1997 Bancroft School Yearbook

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B a n c r o f t M B I u

School n

1996-1997 Y







The Bancroft Yearbook is a celebration of our school’s students, faculty, and all the other attributes that define the Bancroft community. In 1930, students decided to produce an annual yearbook instead of the semi-annual literary leaflet they had been producing for the previous seven years. Since then, the Blue Moon has been written testimony to the best of each year. This year, the staff of the Blue Moon Board is proud to present 132 pages representing ten months of work and eighteen years of the Class of I997’s learning experiences - our time to shine. -Seth Kaufman & Thomas Mutti

Editors - in - Chief: S eth K a u fm a n

T h o m a s M u tti

Faculty Advisers: L a u rie D in g s

E d D e H o ra tiu s

Business Editor: E rin G ree n /

Sports Editor: M ik e H o c h m a n

Photo Editors: S h v e ta S in h a


S h o r e

E m ily E asto n

D r i v e

W o r c e s t e r ,

M a s s a c h u s e t t s

0 1 6 0 5

What does a school mean to its students? For some it’s just the place where they spent thirteen years of their lives, for others the word ‘school’ brings back many happy! memories of dances and sports games, or haunting images of hours of tedious homework and demanding teachers. Other people are excited by an academic challenge, and others, bored after a long summer vacation, cannot wait to see their friends again. School is our life nine months of the year for thirteen years, including Homecoming, Mardi Gras, Prom, cultural assem blies, Bowling Bonanza, the Fall Drama, the Spring Musical, class competitions, Mountain Day, midterms and finals. At a college interview this summer, a student told me that he thought only 20% of his college experience was academics - the other 80% was comprised of his friends, clubs and 2

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child exists in each o f us. In 'P eter Pan. fNeverfNever Cand. a mystical haven for dreams and adventures, provided a home for this inner child. Peter Pan explains that the inner child, an escape from the pressures o f real life, exists in our imaginations and souls. In short, a part o f us will never grow up. Each one o f us has our fNever-fNever Cand. and though its location is different for us all. we think o f Peter Pan's directions as we write this yearbook. To get to everCNever Cand. Peter directs us. “Second star to the right, and straight on til morning’.' A s we grow up. we look back fondly on our memories a t Bancroft ■‘Til Aborning.

dances. This is true; while the education we get out of school is obviously important, it is only a part of the school experience. While I know that I will always remember that Pharaoh ^ means God and that there were dual hierarchies in Europe in the Middle Ages, I know I will also remember the jokes made in class and the memories I share with my friends. 2 Differentiating a math problem in Calculus, discussing Hamlet in English, or sitting in meditation in Religion and Philosophy - all of this is school, and while most of us probably ; ‘ won’t remember how to differentiate, why Hamlet was insane, or the aim of Hinduism, we will carry with us the lessons we learned from our classmates. It’s the students who make up a 5 school that give the school meaning. Without the students, a school would be an empty j, building. - Caylie Marden



Creative, energetic, enthusiastic - just a few o f the numerous, positive words th a t the class o f 1997 uses to describe M rs. Jdasnick. Confident in our abilities and sure o f our knowledge, she works continuously to ensure our future success. Eager to share her love o f Jdtstory, she guides us through the faults o f the past, encouraging us to find the best path to our futures. Crazy enough to take twenty students to 'Washington E9.C. every year, and compassionate enough to advise the Social Concerns Club in its charitable endeavors, she truly makes a difference in the Bancroft community. Jdet lessons will remain in our minds throughout the years. Always question, she teaches us. Trust is important, but always think for yourself. 'We learn, through her words, the impact one individual can make in society. In essence, she instills in us a sense o f importance, possibility, and purpose. In her eyes, we all make a difference. Thank you, Mrs. Jdasnick, for the contributions you have made to our lives. -Jessye Ball


E llen

SENI ORS - THE Isaac Newton once wrote "If I see farther it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." In its four years of high school the class of ’97 has indeed seen far. As a class we have surpassed expectations, broken boundaries and started traditions. Together we invented Mardi Gras and reinvented Halloween. We brought successful enthusiasm to the food drive and the AIDS dance. We sold skis and baked pies. We brought new meanings to class competitions and class trips. While we may have endured such growing pains as the Fuller mural, the Sophomore Wall of Shame, and the rules at Camp Harrington, we emerged with a small piece of maturity from each experience. And with that hard earned maturity we have become a collective giant. The class of '97 has stretched its limbs to touch every corner of the school. We've left our footprint on the athletic fields, our fingerprints in the art studios, our voices on the stage, our right brain in Fuller, our left brain in the Stoddard center, and our spirit all over campus. The class of '97 is the giant on whose shoulders each of us has stood. Yet at our vantage point of gigantic height we see how much we have not yet explored. We depart for fifty different destinations in the hopes of accomplishing a thousand different goals. And we will, because we have seen so far. - Liz Radin



Neeti R. Acharya To Mummy, P addy, Kruti and all my family, friends, teachers, and anyone who fed and housed me over the y e ars I'd like to say "Thank You!" I love you all very much and I'll

T d spoken to them all upon the trip and w as soon one w ith them in fellowship..." - The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer

m iss you!

I dan ce to the tune th a t is played. -Spanish Proverb We stand today on the edge of a new frontier. -John F. Kennedy


LOUIS MICHAEL ANASTASIA “you can have your cake and eat it too, cause there’s lots of free lunch for you, you think you been cheated you don’t have a clue, you don’t know where you are or what to do...” -Fat Mike

to change your world it only takes a split second so, watch your step before you leap... it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt...” -Pennywise First, I’d like to thank my Mom and Dad, who were always there to listen and offer advice, but allow ed me to make my own decisions. My friends, you are the best people that I have ever known, you are always there for me, and I am eternally grateful. To my teachers, you have all helped me to understand and comprehend - thank you for your patience. To Ms. Martell, for always advising and listening. Thanks to the brews (the coolest group ever), WHYC always fast never last, my extended family, (the moron brothers), the M anganos and the Radins, Vapid (for the music), and all of you who made me laugh, or just said “hi" in the hallway. You’ll all be missed.


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4, “I see that you've made your decision, now let's see you enforce it...” -Brandon Lee (The Crow)

His name is Hal Jordan, and on the third finger of his right hand, he holds the conduit to infinity: a ring whose power was limited only by the will of its bearer...” -Denny O'Neil “Ted my friend, I believe that we are about to embark upon a most unprecedented expedition...” Bill S. Preston esq.


To my family: Thank you for your endless love, support, and patience. You taught me how to laugh, cry, and believe

g j

All the W oulda-Coulda-Shouldas Layin’ in the sun, Talkin’ ‘bout die things They woulda-coulda-shoulda

in myself. I love you forever and always.


To my friends: Never forget to laugh,

But those Woulda-Coulda-

and remember to teach others to smile!


Thank you for the wonderful times we

All ran away and hid

have shared. I love you and will miss

From one litde did.


- Shel Silverstein

“All your life, you were only waiting for this mom ent to arrive.” -The Beaties

“Sometimes we m ust try, even if it is for nothing. Sometimes we m ust try because it is for nothing. Precisely because death awaits us in the end, we m ust live fully. Precisely because an event seems devoid of meaning, we m ust give it one. Precisely because die future eludes us, we

K m ust create it.” -Elie Wiesel


“C an ’t repeat die past? Why of course you can! ” - The Great G atsby We all may have come on different ships, but we’re on the same boat now. -Martin Luther King Jr.

“Dance is die loftiest, the m ost moving, the m ost beautiful o f the arts because it is no mere translation of life; it is life itself.” - Havelock Ellis

LAURA CATHERINE BAUS When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things will happen-there will be something hard for us to stand on, or we will be taught to fly. - A Tree Full of Angels Click your heels three times and Two roads diverged in a wood, and I say...There’s no place like home. I took the one less traveled by, - Glinda (the good witch) And that has made all the difference. TU * .it_ . . - Robert Frost The stupidest thing is a man with his own gifts acting like someone else. You can be taught and inspired but you must be you. - unknown

Thank you: - to my parents for their continued support - to class of ‘97 - Cheer up! The worst is yet to come. - Philander Johnson - to my friends (you know who you are)

People don’t raise heroes, they raise sons. If you treat them as sons they turn out to be heroes, even if it’s only in your own eyes. -Wally Schirra


Kate Rebecca Benson To M y Fam ily: M om , D ad, M olly, G ran n y an d K ay thank you for you r con tin uous love an d su p p o rt. I love you.

“I shall be telling this with a sigh

Thanks to all my friends from Stow, Bancroft...Mike, Tony, Lindsay, Shwach, Arturo, Tom, Lee, Bob, Grant, Alaina, Ethan, Kat and David... Skating, Bates...HMBBB, YCA, Cork, Karla's quotes, Stainless Pakistan, Rico, Goodnight Saigon... and the Aframes. Especially: Mrs. Puccio, Mr. Myers, Coach Gerhardt, Liz (my other older sister), Deena (Natick team), Damon (Bobcat pride), Barb (preppy, Auto...), Yuri (superman), Jacob (JB) and L. Ruthie... I could not have m ade it through these past two years without you. Thank you all. I love you.

Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and II took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” -Robert Frost "I've g o t a m agic ch arm T h a t I keep u p m y sleeve, I can w alk th e o ce a n floor A nd n ev er h a v e to b reath e. Life d o e sn 't frig h te n m e a t all N ot a t all N o t a t all. Life d o e s n 't frig h te n m e a t all." - M aya A ngelou

Thanks to my parents and theirs. Thanks to my brother. Thanks to everybody that helped. It’s cuttin' time, so let’s show ’em who’s carrying knives Dan Rocha (thanks) I guess the fun and games are pretty much over now -Caddyshack That which does not kill me only makes me stronger -Winston Churchill

Padgett Berthiaum e 10

First and foremost thanks to my parents who have pushed and encouraged me while still allowing me to make my own choices. Mom and Dad, I love you a lot and will miss you next year. You have given me everything I cherish most. Ellen, thank you for your caring and your friendship. You are a great sister and I’m proud to be related to you. Thank you to my family, especially Aunt Debbie, for all the affection and support. Special thanks to all my teachers and coaches, especially Ms. Tsang, Mr. Myers, Mrs. Rasnick, Mrs. Ulbrich, Madame, Coach Gerhardt, Coach O’Brien, and Coach Whitelaw. Your wisdom and friendship have given me drive and direction. Matt, thank you for always being there and for always being right. To my friends: In being my second family, you have become a part of me. Although this good­ bye is the hardest I’ve ever said, I am confi­ dent that our bonds will last. Thank you for everything - 1love you all more than I can say. ‘Threads that are golden don’t break easily.” -Tori Amos

Liza Winthrop Beth

“I believe that if there’s any kind of God, it wouldn’t be in any of us - not you or me - but just in this little space between. If there’s any kind of magic in this world, it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something. I know it’s almost impossible to succeed, but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt.”

-Before Sunrise

Courtney Kennedy Thank you Mom and Dad for always being there for me. Your love and guidance throughout my life have made me the person I am today. I will forever be grateful. To Bobby and M att- thanks for always keeping that smile on my face and the laughter in my eyes. You truly are my best friends. Coach Kelley-Thank you for your inspiration, guidance, and especially the lessons in commitment, perseverance, and achievement. You made us the team we were.

“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” --Sir Winston Churchill To all of my friends: I can’t thank you enough for the past four years. You’ve made my high school experience a time I will never forget. Thanks for my beginning. I love you all.

G rant D Thank you Mom, John, Dad, Tas, Sam, Amy and Maggie. I would never have survived without your support. All you, Mom Always remember to be South African, Never become American!! Nkosi Sikalela!! Lain: What can I say?? You have been there for me through everything. You are my Flavorite Princess. Remember to J-J-Just love me Forever. I love you!! Thank you to the crew of the ‘96 class. You guys made it fun. Remember, The The Bovz Tas: I love you!! Thanks for always being there! Biggest man is a Smackman: I don’t know where to For always knowing what to say. man who can cry! start! I must be retarded! You and I Mr. Sharp, Thank you for are where it all started. Just your support. remember, there is no space for all Thank you to ‘97 Kel, Liza, the memories. Stay retarded!!! Kate, West and the class. E: You lazy bum!!! You know that I To ‘98 Dave, Ruthie, Josh, love you. We’ll always be lazy Arturo, Bram and the together. Stay sly!!! class.To ‘00 Shultzie Hitz: Always remember to stay cool!!! (Chester). Thank you to You know you’ll never be better than the Golf Team. Party it up me at pool! Stay hot!!! and always have fun!

Y uri B rig h tly T h is is in n o p a rtic u la r o rd er... My th a n k s go o u t to... My M om, My D ad, My B ro th er, My bo y s -M ike A. T ony M. (savior of th e s u m m e r o f ‘95) B obby C. S pecial to th e M an g an o s a n d A n a s ta s ia s (my seco n d hom es). K ate B. (my sister), M att H. Liza B. J o s h K. R u b e n H. Liz R. P ad g ett B. (My sn o w b o a rd in g teach er) J o h n n y “R oyal” A ngelini. E th a n F. R u th ie A. L in d say B. C aitly n A. A rtu ro M. J a k e O. Vickie “S ick Vic” R. D ave G. T h a n k y o u se n io r c la ss. It w a s th e s h o r te s t fo u r y ears. S p ecial th a n k s to M rs. U lbrich, Mr. W hite a n d Ms. M artell. G ran d m em o ries -The C ape. T h a t g u y a t th e g a s sta tio n , la u g h a t u s , will you. S led d in g a t W a c h u se tt, th e snow m obile c h a se , sle d d in g b e h in d th e Civic. M illbury a m u s e m e n t. T o n y ’s h o u se in g en eral. T he q u a rrie s. T he tra in tra c k s . All th e crazy ro a d trip s. M obil th e r e s ta u r a n t of choice. College ro ad trip s in th e S a a b . My g re a t car. Looks like w e’re going to m ak e it a fte r all.

“It’s good to b e th e K ing.” -Mel B ro o k s 12

“I’m a h ig h p la in d rifte r.” -B e a stie B oys

R obert P Caver J r Thanks go out to my Dad, my Mom, John and Jen. Also to Mrs. Ulbrich, Mrs. Rasnick, Mrs. Carlson, Mr. Rocha, and all of my friends: All my boys from the lax team Tony, Mike A. Chang, Yuri, Arturo, C, 40, Padge, Anna, Ruthie, Ruben, Liza, Carin, The Manganos, Josh K. and anyone else I forgot, you know who you are. When you are born you cry and the world rejoices. Live life so that when you die the world cries and you rejoice. Anonymous Will cannot be quenched against its will. Dante By the time your life is finished, you will have learned just enough to begin it well. Eleanor Marx It is essential to detach from the energies of wine, physical beauty, and material goods. Aggression, greed and stupidity should all be eliminated. With a true heart and a true will, exert your strength to the utmost in practice. Pretend to be deaf and mute, let people criticize you if they will. When you have no conscious knowledge, all objects are empty. If you want to ascend to a high place, first you should descend. Liu-I-Ming


A dam J oshua C ovati “Dun nuh..Dun nuh...Salsa Shark, we’re gonna need a bigger boat”-Randal STAR WARS ‘The Force will be with you, always” -Ben Pooooh, Paint ball games in Hardwick, Snow­ boarding at Wachusett, Drivin’ around in Leif’s Saab, Sweet Breath, Calvin and Hobbes -My role models, good luck class of ‘97. See ya! n a ——

...The Prodigy... Hookups, the rhino.


M a u ra , w e w ill be best frien ds forever...M au ra M on ster, A rrA rrA rr...ITl n ever fo rget you.

Don't Live \\our life bvj other people s w orlds...

Dan: Sorry about Zoey, Remember blowing off studying Bio together, AJ and Holly: love ya too! :P :) A_A

w n « > £ 73 (0 3 C ■» t l (B


I’d like to th a n k m y p a re n ts a n d m y frien d s for alw ays b ein g th e re for m e a n d for h elp in g m e th ro u g h th e p a s t 4 y ea rs. "I'd rather h av e ro ses on m y table than d iam o n d s aro u n d m y neck." -C aroline B ourland

“T h a t’s w hen you know you found somebody special. W hen you can ju s t sh u t up for a m inute, and com fortably share silence.” -P ulp Fiction

U (D id my heart Cove tiff nozu? fForszvear it, sight, fFor I tie 'ersazv true heauty tif this n ig h t."

-‘Rpmeo & Jufiet

"L ife g o es too fast. D o w hat you w ant; think w h at you w ant; g o w here you w ant. I'd like to keep you w ith m e, but I w on 't m ak e you stay. T oo m an y p eo p le u sed to m ake m e d o too m an y th in gs." -The Little Foxes

Benjamin Ian Dobson Acknowledgements: Thank you Mom & Dad for all you have offered me over the years. Your sacrifices have not gone unnoticed. Thanks for joining me this time around; See you again next time!

To my brother, Andy, thank you for being what a typical younger brother should be. Thank you Grandma & Grandpa, for everything you have taught me, and gotten me involved in. Thank you JoJo, you were a hit at Bancroft, you will always be a hit to me.


“Cherish your dreams, for they are the stuff of which visions are made and destinies are fulfilled.” ~ Lazarus “Ignorance is degrading only when found in company with riches” ~ Schopenhauer

Benjamin R. Dore

E m ily W . E a s t o n

Thanks to my parents for sending me here and for their incredible support. Also thanks to Jason, Tim, and Emily. Thanks to Coach Enlow for his great coaching and advising. Thanks to all the teachers who taught me all these incredible things. And thanks to all my friends with whom I have had some great times these four years.

Sometimes, I find it's easy to be myself. Sometimes, I find it's better to be somebody else. -DMB “R em em ber ev ery th in g ,” she said, “W hen only m em ory re m a in s.” -C ounting Crows

Thank you and I love you to my mom and dad, all my teachers and all my friends. Goodbye. You are beautiful creatures, each and every one of you. And I bless you: more life. The Great Work begins. -Angels in America

Tiptoe through the tulips, Tiptoe through the glen. -Tiny Tim (1932-1996)

Soze? they say he’ssomekindabutcha? Fred Fenster WE HIDE THE WAVE. AND DON'T ASK WHEKE IT GOES. . . -PKG It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine. -REM


Jarrod Lawrence Faucher


Thanks to Mom, Dad, Justin, Joshua, coaches, and friends who have made my time here enjoyable and worth remembering...Good luck to the Class of ‘97!



Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind. -Eric Hotter

Ethan Fletcher “I t ’s ju s t me and my own naked self and the stars b reath in g dow n. And it’s beautiful.” -Jim Carrol “Let me fo rg et about today, until tomorrow.” -Bob Dylan

Thank you very much to everyone at Bancroft. 12 years o f school n have influenced me a lot. hopefully fo r the better. Thanks to all my teachers, to the class o f 9 7 . and good luck to the classes below. Keep partying. Special thanks to Mom. Dad. and Megan, your support has helped me more than you will ever know. Thank you also to Nibs, Mickey, Anne (Thanks-I love you), Pete P., Diesel. Shriber, Josh and Mike Katz, Mango. Arturo. Yuri and Mike (think fuzzy). Bob. Liza (friends), Anna, and Alison. Good luck. 16

What a long, strange journey it’s been. -Jerry Garcia

“I’d like to live forever, but only for a little while.” -SFW To the Crew: Grant: Thanks for everything. Don’t say goodbye 'cause we’ve got some more adventures coming. Shwach: Just you and me, kid. You’ve been a true friend, and just keep jammin’. Hitz: I don’t even know where to begin. We’ve been through a lot together. I appreciate everything. 12 years at Bancroft; who would’ve thought? -Good luck and stay real.

