2014 April Newsletter

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The present day village of Balmullo overlaps two old parishes, those of Logie and Leuchars. Within the parish of Logie lie the remains of Cruivie Castle (at the back of South Straiton farm – Ed.). This seems to have been built at the end of the 15th Century by Sir John Wemyss to replace a stronghold which had been destroyed in a dispute with the reigning royal family. It is actually first mentioned as the “fortalice of Cruivie“ in a charter of 1539 and it was a double square tower house built for security. By the end of ther century, the lands had been acquired by the Carnegie family whose principal holdings were in Angus, so it is probable that the structure began to fall into neglect at an early stage. The lands of Logie, which were attached to Cruivie, were bought by a Mr. Walter Bowman about 1750. He seems to have done the Grand Tour of Europe as many wealthy gentlemen of the period did and


from his journey he brought back a magnificent collection of books, including a fine edition of Pliny’s Natural History and an illuminated edition of Ptolemy. He thought so much of his collection that he left detailed instructions in his will about it. His heir was forbidden to lend any books but had to keep them in a special room set aside for that purpose. Free access was to be allowed to gentlemen of the neighbourhood to read and study, but there was also to be available “a bason of water and a towel that the books may not be soiled with unclean hands“. Women and children were expressly forbidden from entering the library. This gives an interesting insight as to what Mr Bowman thought of his neighbours and their families. Presumably the children were hopelessly dirty and the women should not have their limited brains overheated with too much knowledge!





Chairman: Zoë Sanders 1zoesanders@gmail.com

Secretary: Sue Smith 870221 secretary@balmullo.net

Vice-Chairman: Alison Jeffrey 870674 alison@balmullo.net

Minute-Secretary: Ann Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk

Treasurer & Newsletter: Andrew Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk

Councillors: Ina Cameron 870253 twaauldgoats@btinternet.com



Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper Lynn Murphy

Gwenyth Mitchell 870010 gwenyth@balmullo.net Raymond Crush Peter Lomas pil7@talktalk.net

Community Police Officer P.C. Gavin Rae 0845 600 5702

Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers.



GALA Committee: 077 8033 5250 http://balmullogala.weebly.com


M.P. Sir Menzies Campbell


M.S.P. Rod Campbell


Doctors Surgery Balmullo


Balmullo Primary School


Bell Baxter High School


0345 155 0022

Non Emergency Police Contact


Maggie Taylor 01382 552718 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk Tim Brett 01382 330905 cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Bill Connor 077 1866 8792 cllr.bill.connor@fife.gov.uk RAF Aircraft Noise

The Minister Rev. Caroline Taylor caro234@btinternet.com Dog Warden

John Normand janormand1@gmail.com


Advert Prices - Small £5, Half Page £10, Full Page £20. You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge. TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let us know.

WANTED Detached 2 or 3 bedroom bungalow or cottage Very flexible entry date before year end Phone 075 4300 1017 E-mail t.stephen@tiscali.co.uk



ANNOUNCEMENTS We have been in contact with Peter Forster, the owner of Balmullo Farm, about the state of the area including the deteriorating Steading building and the rubbish left after the demolition of the large barn. This area gives a very poor impression to visitors and passing motorists as they approach the roundabout and see the mess immediately adjacent to the Balmullo sign. Mr Forster has agreed with our views and is prepared to help with screening or hedging. There seems little hope of any re-development in the near future and Fife Council has limited powers of intervention.

We are still hoping to have the bench seat at the Hayston Park end of Murray Row properly reinstated, in the correct place, after Councillor Taylor asked for this on our behalf. We have been working with the Primary School to try and reduce the effect of poor parking in the area at school day start and end times. Peter

EDITORIAL Balmullo Community Council meetings are always attended by members of the public, unlike other Councils in the area according to our local Councillor Maggie Taylor. However, recent meetings have seen attendance drop to less than 10 which is disappointing. Good attendance gives encouragement to Maggie who works very hard for Balmullo e.g. approving a grant from the Locality Fund which has been used towards a new multi-tier floral planter. This will be sited at the north end of the main street, replacing and improving on the current 3 half-barrel

BALMULLO COMMUNITY COUNCIL Barry, of Janitorial Services in Fife Education, is generally in charge of crossing patrols and came to do an assessment. The outcome was that a Lollipop Man has been reinstated and started after the Easter Holidays. We have recommended that the gap in double yellow lines opposite the School gate should be closed, so that the line of sight of traffic is clear for anyone crossing from the corner of School Road. It is hoped that work will start on the MUGA project shortly after the Gala on 14th June and then be completed by the end of August, in time for the new School term. Balmullo Quarry is supplying all the hardcore needed.

