Baltimore Gay Life October 2013

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October 2013


Read it. Live it.


Love it.


Jason & deMarco, We Will Rock You, Obamacare & more













7 Sink or Swim?

By Kelly Neel

8 You Are Married Now!

By Lynda Dee

Local PFLAG Groups

By Querin Brown


9 National & International News

By Rachel Roth


11 Young Black Gay Men: Be Proud, Know Your Status By Justin B. Terry-Smith


21 Bluestone

By John Cullen with Marty Shayt

22 Jason & deMarco

By Donovon Nesti

23 We Will Rock You

By Frankie Kujawa


25 Dental Hygiene By Alicia Gabriel

27 Obamacare Arrives

13 The Official Guide to Baltimore Black Pride

Baltimore Black Pride, now in its 11th year, features the theme “New ERA Evolution 2013: Innovation, Dedication, and Inspiration," and our guide details all the exciting parties, expos, galas and citywide fun.

By Doug Rose


28 Datebook

By Rachel Roth

31 BSCENE: Night Out at Center Stage Photos by Richelle Taylor





A New Era Happy October everyone! Autumn colors, sweater weather, and my favorite holiday — Halloween — are finally upon us! We’ve got a packed edition of Gay Life for you, which once again features the Official Guide to Baltimore Black Pride. Celebrating its 11th anniversary, this year’s festivities will see celebrations, events, and workshops taking place all over Baltimore. This year’s theme, “A New Era,” is honoring the next generation of leaders and innovators within the BBP organization, and Gay Life’s offices had the opportunity to host some of the new era team at our cover photo shoot last month. During the shoot, I had the chance to meet up with Carlton Smith, BBP’s president, and Saran Fossett, BBP’s director of development and chairperson of the New ERA team. Carlton, if you don’t know, is a

man who wears many hats and has been a long time leader, advocate, activist, educator, mentor and innovator in Baltimore and beyond. Saran, a professional model and longtime youth advocate, brings a wealth of experience, passion and knowledge to BBP and will certainly help the organization along into a new exciting era. It’s been a pleasure working with both of them putting this year’s Pride Guide together, and I look forward to reporting on all the wonderful things they have in store for BBP in upcoming editions of Gay Life!



Baltimore Black Pride New Era Model Team. Photo by Samatra Johnson. FACEBOOK.COM/GLCCB • TWITTER.COM/GLCCB • YOUTUBE.COM/THEGLCCB Dan McEvily, Editor M. Cory Burgess, Art Director Sabre Chase, Advertising

GAYLIFE Read it. Live it.

Love it.

241 W. Chase Street Baltimore, MD 21201 410.777.8145 Phone 410.777.8135 Fax

Matt Favre, Advertising National Advertising Rep. Rivendell Media, 212.242.6863 Marty Shayt, Senior Volunteer Contributors Querin Brown, John Cullen, Lynda Dee, Frankie Kujawa, Alicia Gabriel, Kelly Neel, Donovan Nesti, Doug Rose, Rachel Roth, Marty Shayt, Justin B. Terry-Smith

Photographers Richelle Taylor, Samatra Johnson Magazine Committee Maggie Beetz, John Cullen, Doug Rose, Marty Shayt, Matt Thorn, Richelle Taylor

Gay Life is a publication of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center of Baltimore and Central Maryland (GLCCB). Gay Life is published monthly in Baltimore, Md., with distribution throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved. Gay Life is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of Gay Life or its publisher.





Sink or Swim?

LAURA AMUSSEN DEBUTS NEW SOLO EXHIBIT AFLOAT AT THE CREATIVE ALLIANCE BY KELLY NEEL Laura Amussen is an artist, educator, curator, and newly proclaimed lesbian who has been active in the Baltimore arts scene for several years. Recently featured in Baltimore Style Magazine as one of ten women of leadership in the arts, Amussen has established herself as the director of two of the most sought after exhibition spaces in area, the Silber and Rosenberg galleries at Goucher College. Gay Life recently had the opportunity to speak with Amussen about AFLOAT, her first solo exhibition in seven years. According to Amussen, AFLOAT is a mixed-media solo exhibition exploring the emotional and psychological struggles she has encountered over the past 75 months of her life — the end of her 17year marriage, coming out as gay, and the death of her mother — all culminating into her exploration of human emotion and expression through art. Known previously as a sculptor and installation artist, Amussen adds new dimensions to this exhibit by experimenting with drawing, photography, video, and even performance art to convey her artistic voice. She mentions that her work as a curator has played a big role in her decision to try new media and to express her vision in ways as never before. With the Creative Alliance gallery space in mind, Amussen has used her curatorial experience to her advantage, planning the installation and layout of each piece to maximize the shows cohesion when walking through the gallery. A clever and hopefully rewarding approach for AFLOAT. “I feel like the new mediums are offering another layer to what I’ve been thinking about and what the whole show is about — the video work and the photography that I am doing — as well as the performance, enable me to express what I’m trying to say on a more personal [level] and using the human figure which is something I’ve never done.”


She also talks about the sense of vulnerability she wishes to convey through the performance aspect of the show. The idea of conveying vulnerability serves as a parallel to the project as a whole. By using mediums she has never worked with, drawing from her own personal struggles and emotions, and putting it all on display for us to interpret as we please, Amussen is essentially putting herself in a very vulnerable place and showing us that she isn’t afraid. Touching on her recent realization of her true sexual identity, she mentions that growing up Mormon in Utah she “understood that there were gay men but I didn’t understand that there were lesbians, until right about the time that I got married.” She remembers questioning her sexuality frequently and even discussing it with her then husband. “I remember him asking me one time if I was gay and me just crying and being like. ‘I don’t know!’” At times, she struggled to be honest with herself, but in terms of coming out she says, “I think that it’s something that I questioned so much and thought about so much, that when I finally came out I was like, that was it, I was done with it.” Her advice to others who may be struggling with their own identities is to be honest, “true happiness lies in being honest with yourself and even though it’s difficult and it’s scary. The more honest you can be with yourself and those around you, the quicker that they can also come to terms with it and be supportive.” Focusing her project on the expression of these real and raw emotions she has experienced, Amussen says the work has been cathartic and even meditative in a way. At the same time, she says there have been moments of breakdowns and crying in which the artwork has forced her to work through her emotions and feelings head on, instead of suppressing them or pushing them to the side. She says the

process has allowed her to better understand the depths of the work and what it means to her physically. She also says that while difficult, it has been fantastic in helping her let go. In addition to the emotional sacrifices she has made in the name of this project, Amussen has also sacrificed a refrigerator, a kitchen table, and a single-speed bike (just to name a few) to help fund the project. She recently began a Kickstarter campaign, in order to help offset some of the costs. By donating to the campaign, backers can receive anything from a hi-res

image download of the exhibit, to an original canvas piece. If you would like to learn more and get behind this amazing project, please visit and search “AFLOAT.”


Opening reception & performance Saturday, Oct. 12 • 5:30pm • FREE Creative Alliance at The Patterson 3134 Eastern Ave. T Exhibit runs through Nov. 23




You Are Married Now!

Are Your Legal Affairs in Order? BY LYNDA DEE Although marriage equality for samesex couples became the law of the land in Maryland on January 1, there are still many important reasons why married couples need wills, powers of attorney and advanced health care directives. If you are married or have a partner, and either of you suffers from a life-threatening illness, it is important to have your legal affairs in order. For example, if you are legally married and one spouse who has children dies without a will, it will be necessary for the surviving spouse to get signed consents from the children before the surviving spouse will be named as Personal Representative (Executor) of your deceased

spouse’s estate. Even if you are married, you will need signed consents before you will be able to receive authorization from the Register of Wills to begin administering the estate and having access to the assets of the estate. Maryland’s new marriage equality law does nothing to permit a spouse to access their spouse’s bank accounts or any other financial accounts unless they are titled in joint names. If your spouse or partner is alive but incapacitated, you will not be able to obtain any information or access their accounts or other assets if they are titled in their individual name. No one, not even a spouse, can access these accounts.

