Nature and adventure in Lithaunia

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Lithuania Let’s take it slow

Žalieji lietuvos turtai

Can you imagine the feeling of walking barefoot on dewy grass and then on a paved road? Like a walk in the morning grass, barefoot – this is how nature lovers describe their impressions of trips to Lithuania. Lithuanians really love and respect nature. After all, Lithuania was the last pagan country in Europe! Since time immemorial, Lithuanians have worshipped and even prayed to fire, water, stone and trees. Even after being baptised, many Lithuanians continued to think of nature as almost a second mother. So, those looking for pure nature, authenticity and harmony will definitely find here. Ecotourism enthusiasts can find hotels and rural homesteads with “Green Key” certification, beaches with the Blue Flag eco-label, organic products, farmers’ markets, sightseeing tours on ecological trails of national parks and reserves, as well as opportunities to observe migrating birds or pasturing wisents.

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Protected sites cover 15.3 per cent of Lithuania. One third of Lithuanian territory is covered by forests. There are about 6,000 lakes of natural origin in Lithuania. Lithuania has over 800 mounds, which are considered to be a distinctive feature of the country’s landscape. • Lithuania has some of the largest underground fresh water reserves in the world. • Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania, is one of the greenest cities in the world and in terms of air quality surpasses all other capital

cities in Europe. • The Blue Flag is an international symbol of beach quality. In 2012, it was awarded to three beaches in Lithuania: Nida beach, Juodkrantė beach and Birutės Parkas beach (in Palanga). • Lithuania also has an ongoing Green Key Programme which assesses the implementation of environmental requirements by companies in the hospitality industry. The list of Lithuanian participants and their contacts is available at the website:

WILDERNESS AT THE EDGE OF LITHUANIA Pušų St 2, Akmenės II Vlg, Akmenė District, Tel. +370 425 59 285. E-mail:

Did you know that there are 19 species of peat moss in Kamanos Swamp? In one year, the plants of the swamp form a one mm layer of peat. In an acidic and oxygen-free environment no putrefaction processes are possible. Therefore, if something sinks into a swamp, it will be preserved… forever!


Attention! Sightseeing tours in Kamanos State Natural Reserve are only allowed on the hiking trail and together with a member of directorate staff. You can sign up for a tour and a visit to the natural exhibits by phone +370 425 59 285 or by e-mail:

56.250022, 22.731541

HIKING TRAIL IN Kamanos State Nature Reserve Feel the spirit of the wilderness in Akmenė district, which lies in northwestern Lithuania. Explore the biggest and the most beloved swamp of the region and the forests surrounding it. The reserve includes Kamanos Lake, which to this day retains features from the time of the last Ice Age! The reserve is home to 102 endangered animal species, 76 of which are included in the Red List of Lithuania. Moreover, 73 species are of pan-European significance. The reserve has ten different habitat types of pan-European significance such as: natural dystrophic lakes, an active raised swamp, intermediate swamp and mires, sedges growing in bare peat, marsh and alluvial forests as well as swampy deciduous forests. There are also 45 plant species that are included in the Red List of Lithuania. Two of these species, the Yellow Lady‘s Slipper and the Slender Green Feather Moss, are of pan-European significance. While walking on Kamanos hiking trail, not only can you discover the natural treasures of this reserve, but you can also enjoy nature in its purest form, untouched by human hands. Here, nature is in control. One can only look on in wonder, listen to the silence, and feel how wisely Mother Nature has arranged everything… The Kamanos visitor centre has an open, hands-on nature exhibit which lets you experience nature by listening to its sounds, watching video of its wildlife, and viewing picturesque images of its landscapes.

TYROS an OASIS GAMTOS OF PURE OAZĖ NATURE Miškininkų St 2, Vaišvydava, Kaunas District. Tel. +370 37 383 070. E-mail:

