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r e f 1e c t i o n s L G \\ G C 1 1 0 n « SeniorEditors E d it o r s - in - C h ie f :
Sam Kressler
Christine Feldt
Krysten St. John
Ting Li
B u s i n e s s E d i t o r s : Paul Laddis
Polly Alfred
Editorial Assistants S t a f f A s s is t a n t s : Cathy Day
M elissa Gerhardt P h o t o / L a y o u t A s s is t a n t s :
Cam illa Colley Danit Veroude
Alison Stuart
M ichael Cohen
A m anda Lewis
Ian Hamos P h o to E d it o r s :
E d it o r ia l A s s is t a n t :
S p o r ts E d it o r s :
Suzy Klainer
David Sinofsky
A licia Rockwell
M ia Pearson
EacultyAdvisers Mrs. Laurie Dings Ms. Elizabeth Kennedy Mr. Robert Dec
Aliza Krefetz
Reflections of the Class of J ^8 o \ i\S6
o \ 1 55,^
We all remember the story ofThe Ugly Duckling ivho turned into a beautiful sw an. Looking into the lake, he realized that he luas not like his brothers and sisters. He look’ed at them and saw beautiful birds who would grow to be strong and healthy.'W hy am I not like them?” he asked h im se lf wondering w hy for some reason he laas differ ent...why he was not w anted or loued.His brothers and sisters ridiculed him. He felt left out—as i f no one really cared for him.The day came when his brothers and sisters grew and started lives o f their own.The Ugly Duckling sat by himself w a itin g for his moment to fly and show them all that he was not ugly, but In fact beautiful. He spread his wings and took flight into the sky. His family stopped to look at him In amazement. He luas not the Ugly Duckling that they thought he w as.but a beautiful siuan ready to go o ff by him self and lead a life o f happiness. We gaze into the ripples o f the pond that the beautiful swan now sw im s through. Looking into the distorted reflection, we see ourselves as swans, ready to spread our w ings and fly...to take on lives o f our own and show the w orld that lue are somebodies. Our theme o f Reflections shows this transition from childhood to adulthood. We are not the same people we u^ere in the Lower and Middle Schools.When lue look into the mirror, we see ourselves as changed—as young adults luho have become su^ans In our ow n w ays. We see ourselves, ready to take charge o f our lives and to take on our oiun responsibilities. Over the years our class has shared many experiences which have brought us together as a class and as a family. We have done the Fifth Grade play, have braved ChewonkI and have successfully performed our Eighth Grade play.N ow .at the end o f our Upper School journey, we come to our graduation—yet another event our class w ill share and survive together.ln tw enty years lue w ill come back to these halls we know all too well and look back on our lives In high school as we look at our reflections in the m irro r. We haue our memories and we have our pictures: but even pictures are Just reflections of what u;e mere. We are con stantly changing, and our yearbook w ill reflect the best years o f our lives and help us look back after gradua tion and remember our friends, our teachers and our school. Good luck w ith mhateuer paths you choose. -S a m and Krysten
T ^ isa p p o in iin e n i m o u n ie J . S a t e in j u n i o r p e a r^ a r u m o r s p r ' a J t/ir o u p /i o u r c la ss t/i a t w e w e re n o t, a s tS o s e o f us p la n n in p to ta A e C a lc u lu s h a J /lo p e d ^ p o in p to S a v e th is te a c S e r f o r m a t S t/ 2e fo llo w in p p e a r ; s S e w o u lc f n o lo n p e r te a c /i se n io rs. S 'o rtu n a te lp .i tS e r u m o r p r o u e c f false.^ a n d t h a t s e p m e n t o f^th e G la ss o f 1998 e n fo p e d h e r c la ss f o r o n e m o r e p e a r . H e a r e a l l a c c u s to m e d to d e r a m ia lle .^ r e a s s u r in p s m ile a n d c a lm in p v o ic e . H e s c r i d e d d p o n e m e m d e r o f t / i e p r a d u a t i n p c la s s a s
le a s t
in tim id a tin p te a c h e r in th e s c d o o f ” s/ie.^ o f a l l tea ch ers.^ tr e a ts h e r stu d e n ts m o s t lid e ecjuals. IH e r a p p r o a c /ia d le n a tu r e d a s c o m fo r te d u s ^ w d e td e r d u rin p t d a t s d a d p tr a n s itio n to Q lp p e r C c d o o llife a s fr e s d m e n in l/U p e d r a
w h ile in
s e n io r p e a r le a r n in p a n e w fu n c tio n on th e C 9 - 8 J o r la te a t n i p d t d u r r p in p to m e e t th e n e x t d a p ^sp e a r d o o d d e a d lin e . ^ e s , th is d e v o te d te a c h e r to o d on th e s e e m in p lp im p o s s ib le ta s d o f d ein p f a c u l t p a d v is e r f o r o u r c la ss^ p e a r d o o d . C h e o r p a n i z e d e d i t o r i a l m eetin p s.! w ro te p e a r d o o d la d d e r s a n d r e v i s e d in n u m e r a b le la p o u ts . H i t h o u i h e r h a r d w o r d a n d d e d i c a ti o n to o u r c la ss^ t h i s p e a r d o o d c o u l d n e v e r h a v e b e e n p ro d u ced . H e th a n d d tlr s. h i n p s f o r h e r c o n tr ib u tio n s to o u r liv e s in a n d o u t o f th e cla ssro o m . —d llic h a e l C o h e n
The Class of 1998 proudly dedicates this yearbook to
M rs. Laurie D in^s
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JhUfue U puime Thank you so much Mommy, Daddy and Jules for everything. You mean the world to me. I love you. Thank you for your unconditional care and love. Thank you to all my friends for all your love, support and good humor. Special thanks to Caitlyn and Leah for always being there no matter what, to Neal for just being great and to N ickolasay for always offering a kind word, to Eric, Dave O., Lindsay, Dave H., Alaina and Joey. Thank you to you all for everything. I love you.
To Jacob; You know what you mean to me. Thank you.
B “To me, it’s a good idea to always carry two sacks o f som ething when you walk around. That way, if anyone says, ‘Can you give me a hand?’, you can say, ‘Sorry, got these sacks.’” -Jack Handy
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To Julia, You’re the best. I love you.
C ^ a L ttijn y ^ k ii^ u L s t Thanks to my parents and my sister for supporting me and encouraging me to do my best. I love you !
Good Luck to everyone next year! Keep in touch.
Thank you to my teachers, especially Mrs. Puccio and Ms. Martell.
“Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy.” -Walt Disney
Thanks to all my friends, especially Lindsay and Ruthie. I could not have asked for two better friends. You have always been there for me, and we have had so much fun together. You are the definition of what a true friend is. I love you both always.
) a
Thanking people for 13 years •s>|UBqi 3j!| Mom and Dad for paying for it. Meghan and the neck thing. Xuj 3ujU3A!|U3 JOj Jazz’s “ Beautiful Smile.” Vijay and the SAM Marathon. 'aUoXj3A3 The cast of C h a illo t, the s>juEHi 'uopuaui Islanders and Our Town. 0) P3)33|S3U UIOl|M “ You wear her clothes, and 3A,| as|3 auoXuE that’s just wrong!” puE a3uEi|}X3 The Roman WWII presence. q s j|S u 3 3 i|) uo Mr. Universe Jeff. auoXjOAa ‘ 3|doad Stumpy Stew Groove jo sdnojS uiopuEJ Boat Trips with Leroux ‘ s q n |3 ‘ s?SE3 Clerks, Connolly. Clerks! a q j ||E ‘ u p sn f The 3 Adams. ‘s u q 3 ‘EqsE)Efij 10th Grade Chemistry Crew. ‘ qEJB$ ‘ ZZEf Sophomore Year English. ‘ XEfj/^ ‘ uEqSa^ English Rampage.
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“We must be careful who we pretend to be, because, in the end, we are what we pretend to be.”
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T H A N K Y O U !! M rs. C a r e y , M rs .
"Strangers they're
U lh ricli and M r. K e lle y . A lso my
exciting.(heir myst er y newer ends, but (here Is nothing like seeing your own history In (he faces of your friends." -Ani Difranco
a m a z in g
f a m i l y ........................ M O M - Y o u ’re e v e r y t h i n g I a s p ir e t o he s o m e d a y . Y o u re s t r o n g a n d sen sitive, b ea u tifu l a n d extrem ely intelligent. I hnow th a t w herever I a m I c a n alw ays t u r n to you fo r anything.
"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds." -BOB MARLEY
D A D - " m y t w i n ” e v e n t h o u g h w e 'v e h a d o u r s h a r e o f “a r g u m e n t s
I h n o w in m y h ea rt
t h a t y o u re a lw ays l o o h i n g o u t f o r m e . I m a y n o t r e a liz e it all t h e t i m e , h u t I a m f o re v e r g r a te fr d f o r all t h e v a lu e s you hav e in s ti l le d in m e. R I C H ( R I C H I E ) - Y o u m a y n o t r e a l i z e it h u t I D O l is t e n t o all t h a t b r o t h e r l y ad vice y o u ve g iv e n m e , ju s t in m y o w n little w ay !! T h a n h s fo r lis te n in g to m e w hen I needed vou m o s t .
“ I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around-nobody big. I mean-e\cept me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do. I have to catch everybody if (hey start to go over the cllff-l mean If they're running and they don't look where they 're going I hawe to come out from somewhere and CATCH them. Thofs all I'll do all day. id be the catcher In (he rye and all. I know It's crazy, but that's (he only thing id really like to be. I fenoiw it’s crazy." -J.D. Salinger
Thanks to my fam ily, especially Mom, Dad, and Jill for your constant support. Thanks to all my teachers and coaches for encouragement.
Thanks to all my true friends at Bancroft for making such a great impact on my life. You will forever touch my heart. “My only goal, is just to be. T h ere’s only now. There’s only here. Give in to love. Or live in fear. No other path. No other way. No day but today.” -Rent
/ lin d s a u
Yuri - Thank you for being my best friend. To my friends in Little Compton - Thanks for the unforgettable summers.
B e n n e t t
£eafl Jiemxm
Some th a tih
it tatkeA a oiUage^ a l l tn^ ^%icndd,
%ta %aide a ch ild . J m ant to an d teachmA io%
h e in g ^ jn y . v i l i a ^ .
J a h e nothing, hut menumeA. £eaoe nothing, hut faotpdntA. -Q .^. S p e c ia l thanhA to: Qxuitifn, £Utcha^, Qlaina, Olutfiie,
cM have, a tp ecia l ptaee in mg, hewit!
2)ave C>-We u M meet up iom edag! Qfvdi-5fiankd (m. a h va g t Being thexe pm, me! U dam -3 am going to- misd gou neat, geax. ( S tag out op VcouMe.) 3lhianna-you erne Vudg m g Boot ptiend. Joike-JBhough. a tt theoe geofto, ive have temained piiendo, and J w ilt nevea, pmget gou! JTt. Shanp-W hat uioutd J have done without gou? IJou have Been mg inopixatien. JHustlg, tv m g paxento pm. Being Auppoxtive a n d undexotanding. J H ave ^ipou!
JOHN COM RANK CIIARKKS MIN(;US MII.KS DAMS CHICK CORKA JACO PASTORHJS KES CKAVPOOK MMW PHISH I)J SHADOW JAMES BROWN PARLIAMENT EUNKADELIC BOOTSY COEEINS CAREOS SANTANA BOB MAREEY ORB Every child has boundless potential and is born into a situation of wide variance—some poor, some rich, some with loving parents, others with parents who have never even thought about the responsibility raising children entails. I have been lucky to have; a loving family who made sacrifices to give me a good education, friends and good times outside of school, and great teachers who have given me the knowledge and the concepts they have gathered. I believe that I should thank everyone with whom I have ever had any kind of contact, no matter in what way, because you have made me who I am today. I especially want to thank my family: Mom, Dad, Sarah (esp. for forcing me to memorize every song on the radio) and G randm a Jeannie. Y our help and understanding have been invaluable all along. Thanks to my friends, too - you’re out there, and you’ll always be remembered. ... MUSIC IS LIFE
colby brown
Erie Brian Coghlin
“Take care of those you love.” •Life’s Little Instruction Book*
High school has provided me with the four most w on d erfu l years of my life. The m em ories created and friendships formed will stay with me alw ays. Life is .a .fa s | a^d scary ride. It is important that we always cherish the present, because w e pev^i* f^riaw where the future will take us. I wotllc|^ikei,;to sen(^ my love and thanks to my teachers^rd coaches, my friends, who have made me ttie f>erson I am today, and my amazing family, who has provided me with all the love and support I could have ever asked for.