You will need a properly executed, Maryland recognized Power of Attorney in order to gain access to individually titled accounts to be able to pay medical bills and other expenses. You also need to be sure your Power of Attorney is current as the Maryland law regarding the format and necessary formalities were revised as of October 1, 2010. Marriage provides you some protection regarding the ability to make health care decisions for your spouse in non-contested situations. Maryland also recognizes both Advanced Health Care Directives and Domestic Partnership Agreements for unmarried couples. It is even more important for non-married same sex couples to be prepared for emergency medical situations. If couples are not married, they will have absolutely no rights to make health care or end of life decisions for their partners without the proper documents. A properly executed, Maryland recognized Domestic Partnership Affidavit will ensure your partner can make your health care decisions and receive priority in visitation. A properly executed Maryland Advance Directive for Health Care will ensure that your spouse or your partner can make your health care decisions, will have prior-

Local PFLAG Groups Build Community, Understanding BY QUERIN BROWN Born from a mother’s love for her gay son in New York’s Greenwich Village, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) first formally met in 1973. Now 40 years later, there are over 200,000 supporters and 350 chapters in all 50 states. PFLAG’s mission is to promote the health and well-being of LGBT people, their families and friends through support, education, and advocacy to end discrimination and secure equal civil rights. Future motorcycle builder, Crissy van Hooff, leads the local Baltimore chapter as president of the steering committee. A former volunteer coordinator for the GLCCB, van Hooff is passionate about doing her part to support the community. With a team of dedicated volunteers and facilitators, families, friends and youth are hosted in a series of different locations. “PFLAG services the community by educating families through group discusPAGE 8


sions to help with coping and transition, providing pamphlets that define terms and sexuality information and supporting friends and family that are not LGBT with adjustment of having an LGBT child,” van Hooff noted. Local PFLAG chapters are similar to restaurant franchises. While there is a national headquarters (based in Washington, D.C.), each chapter is responsible for its own programs and funding. The Baltimore chapter currently serves Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Harford County. An additional chapter may be in formation in Glen Burnie, where families have expressed a need for support. In addition to the Baltimorearea groups, there are also chapters in Bethesda, Frederick, and Westminster. Baltimore PFLAG is not housed in an “official” space, so the organization is very much reliant on the generosity of com-

ity in visitation and be able to accompany you in an ambulance if necessary. It will also ensure that your final wishes are actually controlled by your designated agent, whether it be your spouse or your partner and not your parents or children. Not many of us enjoy discussing the possibility of sickness or death. But ignoring or denying these eventualities may only cause more problems if an emergency arises. Leaving important legal affairs unattended even if you are married will only make matters worse during highanxiety situations. Don’t wait until it is too late. Leaving important legal matters unattended will only make a bad situation even worse. Visit to read an extended version of this article! Lynda Dee has been serving the LGBT community since 1981. Her practice areas include estate planning, divorce and family law, criminal law, personal injury, and workers’ compensation cases. She has received awards from the GLCCB, AIRS, Moveable Feast and the Human Rights Campaign Fund for her advocacy work and a member of the Maryland Bar Association, the Bar Association of Baltimore City and a former member of the Lawyer’s Assistance Program. Please visit for more information.

munity sponsorship and donations. PFLAG Baltimore also has a youth outreach partnership with the Rainbow Youth Alliance (RYA), which is a safe place for teens, ages 13-19, to ask questions, find support, and gain information and resources. Currently, the RYA meets at the Towson Unitarian Universalist Church in Lutherville every second and forth Tuesday of the month. Over the past four decades, PFLAG has served as an avenue for parents who once suffered from lack of understanding and connection to become mentors to other families in crisis, leading the way through channeling their own experience. For countless families, friends, and friends, PFLAG continues its mission to “create a world in which young people may grow up and be educated with freedom from fear of violence, bullying and other forms of discrimination, regardless of their real or perceived gender identity or sexual orientation or that of their families.”









Same-sex couples get equal tax treatment NATIONWIDE

The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service will begin honoring married lesbian and gay couples — regardless of where they live — with the same benefits as their heterosexual counterparts. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew promised that those who are legally married can “move freely throughout the country knowing that their federal filing status will not change.” The new policy is not extended to couples in domestic partnerships or civil unions. In other news, the Department of Veterans Affairs still can’t extend spousal benefits to former military service members because federal rules that determine eligibility for benefits define “spouse” as a person of the opposite sex, according to VA Secretary Eric Shinseki. Shinseki insists that the VA is working with the Department of Justice to determine whether the rules are constitutional in light of the Supreme Court ruling that struck down parts of the Defense of Marriage Act.

New Mexico to become 14 — almost


Eight counties in New Mexico — including


the three most populous — have begun issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The Washington Post reported that last month, State District Judge Alan Malott’s ruled that the state’s marriage law — which uses gender-neutral terms to define domestic relationships -— doesn’t specifically prohibit gay marriage. He ordered that Bernalillo and Santa Fe country clerks began issuing licenses to same-sex couples immediately. While the state-wide implications of Malott’s ruling are unclear, Attorney General Attorney General Gary King said that he won’t appeal it and the New Mexico Supreme Court has agreed to hold a hearing next month to consider the issue. The hearing was requested by clerks from all 33 of the state’s counties requested the court address the matter. In related news, the New Mexico Supreme Court unanimously found that a wedding photographer who refused to serve a same-sex couple violated state laws that forbid discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Pope: accept gays ‘with respect’ VATICAN CITY

Pope Francis has made numerous comments about his support for LGBT people, and now he is imploring Catholics to do

the same. In an interview with America magazine, the pope said that the church should “accept gays with respect, compassion, and sensitivity,” “Tell me: when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?” he said. Pope Frances also said that religion shouldn’t negatively judge LGBT people, because “it is not possible to interfere spiritually in the life of a person.” “Religion has the right to express its opinion in the service of the people,” said Pope Francis. “But God in creation has set us free.”

SAV001 — began in March 2012. The first phase of trials wrapped up last month and the researchers optimistic about the vaccine’s future. Sumagen, the South Korean biotech firm sponsoring the vaccine, said that — despite many obstacles — if all goes well in trials, it could be commercially available in five years. “We are now prepared to take the next steps towards Phase II and Phase III clinical trials,” CEO Jung-Gee Cho said in a press release.

Canadian researchers report HIV vaccine success in clinical trials

Lebanon is on course to repealing anti-gay legislation, Gay Star News reported. In a major win for LGBT rights, psychologists agree to be expert witnesses in court to say homosexuality is natural, and so laws against ‘unnatural’ sex acts do not apply. Presently, law 534, used to prosecute gay sex, is actually a law against ‘unnatural’ sex acts. Gay Star News noted that while public attitudes have modernized in Lebanon, the media remains homophobic.


A team of Canadian researchers from Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University announced last month that a vaccine to prevent HIV has “aced” clinical testing. Team leader Dr. Chil-Yong Kang, told the Ontario Business Report that first phase of testing not only succeeded, but also boosted the production of antibodies in patients it was tested on. U.S. clinical testing on the vaccine —

Lebanon poised to legalize homosexuality


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GLBT Community Center of Baltimore and Central Maryland Serving the LGBT Community of Maryland for 35 years

241 W. Chase St. • Baltimore, MD 21201 • 410.777.8145 •

Trans Programs AKANNI

A safe, respectful, confidential environment where all transmen can share their story and their journey. 2nd Tuesdays 6pm • Rm 202


A support group for trans* men (FTM). 3rd Thursdays 6:30pm • 1st Floor


A support group for trans* women (MTF), but anyone who varies from traditional gender expression is welcome. 2nd & 4th Saturdays 8pm • Rm 201


LGBTQ centered AA recovery groups, welcoming to all. Mondays 7:15pm Thursdays 8:30pm Saturdays 6:30pm Rm 201


An open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, which provides a safe place for those with HIV or other health related issues. All are welcome. Sundays 6:15pm • Rm 201 NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Men’s Rap group for men in recovery. Sundays, 11:30am • Rm 201

Lesbians) is a spiritual community of women who love women desiring to discover, embrace and live as their spiritual-authentic self. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 7pm • Rm 201


Bringing about equality for all women. 2nd Wednesdays 6:30pm • Rm 201


A safe, confidential, and supportive space for LBTQ women of all colors. 2nd, 4th, & 5th Thursdays 7:30pm 1st Floor


A social group for LBTQ women who want to meet new people while enjoying fun activities. Meets off-site, dates and times vary

Men’s Programs POZ MEN

A free, weekly, peer-led support group for HIV-positive men who have sex with men. Wednesdays 7-8pm • Rm 202



A support, social, and discussion group for LGBTQ teens and allies ages 13-19, in partnership with PFLAG Baltimore. Every Tuesday 7-9pm • 1st Floor


Community Programs

Health & Wellness Gentle beginners’ yoga with instructor Tim Hurley, RYT. $9 Sundays 3:30pm• Rm 201

FREE and confidential testing from the Baltimore City Health Dept. Wednesdays 5-8pm • 3rd Floor

Women’s Programs


LGBT-inclusive non-denominational Sunday worship service with Pastor Shannon Gresham. 1st and 3rd Sundays 8-10am • Rm 201




The GLCCB is the publisher of Gay Life and the producer of Baltimore Pride

Discussion and reading group for women, trans*, and genderqueer people. Thursdays 7pm • Rm 202

continued in next column u



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SILhouette (Spiritually In-tuned

A welcoming book club for LGBTQ individuals to discuss a selected reading. 3rd Mondays 7pm • Rm 202

Love it.



Photo by Don Harris, Don Harris Photographics, LLC, © 2011 All Rights Reserved.