Victoria Li Fossum "l wanted only to live in accordance with the promptings which came from my true self; why was that so very hard?" -Hesse

"Living is easy with eyes closed, Misunderstanding all you see It gets so hard to be someone, But it all works out. That is, I think it's not too bad." |-John Lennon "University?" Mr. Wormwood shouted, bouncing up in his chair. "Who wants to go to university for heaven s sake? All they learn there is bad habits."-Roald Dahl, Matilda

In one of the gar­ den w alks stan d s Victoria; she is alone- a white spirit in the midst of the green garden. F o o tstep s are h e ard from the road below, she takes a few steps forward, down to the secret pavilion, she leans her elbows on the wall and looks down over it. The man on the road takes off his hat, sweeps it near to the ground, and calls a greeting. She nods to him. He takes a few steps toward the wall. -Hamsun, Victoria A rm ed to th e t e e t h , DRESSED TO THE NINES, IF I WASN’T ME,

I ’d ju s t like to th a n k e v e ry o n e | w h o h e lp e d m e a lo n g th e way, e sp e c ia lly m y frie n d s, fam ily,

I’ d h a v e w is h e d I WERE. - S penser-

a n d th e JV B a sk e tb a ll p ro g ram ,

5 K t e C ln u u e s L L ie d ,

T h a n k s also to C lu b S um o,

W ithin the duediwn

g o n e b u t n e v e r fo rg o tte n . T h a t 7s th e g re a t th in g a b o u t b e in g crazy. Y ou see th in g s n o

I ’m the best at what o n e else can . —D irk P itt— I do, but what I do ... A n d to a ll isn’t very nice. O N E NEVER KNOWS, a g o o d n ig h t! -L o g a n W. P a tc h - --TNBCDO ONE? -ARCHY MCNALLYRemember, wide is the way to go. 17

Erin Marie Green Just be yourself the 1 and only. It takes some time but th a t’s okay. A lright. No need to fight, cause everyone is different and there is nothing you can do about it. Just cause I don’t look like you or act like you it doesn’t make me any better or worse. -The Suicide Machines

Clmnksf C o:

JVlay t l i e t i n g e s o f o u r

Rude Girls, You Better watch out! Rude Girls. There’s more of us about! - the Bodysnatchers

f r ie n d s k ip n e v e r g ro w r u s ty

*My family: Mom, -aioldfcishtoast Dad, Aimee, and Mikaela. Thanks guys for being you. *Kelsey: You will always be my best friend. *And my great friends: Danit, Alicia, Jen S., Laura B., Adam, Jarrod, Andy, and everyone else—Thanks! Dave, Thanks for the music. Brooke, I hope we survive college. Mr. Munchster, who nibbles in the night, I will see you again! JL IJI


Randy D. Grossman Practice Non-Ado, and everything will be in order -Lao Tzu Who can unlearn all the facts that I’ve learned, or sat in the chair while my synapses burn. The torcher of chalkdust collects on my tongue. Thoughts follow my visions and dance in the sun. All my vasoconstricters come slowly undone. Can’t this wait till I’m old can I live while I’m young. -Phish

To my Teachers: Thank you for always encouraging me to try my hardest, and dealing with me when I forgot to. To my Friends: It’s been a blast these last few years and I can’t imagine what it will be like without you next year. Thanks for everything.(Special thanks to my boys at DHS) To my Parents: Thank you for putting up with me all these years. I haven’t always been the easiest to deal with but Mom and Dad you always managed. You taught me more than school ever will, and for this and everything else I love you.


Thanx to: ernie, from bert david, lub lub mom,dad,di,bree and noah the cool teachers here and all the little people like alicia, danit and lee. i love you all ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


daem u n fi * Aesiaifl * dare ya to be who you will, dare ya to cry right out loud double dare ya girl-friend. YA!! -bikini kill

exercise your own free w ill


- W

emotions aren’t a product to sell, and cannot be consumed -OPIW


i had to go out and find love of another kind * here it is * here i am * turn it up* really loud - rancid ^ “ i be who you are. who cares what every one else says?!?! if they put you down for being who you are, then they are just narrow minded pieces of garbage, no one needs that. -me

Matthew Hitzhusen

“If you don’t bring your level up to compete with me then I’m going to completely dominate you, and I’m going to talk trash to you and about you while I’m dominating.” Michael Jordan

Special thanks to my parents-it was a struggle but you loved and supported me throughout. To Andrew and Ariel, you forced me to be more responsible-l love you both. To Coach O’Brien, for your friendship and guidance to maturity on and off the court. To Ms. Tsang, for believing in me even when I didn’t, and for always having time to talk. To Mr. Sharp, for Chinese food, good stories, and being a great adviser.

Liza: thanks for understanding me and always being a friend no matter what. Ethan: thanks for always being yourself, being a lazy bum, and having the same brain as me. Shwach & Grant: you’ll always be my boys, whenever, wherever. Thanks to Mike, Yuri, Mango, Josh Katz, Alison, Anna, Pete C., Pete P., Mike Katz, (Coach) Whitelaw, Coach Enlow, and everyone from the classes of ‘94-’97 who made my high school experience what it was.

“There is no progress w ithout struggle.” - Frederick Douglass

Michael Hochman After reneging on his claim that the sun, not the Earth, “No matter how many shots you take, somewhere is the center of the universe in front of the Spanish there’s a kid out there taking one more. If you dribble Inquisition: “Eppur Si Muove!”- And yet it moves!a million times a day, someone is dribbling a million Galileo Galilei. and one.”- Larry Bird. All I can really say is “thank you” to everyone in my page. First, and most importantly, I want to thank my parents. I appreciate all they have taught me about the world, and hope they realize how much they have meant to my successes. I guess I have to thank my brother also. Steve, you have been a lot of fun to be around, and I will miss you tremendously next year. I want to thank all the fantastic teachers I’ve had. Your enthusiasm has been unbelievable. Thanks to Coach O'Brien: 13 seasons, two hours every day for four years after school. And thanks to Hitz, “I keep picturing all these little kids playing in this big field of rye and all. I'm standing on the edge of ^letch, and Joe. I will always some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch have fond memories of playing everybody if they start to go over the c liff... I'd just B-Ball with you guys. I have be the catcher in the rye. I know it’s crazy, but that’s truly loved my time at Bancroft! “If you're going to oe a bear, you might as well be the only thing I’d really like to be.” J.D. Salinger in a grizzly.”- Mark O ’Brien. The Catcher in the Rve.

Rachel Lynn Josephson You’ll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You’ll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that life’s a great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left. -Dr. Seuss Humor is the shortest distance between two people. -Victor Borge To Mom, Dad, and Ben- Thanks for your love and support. To my friends-Thanks for making it fun-1 love you guys and I’ll miss you all. Your friends help you carry the big weight in life. That big burden we’ve all got called, “What the hell am I doing?” -Jerry Seinfeld I don’t want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance. -George Balanchine


Jacly n L auren K anarish “Life moves fast. If you don’t stop and look around once and a while, you might miss it.” -Ferris Bueller “I don’t know what’s the key to success, but the key to failure is to please everybody.” -Bill Cosby Mom-1 love you more than all of the stars in the sky, more than all the gallons of water in the ocean. Dad-Even though you’re at a long distance, you have always been there, whether I’m in MA or FL. And yes I know what you have for dinner on Sunday nights. Jim-Thanks for being patient with someone who’s so impatient. Above all, thanks for making me laugh. And keep on wearing those yellow pants. Olga-All of the Saturday shopping trips and the walks on Hollywood beach. Deborah and Danny-You guys are the best. You mean more to me than you’ll ever know. Mindy and David- Even though you are far away, I love you! Ms. Martell-Someday I’ll come back and be a math teacher. Class of 97-Good Luck! “There must have been a time when you entered a room and met someone and after a while you understood that unknown to each other there was a reason you had met. You had changed the other and the other had changed you. By some word or deed or just by your presence the errand had been completed. Then perhaps you were a little bewildered or humble or grateful. And it was over. Each lifetime is the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. For some there are more pieces. For others the puzzle is more difficult to assemble. And so it goes. Souls moving this way and that. Trying to assemble the many parts. But know this, no one has within themselves all the pieces to their puzzle. Everyone carries with them at least one and probably many pieces to someone else’s puzzle. Sometimes they know it. Sometimes they don’t. -L. Kushner

Love and a smooch, just one.

To my friends: Moo and be w e ll. S a v e up fo r d is c o - L egs lights for the bar. Teachers: Mrs. Rasnick (history made special), Mr. W hite (today’s fun day at last!), Mr. Trocchio (land is pow er), Mr. M athieu (advisorial d e d ic a tio n ), M rs. U lbrich (E n g lish and h isto ry), and c e rta in ly Mr,

e a r n CAUFMAM

T eu tsch (ye s, s ir!), I ow e you a g re a t d e a l o f th a n k s fo r all the knowledge you have taught, and the wisdom you have fostered. Love, life and liberty have been encouraged as much as reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmatic. “ I’m making a list of the things I must say for politeness, And g o o d n e ss a nd k in d n e s s and gentleness,/Sweetness and rightness: H e llo /P a rd o n m e /H o w are y o u ? /E x c u s e me/Bless you/M ay l?/Thank you/Goodbye If you know some that I’ve forgot, please stick them in your eye! -Shel Silverstein

jMy liege and madam. To expostulate what majesty should be. what duty is. why d a y is day. night is night, and time is time were nothing but to waste night, day. a n d time. -Jiamlet A ctZ Scene Z lines 95-96

MOM: You taught me to stand-up, look people in the eyes, and that w/ in the smallest person, lies an enormous heart. I love you. xoxo

KRIS:You’ve proven to me that love is a bond that can never be broken. I love you always... your little sister, xoxo

K e lly H e a th e r K e r v ic k "Some people walk in the rain. Others just get wet." -Roger Miller

DAD: You taught me to be strong, never look back, and that behind your tough skin, lies a teddybear. I love you Keeks xoxo

"Forget the past; remember the memories. Don't worry about the ^ future; but dream of the W h e r e v e r uou n t possibilities. w a l k to , I c o v e HOW jusHivefor ,he moment/ fo o tp r in ts on the wAVj. „? -K .H .K . To all of mv friends who have lent me their ears, held my hand, or returned a smile. I owe you my sanity, many precious memories, the sun and more. Mrs. Hench, you have been like a surrogate mother to me. Thanx to Coach Gerhardt for putting up with all that I’ve dished out, and then dishing it right back!! Ms. Martell and Ms. Tsang: thanx for showing me my potential! I will miss you all... xoxoxoxoxoxox... i luvya Nin!M



Thank you: To my Mom for not only being a mother but for also being my best friend. To my father for all his love and understanding. To my brother Andy, words cannot express my feelings for you, but you B irth is a b e g in n in g , a n d d e a th a d e s tin a tio n , know I love you. a n d life th e jo u r n e y we le a d in b e tw e en . M ake Thank you also to all my family, th e jo u r n e y co u n t! friends, and teachers. You have all touched me in your own special - Anonymous ways. 22

“ ...And these children that you spit on as they try to change their worlds are immune to your consultations. They’re quite aware of what they’re going through...” -D avid Bowie

(arin Litani Thank you Mom and Dad for dealing with me all these years. I don’t understand how you did it. You were always there giving me your love, support, and advice (and ignoring me in my crazy moments). I love you. Maya, I know we don’t always get along and fight over the most superficial things but I love you a lot and will miss you so much next year. (W ho’s going to do the guy part in / got a Man?) To Mrs. Carlson, Ms. Tsang, and Mrs. Puccio: thanks for your wisdom, guidance, and friendship these past years. Finally, to my friends, thanks for making high school fun and unforgettable. You always kept me laughing. I love and will never forget you guys. Each of you has a special place in my heart. GOOD LUCK ‘97!

“The m ost w asted of days is th at in which one has not laughed.” -S eb astian Cham fort “ W e ’ ll t a k e a N o r w e g i a n c r u i s e b u t we w o n ’ t go to N o r w a y !” -ween

Will Hombarbellt

Tm in a New y ork gu te ^ Mind' -Billy Joel

This is a bunch of stuff that i’m tired of remembering and would much rather immortalize q in print for all to read:Thanx 2: Tom J.-for notrz^ kicking my butt and for being my first magic -q victim, Covati-Karate-for pooo and the salsa < shark, Andy Myers-for happy(KITH) and learning 0^ O to live with the curse of button boy (strongest 0 i r oS fingers in Worcester County)-Oa525 shall rise <7) again like the phoenix from the desert ash, Mikey- q 0 for not making your Kung-Fu prowess painfully^ CD O obvious & for being understanding about mys

“ Never Wake A Man Who is Sleeping on an Ironing Board!” -Life with Louie

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^ CD +J. _ L — drawing ability (or lack thereof), Liland- | \ / | an Goes into cage...Cage goes N — O 03 .2> 3 b u o a ® for crazy N.V. hide and seek, evenings at % % n, , Honey Farms (with Ben L not @Brattle jntO S a l s a S h a r k is in S a ls a ...O U r s t.)-p .B. and for puzzling me wrth the sh a r[< „ -R a n d a l ways of the Norseman, Leo-for your crazy Wlllfjp funnies, Dobson-for demonstrating boundless heart, Justin L.- for showing me the true evil of the supermoocher...snoochie-boochies....let it flow, baby, Kauphburg- for minigolf and watering the grass/house, Dave-for teaching me about human nature-seeing through mistruth and for my first love/hate-hate/hate ^ relationship, Mohaghegh-Enyveys, don’t forget the skidschool losers, i won’t...Mr. Smith for not ^ dismissing me as lazy, Mrs. Rasnick- for caring and kickin’ my butt, Ms. Martell-thanks for trying to get me motivated in math....i still owe you home work...most of it : ), Mr. Tombs- for showing me ^

Who’s your favorite New that change is good’ Carter" your strength is your only major ^ ' weakness...you always were the “thinker” of the group, Mom and 'Q Kid? Dad...duh!! I’m getting forgetful in my old age...i’m going to bed ,6^ Am I Donny, am I Jordan? now ‘cause it’s late and i have to get up at 5:30 to go to work, 31227, ^ -Buttman (Mallrats) The Ladies (all 29)- never thought i’d have to milk a sheep!! John Faieta-for teaching me how to take a road trip without forgetting my skateboard, and to the rest of the huddled masses...thanks for helping me to warp my personality into the bucket full of wonderment that it is today- and for being civil!!



Anthony Mangano

Leave me here / To drag my tail in the mud!

-Chuang Tzu In the morning the sun rises. I greet it. I will do my best to live today. In my house there is a cave, In the evening, the sun sets. and in the cave is nothing at allStaring at the evening glow, I want to sit still. pure and wonderfully empty With a little dream in my heart, I sleep resplendent, with a light like the sun. as quietly as a bird... -Han-shan * * * * * Let’s find happiness by ourselves. Across the fields of yesterday Within silver tears like pearls and laughter He sometimes comes to me, ★★★★* like the sun, A little lad just back from play***** let’s keep walking ahead each day. The lad I used to be. ***** Certainly some day, as I look back over my -T.S. Jones Jr. past, Will shooting guns and making bombs will quietly see my life with a smile. make you men and not dogs? -Senri Ueno -Kung Fu Here’s to woman! Would that we could *** fall into her arms without falling into her * ** hands-

-Ambrose Bierce Great God, I ask thee for no meaner pelf Than that I may not disappoint myself. -Thoreau

Please excuse me, Father, for talking so much; the holy Fathers consider even spiritual but immoderate speech as empty talk... Please say a prayer for me, a great sinner, that the Lord in his infinite mercy would bless my journey and bring good out of it. -Anon

...grant to me that I be made beautiful in my soul within, and that all external possessions be in harmony with my inner man... -Plato

Thank you to m \ t rvrJi i r ' o f i r \ n n l

Thank you to my family and friends for a fabulous year! Christina-- thanks for being a great friend all these many years. I will never forget eating chocolate chips, and brownies, our P&P party, walks at the Meadow, Sommersby. Always remember: I AM THAT BUTTERCUP! Shveta-thank you for being a great friend too! I’ll never forget the hay ride we waited forever for, or the fabulous barndance. Bull Moose! Don’t forget Hell, or the stalker from Sophie’s World ( that was a great free). “God gave us our memories, so that we might have roses in December.” —J.M Barrie


Jason B. Mohaghegh All men die. Few men ever really live. ------William Wallace The only thing to fear is fear itself. ------Franklin Delano Roosevelt A man must never fail to seize a chance to tell his enemies that they may take his life, but never his freedom. -------Karl Marx Kill one man and you're a murderer, kill a million and you’re a conqueror. -------Plato

Thanks to my family for always supporting me in everything I undertake and encouraging me to recognize my true potential. I don’t know what I would do without you. Also, thanks to all the friends who made this journey fun and the teachers to whom I owe more than I can say: Mrs. Ulbrich, Mr. Trocchio, Mrs. Rasnick, Mr. Thoms, Mrs. Dings, Mr. Barrow, Ms. Tsang, Mrs. Carey, Mr. White, and all the others whom I have forgotten to mention. Good luck to the classes and generations of the future. Take it easy and enjoy yourself while you’re here (it all goes by way too fast). Thanks again everyone. It’s been one heck of a ride.

THOMAS “ It s e e m s



that y o u r


“Si t u


n ’a p a s d e


-Griffin & Sabine

PAS DE JAMBES, CO U RS: SI TU n ’a p a s d ’e s p o i r , in v e n t e . . . ”

-A l e g r i a

Cirque du Soleil “I was

g o in g t o th a n k s o m e

le a v e s o m e o n e o u t . T hen everyo n e.

B ut I was

d i d n ’t d e s e r v e t o

p e o p le , but

I WAS a f r a i d I’ d

I t h o u g h t , I’ l l t h a n k

a f r a id

I’d t h a n k

b e than ked.

som e

S o I ’v e

peo ple

d e c id e d


not to













"RITA R U D N E R O U T . ”




Andrew J. Myers H e who serves his fellows is, of all his fellows, greatest*

-Chief Chingatchgook

"PHLEGM! ! - Me, Eighth Grade Play W ith Thanx JeffS.- Thanks fo r being there w hen I needed you. Y ou’re the best friend anyone could ask for.

M m y Friends- Thank you fo r the laughs, the stories, the memories. I’ll never forget any o f you. M y Parents- I'll never forget the sacrifices you've made fo r me. Thank you! All m y Advisers- Thank you fo r believing in m e and supporting m e all the way. M y Class- You gave me the m ost valuable thing there isyour trust. Thank you!

“On My Honor, 111 Do My Best.. ”

Anna Gabriela Ortiz-Neustrup




To my family, Thank you for loving and supporting me through fits of rage and my teary moments of weakness. Your love has enabled me to do whatever it is I’m about to embark on. Thank you for giving me independence and drive. Now it’s time for me to go out and use it. I have to make my own destiny. Thanks for showing me how. I love you very, very much. “Let your mind go and your body will follow.” -L.A. Story To my teachers, (Especially Mrs. Ulbrich, Mrs. Rasnick, Ms. Martell and Mr. Myers) Thank you for your undying patience.


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. -Nelson Mandela

To my friends, Sometimes I wonder if I would even exist without you. Thank you for all of the sleep-overs which we never slept through. Thanks for phone calls that lasted until three in the morning. Thanks most of all for the memories and your infinite wisdom. I love you all, always and forever.

Mother, I cannot thank you enough for all the things you have done for me. Your love and support throughout my life have made me who I am today. I truly admire you as a person and more importantly as my mother. Shoutouts: Courtney you will always be a supermodel in my eyes. You’ve got me twisted over you. Bonding over tomato soup. Got tomato on your shirt. Pootnanny. It is always a pleasure to finance your weekends. I would not do it if I did not want to. Your selective memory and forever changing views. Poot. Signing concerts. Your hands are your best dance partner. Pootang. Your yummy sausages, and Katie’s too. Katie you have Prada and D&G to thank for looking so good. DT. Mile Shmile. Courtney- the Altoids. I think this is the one. Katie, it’s eighty, why the turtleneck? PV. Yes! Mingles. Flies with credit cards. Yeah Mom! Haagen Dazs and midnight talks with Jan. T-A-B-F. Katie watch your head! Our occasional talks about friendship in the all too familiar Jeeps. Props to ma peeps Alisa; no I’m not making fun of you. Erica you know what I am thinking... do you have a special place, I do. HB . Liz are you on a romantic call. Michela I will always find humor in your distress, remember everyone else has the problem. Tamira you will always steal the show. DDC. Audrey just chillin' wit tha boobays.

Elizabeth Moira Radin Thank You to my parents, sisters, teachers, advisers, coaches and friends. Each of you has had an enduring effect upon my life. I will always carry a piece of you with me.

“Here’s a sigh to those who love me and a smile to those who hate and whatever sky is above me here’s a heart for every fate” -Byron

“I’ll dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free silhouetted by the sea circled by the circus signs with all memory and fate lying deep beneath the waves” -Bob Dylan “When the sun comes up you’d better be running.” -African proverb


Alison Christine Riggieri T h a n k s to all m y frie n d s a n d fam ily for m a k in g th is a n ev en tfu l fo u r y e a rs. You g u y s h av e ta u g h t m e m o re th a n y o u know . Next y e a r m ay c h a n g e th in g s b etw een u s , b u t o u r frie n d sh ip s will re m a in w ith m e forever.

ORTIZ-thanks for everything. We don’t need guys to have fun!! Gretchen-love you to death. Freaky stuff with the ladder. ADRIENNE- just remember the one thing we have to be thankful for about soph, year and summer of ‘95 RULES!! JILL- you and your family have been great to me for almost twelve years-thank you. Be grateful for the headband. ERIN- us and the guys!! WENDY- first term freshman year was the best. Thanks to everyone else, especially Ricky, Ethan (nomads will one day rule the world), Matt H., Liza, Jessica, the summer of ‘95 crew, esp. T-Dog’s apartment, Greg and the talks at D+D, Shawn and Shane, St. Brigid’s C.Y.C., and Connor. Thank you to my nana, my brothers Matt and Joey, and especially to my parents who have sacrificed so much for me. Absentmindedness has caused me to forget so many people who I do care for-sorry.

Joseph MeCarten Rosales I would really like to th an k my p aren ts for instilling in me as I grew up the values of honesty and h ard work, and for always accepting and loving me for who I am, not trying to mold their own ideal creation.