54.843443, 24.042145

HIKING TRAIL IN ARLAVIŠKĖS BOTANICAL RESERVE Juniper is an indicator of a pollutant-free environment. It is a highly valued plant which has medicinal properties. Air in juniper groves is fresher. As a matter of fact, time spent here helps you regain your strength. See it for yourself! Visit the Arlaviškės botanical reserve of Kaunas Reservoir Regional Park; take in the majestic natural beauty. This oasis of untouched nature is rich in slopes and water-carved draws, small boggy dells and steep outcrops. “Hanging” slope swamps are a truly distinctive feature of this area. The main accent of Arlaviškės botanical reserve is a unique juniper valley, which is decorated with plants of different shapes, colours and smells. Most of this greenery is quite rare. Along a ridge overlooking the Nemunas valley, there is the 1.3-km-long Arlaviškės hiking trail (suitable for people with disabilities), the boardwalk part of which winds above a juniper grove. From an observation deck, take in a spectacular view of the junipers hugging the slope, and, in the distance, the curved tip of the Kaunas Reservoir and its island. If you sign up for a tour at the park headquarters, you’ll find out who benefits when trees are left to rot in the forest, what kind of rare plants hide amongst the junipers, why lilacs are unwelcome in this park, what “soil wounds” look like, and many, many other things!

Arlaviškės hiking trail is about a 30 km drive southeast of Kaunas.


THE KINGDOM OF WILD NATURE Vilniaus St 3, Merkinė, Varėna District. Tel. +370 310 44 641. E-mail:

Attention! Čepkeliai state nature reserve can be visited only for non-commercial purposes and visitor access is restricted to an educational nature trail. From 1st April to 1st July, visitors may walk along the nature trail only when accompanied by a park staff member or a licenced nature guide, in a group with no more than 20 people.


Čepkeliai–Dzūkija PAN Park is one of the thirteen PAN parks in Europe. Members of the international PAN park network aim to protect Europe’s most precious wilderness areas and to develop sustainable tourism.

ČEPKELIAI STATE NATURE RESERVE AND DZŪKIJA NATIONAL PARK, PART OF THE PAN PARKS NETWORK Yes, even in Europe you can experience the spirit of unspoiled nature! Visit Čepkeliai state nature reserve and Dzūkija National Park in southeastern Lithuania. Dzūkija National Park is the biggest protected territory in Lithuania (an area of 58,519 hectares) with 250 species included in the Red List of Lithuania, 30 murmuring streams and rivers (from the smallest of rivulets to the Nemunas River), 18 natural monuments and 27 objects of natural heritage. The park territory is home to 54 mammal species, at least 198 bird species, seven reptile species, nine amphibian species, 38 fish species and even 760 butterfly species! The national park also has a rich cultural heritage – Dzūkian villages that retain their traditional architecture, unique local lifestyle and customs. This land has preserved the

54.163304, 24.186178

features of communal living. Here one can still see women cutting rye with sickles, and one can still learn the ancient tradition of tree-hollow bee-keeping. Moreover, in early autumn, Musteika village celebrates its traditional “Medkopis” (honey gathering time). In the visitor centres of the park, non-traditional lessons in nature, various ancient craft training, nature camps and other events are organized. These centres also have interactive exhibits, provide information to fishermen, mushroom and berry pickers. One can get to know the park by travelling on foot, and via cycle and water routes. Čepkeliai does not only refer to the biggest Lithuanian raised swamp, but also includes valley-swamp sedge fields, black alder forests, dry lichen, swamp islands and lakes. This state nature reserve has more than 4,000 different plant and animal species. Wolves and lynxes, black grouse and wood grouse (Western Capercaillie), smooth snakes and European tree frogs are just a small part of the entire population of this nature reserve. One can enjoy the vastness of the raised swamp from the observation tower located at the edge of the swamp. For a closer look at the swamp, one can walk along the 1.5-km-long Čepkeliai hiking trail.

Each and every year, Dzūkija National Park invites everyone to celebrate one of the merriest and liveliest Lithuanian summer festivals, to mark the summer solstice: St John’s Day. Traditions include making flower wreaths, buying herbs at a fair, telling the future based on herbs, singing songs alongside bonfires while awaiting midnight, and then searching for the fern flower before the sun rises.


AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OLD SEA Placio St 54, Karklė Vlg, Kretingalė Ward, Klaipėda District. Tel. +370 46 412 483. E-mail:

55.807201, 21.072558



In western Lithuania, 2 km north of Giruliai, near the village of Karklė, the ecological hiking trail “Litorina” begins. The journey on this trail is a unique opportunity to walk on the bottom of the Litorina Sea that existed around 7500 BP (Before Present). The trail runs through a forest planted by the Klaipėda merchant guild at the beginning of the 20th century. When travelling on this trail, one should note the distinctive forest and the variety of its plants, as well as the ornamental trees which are believed to have been brought from all over central and eastern Europe and planted here by a Dutch landowner residing in Lithuania. For those interested in history, the old trenches are worth noting. A segment of the trail coincides with the old post road, which used to connect Konigsberg, Klaipėda and Riga. Do not miss the chance to see an excellent exhibit in the Karklė visitor centre of Seaside Regional Park. Here you can learn what life was like where the land met the sea.

