2014 September Newsletter

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September or October sees the departure for warmer climes of most of our summer visiting birds, including Swallows and House Martins, the two most common members of the Hirundine family. The Swallow (Hirundo Rustica) is larger at 17-21 cm, including the long tail streamers of up to 6 cm. It usually arrives in April and is often heard before being seen, with its loud twittering song. Several pairs nest around Balmullo, taking advantage of the deserted buildings at Balmullo Farm and other stables and animal shelters in Lucklawhill area. Swallows often sweep fast and low around fields and gardens catching flying insects, their sole food source, and young birds congregate on telephone wires and roofs waiting to be fed, being easily identified by their much shorter tail streamers and paler face colours.

The House Martin (Delichon Urbicum) is the other member of the family seen regularly around Balmullo. Like the swallow, it is blue-glossed black above but is all white below, with its white rump being a very distinctive feature seen in flight. It is smaller than the Swallow at 13-15 cm. and has a much shorter forked tail. It gathers mud from puddles to make its cup-shaped nest, normally built under the eaves of houses rather than in barns. There are usually House Martins nesting in Borthwick Place and Smithy Road. The photograph of two birds collecting mud for a nest was taken on Cuplahills track after a rainy day. The other member of this family which summers in Britain is the Sand Martin, but it nests colonially in sandbanks and is less common in the Balmullo area.





Chairman: Zoë Sanders 1zoesanders@gmail.com

Secretary: Sue Smith 870221 secretary@balmullo.net

Vice-Chairman: Alison Jeffrey 870674 alison@balmullo.net

Minute-Secretary: Ann Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk

Treasurer & Newsletter: Andrew Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk

Councillors: Ina Cameron 870253 twaauldgoats@btinternet.com



Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper Lynn Murphy

Gwenyth Mitchell 870010 gwenyth@balmullo.net Raymond Crush Peter Lomas 870848 pil77@btinternet.com

Maggie Taylor 01382 552718 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk Tim Brett 01382 330905 cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Bill Connor 077 1866 8792 cllr.bill.connor@fife.gov.uk RAF Aircraft Noise

The Minister Rev. Caroline Taylor caro234@btinternet.com Dog Warden

John Normand janormand1@gmail.com


GALA Committee: 077 8033 5250 http://balmullogala.weebly.com


M.P. Sir Menzies Campbell


M.S.P. Rod Campbell


Doctors Surgery Balmullo


Balmullo Primary School


Bell Baxter High School


0345 155 0022

Non Emergency Police Contact Community Police Officer P.C. Gavin Rae 0845 600 5702

Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers.



Advert Prices - Small £5, Half Page £10, Full Page £20. You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge. TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let us know.



ANNOUNCEMENTS Our AGM was held prior to the normal September meeting. Chairman Zoe Sanders commented on a productive year for the community, with the planning and financing of the MUGA, installation of a defibrillator at the Surgery and a higher standard for the Newsletter. On the down side, the plans for a pharmacy in Balmullo have come to a full stop. The Treasurer reported healthy finances with increases in income from advertising and the 200 Club, allowing us to fund the printing improvements, a new notice-board at the shop and a new batch of walks leaflets. All of the councillors agreed to continue in their current posts for the next year, but there were no volunteers for the one vacancy.

EDITORIAL It’s now the start of Autumn and the nights are noticeably drawing in, but the sun is shining and it’s a lovely spell of weather this week, so I hope you enjoyed it. It’s always difficult to know what to write in this Editorial where I try to be creative, interesting and not repetitive but don’t always succeed. The Newsletter is funded mainly by adverts but also partly by the 200 Club income. If this drops we would have to consider cutting back on colour or size, or reducing our floral displays around the village, so I endorse the plea for more volunteers to collect contributions from our members. Last month, my wife and I attended the awards ceremony for Beautiful Fife and were pleased to

POINTS FROM THE SECRETARY’S EMAIL The Fife Cares newsletter is available through the www.fife.gov.uk website and contains lots of interesting safety information. The customer forum of the Water Commission can be found at www.customerforum.org.uk Health and Social Care integration - localities consultation runs until 3rd November. For more information and to take part in the consultation contact: www.fifedirect.org.uk/integration or call 03451 555555 ext 444230 A planning application has been submitted for the extension of the car park at Leuchars Station with 185 new spaces. Changes to the time allowed by Fife Council for submitting comments on planning applications will apply from 1st September 2014. Comments relating to Householder Applications (house extensions etc.) will be accepted for 30 days and for all other

