from down south and certainly will have been propagated in a germination and damping off. greenhouse and need to be hardened off even if, Bedding plants can be bought in garden centres, and surely it must, it gets warmer. supermarkets, and D.I.Y. outlets in various unit sizes depending on the plant size. If you go on the Plants like Fuchsias and Geraniums can also be internet and type in plug plants you will find a bought as small plugs. These likewise can be grown range of suppliers offering very competitively on either as pot plants or for planting out in the priced plants in tray sizes ranging from 200 to 400 garden. plants with free delivery for orders over 6 trays, so These should be potted on into small pots say 2inch if you need more than say 1500 bedding plants initially and potted up in stages rather than that's the way to do it. putting them into the size they are to be kept in For most people though the plants that can be ultimately as they seem to feel lost and do not bought through local outlets will be of adequate grow as well if given too much room. size and there are many types coming in either Again happy gardening and as the rain hasn't single or mixed varieties. gone off I'm off to put the fire on make a cup of Before or when you are buying the plugs make coffee and sit down to read a book. At least the sure you have adequate containers and compost coal man's got a smile on his face this year!



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MONTEATHS Accountants and Tax Consultants APPOINTMENTS: MORNING, AFTERNOON or EVENING OUR OFFICE, YOUR HOME or PREMISES TAX PENALTIES If you still have an a 2012 Tax Return to complete then do it NOW You will have a £100 penalty for missing 31 January, a further 5% of tax due but not paid on 28 February and from 1 May a penalty of £10 a day for up to 90 days =£900 Plus a further £300 if you still not lodged by 31 July. And any tax due plus interest. Good News For those who employ their spouses or partners it might be time for a pay increase from £144wkly/£624mthly to £148wkly/£641mthly and remain below the NIC thresholds Self-employed Be Careful It seems that HMRC are reviewing the allow ability of travel costs from place of business if it’s also your home. A case has been taken to the First Tier Tribunal. The decisions reached indicate that travel back home after a day’s work is not – entirely- for business purposes. Therefore it’s not business! This decision is not final-yet.

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Available now Free Range Eggs Duck Eggs, Rhubarb, Frozen Fruit, Jams & Marmalade FROZEN RASPS STILL AVAILABLE FOR FRESH JAM Potatoes, Carrots, Neeps, Leeks Tablet and Fudges from Ochil Fudge Pantry, Nelsons Ice-cream, Puddledub pork Williams Bros Beers & Cairn o Mohr Wine GARDEN TIME AGAIN Bring along your baskets, tubs and window boxes to be filled from a wide range of flowers and herbs OR Choose from a ready made selection Fruit Trees and Bushes—Herbs—Shrubs—Compost Bedding and Trailing Plants

We Deliver free on a Friday Morning Balmullo, Dairsie, Guardbridge Leuchars, Cupar & St Andrews We can bring your eggs, veg, fruit plants, herbs, jams etc. Call Euan on 07949 995906 or 01334 870233 'Like our Page' on

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