"I'm alw ays interested in a challenge ... It's hard work. You've got to have a plan and you've got to follow it. If [you] do t h a t , nothing's im possible." — Bill Fitch


I would also like to th an k all the m em bers of the faculty who contributed to the advancem ent of my education and for m aking the p a st 12 years at Bancroft a m eaningful experience.

I a m finally th a n k fu l for all m y frien d s, a n d I j u s t hope t h a t o n ce w e h av e g ra d u a te d I w o n ’t b e q u ick ly forgotten.

"Look b a c k and sm ile a t perils past." -- Walter Scott

"It is one o f the b lessin gs o f old friends th at you can afford to be stupid w ith them." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Anthony J. Selvitella “I am a friend not won with trifles, nor lost with the like.” -Elizabeth I

“The first thing was, I learned I' to forgive myself. Then I told myself, 4Go ahead and do whatever you want, it's okay by me.’” -Jack Handy, D e e p T h o u g h ts

“Necessity compels me to speak truth rather than pleasing things...” -Daniel Webster

“Would you like a pretzel, Thanks to Mom, Dad, Madam?” Grandma and Grandpa. I love -Kramer, Seinfeld “I’ve gotta be so big, so powerful, so famous...” -Sammy Davis Jr. 1

you. Thanks to Mrs. Rasnick, Ms. Martell, Mrs. Carey and all my friends for helping me out and putting up with me. Good luck and best wishes to all. I can’t wait til reunion time.

“I could say the multiplication table to six times seven is thirty-five...I don’t take no stock in mathematics anyway.” -Mark Twain

Matthew W. Shwachman Thanks to Mom, Dad, and Mark for all your support, guidance and love.

The Bovz

“Y ou’ve got to tru st your instincts and let go o f regret, Y ou’ve got to bet on yourself now star, cause th at’s your b est b et’’ -311 “ R ise a n d fall, tu rn th e wheel, cau se all life is, is really ju s t a circle 1 -B H T M

“T urns o u t n o t where, Grant: We will always be boyz, no matter b u t w ho y o u ’re w ith what, as we both know. Thanks for all the th a t really m a tte rs ” good memories: Cool Ranch Doritos, Pats -D M B on Sunday, Cherries, Huh, beach house, Egda. . . exactly....and all the states of retardedness. Fletch: ENGLISH MUFFINS, VK (They know me there), the plant-1 could have gone there but I went there, GSW- the aftermath, Sinbin, the acid/reggae mix, nibs, Ground floor (Muffs, etc..) and the number of countless memories. Hitz: You are one hairy bum! Pool, Mountain Dew, have you seen the uh.. weight room, and you definitely are the king of comebacks. (/lloofc* c

lltA S

/ I w //

c vocu

W ic,


-M arley

The following people have made an impact on my life: Coach E., Ms. Martell, Mr. G, Anna, Kate, Liza, Padge, Yuri, Ben, Ruthie, Katz, Alaina, Kat, Morgan, Who's Good... Osgood, Camilla, Mia, Bree, Schultzy, Shriba, Anne, Pete P., Pete C., M. Katz, Rica, Taz, Kristen, Patti, Justin, Curran, All my boyz at the Tou', Nicole, and everyone else I forgot.


Sinha This is w ay w eird-I Ve graduated-no really, “I totally serious!'’-Big C(aka C harita) But, I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised; I mean, I had so much help along the way (here goes the cheesy, Oscar acceptance speech!): M om, Dad, Pinto(physics tutor+ best bwador)-say hi to Jerry for me!, and C harita(a.ka DORK! + Broadway dancing partner)-! love you all soooo much, thank you (oh, Bum py+ChaCha too!). Mrs. Carey (I know, I need safeties!), and all of m y teachersthank you! Coach O ’Brien, w ithout you, I’d probably still

only be walking!-T hanks (and to the whole X-C team too: I love you guys!)-PRODIGY! All of m y friends, you’re all FABULOUS (and fashionable)!(if you w eren’t, do you think I’d hang o u t w ith you?-AS IF!) Anyway, it’s been fun, I guess, but now it’s tim e to go...“Parting is such sweet sorrow, th at I shall say goodnight ‘til it be morrow!” ( Romeo and Juliet)

Alas! The onion you are eating is someone else’s waterlily! -Fortune Cookie

ERRON TITUS Trust your Intuition. The Universe is guiding your life. -Another Fortune Cookie

Thanks to my friends, teachers, and family, especially Mom, Dad, and Andrea.



Ha mi l t o n


“Reason is discarded and I’m just going where the voices of the moment seem to send me.” Griffin and Sabine “Life is nothing without friendship.” Cicero “Don’t part with your illusions. When they are gone, you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.” Mark Twain


To Mom, Dad, Rob, PGS, my teachers, and all my friends, thank you for all the memories. Best of luck to the senior class...

------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------------

Heather (flam Vettante u

Crag tngeng iterabimug aequor.” -Horace


(£Eomorrobu tuc toill make a journey on the Uagt gea.)

“N o n est, cred e m ilii, sa p ie n tis d icere V ivani; sera n im is vita e st c ra stin a : vive h o d ie . -M artial (B elieve m e, it is n o t fo r tlie w ise to say I will live;’ life to m o rro w is to o late: live today.)

77tariff you everyone for malting my years here at *.B ancroft so memorable. Lhanffyou to my parents for letting me go to this school and for supporting me in all my efforts, to my teachers for sharing their (q i o z v ledge, and to all my friends, the ones I zoill most remember after graduation, fo r being there for me and for making these past nine years most enjoyable. lAnd don't ever forget: J ivumaic bPxvtk rules and La tina vincit omnia! “Forsan haec olim meminisse iuvabit.” -Virgil

(Perhaps it will be pleasing to remember these things in the future.)







Thank you Papa, thank you Mom, thank you P ian a and Carolyn, for your love, your tears, your hugs, your all. I love you. Thank you -friends for your lau gh s and your hearts. I love you. Thank you teach ers for your knowledge, enthusiasm , and warmth. Thank you to the spirit in each one o f us. 2 /ir

refr/ied, m y firecco u s c/ti/d ,

/eve you a n d to o u /d n en er /eu ve y o u . S d a r in y y o u r /(m e: o ffr ia /a n d :u fjfe r i? iy ,

"Oon'c you AgRec rh&c on one's piRsr visir ro PfoRence, one nnusr h&ve a Room iuirh A vieui? --- R o o m iu irh a \ 'ion

udien you tee o n /y one te /

^bo/jfi'rin/tj i t

w a2 //ten d a / ( d c u r r ie d you.

-author unknown

J u s t a s m y fin g ers on th e s e k ey s Make music, so th e self-sam e so u n d s On my sp irit m ake a m usic, too. - W allace S tev en s

Sarah Leah Wolfman-Robichaud • "I think of time as it was then something to speak of in tangible terms." -Richie Havens s"lf we discovered that we only had five minutes left to say all that we wanted to say, e v e ry telephone booth would be occupied by people calling other people to tell them that they loved them." -Christopher Morley "In this lifetime we-|l rise before we fall."-Jam es Rado "I realized I had no guts a n y w a y , which I've long known. But I have joy." -Jack Kerouac "W rinkles only go where the smiles have been." -Jimmy Buffett

* # # / ask you....is it possible to bundle ell of my love end gretitude into e few squere

inches of e pege? Over my pest few yeers et Bencroft I heve come to reelize thet love comes in meny forms. I cen love my school my femily, end my best friends; I cen love the snow deys. end the 6:30 reheersels thet keep me eweke until the next morning doing homework. There ere so meny weys thet I cen feel love for everything end everyone thet hes been my beckbone, holding me together.; for the pest six yeers.....lt's herd.I though, to express my heert in one short peregreph. Thenk you to ell end mey you leern the beeuty of love es I did. I heve Bencroft to thenk for thet thet which I shell never forget. Mey the sun shine down on ell of you. SLW R * * *




above: “No, that’s okay; I’m fine. Really.” above Right: “Wait ‘til I tell him what’s really jji the pizza...” lelow: Laura refuses a perfectly good |hoto opportunity.


Above: Penance at Camp Harrington Below Left: Kelly, Lisa, and Nin model one of the first prototypes for the new dress code. Below: Apparently for Anna, good things come in pairs. -




It- m p . .







Stu de

'Jw va. tif e

fr .


Theodore Sharp - Headmaster

B a rb a ra G ro v e s

C h r is to p h e r B o o n e

K a re n P e lle tie r

H ead of U pper S chool

H e a d o f M id d le S c h o o l

H ead of Low er S chool


English Department C lockw ise from top: Steve W hite, M ary U lbrich, Greg Mac G iIp in , Je n n ife r Carey, Liz Tsang, Ann V a n o s d o I . (M issing: Pat A lb re ch t, Lai I a Carothers.)

Front Row, L-R: Greg MacGilpin, Dennis Trocchio, Frank Heavey. Back Row, L-R: Fred Bayon, Ellen R asnick, Frank Thoms.

History Department 36

Foreign Language Department

|j|i .

iA m

Arts Department 37

Science Department L-R:Jane Crooks, Joan Carlson, Mark Teutsch, Brian Kondek, Amy Pearson, Sylvia Bullock

Math Department, L-R: Rob Sherry, Laurie Dings, John Barrow, Mark Smith, Jane Martell.


Math Department 38

Technology Department

Physical Education Department

L-R: Bob Stein, Peter McKone, Bud Brooks. L-R: Steve Kelley, Ann Jasperson, Mark O’Brien, Jane Gerhardt, Russ Enlow

Dining Hall Staff

Clockwise from left: Terry Bartkus, Paul Murphy, Pam Meskus, Hannah Mansfield, Helen Keaney, Mary Ann Lavin, Ray Auren.

Maintenance Staff

Front Row, L-R: John Esslinger, Kevin Larkin, Sean Hennessey, Eric Lindberg. Back Row, L-R: Dick Barriere, Jim O’Rourke, Paul DeCarlo


Lower School Faculty

Halley Allen

Barbara Berka

Karrie Chan-Lam

Barbara Chenot

Patricia Condon

Robert Easton

Sheryl Schutter

Helen Seale

Elaine Shack

Sharon Sharp

Josephine Truesdell

Charles Aleksiewicz

Sandra Allen

Lydia Barter

Lisa Leach

Debra Lee

Margaret MacGilpin

Ann Vanosdol

Jean Webb

Sandra Welch

Administration and Essentials

Joanne Fortin

C. Robert Gielow

Lucinda Gould

/ L. Victoria Powers 40

Jenique Radin

Martin Richman

Ann Flatt

Jewell Holden

Elizabeth Kunhardt

Nancy Mangano

Marcy Merzigian

Patricia Paugh

Julie Beauregard

Suzanne Casey

Janet Cellucci

Karen Chase

Danette Day

Betsy Engvall

Margery Miller

Michael Mooney

Victoria Mulligan

Marjorie Orr

Meredith Perry

Cara Philbin


Grade 11 Ruth Aframe Caitlyn Ahlquist Michael Allen Laura Apostolou Lindsay Bennett

Christopher Connolly Kathryn Crowley James Deprez Neal Donnelly Christian Farmerie

David Hatch Brian Hawkins David Hawkins Aurelie Henon Morgan Holzer

Natasha Korgaonkar Samuel Kressler Paul Laddis Gregory Lapidas Nicholas Marcoux

Jeanne Nicholson Patrick O'Connor David Osgood Jacob Oyer Joseph Persky

Sara Scheufele Jenifer Siergie Krysten St. John Danit Veroude Jing Zhuo Wang


Leah Benson Colby Brown Eric Coghlin Michael Cohen Camilla Colley

Drew Freilich Melissa Gerhardt Jeffrey Goodwin Thomas Goss Sarah Harger

Ruben Honig Kate Hutchinson Andrew Katz Joshua Katz Suzanne Klainer

Joella Maron Meghan McGrath Ryan McLaughlin Alaina Montuori Abigail Morgan

Michael Peters Jonathan Pitcher Vijay Renganathan Alicia Rockwell Arturo Ruiz

Jasmine Whitney Abraham Yoffie



Grade 10 Cyrus Ahalt Pauline Alfred Clinton Becker Anthony Belanger F. Graham Binder

Brackett Dow William Ebert Katelyn Enlow Samuel Epstein Christine Feldt

Ian Hamos Anne Huppert Avi Kaufman Ilya Khabinsky Cortney Kitchen

Steven Lupacchino Kristin Marshall Courtney McKallagat Jennifer Miller Amy Nystrom

Jessica Poznik Victoria Radin Leah Rosales Alastair Rowe-Mitchell Tucker Ruderman

Abraham Stein Alison Stuart Caitlin Tolland Benjamin Tomb Ketan Vakil


John Cayer Maureen Chang Jonathan Dahlquist Timothy Dore Ethan Dorr

Andrew Fitzgerald Sara Flynn Aimee Green Bree Guntharp Kurt Hagstrom

Aliza Krefetz Sara Langer Justin Leroux Amanda Lewis Ting Li

Jason Olsen Jesse Palma Vilas Patwardhan Mia Pearson Alycia Piontkowski

Andrew Schaeffer Chelsea Seale David Sinofsky Naomi Sleeper Danielle Spring

Christopher Vazquez Sara Yood



Grade 9 Julia Aframe Emily Athy Joseph Brennan Meredith Brooks Ellen Cahill

Julie Deprez Kaushal Desai Adam Dubinsky Jillian Dunn Jennifer Dunsdon

Jesse Geller Lindsay Gerhardt Corinna Gleich Christine Goss Alissa Greenberg

Justin Kaufman Borko Kereshi Rachel Khabinsky Sarah Lucchesi Thomas Mack

Jess Oyer Achyut Phadke Naomi Reville Charlynne Rivera Brandon Rockwell

Christopher Shepard Charita Sinha Julianne Sisley Michael Surabian Margaret Swan

Samantha Welch Carolyn Whitten Erica Woda Zachary Wyatt Talya Yaylaian


Martha Castro Manasi Chitre Kathryn Cranshaw Elizabeth Crowley Catherine Day

Justin Faucher Sara Feldman John Finn Matthew Frassica Stephanie Galica

Derek Haas Rachel Harper Jesse Holzer Anne Houston Jennifer Johnson

Kara Manchester MaryElizabeth McGillicuddy Milan Moore Stefani Orland Rachel Ostrow


Winthrop Ruml Derek Sbrogna Marc Schultz Nathaniel Schultz Nathan Senge

i Priscilla Swan Sarai Torres Ingrid Tsang Ubong Ukpong Eric Ursprung

Grade 8 Anthony Arous Elizabeth Brennan Sarah Burke Addie Candib Jennifer Cayer Marisa Clementi Jennifer Connolly

Andrew Connors Stephen Crowe Anthony Dalli Ngozi Eze David Flagler Nicholas Gamas Mackenzie Goodwin

Stephen Goranson Brian Haas Andrew Haddad Elizabeth Hannum Adam Hershman Jay Herwitz David Hodgman

Steven Krumholz Nicolas Kyriakakos Jeffrey Lacouture Stephen Laddis Justin Lesmewski Andrew Lindblad Maya Litani

Michael Lupacchino Kelly McKallagat Meghan McLaughlin Katelyn Meyer Eliza Michie Aliza Mills Emily Muller

Julie Nicholson Karalyn O'Brien Christine Okike Kimberly Pentland Matthew Peret Matthew Rosales Alana Rubin

Nathan Saperia Tod Schutter Angelo Scola Patrick Sheehan Adam Sloane Bnan Spang Justin St. John

Andrew St.Lawrence Charles Tingue Elizabeth Tocci Carrie Trencher Rachel Trocchio John Tumolo V. Kelly Turner

Gina Vairo Sara Weiser Eric Wellman David Wilson David Wnght David Yood

Grade 7 Robert Aframe Kathleen Ahalt Blake Ahalt Meghan Albert Lawrence Atupem Jr. Jessica Aversa Margaret Bacon

Jessica Beers Raymond Beliveau Jr. Sin Bream Michael Carey Christina Chacharone Julia Croft Alyssa DiPasquale

Sean Donnelly Emily Dore Ruth Ebert Jessica Feldman Moira Finicane Alexis Giannopoulos Robert Goldsmith

John Goss Benjamin Greenberg Peter Habib Mark Hamer Hillary Johnson Flans Kaufman James Kenary

Rebecca Kowaloff Kurt Lesniewski Joshua Lubatkin John Lucas Trevan Marden Caitlin McDonough Sean McGinn-Murtha

Morgan Montgomery Paul Morgan Hillary Myers David Nicholson Annalisa Olson Emma Ostrow Michael Philbin

Colin Probert Katherine Radin Dena Raffa Meghan Rea Chris Ronsicki Susan Scheufele Matthew Shaw


Alexis Stratis Brooke Taylor Samuel Truesdell Alexis Tumolo Jonathan Ursprung Monica Vakil Elizabeth Warth

Benjamin Weisberger Brad Yaylaian Isadora Yoffie


Grade 6 Jamie Andreson Edward Arous Michael Athanasiou James Athy Audra Beliveau Kristen Brownell Vincent Chou

Benjamin Cohen Jonathan Croft Stephanie Crowe Nicholas Cuba Diana Desai Heather Devlin Jonathan Dunn

Brian Dykhuizen Nneka Eze John Farrey Joshua Faucher David Filiberti Christopher Finn Matthew Flagler

Benjamin Flatgard Alana Giannopoulos Chloe Gotsis Latasha Hinton Naomi Honig Rachael Honig Molly Hunt

Meredith James Samuel Jeppson Hanna Kaufman James Kyriakakos Ariane Lenis Matthew Lindblad James Magnuson

Leah Manchester Matthew Marcoux Gerald McGillicuddy Kiran Patwardhan Matthew Riggien Angela Russo William Scannell

Page Schultz Matthew Shack Kathleen Sheehan Elizabeth Tingue Robert Weir Joseph Weiss Eric Wells

Benjamin Yood

| » » I

Grade 5

Front Row, L-R: Ryan Marcoux, Chris Pierson, Caroline Scannell, Marielle Anas, Cara Philbin, Jenelle Stafford, Thomas Hawkesworth, Gregory Peters. Back Row, L-R: Brewster Kanis, Stephen Scheufele, Richard Houston, Ryan Gise, Jacob Cutler, Mrs. Condon, Jessica Weisberger, Scott Nicholson, Liesl Oberreit, Daniel Frendl, Erin Finicane

Front Row, L-R: Chris Aversa, Matt Sbrogna, Vivek Patwardhan, Rob Day, Jeffrey Jordan Reisner. Row 2, L-R: Jill Goldstein, Ryan McDonough, Kyle Lesniewski, Joshua Woda, Leah Hamos, Isaac Selkow, Samantha Hershman. Row 3, L-R: Scott Nystrom, Erik Pearson, Bruce Baird, Mrs, Sharp, Victoria Knight, Sarah Trocchio, Jennifer Deprez

Grade 4

Front Row, L-R: Daniel Greenberg, Matt Cadwallader, Alana Rose. Row 2, L-R: Andrew Maher, Michael Wellman, Angela Giannopoulos, John Rocheleau, Jill Farragher, Julie Vairo, Marielle Rubin, Sarah Shear. Row 3, L-R: Mrs. Seale, Bernadette Samko, Jonathan Dahlberg, Sarah Allen, Caleb Dresser, James McGillicuddy, Alex Clementi, Gabe Finkelstein.

Front Row, L-R: Todd Kittelson, David Gerhardt. Row 2, L-R: Kimberly Proos, Ashlyn Pendleton, Stephen Javaras, Allison Wallace, Scott Lindblad, Stephanie Connors, Mindy Schultz, Jessica Magnuson. Row 3, L-R: Daniel Reilly, Noelle Crooks, Steven Hochman, Christian Seale, Mrs. Shack, Michael Bloom, Heather Melling, Lily Savitsky, Emily Baird.


Grade 3

Front Row, L-R: Giles Wells, Molly Scannell, Tim McKone, Siobhan Finicane, Meredith Crawford, Matthew Stepanski, Davis Woodruff, Andy Philbin, Elizabeth Nigro. Back Row, L-R: Mrs. Allen, Brett Hershman, Morenike Fajana, Stephen Ursprung, Nathaniel Erskine, Kelsey McDonough, David Crowley, Cali O’Connor.

Front Row, L-R: Evan Stratis, Matthew Glick, Anthony Aversa, Laura Honig, Emily Mukai, Pamela Jeppson, Julia Karpicz, Christina Athanasiou. Back Row, L-R: Mr. Easton, William Chilton, Byron James, Chris Frendl, Jared Ellison, Dean Clark, Stephanie Ganias, Joel Cutler, Danielle Mensah.

Grade 2

Front Row, L-R: Gifford Williams, Stephanie Jacques, Mackenzie Carroll, Michelle Arous, Lisbet Crowley, Winslow Dresser, Alyse Dunn, Christina Tadiri, Dana Li. Back Row, L-R: Laura Lenis, Taylor Zork, Matthew Cloyd, Arielle Filiberti, Mrs. Chenot, Catherine Knight, Allison Peppel, Zachary Johnson.