WESTERN TAIGA Didžioji St 8, Plateliai, Plungė District. Tel. +370 448 49 231. E-mail:


56.042436, 21.815089

Plateliai visitor centre organizes tours which have to be booked by phone: +370 448 49 231

Žemaitija national park may be said to be the most intriguing, perhaps even mystical, national park in Lithuania. Its dense spruce forests are home to a great number of plant and animal species. In addition, some Ice Age plant relics have also been found here. The park has 26 natural lakes formed in deep hollows and biodiversity-rich swamps, which are breeding habitat for birds included in the Red List of Lithuania, and for those that are protected throughout Europe, for example, Hazel Grouse, Corn Crakes and Whooper Swans, the voice of which reminds one of the sound made by a trumpet. You can choose routes according to the length or duration you want, or even to fit your mood, and you may travel around the park on foot, by bicycle, by human-powered watercraft, and by car. Routes vary in length from 3 to 66 km, and vary in duration from 1 to 8 hours. The park’s crown jewel is the largest and the deepest of Žemaitija’s lakes, Plateliai, and its seven islands, which play a role in a great number of stories. In this clear lake, underwater tours are organised for diving enthusiasts, and a swimming marathon and a sailing regatta take place each year. Žemaitija National Park is particularly proud of the annual Fat Tuesday (or Pancake Day) pre-Lent celebration, with its many traditional folk elements. Come and visit the newly opened and unique Cold War Museum, located in a former underground missile launch site.



55.732357, 22.384243 Dumbrių St 3, Ožtakių Vlg, Varnių Ward, Telšiai District. Tel. +370 444 47 415. E-mail:

KŪLGRINDA (STONE PAVEMENT) OF SIETUVA IN VARNIAI REGIONAL PARK Can you imagine a road built on the bottom of a swamp? If you want to experience what it feels like to wade through a swamp along a secret stone road, visit a part of the road called the kūlgrinda of Sietuva, which is located in the western part of Lithuania, about 100 km from Klaipėda. It is believed to have taken many years to carry the stones of the kūlgrinda to the winter ice of the swamp, where they sank in spring. In this way, the underwater pavement of the road was formed. In all likelihood, the stone pavement was built during the period of the Samogitians’ battles against the Teutonic Knights and the Livonian Brothers of the Sword (during the 13th and 14th centuries). Near the kūlgrinda, on the right bank of Sietuva River, a gentle stream called Milžinų maudykla (Giants Bath) trickles. According to local people, its bottom is paved with oak logs. To the northwest of kūlgrinda is Paršpilis (Burbiškiai mound), which is not only the subject of many stories and legends, was also mentioned by many chroniclers of the Teutonic Knights.


Tours in the Lithuanian language can be booked by phone: +370 612 66 133, +370 444 47 415 or by e-mail: The route through the forest and the swamp is taken barefoot, and it is recommended to have a swimming-suit.

A PLACE WHERE OAKS RUSTLE Vilniaus St 3, Dūkštos, Vilnius District. Tel. +370 5 259 9234. E-mail:


54.820826, 24.974351

Right next to Vilnius, the capital city, only 25 km to the west, there is a hiking trail. Here you can visit three mounds and enjoy the spectacular outcrops and huge boulders. A distinctive site near the trail is the Dūkštos oak forest, which is considered to be one of the oldest natural oak forests in Lithuania. Dūkštos oak forest has a 2.2-km-long hiking trail that will also acquaint you with figures from pagan mythology. In order to finish the entire circular route, Dūkšta stream has to be crossed twice. At one point (by the Bradeliškiai mound) there is a bridge, but at the second point (near the Karmazinai outcrop) there is no bridge; therefore, you will have to wade across Dūkšta stream (its depth, depending on the season of the year, varies from 15 to 60 cm). In addition, the administration of Neris Regional Park invites you to experience a different sort of water journey, an intriguing, entertaining and mysterious night-time trip with a guide along Dūkšta stream.

