My name is Bambang Erlangga. I’m a graphic designer who focus on giving brand soul, breath, and personality through artistic approach and conceptual thought. My works inspired by everythings arround us – such as music, arts, poems, nature, culture – and turn it into a memorable visual explorations.
Full Time
Indonesia International
Indonesia Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta
Major in Communication Visual Faculty of Fine Arts. Graduated in 2017.
Brand Designer Intern Jakarta / 2015 (2 months)
Senior Graphic Designer Bandung / 2017 - 2021 (4 Years) Jr. Art Director Jakarta / 2021 - Present
Studio Woork
4th Harbour
Creative Talks In Asia
Taiwan 2018
Packaging of The World
Bandung 2018 Zebra Pro - 2017
Mangkokku is an Asian-fusion rice bowl delights crafted by Indonesian Masterchef Arnold Poernomo and built by Mas Kaesang Pangarep, Gibran Rakabuming, and Randy Jkartadinata. The strategic design was intended to develop an identity that can give a possibility to scale beyond Indonesia. At the same time, we still grasp our cultural assets and even introduce them to a broader audience. These cultural assets were fragmented into a story (as one of the strongest Indonesian assets), a local character, poems (pantun), illustrations of local herbs & spices and Indonesian landscape, and a selection of organic sounds in music.
The brand identity inspired by I Gusti Nyoman Lempad (the greatest painter from Bali, Indonesia). His painting brings a sense of lively and Indonesian characteristics with unique performing art gestures. From his artworks, we translate into authentic Asian illustrations to communicate Mangkokku’s story.
Tea Heaven’s story started because good tea in Indonesia is mostly exported to international brands while the rest goes into the supermarket shelves, underpriced and undervalued. Therefore most of their teas are sourced locally, although 20% of them are imported to introduce other tea cultures worldwide.
Tea Heaven introduces the world of tea, its culture, and its range. They aim to provide over hundred tea subtypes, which are categorized into 3 main types: green tea, black tea, and herbal tisanes.
The illustration visualizes a place of a beautiful virgin tea garden in Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia, on the top of the hills, with misty mountains, cold air, and wonderful farmers, thus we like to call this place tea heaven.
I Yayat U Santi is a contemporary mythical performing art held by the Indonesian Agency for Creative Economy. This performing art is taking inspiration from Waraney, a highland warrior of Minahasa, North Sulawesi. They are tribal warriors who protect their homeland from outsiders. In the Minahasa language, I Yayat U Santi means “Raise Your Sword!”. This performing art combines the origin of Kawasaran (Waraney ethnic dance), choir, and a short movie. The interpretation of Waraney’s character in the Kawasaran dance and the church choir song becomes a symbol of today’s cultural negotiations.
Graphic Designer
Photographer Videographer
Fashion Designer Product Designer
Bambang Erlangga
Otniel Tasman
Ghoniyya Hamida
Teguh Yanu Priyatna
Ruly Leksmana
Titah Asmanig W. Felicia Budi Fauzi Adhika
With the loudest voice echoed, they scream “I Yayat U Santi’’; and in an expressive move and massive way, they dance. During the traditional ceremony and dance, they used attributes with a simplification figure of animals or human.
All of those images on their attribute inspired by an ancient carving tombstone (Waruga in Minahasa language). These experiences become the inspiration for the visual identity of Performing Arts I Yayat U Santi.
Mbok Jum is rice produced by the local farm of Pati, Central Java. As an agricultural country, Indonesia’s farmers performed fertility rites to get good quality and enormous harvest. By singing and playing a traditional musical instrument, they believe that Dewi Sri, a goddess of fertility, would be happy to come and bless their plants. Through this rite, they pray and be grateful for what they get.
This folklore becomes the main inspiration for Mbok Jum’s visual identity. The illustration communicates how the farmers take care of their plants to give good quality rice.
Designer Bambang Erlangga GraphicIn 2018, we engaged with a passionate and keen high-end fashion woman from Qatar. She designed many elegant fashion cuttings to bring slices of middle eastern elegancy that resonates with global audiences. The idea of the brand was that we want to make statements that accommodate unity and eccentricity that the world needs to embrace the diversity of people elegantly.
Studio Creative Director Design Lead Graphic Designer
In the design process, we try to focus on typography to make WWW stand on the high-end identity landscape. We are articulating universality by combining serif and sans-serif typography, infusing holographic colors to represent unity in diversity in elegance feeling.
Selected WorksKonversa is a coffee shop located in Antapani, Bandung. Bring a concept hidden garden; the architecture lets the people enjoy around the mini garden while sipping a cup of coffee. From the architecture concept, we take inspiration from a book/film Narnia and translate it into fantasy theme. All elements transformed into layout, typography, and illustration.
Juii is a juice bar that located in Bandung. Inspired by the word “rejoice,” which has similarity with the word “juice,” we try to find the origin of this word and found out it comes from the Old French word “rejouiss.” Juii itself is a phonetic of “jouis” in French pronunciation, which is have the meaning of to enjoy. We also found a word with similar meaning from Henri Matisse’s painting, “Joie De Vivre,” which means Enjoyment of Life.
We decided to use Fauvism and Expressio-nism art style for Juii’s brand visual identity approach from his warm and joyful work. We translate those styles into a witty illustration, lively color palette, and friendly typography. The symbol is taken from Easter Bluebird, which is believed in Europe as the bird that brings happiness and joy.
Brand Strategist Art Director & DesignerPUBLISHED IN 2020
Narasi is a critical and modern media born from Najwa Shihab - a respected Indonesian journalist and national television veteran. We sat down with the board directors and their brand-comm team to analyze what has been done and what will be done in the future. The creative director, strategist, and design lead had several workshops with Narasi to validate Narasi’s core representation through the process.
We rearticulated Narasi’s identity to align Narasi’s vision in empowering voices for a brighter generation. Narasi’s supergraphic and typeface give a sense of empowering and resonating voices. We distributed values to brand colors, logo, visual system, and multimedia art direction.
The artworks presented in this portofolio are property of Bambang Erlangga. Some of photos that used in this portfolio are not owned and lisenced by Bambang Erlangga. Some of those photos are used only for illustrate manner of the brand. The information, images, and/or data contained here are copyrighted by their respective owners and may not be reproduced and distributed in whole or in part without any prior permission of the respective owner.