Front Row, L-R: Julene Radziewicz, Flo Gherbesi, Sarah Stillman, Benjamin Cole, Meagan Bousquet, Tanner Pendleton, Max Richman. Back Row, L-R: Kaitlin Peppel, Nicky Alunni, Alex Rose, Cynthia Javaras, Beth McDaniel, Andy Maglione, Rebecca Fahlstrom, Julia Probert, Mrs. Kunhardt.

Grade 1

Front Row, L-R: Kristin Wetherbee, Lucy Baird, Michael Farragher, Michaela Brunell, Julie Anne Dworman, Robbie Caron. Back Row, L-R: Alex LaRose, Isaac Camp, Mrs. Holden, Tara Jacobsen, Adele Erskine.

Front Row, L-R: Mitchell Warth, Krystyanna Ramsdell, Ellen Dahlberg, Gabriel Drapos, Griffin Reilly, MaryKate Stone, Elizabeth Allen, Aileen Giordano. Back Row, L-R: Sammy Finkelstein, Alexis Kelleher Noelle Fura, Catherine Philbin, Keith Kittelson, Mrs. Paugh.


Front Row, L-R: Alexander Heinricher, Laura Milton, Alexander Hilton, Daniel Cole, Gwen Teutsch, Albert Mitchell, Darcy McDonough, Elizabeth diBuono, Sarah Tadiri. Back Row, L-R: Mrs. Mangano, Harriet Wheeler, Katie Chilton, Sebastian Baere, Catherine Whitney, Adam Mendel, Allison Bennett, Mrs. Merzigian.

Front Row, L-R: Christi O’Connor, Caroline Tocci, Benjamin Erban, Alyssa Ridley, Alden Ruml, Maia Selkow, Victoria Bausch, Trudy Crowley. Row 2, L-R: Brad Marcus, Jackson Stell, Elizabeth Slepchuk, Rachel Gerhardt, P.J. Shaw, Carolyn Mukai, Jimmy Kelley. Teachers: Mrs. Truesdell and (not shown) Mrs. Schutter. 53

1996-97 was the year of the Senior Project, Halloween Haunted House, he Chess Club, the new, improved Tech Center, the Yale Model Congress, the ^atin Table, Volleyball, and Mrs. Montanaro's and Mrs. Daly's babies. Bill Ilinton was reelected President, Star Wars hit the big screen again, AOL :rashed servers across the country, and thousands of Christmas shoppers ;earched madly for the Tickle Me Elmo doll. Madeleine Albright became the irst woman Secretary of State, the Macarena died a slow death on the music >cene, and the Patriots made the Super Bowl. Michael Jordan and Scottie Appen led the Bulls, and Dennis Rodman, um, never mind. The next few pages will highlight certain events and activities that made :his school year enjoyable.


\ >1

In tern atio n al Ties... My experience in France is som ething I will never forget. I made many friends and visited many new places. Many people have asked me if I miss my time in France, and I must say I do, but I am glad to be back here in the United States. Life in France is d iffe re n t from life here. I noticed many cultural differences, as I am sure Aurelie has. The school is much bigger than Bancroft and the students are just as friendly, if not more. Everyday I met someone new that I did not know before. I made many wonderful friends, probably the best I have known. stayed with Marine Midy, whom many may remember from last year. I also saw Florent quite often, and both say hello to everyone here. Marine’s family was very welcoming and made me feel at home. I felt like a part of the family, and that made it very hard to leave. Although I miss France with all my heart, I am glad to be back home amongst my friends. I would like to thank Mr. Mathieu for the wonderful opportunity and Mesdames Puccio and Montanaro for the support and encouragement; also the Midys for maki me part of their family. I am very grateful for this opportunity it is something I will never in my life shut out of my mind, you everyone for everything.

On my first day of school I didn’t know what to expect. Although I knew some people from the exchange program , I had to make new friends and get used to th e A m e ric a n w ay of life . I w as s u r p r is e d to s e e th a t s tu d e n ts at B a n cro ft are very frie n d ly and openminded. I liked the campus; it was very different from my old school. Athletes have a chance to develop th e ir skills h e re at B a n c ro ft. I p la y e d fo r th e soccer team and w restled during the w in te r, s o m e th in g I had n eve r done before. I had a chance to make good frie n d s on both team s. I had a little trouble getting adapted to the different food, because it is very different from Mexican food. The academic level is much higher at Bancroft than at my old school. I am sure this will prepare me for college in Mexico. The best thing is that I practice my English all the time and have fun in general. I just want to thank the Fletchers for hosting me in this great experience. Arturo Murada-Ruiz *•


I arrived in September and I was very sad to leave my family and my friends because I knew that I could not see them before the next summer. But now I would not change places with anyone. I had some d ifficu lt moments, but this year has been the best of my life. It has allowed me to discover the American way of life. There is an important social and cultural life here. It is possible to learn som ething other than academics. I study classes that I never could study in France such as ceram ics and acting. You can participate in extracurricular activities and therefore assume responsibilities within a group. I think it is the most efficient way to enrich yourself. Glasses are organized and conducted in a very different way in the French educational system. Here, we are not organized by class but by grade. Everyone has their own schedule. Here, the teachers are more available and have an excellent rapport with their students. This is the first year that I am happy to go to school everyday (I’m not talking about homework). I’ll always remember the Bancroft community and this year’s special events: Mountain Day, Homecoming, Halloween, Secret Santa, Mardi Gras, Class Competitions, and assemblies with Mike and Yuri. Thank you to the Juniors, the best class, my Volleyball team, all my teachers and the students who were in my classes, especially Acting with Mr. McLinden. I had a very good time studying acting. Thanks a lot to the Bancroft community. This year was awesome!! - Aurelie Henon I have been asked to write about my impressions of Bancroft students in two hundred words. It is a monumental task that has given me pause to reflect on my experiences here. The students of Bancroft have provided me with a real education in language, (“Word up fool”) and culture, (“Go Pats!”) that I could have never received elsewhere. Although my Acting students complain continually about having to write in their journals, I do find that frequently they give me genuine insight into what it is like to be an American teenager at Bancroft. This is a quotation from one of them: “Why am I so frustrated and fed up with my life? I’m only 15... Help, I don’t understand.” For me that extract epitomizes the fundamental difference between students here and my school in England. Americans, and I am aware that this is a generalization, seem preoccupied with happiness. In Europe it is considered a natural part of the human condition to be unhappy at some point. It is important however, to be there for each other when life is proving difficult. As George Bernard Shaw wrote, “Independence? That’s middle class blasphemy. We are all dependent on one another, every soul of us on earth.” Thank you for everyone’s patience and understanding. I doubt I’ve succeeded in teaching anybody anything, but I have most definitely learned a great deal during my time at Bancroft School. Mr. Simon McLinden 57

B a n c r o f t S c h o o I M u si cal P r o d u c t i o n , M a r c h 6 - 8 ,





One peaceful Thursday afternoon, the Upper School students sat enjoying their lunches in the dining hall, buzzing about in the usual lunchtime manner, when suddenly, a blur of “Green Lantern” and “Batman” could be seen racing across the room with a lunch cart. “What’s up,” we wondered, as we were all bombarded by flying lollipops and Tootsie Rolls. The blur was soon identified as a very enthusiastic Mike and Yuri, thrilled to inform us that Mountain Day had arrived. Leave it to Mike and Yuri to kick off this year’s class competitions in their own creative style. Let the games begin... This year's Mountain Day was a unanimous hit. The enthusiasm of the day was a great way to shake the dust and cobwebs off our school spirit from over the summer and get riled up for some great fun and games. At this point, every class was convinced that its own class would hold the winning title. It is generally expected, however, that the seniors will dominate while the freshmen stand firm in last place. Class com petitions provide some of the rare moments when we unite with our class and the school. The unifying force builds up school spirit. What better ways to bring a school together than friendly matches of apple bobbing, wreath tossing, and candy bar races? Every year is unique in the highlights which class competitions provide. Many classic moments have taken place in, for example, the apple bobbing event. What would the Halloween competitions have been without the memory of water splashing the crowd from Sam Kressler’s hair as he was tearing apples from the cold water? Everyone enjoys the entertainment of seeing our classmates hunting out those pesky little apples, while submerged chestdeep in frigid water. And then there’s the doughnut eating contest - that takes self control! Who doesn’t want to just yank down those doughnuts and feed them to their struggling classmates? Another favorite event, ice sculpting, attracts many onlookers. Events like these provide the laughs and fun that define class competitions. Annual competitions such as football, basketball, volleyball, and kickball prove to be a blast every year and test our teamwork skills. Class competitions are all about letting your hair down, getting your hands dirty, having fun, and looking silly every now and then. -Sara Langer & Alison Stuart

















The King and Queen of Homecoming, 1996: Mike Hochman and Liz Radin

j - j or many Bancroft students, dances are synonymous with good times and a sense o f magical X

delight. On these occasions, we temporarily forget the homework that has amassed over the week

and the affairs to which we must attend in order to let loose and enjoy ourselves. Although our casual dress dances are fu n in themselves, the dances fo r which we m ust dress up somehow seem more memorable and fu n . One always remembers looking across a dance floor and seeing a blur o f sport jackets, ties (often removed and shoved into pockets), short dresses, long dresses, and flowers strapped to wrists. Formal dances are a beautiful sight, a t the time and when looking back. O ur fir s t foim al dance of the year, Homecoming, took place after a long day o f sports competition. Later that night, the sports jerseys and warmups were discarded and replaced by flowing dresses and neatly pressed suits. Seniors M ike Hochman and Liz Radin, crowned King and Queen o f the evening, led the group in one o f the evening s dances. 1 9 9 7 's own M ardi Gras.

O ur next form al dance was held at Club Maxine's, the Class of

This evening s reigning sovereigns were Sophomore A la sta ir Rowe-

Mitchell and Senior Courtney Blute. The fin a l form al dance o f the year, the Junior I Senior Prom, is expected to be a “K night" to remember, a t the Higgins Armory Museum.

Seniors Jaclyn Kanarish

and Alison Riggieri head this year's Prom committee and promise a night o f enjoyment fo r all. - Thom M u tti and Seth Kaufman 62

Left: Vilas knows how to have fun at school. Right: Do you have to be that close for the picture?

Left: Hey, Guys! What’s up? Lower Left: Are you sure about that, Mike? Bottom Left: Do the funky chicken! Right: Mrs. Ulbrich’s couch is so cozy. Don’t you think so Sara? Sara? Bottom Right Peanuts, popcorn, candy...




Left: This is what you do in a powder room. Right: Cheese! Lower Left: You’re not following us, are you?

tight: Is my hair all ight? :ar Right: A priest, . m inister, and a abbi... telow: “Psst - Ben /hat’s CNN doing i Bosnia?” Let me check my alendar.”

Right: Isn’t that high sticking? 65


9:30 - The blissful half hour that breaks up the monotony of the morning, offering thirty sweet minutes of leisure time. That is, of course, provided that you do not have a meeting of some sort. Then comes 11:30, another joyous break that allows time for more goofing off or going out to lunch. But again, be sure to check that white board for any meeting you might have, because chances are, you do have one. I guess what I’m saying is, we’re always doing something. I challenge any student to survive four years here and not get involved in at least ONE club. They give us something to do out of the classroom and help us get involved with our friends. It all starts at the club fair, when you first sign your name onto a list and become a part of something new, or just rejoin an old favorite. It is extremely easy to get involved with a new group. Whether skiing with BOSC, dazzling the world with calculus in the Math Club or wearing the Bulldog costume for the Spirit Club, you’ll find a club that is exactly what you want, a club that, as Martha Stewart so eloquently puts it, is “a good thing.” -Emily Easton

67 I

Back Row (L -R ):D a v id H aw kins, Cyrus A halt, Mike A n as ta sia , Yuri B rightly, Kurt H ag stro m . Front Row ( L -R ):A n d y M yers, R uthie A fram e, Liz Radin, Meg Swan, Win Ruml. The U pper School 1996-1997 Student Council has been experiencing an incredibly successful year. Following the tradition of excellence started by last y ear's council, the board has w orked to voice the concerns of the stu d en t body. To further these ends, proposals, as well as am endm ents to the U pper School C onstitution, have been w ritten and passed. O ur prim ary goal this year has been to establish a greater sense of com m unication betw een the students and faculty, and through such m edia as the suggestion box and the posting of Student Council m inutes and agenda, w e believe that our goal has been reached. The Student Council w as privileged to have extremely talented representatives from each class, in addition to supportive advisers w ho never failed to defend us or correct us w hen necessary. The success of our actions can only be m easured w ith time, but w e feel that these actions (although som etim es unpopular) have been the best for the school.

Michael Anastasia President of the Student Council 68

B ack Row (L -R ):M r. M y ers, A n th o n y S e lv i te l la , Ja c o b Oyer, Vilas P a tw a rd han, Yuri B rig h tly , Mike A n a s ta s i a , Ju s tin L e ro u x . Front Row (L -R ):M rs. Puccio, Emily Easton, Sarai Torres, C h ristin e Goss, Jeanne N icholson.

The Activities Board of 1996-1997 so far has had an excellent year. For instance, the first dance of the year achieved the highest attendance of any Bancroft dance to this day. H om ecom ing and class com petitions w ere a great success. The board advisers Mrs. Puccio and Mr. M yers, have helped us greatly throughout the year. With their help and the talent of the Activities crew, the year has gone quite smoothly. Thanks to all w ho came out and gave it their best!

Yuri Brightly C hairm an of Activities Board


A m n e sty In te rn a tio n a l A m n e s ty I n te r n a tio n a l is a w orldw ide o rg a n iz a tio n tk a t seeks to p in p o in t a n d e lim in a te k u m a n ri gkts ak u ses, w kerever tk e y arise. A m n e s ty kas k ad a n o tk e r te rrific year! T k e cluk te a m e d up w itk S o c ia l C o n c e rn s to s p o n s o r a ck ild in n eed in an overseas developing co u n try . W e also so u g k t a n d g ain ed tk e release o f several people su fferin g fro m k u m a n rig k ts ak u se a ro u n d tk e w orld. T k a n k s to everyone w ko d ro p p ed ky o u r t a k e sales, a n d wko w ro te a le tte r p ro te s tin g g o v e rn m e n ts w ko violate k u m a n rig k ts. -B e n D o k s o n & Ja sm in e W k itn e y

Back Rolu (L-R):Rachel Ostrow, Jasmine LUhitney (CoChair), Ben Dobson (Co-Chair), Paul Laddis. Front Row (L-R):Natasha Korgaonkar, Milan Moore, flliza Krefetz, Sarah Harger, Rndy Myers.

Mot many know what happens behind the dosed doors of the Admissions Office at Bancroft. Little do the students know, however, the size of the role they play in the decision that 1st Row (L-R):Natasha Korgaonkar (Co-Head), Talya Yaylaian, Jillian Dunn, Manasi Cathy Day, Stefani Orland, Sara Feldman, Charita Sinha. 2nd Row (L-R):Justin prospective students make about attending Bancroft. The Host Chitre, Kaufman, Achyut Phadke, Meg Swan, Izzy Crowley, Ellen Cahill, Alison Stuart, Naomi 3rd Row (L-R):Adam Dubinsky, Rachel Ostrow, Erica Woda, Jenny Johnson, Committee gives the students of Bancroft a chance to display Sleeper. Lindsay Gerhardt, Derek Haas, Alycia Piontkowski, Vilas Patwardhan, Jonathan Dahlquist. 4th Row (L-R): Julianne Sisley, Jennifer Dunsdon, Kate Cranshaw, Ubong their school in the way that only a student is capable of doing. Ukpong, Mike Surabian, Marc Schultz, Tommy Mack. 5th Row (L-R):Sarai Torres, Martha Castro, Stephanie Galica, Sarah Wolfman-Robichaud (Co-Head), Sara Yood, Katie Enlow, The prospective students get a glance at school life by spending Aimee Green. the day with one or more Bancroft Hosts, (lasses, lunch, socializing, and more - the Hosts of Bancroft school pave the way and make life a little bit easier for the onlookers that choose to attend our school in the years to come. Without the help of the Hosts, the Bancroft community would not be as welcoming as it is today. We, the co-heads of this club, owe many thanks to the students who devote their days to helping the Host Committee. -Sarah Wolfman-Robichaud & Hatasha Korgaonkar 70

T H E B U D D Y P R O G R A M IS DESIGNED TO AID IN THE W ELC O M IN G OF N EW STUDENTS TO THE U P P E R SC H O O L. I T |S C O M PR ISED OF A LARGE G R O U P OF VOLUNTEERS F R O M THE U P P E R SC H O O L, AND ALL NINTH G R A D ER S AND OTHERW ISE N EW STUDENTS. A N EW STUDENT AND A VETERAN U P P E R SC H O O LER PARTICIPATE A S "P O D D IES" IN M A N Y W ONDERFUL ACTIVITIES IN ORDER TO GET TO K N O W EACH OTHER PETTER AND TO PECOME PETTER INTEGRATED INTO THE SCHOOL. T H E B U D D Y P R O G R A M , T H IS YEAR LED PY B O T H IE A F R A M E , K A T E B E N S O N , AND LEE T U C K E R , O RG AN IZED A N O M PER OF ENTERTAINING ACTIVITIES, SU CH A S K A M E -T H A T -T U N E , AN ICE C R EA M PARTY, A P IZ Z A PARTY, AND M A N Y MORE. T H E B U D D Y P R O G R A M PROVIDES A M O R E COMFORTAPLE ATM O SPH ERE IN THE U P P E R S C H O O L FOR N EW STUDENTS W HICH IS WELL RECEIVED AND APPRECATED PY ALL. - K A T E B E N S O N t B O T H IE A F R A M E Top (L-R):Mrs. Puccio, Seth Kaufman, Lindsay Bennett, Jake Oyer, Mike Anastasia, Courtney Blute, Yuri Brightly, Tucker Ruderman, Andy Schaeffer, Ruben Honig, Randy Grossman, Ilya Khabinsky, Mia Pearson, Mo Chang, Tony Mangano, Abby Morgan, Bob Cayer, Shveta Sinha, Anna Ortiz, Abe Stein, Erron Titus, Courtney McKallagat, Aimee Green, Alycia Piontkowski, Jeff Goodwin. Middle (L-R):Lee Tucker, Leah Benson, Jess Poznick, Ruthie Aframe, Kate Benson,Thom Mutti, Eric Coughlin, Kat Crowley, Joe Persky, Laura Apostolou, Kelly Kervick, Jaclyn Kanarish, Lisa D’Andrea,

! i

Leah Rosales, Annie Huppert, Jessye Ball, Carin Litani, Naomi Sleeper, Mike Hochman, Christina Whitten, Sarah Harger. Front (L-R):Kristin Marshall, Erin Green, Kelsey Guntharp, Sarah Wolfman-Robichaud, Suzy Klainer, Ben Dobson, Will Ebert, Matt Hitzhusen, Sara Langer, Ben Dore, Sara Yood, Caitlyn Ahlquist, Danielle Spring.



Canteen Back (L-R):Ruben Honig, Bob Cayer (Co-Manager), Joe Persky, Tony Mangano, Padge Berthiaume (CoManager). F ro n t (LR):Eric Coughlin, Danielle Spring, Kat Crowley, Clinton Becker, John Cayer.

The C a n te e n is a clu b in w h ich a c o u p le of p e o p le w o rk in a sm a ll s to re s e llin g fo o d and b e v e ra g e s to fe llo w s tu d e n ts . A ll th e m oney th a t we m ake goes to b u yin g m ore fo o d or to c h a rity . We give one fa m ily fo o d fo r T h a n k s g iv in g , and a n o th e r fa m ily p re s e n ts fo r the h o lid a y s . We hope to c o n tin u e h a ving a good y e a r, and m ost im p o rta n tly , a lo t of fu n . -P a d g e B e rth ia u m e Since its creation this fall, the chess club has been enormously successful, attracting some 27 members. We would like to thank Andrew Schaeffer and his family for their generous donation of over six chess sets, without which we would have had a very difficult time starting as promptly as we did. Also we are indebted to Mr. DeHoratius who as been an excellent adviser and who has twice a week allowed us to destroy his room for an hour. We hope to have the opportunity to compete with some other chess clubs in the region and, as of right now, this looks very possible. Thank you to all our members for being so enthusiastic and supporting. In the years ahead we hope to continue this club as it has been run with the same level of both amusement and focus on stra te g y . On a lig h te r note, congratulations to Sam Epstein, the winner of the first of many club wide tournaments. 1st Row (L-R):Dave Hawkins, Jasmine Whitney, Sarah Harger, Brian Hawkins, Nathaniel Schultz, Danielle Spring, Sam Epstein. 2nd Row (LR):Derek Haas, Anthony Belanger, Ilya Khabinsky. 3rd Row (L-R):Adam Dubinsky, Abe Stein, Danit Veroude, Matt Frassica, Kurt Hagstrom, Vijay Renganathan, Dave Sinofsky, Kaushal Desai.



h e s s

B ancroft touches the com m unity... C




‘Bac(<i(L-tJ{):(Drezu freilich, J e ff Qoochain, "Ben rDore, M ile Anastasia. ‘M iddle (£-%}:Joe Rosales, Jason Olsen, Tolly Alfred, Sara danger, "Emily A tfiy, Cortney J(it often, "Priscilla Sw an, %at Crowley, thfgomi Temlle. "front (L-%):Mrs. "Puooio, Caitlyn Ahlquist (CoMead), Carin L it ani(Co Mead), Tandy Qrossman (Co M e ad).

