Cae Post recycling brochure

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Recycling for your business

Switch to recycling and feel the benefits We can help reduce your trade waste All businesses face increasing red-tape on how to deal with waste. Costs are driven up each year by the landfill tax. Now you have a way to reduce costs, help the environment and the community.

We collect a wide range of materials You’ll be able to recycle paper, card, plastic bottles, plastic packaging, plastic containers and film, drinks cans, aluminium foil, glass, textiles and dry-cell batteries.

We’re convenient We provide different types of collection containers to suit your business. We have large metal wheeled bins, smaller plastic wheelie bins, reusable fabric bags, caddy units and plastic boxes.

We’re flexible We can collect weekly, fortnightly or just when you need us. You decide what is best for you.

We make recycling easy for you…

Social inclusion is key to our work. It means tackling some difficult issues like disability, substance mis-use, ex offending and youth unemployment to get people back to work and earning a living. So not only are we good for the environment, we’re good for society and good for business too!

Interested? Get in touch to see how we can help your business. We’ll arrange a visit and explain how to make best use of our service and keep your costs low.

Call us: 01938 570 426 Email:

Ailgylchu ar gyfer eich busnes

Diddordeb? Cysylltwch i gael gwybod sut gallwn ni gynorthwyo eich busnes chi. Gallwn ni drefnu ymweliad i esbonio sut i wneud y defnydd gorau o’n gwasanaeth a chadw’ch costau’n isel.

Ffoniwch ni: 01938 570 426 E-bost:

Mae cynhwysiant cymdeithasol yn allweddol i’n gwaith. Mae’n golygu mynd i’r afael â materion cymhleth fel anabledd, camddefnyddio sylweddau, cyn-droseddwyr a diweithdra ymhlith pobl ifanc, a hynny er mwyn cael pobl yn ôl i waith ac ennill bywoliaeth. Nid yn unig ein bod ni’n dda i’r amgylchedd, rydyn ni hefyd yn dda i’r gymdeithas, ac yn dda i fusnes hefyd!

Trowch i ailgylchu ac fe welwch y manteision Gallwn eich cynorthwyo i leihau’ch gwastraff masnachol Mae pob busnes yn wynebu cynnydd mewn gwaith papur wrth gael gwared ar wastraff. Mae’r costau’n codi bob blwyddyn oherwydd treth tirlenwi. Dyma ffordd i leihau’r costau, gofalu am yr amgylchedd, a’r gymuned.

Rydyn ni’n casglu amrywiaeth eang o ddeunyddiau Byddwch chi’n gallu ailgylchu papur, cardiau, poteli plastig, pecynnau plastig, cynwysyddion a haenau plastig, tuniau diod, ffoil alwminiwm, gwydr, tecstiliau a batris cell sych

Rydyn ni’n gyfleus Rydyn ni’n darparu mathau gwahanol o gynwysyddion casglu addas i’ch busnes. Mae gennym finiau metal mawr ar olwynion, biniau plastig llai ar olwynion, sachau defnydd y gellir eu hailddefnyddio, cistiau a blychau plastig.

Rydyn ni’n hyblyg Rydyn ni’n gallu casglu bob wythnos, bob pythefnos neu pan fo ein hangen.Chi sy’n penderfynu beth sydd orau i chi.

Gallwn ni wneud ailgylchu’n hawdd ichi...

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