The next meeting is in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 12th May. A copy of the Minutes will be available on the shelves at the Post Office. ANDREW FALCONER arrangement (which will go to good homes elsewhere). Our displays of daffodils and tulips have given rise to many favourable comments – thank you for these. It’s a pity that they were so susceptible to the high winds we had for several days. We have also taken over the 2 ornamental flower beds in Pitcairn Drive near the Surgery, clearing poor or dead plants, adding compost and fertiliser and restocking with a good mix of evergreen flowering and foliage shrubs.

POINTS FROM THE SECRETARY’S EMAIL The Big Lunch 2014 is urging everyone across Scotland to get involved in this year’s event on Sunday 1 June. It is a very simple idea from the Eden Project. The aim of the Lottery-funded event, now in its sixth year, is to get as many people as possible to have lunch with their neighbours once a year. Free packs can be requested online, they include posters, invitations, an inspiration booklet and other materials to help organise a Big Lunch, and get-together for a day of friendship, community and fun. Information is available at www.thebiglunch.com A copy of Fife Development Plan Scheme from Dec 2013 and lots of information about TAYplan

are available on the Community Council shelves at the Post Office. A TAYplan Main Issues Report has been published to stimulate discussion on how to handle issues such as location of jobs, new houses and green networks, how to deal with climate change and other big planning issues in the TAYplan area, which includes North Fife. There will be community drop-in events at Corn Exchange, Cupar on 29 April from 3:00 to 7:00 pm and Town Hall, St. Andrews on 31 May from 11:30 am to 4:30 pm. Fife Council and NHS Fife are joining up to deliver adult health and social work services together. For further information contact :www.fifedirect.org.uk/integration



THE 200 CLUB DRAW - APRIL WINNERS £50 £20 £20 £20 £20 £20

Mrs Fraser, Borthwick Place Mrs Bradley, Pitcairn Drive Mr Rolfe, Anderson Drive Mrs Crush Snr, McWalters Fields Mrs Clark, Pitcairn Drive Mr Beaton, Mansfield Road

£10 £10 £10 £10 £10

Mr McLeish, Inchlaw Mrs Dunstan, Hayston Park Mrs Campbell, Dunedin Park Mrs Wood, Summerhill Mr Guthrie, Lucklaw Road

How to Join Our 200 Club? - It's easy to join the 200 you can enter as many times as you like. We are Club. Call or email Ina at twaauldgoats@btinternet.com currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo or call 870253. It only costs £1 per entry per month, and community activities and projects. GOOD LUCK!

WHAT’S ON? MAY 1st WRI Meeting. Outing to Tayforth Veterans Project. 12th Community Council meeting. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. All welcome 17th Crafts & Coffee Morning. Burnside Hall 10.00 am – 12.00 pm. 24th Fife Show, Kinloss, Cupar. 9.00 am – 5.00 pm. Adults £10 , children free. 24th Balmullo Football Tounament. Children’s teams. 25th Balmullo Football Tournament. Adult teams.


Balmullo Paths Group – leaving Burnside Hall 2.00 pm.

JUNE 4th Burnside Hall AGM & Committee Meeting. 7.30 pm. 5th WRI Meeting. Inter-institute Visit by Dairsie WRI. Burnside Hall 7.15 pm 9th Community Council meeting. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. All welcome 14th Balmullo Gala

Running an event? Email anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk

BALMULLO S.W.R.I. President Mrs. Ann Falconer welcomed members, including 3 new ladies, to the meeting on Thursday 3rd April. Our speaker for the evening was Myra Hughes from Kirkcaldy, who was trained at Elmwood College as a Reflexologist. Myra explained the principles and underlying theory of reflexology, which involves a process of massage and manipulation of the feet. Different areas of the feet are associated with different parts of the body in a holistic manner, so massage of these areas can have a beneficial effect elsewhere. Myra then gave us a practical demonstration of her skills with the help of volunteer Jacqueline Stockton. Everyone present enjoyed hearing about and seeing the practice of reflexology and Eleanor Younesi gave Myra a vote of thanks.

