What To Eat Before Yoga Class
It’s important what you do with those couple of hours before you head to yoga class, to give your body nutrition it craves. When you are eating to fuel up before class, eat something nutritious and just filling enough. You don’t want to over do it—think about doing a downdog on a full stomach. No thanks! I’ve got a short list of my favorite vegetarian-friendly snacks for smooth sailing all the way through class. So, next time you find yourself standing in front of the fridge going, “What should I eat?” you’ll remember you have an answer!
What Does Yoga Do?
Although it was developed in India thousands of years ago, yoga still remains a prevalent form of exercise and stress relief in our society. How, exactly, has this art form retained its popularity throughout centuries and across a multitude of cultures? The answer lies in its benefits. Sure, like most types of fitness, yoga has its fair share of physical pros. Many of its benefits lie in the spiritual and emotional realm as well, though. Yoga can be a life-changing practice, so if you are looking for a way to balance your hectic days, de-stress, and add a new physical element to your schedule, it may be time to break out a yoga mat and get started! Take a look below to learn some of the benefits of yoga!
Why Yoga Should Be Your New Year’s Resolution
Still searching for a New Year’s resolution? New research suggests that adopting a yoga practice can do wonders for your health.The research, published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, reviewed 37 randomized controlled trials — the gold-standard of study designs — including 2,768 people and a nearly even gender split.Compared to people who don’t exercise, those who did yoga showed significant improvement in their BMI, blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol, the review found. In fact, yoga performed just as well as exercise, like cycling or brisk walking, at weight loss and blood pressure measures.
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