BALMULLO COMMUNITY COUNCIL Most of the points from the normal meeting are mentioned elsewhere in the Newsletter but significant changes to local bus timetables were noted. Also, we were delighted to hear that Mrs Anna Coggins has been appointed as Head teacher of Balmullo Primary School, after acting in that capacity for the past year. Although Balmullo is pleasingly regarded as a “quiet village” by the Police, we have published a letter from a resident that shows we are not free from petty but dangerous vandalism – note our comments on the letter. The next meeting is in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 13th October. A copy of the Minutes will be available on the shelves at the Post Office.

ANDREW FALCONER receive a Silver level award again. Thanks once again to our volunteer helpers and keen gardeners whose beautiful displays enhance the village. Elsewhere you will see a letter from a resident dismayed by petty but downright dangerous vandalism at the play park. Zoe Sanders and I helped to clean up the mess so that children could use the equipment again, but we intend to monitor the situation and involve the Police if there is any recurrence. Finally, I watched the last Typhoon take off from Leuchars on Monday morning. While the jet noise was an occasional nuisance we’ll certainly miss seeing the variety of aircraft and annual airshow. The end of a long association with the RAF.

SUE SMITH applications the time limit will be 40 days. The expiry date for comments is shown as ‘Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date’ on the planning online system within the important dates tab. These new timescales are being introduced as a result of feedback from our customers and the change is designed to reduce the uncertainty created by different cut off dates for Neighbour Notifications, Site Notices and advertisements in newspapers. It will also reduce delays in the determination process and provide the applicant with a clearer timeframe for the processing of their application. The change does not affect the statutory consultation process and where an organisation has been issued with a specific consultation request, the time period for response will continue to be the date given in the consultation correspondence.


Call us on 079 4999 5906 or 01334 870233


THE 200 CLUB DRAW - THIS SUMMER’S WINNERS 200 CLUB WINNERS FOR JULY £50 £20 £20 £20 £20 £20 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10

Mrs Kerr. School Road Mrs Smart, Smithy Lane Mrs Hall, School Road Mrs Berry, Cynicus Place Mrs Thaw, Pitcairn Drive Mrs Thoms, Burnside Mr & Mrs Douglas, Hayston Park Mrs Irvine, Borthwick Place Mr Crookston, Main Road Mrs Caulfield, Pitcairn Drive Mr Prophet, Park View

200 CLUB WINNERS FOR AUGUST £50 Mrs Watson, Park View £20 Mrs Tulleth, Anderson Drive £20 Mrs Tivendale, School Road £20 Mrs Cairns, Greenacre

£20 Mr & Mrs Lee, Borthwick Place £20 Mr Judge, Hillview Road £10 Mr & Mrs Cramb, Lucklawhill £10 Mrs Dunstan, Hayston Park £10 Mr McRae, Anderson Drive £10 Mr Erskine, School Road £10 Mr Goodwin, Pitcairn Drive 200 CLUB WINNERS FOR SEPTEMBER £50 Mr & Mrs Paterson, Pitcairn Drive £20 Mr & Mrs Steele, Anderson Drive £20 Mr Phillips, Dunedin Park £20 Mr Wood, Summerhill £20 Mrs Allardyce, Lucklaw Road £20 Mr Duncan, Park View £10 Mrs Perry, Burnside £10 Mrs Allan, The Mount £10 Mrs Donnelly, Greenacre £10 Mrs Thoms, Burnside £10 Mr Pattie, Inchlaw

How to Join Our 200 Club? - It's easy to join the enter as many times as you like. We are currently 200 Club. Ca ll or e ma il I na at trying to raise money for various Balmullo twaauldgoats@btinternet.com or call 870253. It community activities and projects. GOOD LUCK! only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can


We have recently lost 2 collectors who have been forced to give up so we desperately need volunteers to collect monthly contributions. However many residents pay larger amounts to allow less frequent collection so the task is not onerous. Please consider if you could help! WHAT’S ON?


