Chairman: Zoë Sanders 1zoesanders@gmail.com
Secretary: Sue Smith 870221 secretary@balmullo.net
Vice-Chairman: Alison Jeffrey 870674 alison@balmullo.net
Minute-Secretary: Ann Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk
Treasurer & Newsletter: Andrew Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk
Councillors: Ina Cameron 870253 twaauldgoats@btinternet.com
Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper Lynn Murphy
Gwenyth Mitchell 870010 gwenyth@balmullo.net Raymond Crush Peter Lomas pil7@talktalk.net
Community Police Officer P.C. Gavin Rae 0845 600 5702
Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers.
GALA Committee: 077 8033 5250 http://balmullogala.weebly.com
M.P. Sir Menzies Campbell
M.S.P. Rod Campbell
Doctors Surgery Balmullo
Balmullo Primary School
Bell Baxter High School
0845 155 0022
Non Emergency Police Contact
Maggie Taylor 01382 552718 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk Tim Brett 01382 330905 cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Bill Connor 077 1866 8792 cllr.bill.connor@fife.gov.uk RAF Aircraft Noise
The Minister Rev. Caroline Taylor caro234@btinternet.com Dog Warden
John Normand janormand1@gmail.com
Advert Prices - Small £5, Half Page £10, Full Page £20. You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge. TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let us know.
WANTED Detached 2 or 3 bedroom bungalow or cottage Very flexible entry date before year end Phone 075 4300 1017 E-mail t.stephen@tiscali.co.uk
ANNOUNCEMENTS The awareness and training session for the new defibrillator, hosted by Heart Start, was very good and reasonably well attended. Paul Monteath has agreed to host a second machine but we need to agree that his office is the best site or find a better alternative. We are still hoping to have the bench seat at the Hayston Park end of Murray Row properly reinstated after Councillor Taylor asked for this on our behalf. We made objections to the proposed Post Office changes on the grounds of lack of security & privacy and concerns about queues and untrained staff. C J Lang (Spar) replied “Your worries about queues forming and our members of staff being "untrained" are unnecessary as extra staff are being brought in during busy periods and full training is being provided to all staff members. To mirror this we ask for the community to be supportive and patient with the staff during and after the switch over as it will be a completely new system for them to be working with.” The changes have been delayed till April. Major street lighting work is due to start on 17th March and last for about 3 months. Column replacement work is planned for Cynicus Place, School Road, Lucklaw Road, Burnside, Hillview Road, Hillfield Road, Summerhill and Greenacre. All residents will be notified.
EDITORIAL As I’m writing this month’s editorial, it’s been a glorious sunny day and Spring seems to have sprung. I’ve also been delighted to hear several Skylarks singing from the fields to the south and west of the village. Often the only view of these birds is a small dot high against the sunny sky or dropping quickly into the cover of vegetation. Balmullo is lucky in still having a good population of Skylarks in the area, unlike some other places where numbers have plummeted. Please be aware that these birds will be nesting soon in the fields of grass or young crops and give them peace by
BALMULLO COMMUNITY COUNCIL Several attendees at the Community Council meeting reported that the problem of dog fouling is getting worse again, particularly at Hayston Park (near the School), along Burnside and in the Hall grounds. Councillor Taylor will alert the Dog Warden. It is unfortunate that the responsible behaviour of the majority of dog owners, who “pick up” after their pet, is being let down by the few who either “don’t care” or “can’t be bothered”. Please also ensure that if a child is walking your dog, they are old enough and shown how to “pick up” safely. The Primary School article in last month’s newsletter included a request for parents to park safely, legally and considerately if dropping off children. In view of further concern from parents whose children have to cross the road and also from local residents, the Community Council will assist the School to look for ways of improving the situation. The Balmullo Gala will be held on Saturday 14th June, and the Gala Committee have revived the Balmullo Fun Run on Sunday 20th April. The next meeting is in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 14th April.
A copy of the Minutes will be available on the shelves at the Post Office.
ANDREW FALCONER sticking to recognised paths and tracks, also by not allowing your dog to run loose through fields. I hope you took time to read and enjoy Len Smith’s excellent article last month, drawn from his grandfather’s World War One diaries. As he suggested, I would be delighted to receive similar material which can be shared with our readers. We’re going to be printing readers’ photographs from #BalmulloLife on the newsletter cover each month. As over 400 have been received, it will be a difficult choice but watch out in case your contribution is featured.