CdVRB is a program designed to have big buddies w orlfzvith little buddies (ages 6-10) that have L'

minor special needs. CftfRJE has been very successful zvith the tw en ty little buddies who come baef^year after year. Alwo sessions o f CdURfL are held each year, one in the f a l l and one in the spring. CftdffE is cif u n program, but w o u ld not be possible w ithout the help of the big buddies and M rs.Tuccio. ‘Thanf^you fo r your help.

In Horizon, teens with moderate special needs pair up with Bancroft buddies to enjoy theater games, music, and the presentation of a final production. As the seven weeks go by, the progress of each individual is incredible. Kids who at the beginning shy away from every game, play a major role in the final Front (L-R):Mrs. Puccio, Sara Yood, Sarah Wolfman-Robichaud, performance. A great enthusiasm from Naomi Sleeper, Lisa D’Andrea (Co-Head). Middle (L-R):Leah Rosales, Sara Feldman, Shveta Sinha, Julia Aframe, Leah Benson, all participants fills the theater every Laura Apostolou. Back (L-R):Vijay Renganathan, Christina Whitten (Co-Head), Amanda Lewis, Alastair Rowe-Mitchell. Saturday morning. This fall, the enthusiasm took on a spooky theme as we acted out “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” for our big production. Besides theatrical memories, we all form unforgettable friendships. Break a leg, Horizon! -Christina Whitten & Lisa D’Andrea 73

STAR CHORUS 1st Row (L-R):Kate Hutchinson, Lisa D'Andrea, Jessye Ball, Sarah Wolfmau-Robichaiid, Vijay Renganalhan (Co-Chair), Thom Mutti (President), Sara Yood (Co-Chair). 2nd Row (L-R):Aliza Krcfelz. Christina Whitten, Aurelie Henon. Annie Huppert, Ilya Khabinsky. 3rd Row (L-R):Shveta Sinha, Sam Welch, Carolyn Whitten, Meredith Brooks. Talva Yavlaian, Rachel Khabinsky, Stefani Orland. 4th Row (L-R):Adam Dubinsky, Eric Ursprung, David Sinofsky, Erron Titus, Rachel Ostrow, Ting Li, Courtney McKaUagat, Aimee Green.

Whe n Robe r t Frost e n c o u r a g e d hi s r e a d e r s to “ c h o o s e s o m e t h i n g l i ke a s t a r , ” the ma s s e s r e s p o n d e d . T h i s y e a r ’s c h o r u s , t he St a r C h o r u s , has a r e c o r d - b r e a k i n g n u m b e r o f s t u d e n t s r e a d y to s i n g and h a v e f un. T w i c e a w e e k , we me e t and p r e p a r e m u s i c f or s c h o o l e v e n t s , a p r o c e s s s o m e t i m e s i n t e r r u p t e d by t h e o c c a s i o n a l s u r p r i s e p a r t y . Th e St a r B o a r d , Ms . P a p p a s , Mr s . He n c h , Sa r a , and Vi j a y , has be e n e x c e l l e n t to wo r k wi t h t h i s y e a r . I e x t e n d my t h a n k s to t h e m as we l l as all wh o s i g n e d up and a d d e d y o u r v o i c e to o u r g r o u p : t he 1 9 9 6 - 1 9 9 7 S t a r C h o r u s . Go o d l u c k in t he f u t u r e & k e e p s i n g i n g . - T h o m Mu t t i


DEBATE Debate Club has enjoyed a prosperous and successful year. With a tremendous increase in enrollment this autumn, the club, under the leadership of Shveta Sinha and Lee Tucker, was able to attend many league debates, winning many rounds in these tournaments. Also, the club hopes to participate in the annual Mock TYial tournament sponsored by the Massachusetts Bar Association. With guidance from Attorney Puccio, the team hopes to win many rounds in the trial and place well in the final standings. The club is looking forward to next year under the leadership of new leaders, hoping to equal, if not surpass, the success experienced this year. -Shveta Sinha and Lee Tkker


Back (L-R):Avi Kaufman, Thom Mutti, Camilla Colley, Lee Tucker (Co-Head). Middle (LRhCharita Sinha, Jess Poznick, Carolyn Written, Vijay Renganathan. Front (L-R):Kurt Hagslrom, Derek Haas, Sam Epstein, Shveta Sinha (Co-Head). Sitting (L-R):Thlya Yaylaian, Natasha Korgaonkar, Paul Laddis.

ttfie B a c k Row (LR ):M r. W hite, N ic k M arco u x , A n n ie H u p p e rt, C y ru s A h alt, E rro n T itu s(C o H ead ). F ro n t Row (LR ):In g rid T sa n g , S a r a h H a rg e r, C ay lie M a rd e n (C o-H ead ), M o rg an H olzer.

yyxeans " m o s a i c " O u r Literary m a g a z in e i s a


y n o sa ic " o f a r t , poetry, a n d sh o rt s to r ie s . O u r s t a f f i s c o m p rise d

o f p o e ts ay\d w rite rs. YOe e x ch an ge id e a s a n d sh a re sh o rt s t o r ie s & p o e m s a t o u r m e e tin g s.

-C Z aytie / H a r d e n

The Upper School Jazz Ensemble is dedicated to playing, surprisingly, jazz music. We meet Mondays and Thursdays at x-block, and perform several times during the school year. Our “gigs” have included assemblies and various other Bancroft Arts Events, and the Alumni Dinner. This year, under the direction of our mentor and teacher Jason Rogers (and student head Colby Brown), we will spread the word that “It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing.” -Colby Brown JAZZ



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s J l i i o n S t u a r t , Y la o m i 3 deeper,

Ju n tos, a club d ed icated to exp lo rin g d iv ersity an d cultural ja s m i n e V U liitiieif, V e e ti differences, h as fin ally m ad e a m ark on B an croft's sch edule. By fo cu sin g ou r attention on school assem b lies, m ov ie n igh ts, and S lc h a r y a , ^ a c i y n O C a n a rish , projects concerning ou r cu ltu res, Ju n to s h as becom e m ore ed u cation al than social. This year, Ju n to s h as d ecid ed to p a y p articu lar attention to !? u le n O J o n ic j, C a c h e d its m em bers. L iv in g in a m eltin g p o t o f cultures, w e m ay a sk o u rselv es ^ o S e p ld o n . "w h at is m y ow n cu ltu re?" We h o p e that 1996-1997 w ill be a y e ar for Ju n to s to continue the p u rsu it o f cu ltu ral aw aren ess.

-Anna Ortiz




C lockw ise:V ijay R en gan ath an , A urelie H en on , T h o m a s M u tti,

This was the second year of La Table de Frangais, where each Friday we French students had lunch with Aurelie, trying our hardest to speak only Le Frangais. Learning another language, and thus encountering another culture, is one of the most valuable, most mind­ expanding experiences conceivable. We recognize this. Many thanks from all of us to Aurelie for sharing a year with us here at Bancroft. -Erron Titus

N ao m i Sleeper, Sarah W o lfm an -R o b ich au d , S a ra Y ood, Sarah H arger, N a ta sh a K orgaon k ar, M rs. Puccio, S h v eta Sin h a, Erron T itu s (head). 76

MATH TE A M 1234567890123456789012345678901234 Back Row (L-R):Mr. Barrow, Paul Laddis, Erron Titus (CoHead), Derek Haas. Front Row (L-R):Jing Wang, Heather

T h e B a n c ro ft M a th T e a m is a c o n te n d e r in th e to p d iv isio n of th e W o rc ester C o u n ty M a th L eague. L a st O cto b er, in its first c o m p e titio n o f th e sch o o l y ear, th e te a m p la c e d se c o n d . T h re e m o re c o m p e titio n s a re s c h e d u le d th r o u g h o u t th e year. T h a n k s to all th e d e d ic a te d m a th e n th u s ia s ts a n d to Mr. B a rro w a n d M rs. D ings for a g re a t year! -H e a th e r V ellante a n d E rro n T itu s

GROUP Peer Group has been accom plishing much this year. We came back with a vengeance, w orking with all three divisions. Though it is still early in the year, I know that by the time everyone reads this, Peer Group will have done things that everyone will remember. I’d like to thank my Co-Heads, Vicki, Jessye, and Erin for all their hard work, and all the members for their time and effort. Peer Group really helps out the school; we help to solve problems that kids have with other kids, and as Martha Stewart would say, “ It’s a good thing.” Hopefully, we will keep up the good work for years to come. Thanks! -Em ily Easton Front (L-R):Thom M utti, Vicki F o ssu m (C o-H ead), Je ssy e Ball (C o-H ead), Em ily E aston (C o-H ead), Erin G reen (C o-H ead), Stefani O rland. M id d le (LR ):Su zy K lainer, Sarah W olfm an-R obich aud, Yuri Brightly, L au ra A p o sto lo u , L eah Benson. Back (LR):V ijay R en gan ath an , Jin g W ang, C h arita Sinha, C am illa C olley, K at C row ley.


The Bancroft Beacon



The Bancroft Beacon had a successful year in 1996-97, its third year of publication. Its new format came out with great fanfare; the reaction from the faculty and student body was overwhelmingly positive. Under the leadership of faculty advisers Russ Enlow and Bob Stein, Editor-in-Chief Sarah Wolfman-Robichaud, Features Editor Ben Dobson, Sports Editor Dave Gise, Editor-at-Large Tom Goss, Layout Editors Ketan Vakil and David Sinofsky, and Senior Columnist Erron Titus, the publication came out on a regular schedule, with the consistent quality that people have come to expect. Staff Reporters Thom Mutti, Shveta Sinha, Cyrus Ahalt, Vicki Fossum, Alycia Piontkowski, and Vijay Renganathan all regularly contributed to the paper. The club members all chipped in with articles, fundraising, and overall support. Indeed, the newspaper’s success could not have been what it was without the enthusiasm of the Bancroft community. After the paper has reached the mailboxes, it is so nice to see smiling faces throughout the school, as noses were buried


l.A.f* A

1st Row (L-R):M r . Enlow, Dave Gise (Sports Editor), Sarah Wolfman-Robichaud (Editor-In-Chief), Ben Dobson (Features Editor), Tom Goss, Mr. Stein. 2nd Row (L-R):Thom Mutti, Ketan Vakil, David Sinofsky, Talya Yaylaian, Annie Huppert, Alycia Piontkowski. 3rd Row (L-R):Ilya Khabinsky, Abe Stein, Chelsea Seale. 4th Row (L-R):Sarah Harger, Amanda Lewis, Vicki Fossum, Vijay Renganathan, Aurelie Henon, Charita Sinha, Matt Frassica. 5th Row (L-R):Sara Yood, Will Ebert, Cyrus Ahalt, Erron Titus, Joe Persky, Justin Leroux. 6th Row (L-R):Paul Laddis, Shveta Sinha.

in the issue. Late nights and late deadlines were undeniably part of the Beacon process, but we, the editors and staff, kept our chins up and the issues coming. Kudos to everyone who made it a publicized year! - Sarah WolfmanRobichaud, Editorin-Chief - Ben Dobson, Features-Editor - Dave Gise, Sports Editor

Your loving B e a c o n editors. (L-R): Dave Gise - Sports Editor Ben Dobson - Features Editor Sarah Wolfman-Robichaud Editor-in-Chief







In the B a n c r o f t O u tin g and S c i e n c e C lu b , p e o p l e w ho sh are a m u tu a l e n j o y m e n t o f n a t u r e and h e r m a n y b e n e f i t s , o r g a n i z e v a r i o u s a c t i v i t i e s i n v o l v i n g the e n v i r o n m e n t . D u r i n g the c o u r s e of a year, BOSC m a k e s th e e f f o r t to p la n at l e a s t two h i k e s , an overnight c a m p i n g tr ip , and the ev er p o p u l a r O k e m o ski tr ip . M o u n t a i n b i k i n g t r ip s have b e e n p u l l e d o ff in r e c e n t y e a r s as w ell. In a d d i t i o n to these fun a c ti v iti e s , BOSC o rg a n iz e s soda can r e c y c l i n g for the s c h o o l and m a i n t a i n s the a l u m i n u m r e c y c l i n g b in s a r o u n d the s c h o o l . A b o v e Abby Morgan and Kat all, the B a n cro ft O uting and S c ie n c e Club tries to Crowley, Co-Heads of s ta y c o n s i s t e n t l y a w a r e o f the m a n y p r o b l e m s our BOSC. e a r t h f a c e s e a c h day. -A b b y M o r g a n & Kat C r o w le y Back (L-R):Nathaniel Schultz, Sara Feldman, Eric Coughlin, Sara Langer, Derek Haas, Chelsea Seale, Randy Grossman, Cortney Kitchen, Laura Apostolou, Mia Pearson, Carolyn Whitten, Mo Chang, Win Ruml, Yuri Brightly, Vickie Radin, Julia Aframe, Brackett Dow, Kate Benson, Mrs. Pearson, Eric Ursprung, Borko Kereshi. Middle <L-R):Padge Berthiaume, Kat Crowley, Alastair Rowe-Mitchell, Abby Morgan, Leah Rosales, Annie Huppert, Dave Hawkins, Corinna Gleich, Suzy Klainer, Izzy Crowley, Ian Hamos, Tom Goss, Jason Olsen, Camilla Colley, Ryan McLaughlin, Pat O’Connor, Mike Peters, Greg Lapidas, Jim Deprez, Jesse Geller. Front (L-R):Clinton Becker, Danielle Spring, Elle Cahill, Anne Houston, Lindsay Gerhardt, Jenny Johnson, Julie Deprez, Cathy Day, Brian Hawkins, Nick Marcoux, Jess Oyer, Dave Hatch, Marc Schultz, Sam Kressler.


T h is y e a r lia s s ta r te d o ff w ith lo a d s of e x c ite m e n t w ith A n th o n y M v i t e l l a . K e lly K e r v ie k . G rant H o w es. D ram Y o ffie . a n d C hris C o n n o lly , la r g e a n d in c h a r g e . W ork r a ils w e r e s u p e r fu n and r e a lly p r o d u c tiv e . W e p la n to put on fo u r s h o w s th is y e a r a s u su a l, a y e a r ly c h a lle n g e th at P & W a lw a y s m a n a g e s to p u ll o ff. Itr o a d w a y C ares, a n A ID S o r g a n iz a tio n o f th e w o r ld th e a te r , w a s su p p o r te d th is y e a r h y INSfcW. w h ic h a llo w e d u s to fu n d r a ise fo r a w o r th y c a u s e . W e k n o w th at th e d r a m a a m i m u sic a l w ill he o ff w ith s t y le , an d th at th e fifth a n d e ig h th g r a d e s h o w s w ill p r o v id e u s w itli...a g r o w in g e x p e r ie n c e ...W o lo o k fo r w a r d to n e x t y e a r ’s n e w a u d ito r iu m an d h o p e it w ill bo th e e p ito m e of a ll o u r d r e a m s. W o hid th e host s e n io r s in th e w o r ld fa r e w e ll (K K . AS. G il), an d o ffe r th a n k s to o u r a lw a y s h e lp fu l a n d c a r in g a d v is e r . L ea IIen cli...O li y e s . a n d S im o n ...C lieerio pip pip a n d a ll th at. Top (L-R):Rachel Khabinsky, Kara Manchester, Jennifer Dunston, Caylie Marden, Shveta Sinha, Sarah Harger, Jeff Goodwin, Kate Hutchinson, Ilya Khabinsky, Naomi Sleeper, Will Ebert, Jessye Ball, Emily Easton, Stefani Orland, Alycia Piontkowski, Sara Yood, Aimee Green, Courtney McKallagat, Ketan Vakil, Tony Belanger, Ben Dobson, Christina Whitten, Vijay Renganathan, Justin Faucher. Middle (L-R):Kelly Kerviek (CoChair), Bram Yoffie (Co-Chair), Chris Connolly (Co-Chair), Grant Bowes (Co-Chair), Alaina Montuori, Randy Grossman, Joe Persky, Suzy Klainer, Justin Pitcher, Abby Morgan, Camilla Colley, Laura Apostolou, Jaclyn Kanarish, Neeti Acharya, Rachel Josephson, Lisa D’Andrea, Thom Mutti, Justin Leroux. Front (L-R):Sarai Torres, Martha Castro, Ian Hamos, Alastair Rowe-Mitchell, Sarah Wolfman-Robichaud, Adam Dubinsky. (Missing:Anthony Selvitella (Co-Chair).)









The Prom C om m ittee h as been very b u sy this y ear p lan n in g for the Prom in M ay, w hich w ill be held this y ear in the H ig g in s A rm ory M u seu m . For ou r fu n d raiser, the club w ill be h av in g a service auction in w hich the Senior class w ill d on ate their services to u n d erclassm en . W e h op e that this w ill raise the m on ey n eeded for caterers, decoration s, D Js, an d other Prom n ecessities. We expect this y e a r's Prom to be excitin g an d different, and hope that all w ho attend w ill h av e a w o n d erfu l time. -Jaclyn K an arish

^Possible fh o m <^ear? ( X i e ) . - W r l . P e a rio „ , J U v W o ^ a n , $ a j » n j < a n a r j ,


F jiiiin a ^ p J liio n l^ u jy ie r i) .

lo -C h airs: L au ra A p o sto lo u A ly cia P ion tkow ski ^acuity A d v iser: M rs. R asnick

SOCIAL CONCERNS JAan&t, ta a ll of, the mernheM fa * mahing the club aa tuccet^fid this yewt. y # u utexe a ll wandeupd, and yowc devotion helped ta expand old aetivitied and thape new oned. Qaad&ye and good inch ta a ll Sen ior and we took faxwwid ta teeing the *eat o f you next yewt.

-Jtlawia & QJtyeia

3ack (L-R):Emily Athy, Sarah Wolfman-Robichaud, Steve Lupacchino, Brian Hawkins, Pat O’Connor, Aimee 3reen, Naomi Sleeper, Amanda Lewis, Jonathan Dahlquist, Drew Freilich, Kelly Kervick, Aliza Krefetz, Suzy <lainer, Courtney McKallagat, Neeti Acharya, Christine Feldt, Thom Mutti, Abe Stein. Front (L-R):Mrs. Rasnick, Jsa D’Andrea, Naomi Reville, Jing Wang, MaryBeth McGillicuddy, Sara Yood, Jessye Ball, Caitlyn Ahlquist, 3olly Alfred, Sara Langer, Lindsay Bennett, Laura Apostolou, Kat Crowley, Alycia Piontkowski, Leah Rosales, ^nnie Huppert, Camilla Colley, Ruthie Aframe, Tony Mangano, Kate Benson, Rachel Josephson, Julie Deprez.

)ur Guides is a group of connected indiuiduals who anate their ualuable time to present Bancroft School le way it so rightfully deserues. The members are uery nthusiastic and knowledgeable about Bancroft. Their )b is uery important in the admissions process. Jessye Ball

Back (L-R):Vicki F o ssu m , Tony M an gan o, R uben H on ig, Bob C ay er, D an ielle Sp rin g, V ijay R en gan ath an , L au ra B au s, Sarah W olfm an-R obich aud, M eredith Brooks, Stefani O rland. M id d le (L-R): M r. G ielow , L au ra A p o sto lo u , T h om M utti, Jaclyn K an arish , L eah Benson, S u zy K lainer, Sarah H arg er, A nthony Selvitella, Ju stin Pitcher (CoH ead ), Je ssy e Ball (C o-H ead), Jo sh K atz, Ben D ore, C am illa C olley, Joe Persky. Front (L-R): C ou rtn ey M cK allagat, A im ee G reen, V ickie R adin , A lycia P ion tkow ski, A lison Stuart, Kat C row ley, Sara L an ger, M o C h an g, Jen n y Joh n son , M att H itzh usen , L in d say G erh ardt, Elle C ahill, C y ru s A halt, Sarai Torres.