OCTOBER 1st Burnside Hall Committee Meeting 7.30 pm. 2nd WRI Meeting. Members’ Night. Burnside Hall 7.15 pm. All welcome. 9th Gardening Club Winter Talk. Community Planting. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. 13th Community Council meeting. Burnside Hall


7.30 pm. All welcome. Gardening Club Autumn Flower Show. Burnside Hall. 1.30 – 4.00 pm. NOVEMBER 6th WRI Annual Business Meeting. Burnside Hall 7.15 pm. All welcome. 10th Community Council meeting. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. All welcome. 25th


“Faster broadband for Balmullo? Well, where is it?” I hear you cry. Disappointingly the promised summer rollout for our village hasn't happened. It will, but there has been a delay. I have spoken to Fife Council and they aren't sure what the delay is due to. Only BT know for sure, and they are keeping schtum. The revised schedule has now been tentatively revised to be completed between September and December 2014. We have all, no doubt, seen the BT Openreach vans working around the village, so we will all just have to wait that little bit longer.




CALL MIKE ON 078 8865 6065 mike@balmullo.net




Every September, political news is always a hot topic. Between the reconvening of Parliament, and party conferences, there is always political news to fill the pages of newspapers and broad waves of TV and radio. This September is no different, although the political content of the news is a little different than normal. None of us will have been able to avoid the debate on the referendum which is now not even two weeks away. Countless numbers of leaflets have been delivered, doors knocked, houses phoned and people spoken to throughout this campaign. Both sides of the debate have worked long, and hard, for the past two years seeking your attention, and your vote. There are few things that both campaigns would agree on, but one thing is for certain – this has been one of the most compelling, engaging campaigns in our lifetime. Media interest, for example, has been global. I have participated in events that have included journalists and media crew from as far afield as France, Spain and America. The eyes of the world truly are on Scotland, and we are proving that we are capable of conducting an exciting, public dialogue.

eager to hear speakers from one or both sides of the debate. People have questions and have been asking them. People haven’t just been engaged in this debate, they are engaging themselves. They are taking the time to find out the facts in their own time, before making their own decision.

The referendum campaign has captured the public’s interest in a way that no other political campaign has done, for a generation – possibly more. Regardless of the outcome, political discourse in Scotland has changed. There is genuine interest, and excitement, surrounding the debate. Whilst everyone will be glad for the welldeserved break when it is over, I hope the hunger for debate continues long after the referendum is People who have never voted before, people over. who have never even registered to vote, are weighing up their options in how to cast their For any undecided voters reading this, don’t ballot on the 18th of September. Some of those worry – there is still plenty of time to reach a decision, and plenty of sources of information. As I people are even active in campaigning. see it, you are helping to take part in the most The era of the town hall meeting – long since exciting, invigorating political debate Scotland thought dead – has returned for this campaign. has ever seen. It is, therefore, only right that you Every week, town and community halls up and take the time to consider how you will vote. down the country have been filled by people Of course, it is irrelevant how much international interest there is in the referendum. Fundamentally, it is the engagement of the people of Scotland that is important. To that end, the engagement from all corners of society and all walks of life in this debate has been encouraging, and excellent to witness.



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Balmullo lost one of the most influential and hard-working members of the community when David Pasley sadly passed away on 23rd August, just 2 days after his 68th birthday. One Community Councillor put it admirably, saying that “David was not only a gentleman but a gentle man”. David was born and brought up in Greenock, a maintenance electrician to trade and married Marjorie in 1970. They set up home in Port Glasgow, but later moved north with son Gordon to Alness, where David worked for British Aluminium for 8 years. They arrived in Lucklaw Road, Balmullo in 1982 via a short stay in Guardbridge, where David now worked at the Paper Mill. David’s first involvement in the community was in supporting Marjorie who became chair of the Gala Committee, but he joined the Community Council as Treasurer in 1988, with Marjorie becoming Secretary. They were responsible for starting the Balmullo Newsletter, which was all typed up by hand and then printed at St. Andrews University. David also started the 100 Club small lottery, which grew to become the 200 Club, so important today for funding village projects. David & Marjorie were both collectors for the Club. David also organised the first half-barrels for floral arrangements, some of which are still in use today. In 1995, David succeeded Bob Dronsfield as Chair of the Community Council, also continuing as Treasurer until he retired from the dual role in February 1996, not for a well-earned rest, but to concentrate on driving forward the development of the new Hall as Chair of the Committee. The fund-raising and design work for the new Hall dominated 5 years of David’s (and Marjorie’s) life. David and Bob were responsible for the detailed design with the large hall, small hall, committee room, office, well-equipped kitchen, toilets, showers, storerooms, etc. David insisted on a