POINTS FROM THE SECRETARY’S EMAIL Wind Power Projects: Fife Council are investigating the possibility of siting small to medium sized wind turbines on Council land. Sites being considered include Duffus Park, Cupar, Craigtoun Park and Bell-Baxter playing fields, but none in the Balmullo area. There will be a drop-in information event at
Cupar County Hall on Wednesday 19th March from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. e-safety and On-line Child Protection: A one-day public conference is being held in Edinburgh on Wednesday 23rd April (venue not yet confirmed). More details available at capitaconferences.co.uk.
THE 200 CLUB DRAW - MARCH WINNERS £50 £20 £20 £20 £20 £20
Mrs McNeil, Park View Mr Paterson, Pitcairn Drive Mr Robins, Hillview Road Mrs Shoemark, Mansfield Road Mrs Drew, Park View Mrs Duncan, Greenacre
£10 £10 £10 £10 £10
Mrs Dingwall, Park View Miss Mitchell, Pitcairn Drive Mr Butt, Inchlaw Mrs Davie, Pitcairn Drive Mrs Tully, School Road
How to Join Our 200 Club? - It's easy to join the 200 you can enter as many times as you like. We are Club. Call or email Ina at twaauldgoats@btinternet.com currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo or call 870253. It only costs £1 per entry per month, and community activities and projects. GOOD LUCK!
WHAT’S ON? MARCH 30th Balmullo Paths Group – leaving Burnside Hall 2.00 pm APRIL 2nd Burnside Hall Committee Meeting. 7.30 pm. 3rd WRI Meeting. Burnside Hall 7.15 pm. Ceres Museum. All welcome. 10th Gardening Club. Quiz Night. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. All welcome 14th Community Council meeting. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. All welcome 19th Craft & Material Sale. Burnside Hall 10:00 am – 12:30 pm. 20th Balmullo Gala Fun Run starts from Park 12.00 pm.
Balmullo Paths Group – leaving Burnside Hall 2.00 pm
MAY 1st WRI Meeting. Outing to Tayforth Veterans Project. 12th Community Council meeting. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. All welcome 17th Crafts & Coffee Morning. Burnside Hall 10.00 am – 12.00 pm. 25th Balmullo Paths Group – leaving Burnside Hall 2.00 pm.
Running an event? Email anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk
BALMULLO S.W.R.I. President Ann Falconer welcomed everyone to the meeting on Thursday 6th March. Our guest for the evening was Mrs Margaret Whiteford from Craigrothie WRI who impressed us with a demonstration of her cookery skills. Margaret has enjoyed cooking from a young age and took the opportunity to enhance her skills when she attended the Nick Nairn School of Cookery at Lake of Menteith. For the demonstration, she chose some of the recipes learned there. She first cooked Skirlie Potato Cakes using traditional Scottish pinhead oatmeal, making enough for everyone to taste. Her sweet dish was old favourite Cranachan but using Greek yogurt with oats and raspberries and she finished by creating a Banana, Raspberry & Oat Smoothie drink, again using oats. Margaret entertained us throughout the evening with humorous stories and witty anecdotes about her course at the Cookery School. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed her visit and the tasty dishes and Ann Falconer gave a vote of thanks.
Competition winners:
3 Decorated Cup Cakes 1st Chrissie Hannah 2nd Jacqueline Stockton 3rd Margaret McQueen Favourite Sugar & Cream Margaret McQueen 2nd Gina Baird 3rd Rita Crush
Flower of the month
Mary Campbell
The next meeting will be on Thursday 3rd April at 7.15 pm in Burnside Hall, when the speaker will be Myra Hughes from Kirkcaldy who will give a talk and demonstration on Reflexology. Competitions will be 3 Chocolate Chip Cookies, a Favourite Cushion and Flower of the month. As always, new members will be very welcome.
MONTEATHS Accountants & Tax Consultants APPOINTMENTS: MORNING, AFTERNOON or EVENING OUR OFFICE, YOUR HOME or PREMISES EMPLOYERS Claim your £2,000 NI allowance From 6 April 2014, employers can claim to reduce the first £2,000 of employers National Insurance (NI) to nil. A claim should be made through your software after 5 April. The good news is that the allowance won’t be spread over the tax year, rather from your earliest employers NI bill. HMRC text messages If HMRC have your mobile phone number and you have made a tax credit claim they may contact you by text message. This is a new approach in line with increased electronic communications. However, HMRC will never text or email you regarding a tax refund, so if you receive such a message you should always ignore it.