Young Black Gay Men: Be Proud, Know Your Status BY JUSTIN B. TERRY-SMITH Baltimore Black Pride has always been a wonderful event and a time when those of us who are black, LGBTQ, and living in the state of Maryland can celebrate our culture. We celebrate so much culture in the black LGBTQ community, but sometimes we forget that one of the biggest problems our community still faces is HIV/AIDS. A recent Johns Hopkins study found several key factors detailing why so many of our young black gay men, ages 18-24, are being diagnosed as HIV-positive in the Baltimore area. The study interestingly noted that many young black gay men correlated higher levels of masculinity in their sexual partner to a lower risk of HIV infection. Another reason that was pointed out was the dominance in the bedroom — a bottom oftentimes allows the top to make the decision about having sex with condoms or not. Researchers also found that young gay black men are more likely to stop having sex with condoms once they feel they are in a long-term relationship. In 2012 the CDC stated that 1 of 5 gay men are HIV-positive and 44 percent of them don’t know they are HIV positive. Baltimore Maryland’s gay population had the highest rates of HIV infection, at 38 percent. The real question that remains is why do we do these things? Is it possible that we are trying to emulate what we’ve grown up to believe as a “normal” relationship? As gay men living in the Baltimore-D.C. area, we must recognize that we are in one of the highest risk groups for new HIV infections in the country, and we must protect ourselves accordingly. Use condoms even if you think your relationship will last. Things happen and you never know if your re-

lationship will last forever. Perhaps not caring about such things is the root of the problem. So, why are young, feminine, black, submissive men frequently letting masculinity dictate whether or not they use condoms? This is a question that I cannot answer. Maybe it’s a mentality. Maybe it’s that same mentality that collectively thinks more masculine guys have more decision making power in relationships. Now I’m not the most masculine person there is, but what I do know is that I will not let anyone make that decision but myself. If I ask my partner to put on a condom and he refuses, then we are not having sex. Have the mindset that you deserve better for yourself mentally, sexually, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We as black gay men need to start taking our sexual health more seriously. The Truvada pill has been approved by the FDA as a HIV prophylaxis; condoms can be used as protection from HIV as well; and then there is always abstinence (even though many think the notion unrealistic in this day and age). Whether or not you decide to use condoms or not, remember that it is your decision. Make the right decision for you. Even though the Truvada pill protects against HIV, it is not 100 percent and still does not protect against hepatitis, syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections. Be the proud, strong, gay black man you know you are; take pride in yourself; take pride in your people and take pride in your community. For Baltimore Black Pride I say: Be proud to know your status. GET TESTED!!! Early detection of HIV infection is paramount to survival for everyone.

Gay Life is proud to introduce our newest columnist, Justin B. Terry-Smith. Terry-Smith is a noted HIV and gay civil rights activist and the creator of “Justin’s HIV Journal,” a popular blog in which he shares his trials and tribulations of living with HIV. A U.S. Air Force veteran, Terry-Smith has worked with National Black Justice Coalition, Human Rights Campaign, Equality Maryland, Us Helping Us, and People Into Living. Terry-Smith’s writing has appeared in Swerve magazine,, GBMNews. com, and A&U magazine, in which he pens ‘Just*in Time’, a monthly advice column. In 2011, he authored I Have A Secret, a children’s book that tells the story of a young boy living with HIV. He resides in Laurel, Md. with his husband, Dr. Philip Terry-Smith and their son Londyn. BALTIMOREGAYLIFE.COM






Welcome to Baltimore Black Pride 2013: A New Era Peace and blessings to all. We are privileged to welcome you to the 11th annual Baltimore Black Pride. Our theme this year is, “New ERA Evolution 2013: Innovation, Dedication, and Inspiration.” This year, the Baltimore Black Pride, Inc. Board of Directors created a new mission statement — to cultivate and create safe spaces for all who desire to improve their quality of life through health and wellness initiatives, spiritual and economic empowerment, and social justice events and programs. We are members of The Center for Black Equity and, in addition to our celebration here in Baltimore, Washington D.C., Philadelphia and many other cities across the United States and throughout the world celebrate Black Pride.

With all that has happened in our nation this year, it is sometimes good to take a step back and remember that we all have something to be thankful for, and a lot to look forward to. This year’s theme, “New Era 2013” was selected to celebrate the many strides we have recently gained, including the endorsement of marriage equality in the state of Maryland in January, the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) being stricken down in June, and the upcoming implementation of the Affordable Care Act, which will give access to healthcare for all citizens in our great state, as well as the many events and achievements our community has celebrated in the Baltimore Metropolitan area and

around the Free State. Also, it is important that we acknowledge our ancestors for their continuous struggle through slavery, reconstruction, and segregation as we celebrated a milestone on the March on Washington in August. Now, the New Era of equality represents the torch being passed to our younger generation to continue to fight for equality in ways probably unimaginable to their predecessors. As Baltimore Black Pride celebrates success along with our LGBT families and allies throughout the world, we must remember that the struggle continues for equality to all. Continue to be a powerful presence and remember to embrace and celebrate our blackness every day.

Baltimore Black Pride’s 11th Celebration!

“A New ERA” OCTOBER 7-13, 2013

This October marks the eleventh annual Baltimore Black Pride. This year’s theme is “New ERA Evolution 2013: Innovation, Dedication, & Inspiration.” Events taking place this year include workshops, spiritual services, fashion shows, and happy hours. Black Pride will once again culminate with the annual ICON awards, which will honor the community leaders from the past, present, and future. Flip through to find event information, history, photos, and everything else you will need to celebrate this year’s Baltimore Black Pride.

Baltimore Black Pride is a proud member of the Center for Black Equity

Baltimore Black Pride Official Party Hosts

GAYLIFE Read it. Live it.

Love it.

ZiascoZ • 1313 E. Pratt St. • 410.276.5790 • Paradox • 1310 Russell St. • 410.837.9110 • Club Hippo • 1 W. Eager St. • 410.547.0069 • Club Bunns • 606 W. Lexington St. • 240.593.0436 •

Contact & Learn More • • 443.218.2478 Baltimore Black Pride • P.O. Box 23004 • Baltimore, MD 21203




Welcome and Congratulatory Letters PAGE 14



2013 Baltimore Black Pride Events Tuesday, Oct. 8 Black Pride Kick Off Event @ ALisTuesday Club Bunns 606/608 W. Lexington St. 10pm-2am • $15 • 21+ Ballroom with Boom St. Laurent Presented by STAR TRACK. For more info, call 410.706.5313. Sheraton Center City Hotel 101 W Fayette St. 5-8pm • All Ages

Wednesday, Oct. 9 Press Conference Location to be announced 11am • Free Rise Above Homophobia/ What Will You Rise Above? Discussion group focusing on how both external and internal homophobia play a part in black men who sleep with men — avoiding safer sex and putting themselves at risk. University of Maryland 737 W. Lombard St. 9pm • Free • All Ages Presented by STAR TRACK. For more info, call 410.706.5313.

Pride Wars Official Black Pride Kick Off with All Female DJ Battle Oxygen Ultra Lounge 10 S. Calvert St. 8pm-2am • 21+

Friday, Oct. 11 “The Cause Is Reality” Fashion Show Fashion show and party with a special celebrity guest. Sheraton Center City Hotel 101 W. Fayette St. $25-350 Fashion Show 7-10pm Party with Purpose 10pm-2 am

Saturday, Oct. 12 Colors: The Expo Sheraton Center City Hotel 101 W. Fayette St. 12-4 pm Featuring youth seminars, workshops, a town hall meeting and vending, including:

Thursday, Oct. 10

Town Hall Meeting: “What Matters Most: A Candid Discussion” 12–1:30pm What really matters to you personally and in your community? Let’s find out what matters most.

Workout with Jeff Sheraton Center City Hotel 101 W Fayette St. 6pm-8pm • All Ages Presented by STAR TRACK. For more info, call 410.706.5313.

Your Sexual Health 1:30 -3:00pm Presentation on educating the public on sexual diseases plaguing our community and the statistics that surround the diseases and prevention methods.

Town Hall Meeting with Police Commissioner Join Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Watts as he hosts a discussion addressing the city’s response to hate crimes affecting the LGBT community. Waxter Center 1000 Cathedral St. 7-9pm • Free

Youth Forum: What's Itching You 1:00-2:00pm Presented by Connect2Protect

Hip Hop Night @ Club Hippo Club Hippo 1 W. Eager St. 10pm • $5 • 21+


Project S.E.L.F. (Seeking Evaluating Looking Forward) 3:00-4:30pm A safe space to work through and adjust to living with the challenges we face as African-American men.