wooden floor for the large hall, more expensive than concrete but now much appreciated by local groups, especially the dancing classes. Part of his research was to visit Falkland Hall, recently renovated and upgraded, to see what lessons could be learned and good ideas gleaned. Even the chairs provided were well selected, after 3 possible types were tried out at home for a time, to ensure suitability, comfort and durability. One of his few breaks was for the marriage of Gordon to wife Karen in 1999. Eventually the funds were accumulated, construction completed and in 2000, Burnside Hall was officially opened by the oldest and youngest schoolchildren from Balmullo Primary. Even an RAF flypast was arranged for this momentous occasion. In 2005, David & Marjorie moved the short distance to Pitcairn Drive. By then, David had completed his sterling work on the Hall Committee but was still involved with village events, supporting Marjorie who was on the committees of the WRI and local Gardening Club. David was a willing helper with all the work to set up and subsequently dismantle the staging needed in the Hall for the Summer and Autumn Flower Shows. David also found more time for his DIY work and hobbies, stone-polishing for many years but latterly stained glass work, at which he became proficient enough to give talks and demonstrations. Many examples of his colourful creations are to be found hanging at windows in Balmullo and far beyond. He was able to spend more time with his family, by this time including grandchildren Greg and Iona, for whom he was a role-model, teacher and just Granddad. He will be sorely missed, not just by Marjorie and his family, but by his many friends and colleagues in and around Balmullo, who will not be able to visit the Hall without remembering him.





BALMULLO S.W.R.I. President Mrs. Ann Falconer welcomed everyone, including another new member, to the first meeting after the summer break on Thursday 4th September. Our speaker for the evening was Mrs Janie Douglas, who gave a presentation on Haydays. This is a group, open to everyone over 50, which meets every Tuesday at the Town Hall, St. Andrews. There are many different classes, each of 1 hour 15 minutes duration, running between 9.30 am and 4.00 pm. A wide variety includes Singing with Ella, Painting and Drawing, Salsa Jive, Gentle Yoga, Bridge, Stained Glass, Mosaics and many more. Each class lasts 6 weeks and is supervised by an experienced tutor. Teas and coffees are served throughout the day and there is a vegetarian lunch available at 12.15 pm.

ANN FALCONER One of our members, Margaret Williamson, exhibited at Leven Flower Show and won Best in Show in the Industrial Section for the second year running, earning a round of applause from the company. Competition winners: Favourite Handbag 1st Penny Wiles 2nd Jan Redpath 3rd Wilma Mackie Slice of Quiche

1st Wilma Mackie 2nd Katrina Addison 3rd Jan Redpath

Flower of the Month Vera Finlayson

The next meeting will be on Thursday 2nd Jacqueline Stockton, who is already a member October at 7.15 pm in Burnside Hall and will be of Haydays, gave the vote of thanks and tea a Members’ Night, with everyone asked to bring was served giving the company a chance to along a wedding photograph. catch up with news since our last meeting. Competitions will be a Jar of Apple Jelly, Thank Our team was organised for the Federation You card (any craft) and Flower of the Month. Quiz on Friday 5th September at the Victoria We look forward to welcoming any new Hall in Coaltown of Balgonie and will be Ann members. Falconer, Mary Reilly, Evelyn Erskine and Mary Campbell.

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Best Foot Forward Podiatrists Jackie Shand and Martha Watt, who have over 25 years of experience between them, have been in their new premises for over a year now and things are going very well. They aim to provide a high quality service in a relaxing and friendly environment. Podiatry, often referred to as chiropody, is the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the foot and lower leg, many of which can be painful and debilitating. The clinic is equipped to deal with everything from corns, callous and toenail problems to biomechanical abnormalities that effect walking. They also welcome Diabetic patients. The clinic, which has 2 treatment rooms, has free onsite parking and the bus stops are at the door. For more information about the services provided at St Andrews Podiatry, which is in the Provost Vets complex at 31 Largo Road, St Andrews, please call 01334 476100