‘Think Different.” -Macintosh Computers
“ I believe in God, and I believe in human decency. But I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour-his greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear-is that moment when he has to work his heart out in a good cause and he’s exhausted on the field of battle-victorious.” -Vincent Lombardi
Michael David Cohen ■‘Leaving the old, both worlds at once they view That stand upon the threshold of the new.” Edmund Waller
Learning, n. The kind of ignorance distinguishing the studious. — ^Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary
I can’t believe it’s over. From seventh grade historical disagreements to junior and senior year philosophical ones, from Chewonki and an eighth grade play to Senior Retreat and a yearbook, Fve enjoyed it all. Remember, Andorra is the best place on Earth, even though it doesn’t exist (neither do we). Speaking of Europe, Spain was clearly a highlight of my Bancroft years; gracias a la sehorita y todos del viaje. Also, many thanks to Mrs. R asnick, Mrs. U lbrich, Mrs. D ings and all my teach ers. M ost o f all, I th an k everyone in our class. You’re an amazing group of people; I’ll miss you all. Keep in touch!_____________ Thanks to everyone, ifs been two amazing years! Thanks to my SA friends * Shan and Jane, James & Ali / Ozzy, Mel & Molls, Tara O O
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Special thanks to M rs. U lb rich . Laura - fo r yo u r lo ya lty and fo r everythin g we’ve been through and so much more. Jake - for some crazy tim es. Ryan - for your hum or and affection.
C n r is to p lie r D . C o n n o lly “<9 o w e h e a t o n , b o a t s a g a i n s t tke cuttent, home b a c k ceaseLesslx^ int o tke past. ” -^ke
^ a ts k i^
Theater, cross-country, SashetSafC, lacrosse, <Dr. Tepper - ju s t some o f tfie things that I ’m going to miss nejtJ. year, ju s t some o f the things that mean a lot to me.
ICATHRYN CROWLEY To my family. Mom, Dad, Izzy, Ralphie, Andrew and Sarah. I think 1 figured out the worst part of being the oldest —having to be the first one to leave. Thanks for everything. I love you all.
Izzy, Thank you for always being there when I need you.
-/) sister is someone ifou groM up
loiih, but never outgrou).
To all my teachers and coaches Thank you for all that you have taught me. E specially - Ms. Martell, Mr. Heavey, Mrs. Puccio, Mrs. U lbrich, Ms. Tsang, and Coach Gerhardt. To all my friends. We all had some great times together, and 1 will never forget that. Good luck to everyone.
Coach - you have helped me more than you could ever im agine you’re the greatest. - 1 still owe you a round of golf.
Jf.jou ou hI,a r p on th e success o j fjesterd a t^, i^ou re o t J-ointj a n t^ lliin ^ to J a if.
Every man is a volume if you know how to read him. -Fortune Cookie
J ^ o ^ ert D L i f J
Life I s A Journey, Enjoy Tke Ride---Nissan
“ILife mobes bp fast. 3lf pou bon’t Stop anb look arounb onte in a tobtle. pou mtgbt miSS it.” -Jferris J^ueller
First I would like to thank my family. You supported me through the tough times, and were with me to enjoy the good times. Thanks for all your support over the years. I love you guys. To all of my friends, Greg, Pat, Tom, Mike, Brian, Jill, Jim, Priscilla, Meg S, Meg A, Ethan, Chico, Johnny, Timmy and everyone else who helped make the last four years what they were. To all of my past hoops teams, outing clubs and golf teams, thanks for all the memories. To my teachers, especially Mr. Teutsch, Mr. Heavey, Mrs. Daly and Mr. Troch. To the rest of the senior class— I wish all of you the best of luck in the future. Here are some words of wisdom to the underclassmen: make the most of these years, they fly by too fast. To everyone, keep in touch.
N e a l D o n n e lly
Cljristinn ^Kljomns; jFnrmerte L Thank yon to all those who helped me make it through. Clinton. Amy, /Cristin, Kara - 1 m going to miss all of you. All the day-to-day stuff won't be 'jh e same without all of you sitting in the corner with me. I love you all. Others thanks - Weasel, Neal, Camilla (good Lord!), Nick-i-Dave (so good but so nid), Bree, Alex, Sam, Ryan (I’ll always have that drawing), Krysten, len-i-Joella, Laura, Marine Bio class ’97, Mr. Myers (for not shooting me), Mr. lil|,.Sharp, Ms. Tsang, Mrs. LUbrich, Mrs. Pearson, Mr. Trocchio, Mr. Teutsch, llniiij.Vazquez (and when you...), Ruthie, anyone else who was a friend, thanks, iiilij Anyone who tried to hold me back - you’re not worth the horrible insults I'm thinking of. Suffer.
I bow to none - Benediction Outside Bancroft: Thanks Mom, for the support - you made a real difference. Dad - I know you'd be proud... Kev, A.J., Mark, Rich (nnn - tsss). Boob, Slund, Keith, Kyle.... are you THINKIN what I'm THINKIN? Hail and Kill, my brothers! Melissa, Sara, Emily, Lisa, Al....y’all beautiful - thanks. Ross T. Dolan III lives on. Time for some Satanic re-re-revelations. NMF, Spicy, two greatest bands ever! J. Walker. W. Steer, K. Owen - metal GODS you rule. Anyone I forgot to thank, thanks.
I’m running free yeah, I’m running free - Iron M aiden
Sit back and hold your breath, .lu.st let nature take effect... -SFU
V reM file x a n d e f h e itic h 1 would like to thank my family tor helping me get through the tough times. You were there whenever 1 needed you. 1 would also like to thank all of my friends and teachers. I could not have achieved half of what 1 have done w ithout you. 1 want you all to know that 1 appreciated every time you went out of your way to help me. Although 1 did not always say thank you, you never went unnoticed. As you grow older, remember to be yourself. Each one of you is special in your own way! Trust your judgement. Best of luck to you all in all of your endeavors. T h in g s
l iv e
•"Successful is the person who has lived well, laughed often and loved much...who leaves the world better than they found it...who never fails to look for the best in others or give the best of them.selves.” •"You're never too smart to act stupid.” •"That which does not kill me only makes me stronger.” •"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it tor good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day ot your life tor it. When tomorrow comes this day will be gone forever; in its place something that you have left behind. . , let it be something good!”
nxctiss^i annc Mom and Dad - Thank you for your endless patience, support and friendship. Without your guidance I would not be who 1 am today. I love you. Lindsay - what can I say? Thanks for being the greatest sister and friend. Your friendship is the one I treasure most. I love you. To my friends - Lain, Eric, Joe, Ruben, Kat, Neal, Ryan, Woda, Schultz, Bram, Leah, Drew. Camilla, Andy & Laura...thanks for all the memories. I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy high school half as much without you. To my teachers & coaches - especially Mr. Sharp and Mrs. Ulbrich, thank you would never be enough to express my gratitude. Your guidance, patience and understanding have prepared me for any obstacle life will bring my way. Josh - through good times and bad you’ve remained my best friend, a friendship I know will be with me forever.
I re m e m b e r th in k in g
“W e ’re free to go w h e re w e wish and be
I’ ll g o on
w h a t we are.”
fo r e v e r o n ly k n o w in g I'll se e y o u r fa ce
a g a in ...W a lk
w h e re
-J o n a th a n
L iv in g s to n
like...Do as you please, I’ll back you up.” S o m e t im e s t h e b e s t way to f ig u r e o u t w h o yo u a r e is to gett to t h a t p e a c e w h e r e y o u d o n ' t h a v e to b e anything e l s e ."
l ^ o s s
^ o o d w L n
I’d like to thank: My friends and teachers who’ve stood by me through the years. The X-Country and Basketball teams (especially Coach O’Brien) for keeping me standing. And my family, for whom I stand. Mom, Dad, Gramma, Grampa, Mackenzie and Murphy: I love you all more than you will ever know...
“You got to love life to have life, and you got to have life to love life.” -Thornton Wilder ‘It’s better to regret something you did, than something you didn’t do.” -Gibby Haynes
Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that, I'll be over here, looking through your stuff. -Jack Handy It’s sometimes sort of frightening where my mind will go if I let it. -Bill Watterson
Thanks Mom, Dad, Christine, John and Pooh. You all have many qualities that 1 admire, and 1 will always look at the past with great fondness. Thanks for the support and guidance nobody else could ever give me. I love you all. Pat, Greg, Jim, Mike and Brian. You guys are the bestest triends a guy could ask for. ITl never forget our activities and outings. Especially “Fiatchburg,” Newport, and a certain % high speed tour of the Bancroft campus. 1 will see you all on Eiiiillic, excursions to come. Everyone affiliated with wrestling is a friend of mine... especially Capt. Sam, Capt. Faucher and Mike P. Thanks to the best of my many coaches...Politz, McDermott, Teutsch and Bear. A special thanks to people like Justin Leroux, Camilla, Morgan, Jon Pitcher, Ruthie and people of that sort. You are the people who gave me a glimpse into lives more, ummm, interesting than my own. Especially Justin!
“p.\ Uj'n, «Ult:
I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world because they would never expect it. -Jack Handy Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace. -Amelia Earhart Matthew 25;35
“ I O N L Y S M I L E IN T H E D A R K ” - S
Tlr anU s
h ir l e y
M om ,
Watachiwa So to n 0 Mondesu
,p '
D ad,
Jyunbiwo S u r u t o Tsuyokunary
“ Even in his lowest swoop the mountain eagle is still higher than other birds upon the plane, even though they soar.” —Herman Melville
g ra n d p a re n ts, G a il, Jim and all m y
]S!A>|j06ei JBcj-
cousins. You' ve all tau^lit me so mucK,
„-0U!A!p s| ‘00] 'ss0uss0|6u!ue0iai„
and I appreciate eacK of you more tlian I can say. TkanUs also to all my friends, especially N a t an d S arafi. W e’ve liad so m ucli fun—I w on’t forget any of you. Finally, tlianl?s to my teackers, wko’ve always pusked m e to learn even wken I’ve resisted.
“ Happy for you and I am sure that I hate you. Two sons too many, too many able fires . . . I guess I’m way beyond the pale.” —Tori Amos
Sarak E lizaketk Harder “Tills above all, to refuse to be a victim.
Unless I can
do tbat I can do nothing. ” —Margaret Atwood
7 S > ^ 'u \n
C Z ^ k tL s to p k c t
Wbw! A fte r fo u r years o f h ig h scKool an d tfiree years o f m iddle scKool it's difficvJt to find som etkin^ to say in kalf a pa^e. I definitely w an t to tkanl^ my teackers for skowin^ m e just kow m u ck I can ackieve. I ve m ade som e ^reat friends kere w ko kave skown m e kow to ke a ketter person, and I kope I will keep in to u c k w itk tk e m . U p p e r S c k o o l k as k een aw eso m e overall, from M o u n ta in D a y to tk e S e n i o r R e t r e a t . S o m e p e o p le I 'v e k n o w n since leinder^arten fro m M ontessori S ck ool. It s keen awkile since m y first day of sckool w itk tk em , and college seem s a d istant Ian d tk a t never really kecam e a reakty until tkis year. W e re all ^oin^ to m ak e a ki^ difference in tke world, and I wisk tke class o f '9 8 a lot of 1uckH!
David Hawkins Thanks, Mom and Dad, for giving me support and bringing me to Bancroft. Sarah and Sandy, you have been the best sisters a guy could ask for. Coach O ’Brien, you have been a great friend and excellent coach. Cross Country, what can I say? 170, back-to-back league champs. Thanks for Dr. Pepper, long bus rides, toasts and Prodigy. Class of ’98, I can’t say how much it has meant to me spending the last five years with you all. Good luck in college everyone! Come see me at Indiana U. sometime. “B reak
morgan samantha holzer
tlie r u le s ,
w ith y o u r h e a rt.
world is wide and anything... anything can h a p p en ."
“That we must grow up is an unavoidable sadness.” Joy Kogawa
T h a n k you for the la u g h te r, for the tears, for the good times, for the bad, for the shoulders, for the ears, for the love, for the memories. W henever I miss you. I’ll look in my heart and find you there.
“M any
wi l l
c a t c h y o u r eye, hut few will c a t c h y o u r h e a r t . H o ld o n t o t h o s e ."
“The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they cannot fly.”