FINANCIAL ADVICE WE HELP - WE SAVE YOU MONEY FULL ACCOUNTANCY AND COMPLETE TAXATION SERVICES WWW.MONTEATHS.COM Cairnfield, 14 School Road, Balmullo, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 0BD Tel 01334 870343 - Fax 01334 871004 E mail : morag@monteaths.com
LEUCHARS AND DISTRICT GARDENING AND CRAFTS CLUB Our March talk was to be given by the Guide Dogs Association but due to a family bereavement the speaker was not available. So as not to disappoint anyone's night out I gave a talk on my experiences with bees and sweetpeas. At the end of the talk I answered a few questions from the audience and Gwenyth gave a vote of thanks. Gwenyth reiterated our apology for the change of subject and said we expect to have the Guide Dogs talk next winter. Our next evening on Thursday 10 April should be an evening of fun, we are holding a Quiz Night. This will be a general knowledge quiz for teams of 4 or more depending on numbers attending but if you can't make up a team come along and we will get teams made up on the night. The quiz has been made up by a couple who are experienced in organising and running successful quiz nights so we are looking forward to a very enjoyable evening.
presently looking at running a Bus to Gardening Scotland which is being held over the weekend of 30 May/1 June this will be depending on costs of bus hire and entry tickets – more later once these costs are firmed up. The schedule for this year's shows will soon be available, if you are not on the existing mailing list give me a call. The weather is starting to warm up so preparations are well in hand for this year's growing and showing. I've had good germination of sweetpeas and tomatoes and onion sets are starting to sprout in cells all in the greenhouse.Seed potatoes and gladioli corms are sitting in the dark in the garage and soon I'll be setting them up to chit, over the past few years I've moved the potatoes to the window in the shed between the 10th and 15th of April and planted them out early to mid May depending on the weather. In the next week or two, weather permitting, I will be sowing parsnips and carrots in the barrels and it will be all go again for another year.
There will be an interval approximately half way through to get your breath back when a glass of wine or fruit juice with nibbles will be served. We're getting good prizes including some "specials" so Garden centres are selling plants and plugs for even if you're on your own come along for a fun growing on, but watch out for frost and bad evening. weather and ensure these plants are well We've organised a coffee/crafts morning for protected. Saturday 17 May 10.00 until 12.00 and are
Balmullo Bowling Club Play outdoors in summer Indoors in winter
Variety of competitions and friendly matches every week No experience required. All welcome to join.
Call John on 870196
Cherry Clafoutis is a typical and delicious French dish with butter. dessert. Combine the eggs with the icing sugar and salt and whisk until light and frothy. Stir in the flour 1 Ingredients 500g / 1lb 2oz sweet cherries 200 ml / 7 fl oz milk tablespoon at a time, adding 2 tablespoons of milk with each addition of flour. Stir in the rest of the butter, for greasing dish 3 eggs milk. 2 tablespoons icing sugar pinch of salt Spread the stoned cherries evenly over the base of 4 tablespoons plain flour icing sugar, for the greased dish and spoon the batter over the decoration top. Bake for 35 minutes or until the batter is set and Method Wash the cherries and dry on kitchen paper. lightly browned. If the cherries start to brown, Reserve a few with stalks for decoration. Remove cover the dish with foil until the batter is set. Leave to cool a little, then dust the top with sifted the stone from the remaining cherries. Preheat the oven to 170oC / 325oF/ Gas mark 3. icing sugar. Decorate with the reserved cherries Grease a shallow 25cm / 10 in diameter ovenproof and serve warm.
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Balmullo Gala Fun Run will start at 12noon in the park. Please be at the park for 11.30am. The route is 3 miles up past the quarry and round by Cuplahills farm and back to the park. There will be a water stop ½ way round and marshals to keep you on the right path. There will be a barbecue back at the park with burgers, hotdogs, popcorn and candy floss. All children need to bring a responsible adult with them. The first 3 boys and 3 girls will receive a medal. There will be cream eggs for all. We apologise for disruption on the roads near the park – it is all good family fun.