LOCAL HISTORY There are some quite interesting snippets of information about Balmullo to be found in the Statistical Accounts. There are two of these complete, one compiled in the late 18th century and one in the mid 19th century The first was the brain child of Sir John Sinclair of Ulbster who felt that a description of the whole of Scotland could be invaluable for the economic development of the country. To this end he sent out a list of questions to every parish minister and to their credit almost all of them responded. In a very few cases where the minister did not reply the schoolmaster did, and so Scotland has this invaluable source of information for the present day historian. There is no specific mention of Balmullo in the OSA, but by 1836 when the Rev David Watson was writing the NSA, there are glimpses of this part of the parish of Leuchars. The Rev Watson was clearly a man of strong opinions and he was also not afraid to express these opinions. The belfry of the church, was to him ‘degenerate in style’ and he is equally forthright about the ‘rude arches’ which supported it. He mentions a church of Original Seceders in Balmullo with a congregation of 70 and condescendingly he says that the minister is ‘respectable’. This man had a small stipend and a small manse with a few offices and two acres of

MARY REILLY grass for cows. There was also a school in Balmullo where the fees were £40 per annum. He does not say what was taught here but in Leuchars the school fees were £20 per annum and the subjects taught were English, Latin, Greek, arithmetic, practical mathematics, writing, grammar and geography. By this time the number of handloom weavers had increased from 60 to 130 and they mainly produced sail cloth which was sold to merchants in Dundee. The top quality of this strong linen came from Osnaburg in Germany and linen of this quality commanded top prices. Shrewd operators from Dairsie took advantage of this and renamed their village Osnaburg to get the best rate for their cloth. They were not alone in this slightly sharp practice as there is also an Osnaburg Street in Forfar. One has to hope that the weavers made the most of their short burst of prosperity because at this time power looms were beginning to be used and the handloom weavers could not compete. Some tried to, but theirs was a hopeless case and unless they were able to find other jobs they were reduced to penury. The minister also mentions that there were six ale houses in the parish and he was in no doubt that they did little good for the manners and morals of the parish.

NEWS FROM BELL BAXTER HIGH SCHOOL As the school year draws to a close the school celebrates the ongoing achievements of its pupils. This year, like previous years the pupils of Balmullo village have featured. This year Cameron Harris, received the award for best in computing studies and Georgina Rolfe received the Master David Walker Medal and Award for the Advanced Higher Geography study, so congratulations go to both of them for their hard work over the year. Both Cameron and Georgina will be moving on the educational pastures new later in the year. We think there may have been a couple of other Balmullo students at the presentation ceremony, so we congratulate them also. Heres hoping for further success next year. Bell Baxter celebrates both the educational achievements of its pupils in the end of year awards ceremony and achievements in sport, service to the community, and the arts, recognising that pupils have lives outside school to which they contribute and that many have gifts that go far beyond their educational achievements. Pupils can be nominated for the Colours Awards by parents

and members of the community, so look out for the nomination period from January onwards. These awards are celebrated in March. The parent council of Bell Baxter is active within the school and is always looking for interested representation from parents, if you are interested there are contact details on the Bell Baxter website page and members of the council are available at most parents evenings.


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LETTER TO EDITOR We would like to thank everyone for the money raised for charity this year through the plant sale at the house and donations left in the ‘Honesty Tub’ outside, for flowers/fruit/ vegetables. So far we have managed to raise nearly £300 and have already made donations to

St Athernase Church and Balmullo Under 5’s. As the autumn and winter starts to draw near, we still hope to continue raising money for charity with our flowers etc and as usual in December we will have holly and selling holly wreaths (contact us for details). Thank you again, Jan and George Redpath Schoolhouse, 8 School Road, Balmullo, St Andrews, Fife KY16 0BB 01334 870026

Coffee Afternoon in aid of MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT Burnside Hall on Friday 26th September 2014 - 2pm to 4pm Entry £2 (includes Coffee/Tea/Juice/Cake) Donations gratefully received by Jacqueline Stockton, 11 Main Road (870465) LETTER TO EDITOR I was extremely saddened and rather angry to take my three year old son to the park this morning and discover that there had been mud smeared over all of the play equipment. It had been smeared over the seats of the swings, seats of the see-saw, up the floor and up the sides of the chute. Glass had been left under the chute all smashed into pieces and cans left discarded on the grass. Having lived in Balmullo for over 30 years and having played in the park when I was a youngster, I cannot for the life of me understand why on earth anyone would deliberate desecrate a children's play park in such a manner. Clearly the work of a very troubled individual(s) or someone with warped and twisted mind towards children or the local community. Having taken my children to many parks including those in nonsuburban areas, I have never come across such a disregard for a space that is used and enjoyed by so many of the children of the village.