“If you will it, it is not a dream.” -Theodore Herzl “Saying goodbye, we’ll meet again, don’t know just where and I don’t know just when. You’re in my heart, so until then, it’s time for saying goodbye.” -Kermit the Frog “ H old fast to you r dream s.
“ S o m e people co m e into
F o r if dream s die, life is a
o u r lives a n d q u i c k l y go.
f r o k e n w i n g e d ki rd tfiat
S o m e sta y a w k ile , leave
ca n n o t fly .”
f o o t p r in ts on o u r kearts,
-L an g sto n H ugkes
and we are never tke s a m e . ”
R u b e n J o n a h H o n ig So this is me four years later. To be honest, they just flew by. Now 1 know that things have not always been perfect, but you really forget the bad and only remember the good at the end. I would be lying if 1 said I could have done this by myself. Without the love and care of my parents, my sister, my family and my friends, nothing would have been the same. Thank you. Mom, for always pushing me no matter what I said to you. You molded me and I hope you're happy. Dad, you taught me the things that I will take with me forever. Naomi, make sure you learn from my m istakes and take advantage of everything that you are given. To all my boys and girls, younger and older...you know who you are. You kept me in check and helped me through all the good and the bad. I will never forget any of you. To the class of '98, good luck with everything in the future. “D.O., You ruined my night!!!!!” - Arturo Muradas Ruiz “What an odd looking creature.” - Joey Persky “What about the brotha’?” - Rich “Who said ‘Hello There!’” - Bram Yolfie .An (tuit.
Cm c/uxti iont CfnM ~ /fCetmuiet 'DumOA
Dyfal done a dyrry garreg ~ Welsh proverb (DandeCion wine wtff ma^ you rememSer thefirst days o f spring in the middCe o f ‘Decemher. ~ Liam Chancy
Flying is nothing more than throwing yourself at the ground and missing. ~ Douglas Adams 3 Am the tkesftian, the scAilet rose conceaUn^ thorns. ~ YOiftl Scartet ’.CyC Lif/m e
feiCe m e as
c/e m/e
3lf Ambition be a sin, map trie all expert to burn. ~ ^im on be jfltontfort the one you wanted to be is now the one you see - paul mccartney
%ate £ . J-CutcHinson Many happy returns to: Krysten for everything, Rachel for everything else; Emmanuelle (Ellie), for a valued friendship; Mum and Dad, for my life and what you've made it; Sara, for poetic inspiration; my literary heroes: RH, WS, D, LE, LG, SdM, S, W, I & JB for being subject to imagination; Mr. White, for ignorance and enlightenment; Mr. Myers, for wisdom; Mr. B., for fun; Mme., for Erench; Hungry & Blackadder, for fuzz therapy; MP, for dreams; the world: for making me who I was, who I am, and who I have yet to be.
Andrew Scott Katz "A Iriend is someone who knows all about you, but loves you anyway." -Anonymous “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, not touched,,.but are felt in the heart." -Helen Keller “To insure peace of mind ignore the rules and regulations." -George Ad
Most importantly, I would like to thank my mom, dad, Jen and Mike, for showing me the way; even if I didn't choose to follow it sometimes. To my friends: Thanks for giving me a great four years. Special thanks to: Josh, Joe, Bram, Drew, Jeanne, Ruthie, Sam, Lindsay, Caitlyn, Melissa, Alaina, Eric, Ryan, Jake, Kat, Colby, Schultz, Woda, Cathy. All of you have given me memories that I will never forget. To my teachers: Thanks for teaching me the stuff I should and need to know. Thanks to: Mr. Heavey, Mr. Teutsch, Mr. White, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Dings, Mrs. Rasnick. And to the greatest teacher ever, Mrs. Ulbrich: Thank you SO much for making an impact on my life. You have found the secret to success: make learning fun.
Special thanks to my parents for loving and supporting me in all my endeavors and for putting up with my attitude and crazy moods. Dad, I will never forget your stories and the wacked things we have done. Mom, I will always love you no matter how much we fight. You have been the best parents any child could ask for. To Jacob and Sarah, I love you more than you will ever understand. I would also like to thank my extended family for their support and generosity, especially my grandparents who have always been there for me. You have helped me become the person I am today and the person I will be.
Thanks to the phat summer crew of ’97; it was a crazy time. Shriber, Pete C., Pete P., Katzy and Ruben, Dj Cutler, Shwach, Ethan, Hitz, Liza, Anna, Mike, Yuri, Tony, Coach Enlow, Ms. Tsang, Ben D., Arturo, GB, Bob, Ruthie, Camilla, OZ, Joey, Bram, AK, LB, Kat, Woda, LG, Alaina, Jake O, D. Spring, Schultz, the Hershmans, the Gerhardt family, Mrs. Puccio, and the whole AB posse. Melissa, thank you for your compassion and understanding. You will always have a special place in my heart.
“Open pour epes look luKhin are pou satisHed with the life pou 're liuin? -Bob Marley “When my heart can beat no more I hope I die for a principle or a belief that I have lived for." -Tupac Shakur
T o all m y l>oys, ^oocl \ u c l w i t h l ife a n d t h e m a n y c h a l l e n g e s f a c i n g y o u i n t h e f u t u r e . T o all t h o s e w h o Itiave b e e n t h e r e f o r m e , I w ill n e v e r f o r g e t y o u a n d w ill a lw a y s r e m e m h e r t h e t h i n g s y o u h a v e d o n e ft o r m e .
S u z a n n e B e r e n ic e K l a in e r " D o n ’t
S m il e
“40,000 stars in the evening. Look at them fall from the sky. 40.000 reasons for living, 40.000 tears in your eye. I would give my life to find it. I would give it all. Catch me if I fall.” - REM
it ’s
b ec a u se
Ha p p e n e d . ” A nonymous
Te a c h e r s
a n d
Thanks to all my friends. We’ve had some wonderful times. Best of luck to the senior class...and remember... “Never let your schooling interfere with your education.” —Mark Twain
“Yesterday is a dream And tomorrow is only a vision, But today well lived. Makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope.” —Sanskrit
’’ H o p e
t h in g ,
g o o d
m aybe
T H E B E S T , AN D G O O D T H IN G S N E V E R D IE .”
— S h a w s h a n k R e d e m p t io n
To my parents —thank you for your undying support and love. You have kept me sane through the hectic times. Na ta s h a M o h a n Mo m ,
Ko r g a o n k a r
g r a t it u d e
M y
d e e p e s t
fo r
TH E C U LTU R E . Y O U ’VE TAUG HT ME TO S E E TH E tr e e s
Y O U ’V E
N ik -- It m a y h a v e b e e n t h e t w i n k l e E Y E ...T H A N K Y O U F O R E V E R Y T H IN G . L if e
g if t
h o r s e
yo u r
o p in io n .
-- T e d d y . J 3 3 H W M O O A W 3 H T 3 X IJ
-- M r . S a l i n g e r , t h e
s t u d io , a b s e n t
f r ie n d s
PEOPLE OF W o r c e s t e r . M r s . C a r e y -- T h a n k u n d e r s ta n d in g
T e a c h e r s — Yo u ' v e
It ’ s
for the
su p p o r t, the
p e r s p e c t iv e an d alw ays
me t h in k .
I can
g if t . Thank
you a l l .
H o l l i s -- Y o u THANK Y O U .
Fr ie n d s -
im m o r t a l , you
me what i never
im a g in e d .
“ on
r is q u e de p l e u r e r
3 HT
T o n ig h t I t h in k I ' l l w a lk a l o n e I ’ l l f in d my s o u l a s I g o h o m e . — N ew O r d e r (t e m p t a t i o n )
S o m e t im e s
l ik e
l iv in g
w orld,
" it ’s j u s t t h e
I s m il e , ” -
si l ’ o n s ’ e s t l a i s s e a p p r i v o i s e r . ”
s a id .
(P l a in s o n g )
I’rTi^ind of surpifised, really., b e ^ thinking abo^t.\^||||jy o n ^ y senior page^ since freshrnan year; but Wbw that the tin1e,has come to say w hat I waril to sa ^r'I’m drawing a blank. I guess all th a t’s left to sj|y thanks to everyone fora-^great 9 .r yea rs, . f ^ ^^
Practice makes im provem ent -M asai Proverb
Special thanks go to Mom, Dad, Melissa, John Pinto, Joey, Jeanne, Ryan, Eric, Jake, Ruben, Cap'n Tommy, Camilla, Drew, Justin, Natasha, Andy, Christian, The 7*^^ period Study Hall, Mr. Sharp, Mrs. Ulbrich, Mrs. Rasnick, Mrs.j^ -Dings, Mr. Teutsch and Mr. McDermott. "
Paul Laddis
f RelioRyHolhLaPillaS tHaNkS: My family, teachers, friends (you know who you are). Could not have done it w ithout all of you. You all mean so much to me, and I ache with my departure, but it must be done. Farewell to my sw eet in stitu tio n . S pecial thanks to Erin Christiano and Laura Grossman.
‘Everyone I know goes away in the end.” -nine inch nails
S U B p«o«p
msm “I felt like this on my way home, Fm not scared...” -Eoo Eighters
“W ouldn’t you believe it, it’s just my luck...NO RECESS!” -Nirvana
3- Coc^ \£u>e\.ej^ twoon
C o o ^ ' ^ s r a . c . e , ^ o c \ ^ c.oir-Vi6</N \orT3u»^^
JOELLA PAM MARON Thank You! my family - for everything that you have done for me through the years my friends - you guys are all awesome!!! We've had some crazy times together. Jen & Abby, you have been the best of friends to me. I'll never forget you!! Good luck to the class of '98!
M e g h a n P. M c G rath
Thanks F R IE N D S C U \N
Mo m ,
(y o u
Pa t
( J o e l ),
B r ig h id , Tr a p p e r ,
c h r is t e n in g
s ir ,
i s n ’t
r u b b e r s ,
B oyz
”A n n e
Fr a n k ” -
’’ E a r n e s t ” -
AP US: Andy J, WWI, The Belgian Taiwanese Congo Republic: a fascist, feminist, communist, alliance. Oracle at Friendly’s. Mrs. Ulbrich’s rm. A m nesty; haystacks. C apones. Children o f the Night.
Da d ,
preg nancy
l it t l e
To w n ” -
Acapu lc o ,
c o m fy
p l a ,y i n g
c h a ir s ,
th e
sug ar
gam e
w it h
Men , The
M i k e , J e f f , Pa t
AND W il l . M ik e ,
stag e
h u s b a n d
T H IN G , V A M P IR E S , L E A T H E R ,
(a n
u n h o ly
u n i o n ):
th e
“ S O A R E YOU G U YS T O G E T H E R ? ”
D e b a t e C l u b : M o n t r e ia l , P h a t J a m s , M e g a M o u t h s .
R y a n P a t r i c k M c La u g h l i n
I M T H E K IN G O F T H E W O R L D A S F A R A S I K N O W .” - S T E E L Y DAN
“ D A S D IN G AN S I C H ’ -K A N T
E R IC , J O S E P H , JA C O B , SAM, R U T H IE .
S P E C IA L T H A N K S :
Alaina Marla Montuori Tiffany, words cannot begin to express how much I love you! You have been there for me through everything....much love and thanks.
‘Attitude is everything’ “When everything seems up side-down, stand on your head.
fJo- aCi nu^ ptiendd, thunks a iia a ^ a tnaking^ me amile.... S p e c ia l tkank^ ta: ^Daae,
deal pciend w someone ifeu don’t have to aik..ih e4f aJUexxdiif knom ”
Many thanks to Mommy and Daddy for your guidance and love through the years. I couldn’t have done it without you. To Alyssa and Mike, thanks for your support, and most of all, your friendship.
J i e l , ^adk, S tu tkie, £ e a k , Sinum, &dc, Jtuken, £ in d a a ^ , C a itl^ n , W a d a , C a tk ^ , S fa n u n ^ m
S c k u C t^ ^ ,
'u m U . a a r To my family:
To my friends:
Special thanks:
Climb high Climb far Your goal the sky Your aim the stars -Anonymous
Thank you for all your love and support, I don't know what I'd do without you!!! Jess, thanks for being my big sister!! 1 love you!!! You know who you are and you know I love you. Joella and Jen, we’ve had some crazy times together, I don’t know what I'll do without you next year!! Mrs. Rasnick, Mrs. Ulbrich, and Mr. Trocchio for your guidance, insight and caring. Keep in touch!!