BALMULLO FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT Balmullo football tournament will be Saturday 24th May for children. £5 per team entry. Sunday 25th May for adults. £10 entry per team. Barbecue hotdogs candy floss and popcorn. Any businesses interested in having there logo displayed on our t-shirts and sponsoring one of our attractions please contact Balmullo gala. Or if you would like a banner displayed on the fence we would like to hear from you. All details of all our attractions and other information contact balmullogala@hotmail.co.uk.
YOUR MEMBER OF SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT This time last year, I wrote about a number of issues including RAF Leuchars and Guardbridge Papermill. One year has passed and, whilst the old adage is that “a week is a long time, in politics”, these issues remain at the forefront of matters that will affect Balmullo and the surrounding area for some time to come. The future use of the Leuchars airfield has recently been a topic of hot discussion, after I finally received a commitment from the MoD that they are “happy in principle to provide advice to any organisation that wishes to conduct a feasibility study into the possible use of Leuchars as a commercial airfield”. With Ryanair publicly announcing their interest in considering flights from Leuchars, I will continue to pursue this matter and hope other parties will engage in trying to develop a positive, sustainable future for the base and the local area. On a less positive note, there has still been no confirmation by the MoD on final numbers of civilian staff that will be employed at what will be the Army base at Leuchars. This will not be providing any comfort to those currently employed at the base and I hope that the MoD will provide the clarity this issue requires to allow future planning to progress. When I last wrote about the Guardbridge Papermill site, ideas still remained on paper and the University of St Andrews had encouraging plans to develop the site. Following another visit, I
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ROD CAMPBELL am very excited by the possibilities that are being explored and the future the site could have as well as the development that has already taken place. The University has set ambitious targets to create a centre of excellence in Guardbridge that could provide new jobs and a new lease of life to the area. I look forward to seeing more progress. Clearly there are planning issues that need to be resolved but the University is to be commended for its ambitious plan. Moving onto new developments in the area, anybody who has travelled by car anywhere in the vicinity of Balmullo – through Leuchars, Cupar or St Andrews, for example – will not have failed to notice the litany of road repairs being carried out. In the cases of Leuchars and Cupar, the upgrades being made are long overdue with the road surface in Leuchars past it’s sell by date. Cupar has been hit by some disruption during the course of the works but I would hope that they will make a significant improvement to the quality of journey, and journey-time, through the town. I also expect it to make a big difference to the town centre which has struggled in recent times but is beginning to show signs of life, once again. With investment pouring into the town for new housing and redevelopment of historic buildings I hope that this will prove to be the beginning of the regeneration of the town.
PROFESSIONAL SEAMSTRESS Dressmaking Alterations Repairs Lucklawhill Balmullo Call Enza on
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This is the last newsletter before April 8th 2014. Why is this date important? Well from a technology point of view, this is the day that Microsoft ends support for Windows XP and Office 2003. Is this a big deal deal? Well it is very likely to be if you continue to use XP on your PC to make purchases across the internet eg Tesco, Amazon, insurance or you value your privacy. Hackers will be targeting exploits and holes in XP to control or snoop on your PC. This is not a nice prospect... Lets not dwell on the negative. There are plenty of options available for you to choose from. Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8. Or if you would like to try something a little different (and not a Microsoft product) and free(!) then try Linux. Stable and easy to use, Linux is an excellent alternative to XP. However just don’t expect it to look or behave like XP!
MIKE WITHERS under constant threat of attack from a variety of sources seeking to steal your information and wreak havoc on your computer. These malicious programs are written by individuals and by organised crime syndicates to make money from you. You can keep yourself safe by installing a strong internet security program and installing all of your operating systems latest updates. Don’t ignore those updates. They are there to help you, and keep you and your computer safe. Balmullo broadband users of late have been suffering from slow speeds and total loss of connectivity. This isn't right. If you are experiencing slow speeds then you need to complain to your broadband supplier. Sky and Talktalk customers seem to have suffered the most recently. So if you are not happy with their service then really you should threaten to move suppliers, and to be prepared to carry out that threat. Don’t accept poor service and don’t be put off by scare tactics that they will use when trying to retain your custom.