I had to sadly take my son home whilst trying to explain the reason he could not use the park. I will also have the same task when I collect my eldest from school later. I would like to hope that this mindless act has been from an individual(s) from outwith the village and hope that those concerned are thoroughly ashamed of what they have done. I would also hope that any parents reading this can take the opportunity to reflect with their children the impact that such immature, appalling behaviour has on all the people who live and respect the lovely village we live in. Lesley Manzie Friday 22nd August 2014 Editor: The Community Council are aware of who was responsible so will be monitoring the situation closely for any future recurrence of this type of vandalism.





It is wonderful to be back at the about their world whether they are map reading, start of another exciting school planting crops, creating walking trails or recording year! changes in the landscape. By becoming more Our new Primary 1 pupils have aware of the area in which they live I am sure the started school with such children will learn to appreciate, respect and care confidence and enthusiasm. In the for their community even more.

classroom they are so eager to learn and are keen to ‘show off’ their new skills and knowledge. Despite only being in school for a couple of weeks all the children have settled really well and are making good friends with each other.

This session I would like to work with the pupils in creating a variety of art work and photographs in celebration of their local area and I would be interested in any local artists or photographers who would be able to share their talents and We have taken advantage of some beautiful experience to support the children. If you feel you Autumn weather to explore our outdoor learning could help please contact the school office. environment with visits to Willie’s Wood as part of A number of classes will be venturing further afield the John Muir Award, fruit picking in our own this term as they embark on school trips to Stirling school garden and a residential activity week for Castle, The Scottish Parliament and Scottish our Primary 6 children to Ardroy Outdoor Centre Museum in Edinburgh. These trips support the in Lochgoilhead, Argyll. We are very privileged to children to gain a greater insight into an area of be living in a such a beautiful place, surrounded by study, often bringing the subject ‘to life’ and rolling countryside and we hope to maximize the providing an experience which enhances their opportunities for our children to ‘get out and understanding. I hope that in next month’s about in Balmullo’ and extend their learning newsletter the children will be able to share with experiences by exploring our immediate you some of the things they have learned. environment through the seasons. The outdoors Mrs Anna Coggins gives children a very real context for learning




To serve (optional): g r e e n ham onto a plate and set aside. Ingredients salad & crunchy bread Add the mushrooms to the pan 350g/12oz penne pasta and fry for two minutes. Add the 2 x 80g/3oz packs Parma ham, Method snipped into small pieces Cook the pasta in a pan of boil- crème fraîche and bring up to 250g/9oz small brown chestnut ing salted water according to the the boil. Add the pasta, Parmemushrooms, halved or quartered packet instructions. Drain and set san and parsley and toss together over the heat. Season well with 200g/7oz full-fat crème fraîche aside. salt and pepper. 100g/3½oz Parmesan cheese, grated Heat a frying pan until hot. Add 2 tablespoons chopped parsley the pieces of Parma ham and fry Serve with a green salad and salt and pepper, to taste until crisp, remove half of the crunchy bread.

Balmullo needs you! 13th October 2014 @ 1930 Burnside hall

Balmullo Bowling Club Play outdoors in summer Indoors in winter

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Balmullo Flower Show - Andrew Falconer