From all the offspring of the earth and heaven Love is the most precious -Sappho
There are no events but thoughts and the heart's hard turning, the heart’s slow learning where to love and whom. The rest is merely gossip, and tales for other times. -Annie Dillard
Jm ntie. JVichoidan I would like to thank my mother, my father, and their mothers and fathers. Thanks to Johnny, Catherine, and Julie. To my teachers, Mrs. Ulbrich. Ms. Tsang, Mr. Heavey, Mr. Sharp, Mrs. Allen, Mr. Trocchio and Mr. Smith who have been inspirational. To all my friends- especially that guy Neal. Thanks to JMS and TY. Thank you to Coach Kelley. Thanks also to the late Flip who taught me a lesson in re.sponsibility. Thank you to Bam- I love you. You people are the greatest, and I feel blessed to know you. “Yesterday, a child came out to wonder, caught a dragonfly inside a jar, fearful when the sky was full of thunder, and tearful at the falling of a star.’’ -Joni Mitchell “Flere’s a scene, you’re in the backseat lying down, the windows wrap around to the sound of the travel and the engine, all you hear is time stand still and travel, and feel such peace and absolute stillness, still that does not end but slowly drifts into sleep, the stars are the greatest thing you’ve ever seen, and they’re there for you, for you alone, you are the everything.’’ -REM “if i get old i will not give in and if i do remind me of this remind me that once i was free once i was cool once i was me’’ - radiohead
Patrick O'Connor My high school years have been som e o f the b est o f my life . Thanks to my fam ily, for their endless support. Thanks to all my teachers for the encouragem ent they provided. And thanks to my friends for the good time. Lastly thanks to Mary at the Parkway Diner, my home away from home. A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. -William Shedd If you want to be a leader with a large following, just obey the speed limit on a winding, two-lane road. -Charles Farr
h m h o s m h ih O B
“Sunshine turns to rain, baby I can take away your pain, if you trust me." -Tupac Shakur “If you’re going to go out and do something, you might as well take your time and do it right.” -Peter Manoogian
-Mom-for your strength and support through the toughest of times. ~Dad-for being proud and encouraging your son. ~Gilhan-you kept me young and on my toes. -Grammie & Grandpa-for proving older grandchildren deserve special treatment. -Auntie & Unclefor looking out for and reasoning with me through those difficult times. -Grant-where to start, summer of ’97, you’re the strongest person I know and without you I know I wouldn’t have made it. ~Alainayou put up with me and I put up with you, I look at it like we got by together, forever grateful. ~Shwach-your wisdom, maturity, and responsibility guided me through dark paths. -Marc-that youthful spirit kept me in smiles, 1 hope you know your incredible worth (s. dog baby). -Tasmyn^your quiet and caring personality is admirable, I know your life will go how you want it to. ~Ethan-for relating somehow to all my stories. ~Leah-you were always there fbr me, and we will truly be lifelong friends. -Katz-great minds think ahke throu^ the serious and satirical. ~Cathy-“ril be right here waiting with tears in heaven.” -Tommy-for growing up and being there to talk tb and chill. -Ruben & Joe-always together laughing and prodding, and checking up on me. -Sara-for always listening and easing the pain, 1 owe a lot to you. Most importantly a long overdue and necessary reconciliation with the loved Ruthie and Jake. *personal greetings to Arturo Muradas, Cali, & Honey. -The Chappells-your home was mine, thank you for making me feel like one of your own. -Ms. Tsang-our talks made me feel better, not only about English, but in life as well. -Mr. Sharp-for always bidding a 'Hey Oz.’ -Mr. Trocchio-you understand me and my habits. • .............. . “fit ta if 3 etm e h ike mountain as the sun w e ooet tke tand-find ik e maiden o f the morning star did take me fy the hand-Ske led me to ik e heights to oiete the ttorld ketoie-find she looingig n oeaU d to me the ttuth iek in d the shot*." -Donooan £eiteh "F o r THOSE OF YOU WHO I HAVE YET TO MEET AND DESERVE APPRECIATION...THANK YOU."
I’ve torn through the beasts that cross my path. We do that in high school. To all the kids w ho’ve been there, w e’ll never lose each other. Too many to thank, but you know who you are. Your influence stretches across, these four years and both ways beyond. I love' ?>ou’y all. Mom and Dad, your guidance and stfSngth ’are vital. Jess, you are so the bomb. Ruthie, part of me is you. The saga continues,..
Special thanks; Ruthie, .Dave OsS^diTve
Joseph AndrewPersky I W O U LD LIK E TO G IVE A S P E C IA L THANKS TO MY FAMILY- M o m , D a d , a n d L a u r e n . I a m
lu c ky to
c h a l l e n g e d
‘Knowledge Is Good.” -Animal House
J eremy
LAUGH. the
C h ip p e r ; I w il l
alw ays
‘We’re On A Mission From God.” -Blues Brothers ‘It Is sometimes necessary to stand alone.”-Thoreau
Michael Louis Peters Thank you to my parents, sister Diana and brother Greg. Thanks to all my friends for the good times and memories. Especially to the guys Pat, Tom, Greg, Jim, and Brian - good luck and keep in touch. Thanks to my teachers, coaches Mr. T eutsch and Mr. McDemiott, and Mrs. Peterleitner who has helped me o v er the years. To Mr. O ’Rourke, Paul, D ick, W illy, Sean, John and K evin - thanks for the A.P. course in M aintenance. Good Luck to the class of 1998!
^ ^ Is the To Siiother roots and wipf^ to n e c k f ^ h l/b r o th e r n m i? Ben, Jesse for loyalM to Mn leutsch aiid Mr. McDermott confidence, to lleil^x ^ r ^aki^^ ^Vho’s out ijJSSJfTTv. laugh, to Jeff going / when t h is 's dariger ^ aboiitT^ -Shaft! J sam|, fdur l^earf ri^ t nett to n^ Rig|i|; on. Ilhey say this cat Shaft is Mr. .CrQc for always^patiff^g ^ a bad mulha... the back, to Mrs. Carey for getting -Shut yo’tnouthi : my brothers an# Ut. But Fm ti^ykia* ahottt^haft... ''‘^M^^’llbrich'tor helievmgin fifiin d ’-And we clfttdig it. to^%ataslm and Sara,| f^ holding^y ? cQwtplicated man, no ' th^Slvhole way through. T ^ n r ^ vane understands hini but his ' ■-■ ; W m -
T h e m o s t im p o r t a n t t h i n g , w h e n s a y in g g o o d b y e t o SOMEONE, IS SAYING ALL THERE IS TO BE SAID. - P r o f e s s o r C h a r l e s X a v ie r
To all the teachers and faculty: I can t imagine any Bancroft unthout you and I thanfe you for putting up u'ith all my u'ily antics.
friends: thotuarrtreni :Toall nny -li re rr’f “ '‘."^rfrohCisTra<IW w jthout There are
H t/) 0 0 o -< > 2 -< > z U) 0 U) -< 0 > 2 o > 2 < z > n -< z z -< H o a 0) C 0 3) z m 2 0 cn U) 0) $ (/) $ m $ m 0 z T| 0 0 0 z 3) r 0 o z 0 0 H H* H H I 0 0 > < ■n PI D
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/ "I know so much has been given to me in my life, to each of us, for which we've never paid. All we can do is pass it on to someone else. As we climb, lift somebody with us." anonymous other thank yous; C.V., J.A., D.M., N.K., S.K., C.C., L.D., B.K., C.H., J.D., C.S. thank you all very much.
To Bancroft: Keep my cot warm for me... For thirteen years l ue lived here, but It feels like I u'as in kindergarten only last year. "It's later than you think." -Chinese proverb
To Mom and Dad: You’ve made me ivhat am today and I cannot express the thanks feel for all your efforts; I ioue you. To Mo; As you always say. "You’re awesome. ” My life would be really boring if you weren’t always pushing me.
y A iiC la
t4 -
l^ o c k h ^ c L L
Mom. Dad. Brandon- thank you for .supporting me and pushing to help me accomplish what I want and need. I love you. Jen. Joella. Abbv- you guys have been the best people to keep me up and happy, thank you for 4 fun filled years. Danit- you have always been there for me. Even when you were across the globe, you were still there. Thank you! Aimee- wow 8 years and I don’t know what to say to you. 1 can start with thank you. We have always had the best times together “Thelma!!” I can definitely say that 1 love you, you are like a sister to me... No matter where we go you will always be a big part of me. Rvan S.- thank you for always making me laugh. Cathy- just deal with one day at a time, don't worry about everything else. You’ve done enough for me. COACH- thank you for coaching me through life and soccer. TO ALL THE TEACHERS: Thank you for pushing me so hard. You knew my potential, and now I do too.
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that's why they call it the present." anonymous "There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open." anonymous
a uMse m an never plays leapfrog with a unicorn." anonymous J tv ttm t i II w is h ijo iir l i f a r t m i iL i 'i. n e r t- r i t o f ’
chva U§Uj. anumjmous
"1 believe we have to be responsible for ourselves or we will be a liability to som ebody along the way. We determ ine our fate. It has to come from w ithin to know th a t you can, and you will." anonymous
^ U z a .6 e tk
^ c k e u -^ e te
After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul and you learn that love doesn’t mean leaning and company doesn’t always mean security. And you begin to learn that kisses aren’t promises and you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes ahead with the grace of a woman not the grief of a child. And you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight. After a while you learn that even sunshine bums if you get too much. So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. And you leam that you really can endure, that you really are strong and you really do have worth and you leam and you leam with every good-bye you learn. -anonymous “In my little world, you are the sun.” To my true friends, you know who you are: you have given me the strength to endure, and now, we are free. And to my family, who has given me the world. I love you always.
IR .o s e
^ L e t^ L c
Thank You: To My Family: Mom, Dad, Jay and Jeff, Alex, Grandma, Grandpa and Mike, I Love You All. Thank you for all your help and support. I can’t tell you how much you guys mean to me. To My Friends: A Very Special Thank You to Joella and Abby, you guys really are my best friends, and to all the others too numerous to mention, you know who you are.
Life begins perpetually... L ife, fo re v e r dying to be born afresh, forever young and eag e r, w ill presently stand upon this earth as upon a footstool, and stretch out its realm amidst the stars. -H.G.Wells
krysten allison st. John 'THe se a is cafirt to m g fit o f f ‘D en ’e r <Beach ‘Tfie b ird s a t dusb.. cry o u t syfCaSCes o f so m e d e c o n s tr u c te d w o r d w e are y e t u n a b le to d e c ip h e r to ejQ rhun e x is te n cce e J ^ n d t h e y f i f t th e la s t Cight w i t h th e ir w in g s J 4 n d f [ y a w a y w i t h it o v e r th e h o r iz o n K fe p in g th e se cret
-Lawrence Ferlinghetti
da-i^r dyU€4 we^
autatf Utie ' —U2
"Eat this sweetish segment or spit it out. efl Vou are free. ” ~ A nrhonv B u rg ess
“ Blink your eyes darling, and the world is at your feet.” -L S
Thanks: Me. H in h kr .iHviiur advia', hdp, and support Mr. Bdanj^, you have shoi\Ti mo whr I am and I think you fir pushing mo to follow my droams; Mr. Trocchio, 1don't know what to say - dVinkvixi for making life that much more inluosting and somothng to kxik forward to. Tm ftnover grateful fdryour aiaruragLTntrt To Kurt Cteve Amy, Kara, Kristin. Giihe, Rach Kate, Emma, Jazj and .ill my otha- friends -1 love vou all feirever. Rhiannon, Susan, Eiros and Michad and my othi pioterteirs - thank you for giving me the stna^jjh to go threxrgh each day and the guidarco I need in m\' life To J L - 1will always h bv voerr side no matter what happens. 1 love vou To my family' 1krve you all so very much Thinks for putting up with moover dieyears. Qass of '9B: RrDoiv yexrr dreams aid mav th? starsshirx.' on vou
^mmanueCCe VuiCCermoz I ’d like to thank all the seniors who welcomed me. A very special thank you to my adviser Miss Kennedy and Mr, M athieu who have been and still are helpful. Krysten for her help when I was nervous the first days in Bancroft. I’d like to ex p ress my g ratitu d e to my frien d K ate, my fav o rite English teacher. With her I improve every day w ith my lan g u ag e. The American T heater class is also a good way to improve and I enjoy it, so thanks Mr. B elanger! Thanks to Ms. Tsang for accep tin g me in her class like an American girl, to Miss Telenson for her good mood and her dynamism and to M rs. H all who m ade me discover ceramics. Everybody is great to me at Bancroft and it’s very important for my first year in the USA.