The Cultural Affair & ICON Awards: Honoring Past.Present.Future 11th Annual Gala & Fundraiser Light buffet fare, cash bar, live entertainment, and dancing. Formal attire (dress to impress!) Sheraton Center City Hotel 101 W. Fayette St. 6-10pm • $50 individual, $85 couple (Early Bird Special: $40 individual, $60 couple before Oct. 4) For tickets contact Carlton Smith at 443.691.9669 or BMoreBlackPride@yahoo. com. To purchase via PayPal, visit "Allure" Black Pride Event Paparazzi Nightclub 407 E. Saratoga St. 10pm-2am • $15-20 • 25+ Lickuid Boat Cruise Spirit Cruises 561 Light St. 10pm-2am • $45-55 Black Pride After Party Special appearance by Joseline Hernandez The Paradox 1310 Russell St. 11pm-6am • $20 • 18+

Sunday, October 13 OutProud Celebration: Healing and Forgiveness for Spiritual Growth Music and testimonies will be used to illustrate how love is the essential element that can free every individual and live in a world of mutual respect and truth. In support of the Trevor Project, the It Gets Better Project, and the Spiritual Empowerment Center. First Unitarian Church of Baltimore 12 W. Franklin St. 3-5pm • Free Fall Festival Block Party Club Bunns 606/608 W. Lexington St. 4-9pm Black Pride After Party ZiascoZ Bar Lounge 1313 E. Pratt St. 10pm-2am • $5 • 21+

Spiritual Services

Services are being provided at a number of place of worship and fellowship during Baltimore Black Pride.

First Unitarian Church of Baltimore 12 W Franklin St. 410.685.2330 Sunday Service 11:00am Grace Restoration Life 428 Merryman Lane 443.630.4343 Sunday Service 10:30am Metropolitan Community Church of Baltimore 401 West Monument St. 410.669.6222 Sunday Service 10am Spirit of Unity Worship Center GLCCB Building (Room 210) 241 West Chase St 678.561.3124 Sunday Service 9:00am Spiritual Empowerment Center 2129 N. Charles St. 410.243.7321 Wednesday Meditation 6:30 - 7:30pm Sunday Service 10:30-11:45am Unity Fellowship Church of Baltimore 4007 Old York Rd. 410-244-0884 Sunday Service 10:45am Unity Fellowship Church of Columbia 8995 Lambskin Lane, Columbia 410.294.9709 Sunday Worship 10:00am



Meet Our Board Executive Committee Carlton R. Smith President & Founder

Smith has served on various committees providing outreach, leadership, and representing the needs of LGBT people at the local, state, and federal levels. Smith places emphasis on the African-American LGBT community, specifically men who have sex with men (MSM). He is the community co-chair of the MSM Response Team convened by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and a member of Maryland Black Family Alliance, the National Black Gay Men’s Advocacy Coalition, and the National Minority AIDS Council. He is the former vice president of The GLCCB. He is an ordained deacon with UNITY Fellowship Church of Baltimore.

Kevin T. Clemons Chairman & Founder

Clemons has worked as an activist and advocate on behalf of people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS since 1985. He has provided prevention education, HIV counseling and testing, and consultation at the local, state, and federal level. He served as the Community AIDS Coordinator for the Baltimore City Health Department for 13 years. He also provided oversight to 20 HIV counseling and testing sites in Baltimore, served as a founder and facilitator of “Positive Power,” a support group for African-American men who have sex with men (MSM), and in the 1990’s was one of the co-founders of M.O.C.A.A. (Men of Color Against AIDS). Kevin is one of the founders of Baltimore Black Pride.

Kim H. Walker Treasurer

Native Chicagoan Kim Walker has been the vocalist for the Kevin Robinson Ensemble and Rapture. Kim is licensed through the United Centers for Spiritual Living as a spiritual practitioner and is owner and principal accountant of Certified Business Services, LLC, providing accounting, business, and tax services.

Phylis Lagree Secretary

Phylis Lagree is 61 years young and retired from the IRS, and belongs to the Christian based missionary



group E. B. O. B. She loves reading, hand dancing, volunteering, and helping others less fortunate than herself.

Members at Large Kevin Brown

For over 25 years, Kevin Brown has been a staple in the Baltimore community in communications, media and public relations, advertising, event and meeting planning, and community outreach. In addition, he owns, operates, and manages a diverse portfolio of successful businesses including a café/restaurant, multiunit apartment buildings, and a communityfocused real estate development company. His entrepreneurial drive, along with his humbleness for caring about community is what attracted him to BBP.

Leroy Burgess

Burgess, founder and current member at large, has been involved in the community for years. Burgess Entertainment Group is one of Baltimore’s longest standing promotional companies for the African-American LGBT community, as well as the LGBT community at large, providing some of the best after hour events for over a decade.

D. Doreion Colter

Colter is a counselor, teacher, and spiritual coach. He has taught in the public schools, provided drug and alcohol counseling, as well as individual, group, and family therapy. Colter holds a bachelor’s degree in social work, with a minor in religion, a master of divinity degree, and a Doctor of Arts in theology and biblical counseling. He is retired and a member of the First Unitarian Church of Baltimore. Baltimore Black Pride is pleased to have him as our newest addition to the BBP Board of Directors.

Saran Fossett

Currently the Executive Director of Aziza/PE&CE, and Director of Development for Baltimore Black Pride and Board member, Fossett’s commitment is to provide a safe and empowering place to reach, educate, inspire, grow, and nurture today’s generation of young women and men by motivating and teaching them the value of self-love, actualization and

acceptance. A committed ally for LGBT youth and those who love them, Fossett has worked the gamut of careers in fashion, including modeling, styling, merchandising, consultancy, producer, and art direction.

Jamal Hailey

Hailey has spent the last four years in Baltimore working to improve the lives of adolescents and young adults living with, or most at risk for acquiring, HIV. His major focus has been working within the LGBTQ community to ensure that youth have safe spaces to be themselves. Hailey has served as a sexual health educator, HIV counselor, outreach worker, and case manager. Recently, he assumed the role as director of programs of the STAR TRACK Adolescent HIV Program at the University of Maryland. Hailey hopes to help create safe spaces for LGBT youth through his work with Black Pride.

Carrie Hiers

Hiers is employed as an Administrative Labor Organizer for the Healthcare Workers Union 1199SEIU U.H.W.E., which represents over 1100 union healthcare members. Hiers prides herself as a staunch supporter and advocate for the downtrodden, particularly within the LGBTQ community, where she notes that injustices, “seem to run rampant.” She also serves as the national co- chair for the Lavender Caucus 1199 SEIU and is an executive board member for the Eastern Region. Heirs co-founded Alpha Eta Omega Sorority Inc., in 2009 and is the currently serving her second term as the group’s national president. In June 2013, Hiers organized Maryland’s first mass LGBT wedding celebration during our Baltimore Pride Weekend.

Legal Representation Angela A. Alexander, Esq.

Alexander is an attorney practicing in Baltimore City. Born and raised in West Baltimore, Angela was educated in the public school system before attending college in Rhode Island. She returned to Baltimore in 2010 to practice law. With a strong commitment to public service and helping others, it was no surprise that she felt drawn to Baltimore Black Pride. Alexander wishes to do what few attorneys have considered doing: use her skills and education to give back to Baltimore.

The New ERA Team Saran Fossett Chairperson/Director of Development Baltimore Black Pride Fossett (see bio at left) wishes to combine her knowledge and experience to deliver extraordinary youth programming addressing the cultural, social, emotional, critical thinking, and life skills development of youth. “It is my hope and vision to open a youth center that will offer programs that support the promotion of self-love, and information that encourages and help youth to grow mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally from strength to strength,” she said.

Shalane Price Coordinator of Entertainment/ Advertising & Promotion

After receiving her degree from Morgan State University in 2009, Baltimore native Price founded NmyLANE Entertainment, which has become one of the most highly recognized LGBT entertainment companies and serves as the primary source of entertainment for BBP.

Sherie Price Logistics/Hospitality Coordinator

As a legal secretary for a prestigious law firm, Price brings over 10 years in research, organizational skills and hospitality management to the Baltimore Black Pride Team. Her interest is to assist the LGBT community through fundraising events and creating awareness for social and economic change.

Megan Evans

Assistant Event Coordinator Baltimore native Evans is currently part of the driving force with NmyLANE Entertainment. She hopes to one day assist in evolving it into a nationally known company that gives back through charity, and not only provides night life for the LGBTQ community, but all those surrounding with intent to mingle within the arts.

Christopher Smith

Creative Consultant/Graphic Designer Smith serves as the principal to Audacity Creative Consulting Inc., a new ripple in the wave of innovative graphic design infused with fashion and music. He is committed to excellence, aweinspiring, breathtaking and thoughtprovoking imagery.