On Saturday 2 August the Club held another 8 years to 11 years, R. McQueen, A. Cannons, S. successful Summer Flower Show in the Burnside Cannons and E. Sampson. Hall and despite the poor weather there was a Hens’ Eggs: G. McCandlish and G. Redpath. large turnout from the public. Congratulations to all, many of whom were also The show was opened by one of our Vice Trophy winners. Hope I didn't miss anyone out. Presidents, David Wilson, who said he was very impressed by the quality and quantity of the At the presentation ceremony the Chairman, exhibits and congratulated the exhibitors and Gwenyth Mitchell, thanked all the exhibitors for committee on putting on a magnificent show. their contributions without whom there would be no Show.She also thanked the committee for their The two halls were a blaze of colour with cut hard work throughout the year and all the flowers, pot plants, and floral art and also people who come along to help behind the scenes vegetables, baking, jams, handicrafts, childrens, setting up the show and working to run the show and hens eggs. Overall the entries have remained on the day. She then introduced Margaret fairly static with a small increase in Cut Flowers Hamilton from the Doctors' Surgery to present the and Floral Art this year. We had a few more local Trophies. Margaret was presented with a bouquet entries this year including one from one of our of flowers by Iona Pasley. Councillors Maggie Taylor and also exhibitors from as far as Arbroath and South Queensferry After the raffle draw a special presentation was entering exhibits that were of a high standard made to Mr. And Mrs. Falconer in thanks for their according to the Judges. help over a number of years. On the 19 July we held our Gardens Competition with L. Reid winning the Woodlands Cup, for Best Informal Landscaped Garden, ( Small ). Other prize winners in various Gardens classes included P. Bignell, G. Mitchell, and R. Herd.

Our next Show will be held in the Burnside Hall on Saturday 25 October when we look forward to seeing a large number of local exhibitors again, so if anyone would like to join in contact me or any of the committee for a Schedule.

On Show Day the following locals were successful Before that will will have the first of our Winter on the benches: Talks in the Burnside Hall on Thursday 9 October at 7.30 pm. when a member of Fife Parks Dept. Cut Flowers: W. Duff, G. Redpath, D. Addison, G. will give a presentation on Community Planting Reid and A. Jeffrey. in Fife. Vegetables: W. Duff, G. Redpath, G. Fyfe, G. Reid Entrance ÂŁ2.50 per person which includes a glass and G. McCandlish. of wine or fruit juice. Collections: G. Redpath and W. Duff. Novice: D. Addison, A. Jeffrey, R. McQueen, G. On a personal note I would like to thank McCandlish, J. McQueen, Y. Bishop, C. Fyfe & M. everyone who passed pleasant comments to me McQueen. in the garden on the Sweet Peas. It has been a Pot Plants: G. Reid, G. Mitchell and H. Smith. good year for me at various Shows both local and Fruits: G. McCandlish, Y. Bishop, G. Fyfe and A. national, starting with winning the 6 vase Scottish Jeffrey. National Sweet Pea Championship class at Floral Art: A.Duff, A. Smith and J. McQueen. Grangemouth mid July through to winning the 6 Preserves: G. Baird and M. McQueen. vase Sweet Pea trophy, again, at Dundee Flower Baking: G. Baird, M. McQueen, G. Mitchell and N. Show at the start of September. Fyfe. Also thanks to all who contributed to my charity Handicrafts: G. Baird, V. Finlayson, G. Hans, Y. sale, the money was passed to the Salvation Bishop, A. Duff and D. Hopkins. Army. Chidren: 7 years and under, A. Lee, N. Lee, F. McCandlish, D. Addison and S. Bell. Bill Duff, Secretary 1B Smithy Road Tel: 870787.



FORGAN ARTS CENTRE ENCOURAGES PINCHING, SLABBING AND HARDANGER CRAFTINESS Where else, but in a pottery class, can children and adults alike be taught the fine art of pinching, c o i l i n g , slabbing and throwing. Pat Peters, a tutor at Forgan Arts Centre in Newport on Tay is highly qualified in doing just that in her children's class on Monday afternoon and adult's evening classes besides a Friday afternoon class while Ann McFadyen can develop anyone's hardanger craftiness along with the more traditional embroidery, crewel and tapestry skills in her Wednesday afternoon craft class. If these forms of craftiness are not for you then you can learn to transform flowers into serene arrangements at Peggy Reid's Wednesday morning or evening Floral Art classes. Forgan Arts Centre is stepping up the game with new tutors, emerging artists coming into their own, to headline the Autumn programme. Fashion designer for menswear label JACK(et) and finalist for Women Ahead Most Promising New Business Award, Jill Skulina demystifies the sewing machine in Beginners Stitchery on Wednesday afternoon while Beatrice Burns, a dressmaker and long time tutor at the Centre teaches on Wednesday mornings the made-to-measure principles of garmentmaking. Taking up John Ruskin's legacy in the development of the power of the hand and eye for everyone in a course, Art for Beginners, is Gillian Robertson with 16 years experience teaching. Recently returning from an artists' residency in Leipzig, Germany, RSA Guthrie Award winner Delia Baillie will bring technical demonstrations into the classroom and introduce a breadth of themes relevant to contemporary art practice in her Adult Art class on Tuesday evenings. This course is suitable for those students wishing to supplement a portfolio. Working from the model, in Sarah Gittins's Life Drawing class on Thursday evenings, students will be introduced to different methods of capturing a likeness – from quick gestural drawings which focus on expressive movement, to drawings which