A LAND OF LAKES Lūšių St 16, Palūšė, Ignalina District. Tel. +370 386 53 135. E-mail:

55.329079, 26.102253

AUKŠTAITIJA NATIONAL PARK – GINUČIAI AND ITS SURROUNDINGS Visit Aukštaitija National Park, famous for its forested landscapes and sand-bottom lakes. You can wander undisturbed through the woods, enjoying the fresh air and the peace and quiet. You should definitely visit Ginučiai village, famous for its water mill and the authentic 19th century equipment. The mill is considered to be a fine example of 19th century technology. Right next to the village, there is Papiliakalnė and Ginučiai mound that is thought to have been the site of the 13th–14th century Linkmenys castle – a part of the central Lithuanian defence system. Ledakalnis is no less interesting a site. It is 175 meters above sea level and stands between Ūkojas and Linkmenas lakes, in the village of Papiliakalnė. A breath-taking view of six legendary lakes opens up from atop the hill. It is believed that before the arrival of Christianity, Lithuanians used the hilltop as a place to give sacrifice to Lada, the Baltic goddess of life. A distinctive feature of this region is the large number of lakes, tempting travellers into the water and onto the sandy beaches. You simply can’t pass up the chance to enjoy the water on a hot summer day!

In the middle of August, Aukštaitija National Park invites you to visit Stripeikiai “Ulioja bitela” honey gathering festival, which honours the pagan goddess Austėja and the god Bubilas. During this celebration, the collection of honey using a honey extractor with glass windows is demonstrated and fresh honey may be sampled. In addition, a fair is held, in which various bee products, tasty culinary heritage treats, and folk art are available for purchase, and other sweet forms of entertainment are organised.


CHECK OUT THE WILDLIFE POPULATION Do you enjoy observing wild nature? Then you will de-

finitely have much to do in Lithuania! Watching wild animals and birds is great fun for everyone who loves spending time outdoors. Just don’t forget to bring your binoculars and a healthy supply of patience with you!

THE STRONGEST ONES IN THE FOREST Petriškių Vlg, Krekenava, Panevėžio District . Tel. +370 455 93 339. E-mail:

55.543586, 24.125422

PAŠILIAI BISON PADDOCK IN KREKENAVA REGIONAL PARK Bison paddock of Krekenava Regional Park offers a unique opportunity to see the biggest wild European animals that are included not only in the Red List of Lithuania, but also in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Wisent (European Bison) is the largest wild animal in Europe and is related to the American bison, although there are significant differences. In the 14th century, the wisent population was widely spread throughout Europe. However, the development of agriculture and indiscriminate hunting led to the complete disappearance of these animals in the wild, leaving the only survivors in zoos. In Lithuania, wisents were gone by 1854. Visitors are able to admire the wisents from a covered platform. This is a unique opportunity to watch wisents at close range, to observe them feeding, scratching their large backs on trees and resting in the sunshine. An entire day can be spent at the bison preserve, since the largest European animals don’t let you get bored and the tour guide will tell you many interesting stories about the life of these wild wisents. Despite the fact that there is no café at the bison preserve, for your convenience, there is a gazebo with a fireplace, benches and a paved area. All you have to bring are some snacks and drinks.

Did you know that the European bison herd living at the preserve is unique for all its members being listed in the International flock-book and having names starting with GI? The first bison at the preserve was born in 1971 and was named Girinis. We leave the task of discovering the names of the other bison to you… You can visit the Bison paddock of Pašiliai for free. Wisents are fed from 10 to 11 am. A tour can be booked by phone: +370 455 93 339, or by e-mail:

11 Aleknonių Vlg, Alytus District. Tel. +370 315 49 540. E-mail:

54.459336, 23.662042



Join fellow birdwatchers at the Žuvintas Biosphere Reserve for a celebration to welcome returning birds during the first ten days of April, and for the EuroBirdwatch event to bid a temporary farewell to migrating birds during the first ten days of October. Accompanied by ornithologists, you will be able to see the migrating birds. It is necessary to register by phone: +370 315 49 540, or by e-mail:

Žuvintas is called the Kingdom of Birds. The lake, overgrown with reed and bulrush, as well as wet meadows and flood-meadows is home to many water and swamp birds. Žuvintas Biosphere Reserve is home to one of the largest populations of Great Bittern, Common Moorhen and Greylag Goose. One of the rarest migrating wet meadow songbirds is the Aquatic Warbler. You can still hear its simple song after sunset… Lithuania is one of just eight countries where this bird still lays eggs. If you want to become better acquainted with the pride of southern Lithuania’s nature, Žuvintas Lake, take a walk along the Žuvintas hiking trail. A 350-meter-long boardwalk with an observation tower allows one to observe the shores of Žuvintas Lake, and to study the great world of birds and various plant species.