Balmullo Bowling Club Play outdoors in summer Indoors in winter

ANN FALCONER Competition winners: 3 Chocolate Chip Cookies 1st Mary Campbell 2nd Gina Baird 3rd Chrissie Hannah

Favourite Cushion 1st Penny Wiles 2nd Vera Finlayson 3rd Grace Steven

Flower of the month -



The next meeting will be on Thursday 1st May which will be an outing to the Tayforth Veterans’ Project, based in Dundee, which provides advice, friendship and support to all ex-servicemen, regardless of age and background. This project is run by Mary Reilly, our Vice-President and her husband James. Transport has been arranged with volunteer drivers and passengers allocated to cars.

Variety of competitions and friendly matches every week No experience required. All welcome to join. Call John on 870196



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The club meets on Monday afternoons, during School terms, in the smaller of the Burnside Halls, between 1:30 and 3:30 pm. Currently there are about 12 regular attendees, each of whom practices a hand craft. There are knitters, cross stitchers and embroiderers, and projects range in size from hearth rugs to delicate cross stitch cards

and samplers. Within the group there is a wide range of craft expertise and knowledge, ranging from the best places to find a picture framer or upholsterer, or the latest outlets selling buttons, wool or thread. Why not come and join us?



Parents of children who play in the burn at the top of Burnside should be alerted to the fact that there are rats present, so there is a danger of disease. In addition, water flows directly from the fields and there may be chemicals in the water at times. Children love to make dams in running water, but they are using rocks pushed out of the support for the bank, thus weakening the bank on both sides. Children have also at times taken large

stones from the rockery in an adjacent garden to make dams, and have been intruding on private property to climb trees and find other material to leave in the burn. Residents have the regular task of removing the debris left and replacing rocks where they are needed. Please remind children to play safely and in appropriate places, with some regard for their surroundings.



I am a regular walker along the Burnside Path and through the grass area at the hall. The dog poo is unbelievable, getting worse instead of better. With the school holidays and the children going out and talking their dog to play I can foresee it will get worse. I do not for a minute expect small children to pick up after their pet but one is normally able to know approximately when your pet is likely to perform, then send it out with the children.

earlier) we are constantly complaining about this problem. It seems incredible that we do not appear to have improved. The other day there was a deposit ONE YARD from a poo bin and along the path one had been lifted into a bag then a stone laid on the back to prevent it blowing away what kind of mentality do some folk have.

Yes, I have a dog and I never go out without at least four poo bags in my pocket, which I am only to glad to hand over to someone if they have got I have been looking through all my old copies of caught short. the Newsletter and way back to 1989 (probably



A foodbank has been opened at the East end of the County Buildings opposite the War Memorial. The facility, for local people in need is open on Mondays and Wednesdays between 4 and 6 pm. and on Fridays between 5 and 7 pm. The facility is run by a local committee in partnership with the Trussell Trust which is a U.K. Foodbank charity and manned by a large group of volunteers. Anyone in need requires to be referred by agencies who will issue a voucher without which goods cannot be issued. These agencies include Fife Voluntary Action above Cupar Post Office in the Crossgate and Citizens Advice Bureau St. Cathererine Street. Details can also be found at CUPAR.FOODBANK.ORG.UK




1 tablespoon marmalade 1 tablespoon treacle 1 tablespoon golden syrup ½ cup milk

Method Rub margarine into flour. Add sugar and sultanas. Melt treacle, syrup, marmalade & milk in pan – allow to cool. Add to flour mixture with beaten egg. Turn into prepared 1 lb loaf tin. Bake at 155 oC – 160 oC for 1 hour. Turn out and allow to cool.