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Back (L-R):Drew Freilich, . j •';/ • \ Bob Cayer, Ruben Honig, Tony Mangano, Sam Kressler, Morgan Holzer, Laura Apostolou, Camilla Colley, Kat Crowley, Eric Coughlin, Mo Chang, Jeff Goodwin, Chris Connolly, Jason Olsen, Katie Enlow, Cortney Kitchen, Jason Mohaghegh, Mike Hochman (Co-Head), Chris Vazquez, Matt Hitzhusen, Ben Dore, Josh Katz, Bram Yoffie. Middle (L-R):Stefani Orland, Sam Welch, Lindsay Bennett (CoHead), Ruthie Aframe, Caitlyn Ahlquist, Meredith Brooks, Manasi Chitre, Alycia Piontkowski, Grant Bowes, Melissa Gerhardt, Alaina Montuori, Jess Poznick, Polly Alfred, Jenny Johnson, Naomi Sleeper, Vilas Patwardhan, Tim Dore, Jon Dahlquist, Graham Binder. Front (L-R): Charita Sinha, Abby Morgan, Aimee Green, Danielle Spring, Lindsay Gerhardt, Steve Lupacchino, Andy Katz, Jesse Holzer. "Go blue, go white, go Bancroft, fight ’B1 fight!" Yes, as the Bancroft Bulldogs kicked off the 1996 athletic season, a wave of school spirit and enthusiasm swept the school. With the success of last year's teams (6 E.I.L. championships), the student body felt more excitement for the 1996-97 athletic seasons than ever before. And the Spirit Club of 199697 hoped to bolster this spirit even further. The Spirit Club scheduled five pep rallies to encourage students to come together in support of the athletic teams. The club planned to try several new and exciting ideas to make these rallies better than ever before. Also, the club continued to run the "Dog House" which now contains many new items. The "Dog House" remained successful in its third year. Thanks for a spirited year! -Lindsay Bennett & Mike Hochman




B a n cro ft S ports enjoyed a n o th e r amazing year in 1997, capturing several Eastern Independent League (E.I.L.) titles. School spirit reached all tim e highs. S ym b olizing the dedication of students to their school, students stepped up, with the loss of a regular Bulldog, to fill the school mascot’s, urn, paws. Homecoming proved to be the student event of the Fall season, with most of the Upper School turning out to watch Bancroft trounce all opponents. Women’s Soccer, led by talented freshm en and veteran seniors, took th e ir cham pionship quest to the New England Preparatory School Athletic Conference finals, finishing second in the tournam ent. Men’s Cross Country also completed a long awaited return to glory, walking away with a tremendous E.I.L. title victory. M en’s Soccer and Golf finished short of titles, but gained experience, leaving a talented core of youth to build on next year. During the w inter, Men’s Basketball proved once again to be the most popular sport at Bancroft, filling the gym for nearly every home game and a few away games as well. The late a d d itio n of p la y-b y-p la y announcing added to the excitement as the Bulldogs battled for a third E.I.L. title in three years. Matt H itzhusen reached 1000 career points in the most publicized game in recent Bancroft history, even as Bancroft lost to the upper division guest. Wrestling and Volleyball enjoyed the attention of many students with exciting matches and young talent. The wrestling team showed other teams how to play, while technically losing due to lack of players. The wrestlers who did compete advanced in E.I.L. standings, even to the league tournament. Volleyball, new for 1996-7, came on strong, even though the players were ine xp e rie n ce d . The te a m ’s prospects look good for the years to come under the direction of Coach Bob Stein. Women’s Basketball rebuilt this season, impressing opponents with their skill and bright future. Their talent was apparent in all their games, showing the fans and opposition their strong will to win. Bancroft Sports exploded with energy in 1996 and 1997, leaving opponents in the dust as the teams flaunted their athletic prowess and school spirit. by Qave Qise, B e a c o n Sports Editor


As forward Matt Shwachman stated, and Coach Russ Enlow repeated on Sports Night, “I feel like we had a great season, but we have nothing to show for it.” As an outsider looking in you might say that the men’s varsity soccer team had a somewhat disappointing season, but if you take a closer look, you will see a season, which, in many ways, was a tremendous success. The season included an impressive 9-5-4 record, two gratifying whippings of Pingree, a close second place finish in the Eastern League, and the first NEPSAC tournament win in quite a while. Plus, we had a great time doing it all.

Front Row, L-R: Matt Shwachman, Ethan Fletcher, Ben Dore. Other Row, L-R: Manager Sarah W olfman-Robichaud, Coach Whitelaw, Arturo Ruiz, Ruben Honig(not seen), Joe Rosales, (not seen), Erron Titus, Marc Schultz, Alistair RoweMitchell, Drew Freilich, Cyrus Ahalt, Vilas Patwardhan, Josh Katz, Bram Yoffie, Coach Enlow (not seen), Tim Dore, Abe Stein (somewhat there), Jesse Palma, Tucker Ruderman, Manager Andy Katz.

Record: 11-4-3

The season started off very badly with a loss to Rocky Hill, and disappointing league losses to both Berwick and Beaver. The team did not exactly perform badly, as, for the most part, we dominated play. Unfortunately Bancroft could not find the back of the net, and as a result of defensive lapses, the season started off with three early losses. The Bulldogs showed some true gritty character, however, to finish strongly without another loss in the league, including two strong wins of 2-1 and 2-0 over Pingree. However, because of those two early losses in the league and a late season tie with Concord when we needed a win, Pingree stole the league crown which the dogs believed belonged to them. Perhaps some of their anger carried over into our first tournament game against King Low-Heywood and Thomas, as the Bancroft Blue showed no mercy in a 3-0 demolition. Apparently the team was not quite as angry for the next game, as Hamden Hall handed the team a 3-1 lesson in soccer. Despite this disappointing ending, the season was a strong one for men’s soccer. Highlights included Matt Shwachman’s placing third in the league in scoring, a second place finish for Ben Dore in the league MVP voting (he deserved first), and an All-Star game game under the lights at Winsor which featured Drew Freilich, Ethan Fletcher, Matt Shwachman, and Ben Dore. But whatever happened on the field, the most important thing was that the players always stuck together, and as the season | progressed we became a very close team that was a pleasure to play for. As a senior, I could not have asked for a better final season. I know that I will personally miss the guys a lot, and this season was not one which I or any of the other members of the team will soon forget. Good luck next season, boys. -Ethan Fletcher


\bove right: What a r e /ou wearing underneath hat coat? \bove left: Arturo, that’s lo t how you do the vlacarena. 3ight: This is soccer, not pallet.

JV Soccer Front Row, L-R: Ubong Ukpong, Jesse Palma, Chris Connolly, Derek Sbrogna, Zack Wyatt, Brandon Rockwell. Back Row, L-R: Tucker Ruderman, Borko Kereshi, Avi Kaufman, Joe Brennan, Brackett Dow, Andrew Fitzgerald, Ian Hamos, Abe Stein.


Girls’ Varsity Soccer had its most successful season ever. Senior CoCaptains Vicki Possum and Courtney Blute led the team to an overall record of 18-2, going 7-0 in the league to win the E.I.L. tittle. Though we were seeded first in both AISGA and the NEPSAC tournaments, AISGA was canceled due to bad weather, and we suffered a disappointing loss in a close NEPSAC final against Kimball Union. For the first time that anyone on this team can remember, we beat our rival Winsor, by a score of 5-1.

Women’s Varsity Soccer

Record: I 18-2

Front Row, L-R: Kelsey Guntharp, Vicki Fossum, Courtney Blute, Anna OrtizNeustrup, Alison Riggieri, ! Heather Vellante. Back Row, L-R: Mia Pearson, Coach Kelley, 1 Alicia Rockwell, Christine Goss, Suzy Klainer, Erica Woda, Ingrid Tsang, Laura A postolou, Jeanne Nicholson, Cortney Kitchen, Mo Chang, Julie Deprez, Kara Manchester.

Our starting lineup consisted of many young players, ensuring that the team will be even more successful in the future. Sophomore Cortney Kitchen led the league in scoring, with Vicki Fossum, sophomore Mia Pearson, and freshmen Chrissy Goss and Erica Woda all scoring frequently as well. Most improved player Courtney Blute helped anchor the midfield, while senior defenders Alison Riggieri and Anna Ortiz, junior MVP Jeanne Nicholson, and freshman sweeper Ingrid Tsang secured the defense. Goalies Laura Apostolou and Kara Manchester held our opponents to no more than two goals against us in any single game. Coach Kelley and the team were thrilled by the huge turnout of fans who came to cheer us on at all our games. With seven of the team’s eleven starters returning next year, the team looks forward to another enormously successful season next year under the leadership of ‘97 Co-Captains Jeanne Nicholson and Laura Apostolou. -Vicki Fossum


Left: Like the warmups? They go great with the matching headband.

Bottom Left: Erica zips by a defender - again.

Bottom Right: Sideline minus 10 feet, nine feet, eight...

JV Soccer The g irls’ JV soccer team had a winning season, losing only two gam es. Leading goal s c o r e r s w e re D a n ie lle S p rin g a n d L ib b y B re n n a n , alon g w ith Leah R o sales, P ris c illa Swan, and Julie Nicholson. A powerful defense b lo cke d re p e a te d a tte m p ts by o p p o n e n ts to score. G oalie Alana Rubin was supported by Meg Sw an, C h ristin e Feldt, C arolyn W hitten, and M eredith B rooks on defense. W ith only fo u rte e n p la y e rs on th e te a m , e v e ry p la y e r m ade an im p a c t on th e s u c c e s s fu l s e a s o n . Kate C ranshaw and Jess Poznik supported the m id field, w h ile C h a rita S in h a and S te p h a n ie G alica were reliable defenders. Beating W insor 4-0 was an im portant win to the team , because last year’s W insor loss was the only loss of the season. -Priscilla Swan

Front Row, L-R: P riscilla Swan, Alana Rubin, Julie Nicholson, Danielle Spring, Meg Swan, Carolyn Whitten. Back Row, L-R: Leah Rosales, Charita Sinha, Christine Feldt, Kate Cranshaw, M eredith Brooks, Stephanie Galica, Libby Brennan.


The ‘96 season of Bancroft Women’s Varsity Field Hockey marked a turning point for the team. After a disappointing ‘95 season which ended with a losing record, the varsity squad battled back to finish the ‘96 season with a winning record of 75-5. The women also achieved their goal of reaching post-season play, making a fourth seed in the AISGA tournament and reaching the NEPSAC semi-finals.

Field Hockey Record: 7-5-5

Led by senior tri-captains Liz Radin, Liza Beth, and Kelly Kervick, the team had both experienced varsity players and new faces with whom to work. After winning their first game against Newton (3-1), field hockey experienced a series of seeminglynever-ending ties. A winning streak began, however, as these girls ruined the homecomings of Pomfret Front Row, L-R: Liz Radin, Kelly Kervick, Liza Beth, Melissa Gerhardt. and LCA on consecutive Back Row, L-R: Ruthie Aframe, Kate Benson, Kat Crowley, Laura Baus, Courtney McKallagat, Sara Langer, Camilla Colley, Alaina Montuori, weekends. With losses to Chelsea Seale, Carin Litani, Caitlin Ahlquist, Lindsay Bennett, Aimee W insor and Pingree, a Green. league title was out of Coach: Mrs. Gerhardt reach, though, and a NEPSAC seed seemed questionable. The women fought hard in their last two games of the season, beating Tabor 2-1 and Dana Hall 4-0, securing a fourth seed in the AISGA tournam ent and a fifth seed in the NEPSAC t











Unfortunately, AISGA was canceled due to rain. wm Varsity Field Hockey arrived at Hamden Hall for the NEPSAC tourney with high hopes of advancing to the semi-finals; by beating the higher seed 3-1, they realized these hopes. They had proven that they deserved to be in the tournament. The following day at Pomfret, the team suffered a disappointing defeat to Gould by one goal. As the final buzzer rang, the women realized that they not only had lost, but, more importantly, their season was over. However, next season will begin a new era of Bancroft Field Hockey. -Kelly Kervick, Liza Beth, and Liz Radin 90

JV Field Hockey Front Person: Liza Michie Front Row, L-R: Sara Yood, Naomi Sleeper, Vickie Radin, Kelly McKallagat, Manasi Chitre, Alison Stuart, Polly Alfred. Back Row, L-R: Coach Sullivan, Amanda Lewis, Elle Cahill, Izzy Crowley, Katie Myers, Julia Aframe, Alissa Greenberg, Coach Jasperson Missing: Anne Houston


v.v <»

Below: She’s not getting out of here alive. Left: They’ll never get that ball past f iv e of us.

At the cross country team’s first practice of the season in late August, one of the runners remarked, “Realistically, I hope to finish third in the league this year.” But on October 30 when the Bulldogs lined up for the start of the Pingree/Bancroft race which would decide the league title, all of the Bancroft runners felt confident that they would run away with the title. As the last Bancroft runners passed the finish line that day, Coach O’Brien proudly announced the Bulldogs victorious. For the first time in seven years, Bancroft had defeated Pingree in cross country.

Cross Country

Record: 14-1-1 F ront Row, L-R: Sara S c h e u fe le , S hveta S in h a, J e ff G oodw in, D ave H a w kin s, M ike Hochman. Second Row, L-R: Nate Senge, Eric Coughlin. Third Row, LR :C oach O ’ B rien, Rachel Khabinsky, Emily A th y, S ara F eldm an, M a c ke n zie G oodw in, T a ly a Y a y la ia n , Sam W e lch , Je sse H olzer, T o m m y G oss, M att H itzh u se n , W in Ruml, J u s tin L e ro u x, C oach Shindle. Back Row, L-R: MaryBeth McGillicuddy, J illia n D unn, M ilan Moore, Chris Vazquez, J u s tin P itc h e r, Sam Kressler, Jon Pitcher

From the very first practice in August through the New England championship race in November, dedication defined this cross country season. Every day the team came prepared to work hard and improve; each race, the team put out a 100% effort. For all its effort, the team not only won the league title, but also defeated every team on its schedule. Early in the season, the Bulldogs suffered a loss in their first league race to Pingree. This loss, however, did not discourage the team. Rather, it inspired them to work harder. After defeating some of the weaker competition in the league, the Bulldogs were scheduled to face the defending champions, Berwick, at home. The team’s prospects for winning seemed slim. In a valiant effort, the Bulldogs pulled out a tie with the heavily favored Berwick team. Bancroft would not lose again the rest of the year. After defeating Berwick later in the season, and, of course winning the climactic season finale at Pingree, the Bulldogs took home the league crown. Bancroft placed three of its runnersDave Hawkins, Jeff Goodwin, and Eric Coughlin- in the league’s top 10. After this surprising season, the Bulldogs look forward to future success, as four of its top five runners will return next year. -Michael Hochman


Top Left: “Hey Guys...Wait for me!!!” Top Right: “Gotta run...Gotta run...Gotta run...” Above: “Quick, guys, move! Mrs. Groves is coming and we’re all out of dress code!” Right: Bancroft runners enjoy a quick game of Follow the Leader.


Out on the links, the Bancroft Golf Team swung into early season success. After the first six matches, our record was a perfect 6-0. Nobody could contain the mighty Big Berthas and King Cobras.

The Golf Team Record: 10-2 L-R : L in d sa y G e rh a rd t, John F inn, W ill E b e rt, D avid O sg o o d , Grant Bowes, Neal D o n n e lly, Jim m y D e p re z, G raham B in d e r, A n d re w M yers, C oach Aleksiewicz.

We represented Bancroft with stellar skill. However, as the season progressed, our concentration diminished. And this divot could not be replaced. While dedication was plentiful, the execution was lacking. We finished in a tight race for first place, but could not pull out the title. With Grant Bowes as captain, the team kept its head up. Neal Donnelly had a repetition of his previous year’s consistency as the number one player on the team. Graham Binder, in the two spot, went undefeated, and swept up MVP and all-star awards. Our captain filled the three spot beautifully. Jim Deprez, playing the fourth spot, racked up numerous victories as well. And in the fifth position was the incomparable David Osgood. The team ’s etiquette was the example of what Bancroft’s sports teams should resemble. Each player represented the school in the annual tournament, all finishing well. Bowes’ leadership will be missed, but under coach ‘A’ and the new captain Donnelly, the team hopes to show the league which school excels in golf. -David Osgood


Left: If I wiggle my nose, it’ll go in.




R ight: W hat do you m ean, w hich one? Don’t you know which one’s yours? 95

With the graduation of six seniors from last year’s squad, including the three all-star captains, the 1 prospects for the Bancroft basketball season 1996-97 looked grim at best. To make matters worse, the team was entrusted with the responsibility of upholding the dominance of the Eastern League which Bancroft has had over the previous two years. Every team in the league was looking to upset the two-time defending champs, so some new players would have to step up to the challenge in order to maintain the pride of the program. And that is exactly what happened!

Record: 16-9 Front Row, L-R: Mike H ochm an, M att H itz h u s e n , Ethan Fletcher, Joe Rosales. Back Row, L-R: Coach O ’ B rie n , V ila s P a tw a rd h a n , A ndy Schaeffer, Cyrus Ahalt, A be S te in , Ja son Olsen, Mike Surabian

After finding itself tied for the league lead with a 7-1 record three quarters of the way through the season, Bancroft was matched up against Concord Academy, also 7-1, in a game which would likely decide the league championship. Down by nine with four and a half minutes to play, the outlook was grim for the Bulldogs. Coach O’Brien called a time out, and told the squad to continue fighting. After the time out, the team played as though on a mission. They pulled within two points with 14 seconds to play, and got the ball off of a steal. Bancroft’s Joe Rosales inbounded the ball from underneath the basket, and found Tri-Captain Mike Hochman for a lay-up which sent the game into overtime. Again in overtime, Bancroft found itself down six points. After making a valiant comeback, the Bulldogs had the ball with 25 seconds to play, down a point. Off the inbounds pass, Tri-Captain Matt Hitzhusen was fouled, and cooly sank both ends of a one-and-one. These free-throws proved to be the difference as Concord’s final attempt fell well short of the hoop. This win jolted Bancroft into first place; by winning the remainder of its games, Bancroft clinched the league championship, and won itself a fifth seed in the NEPSAC class D tournament. The Bulldogs were playing their best basketball of the season as they headed to Providence to face the fourth seed, Providence Country Day School, in the first round. Behind Hochman’s 26 points and Hitzhusen’s 21, Bancroft soundly defeated PCD. Bancroft then headed to Connecticut to face the top seed, Hamden Hall. The Bulldogs shot a miserable 19 of 65 from the field in this game, but lost by a respectable score of 69-61. Still, the season was a success, as Bancroft won the league championship, and reached the semi-finals of the tournament. The biggest highlight of the season came on February 3 against Williams, when Matt Hitzhusen became the third 1000 point scorer in the history of the school. Other highlights of the season include the team’s overnight trip to Brooklyn, where the Bulldogs went 1-1, behind 49 points in the two games from Hitzhusen, a 33 point effort versus LCA by Hochman, and overtime losses to very strong Pomfret and BB&N teams, both a class above the Bulldogs. The team was represented in the all-star game by Tri-Captain Ethan Fletcher, Hitzhusen, and league MVP Hochman. Hitzhusen was a NEPSAC all-star. Next year, the team will be led by Captains Abe Stein, Cy Ahalt, and Jeff Goodwin. Hopefully, they can maintain the pride of the program for another year. - Michael Hochman


JV1 and JV2 Basketball Teams


• • •.






d; * ‘-mu

Front Row, L-R: Ubong Ukpong, John Cayer. ront Row, L-R: Seth Kaufman, Dave Gise, Jon Dahlquist. Back Row, L-R: S teve L u p a c c h in o , Brian ack Row, L-R: Joey Brennan, Jim Deprez, Ethan Dorr, Hawkins, Jesse Holzer, Achyut Phadke hris Connolly, Tim Dore, Jesse Palma.


This year, Women’s Varsity Basketball had an up and down season but in the end still managed to place third in the league. We were alsc seeded fourth in the top division of the AISGA touranment, a tournament ir which we usually compete in the lower division. And, to our surprise, m were invited to compete in the NEPSAC tournament. This honor was due tc our significant victory over LCA, making our league record 8-6.

Women’s Basketball League Record: 8-6 F ront Row, L-R: Leah R osales, D a n ie lle S pring, J u lie D eprez, Coach Enlow. Back Row, L-R: C o u r t n e y

M cK allagat, Katie Enlow , Lindsay B e n n e tt, Abby M o rg a n , Sara S ch e u fe le , Laura A p o s to lo u , Erica Woda.

The Bulldogs high scorer was Danielle Spring, who averaged over 14 points per game, and the leading rebounder was junior Sara Scheufele. Because we have no seniors leaving this year, next year’s season should prove to be our strongest ever with an entire returning squad. A few high points in our season were our unexpected victory over a higher ranking Worcester Academy, 57-44, our dominations over Concord and Pingree, and, of course, the win against LCA (despite the annoying cheerleaders). Overall, this was a year of growth and achievement; we moved from placing sixth in the league last year to third this year. Can’t wait ‘til next season! - Abby Morgan 98



eastern league



Top Left: What goes up comes down, eventually.

ises eastern league



Above: Time for Dodge Ball. Left: Heads I win...

JV Basketball Front, L-R: Naomi Reville, Meredith Brooks, Priscilla Swan. Back, L-R: Cathy Day, Annie H uppert, Anne Houston, Stephanie Galica.


This year was the second official year for the Bancroft Varsity Wrestling team. After enjoying a successful season last year, we looked forward to an even better season this year. Arturo Ruiz, Randy Grossman, Yuri Brightly, and Justin Leroux added a great deal of raw talent and enthusiasm to the team. Under the guidance of Coaches Teutsch and McDermott, Captain Jarrod Faucher and veterans Sam Kressler, Tom Goss, Jon Pitcher, and Mike Peters took the team to new heights this year.

