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Our mission is to give back to the local communities and environments in which we work and travel.
For all of our products, we carefully search out local partners. We only offer activities with a high standard of animal welfare and we have a 100% plastic-free initiative for all our treks.
We also create Voluntours to encourage a positive change. Experience some of the world’s most compelling communities, beautiful scenery and wildlife - all while making a lasting impact while you’re there.
By travelling with bamba you help us get trees in the ground and restore forests after fi res and fl oods, create jobs, build communities and protect habitat for biodiversity.
Forests provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines. For every trip we sell, we plant one tree. As citizens of the world, we all share the responsibility of protecting our beautiful planet. Now, more than ever, we need to reduce our footprint while learning from and educating others to do the same.
The ATCF is a non-profi t organisation whose mission is to fund local projects engaged in the conservation of unique natural and cultural resources of adventure travel destinations. Their objectives go hand in hand with bamba’s strong culture of responsible and ethical travel worldwide.
Futbol for Kids is a non-profi t organisation. Their mission is to deliver as many soccer balls to underprivileged kids as possible. By making charitable visits to rural Andean mountain villages in Peru, bamba’s partnership with Futbol for Kids aims to improve the lives of local tourism workers and their families.