Ingredients 8 oz / 225g self-raising flour 2 oz / 55g margarine 2 oz / 55g sugar 6 oz / 170g sultanas 1 egg



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Balmullo football tournament will be Saturday 24th May for children. ÂŁ5 per team entry. Sunday 25th May for adults. ÂŁ10 entry per team. Barbecue hotdogs candy floss and popcorn. Any businesses interested in having there logo displayed on our t-shirts and sponsoring one of our attractions please contact Balmullo gala. Or if you would like a banner displayed on the fence we would like to hear from you. All details of all our attractions and other information contact balmullogala@hotmail.co.uk. LEUCHARS AND DISTRICT GARDENING AND CRAFTS CLUB


Thursday evening 10 April turned out to be a very The eventual winning team was Adam made up enjoyable and fun evening with 12 teams turning of Andrew and Ann Falconer and David and up for our Quiz Night Marjory Pasley. Second were Spring Chicks, and third were Blossoms Babes. The categories in the main quiz were: Fife, Planet Earth, Gardening, Year 2013, every answer We will not mention who won the booby prize, but contains a Colour, Animals, Food and Drink, and High Fives won the separate Picture Logo round Around Scotland. on a tie break with Moofie Toories and Fyfes from Fife who all had perfect scores in that round. Surprisingly Year 2013 recorded the lowest scores with an average of 3 out of 10. Seems everyone Our thanks go to Jenny and Gordon Muir who set had a good general knowledge but didn't very interesting questions and to all who came remember what happened last year. This came along and made it another successful evening. just before the interval and the nibbles and drink Next is our Coffee/Crafts morning on Saturday 17 perked everyone up again with two teams gaining May 10.00 am until 12 noon. in the Burnside Hall. 10 out of 10 in the next round.



A meeting was held in the Balmullo Inn on Maureen Turner Wednesday 19th March where it was intimated that Ann Duff the constitution of the Club required 8 people to fill the positions of officers and committee. A subsequent committee meeting discussed the future programme and after checking with Once the required number put their names prospective speakers and entertainment it was forward the following were elected: decided to provisionally set the date of the 2015 Burns Supper as Saturday 31 January. President: Mary Campbell Chairman: David Wilson It was also agreed to continue the Balmullo School Secretary: Bill Duff Burns Competition. Treasurer: John Finlayson Committee: Grace Stevens, Ina Cameron,



YOUR MEMBER OF SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT It is with no little relief that this article is written in what we could call the start of Spring, with the temperatures outside beginning to climb, and use of the central heating reducing – if only by a little. On the subject of change, mercifully this past Winter has not seen a repeat of the torrential rains and flooding that washed out several areas of North East Fife last year, nor the snow from a few years back that brought much of the country, let alone this constituency, to a standstill. From all bad things some good must come, however, and local farmers I have spoken to in the last few months have welcomed the comparatively good weather which could help them recoup some of their lost earnings over the past couple of years. If anything could hamper their efforts it will be the Scottish climate but, unfortunately, even the powers of independence wouldn’t grant us control over the weather. On that point, I am sure campaigners on both sides of the Independence debate will also benefit from a good Summer.

ROD CAMPBELL being carried out. The responses I received to the survey in my annual report at the end of 2013 proved this to be one of the most important issues throughout North East Fife and I continue to make representations to ensure every part of the constituency will receive the best service possible, in the near future. Of course, the most seismic change to this area is still yet to happen, with the withdrawal of the RAF from Leuchars later this year, and the arrival of the Army. I look forward to welcoming the Army from their current home of Bad Fallingbostel, Germany, to somewhere that I am sure is a little closer to their family homes in Scotland.

Before we can welcome the Army, however, we must bid farewell to the Air Force and I am looking forward to their exercising of their “Freedom of St Andrews” on Saturday 10 May. I hope to be able to attend this event as well as other events that will take place as they wind down operations in North East Fife and begin their transfer to Lossiemouth, and that many of you will turn out to show your appreciation for the RAF and the role they have played in this area for the These improvements have been a long time last Century. coming and I am delighted that they are finally The weather isn’t the only thing to have changed for the better this year. Upgrades to broadband infrastructure are currently taking place and I await details of the first set of upgrades in North East fife that took place in Anstruther, in March. I also await news of which areas will benefit from upgrades next, after Cupar, Tayport, Leuchars and Ceres.