The ICONS We Love: 2013 Awards Honoring Past.Present.Future Each year, Baltimore Black Pride honors outstanding individuals nominated by the community. The 2013 ICON Award winners will be recognized and honored for their contributions towards the growth and advancement of the African-American LGBT community at BBP’s annual Cultural Affair Fundraiser on Saturday, Oct. 12. This year, BBP will honor the following deserving recipients:

ICON Awards The Honorable Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

Stephanie Rawlings-Blake was sworn in as Baltimore’s 49th mayor on February 4, 2010. Mayor Rawlings-Blake has focused her administration on growing Baltimore’s population by 10,000 families over the next decade by improving public safety and public education and by strengthening city neighborhoods. Mayor RawlingsBlake was elected to a top leadership position in the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to serve as Secretary, following the historic reelection of President Barack Obama. Mayor Rawlings-Blake also serves in key leadership positions in the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM). In 2010, she was elected by her fellow mayors to the USCM Board of Trustees. She is also a member of the Mayor’s Water Council, and the Criminal and Social Justice Standing Committee. In 2012, Mayor Rawlings-Blake worked with state leaders to pass the Civil Marriage Protection Act and subsequent state ballot initiative, allowing same-sex couples to obtain a civil marriage license in Maryland. When the new law took effect on January 1, 2013, Mayor Rawlings-Blake presided over the first same-sex marriages in Maryland’s history at a midnight ceremony at Baltimore’s City Hall. Mayor Rawlings-Blake has also worked to make Baltimore a welcoming city for immigrants. She signed a landmark executive order to protect new Americans from discrimination and increase access to public safety resources and City services for foreign-born city residents. In addition,


Mayor Rawlings-Blake fought for a successful state-wide ballot initiative, known as the Dream Act, to provide in-state tuition rates and higher education opportunities for undocumented immigrant students that attended Maryland high schools. Rawlings-Blake is a 1988 graduate of Baltimore’s Western High School, and in 1992 she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio. She received her Juris Doctor from the University of Maryland School of Law in 1995. She is a member of the Federal Bar Association and the Maryland State Bar Association. Rawlings-Blake is a member of Douglas Memorial Community Church. She lives in Baltimore’s Coldspring neighborhood with her husband Kent Blake and their young daughter Sophia.

Kalima Y. Young

A longtime LGBT youth activist and advocate, Young is the current project coordinator for the Maryland Institute College of Art’s Baltimore Art + Justice Project, which serves to connect local artists and designers, arts organizations, community-based organizations, advocates, and funders working to promote social justice in Baltimore. Young has also worked at the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland and served as project director of Connect to Protect: Baltimore, a participatory research project that mapped community assets to support coalition-building and advocacy around HIV/AIDS. A Baltimore native, Young owns and operates Kubla Khan Productions, an independent video production company. As an activist/ filmmaker, she has produced such films as It Gets Better, Baltimore, a collection of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender testimonials addressing the topics of teen bullying and suicide prevention. In 2000, Young received a prestigious Open Society Institute fellowship for her media work with teens. Young brings a depth of experience in asset mapping and project management, a clear understanding of communities and cultures in Baltimore, and a passion for arts-based social change.

Justin B. Terry-Smith

Justin B. Terry-Smith, 32, has been an HIV and gay civil rights activist in the Washington D.C./Baltimore metropolitan area since 1999. An Air Force veteran, he was honorably discharged with awards and decorations in 2003. He has served and volunteered in several organizations, including the Human Rights Campaign, Black AIDS Institute, Equality Maryland, Whitman Walker Health and the National Black Justice Coalition. Justin has written for many publications including Black AIDS Institute,,, POZIAM Radio and SWERV magazine. He resides with his husband, Dr. Philip TerrySmith in Laurel, Md. Justin created “Justin’s HIV Journal” to advocate for HIV/AIDS education, prevention and awareness. In his journal he tells people about the trials and tribulations when it comes to living with HIV/AIDS. He is also a correspondent for GLO TV. He is the author of the HIV themed children’s book called, I Have A Secret, which is a story about a young boy living with HIV. Justin also presently writes an advice column called, ‘Just*in Time’ for A&U magazine and created an online HIV Awareness Campaign called, “Write A Letter to HIV.” He also is in Graduate School for his Masters in Public Health. Justin and his husband have also recently become the parents of a LGBT son named Londyn.

Community Awards

Partnership Award

Comedian Sampson McCormick to Appear at ICONS BBP is proud to announce that comedian Sampson McCormick will be performing during BBP’s ICONs We Love Awards on Sat., Oct. 12. McCormick has done it all. An award-winning, black, openly gay stand-up comedian, writer and activist, Sampson has produced three comedy albums, written two books, and won several awards including most recently the Gillard-Alston Award for Contributions to LGBT Youth Empowerment (2012). He was also named Love from the Sound Stage’s Best Comedian in 2011 and Velocity Magazine’s Best Comedian in 2009. Sampson graces the stage using lighthearted humor to address the challenges he’s encountered in his young life. His comedy is highly personal as he discusses a difficult childhood that included growing up black and gay amidst an abusive step-father, homelessness, homophobia in religion, and bullying and domestic violence. Sampson uses humor to put the audience at ease when conversing on these tough topics, allowing the audience to laugh with him and embrace education and awareness of various social issues, all while having a good time. Performing comedy across the nation since 2003, Sampson also makes time to speak out against the issues which have affected him the most. He tirelessly crusades against homophobia, poverty, and youth homelessness. In 2013, Sampson made history by becoming the first openly gay, black stand-up comedian to perform at the legendary Howard Theatre, in Washington, D.C.






Community Voices BBP Recipient of Grant to Address Health Need of Mature Black Men Baltimore Black Pride (BBP) is pleased to announce its recent selection as a recipient of a grant award with Johns Hopkins Urban Health Institute. The grant will go towards a collaborative study conducted by BBP’s Men of Color Against HIV/ AIDS (MOCHA) Exchange Network and Dr. Karin Tobin from John Hopkins School of Public Health, which will assess the needs of mature black men who have sex with men. The study will focus on social support, mental health and community engagement. The need for the project arises from the fact that Baltimore continues to rank highest in HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM), and African American MSM (AA MSM) are disproportionately affected. However, there is scant research on older gay and bisexual men, who often face unique issues such as age, HIV status, and race-based stigma and discrimination;


loss of close friends and romantic partners due to HIV/AIDs; and limited opportunities for social activities. The project also aims at addressing the unmet need for programs tailored for mature African American men who have sex with men and address the social context within which they are embedded. Results from this program will enable MOCHA/ BBP to implement an empiricallybased program

to improve the health and of mature African American men who have sex with men in Baltimore and will contribute to the dearth of evidence about this distinct population. The selection of the Urban Health Institute grant was a competitive process this year, with 42 proposals, with each proposal was reviewed by both community and John Hopkins University reviewers. The BBP proposal was regarded by both review-

ers as excellent. The Urban Health Institute serves as an interface between Johns Hopkins and the Baltimore community in which it resides. The Institute was established in 2000 by Dr. William Brody, then president of the University, in response to a recommendation from the Urban Health Council — a group of community residents, clergy, local leaders, business representatives, city officials, and faculty, staff, and students from the Johns Hopkins Institutions. Together with its community partners, the Urban Health Institute explores ways that the research, teaching, and clinical expertise of the University can be better harnessed for the benefit of the residents of East Baltimore. For more information on the grant, please contact BBP President Carlton Smith at, or 443.218.2478.









Bluestone, where we recently celebrated Marty’s birthday, is a locally owned, non-chain restaurant. Situated on a side street off York Road, it can be easily missed, but is definitely worth finding. Despite a busy Saturday evening, we were impressed when we got seated right away for our 7pm reservation, and also by the amount of space between tables. Though Bluestone has a reputation for seafood, the menu is diverse. We found Maryland crab soups, side salads, a half dozen appetizers ($6-11), a half dozen seafood entrees, a half dozen non-seafood entrees ($19-32), and eight Tavern Fare options ($10-19), including entrée salads. We also noted that there were no obvious vegetarian/vegan options. After pondering the menu while munching on warm bread, we agreed to share two appetizers — a beet salad ($6) and a short rib “small plate” ($9) — between us and our friend Marta. For the main course, Marty picked the Crisfield seafood stew ($23) and John decided on broiled wild Coho salmon ($24). Marta asked if she could just get the smaller five ounce filet without the crab cake that it was paired with; our waitress quickly nodded assent (and later the check reflected a reduction compared to the price of a standard 8-ounce filet). The short rib starter included a tender hunk of short rib beef sitting on top a square of corn bread with a red wine demi gravy and a touch of cilantro puree. The beet salad was colorful with diced red and yellow beets on baby greens in a citrus mustard dressing and a ping pong sized ball of goat cheese mousse with walnuts. An easy “Thumbs Up!” on both was our verdict. BALTIMOREGAYLIFE.COM

Marty’s Crisfield Stew was a huge hit (leaving John determined to return and order this dish). The large bowl was filled with shrimp, scallops, mussels, and pieces of fish sitting in a wonderfully zesty tomato/ veggie broth with toasted Italian bread. John’s salmon arrived with a crust of capers and garlic perched on a bed of the best, spicy ratatouille John has witnessed in a very long time. Marta’s filet was tender and arrived cooked just as requested with a mound of perfectly cooked asparagus spears and mashed potatoes. We judged another round of “Thumbs Up!” on our entrees. Despite taking home half of the large portion of his Crisfield Stew, birthday boy Marty picked out a Blueberry Cobbler for dessert. With too many temptations to pass up, John and Marta order some citrus cheesecake. Sampling both, “yummy” came to mind, and we had yet another unanimous “Thumbs Up!” verdict. Along the way, the owners visited our table inquiring if the food and service had met our expectations — it had. That level of concern and caring seems way more than perfunctory and may one of the reasons why Bluestone excels. With good food, better than average service, and a contemporary upscale feel, Bluestone earned our “Thumbs Up!” on all counts. Bluestone is worth finding.