consider the underlying structure of the human body. John Johnstone, is well known as one of Scotland's leading contemporary artists working in the figurative style and practicing his art with a high degree of technical expertise. The Dundee based painter has exhibited widely in Scotland as well as galleries in London and Kingston Jamaica and has work in numerous public and private collections including those of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh and The McManus Gallery. He will be sharing his painting expertise with students on Tuesday afternoons. The Wonders of Watercolour are revealed on Friday afternoons by prize winning and RSW Annual Exhibition water colourist Liz Dulley. Newcomer to Forgan Arts Centre, Karen CaddellWalker is teaching the craft of Felting on Thursday evenings while Ann McFadyen teaching Stained Glass classes at Forgan Arts Centre for 10 years continues to share her knowledge with students on Wednesday evenings and Thursday afternoons. Get to know your digital camera better with Dawn White on Wednesday mornings or learn Photoshop 'Elements' on Thursday evenings. Have you ever looked at a piece of furniture and thought "I wish my sofa looked like that" ? Now you can do it yourself, learning new skills in the Upholstery for Beginners class Monday evenings tutored by Jacqueline Donachie and the more advanced Upholstery classes tutored by Elsie Hutcheon on Tuesdays. Upholstery not your thing? To prove that everyone is musical there's Creative Music-Making for Adults with Claire Gorman and Mark Urban. Or, if you want to exercise your brain then Bridge for Beginners is for you on Wednesday afternoons with Shiena Lang. Forgan Arts Centre's aim is to create an important, thriving hub for the Arts in North East Fife to benefit the whole community so it opens it's doors also to the more socially inclined with a Sewing Bee, Bridge Gathering and Book Club where people with a similar interest can meet, have a chat, a cup of tea and biscuit or two, working on whatever project takes their interest, while learning from each other and enjoying one another's company. Although classes start Monday, 15th September, check out Forgan Arts Centre website for late enrolment details for classes or call 01382 542062. Forgan Arts Centre can be found on Facebook and www.forganartscentre.co.uk




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Dog's Lead in good condition found in stubble field by Cuplahills track (behind Pitcairn Drive). To reclaim - call Susan Forrester on 07854 489626 with accurate description. If this is not claimed by December, it will be donated to Second Chance Kennels.



YES OR NO By the time you read this we will know. Brand new tax rules in 2016 or new devolved rules. Either way taxes continue. Employers Are you using up your £2000 employers Nic allowance? Yes: there is money to be saved. From October HMRC had intended to charge penalties for late submission of RTI forms or late Paye payment. This has been put back to 6 March 2015. The new employer pension scheme rules mean that registration starts in April 2016 that’s only 19 months away. Both employees as well as Employers will want to know the cost. If you lodge your own paper version of the 2014 Tax Return then lodge it by 31 October. If you lodge it online then you have till 31 Jan 2015. DO NOT LODGE A PAPER VERSION AFTER 31 Oct it will cost you £10 a day for up to 90 days = £900

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Leuchars St Athernase Regeneration Team Discussion & consultation event with our architects, Nicoll Russell Studios on Wednesday 24th September 2014 at 7.00 pm - 8.30 pm or Sunday 28th September 2014 at 12.15 pm – 2.00 pm There will be a presentation on progress so far: Research Consultation activities Surveys Immediate repairs Regeneration Vision Sources of funding And plenty of opportunity for us all to discuss & offer ideas for the Church! Sandwiches and light refreshments will be provided at both presentations and transport to and from Balmullo has been arranged for Sunday 28th September 2014, leaving from Burnside Hall at 10.30 am. For more information, simply call 0800 917 1317 or visit www.leucharsstathernase.org.uk BERTSON Leuchars St Athernase Church is a Registered Charity No. SC 015677


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