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Let’s be honest, broadband in Balmullo is hit and miss at best. During the day between Monday and Friday, it fairly zips along. However come 4pm, when the kids come home from school, speeds can suffer severely. All those downloads and film streaming, really knock all our broadband connections for six. Interestingly though, Bill Taylor (Balmullo resident with his finger on the pulse) recently informed me about changes mooted to our broadband service. The plans are being overseen by Digital Scotland and Fife Council. WHO? - Digital Scotland are the government body who are driving the redevelopment of the BT Broadband network in Scotland. Fife Council now have a “Next Generation Broadband” team in place to assist the redevelopment work of turning our pedestrian broadband into superfast next generation access (NGA). WHERE? - If you have a look at the proposed redevelopment map you will see the Balmullo just squeaks into the redevelopment area. http:// www.digita lscot la nd.org/media /16354 / ros_171013.pdf . The really exciting part of information on the map is the proposed timescale. This means that the upgrade work should be completed by December 2014. WHAT? - Next-generation access (NGA) describes a significant upgrade to the Broadband available by making a step change in speed and quality of the service. This is typically thought to be a


download speed of 24Mbps and a fast upload speed. Currently Balmullo has a maximum spped of 7.1Mbps. St Andrews enjoys a speed of approximately 20Mbps and that feels very fast in comparison. However after chatting to the Manager of Fife Council’s Next Generation broadband team, Steve Revell, he informed me that Balmullo should hopefully achieve 80Mbps. I will write it out just in case you think that that is a typo. EIGHTY Mbps! Now that is a tenfold increase, so seriously fast. If you live within 800 metres of the exchange in School Road (this covers all of Balmullo) then you will experience superfast broadband. Outwith the 800m radius, speed will reduce. So some residents of Lucklawhill and the outposts of Cuplahills and Straiton will notice an increase on their current speed, but it will not be the full speed of 80Mbps. The final decision will be made at the end of April to determine the final details and upgrade timescale. To keep up to date with the latest developments, check here https://twitter.com/ Openreach_news NGA means that it will allow more people to be online at the same time with a consistent and reliable service across multiple devices. So Balmullo can all use PCs, mobile phones, games consoles and digital televisions at the same time without screens freezing or loss of quality. Now that IS good news. - Mike :¬)


T h e children, parents and staff a t Balmullo Under 5’s would like to thank everyone who attended and/ or donated a raffle prize for the clairvoyance night that we held on 4th April. It was a very successful evening and the monies raised will allow us to purchase new equipment for our Baby & Toddler Group. We would also like to say a huge thank you to Lynne Moore for organising the evening for us. Balmullo Under 5’s have immediate spaces available for our Over 2’s Playgroup. The Playgroup meets on Monday & Wednesday mornings 9:15am-11:15am in the Burnside Hall, if


you would like more information you can contact Fiona Rennie (Playleader) on 07932 161474 for more information or pop in during a session. We also have a Baby & Toddler Group who meet at the same time as the Playgroup.


BALMULLO GALA 14 JUNE 2014 It’s that time of year when the gala is looming And I’m sure on the day business will be blooming For the children fun and games And making money is the aim All you mums and dads out there

If you have some time to spare, Head to the park To help us set up before it gets dark, An hour or two is all we ask As setting up is a huge big task. Clearing away means all the fun

Balmullo Gala is to be held on 14th June 2014. There will be lots for all the family to enjoy. Any local businesses wishing to have a stall please contact Balmullo Gala at balmullogala@hotmail.co.uk. SPECIAL ATTRACTION – STAR PRIZE WIN A HONDA CR-V! Roll seven dice – seven 6’s wins the car As always we would appreciate any and all offers of help with the set up before the gala and taking it all down after the gala. The more the merrier. Balmullo Gala would like to thank all who enjoyed the Hypnotist night on 22nd February. We hope there weren’t too many scary moments.

For another year is done. Friday or Sunday- either day, Will help to get us on our way. For all your support we thank you now, As, for another year, we take a bow.


Balmullo gala committee present Race Night. Balmullo village hall on 17th May. Entry is FREE and there will be a licensed bar.

Thanks to all who participated in the fun run. The weather was kind and the day was fun. Congratulations to Connor Folkes, Steven Nicholls and Declan Folkes. 1st three boys and Esme Thom, Isla Thom and Isla Munro, 1st three girls. Same again next year???




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GARDEN TIME AGAIN Bring along your baskets, tubs and window boxes to be filled from a wide range of flowers and herbs OR Choose from a ready made selection Fruit Trees and Bushes—Herbs—Shrubs—Compost Bedding and Trailing Plants Look at Facebook or phone to see what's ready NOW

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