Varsity Wrestling Record: 0-13 F ront Row (L -R ): R andy G ro ssm a n , Jarrod Faucher, Sam Kressler. Back Row (L-R): Justin L e ro u x, Jon P itcher, Tom G oss, M ike Peters, Arturo Ruiz.

Although still a few people short of a full team, never having the chance to win a regulation match, we were still very form idable opponents individually in the Eastern Independent League. At the league tournament at LCA, the team had a great showing. Tom and Yuri won first place in their weight classes, Jarrod and Sam won second, and Randy won a hard fought third. Tom, Yuri, Jarrod, and Sam are still looking forward to the New England Prep School Tournament which is occurring the weekend of March 1. Next year looks to be yet another successful year, despite the departure of Arturo, Yuri, Randy and Jarrod. With a strong Middle School program in action, several future freshmen will make strong additions to the team. The team strives as always toward being competitive and successful in the following season. -Jarrod Faucher 1 0 0

Top: An a p p ro p ria te m om ent for adult intervention? Left: Wrestling is very tiring, eh, Justin? B e lo w : Sam b u ffs up d u rin g tra in in g season.



The 1996-97 ski season got off to a rocky start due to our lack of a coach. We were eventually joined by Coach Mike Deso for our dry-land training and Coach OB as our mountain coach who taught us how to race and guided us with intense gate training. Although we were all good skiers, half of the team had no previous racing experience. With some hard work and dedication our skiers gradually became racers. Over the course of the season the men’s varsity accumulated 195 points scored

Varsity Skiing Front Row, L-R: Katie Krock, Liz Radin, Corinna Gleich, Sara Feldman, Izzy Crowley, Lindsay Gerhardt, Kat Crowley, Vickie Radin, Yuri Brightly, Eric Coughlin. Back Row, L-R: Ryan McLaughlin, Jess Oyer, Tommy Mack, Nate Senge, Nick Marcoux, Jake Oyer, Brackett Dow, Padge Berthiaume.

Over the course of the season the men’s varsity accumulated 195 points scored by Brackett Dow (5 points), Yuri Brightly (6 points), Ryan McLaughlin (8 points) and captain Padgett Berthiaume who earned 176 points to place him second in the league. While the women’s varsity team had more points, they finished the season with a third place finish as a team. Captain Katie Krock led the team with 90 points, placing her ninth in the league as an individual. Following strongly was eleventh placed Kat Crowley with 65 points. Liz Radin finished in sixteenth place with 44 points, followed closely by Vickie Radin in seventeenth place, who had 30 points. On the men’s J.V. team freshman John Finn pulled out an outstanding league victory with 141 points. The rest of the team scored 128 points to finish second in the league, as Jess Oyer had 65 points, Kurt Hagstrom had 55 points and Sam Epstein had 8 points. The sole J.V. women’s point scorer, Corinna Gleich, had 32 points. The season was capped off with a ski league lip synch in which the team earned a respectable second place finish. The season was challenging but we all had a great time and improved our skiing immensely. -Padgett Berthiaume


Right: “I don’t know HOW I am going to get myself out of

Left: It’s too bad fluorescent orange doesn’t show up in black




103 I

This year was the first season for Bancroft Varsity Volleyball. Led by coach Bob Stein, the team began the season with some hard practices. Each member of the team was taught the rules and regulations of the game, plus instruction on how to hit the ball over the net. Although the team started out losing its first couple of games, it ended the season with a record of 5-9.

Varsity Volleyball Record: 5Back Row, L-R:Leah Benson, Amanda Lewis, Maureen Chang, Danit Veroude, Coach Stein, Caitlin Tolland, Aurelie Henon, Jasmine Whitney, Jing Wang. Front Row, L-R: Carin Litani, Jaclyn Kanarish, Laura Baus, Erin Green, Heather Vellante.

Every player contributed to this great inaugural season. The team was led by captain Laura Baus. Also contributing to the great season were seniors Erin Green, Jaclyn Kanarish, Carin Litani, and Heather Vellante. The firs t few gam es proved th a t the team n eeded a lot of improvement. And improve this team did. The improvement showed itself tangibly as the team, led by all-stars Laura Baus and Erin Green, won 5 of its last 7 games. The first win came over Beaver in a 2 sets to one victory. The team also defeated Pingree (2-0), MacDuffie (3-0), and Chapel Hill (20) twice. If the team continues to improve at the same rate, it should be a strong contender for the league title next year. There will be plenty of room for younger students to step up and help to establish Bancroft Volleyball as a first-rate program. - Laura Baus


Left: Is that ball ever coming down?



Left: Carin, are you going to dive for that ball?


Below: “We could keep doing this forever ... if we wanted to.”


Below: And these guys have only been playing for one season!!

u n i t



“heaving it to 5 5 0 a to prove and define it. E xpecting th e main thin gs from j?oa.“ (Walt Whitman)


G oodbye, S e n io rs m m iss s?oa. M rs . U lb ric h

‘Thanhs fo r all you have done fo r ‘B ancroft. CONGRATULATIONS RANDY + THE CLASS OF ‘97 ON AN OUTSTANDING JOB

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The Selvitella Family

Mom, Pete, Buddy, Tzytel, and Rose

Kelly Heather, From the day you were born, your smile, inner strength, insightfulness, and sensitivity have been a divine blessing. Thank you Bancroft and staff for providing our daughter with 13 years of an immeasurable wealth of support, knowledge and experiences. "Wit is the rarest quality to be met with among people of education." William Hazlitt Kelly, we are immensely proud of you. Humor, a quest for continuing education, and compassion for others will make you a survivor. We love you, dearly. Our best wishes to the class of 1997!

Love forever, we treasure you, Dad, Mom and Kristopher Jasmine, Alexis and Puffy





Congratulations Carin. We are very proud o f you. A n d don't forget - you 'll alzvays be our little “doongie. "

<Best Wishes to you and the Class o f1997.


L o v e j

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Fran T ig h e P.O. Box 2853 70 Jam es Street Worcester, MA 01613

Love roe acoa£ yas . «oac u e c u e 2

T o m y family: M aa, Dadap, M um m y, Daddy, Knit, Sheela, Dham, A shw inbhii Urvi, Jagu, A m , Deepu, & Baku, m y never-ending love and admiration T hink you. I could never have done it without you! Sane- Thanx for helping m e survive A P Bio and for all the laughs, and hugs,


H o c is my small space to say good bye and thank you to everyone wix> touched my life. T o my family- M om & Dad, FI1 miss you so m uch next year. I jving on m y own will be quite the experience, but ai least your house wiD be cleaner! I love yew both. Jordan, I won’t be around to see you grow o r to play with you, but T 11 think o f you always. To my teachos especially M is. Rasnxk. Mrs. Carlson. Mrs. Ulbrich. and M is. I lench. - thank you for your

remember if Cher ever needs a back-up group, w e’Dbe there! Always be a nut!!!

patience and wisdom. You have given n t the knowledge I needed to get where 1 am today.


M is. Rasnick - without you, 1 never would have discovered my career. M is. Hench - you

Jess-1 have no idea when it happened, but little Jessye grew up! Thanx for always

always helped me solve my problems and comforted m e in times o f need Y our “baby

keeping m e entertained, and com ing up with such “ interesting” little dance

actor'’ thanks you whole heartedly. To my friends - 1don’t know how I would have made it

routines.. W e’ll m eet at Hebert’s, you bring the Shakespeare’s Sister & Sesame

through without you. Thank you for the love, support, and laughs. I could never forget you;


I only wish I could take you all with me. I couldn’t possibly mention all o f your contributions; they are too numerous.

Street gang, and I’ll bnng the food! Iluvya! Kell- There aren’t enough w a d s to say how m uch you m ean to me, but w ho needs w a d s when you can say rt all in a look; w e must have a code f a everything in the world, even the C IA couldn’t crack as;

Dan; I’D m iss you so m uch next year Don’t forget to call and visit as m uch as possible. Kristen; I know our colleges won’t be across the street from one another, bin in m y heart you’ll alway-s be there for me. The Liberal com er (aka Em ily & Anthony): I will miss your dictalcrial class m eetings, your harsh sense o f hum or, and our numerous

Lavem and Shirley forever! PPD. problems; hunting season; Mexico; foreign guys what is it about them?;

breakfast outings. Emily - you always make m e laugh- Anthony - good luck in your political pursuits - don’t forget

tte beach; Peanut Butter & Jelly; phones; living at your house; shopping; Curiy, notes; freshman bio;

M be right behind you. Tom. I’D never forget Prom *96, (we were definitely the best couple!) and your awful wig in

dream; journals; tarot; horoscopes; Gemini & lib ra compatible? w ho knew?! Grover & Goliath; dancing;

“Annie Get Your Gun!” Love always! Lee - so many memories, so little space. W hat will I do without you New

future plans f a a minting hom e together, dares (changing at stoplights and T G I Fridays); surprises;

Year’s Eve? To my favorite trendy person - don’t ever change! Always be the outrageous one dial you are. To

Homecoming, it has a whole new meaning now; D on’t forget in 10 y e n s w e are going back to Newport

Marisa: your warmth and guidance arc always w elcom ed H ow can two people be so m uch alike? To the guys (Y uri M ike, Tony, and Bob) - thanks for making movies so m uch more enjoyable, even if 1 did laugh t i t entire time. Bob - 1

Creamery f a coffee talk.. .1 love ya’ always and forever! Lisa- tire source o f som e erf m y most "interesting and amusing" conversations; Mexico!; She’s a fieak; white cowboy boots; Randy how m any times does that make?; Men, why?; it is in their genes; "dreams can come true..

Libras rule and you rock house! I love you sweetie!!!

could always count on you to take care o f C arin M ike - Thank you for all o f t i t laughs and smiles you’ve given me for the past four years. I’ll miss your wit so much next year Love, Jezebel. Dave - Vicki and I know you're not a slacker. W ho am I supposed to talk to for hours at a tin t at college9 Vicki - w e’re so fat! W ltre are t i t c o o k ts? I hope you continue to listen to the Beatles at Harvard Enon - French II. HLIV. Enough said Randy - Do you realize

Botchel- Hey there smart girt; A P Bio & Bio hangman rock; alarm clock stories, sock toppers; funky jeans;

how many people go here dial used to go to Flagg S i? T o my girls: Jaclyn, I hope to God that you never get car-

eating all m y food; cheesy ‘80’s music; coffee at D & D ’s; is drat English lie’s speaking a is he Nell’s king

jacked Lisa - once you go down, you never com e back up. It’s been great getting to know you during our theatrical

lost brothei'/ You will always be a cool kid, love ya’ hon.!

adventures. Have fun ai Trills! Rachel - get m e a bakery box. No. I don’t think you need any more water! L aura-N o

Carin- 111ms. trendy; ugly dog folder, POP!; Kinetics and a d freaks; rem em ber to e-mail! hrv ya!

need! I still can’t believe TH gave you a note! W atch out for the monster! Carin - Too little space to fit too many

L aa-B cra- you know the gid from Kansas (Texas); your way too a i d socks, esp. piglet p in k and die very coolest pillows; D & D ’s; and a m om w ho bakes you muffins from scratch. Jaclyn- Jr. & Sr. English, peni & superman, need I say more?; courage while d iv in g w / stalkers. Ms. M artell Mrs. Ulbrich, & Mrs. Hcncb- Thanks f a all o f your advice & support overall these yeais.

memories. W ho’s going to take care o f you when you’re at college next year? And who’s going to make m e buy trendy clothes and tacky accessories? W ho’s going to bnng out m y nasty side as well as you? You are the ultimate queen and I love you to death. I will miss you beyond belief next year T o the CK DC: You have given m e so m uch I don’t know how to thank y o u You are all such beautiful dancers. I know you will go far Always remember W ashington *96, and always keep in touch. I love y o u Finally, to Sarah. N eed and Kelly For 6 years w e have

Big hugs & special thanks to Anthony, Tony, Randy, Bram, Sam, Ruthie, Lee, Justin, Jim, & Steve.

shared everything. You know' my deepest fears, dreams, and d!sires. I

iiach friend represents a woiid within us, a worid possibly not bom radii they a^rive,a^dftisof^bytlBsm Eetingth^anew \vofidisbt)^n.,’ -AnafeNin

could never dunk you enough. You make m e anile!

It is cne blessing o f old friends dial you a m afford to be stupid with them. -Ralph W aldo Emereon

Iwtfitothcmlc W ell g u y s w e m a d e i t...T h r o u g h all th e te a rs, b u t

KeDy- Fur a girt dut scared the life our o f me when I frrsi met her, it’s

I m ostly laughter, I w ill n ev er forget the m em ories. Y o u |§

amazing how I ooukh't imagine life now without her. 'flunk you fur being

all m e a n th e w o rld to m e .

titre to wipe away the teas, and thank you for Lugfling with m e for no

It is tim e to g e t m u sh y

reason aialL Tve sad n before and HI say ii agum - 1love you.

n o w .. .It’s tim e that I say so long to ev ery o n e w h o m ade

Thomas James-

m e sm ile a n d g a v e m e a h u g ...W h e t h e r frie n d s h ip m eans calling each o th er at 3 o ’clock in the m o rn in g so you could b e the first to w ish so m eo n e

I believe 1 cnce said “I love you" arc just three M e

w ads, but they are t i t citiy three tiut I could ever think o f to describe what I fed fer you. Brutftr. >uu can invade my life any time. I love you.

: a M erry X -M as; o r know ing that they co u ld alw ay s break their p lan s if you n eeded to talk;

Abe- I get a crazy feelmg when a certain s a i t a t finishes my s e n a te s for me. 1also gqt a hiver down my sp o t when that

laughing along w ith/at you w hen you break d o w n an d have a giggle fit; o r b ein g able to lie and

someone walks by. 1 love being able to call that son t e x t my friend, but most o f aD, I love all t i t memories tiut that certain

look at the stars w ithout say in g anything; d y e o u r h a ir to g eth er and laugh at each o th er freely

s u i t o r has Messed me with Take on t i t w a i t A be I waDtovearxl thank you always. E nuv Here’s to oral p in ts and playgrounds; Itre ’s to Indian food and jazz bands; here’s to children’s books anJ retocus

w hen o u r h a ir d ries to reveal its new c o lo r .. .M aroon!!!; get ready to g o so m ew h ere tw o hours

talks; b u m a a im p a m ,h re ’sX)afriL3xihipthahasbriglxenLdupmye\uy day. M ^ ilcontinL tiobkim n

early so y o u can sit an d w ait in b ath ro b es in the kitchen; k n o w in g that you alw ay s have a place

Jessye- Every day I admire >ou more than t i t last. Take a p o tio i of my Ira n x> use as you w ih You wiD always be in my

to sleep an d they w ill n e v e r co m p lain that they see you too m uch; 1 L O V E Y O U M O M &

thuudis. Lushing, inning an Jd n a n g about, only stopping ijg jv e rir a nxxixl h a il i d hokl M y sweet Yessye.

■ D A D ; looking at an electric fire and they agree that it is ro m an tic ju st to m ake you happy;

Dave- I can only begin to thank you for our irw /old friendhip thai 1h^ipen to find in my pusxssiun over t i t count o f a t year M r Resident, ycu arc cxr m a milbtxi May t i t power be with you

caffeine fixes; so lv in g p ro b lem s thro u g h h o ro sc o p es an d tarot card s; b o w lin g ; “ O n ce you

Randy- From t i t moment I first saw you in >uur suit and tr, daring tn take t i t test to gel into this crazy school >ou instantly

g o .. .you can n ever c o m e back” -L isa ( : ; they w o n ’t laugh at the w ay you drive w hen you first

became my firaxi As you a x e told n t over Japanese lunch b u lla ‘Tor every a t tin t you dunk o f me, f ve already' thought

get y o u r license o r at y o u r picture; go in g to aerobics at 6 in the m orning; surviving freshm an

o f y a i twice." Stay true to yourself my friend T orres cnly yox

bio together, h elp in g y o u change at stoplights; b ein g able to m ake an o ld m a n ’s d ay at T G I

Nin- You have teen axri a cu iaa ri frin d in my life, I e n ly w ih I could repay you fer everything y o i’vc given n r . The

F riday’s; d riving aro u n d aim lessly an d ju st talking; losing track o f tim e an d forgetting about

<*niks. t i t lie s , t i t ‘tuts.’’and t i t love, you'll always be in my heart. Mrs. Hench- As an advisr, you’ve taught n t how fir take a itro l of my life; b tl as a frn x l you've how n n t t i t beauty c f iL

curfew s; eating ice cream in su b -zero w e a th e r singing to g eth er at the top o f y o u r lungs to all

Many thanks, and then s u n t...

o f the songs that w ill n ev er b e cheesy; never groaning although they h av e heard the story 10

M em &

tim es before; being able to talk about y o u r first ‘nauseatin g ’ experience; there is so m uch m ore

yuurkjvetixi moves n t the most Iuw eyuicveryhingyaaU IanisayM kjveycu Strange tin £such a aixial p a rt in my

that I have to say especially to all y a’ll w h o are sharing th is page w ith m e. Y ou all play su ch a

life, I am at a lass f a w ads. Love,Kdz

Y c u h d p m e tD b e n t,a sw e le a m to b a a iru u rd v e s;n ia w a y wtercwearccnLTJuragedtokeepgaing,itis


Ihcn>esonuchto say to everyone, I only wish I had die time to say iL Thcwikyou to: huge part in m y life I w ill n e v e r forget all that you have d o n e for m e. I K e lty


M y family. Liza witii a *Z ’ f a a latfmg fim dhip. Lajra. Lisa f a sharing t i t fun. Ben. EmDy. Janud, V id a Hnchmaa Jadyn.

d o n ’t k n o w w h at the true definition o f friendship is, b u t I d o k n o w that I

Anhcny, Shvcn. QxMma. Mike, Chris f a t i t sanity-breeding dxxs, D ew f a catching n t on t i t M l . Tommy G. for saving

love you all!!!!

my life, Sarah. Lily- m a d r r t, Suzy. Naasha. Jo Shmo fa a d n k tx x d friendhip, Abby. Vijay f a

T o all o f the teachers that have influenced m y life m o re than you realize I

titsLntificexplanatxxi, K rystalJing. Bram. K atieE ^Fiizyfatittickles, A n n ie fa artw b e a u fu l

thank you; M rs. H ench, C o ach , M s. T san g , M rs. U lbrich, M rs. A lbrecht,



frioxiship, Dya, Tucker f a t i t nuny expsrnces. Sara- >uu are my lovely Yoody, Adam. O unta, Meggy. SaraL Mis. Albrecht - my hair mother. Mis. Cadson, C oxh E . M rs Groves. M. M athku

M rs. K ennison; y o u ’ve given m e a strong spirit.

Sim ca Mme. M crtamro, Mr. Myers. Coach O ’Brien. Ms. Pappus, Mme. R e d o , Mrs. R a ra k , M r Sharp. M r Smith, Mr. Teutsch. M r TTxxns, Coach W hitdaw, Deprez family. Kervicks. Steins.. .YouaRmeiwitheworidtome!


2 ) ea r } ac (y n, IU

are p a r e n ts .

W L h a re a d a u g h te r a n d u /e love h e r d e a r ly

obey th e c o m m a n d m en ts o f the CJoixili:

. ? e u'ou U f i l e o u r d a u g h te r to

W Je u /o u fd I h e h e r to revere us a s p a r e n ts , ^ O n d So we a lb

ourselves th is q u estio n over a n d over a g a in :

W h a t is thei'e a b o u t uS th a t d e Serves th e revei'ence o f o u r

/ u g h/ /ter. da

IJo u see} u n le ss w e live a life th a t is w o rth y o f y o u r reverence, w e m a h e i t a lm o s t im p o ssib le fo r you to live a J e w is h life . 0>o m a n y y o u n g p e o p le abandon J fu d a ism because th e ffe w is h m o d els th a t th e y see


are n o t w o rth y o fre v e re n c e , s d n d so, in m a n y cases i t is w e who m a h e it im p o ssib le fo r th e y o u n g to obey th e 0 \ f t l (C o m m a n d m en t. (O u r m essa g e to ourselves a n d others is:

(Cvery d a y a sh yo u rselves th is q u estion:

l U haf is thei'e a b o u t m e th a t deserves the

reverence o f m y c h i l d r (adapted from Rabbi Abraham Heschel, 1892 - 1974)

V U e l O o v on y o u r g ra d u a tio n ( 0 b rig h t f u t ure. 1 L e lo ve y o u ! tom

2 )a J & Ofga J a l l o f y o u r bi'o thers a n d sisters

Thanks to all of our friends- we couldn’t have made it through 4 years without you guys. Always remember: “You are so good-looking”...do you guys do your problem sets together?...I hate stalkers...VEGA...belts...Where’s your tractor ...Speed...Burger King sign...CLOSURE (whatever)...N-V-T-S, nuts!...You know what I’m not: Amused!...sitting in Carin’s driveway...Just One of the Guys...MJ...salsa shark...let’s watch the planes take off...so what if she wears bows in her hair?...mystery airheads...the Gossip Triangle (talking into Carin's curls)...THE MURAL...I’m involved...SUSHI...you’re ugly...GOOD FOOD...I ditched Carin...who were you friends with in Middle School?...BATMAN...I want to be the Baked Potato ...SHOTGUN...I’ll give you $100 for your pants...Back up... going commando...PEPPER...what a player.. Jessye , \ WATER!...Impressive speech...HURRY UP!!...Lee’s /1 ./ ■ carjacking...Private Tour?...90210...Melrose...I got my license. Really? no, not really(4x)...NO MONEY(2x)...I’m friends w/ you b/c you’re irresponsible...Yo, what is up? I gotta map...ha,ha just kidding...T.J.(3x)... my dress is too short...REM ...Coolatta...why are you wearing an AIDS ribbon...Trexy...Jelly dilemma...cereal in the fridge...Why is the brick yellow?...radio knob...can I use the flowered glass?...Veggie pens...there goes glass #5...these shoes are making me nauseous...It doesn't twist...I think that’s a person...HUNGARIANS... Clockwork Orange...BB... Brownies...Buttskiing...it’s Keanu...leaning back at lunch...Birdcage...our mothers... SOUR STRAWS...your brother is so hot...it’s not funny...NO NEED!...LIVE...Rach, missing anything?...Rachel at poolside...you look really-preppy...What? They broke up?...Jaclyn and the shrimp...I don’t monopolize the guys (what guys?)