11 W Aylesbury Rd. Lutherville-Timonium W410.561.1100 T Open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner, beginning at 11:30 Full bar • Limited vegetarian options Email and find all prior reviews at






Jason: I was born in South Baltimore and spent my teens in Brooklyn Park. My mom is from Glen Burnie and my dad from Annapolis. I have a lot of family still in the area. I also miss the steamed crabs!


Jason & deMarco Celebrate Diversity with Three Maryland Shows

Jason: They will love it. This trip won’t be so much about the attractions but spending time with those we don’t get to see very often. We’re taking a few days off to spend time with family.


Jason & deMarco recorded their first album together in 2002. Since then, they’ve released six cds and several Billboard hits including the song that has become their staple, “This Is Love,” named Video of the Year on MTV’s LOGO. Their success has allowed the pop singing duo the opportunity to travel the world, spreading their unique brand of inspirational music to the masses. This fall, the real-life partners are embarking on an RV bus tour up and down the east coast. It kicks off in Tennessee and continues through twenty-two cities, in-

cluding Hagerstown and Frederick on October 5 and Bethesda on October 6. They’re calling it their “Celebrating Diversity” tour and the guys are bringing along their newest productions ­ — their one-and-a-half year old twin sons, Mason and Noah.


Jason: Yes! It’s our eleven–year anniversary singing together so we have something to celebrate. I especially can’t wait to bring the show to Maryland.

Jason & deMarco


Jason: Yes! She sings a song with us. It is a very powerful moment in the show. deMarco: The coming out process was very difficult for our parents but they came around. We hope other parents in the audience relate to our parents’ journey in learning to accept their gay children.



deMarco: After being together for a few years, Jason and I talked about what was next. We had dedicated our lives to music and bringing healing and hope to individuals and families. We felt it was time to do something really meaningful for ourselves.

Jason: Through surrogacy. The boys’ biological and birth mothers are two different women. Mason and Noah get to see the their birth mother regularly. She lives in Houston and we are close. The egg donor and her husband don’t see the boys as often but they are the godparents for one of our sons.


deMarco: Luckily for us, nothing. We have surrounded ourselves with lovely and supportive people.

Photo by Dirty Sugar Photography.




deMarco: Wouldn’t that be something? Then we’d be like the Osmonds! Our sons will certainly be exposed to lots of music in their childhood. We will see if it sticks. It would be fantastic if they picked up a musical instrument since Jason and I don’t play anything well enough for the stage.




Jason: We want people to leave the concerts feeling inspired. We would especially love for the kids of nontraditional families to see that there are a lot of other kids out there with different kinds of families, and that it’s not only okay, but freakin’ awesome. deMarco: We invite everyone to come together for a great concert celebrating our differences. Straight, gay, male, female, black or white, our diversity is what makes us a unique and powerful nation. We hope our tour will remind all that in spite of our differences, when we respect one another’s hopes and dreams, everyone wins.

Jason: Everything. I don’t even mind the poopy diapers.


Jason: Um, yeah. Me. deMarco’s such a man.


deMarco: It’s called SAFE. We will be performing a lot of music from the album as well as our arrangements of songs that we haven’t recorded yet such as “Imagine” and “Hallelujah.” There will be a mixture of original and cover songs.


deMarco: We would like to record a new CD. We have an idea for a lullabye album of classics like “Baby Mine” and “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” It would go along with our family theme. Jason: After the tour, I will be focusing on the release of my book, The Journey of Same-Sex Surrogacy.


Jason: Perhaps one day. I think we’ll know when and if the time is right.


Saturday, Oct. 5 at Veritas UCC in Hagerstown and at Grace UCC in Frederick Sunday, October 6 at North Bethesda UMC in Bethesda T A portion of proceeds from all shows benefit S.A.F.E., their non-profit charity for LGBTQ foster children.


Hippodrome Ready to Rock Baltimore with Queen-Inspired Musical BY FRANKIE KUJAWA

The rock music made classic by the band Queen will captivate audience members of the Hippodrome Theater this month with the musical performance of We Will Rock You. The Baltimore dates kick off the first part of the North American tour of the show. We Will Rock You is set on a future planet known originally as Earth. The planet is now controlled by an insidious, globalized corporation. Everyone wears the same clothes, thinks the same thoughts, and is devoid of any semblance of individuality. Music, which is generated through the corporation’s computers, is devoid of any type of uniqueness. All musical instruments have been banned from use. All hopes for the future lie in the hands of an unlikely rebel alliance known as the Bohemians. Scaramouche, played by Ruby Lewis, joins the Bohemians in an effort to herald individualism, and a love of rock music. “Scaramouche is a young girl just graduating from high school.” Lewis explains. “She’s a bit of an outcast and she’s not happy how the world is being run. She can’t find herself because individuality can’t be celebrated. As angsty as teens can be, she’s very, very angsty. She finds her way out of the confines of society with the Bohemians. The Bohemians help her to find her voice, and she also finds BALTIMOREGAYLIFE.COM

love with Galileo.” Lewis laughs, “And, I can say, she lives happily ever after.” Lewis, a native of Kentucky, is very excited to be part of the ensemble cast. “I grew up listening to Queen music and have probably sung Bohemian Rhapsody about 5,000 times in my life. So, when the opportunity came up to audition in Los Angeles, I just got that feeling in my stomach that this could be huge. I had a call back in New York, and then the following day I found out that I had booked the role. I have been on Cloud nine ever since.” From humble beginnings Lewis’ career evolved from singing in her local church to performing in community theater at a young age. After graduating from Western Kentucky University, and performing in many of the local theaters near her school, Lewis went on to join the national tours of Gypsy, Grease and Jersey Boys. It was during that time that Lewis was able to hone her craft. Following a move to Los Angeles, she began to find small roles on television, acting alongside powerhouses Felicity Huffman and Vanessa Williams in Desperate Housewives, and David Spade in Rules of Engagement. Lewis discusses that the globalization themes in We Will Rock You tend to mirror that of the young, mass-manufactured

musical performers and entertainers of today’s fame. “[The similarities] are alarmingly relevant. Even Ben Elton, who wrote the script for We Will Rock You in 2001, had to go in and modify it because some things that he already projected in the future have already happened.” Lewis laments that the artistic freedom of today’s new musical talent does set society up for an alarming precedent. “It is terrifying what the future could possibly hold. These young kids want to sing the songs they hear, and it’s all auto-tuned. It’s impossible for a human voice to even sound like that. Their sense of reality is skewed to what art is, and it is very sad.” Lewis is hopeful, though, that authentic music and musicians will continue flourish in the future. “Things like indie music still have a place. Bluegrass still has a following.” Lewis further explains that individuality and freedom are essential themes to We Will Rock You. “Artistic freedom is a big overlying theme. And really, the dangers of taking artistic freedoms away from people. In anticipation of the upcoming performance, the Hippodrome Theatre helped to celebrate Freddie Mercury Day on the singer’s September 5th birthday by donating $10 of each ticket sold through

September 12 to Baltimore’s JAQUES Initiative – the University of Maryland Medical Center’s HIV Program. The donation will be on behalf of the Mercury Phoenix Trust and the Hippodrome Broadway Series. The Mercury Phoenix Trust was established in 1992, a year after the legendary Queen frontman died of AIDS-related causes in 1991. Since then, the Trust has given away over $15 million dollars to over 300 charities for global work in the fight of HIV/AIDS. Along with heralding noteworthy causes, as well as the legacy of Freddie Mercury, the October performances will celebrate life through the anthems Mercury and Queen made iconic. “Many of the songs are performed in their entirety in the show.” Lewis concludes. “The performance is a fantastic journey from beginning to end. It’s a lot of fun and it will definitely leave people clapping on their feet. It’s a very high energy show!”