J ’ai donne cette photo en memoire de mon chien qui est decede depuis sva ans. I f me manque heaucoup aujourd’fui...
uo in ,
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H A F f lM E S ' , on &ay4h- Loot- t>0 LO h a rd 4b e ^ j a l l f r y “fin d f>omc_ jou v^n li-fc ,... 0 u a h o T um c^ucLblC - eiMrf t o n o r u jonJL (Uur^cxr\cl -m at hiunan beJtnq
l3u t e.acb o f
m a i v n q »mL 4 «
nooi^a 'mdsi^ondtjfrf. ThcuukM rs. Car/i5cm o r d AfnS' CartM '/Ly hcuj'in^ h io A s b i j enough t o uM/m hkn Lcwrid-
J a s m l i n e Os.o r r e
A n d at t l i r r l o s i n g o f t k r da)
a liie y
S k V Ico.srJ i k r r l i a i u , a n d do'wii .sjir
lo niy parents: “Maybe I sliouldn’t try to improve T l> i ‘ k r o a d s t r i - a m k o r r ki*r l a r av.-ay X k c L a d y of S kalJot on what Mi)ses heard, but I thought there should be an eleventh commandment: Honor thy children." (R osellen Brow n) T hanks for honoring that unwritten rule. To Lyle: My faithful friend. Golf clubs, wooden arrows, G.l. Joe games with Mom, camping with Dad, laughing hot chocolate through our noses, going to see Mom at Arturo’s @ 2:00 in the morning, computer games, going to see the Red Sox. Thank you for all that you did. You are an awesome big brother, (love Kettles, a.k.a. Hams Malone, a.k.a. Shermi, a.k.a. Jazz)
Q u e s t io n : A t A u s c h w it z . TELL
Go d ?
T hanks to all who js H r H ? ’ I n m a i M t a m t i k a t i t i s tike taught me.
Re p l y : W h e r e
Fatl>LM-s a n J te a rliL 'rs, I pcuTtlcr
w as m an ?
- W. S t y r o n
s u i l e r m g o f te i i u g u i ia L le t o love. - D osto y e v sk y J u s t a s 'd e s p a i r r a n c o m e t o o n e o n l y I r o i n o t l i e r I m m a n t e a n g s , l io p e to<», i 'a n ke given to o n e o n ly ky o tk e i' l i u m a n k e in g s .
- E la c W i c s c l
To my friends: Vijay, Athena, Lisa and all the rest. Thanks for everything. Meg and Mike: “And remember that 1 love you. and will always love you, as my best friend." “1 don’t know why you should," Anna said... "You understood me, and you understand me now. Goodbye, my darling." (Anna Karenina) Alien Resurrection, the Couch, and dentistry . Thanks for making me laugh.
Abraham Samuel Yoffie Mom and Dad, what else can I say but...you survived. The next one can only be easier. Alexy, Tory and Dorsy, thanks for all of the advice, whether it was on life or women, you were always there for me. Missy, your love and stories I will never forget. I love you. Mrs. Ulbrich, thanks for being the teacher who took the time to understand me and taught me how to write. Mr. Rocha, Mr. Heavey and Alex Goodman (Goody), tlianks for believing in and nurturing my abilities. To the Class of ’98 and all of Bancroft School, thanks for an incredible 13 years. Special thanks to all of my lacrosse sticks and bow ties for helping me and making me stand out from the rest.
"How do you know that you can't reach the stars unless you stretch out your hands and try to touch them." -Mom “ ...the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the "T lie ones who do.” -Apple
" K ith o r l*)ni e ra *x y o r th*»y*ro rraaiy.** Avory m an
m ak es
mistakes does n o t usually, make anything.” —Edward Plielps
Are you guys serious?
So if I put the tape in the tape player... it will work?
Sure, that’s great. But Halloween was a week ago.
Naomi tries to get a tan indoors.
Nine inch nails.
Bancroft’s version of The Scream.
Bram poses for the new Lax Magazine.
Jess loves the ladies. And the ladies looove Jess.
We’re having WHAT for lunch?!?! It’s snuggle time.
Um-hm... Uh-huh... ok... yeah...
Aren’t they cute?
Theodore Sharp - Headmaster
Karen Pelletier Head of Lower School
Christopher Boone Head of Middle School
Barbara Groves Head of Upper School
C /lcfm inistraiion ancf &33en//afs
Cliarl es Aleksiewicz
Julie Beauregard
Jennifer Da\os Carey
Suzanne Casey
Karen Cliase
Danette Dav
Betsy Engvall
Joanne Fortin
Kathleen Foulh(
C. Robert Gielc
Lucinda Gould
Joanne I larper
Lisa Leach
Margaret MacGilpin
Mickael Mooney
V^ictoria Mulliga
Marjorie Orr
Cara Pliilbir
L. Victoria Powers
Jenique Radin
Martin Rickr
Barkara Rodrique
Ann Vanosdol
-idra Welck
bandra Allen
Lyd ia Barter
.-m Margery Mille
J la ia e %
S .c d a a i
S '. a c u t t i^
fir \ Halley Allen
Barbara Berka
Barbara Chenot
Patricia Condon
4 1
Robert Easton
Jewell Holden
Elizabeth Kunhardt
Nancy Mangano
Marcy Merzigian
Patricia Paugh
Sheryl Schutter
Helen Seale
Elaine Shack
Sharon Sharp
Josephine Truesdell
Foreign Language
Shari Carver
Isabel Bayon
Edmund DeHoratius
Alison Fields
Elizabeth Kennedy
Gary Mathieu
Nicolina Puccio
Cara Sullivan
Nadine Telenson
Paul Belanger
Page Fairman
Christopher Borg
Hannah Hall-Alicandro
Lea Hench
Robert Dec
Mary Edwards
Winslow Myers
Ida Pappas
Math V’
rt,. virJocelyn Bessey
John BaiTow
Jane Martell
i. Laurie Dings
Joshua Lappin
Mark Smith
Robert Sherry
Sylvia Bullock
Julie Martin
Joan Carlson
Amy Pearson
Jane Crooks
Mark Teutsch
Brian Kondek
C nsIiS l) 'i
.. «
Patricia Albrecht -dJUJtllPi
Priscilla Carothers
Donald McMillan
'■ ' M -
1 Jamie Paul
Elizabeth Tsang
Mary Ulbrich
Stephen White
H i s t ory
Frederick Bayon
Ellen Rasnick
Frank Heavey
Frank Thoms
Dennis Trocchio
T echno lo g y
William Brooks
t >♦«
Peter McKone
Robert Stein
P h y s ic a l E d u c a t io n
Russell Enlow Jane Gerhardt
Ann Jasperson Stephen Kelley Mark O’Brien Robert Whitelaw
D ining H a ll •'
" .<■ f - .0
V " I
Raymond Auren
Theresa Bartkus
Marie Gluck
Helen Keaney
Mary Ann Lavin
Paul Murphy
Jeannine Smith
M a in t e n a n c e w;-
Back row (l-r): Kevin Larkin, James O’Rourke, Eric Lindberg, Sean Hennessey, Richard Barriere Front row (l-r): John Esslinger, Long Nguyen, Paul DeCarlo, Willis Gould
If you follow my theorem, this, this and this equals this.
Hey! Quit hogging the couch!
On the eighth day He made Dave... And it was good.
Never fear, Kristin’s here!
The coolest kid at Rydell High.
And it only cost me 75 boxtops!
Like mother, like daughter.
Actually no, you can’t see the monitor.
Da Da Da... I like this computer! It does my work for me.
Hurry up and take the picture!
Steven Cyrus Ahalt Pauline Alfred Clinton Becker Anthony Belanger Graham Binder
Brackett Dow William Ebert Katelyn Enlow Samuel Epstein Christine Feldt
Ian Hamos Anne Huppert Avi Kaufman Ilya Khabinsky Cortney Kitchen
Steven Lupacchino Carlene MacMillan Kristen Marshall Courtney McKallagat Jennifer Miller
Alycia Piontkowski Jessica Poznik Victoria Radin Leah Rosales Tucker Ruderman
Danielle Spring Abraham Stein Alison Stuart Ketan Vakil Christopher Vazquez
John Cayer Maureen Chang Jonathan Dahlqiiist Timothy Done Ethan Dorr
Andrew Fitzgerald Sandy Gay Aimee Green Bree Guntharp Kurt Hagstrom
t K '■^Z
Aliza Krefetz Sara Langer Justin Leroux Amanda Lewis Ting Li
Amy Nystrom Jason Olsen Jesse Palma Vilas Patwardhan Mia Pearson
Emily Saperia Andrew Shaeffer Chelsea Seale David Sinofsky Naomi Sleeper
Sara Yood
^en Emily Athy Joseph Brennan Meredith Brooks Ellen Cahill Martha Castro
Julie Deprez Kaushal Desai Stephanie DolmatConnell Adam Dubinsky Jillian Dunn
Stephanie Galica Jesse Geller Lindsay Gerhardt Corinna Gleich Christine Goss
Rachel Khabinsky Sarah Lucchesi Thomas Mack Kara Manchester Laurent Martin
Jess Oyer Achyut Phadke Naomi Reville Charlynne Rivera Brandon Rockwell
Charita Sinha Julianne Sisley Michael Surabian Margaret Swan Priscilla Swan
C arolyn W hitten Erica Woda Zachary Wyatt Talya Yaylaian
Alexander Chand Manasi Chitre Kathryn Cranshaw Elizabeth Crowley Catherine Day
Jennifer Dunsdon Justin Faucher Sara Feldman John Finn Matthew Frassica
Alissa Greenberg Derek Flaas Rachel Harper Justin Kaufman Borko Kereshi MaryElizabeth McGillicuddy Milan Moore Matthew Morello Stefani Orland Rachel Ostrow Winthrop RumI Derek Sbrogna Marc Schultz Nathaniel Schultz Nathan Senge
i a
Sara! Torres Ingrid Tsang Ubong Ukpong Eric Ursprung Samantha Welch
h^Lnc Jael Amador Anthony Arous Elizabeth Brennan Maggie Brophy Sarah Burke
Anthony Dalli Ngozi Eze David Flagler Mary Fuller Stephen Goranson
David Hodgman Quanuquanei Karmue Steven Krumholz Jeffrey Lacouture Stephen Laddis
Erica Marois Kelly McKallagat Meghan McLaughlin Katelyn Meyer Eliza Michie
Matthew Rosales Alana Rubin Nathan Saperia George Schutter Patrick Sheehan
Rachel Trocchio John Tumolo V. Kelly Turner Gina Vairo Eric Wellman
Addie Candib Lindsay Catino Jennifer Cayer Jennifer Connolly Andrew Conners
Brian Haas Andrew Haddad Elizabeth Hannum Shirley Harrison Adam Hershman
Justin Lesniewski Cory Levine Andrew Lindblad Maya Litani Jennifer Lodge
Emily Muller Julie Nicholson Karalyn O’Brien Kimberly Pentland Matthew Peret
m a i m W lSm m m
Kate Sliwoski Adam Sloane Justin St. John Charles Tingue Carrie Trencher
David Wilson David Wright David Yood
Grade Eight Robert Aframe Kathleen Ahalt Timothy Ahalt Meghan Albert Shinya Amano Lawrence Atupem, Jr. Jessica Averse Margaret Bacon
Samuel Truesdell Alexis Tumolo Jonathan Ursprung Monica Vakil Cecilia Vuillermoz Elizabeth Warth Benjamin Weisberger Brad Yaylaian Isadora Yoffie
Grade Seven i
Jamie Andreson Edward Arous Michael Athanasiou James Athy Kristen Brownell Benjamin Cohen Jonathan Croft Nicholas Cuba
John Dagnello Diana Desai Heather Devlin Jonathan Dunn Brian Dykhuizen Nneka Eze John Farrey Joshua Faucher
Justin Hawkins Latasha Hinton Naomi Honig Rachael Honig William Howerton Molly Hunt Meredith James Samuel Jeppson
^ Hanna Kaufman Arielle Kilgore Drew Kitchen James Kyriakakos Ariane Lenis Matthew Lindblad James Magnuson Leah Manchester
Matthew Marcoux Gerald McGillicuddy Kiran Patwardhan Matthew Riggieri Angela Russo Umar Salimi William Scannell Page Schultz
H iH .