Love, Carin, Rachel, and Laura


^ k U S e w i u @ a te x h tf ? < n A U O c k u Um s


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Good luck o the Graduates of 1997!



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l Lee- H e y , w h a t a re frie n d s fo r? ! Y o u ’v e a lw a y s I b e e n th e re fo r m e. th ro u g h th ic k & th in . T h a n k s fo r I b e in g m y best frie n d . D o n 't e v e r s lip a w a y o n m e , o r o






th e tru th . A fte r a ll, in th e o ry , th a t w o u ld b e

tra g ic a lly “ w a is tf u l.” A lw a y s b e w a r e o f h e p p in e s s a ro u n d y o u . J o h n R o b e rt (R o b b ie ) P o w e rs all th e w ay !

S hueta- W a fa a w ill f o r e v e r r e ig n , a s w ill so m e th in g s la z y in th is w o rld . (H ey , w h at d id l do to d eserv e getting stu ck b etw een here?)

M ike H. - W in te r C a r n iv a ls , M r. F e n ’s E n g lish C la s s e s , b e a tin g P in g re e , y o u k n o w ...

C h ris tin a - F o r all th e fre e m e a ls . C a s c o , th e

f o r t y M o u ld l i k e to t h a n k ... D a d : H a rd R o c k W h e r e ? H o w lo n g is th a t le c tu re ? M o m : F o r a lw a y s k n o w in g w h a t to sa y . R y a n : T h e G a m e R o o m is still m in e , so ... G ra n d m a : F o r f e e d in g m e a ll th e tim e . G ra n d p a : F o r m a k in g m e g ro w u p w h e n l h a d to. A n n e : F o r s h a k in g th e O J a n d a ll th o s e X -m a s e s . M a ris a : F o r m o re th a n y o u 'l l e v e r k n o w . C a ll m e a n y tim e . C a rte r: F o r b e in g th e r e A L W A Y S a n d n e v e r g iv in g u p in p o o l. A n d f o r s h o w in g m e w h a t l c o u ld d o . H o c h m a n : C o m p u te r f o o tb a ll? N e e d a rid e ? I h a v e th e b e s t p la n ...Y o u a re te rrib le a t p o o l, b u t I ’ll p la y a n y w a y . M ik e A : F o r s h o w in g m e th e re a l w o rld a n d M a rv e l S u p e r H e ro e s . A n d all th o se

C h u rc h o f S c ie n to lo g y , H u m id ity , etc.

th in g s I c o u ld n ’t Fix...

Daue- T h e c o n s is te n t v o ic e o f re a s o n . " P a r ty a t D a v e ’s ! ” T h e p o o l ta b le , lo st in

J e s s y e : F o r E v e r y th in g a n d N o th in g in tw o h o u r d o s e s . W o u ld y o u lik e to g o w ith

P ro v id e n c e , m e n ta l illn e s s b o y , a n d y e s y o u c a n h a v e y o u r o w n r a d io s h o w w h e n I

m e to ...J u s t K id d in g .

la u n c h m y o w n e m p ire .

S a ra h : F o r th a t M e x ic a n tw is t a n d th e B e a c o n fu n , C h ie f.

Thom- I s ta rt o f f c o m p la in in g to y o u , a n d u s u a lly e n d u p la u g h in g . M e lo d y F a rm s ,

E rro n : F o r w h u p p in g m e in d e b a te s a n d e v e r y th in g in D C .

th e A u b u rn M a ll, C H A , B J ’s, s u ffe rin g fro m to n e d e a fn e s s , s w im m in g a fte r-h o u rs ,

V ic k i: F o r g iv in g m e m y d a ily d o s e o f re a lity . I re a lly w a s n ’t try in g to b e m e a n , I

V in n y L o u is , a m o n g o th e r th in g s .

s w e a r. L o v e th a t S tu d io A rt!

Erron- Y o u are th e in te lle c tu a l, fo rc in g m e to th in k q u ic k . M a th tu to rin g , m a y th e

K irste n : F o r b e in g th e re n o m a tte r w h a t.

" e g g s ” liv e o n fo re v e r. N e v e r fo rg e t c ra s h in g in o n W S R S , a n d trip s to W B Z .

S e th : J V H o o p s . C h ic k e n a n d r ic e ? K iw i?

Sarah- C h e e rs to m y b o s s a n d c o lle a g u e a t th e Beacon! E v e r y th in g fro m C h r is tm a s

S tr a w b e r r y ?

s h o p p in g to h a n g in g o u t a t N e w s W a tc h 3. W h o e ls e w o u ld y o u h a v e d o n e th a t w ith ? !

A n d y a n d J a rro d : E a g le S c o u ts a n d B u tto n s ? W h o knew ?

Sara - T h e S .O .S s , M o d e l C o n g re s s , B a g e l T im e , th e v a c a n t sta re . J a rro d C- Andy- M y tw o fa v o rite c y n ic s . T h a n k s fo r all th e c o n v e r s a tio n s o v e r c o ffe e b re a k s d u rin g th e in fa m o u s p e rio d six free.

Mrs. Rasnick- T h a n k y o u fo r b e in g th e ro le m o d e l a d v is e r, a n d a ls o m y frie n d . Y o u understand u s. T h a n k s .

L e e : F o r fo o lin g u s all a n d b e in g th e s a n e o n e. C h ris tin a : F o r s h o w in g m e th e g o o d w h e n I w a s b lin d . M rs. R a s n ic k : F o r s h o w in g m e w h e re I h a d to g o . J e ff: F o r te a c h in g m e th e ru le s , lis te n in g , an d


M O O O !!

~ 7£en

A n d B e n : F o r b e in g th e b e s t frie n d I c o u ld e v e r h a v e a n d p u ttin g u p w ith m e w h e n n o o n e e ls e c o u ld . C lo s e t m u c h ?



“hey man, life” ... Total Eclipse ... the sorbet! ... Summer Lovin’ ... “just kidding!” ... “there are 4 pictures?” ... Pulp Fiction ... Toys R Us kid ... “wait, what are you trying to tell me?!” ... “wow, he has really close friends” ... the killer woodpecker ... my crazy owl ... bright eyes ... “Grrrrrehhh???!!!” ... GBVBP! ... “are you watching tv again?” ....... “Go Tommy, it’s your b-day” ... Mexico ... “Think of me” ... “There’s no business like o u r business” ... Prom ‘96what do you mean no one’s coming?” ... “Guys, do you really want to watch this?” ... profanity/slander = detention! ... 44 since when do purple & aqua match?!” ... “why? what’d it say - Happy Birthday?” .........Valentine’s Day? I hate Valentine’s Day ... “Isn’t it Ironic” ... “Different” ... “the vicious circle continues” ... “nice mount!” ... “Tom - he drinks!” ... squishyface ... can we say parallel? ... 360° turns ... WPI camp - “he’s here again?” ... “happy thoughts” ... “you think?” ... Harvard Square - “my Latin boyfriend” ... Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup, Strawberries, & Whipped Cream ... “oh yeah” ... ice cubes ... “we’ll always be good friends” ... Smelly Cat ... “then why were you lighting candles?” ... “do you have jelly rings?” ... 4/6/96(L) ... “go hide in the attic” ... many personalities of T ... Mr. Boombastic. ...Forever ... Wonderful Tonight ... the accident - “here’s a little tip for ya” ... “I am becoming the mango” ... the M. Q. problem ... “technically, there are 4” ... roses ... closure ... Mallrats - “that’s what I see” ... 9/14/96(T) ... R & J - “the US postal service”, “it’s not funny!” ... “thaaaaat’s healthy” ... “I'd have to say - grapes” ... the epileptic witch ... Evil Choir Man ... “thanks for helping Tom with Tom’s idea” ... Johnny Rocket’s ... And I Love Her ... “so, Lee, do you like gloves?” ... “I can’t hear you!” ... “exit only” ... “yo what is up I got a map!” ... “Lisa, it’s just me, Casper” ... “ 12/25/96(T) ... “what would you do if I were gone?” ... pinky-swears ... “Dear Santa...” ... New Year’s ‘97- “go Carin!” ... “no need” ... “I was so sad about it that I cried, and cried, and I was gonna lose it, but then I thought ‘hey, what’s for dinner?”’ ... “Corey, you’re not getting the dress” ... “you are soooo good looking” ... “pardon” ... “instead of calling it our ‘friendship’, let’s call it our ‘happiness’!” ... “At night you hear them calling-” ... my heritage ... j

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Thom thanks: Lisa, Lee, Sarah, Ben, Kelly, Nin, Al, Suzy & Nat, Dave, Jessye, Shveta, j Christina, Wafaa, Boris & Nadia, Judy & Pete, The D’Andreas, the Massachusetts State Police Department, etc etc etc... “ Lisa thanks: Tommy, Kelly, Nin, Carin, Jessye, Rachel, Laura, Matt Q, Alastair, Fitzy, Randy, Leo & Claire, Lee

Thanks for all the support of Bancroft Athletics the cheers...

the bulldog m ascot...

the fans

the doghouse...

GOOD LUCK TO THE CLASS OF 1997! - The S p ir it C lu b 115

It all began with... The B eautifu l C lub, G reen day (1st tim e B !) , N irvana, freak !, M an he sm ells go o d , E xxon boy, 1996year o f the St. Jo h n ’s p o sse , Je su s C hrist Su p er Star, W ill’s house at the C ap e, the elevator, A n n a+ L iza- “ I hate her m ore than you do,” “ H ello lez” Italy- nobody cuter than a Courtney B lu ter on a m otor scooter, dental flo ss, K atie and L iza- Jo e l, “ S o uh, A nna...” C ourtyard, “ W asa, w a sa ? Ahhh,” Varsity C ap tain s on K a tie ’s deck, Diet coke and M L igh ts, “ We got m ac then we got m acked,” K a tie ’s deck 4 ever, Courtney at the piano, M adder R o se, D ave M atthew s, P ickin g up gu y s on the highw ay, “ D rive straigh t!” B e st road trip ever; Sou l A sylum , T H E G R E E K S , The F ish m onths, K atie and T in C ’s room , “ Jo e y E ag e r, w hat is u p ?” K atie and A nna checking out the drivers ed scene, C a fe A rm ani- the bathroom and the waiter, the basketball gam e staircase, the graveyard, G oldsch lager- Courtney trying to ju m p out the bathroom window, the F ish m eister and his fo g g e d up w indow s, o b sessio n s: M att, D ave, N ate, Danny, T K , K atie em b arrassin g A nna in front o f Renny, wet lip, L iz a w iggin g in Italy; I never m iss a free m eal!, B rian and his 311 gear, fat thighs in the window, K + A getting m acked by the C o p s in D edham , Volvo B o y s, A .C .-K a tie ’s stalker, K + C -“ hey freak s get out o f the w a y !” the lunch table fiasco , G id g e + M a y o ’s arrangem ent, B eastie B o y B o d y g u ard s, A n n a’s D om inican, K eefe, Shane, “ thanks man for the secret santa,” the pierced fingernail w eirdo, D 'A n gelo's delivery boy, A lg eb ra II- shut up M ik e , K a t ie an d the c a r- 7 in th re e m o n th s, J a m ie S te r n - g e t o u t o f m y h o u se fr e a k , S H O T G U N , N A V IG A T O R , F A T B O Y , m y nam e is n ’ t B lu te r an y m o re, S a m the protector, M ard i G ras- K a tie ’ s Prince C harm ing and “ the bad neigh borhood,” 5 - 0 - turn dow n the radio, K a tie ’s 17th- L iz a and A nna lo st in the parking lot and E m ily ’s 21, C ’s house while the parents are hom e vs. when they’re not, M e o la ’s, C h an g ’s teddy bear fo r L iz a , “ pu lled a C ourtney- 2 in one,” “ T h is is not a clu b h o u se,” C . and M . (private tim e) B lu te ’ s m acarena o b sessio n , cy clo p s and other devastating blem ish es, R andy- still k eep in ’ it on the D L with his m ap, B arry and the deal at M cD o n ald ’s, “ S o how do you like the B ah am as so fa r ? ” B a rry ’s o b sessio n with A n n a’s m om , E th an ’s party- “ I have to go see Peter L eon ard,” C liff aka H oof, K a tie ’s stalker from the Hen, K atiekickin g L iz a and A nna out o f her bed, C arol and the skin flick in her p j’s, Yuri and his m agic glue, A nna under the streetlight, K atie getting kicked o ff the b aseb all field, C ourt never getting up to bat, A nna slid in g into hom e, L iz a ’s on deck, P itch er’s on the m ound w hile L iz is in the stands with P C . “ I ’ m down with the C o o lio H erb Term s,” Spontaneity-not, K atie and her e g g s, mini and scram bled, The pole, B o w lin g B on an za; Courtney go in g crazy with the w ater-hide and seek , “ W ake up, C ourtney! W ake u p !” Jim m y B u ffet: K atie: 9 Court: 0; R ed head stage guy, “ Yeah sh e ’s ok,” K atie and V, w hoa there buddy, B lon d boy by the car and K a tie ’s dis, Ju stin and Ju st Another Girl on the IR T with D T s, Is she m y typ e? I d o n ’ t know K ate, are you ?, Partying at the R usty N ail with Barry, Jo n and H ow ard, L iz what year were you b om in ? Trinity: G in sberg, Conn C ollege: K evin, T h at’s not an option G in sberg, H abibian and H arootian, B -d ay m obile, G ive m e the A B C gum or I ’ ll be m ad, R itual H olden drive, “ C ru isin g the strip” M eet ya at M ickey D ’s, A L T O ID S ! C lo se calls with Ju stin ’s affection s, K +C -W e W o n !!!, L -I-N -D -A !, B arry in a w hisper— sh e ’s R om an ian !, Dr. B -” H ave fun at the dance girls.” St. Jo h n ’s basketball gam es, H ow do you spell o b sessio n with fo o tb all?: G -I-D -G -E , partying at U V M and P C — N O T !, K atie and the brow nies, K atie-L aziest; C ourtney-N aive; A n n a-m oodiest— W here did they get this stu ff? M rs. P. and her crim e solvin g, M ik e ’s car and the e g g s, G u y callin g 5 -0 ’s on the cellular, getting prepped for the H arvard b oys and Ju stin being oh so supportive, W hitney and go o d b y e to the H arvard guywhere w as that hand?, C ourtney go in g alternative ju st didn ’ t work, Jan -F ab u lo u s! K atie and hats-W hat’s with her?, C. with the d isab led boy; K atie-w hite, black, white, black . . . B ask etb all boy and the candy necklace, Courtney the ch auffeur; “ S in g it to m e, B ill” , C. stargazin g-G et o ff the b e a c h !!, B lastin g C hris Isaak while w atching the sunset, C. in the show er w hile K atie and L iz are in the E R , ap p lesau ce, sa u sa g e s, M ountain Day, A’s co u sin ’s house and the random sick n ess while K a tie ’s upstairs lookin g at the snow board, C ollin for helping us with our good tim es, getting kicked out o f the R itz, in trouble with the 5 -0 ’s at A ssu m ption , “ E verybody in the N ortheast c o m e r!” , T h e W onderbar for all the go o d tim e s!!! T hanks to the C la ss o f ’ 97 for givin g us such w onderful m em ories. years to com e. L ove, A nna, Courtney, Ju stin , K atie, L iz , and L iz a


G o o d luck to everyone in the



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Our memories... Lupos-the parking lot, the guy with no teeth, Jonathan and L a rry, “y o u ’ re p re tty ,” L iz a ’s dancing and mooching, A lison’s onion burps, the Concord fans, Natick-the 45 min. drive for one store- “I shouldn’t have done this,” Liza and Anna’s adventures with Thinex and the white shirt, sex talks in the student commons, “Liza, did you shift it into third?” Matt’s adventures with “The Club,” dancing at Alaina’s, Friendly’s, Coffee Coolatas in English, Giacamo’s we’ll miss you! Mia + Anna after Rubin’s, Enya-traveling music, Liza + Anna in their “witty mode,” Gretchen’s freak show, Alison’s chest complex, Ethan + Anna rummaging through Meg’s room and the dumpster, New Year’s with DEUCE, Chillers! Terry’s + Mud, Romeo and Juliet, The Rock, Alison’s car phone, Alison’s friends - Anna’s neighbors, Coffee from the Bean Counter, “swimming” on the sr. retreat, Alison + Anna’s apple argument among others, hot bread from Shaw’s, Yuri + Anna’s “girl talk,” the b-ball game at Pingree, April fools of ‘96, Ethan and Anna defacing Liza’s Art History book, Ethan’s destiny with Mickey at midnight, the quarries, Drive through at Mardi Gras with Mike, God Street Wine, Alison’s pole, driving to see Ricky’s house, protein, playing pool with Alison’s cousin and Ben, possible body piercings, “why would you open something and then not finish it?” Ethan’s peep show, “hey Alison, did you get punched in the face?” Matt’s version of the Spice Girls and his triumph over Tyson, Anna’s duct tape, visiting hours, trip to BJ’s, Alison’s new book bag, Anna’s “uncle” for five minutes, Ortega, Liza’s 18th- “such a good time.” Extra thank yous to all of our boys for the laughs, talks, and parties. Class of ‘97 we wish you love and luck wherever you go. You’ve had a huge impact on our lives and we are grateful. Love, Alison, Anna and Liza

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Congratulations Padge Remember What’s IMPORTANT Love, Mom, Dad, Damien, and Harry 118

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Y e a r b o o k


Thom: Mrs. Dings, I have a headache. BMY: Could we please use that computer? It's the only one that has all the fonts. Seth: Where's Claire? I think it's time we had a talk. Thom: Mrs. Puccio, please tell me where to find some yearbook funds. Mrs. Dings: Where are the photos? BMY: Wasn't someone supposed to take these pictures? Mr. DeHoratius: Why don't you have a Latin inscription? Thom: Mrs. Dings, I could really use some ibuprofen. Erin: Where can we get a platform / speakers / money / band / ad for the Battle of the Bands? Shveta: Look guys, I've been really busy lately.

The Blue M oon editors w ish to thank Mrs. Laurie Dings an d Mr. Ed D eH o ratiu s for all th eir help w ith this y e a r's yearbook, an d w ish th em good luck w ith all th e ir fu tu re endeavors, including the 1998 yearbook.

The staff of the Blue Moon Board would like to thank the following people for their generous support:

City Sporting Goods The liamos Family Madeline and Robert Gise The Paugh Family R. H. White Bus Company The Yood Family


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1934 1997 -


THE 1996-1997

The 1996-1997 Blue Moo trYearbook Board is prdfjd to present the 1997 yearbook; the result of a strong grfoup effort, hard work, and unprecedented complications. Now PHOTO STAFF (BACK ROW L-R): that we’re all done, we LAURA APOSTOLOU, LAURA BAUS, present to you our work SHVETA SINHA, KAT CROWLEY, SUZY and hope you have as KLAINER, BOB DEC. much fun reading it as (FRONT ROW L-R): MICHAEL COHEN, we kfad making it, EMILY EASTON, VIJAY RENGANATHAN. without all the anguish that the staff dealt with every day. No more late nights fur these editors! Good luckfto the new staff and good luck in your efforts toward building an even better yearbook next year. BLUE MOON FACULTY ADVISERS AND CHIEF EDITORS (L-R): ED DEHORATIUS, THOMAS MUTTI, SETH KAUFMAN, LAURIE DINGS.

Seth Kaufman and Thom Mutti







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