Oct. 15-20 Hippodrome Theatre 12 N. Eutaw St. T OCTOBER 2013







The Sexiest Health Topic of All: Dental Hygiene BY ALICIA GABRIEL, CHASE BREXTON HEALTH SERVICES If your eyes are the window to the soul — maybe your mouth is the window to the body. Have you ever noticed how before you get the flu, you might get a canker sore? Or when you have sinus trouble, your teeth hurt? Or how your breath stinks when you’re hungry? October probably means a couple things to you — and we doubt dental hygiene is on that list. But October really is National Dental Hygiene Month. And, it may sound like a dull topic, but we know it’s important to focus on and totally worth reading about. Good dental hygiene helps prevent: ¡¡ Bad breath (halitosis) by removing the bacteria between teeth — bacteria from things that are decaying — like old food! ¡¡ Tooth decay and cavities by removing plaque from the tooth and gum. ¡¡ Gingivitis and gum disease (periodontal disease), which will damage your gum tissue, cause problems with the bones supporting the teeth, and may cause you to lose teeth. ¡¡ Heart disease! There is evidence that periodontal disease is connected to heart disease. The American Academy of Periodontology reports that people with gum disease are twice as likely to have heart disease as those without gum disease. While the connection between gum disease and heart disease is still in research, regular dental hygiene still remains a key to maintaining (and even regaining!) oral health.


The American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) says good dental hygiene takes 4 easy steps: Brush, floss, rinse, chew! So first things first: brush! Two minutes a day, two times a day. Use an extra soft or soft brush. Hard bristles will wear away the surface of your teeth and damage your gums. Don’t use a kids brush if you’re an adult, and vice versa — even though we all know how tempting Thomas the Tank Engine brushes are. Any brand of toothpaste will do, as long as it has fluoride. Fluoride will help strengthen weak spots and prevent tooth cavities. Now, get out the floss. Gums that receive daily flossing feel good — they aren’t puffy, sore, or red, and they don’t bleed as easily. Remember: it is not normal for your gums to bleed. Waxed floss may be easier for you to use, but any brand of floss is great. Now, you don’t need to floss twice a day, but once is definitely needed. Floss in a gentle zig zag motion between each tooth. Don’t force the floss between your teeth. Forcing floss can cause cuts to the gums and can damage caps. You’ve brushed and flossed, and now it’s time to rinse and spit! Rinsing your mouth each day with an anti-microbial mouthwash is an important step you can take to prevent gum disease (gingivitis). Mouthwash reaches spots your toothbrush and floss don’t get to. Finally: Chew sugarless gum! Yes. It sounds weird, but chewing sugarless gum has been shown to stimulate the most important natural defense against tooth decay: our saliva. So, chewing sugarless gum after meals helps to fight cavities, neutralize plaque acids, remineralize enamel to strengthen teeth, and wash away food particles. Plus, it tastes good and makes your breath yummy. Who knew? Follow the four steps and see your dentist every six months for a healthier mouth and a healthier you!








Obamacare Arrives for Maryland's LGBT Communities BY DOUG ROSE Currently, one in three lower-income lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans have no healthcare coverage. Nearly 48 percent of those uninsured LGBT people live in the southeastern quadrant of the United States, including Maryland. The Affordable Care Act (ACA, also known as “Obamacare”) promises to change all of that. On Tuesday, October 1, the ACA’s public health insurance marketplaces will open across the nation. For the first time in U.S. history, affordable healthcare coverage will be accessible to all Americans. Maryland’s marketplace, called Maryland Health Connection (MHC) is expected to offer 93 different insurance plans to address the state’s medical, mental, and behavioral healthcare needs. In January 2014, Maryland will also expand its Medicaid program to extend coverage to people who were not previously eligible. “The number of choices will be dizzying,” says Equality Maryland’s Executive Director Carrie Evans. “Fortunately, actual coverage doesn’t begin until January 1 and enrollment remains open until March 31. LGBT consumers have time to consider their options.” During the transition to Obamacare, LGBT consumers will be able to shop online, by telephone, or in person to find the plan that meets their needs and to connect with programs that make healthcare coverage affordable. Toll-free help lines, online comparison tools, and in-person advisors called “healthcare navigators” will be available to assist throughout the selection and enrollment process. “We have hired new case managers whose focus is to assist patients in the enrollment process at our offices across the state,” says Tracey Gersh, Chief Program Officer for Chase Brexton Health Care. “We are also planning to partner with Equality Maryland to ofBALTIMOREGAYLIFE.COM

fer public forums in the fall. Healthcare consumers need to be educated about their options.” Those who will benefit most from ACA include anyone who is uninsured, underinsured, unhappy with current coverage, or dependent on “payer-of-last-resort” programs (such as Ryan White Care Act funds) for healthcare coverage. By March 31, most people in these categories must either enroll in governmentsponsored healthcare coverage (such as Maryland’s expanded Medicaid program) or enroll in an insurance plan offered by the MHC marketplace. Anyone who has not enrolled in healthcare coverage by the deadline risks facing tax penalties. “Equality Maryland hopes to review all of the MHC plans so that we can provide the community with information about their coverage for LGBTsupportive healthcare,” says Evans. The Sellers Dorsey Foundation, Center for American Progress, and the Federal Agencies Project have also joined forces to create Out2Enroll, a campaign designed to inform LGBT communities about new coverage options and to encourage LGBT individuals to enroll.

To date, Out2Enroll has released a fact sheet called “Connecting with Coverage: 4 Things LGBT People Need to Know about the Health Insurance Marketplaces” and sponsored a White House briefing about ACA for LGBT community leaders. On October 11 (National Coming Out Day), Out2Enroll will launch a website tailored to LGBT community concerns, including information about same-sex partner coverage, transgenderinclusive coverage, and LGBT-inclusive discrimination protections. At press time, visitors to could view a video of highlights from the White House briefing and sign up to receive e-mail updates about the campaign. Of course, many LGBT Marylanders will be unaffected by ACA’s reform of healthcare coverage. Anyone who is covered by an employers’ healthcare plan can continue with existing coverage. Anyone who is currently eligible for Medicare and Medicaid should also be unaffected by the change. Doug Rose is volunteer communications coordinator for Equality Maryland and a leader in the Moving Maryland Forward Network.

Infographic courtesy of Center for American Progress.




Healthcare Access Maryland

T W 877.223.5201

Maryland Health Connection

U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services

T W1.800.318.2596 WTTY: 1.855.889.4325

“What Does Healthcare Reform Mean for You?” HIV/AIDS Fact Sheet T

“Connecting with Coverage” LGBT Fact Sheet T W 855.642.8572 WTTY 855.642.8573






Recurring & Ongoing Events

SUNDAYS Baltimore Farmers’ Market & Bazaar Every Sunday 7am-Noon Jones Falls Expressway Holliday & Saratoga Sts. Metropolitan Community Church Services Every Sunday 9am and 11am MCC Baltimore 401 W. Monument St League of Women Bowlers Every Sunday 4:30pm AMF Marlow Heights Lanes 4717 St. Barnabas Rd. • Temple Hill

LGBT Advocates Celebrate 25 Years of Success Some people consider 25 years a very long time in “gay years.” And for some LGBT advocates, the last 25 years seemed to take forever! But when we look back and really measure our communities’ accomplishments over the last quarter century, we discover we have a lot to celebrate. So Equality Maryland is throwing a party—and the whole community is invited. To give the celebration focus, attendees are going to honor Maryland Senator Rich Madaleno, a champion for LGBT community issues for the last 25 years (and then some). The brunch event will feature a silent auction, special video presentation, and a tribute to many other heroes of Maryland’s LGBT communities. Plus, country/pop singer and songwriter JJ Nolis will headline an exciting entertainment line-up that includes many local LGBT favorites.


In celebration of a great year! $100 • Oct. 27 • Noon-2pm Lord Baltimore Hotel 20 W. Baltimore St. T



Rise Up, Honoring Women’s Spirituality Fourth Sundays 12:45-2:15pm First Unitarian Church of Baltimore 1 W. Hamilton St. Westminster PFLAG Monthly Mtg. Third Sundays 7pm St. Paul’s United Church of Christ 17 Bond St. • Westminster Heterosexual Friendly Gay Brunch First Sunday Frederick’s on Fleet • 2112 Fleet St. ASGRA Monthly Trail Ride First Sundays 10:30am • $25-30 Piscataway Stables 10775 Piscataway Road • Clinton Charm City Volleyball: Competitive Play Every Sunday 10am-1pm • $7 Volleyball House 5635 Furnace Ave. • Elkridge


TUESDAYS Howard County PFLAG Monthly Mtg. Second Tuesdays 7:30pm Owen Brown Interfaith Center 7246 Cradlerock Way • Columbia Karate-Dō (LGBT-friendly classes) Every Tuesday 5:30-7:30pm Johns Hopkins Homewood Campus Bob Remington — Meditation Group Every Tuesday 6:15-7:45pm First Unitarian Church of Baltimore 1 W. Hamilton St. PFLAG Baltimore Co. General Mtg. Fourth Tuesdays 7pm Towson Unitarian Universalist Church 1710 Dulaney Valley Rd. Parents of Transgender Kids Fourth Tuesdays 7:30-9pm Owen Brown Interfaith Center 7246 Cradlerock Way • Columbia Rainbow Youth Alliance of Baltimore County 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 7-9pm Towson Unitarian Universalist Church 1710 Dulaney Valley Rd. Rainbow Youth Alliance of Howard County 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 7:30pm Owen Brown Interfaith Center 7246 Cradlerock Way • Columbia 410.280.9047 Rainbow Youth Alliance of Baltimore City 1st, 3rd & 5th Tuesdays 7-9pm The GLCCB • 241 W. Chase St.