Matthew Shack Kathleen Sheehan Elizabeth Tingue Robert Weir Joseph Weiss Eric Wells Paul Wright Benjamin Yood Lucy Zhang
Grade Six Marielle Anas Christopher Aversa Bruce Baird Clancey Bateman Kristian Becker Kevin Brownell Michael Clifford Jacob Culler
Jill Goldstein Leah Hamos Thomas Hawkesworth Samantha Hershman John Kanis Samuel Kenary Victoria Knight Kyle Lesniewski
Ryan Marcoux Ryan McDonough Shaun McDonough Margaux Morgan Scott Nicholson Scott Nystrom Liesl Oberreit Vivek Palwardhan
Erik Pearson Gregory Peters Cara Philbin Christopher Pierson Jeffrey Reisner Arthur Remillard Annika Sabin Matthew Sbrogna
Caroline Scanned Stephen Scheufele Isaac Selkow Julie Sloane Jasmine Tatum Sarah Trocchio Joseph Vairo Sean Waithe
Jessica Weisberger Joshua Woda Sze Wons
. . . /•
Grade Five
Back Row (1-r): M atthew Cadw allader, Andrew Maher, Christopher Berg, Alexander dem enti, Caleb Dresser, Heather M elling, Steven Hochman, Jill Farragher, Lily Savitsky Front Row (1-r): Sarah Shear, Scott Lindblad, Daniel Reilly, John Rocheleau, Ashlyn Pendleton, Mrs. Condon, Stephanie Connors, Julie Vairo, Michael Wellman, Allison Wallace, Eliza Schuster
Back Row Daniel Neslusan, Michael Bloom, Sarah A llen, Jam es M cG illicuddy, A ngela Giannopoulos, Christian Seale, Alana Rose, Mrs. Sharp Second Row (1-r): Emily Baird, Kimberly Proos, Melinda Schultz, Marielle Rubin, Bernadette Samko, Jessica Magnuson, Noelle Crooks Front Row (1-r): Gabriel Finkelstein, Jonathan Dahlberg, Stephen Javaras, Daniel Greenberg, David Gerhardt
Grade Four
Back Row (1-r): Pamela Jeppson, Brett Hershman, Cali O’Connor, Nathaniel Erskine, Sarah Kinisky, Joel Cutler, Melissa Scanned, Mrs. Seale Front Row (1-r): Julia Karpicz, M atthew Glick, Timothy McKone, Christopher Frendl, Elizabeth Eypper, Andrew Philbin, Anthony Aversa, Elizabeth Nigro Missing: Stephen Ursprung
Back Row (1-r): Mrs. Shack, Siobhan Finicane, Davis Woodruff, William Chilton, Byron James, Matthew Stepanski, Giles Wells, Stephanie Ganias, David Crowley Front Row (1-r): C h ristin a A thanasiou, Lucy Crowley, Morenike Fajana, M eredith Crawford, Kelsey McDonough, Jared Ellison, Emily Pietro. Laura Honig
Grade Three
Back Row (1-r): Allison Peppel, Taylor Zork, Julia Probert, Alex Rose, Sarah N eslusan, R ebecca Fahlstrom, Matthew Cloyd, Cynthia Javaras, Max Richman, Mrs. Allen Front Row (1-r): Florencia Gherbesi, Dana Li, Beth M cD aniel, M eagan B ousquet, A drienne Vairo, Tanner Pendleton, Laura Lenis, Mackenzie Can'oll
Back Row (1-r): Kaitlin Peppel, Kate Anderson, G ifford W illiam s, C atherine K night, N icholas A lunni, Julene R adziew icz, W inslow D resser, Arielle Filiberti, Alyse Dunn, Mr. Easton Front Row (1-r): Stephanie Jacques, Lisbet Crowley, Benjamin Cole, Maarit Ostrow, Christina Tadiri, Michelle Arous, Elizabeth Eze, Sarah Stillman
Grade Two
Back Row (1-r): Noelle Fura, Isabel Zinman, Gabriel Drapos, Mary Kate Stone, Michael Farragher, Ellen Dahlberg, Elizabeth Allen, Mrs. Chenot Front Row (1-r): C arlo C ervini, L ucia V airo, Nicholas LoPresti, Jake Schuster, Michaela Brunell, Robert Caron, Lucy Baird
Back Row (1-r): Thom as K illeen, Tess Regan, Catherine Philbin, Alexis Kelleher, Tara Jacobsen, Samuel Finkelstein, Christopher Bullock Front Row (1-r): Ms. K unhardt, A dele Erskine, A lexander LaRose, K rystyanna Ram sdell, Isaac Camp, Aileen Giordano, Kristin Wetherbee Missing: Mitchell Warth, Alexandra Litofsky
Grade One
Back Row (1-r): Joshua Sans, Victoria Piktelis, Adam Mendel, Jackson Stell, Benjamin Camp, Benjamin Erban, Catherine Whitney, Alexander Heinricher, Mrs. Holden Front Row (1-r): Elizabeth diBiiono, Cristi O ’Connor, Sarah Tadiri, Caroline Tocci, Laura Milton, Bradley Marcus, Alyssa Ridley, Victoria Bausch Missing: Morgan MacKenzie
Back Row (1-r): Eric Proos, Alli.son Bennett, James Kelley, Harriet Wheeler, Alden Ruml, Maia Selkow, Rachel Gerhardt, Mrs. Paugh Front Row (1-r): Daniel Cole, Elizabeth Slepchuk, Samuel Broadhurst, Tnidy Crowley, Benjamin Paul, Darcy McDonough, Griffin Reilly, Gwendolyn Teutsch, Albert Mitchell Missing: Alyssa Wohlfahrt
Back Row (1-r): Mrs. Merzigian, Nathaniel Sans, Evan Berg, Zachary Mendel, Tiffany Soobitsky, Charles Peckar, Mrs. Mangano Front Row (1-r): Steven Migridichian, Christina Cervini, Trevor Pendleton, Katina Hawkesworth, Forrest Teutsch, Kaitlyn Witt, Robert Duckworth Missing: Jesse Clark
Back Row (1-r): Jackson Karpicz, Alex Schutter, Sunjay Priyadarshan, David Mack, David Stillman, Noah McMillan, Alexandra Yanoff Front Row (l-r>: Mrs. Truesdell, Carl Staub, Clara Zinman, Dana Hershman, Sarah Kelley, Matthew Caron, Megan Anderson, Michael Gale, Mrs, Schutter
-Ii w a s
the best o f tim e s
for the
T i t a n i c , b u t at t h e s a m e
Girls a n d . ^
t i m e , it w a s t h e w o r s t o l U
tim es lor President Clinton. T his past year has se e n j t h e h i g h s a n d t h e l o w s o f it a l l . A s t h e H a l e - B o p p j c o m e t p a s s e d u s b\ ' . t h e H e a v e n ' s G a t e c u l t l e t l u s for sites u n s e e n .
O ther farewells
( l i n s h e r g . f-’i ' i n c e s s D i a n t i , M i c h a e l K e n n e d y . S o n n y Bono,
M other
Teresa, the p o p u l a r te le v isio n
Tdlen a n d S e i n f e l d . C h r i s
. Mr s . G r o \ e s ,
Hetid o f [ u ) u i s \ i l l c
F arley a n d soon.,
C olleuiate
K entuckv.
B utw ^
a m i d s t th e s e g o o d b y e s , th e re v\ere hello s, to Dolly. the
ebm ed
.M cC aughcy
s e p t u p l e t s in I o w a . T i t a n i c e x p l o d e d o n t o t h e s i l v e r s c r e e n in a s h i m m e r o f O s c a r n o m i n a t i o n s . El N i n o d e s t o n e d the w est co a s t a n d m u c h o f the M i d w e s t with
rains. T h e
Spice Girls becam e
.M onkees o f the nineties a n d the te e n y - b o p p e r s o f llansi)n etirned a c o u p le o f G r a m m y
O lym pics
N a g a n o , .lapan. w a tc h in g
first-time O ly m p ia n
in m e n ' s
a gold
Tara L i p i n s k i
figure skating.
w i n n e r e \ ' c r i n f i g u r e s k a t i n g at t h e a g e o f f i f t e e n . W o m en 's
a gokl
the c o m p e titio n s
m e d a l , a s d i d W e s t b o r o ’s
N i k k i S l o n e in a e r i a l s k i i n g . T r i a l s a n d t r i b u l a t i o n s abounded
for L o u ise
W o o d w a r d , w h o g o t h e r life
s e n te n c e for s e c o n d - d e g r e e m u r d e r r e d u c e d to tim e seiweil for m a n s l a u g h t e r . P r e s i d e n t C l i n t o n off the
m edia,
relationship Lewinski,
w ith
pursued W hite
the allegations o f a
M onica
Iraq o v e r w e a p o n s s e a r c h e s . T h e P o p e visited C u b a . and
Englanel re tu rn e d
to the C h in e s e .
L \ ' ( ' t i t s w h i r l e d a r o u n d u s al l tis w e p u s h e d o n t o t h e new
m i l l e n n i u m , o f w h i c h M A . M ' s c l a i m s to be the
p roud sponsor.
,v , ~ K a t e i:. l l u l e h m s o n & N a t a s h a K o r i i a o n i s a r
This year we have had the honor o f h o s tin g th re e in te r n a tio n a l students. Alex Bray from England has j o i n e d us as an e x c h a n g e student for a semester. Sandy Gay from France has been with us as an exchange student for the entire year. Emmanuelle Vuillermoz has m oved to W o r c e s te r w ith her family from France and is a non degree seeking senior. We are all very happy to have them here w ith us. T h ey have brought smiles to many faces with their upbeat attitudes and friendly personalities.
am IS a The Bancroft exchang avel the wonderful opportuni jifferent w o rld a n d m e e t m ing break people. There are three e x c u r s io n s th a t ta k e ^ la ce on a rotating basis to England, France and Mexico in addition to two semester p r o g r a m s to C h u r c h e r ’s College, England and the Institution Sainte Genevieve, France which are offered every year. Left; P a rtic ip a n ts in the 1997-98 Mexican exchange Belou;; Participants in the 1997-98 English exchange
A le x B ray
My time in America, although short, has been extremely enjoyable, and I have been able to experience the American way of life to a large extent. It has taken a while to get adjusted to life here, especially the rotation schedule. I will always have great memories of Bancroft, especially the friends I made who tried to “A m e rica n ize ” me despite my difficulties with the accent. I also had the \ opportunity to go skiing, which I wouldn’t have been able to do at home. I would like to thank the Hutchinsons for hosting me, my teachers and the many friendly people who have made my stay so enjoyable.
V /
Cl n cl ^
isl year, 1 spent two weeks at Baneroft for the Freneh-American xchange program between Baneroft and Sainte Genevieve. 1 ;n)oyed it so mueh that I decided to come back for a year. Fm eally glad I made this decision because I’m having such a “"'vonderful time. I discovered a completely different way of life *'ind c u ltu re . I tried new food. A ctually, “ you g u y s ” (new ;xpression 1 learned here) eat really “weird” things like multi -colored jello (bright red, fluorescent yellow, strange green and anurf blue) or potato skins (in France, we usually peel them and -Cat the inside!). But I also tasted bagels and cream cheese. New England chowder, pop tarts, pancakes, maple syrup, corn on the Conceptual Physics, A lgebra and English :ob and French toast (that I never had in France!), which 1 liked a (where I had the opportunity to study great , tot. American authors like Twain, Hawthorne and in the fall, I joined the X-Country team. It was very hard for me others). ^because I had never run so much before but I loved it and I still This has been a w onderful experience; I ^ i s s it. I also tried Volleyball and Fm now starting a typical improved my English, and 1 tasted a whole f^merican sport: softball. new life. And I would like to thank all the M y experience in Pippin working on set construction and as a people that made this possible, especially Mr. ■;makeup artist and as a photographer was really interesting and I Mathieu, my parents, my “American families” ;had a lot of fun with all the people involved in the show. the Lew ises, the Swans and the Sleepers ,|Fve traveled a great deal. I went to Washington, D.C., NYC, (b ein g a part o f th e ir fam ilies made my Salem , N e w p o rt, B o s to n , and I v is ite d New H a m p s h ire , Journey easier, warmer and enriching), all my Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, and I ’m going to Costa friends, all my teachers, my coaches, Mrs. Rica for March break (Wow!). I enjoyed celebrating an American Puccio and the whole Bancroft community. I had a “wicked” good time here. I will miss all Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Homecoming.... of you a lot (but I'll be back!). Special note to I loved the curriculum and the style of teaching at Bancroft. The the seniors: Good luck and have a lot of fun in courses I liked best were US History (it helped me to better college. Thanks again to everyone. You’re r understand Americans), acting and ceramics (because I don’t have a chance to do that in Sainte Genevieve). I also learned a lot from fabulous.