Ventė, Kintų Ward, Šilutė District. Tel.: +370 441 68 516, +370 638 90 619

55.341185, 21.190344

SAYING GOODBYE TO MIGRATING BIRDS ORNITHOLOGICAL STATION AT CAPE VENTĖ One of the busiest bird migration routes stretches along the Baltic Sea. Therefore, Cape Ventė, a small peninsula on the eastern shore of the Curonian Lagoon, is a perfect location for placing rings (or bands) on birds. Each year, from 60 to 80 thousand birds are caught and ringed here (in most cases, Common Starlings, European Robins, Great Tits, Blue Tits, Black Tits, Long-tailed Tits and so on). Every year Cape Ventė receives from 30 to 50 thousand visitors not only from all over Lithuania, but also from abroad. There are exhibits illustrating the history of bird ringing (or bird banding), surveys on bird migration and the wonderful world of the birds which live in or pass through the vicinity. Do not miss the opportunity to climb to the observation platform atop the Cape Ventė lighthouse, now more than 150 years old, and to admire the vastness of the lagoon, the white dunes on the other shore of the lagoon, and the large flocks of birds that migrate or simply live here.

13 Placio St 54, Karklės Vlg, Klaipėda District. Tel. +370 464 12 483. E-mail:

55.807201, 21.072558 Lūšių St 16, Palūšė, Ignalina District. Tel. +370 386 53 135. E-mail:

55.329079, 26.102253

WATCHING BIRDS UP CLOSE BIRD WATCHING AT SEASIDE REGIONAL PARK Bird watching tower in Šaipiai When driving from Klaipėda to Palanga, after approximately 17 km you will reach the village of Šaipiai. In autumn and in spring, an observation tower built in Šaipiai Swamp gives you an opportunity to see many water birds, such as Whooper Swans, Garganey Ducks, Common Teals, Eurasian Wigeons, Common Goldeneye and Tufted Ducks. On spring mornings, common cranes pause here, and common snipes are known to nest here.


Bird watching hut by Plocis Lake Plocis Lake lies several kilometres north of the village of Karklė. On the shore of this lake there is a bird watching hut. If you have sufficiently powerful binoculars, you can watch Common Mer-

gansers, Red-breasted Mergansers, Smews, Greater Scaups, Pochards, Northern Shovelers and Tufted Ducks.

BIRD WATCHING AT AUKŠTAITIJA NATIONAL PARK About ten kilometres from the city of Ignalina, the Žemaitiškės flood-meadows stretch along the eastern shore of Kretuonas Lake. Therefore, each year these meadows become home to and nesting habitat for various protected bird species such as: Gadwalls, Spotted Crakes, Corn Crakes, Black-tailed Godwits, Common Cranes and so on. Currently, there are at least 209 bird species at Aukštaitija National Park. The park is rightly proud of its 51 resident species included in the Red List of Lithuania. Bird habitat has come into being where land reclamation projects were once carried out. An observation tower located near the village of Reškutėnai ensures the best view of the territory.

Neris Regional Park photo

Slow travelling Meaningful journeys take time – to stay in a favourite place for a while, to chat with a local person, or, in general, simply to get to know the landscape. It is not enough to spend only several minutes by the information stand near a hiking trail or in the observation tower. It is especially worth reducing the tempo when visiting areas which protect the most valuable natural and cultural heritage. Considering slowness to be of value in and of itself, the Baltic Environmental Forum (NGO) together with the State Service for Protected Areas under the Ministry of Environment, national parks and the company Hnit-Baltic have produced the interactive tool “Keliaujantiems lėtai” (for slow travellers) at the website

This interactive tool helps visitors to find hundreds of sights and dozens of route descriptions with photos and detailed maps, which can be downloaded, printed and taken on a trip. Product label for the protected areas of Lithuania Products which are made with consideration for authenticity, cultural heritage and traditions have been given a special product label since 2012. The same applies to services which do not harm wildlife, biodiversity and human health. By purchasing products made in Lithuanian protected areas and marked with this label, you will not only help preserve natural and cultural values, but also will contribute to the development of local community.