Interfaith Fairness Coalition Mtg. Second Mondays 3-4:30pm First Unitarian Church of Baltimore 1 W. Hamilton St.

Teen Program at JCC Second Tuesdays 6pm Owings Mills JCC 3506 Gwynnbrook Ave.

PFLAG Howard County Parent Forum Third Mondays 7:30pm Owen Brown Interfaith Center 7246 Cradlerock Way • Columbia

Trans Parents Forum, Baltimore Co. Third Tuesdays 7-9:30pm Towson Unitarian Universalist Church 1710 Dulaney Valley Rd.

Senior Pride: Discussion Group for Women 55+ Monday evenings Chase Brexton Health Services 410-837-2050 ext. 2428

WEDNESDAYS Charm City Volleyball: Social Play Every Wednesday 6:30-9:30pm • $3-30 Mt Royal Recreational Center 137 McMechen St.

Living Well with HIV Support Group Every Wednesday 10:30am Institute of Human Virology 725 W. Lombard St. Spiritual Development with Rev. Sam Offer Every Wednesday 7pm Unity Fellowship Church of Baltimore 4007 Old York Rd. GEM: Gender Empowerment MD Every other Wednesday 7pm Equality Maryland • 1201 S. Sharp St. Senior Pride: Discussion Group for Men 55+ Wednesday evenings. Chase Brexton Health Services 410-837-2050 ext. 2428

THURSDAYS HIV Support: Substance Abuse & HIV Every Thursdays 2-3pm Institute of Human Virology 725 W. Lombard St. Karate-Dō (LGBT-friendly classes) Every Thursday 5:30-7:30pm Johns Hopkins Homewood Campus Bob Remington —

FRIDAYS HIV Support: Just Between US Every Friday 11am-Noon Institute of Human Virology 725 W. Lombard St.

SATURDAYS Baltimore Frontrunners Every Saturday 8:45am • Brunch 10am Panera Bread, 3600 Boston St. HOPE DC Monthly Brunch First Saturdays 11am Rosemary’s Thyme Bistro DC 1801 18th St. NW • Washington, D.C. In the Company of Women First Saturdays 10am-Noon First Unitarian Church of Baltimore 1 W Hamilton St.

Have a calendar listing? Send it to





Human, Soul & Machine: The Coming Singularity! Preview Party. $20 (FREE to AVAM Members) • 7-10pm American Visionary Art Museum 800 Key Hwy.

SATURDAY, OCT. 5 Dogfest A Doggone Great Day • $10 • 10am-5pm Baltimore Humane Society 1601 Nicodemus Rd. • Reisterstown Charm City Kitty Club presents My Big Fat Queer Breakup A Game-of-Thrones-ish event • $10-15 • 7pm The Patterson • 3134 Eastern Ave. elektroschock First Sat. of every month • 21+ • 9pm Grand Central • 1001-03 N. Charles St. LGBT History Month begins National Breast Cancer Awareness Month begins Hispanic Heritage Month begins “Measure for Measure” Shakespeare’s story, steeped in cabaret culture. $40-100 • 7:30pm • Thru Oct. 27 Lansburgh Theatre 450 7th St. NW • Washington D.C.

THURSDAY, OCT. 3 Frat Boy & Sorority Girl Thursdays Every Thursday • 9pm-2am Grand Central • 1001 N. Charles St.

FRIDAY, OCT. 4 Sugarloaf Crafts Festival begins Feat. works by top artisans. Maryland State Fairgrounds 2200 York Rd. Wine Tasting Every Friday • FREE • 5-8pm Spirits of Mt Vernon • 900 N. Charles St. Fridays After Five Every Friday • $12 • 5pm National Aquarium • 501 E. Pratt St. Party at the Patterson: Lantini Feat. DJ Landis Expandis & Ridiculous. $7-15 • 8pm The Patterson • 3134 Eastern Ave. Fell’s Point Fun Festival Annual street festival • FREE • Thru Oct. 6 Fells Point


WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9 dance of the holy ghosts Opens A play on memory • $10-59 • Thru 11/17 Center Stage • 700 N. Calvert St.

FRIDAY, OCT. 11 National Coming Out Day We Are Family Songbook Project Celebrate Baltimore’s GLBTQ community. FREE • 7:30pm Episcopal Church 811 Cathedral St.

Animal Crackers Closes Marx Brothers classic gets a zany new revival. $19-59 • 8pm • Thru 10/13 Center Stage • 700 N Calvert St.

OktoBEARfest Gut beer, gut food und gut times! $20-50 • Noon-5pm The Maryland Zoo • 1876 Mansion House Dr.



We Will Rock You The musical by Queen and Ben Elton. $87.15-102.50 • 8pm • Thru Oct. 20 Hippodrome Theatre • 12 N Eutaw St.

Giant Monster Monday Giant Monster movies & drink specials. 8pm-Midnight The Wind Up Space • 12 W North Ave.

“We Dance to the Beat” Female indie/pop artists • 9pm The Ottobar • 2549 N. Howard St. Night Out A night at the theater for LGBTA community • $10-39 • 8pm Center Stage • 700 N. Calvert St.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16 POZ D.C. Happy Hour Mixer For HIV+ men • 7pm Green Lantern 1335 Green Court NW • Washington, D.C. “Words Have Power: Brendon Ayanbadejo Speaks Out” Q&A Former Baltimore Raven and equal rights champion leads moderated Q&A • Free • 7pm McDaniel College WMC Alumni Hall 2 College Hill Westminster



Baltimore Running Festival Run or cheer for a cause! M&T Bank Stadium

Mo’ Mojo “Party Gras” Dance Party Dance lesson included • $15-20 • 7pm The Patterson • 3134 Eastern Ave.

BSO Music Box Series for Children Cars, Trucks, Trains & Boats • $10 • 10am Meyerhoff • 1212 Cathedral St. Lantern Making Workshop for Kids Oct 13 & 20, times vary. $5 suggested donation • 12:30pm The Patterson • 3134 Eastern Ave. Laura Amussen: AFLOAT Opening reception & performance. FREE • 5:30pm The Patterson • 3134 Eastern Ave. SHE Productions Presents REHAB 2nd Saturday of Every Month. $5 • 9pm • 21+ Grand Central Disco and Sapphos 1001 N. Charles St.

FRIDAY, OCT. 18 Death and the Maiden Opens $15-20 • 8pm • Thru Nov. 11 Spotlighters Theatre • 817 Saint Paul St. WNUF Halloween Special An epic ghost story • $7-12 • 8pm The Patterson • 3134 Eastern Ave.

SATURDAY, OCT. 19 Diana Krall Glad Rag Doll tour • $57-92 + fees Lyric Opera House 140 W. Mount Royal Ave.

TUESDAY, OCT. 22 Marquee Lounge Supper Club “This Beer’s Cooking” • $50 • 7pm The Patterson • 3134 Eastern Ave.

FRIDAY, OCT. 25 Boo at the Zoo Frightfully fun! $12.50-17.50 • 10am-4pm The Maryland Zoo • 1876 Mansion House Dr. Baltimore Bike Party The biggest party on two wheels! FREE • 7pm Pearlstone Park

SATURDAY, OCT. 26 The Great Halloween Lantern Parade Annual celebration • FREE • 3:30-8pm Patterson Park • Eastern & Linwood Aves. Hallowmarine A weekend of frightening fun. 10am-3pm • Thru 10/27 National Aquarium • 501 E. Pratt St. BARCStoberfest Pet festival to benefit BARCS. FREE • 11am-4pm Patterson Park The Glow Ball Dance Party & Costume Contest. $7-12 • 8:30pm-2am The Patterson • 3134 Eastern Ave.

SUNDAY, OCT. 27 WPOC Girls with Guitars Feat. Jennifer Nettles, Sheryl Crow & more. $35-150 + Fees • 7pm France-Merrick P.A.C. • 12 N Eutaw St.

THURSDAY, OCT. 31 Halloween Passion Pit Indie pop • $45 • 6:30pm GMU Patriot Center 4400 University Dr. • Fairfax, VA








Night Out at Center Stage feat. Animal Crackers PHOTOS BY RICHELLE TAYLOR (I'LL SHOOT YOU)




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