&nnumue££e VuilieHmo/i Discovering Bancroft when you come from France is a special experience. It's a nice experience, particularly the warm welcome that teachers and students made to me. This school is so different from French schools. Here you learn to be self-confident and that is for me the most important goal of education. The system of education in France doesn't permit it a lot. I feel good here and I just regret to have to leave so soon. So, thank you again everybody.
APlayby Thornton Wilder
Directedby Paul Belanger Producedby LeaHench
11 a n d i m
12, r
1 %
ll w.
March 5, 6 and 7, 1998
, .
Lea Hench, Director IdaPappas, Musical Director Paul Belanger, Producer
Bookby Roger Hirson Musicand Lyricsby Stephen Schwartz
The shine of victory, the agony of defeat. We as Upper Schoolers, gather together at various time thioughout the year to watch and compete with our clas: inates, with the common goal of annihilating all students not in our respective classes. Let the games begin...
C q M
E p I T ^ O ^ S
Has anyone seen my contact?
For that softer, silkier look in just minutes.
I think I just ripped my pants.
ti ^
I It ■
'5 * , ^
t ’■
And the winner of the Lambada competition is.
We’re not touching this one with a ten-foot pole.
Of course the seniors will win...they have the crowbar. And we wonder why Bancroft has no cheerleaders.
Just give us the ball and no one gets hurt.
Mike explains the theory of shaking one’s groove-thing and its real life applications.
Although there have been lewer daiiees this year, they have been more suecessful than ever. There was a great turn out for FT)meeoming, and the Mardi Gras danee was a blast. Mueh planning and preparation went into everything this year, and everyone’s hard work has paid off. People daneed the night away and raised money to help their school.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
Do you think I’ll get hat-head?
Suzy tries for the next body building competition.
Please let the freshmen through! 60254538 & 60254539 If w e’re lucky, it’ll only be a Friday detention.
Joeycandidate for the Jolly Green Giant!
Nick sits quietly staring at the flashing red light.
Yeah, Baby!
International ties.
Mrs. Carlson explains to Amanda why notebooks are useful.
11 Cheers!
J After you drag yourself out of bed and make it to school, you have an hour and a half of classes staring you in the face, a daunting task for anyone first thing in the morning. After falling asleep and being revived by the feeling that you are falling off a cliff or by the fervor of the teacher, you have a moment to enjoy yourself and indulge in half an hour of pure enjoyment. This 9:30 break allows you to get involved in something that interests you through a club. After this momentary lapse into sanity, you return to class for another hour and a half. Then you have an hour to inhale your food and to relax, unless you have a meeting to attend, which you probably do. It seems as if something is always going on here, that there is always a group to join and a new group of friends to meet. It all starts in the middle of September at the club fair, where you sign up for something new, or rejoin an old favorite. Whether you are interested in catching the biggest bass or trying to outmaneuver your opponent at chess, Bancroft offers you a club to enjoy and a place to have a good time with friends. It is extremely easy to get involved with a club, whatever your grade. There is always something exciting happening. Clubs offer you the opportunity to further your education and enjoy the company of old and new friends. Go enjoy your time by joining some clubs; they are worth the time and effort. ~ Josh Katz
Student Council The Upper School 1997-1998 Student Council has had an extremely successful year. Continuing the tradition of excellence from last year’s Council, the board has worked to voice the concerns of the student body. Our primary goal this year has been to complete three major projects. Our first project was to set an indisputable dress code system. The joint effort between the Council and the faculty has proven to be a successful solution. The second project has been the establishment of a Disciplinary Committee. The committee will write recom mendations dealing with disciplinary matters to the Head of the Upper School. We have written a proposal and hope to see it as an integral part of the school in future years. Our major project for the end of the year is a used book sale. The Student Council was privileged to have extremely talented representatives from each class, in addition to cooperative and supportive faculty advisers. We hope that the work of this year’s Student Council impacts future Bancroft stu dents. ~ Kathryn Crowley Student Council President
Back row: Dave Hawkins, Derek Sbrogna, Cyrus Ahalt, Kurt Hagstrom, Charles Tingue Front row: Win Ruml, Ruthie Aframe, Josh Katz, Kat Crowley, Liza Michie
Activities Board Back row: Winslow Myers, Shirley Harrison, John Tumolo, Vilas Patwardhan, Justin Leroux, Jeanne Nicholson, Kal Crowley, Emily Athy, Chrissy Goss, Nicky Puccio Front row: Josh Katz, Jake Oyer
The 1997-1998 edition of the Activities Board posse has enjoyed a splendid year work ing on a plethora of important issues ranging from the modification of the winter class competitions and World Hunger Day to arranging a SADD bulletin board and guest speakers to enlighten the student body on abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs. The Activities Board also successfully planned the Homecoming Dance, which achieved the highest attendance ever for a school dance. I am very proud of the diligent work ethic displayed by the extremely talented representatives who together make up the finest Activities Board posse to date. This group has done a marvelous job of handling extra ordinarily tedious issues. This year has been filled with phenomenal memories, ranging from Kat eating her pizza to Josh hanging Christmas lights for Homecoming. Thank you to all who have helped make this year so successful. 1 would like to give spe cial thanks to the two advisers of the Activities Board, Mrs. Puccio and Mr. Myers, without whose determination and fervor nothing would be possible. I would also like to wish next year’s board continued success. Keep it real. ~ Josh Katz Chairman of the Activities Board
“Leadership is the courage to admit mistakes, the vision to welcome change, the enthusiasm to motivate others, and the confidence to stay out of step when everyone else is marching to the wrong tune.”
(1-r): Jazz Whitney, Milan Moore, Aliza Krefetz, Meg McGrath
Amnesty International is a world wide organization dedicated to universal human rights. We w rite letters to the heads of countries asking them to stop human rights violations such as torture, rape, racial discrimination and oppression of freedom of thought. The Amnesty International chapter at Bancroft has had successful letter writing campaigns and continues to fight for human decency. ~ Jazz Whitney
Bancroft Hosts Bancroft Hosts is a club designed to allow prospective students to visit the Bancroft community. We have had many visits this year. Thank you to all of the hosts for a great year. ~ Naomi & Natasha
Back row (1-r): Bob Gielow, Adam Dubinsky, Manasi Chitre, Martha Castro, Alycia Piontkowski, Stefani Orland, Kelly McKallagat, Erica Marois Front row (1-r): Naomi Reville, Natasha Korgaonkar, Charlynne Rivera, Rachel Harper, Stephanie Galica, Stephanie DolmatConnell, Ellen Cahill, Meredith Brooks
Jiancroft Pcacon By I’he Kditors n the first half of its tw o - y e a r te n u re , a b ra n d new B e a c o n e d itin g s ta ff m ade s w e e p in g c h a n g e s to the monthly periodical before the release of the first issue. Having two y e a r s w ith w h ic h to w o rk , w e c o u l d set m ore long term goals for the form at and the o p eratio n of th e new spaper as a B an cro ft club. A new masthead adorning the firs t is s u e , th e n ew B a n c r o f t B e a c o n w as ready to roll. D esp ite an inauspicious start, the iunior c o -e d ito rs A be
S te in and T u ck er R u d e r m a n , w ith th e in v a lu a b le a s s is ta n c e of ju n io r featu res e d ito r C y ru s A h alt, fo rm e d a co h esiv e p u b lish in g team. Tom G oss c o m p le m e n te d this fo rm id ab le group as c h ie f o f the sports p a g e s , w i t h V ija y R enganathan rounding out the team with his expert m anagem ent editing. F a c u lty a d v ise rs Bob “ S a sq u a tc h ” S te in and R uss “ B le e d in g H e a rt” E nlow offered crucial guidance to the young crew . Of equal i m p o r t a n c e w a s th e c a d r e o f w r ite r s w ho
The Dream Team: Back row il-r). Amanda Lewis, Sara Yood, Alycia Piontkowski, Chelsea Seale, Kurt Hag.stwm: Third row (l-r), Sam Welch, Win Ritml Ian Hamos, Charita Sinha, Annie Happen: Second row ll-rl, Bree Gwuharp, MaryBcth McGillicuddy, Ilya Khahinsky, Chris Vazquez, Derek Haas: Front row (l-r), Russ Enlow, Cyrus Ahalt, Tucker Ruderman, Ahe Stein, Sarah Harger, Tom Goss, Chris Connolly, Boh Stein
s u p p l i e d th e p a p e r w ith h a r d - h ittin g , w e ll - w r it te n a r tic le s every month. The Beacon w o u ld lik e to th a n k
the PFA for its generous fin a n c ia l su p p o rt and o u r lo y a l r e a d e r s , f o r w ith o u t th e m , our efforts would have been for naught.
Front row (l-r): Cathy Day, Morgan Holzer, Polly Alfred, Aimee Green, Abby Morgan, Amanda Lewis, Ilya Khabinsky Second row (l-r): Jenny Miller, Tucker Rudemian, Chris Vazquez, Sara Yood, Stefani Orland, Alycia Piontkowski Third row (I-r): Jason Olsen, Vilas Patwardhan, Katie Enlow, Ellen Cahill, Julie Deprez, Manasi Chitre, Andy Fitzgerald, Jesse Palma Back row (l-r): Nicky Puccio, Adam Dubinsky, Marc Schultz, Sarai Torres, Achyut Phadke, Derek Sbrogna The Buddy Program was a huge success this year. It was created in order to ensure a smooth transition for incoming students to the Upper School. This year we intensified the program by establishing a mentor relationship between the big and little buddies. The buddy pairs participated in various activities throughout the fall, including buddy sundaes, field activities, Thursday lunch together, and the candy hunt, which were all tremendous successes. To rekindle the buddy chemisti^, we had a buddy pizza reunion in the winter. Thanks to everyone this year lor your support and a fabulous buddy program experience. Alison Stuart, Coilney Kitchen & Aimee Green
Canteen Back row (1-r): Cathy Meyer, Corinna Gleich, Andrew Fitzgerald, John Cayer, Graham Binder, Clinton Becker Front row (1-r): Josh Katz, Sara Feldman, Jess Oyer, Marc Schultz, David Osgood, Ruben Honig
The Canteen Club it devoted to lerving our fellow itudenti inacki and drink) during break). All member) of the club are given the opportunity to )tock, (lean, and work in the canteen. Profit) made during the year will be given to cho)en charitie). Manager) Eric (oghlin and Ruben Honig would like to thank everyone who ha) been an artive member thi) year, klling food during break) may be timecon)uming, however, we know that our effort) are greatly appreciated by tho)e in need. Keep )nackin'. -Ruben Honig
Chess Club The Bancroft Chess Club looks forward to another su ccessfu l year. Since its formation last year, it has enjoyed a large membership and a strong interest on the community’s part. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our members and the com m unity for their support. Once again competition looks stiff, but we certainly have the ability to maintain Back row (1-r): Ed DeHoratius, Adam Dubinsky, p osition as regional cham pions, Derek Haas, Kurt Hagstrom, Sam Epstein, Paul perhaps even p lacin g w ell at the Laddis • ^ ^ Front row (1-r): Anthony Arous, Steve Krumholz,
Steve Goranson, Tony Belanger, Chris Vazquez
Regardless, we have had ^ great time so far and look forward to
continued fun and success. -Kurt Hagstrom 80
. 7
f,iBack row (1-r): Martha Castro, Mary Beth itMcGillicuddy, Nick Marcoux, Marc Schultz, p avid Hatch, Rachel Trocchio, Sarah Burke pront row (1-r): Nicky Puccio, Izzy Crowley, Charita Sinha, Lindsay Bennett, Caitlyn Ahlquist, Polly Alfred, Vickie Radin, Jing Wang