The Balmullo exchange is owned and solely operated by British Telecom. Its maximum speed is 8 megabits per second. The fastest speed that you can expect is approximately 7.5Mbps. Test your speed at http://speedtest.btwholesale.com and make sure that you run the further diagnostics. The download IP profile is the tell-tale factor. If it is less than 8Mbps then you need to speak to your If you are an Office XP or Office 2003 user then its ISP. is time to uninstall it in favour of installing the free Libre Office suite. Go to www.libreoffice.org to Updates are not just limited to Microsoft products. download it. There are lots of programs installed on your PC that need to be updated. Updates are important Apple users are not immune to security holes because the add extra functionality or security. The either. If you have an iPhone 4 or above then you latest versions of these popular programs are as must install the latest IOS system update. Also follows:Mavericks users must also update to 10.9.2, as Adobe Air again this patches another serious security breech. Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.257 Adobe Reader 11.0.06 Amazingly Windows 9 is on the horizon. It is Adobe Shockwave expected to debut around April 2015. And the Firefox 27.0.1 metro interface will stay :¬( iTunes 11.1.5 Java Version 7 Update 51 The following dates are the final day of lifecycle QuickTime Player for:Samsung Kies 3.2 Windows Vista - April 11, 2017 Skype Windows 7 - January 14, 2020 Windows XP SP3 Windows 8 - January 10, 2023 Windows Vista SP2 Windows 7 SP1 From key-loggers to Trojans, your computer is Have a great month – Mike
CALL MIKE ON 078 8865 6065 mike@balmullo.net
STEPHEN MELVILLE space much more utilisable for modern farming practices, but importantly it also provides the much needed washroom facilities and secure storage that the farm has been in need of for many years. The toilet was important from a health and safety point of view for those regularly on the farm, but it also means that visitors, such as children from Balmullo Primary, have somewhere to seek relief when nature calls! Given that the steading is part of the Core Path network and regularly used by many locals, it is
Here we are almost half way through March with lengthening days, warmer weather and a definite feeling of spring in the air. What a change to last year! Let’s not get too carried away however, because the old adage for March, “In like a lamb out like a lion� was not created without good reason. The winter, although dark, windy and wet has been remarkably kind to us in Fife this year and as such the winter sown crops are looking well. For the first time in many years we have chosen to grow a new breed of hybrid winter barley in a bid to bring important to me that the steading is tidy and presents the right image of Scottish Farming. Although there has been more mud around than I would have liked during the building process, I am delighted to say that everything is beginning to look tidier. We have taken steps to try and retain some of the old steadings character. The roof colour mimics that of the old pan tiles, the side cladding is the closest blue-grey colour we could get to the old stone work, and all exterior walls have been clad with original stone including the coat of arms that forward harvest and sowing in autumn of 2014. Some of you may have noticed the unseasonably yellow field in front of Cuplahills Steading. The whole field is in fact sown down to winter oilseed rape, but spring oilseed rape volunteers that were sown some 20 years ago continue to germinate and bloom. This winter we finally progressed with the long awaited project to knock down one of the old barns that had fallen into disrepair. We have rebuilt it using a combination of modern materials and reclaimed stone. The new design provides a
takes pride of place in the gable wall. The coat of arms is believed to originate from Airdit Castle along with much of the stone used to build the steading. Sadly the weather has taken its toll on the detail of the coat of arms, but I would very much like to see it restored. Despite my endeavours I have been unable to find an original picture to replicate the coat of arms. If anyone has a keen interest in researching the historic feature and is able to locate a detailed design, please do get in touch. Scottish Water Some of you may have seen the fountain of water that erupted from Scottish Water mains pipe from the field below the quarry in mid-February. The geyser was at least 20ft high and flowed for over 3 hours. Despite erupting at around 5pm on a Friday night in some of the worst weather of the winter,
Scottish Water were remarkably good at dealing with the ‘leak’ and had everything sorted by lunch time on Saturday - importantly without disruption to the local supply. Environmental The warmer winter has meant that the farm birds have had a slightly easier time. This said the wild bird seed plots scattered around the farm have seen a remarkable amount of activity from some