“For slow travellers” is a part of the project ”Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas of Lithuania”. The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the Lithuanian government and partner funds. For more information:



FEEL THE SPIRIT OF THE PAST L. Lekavičiaus St 2, Rumšiškės, Kaišiadorių District. Tel. +370 346 47 392. E-mail: Niūronių Vlg, Anykščiai District. Tel.: +370 381 51 722, +370 623 70 629. E-mail:

When travelling in Lithuania, do not miss the opportunity to get acquainted with long-cherished traditions and customs. Since Lithuania was a pagan country for a very long time, all traditional crafts are closely related to pagan traditions. You should not miss the chance to make a clay pot, a candle or to carve a wooden sculpture – you will see just how fun it is!



54.866477, 24.201129

Lithuania is a small country; it consists of five ethnic regions which took shape as long ago as the thirteenth century: Aukštaitija, Žemaitija, Suvalkija, Dzūkija and Lithuania Minor. In Rumšiškės (on the shores of the Kaunas Reservoir), there is an open-air museum of Lithuania. You can see all of Lithuania in just one day, to discover how ancient Lithuanians lived, to learn about their daily life and work, to get acquainted with traditional customs, to learn how to bake and decorate festive gingerbread and to take part in the so-called first-steam ritual in the estate bath-house. The most important element of the bath is the massage using fragrant birch branches with leaves. During breaks, you will get the chance to taste herbal tea.

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES AT THE HORSE MUSEUM Visit the old farmhouses of Aukštaitija at the Horse Museum, where you can sit by a brick hearth oven and learn of the customs surrounding various festivities: Christmas Eve, Christmas, Easter and so on. You will learn how the bread is baked and candles are made. You may also sample some rustic treats: bread, honey, cheese, lard; and learn a lot about our past! Please call in advance to find out about event schedules. Striukų homestead: Nijolė Kačkuvienė, tel. +370 616 25 124 Legų homestead: Rita Vasiliauskienė, tel. +370 612 69 545

55.575797, 25.086556 Dargužių Vlg, Valkininkai Ward, Varėna District. Tel. +370 655 29 171. E-mail: Aleksoto St. 6, Kaunas. Tel. +370 641 44 614. E-mail:



54.387708, 24.883221

Visit Dargužiai Sūrininkų namai (Cheesemakers’ house) in summer. Here you can always get a cup of hot herbal tea, and wonderful cheeses made from sheep’s, goat’s or cow’s milk. The owners of this house promote slow food culture and, therefore, make food in our mothers’ and grandmothers’ way. The process of cheese making, start to finish, is carried out by hand. What is more, only milk from sheep, goats and cows grazing in Lithuanian pastures is used. After trying some local delicacies, look around Dargužiai and the surrounding villages, enjoy the beautiful natural environment. Each summer, Sūrininkų namai invites you to discover Dzūkija’s most amazing views, with three canoe, three walking and six cycling routes in Dargužiai and surrounding villages. Please note: only during the summer season.

54.895704, 23.886339

House of Perkūnas is an original Gothic secular building of the 15th century. Here you can find traditional craft workshops and learn all the secrets of wicker weaving, the major clay-working techniques, the art of paper cutting, candle making and wood carving traditions. An amazing panorama of Kaunas Town Hall Square and the Old Town opens up from the observation deck– terrace of the Kaunas Jesuit Monastery (Rotušės Sq 7 / Aleksoto St 2).


Lithuanian State Department of Tourism under The Ministry of Economy Gedimino pr. 38, LT-01104 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: + 8 706 64 976, fax: 8 706 64 988 E-mail: Published by PLC “VIP Viešosios informacijos partneriai“. Cover photo (Author) Monika Požerskytė. Photos in the publication are used with the permission of Jonas Kazlauskas, Renatas Jakaitis, Ramunė Mikitiejeva, Ronny Lepp, Mindaugas Lapelė, Kristina Stalnionytė, Laimonas Ciūnys, Vilius Lunevičius, Vytautas Kandrotas, Andrius Repšys, Arūnas Pranaitis, Sias van Schalkwyk and VTD archive. Printed by Design and Publishing UAB KOPA. Not for sale.

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