of our declining species such as the tree sparrow. There was little in the way of damsons in the woodland this year, but ample supplies of rowan and hawthorn berries that are scattered throughout the woodlands and new hedgerows. Education Balmullo Primary have recently started work on the John Muir Trust and are using Willie’s Wood as a source of environmental education and enhancement with various visits planned through the spring. It is proposed that they will assist with tidying up some of the 18 year old ‘biodegradable’ tree guards that are still attached to some of the trees. They will also help to dig, split and spread the snowdrops, erect some bird boxes and hopefully there will be an opportunity to make some shelters from willow coppice and create some living willow hides. St Andrews Country Cabins We are now well and truly into our second year of business at the cabins. We have been very lucky throughout the off peak season, and have been able to provide a retreat for several local people from the village and their friends, housed families in need of short term accommodation whilst they moved house and in March we have a Norwegian couple staying for a month as they lecture at St Andrews University. We have undertaken some minor improvements to the cabins to ensure that the quality is maintained and we will shortly be starting to freshen up the exterior larch cladding. We are also making minor improvements to our website, www.standrewscountrycabins.co.uk, to ensure that it remains fresh and appealing to those that are looking for their summer holiday. The holiday periods are already proving popular and we have bookings far in advance of 2013. However, if you know of any friends or family requiring a short break away from the day to day routines of home, please feel free get in touch at enquiries@standrewscountrycabins.co.uk. We are currently looking for one or two additional part time cleaners (ideally from Balmullo to keep employment local) to help out our existing team with change over duties in the cabins. Cabins usually take between 2 and 3 hours. All we ask is that you have a good attention to detail and ideally can be flexible. Changeovers are normally on Mondays and Fridays, with cleaning taking place between 10am and 2pm. If anybody is looking for some part time work please get in touch to cuplahills@btconnect.com or call Stephen & Amanda on 01334870225.
It’s that time of year when the gala is looming And I’m sure on the day business will be blooming For the children fun and games And making money is the aim All you mums and dads out there If you have some time to spare, Head to the park To help us set up before it gets dark, An hour or two is all we ask As setting up is a huge big task. Clearing away means all the fun For another year is done. Friday or Sunday- either day, Will help to get us on our way. For all your support we thank you now, As, for another year, we take a bow. Balmullo Gala is to be held on 14th June 2014. There will be lots for all the family to enjoy. Any local businesses wishing to have a stall please contact Balmullo Gala at balmullogala@hotmail.co.uk.
SPECIAL ATTRACTION – STAR PRIZE - WIN A HONDA CR-V! Roll seven dice – seven 6’s wins the car As always we would appreciate any and all offers of help with the set up before the gala and taking it all down after the gala. The more the merrier. Balmullo Gala would like to thank all who enjoyed the Hypnotist night on 22 nd February. We hope there weren’t too many scary moments.
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DEREK B CAMPBELL Motor Engineer SERVICING & M.O.T. REPAIRS Tel 870328 ‘Loanhead’ Balmullo St. Andrews KY16 0BQ
Appointments not always necessary Mon Closed Tues 9-3 Wed 9-5 Thur 9-8 Fri 9-6 Sat 8-3 Sun Closed
15 Main Street Leuchars 01334 848625
Geo. Craig Painter & Decorator Over 40 years experience in all aspects of the trade Tel: 01334 870053 Mobile: 07880 754926 Free Estimates
Mob: 07821 086189
ANDREW FALCONER In the Christmas 2013 issue, my article concentrated on the two members of the Thrush family which visit Britain in winter, the Redwing and Fieldfare. Apart from the common, widespread Blackbird and muchrarer Ring Ouzel, there are two resident members of the Thrush family in Britain. The Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos) is smaller at 20-22 cm. It is brown above and creamy-white below with dense “arrowhead” spots. The sexes are alike. It is most common in well-vegetated gardens, parks and woodland and can be seen around Balmullo. I took the photo on the left on a Balmullo roof. In Spring, the males sing strongly from trees or bushes. The song is very distinctive with short melodic phrases repeated 2-4 times each.
The Mistle Thrush (Turdus viscivorus) is distinctly larger at 26-29 cm. It is more grey-brown above and whiter below and the spots are more rounded. Again the sexes are alike. It is more common in open fields and hillsides and less often seen in gardens. They can often be seen in the fields above Cuplahills Farm and around Lucklaw Hill, particularly in Winter and sometimes there will be a pair along with a flock of Redwings or Fieldfares. They are much shyer than Song Thrushes and will fly off quickly if disturbed. The song is also very melodic, quite similar to a Blackbird but with short, varied phrases sung strongly and carrying a fair distance. Its habit of singing from a treetop, even in windy and rainy weather, is responsible for its nickname of “Storm Cock”.