the Horizon I’rogram unites adolescents with m o d erate special needs and Bancroft buddies. Together the buddies engage in theater games and musical ensembles which ultim ately result in the presenta tion of a final production. This year, our theme incorporates a variety of com mon teen issues such as decision making and peer pressure. The seven week program allows for the individual growth of both the Bancroft students and the Horizon players and helps create lasting bonds. R eturning fiorizon players advance extensively over vears of participation in the program. Horizon creates a warm environm ent and a feeling of fidfillment for even the shvest p a r ticipants w ho becom e e n th u s ia s tic leaders. We alwavs look forward to the continuous smiles and giggles everv S aturday morning. ~ Jess Poznik Naomi Sleeper Leah Benson
C.A.R.E. is a community ser\ ice program which pairs Bancroft stu dents with little buddies ages 6-10 years old with moderate special needs. C.A.R.E. is a very successful program which has a tremendous influence on the lives of the twenty little buddies who continue to come back year after year. C.A.R.E. is held in the fall and the spring, and this fun and exciting program would not be possible without the help of the big buddies and Mrs. Puccio. Thank you for your time and help! ~ Caitlyn Ahlquist
Back row (1-r): Mary Fuller, Adam Dubinsky, Tucker Ruderman, Tony Belanger, Meg Swan, Leah Rosales, Rachel Ostrow Front row (1-r): Nicky Puccio, Jess Oyer, Jess Poznik, Courtney McKallagat, Naomi Sleeper, Sara Yood, Ilya Khabinsky, Erica Woda
Star Chorus Star Chorus has had an amazing year. We had an unprecedented membership; nearly forty people came and sang their hearts out this year, from a low single-digit number of members four years ago. With this kind of support, the club will run strong for years to come. Our first performances were off-campus, when we went on our first "tour." We have since performed at school concerts such as the December Holiday Concert, and we are due to perform at the graduation ceremonies in June. At the Spring Concert, Star Chorus performed its signature pieces before vacat ing the stage for the unique chorus success called Cabaret, which is sure to become a mainstay on the Bancroft stage. In all Chorus has had a successful year and we've reached a new level of performance. The club leaders and our illustrious advisers. Ms. Pappas and Mrs. Hench. are proud to say that Star Chorus exceeded ail expectations. We hope that this string of successes continues next year. ~ Vijay Renganathan, Sara Yood and Adam Dubinsky Co-Chairs of Star Chorus
Back row (1-r): Talya Yaylaian, Didi Eze. Jennifer Connolly, Kara O'Brien. Matt Morello Fourth row (1-r): Corinna Gleich, Julianne Sisley, Sarah Lucchesi, Annie Htippert, Aliza Krefetz, Morgan Holzer. Katie Enlow Third row (1-r): Meg Swan. Naomi Sleeper, Adam Dubinsky, Kate Hutchinson, Aimee Green Second row (1-r): Eric Ursprung, Rachel Ostrow, Samantha Welch. Meredith Brooks, Ilya Khabinsky, Emmanuelle Vuillermoz. David Sinofsky Front row (1-r); Sara Yood. Stefani Orland. David Yood
Back row (1-r): Avi Kaufman, Kurt Hagstrom Third row (l-r):Talya Yaylaian, Meg McGrath, Gary Mathieu Second row (1-r): Matt Morello, Win Ruml, Ian Hamos, Sam Epstein, Paul Laddis Front row (1-r): Cathy Day, Charita Sinha, Natasha Korgaonkar, Derek Haas Missing: "Vijay Renganathan, Dennis Trocchio
The Debate Club has been gathering momentum. We have gone to numerous debates, participated in the Mock Trial, and even hosted one Phat Jams party. Sadly, though, we were not able to go to Montreal. With new talent arriving, we were able to accomplish more on campus, having practice debates and mentally preparing. This came in the form of “Triple Speak,” a game that heightens the debaters' abilities to come up with arguments to counter any position given by the opposition. In addition, we were able to hone these skills for the Mock Trial, in which quick thinking is imperative, as in a real courtroom. We would like to thank our advisers, Mr. Mathieu and the rookie Mr. Trocchio, for helping Debate in their many ways (taking us to debates, providing food, sponsoring debates, footing the bill for all these things, etc.). We wish Debate the best of luck in the coming years, and we hope all the Phat Jams will be as much fun as ours. ~ Meg “Andy J.” McGrath Vijay “V. Debs” Renganathan Masters of Their Respective Domains Debate Co-Chairs
The 1997-1998 school year was the Fly Fishing Club's inaugural year. The club focuses on the elementary techniques of fly fishing, and other uses of those techniques to land a fish on a tly rod. Although angling is a precise sport, the goal for this year was simply to familiarize each member with the basic tly casting and tly fishing knowledge. During the winter months the club tied flies and explored the techniques necessary to locate and to entice fish into biting. During this portion of the year, the concepts of basic fish identification and proper catch and release were explored. As anglers, we have an obligation to give back to the environment. Fishing on a river, coupled with cleaning the '.ir x-:-'. surrounding area, is one task that accomplished this. We hope that by the end of the year the club will have Back row (1-r): Achyiit Phadke, Michael Peters, Justin instilled in each member a desire to pursue fly fishing as St. John, Mark Smith well as a sense of conservation and a respect for the Front row (l-r): Kurt Hagstrom, Borko Kereshi, Win Runil, environment. Good luck to future club members. Keep Gina Vairo, Pat O’Connor, Ryan McLaughlin the spirit of fly fishing alive at Bancroft! Missing: Mia Pearson, Drew Freilich ~ Pat O'Connor and Ryan McLaughlin Co-Chairs of Fly Fishing
H n ia rsia This year was the first time I n t a r s i a released a fall literary magazine, in addition to the winter and spring issues. Our progress is a direct result of increased p articipation and student lead ers’ ^ initiative, as well as Mr. White’s help. Thanks to Mr. W hite and all of our members for such a successful year! ~ Sarah Harger, Editor Jenny Miller, Assistant Editor
Bacl’j row (l-r): /VcLi ni DiiliinsUy, Annie I lupperl, Leali Rosales, Rachel Iroccliio, Qnaniiqiianei Kannue, C \ t u s Ahalt Tl, iril row (l-r): Charita Sinha, Mciggie Bro])hy, Sarah Biirhe, Micliael Allen, a Mw Morgan Second row (l-r): Sarali Lucclresi, Jiilianne Sisley, C atliy Day, MaiwBetli McGillicnddy, Jeanne Nicholson I'ront row (l-r): Steve \\1life, Sara^ood, Alycia Pionthowshi, I\ara ( ) Brien, Addie Canclih, Sarah I larger, Jenny Miller, Bree Gnnthaqr
Football Back row (l-r): Dave Osgood, Camilla Colley, Erica
Woda, Ryan McLaughlin, Josh Katz, Ruben Honig, Bram Yoffie Third row (l-r): Tom Mack, Vilas Patwardhan, Kelly McKallagat, Neal Donnelly, Julie Deprez, Chris Vazquez Second row (l-r); Dave Flagler, Justin Lesniewski, Andy Lindblad, Pat Sheehan, Ubong Ukpong, Tucker Ruderman, Justin Kaufman, Zach Wyatt, John Finn Front row (l-r): Greg Lapidas, David Yood, Tom Goss, Jillian Dunn, Brandon Rockwell, Derek Sbrogna
This was the inaugural season of the Intramural Football Club, and it has been great. With over fifty members filling nine teams, the club has quickly become one of the most popular at Bancroft. This touch football style league runs for nine weeks in the fall, coming to an end after playoffs and a Super Bowl. We would like to thank all of the faculty members involved in making the league a reality, as well as all the students who participated. See you all next year! ~ Neal Donnelly
The Upper School Jazz Ensemble has gone full speed ahead into its 1997-1998 season. Under the direction of our new on-campus faculty adviser, Mr. Borg, and with the assistance of Colby Brown, the Jazz Ensemble discovered a new sense of drive and musicianship. Furthermore, through several successful performances, including the Poetry Cafe and the Back row (l-r): Matt Frassica, Andrew Connors, tt i j t- • i Holiday Festival, among others, we conEric Ursprung, Andy Eindblad, Dave Wilson, .. j , , . „ , ,. ^ ^ tmued to spread the word to all the hipChris Borg. EmUy Saperia, Cathy Day. Charita ^ Sinha. Achyut Phadke Front row (l-r): Chris Vazquez, Abe Stein, Nate Senge, Colby Brown, Alex Chand 84
_ Colby Brown
l o
Juntos means together. This year, our goal is to build a eom m unity of understanding and aeceptance. Through educating ourselves about the cultural issues at the heart of our struggle to create a world free o f prejudice and ignorance, Juntos members hope to be one
clo ser
to ju stice
understanding. — Natasha Korgaonkar, Sara Langer and Maureen Chang
Back row (l-r): Chris Vazquez, Shirley Harrison. Abe Stein, Ale.x Chand Third row (l-r): Charita Sinha. Stephanie Galica, Martha Castro, Charlynne Rivera. Rachel Harper. Ilya Khabinsky, Jenny Dunsdon Second row (l-r): Ruben Honig. Stephanie DolmatConnell. Cathy Day, Izzy Crowley. Elle Cahill. Danielle Spring. Erica Woda. Chelsea Seale. Cortney Kitchen Front row (l-r): Danette Day, Maureen Chang,
N a t a s h a Korgaonkar, Sara Langer, Milan Moore, Rachel Ostrow, Jennifer Carey
Math Team
Back row (1-r): John Barrow, Michael Cohen. Zach Wyatt, Adam Dubinsky, Sam Epstein, Kurt Hagstrom. Kaushal Desai Front row (l-r): Anthony Arous, Jesse Palma. Talya Yaylaian, Aliza Krefetz, Steven Krumholtz, Brian Haas, Derek Haas
Math Team is off to a strong start with the highest level of ptu'licipation in onr hist tliree years ;is a elnb. We liave attended two WOCOM AL inatli meets and placed third and fourth overall at each meet. We liope to maintain this level of indiv'idual and team success into the next year. —Sam Epstein and Paul Laddis
CProm G o m m iiie e ^ U n c fe r t h e S t a r s 199S
Z th e tP rom G o m m itie e is ^ e itin ^ reactt^ j-or an e x c itin g
n i^ /it
^‘‘Q ln S e r ih e
JoJorcester C e n tr u m
C e n tre ,
S t a r s ’’ a t i£ e h f t e r la s t
e a r ’s
^ r e a t su c c e ss a t th e J i i ^ ^ i n s h rm o ri^., we fio p e th e tr a n c tn e w IC o rc e ste r C e n tru m C e n tr e w it!f)e f u s t as successj-u^- T Jeteran S o a r c f m e m B e r StlB Sp Back row (1-r): Alison Stuart. Aimee Green, Chelsea JK orpan^ n ew m e m S e rs J K e fissa C e rh a rc ft ancf Seale. Justin Leroux. Alaina Montuori, Ruthie Aframe. tjic B ie tRacfin.^ a n c f fa c u ftp a d v is e r s JK rs. Lindsay Bennett Third row' (1-r): Danielle Spring. Cortney Kitchen. Polly BPearson a n d J ltr s . J K e p e r h a v e a h w o rd e d Alfred, Camilla Colley, Kat Crowley, Danit Veroude Second row (1-r): Maureen Chang, Alycia Pionkowski e x tr e m e tp h a r d p fa n n in p a n ip h t to rem em S er. Front row (1-r): Sara Langer, Amy Pearson. Vickie Radin, Melissa Gerhardt. Abby Morgan, Cathy Meyer ~ d S B p dK orpan.! T K etissa C erd ia rd t^ U ic d ie J ta d in
Spirit Club Back row (1-r): Drew Freilich, Charita Sinha. Stephanie Dolmat-Connell, Katie Enlow. File Cahill, Jess Poznik. Erica Woda, Ryan McLaughlin. Izzy Crowley, Kate Sliwoski, Stephanie Galica, Martha Castro, Andy Fitzgerald, Graham Binder Third row (1-r): Samantha Welch, Vilas Patwardhan. Ruben Honig, Marc Schultz, Lindsay Bennett, Caitlyn Ahlquist, Andy Katz, Rachel Harper, Charlynne Rivera, Jenny Dunsdon, Andrew Schaeffer. Manasi Chitre, Julie Nicholson. Jon Dahlquist. Katie Meyer, Alycia Piontkowski Second row (1-r): Corinna Gleich, Tom Mack, Sara Feldman, Meredith Brooks, Joey Persky, Steve Lupacchino, Brandon Rockwell, Derek Sbrogna. Justin Kaufman, Dave Hodgman Front row (1-r): Ubong Ukpong, Liza Michie, Alana Rubin, Emily Muller, Kim Pentland, David Wilson, John Tumolo, Matt Rosales
The Spirit Club was a great success this year. The Dog House did better than ever thanks to the help of many supporting parents. The student support helped the Bancroft Bulldogs win many championships. And the Spirit Club of 1997-98 will continue to bolster their spirit. Thanks for a great year. -Lindsay Bennett 86
Yale Model Congress Each N o v e m b e r a gr o up o f students h e a d s o f f to N e w Haven, Connecticut to engage in a M o d e l Congress sponsored by students o f Yale University. When l e a r n i n g about the nuts a n d b o l t s o f the United States g o v e r n m e n t w e take p a r t in a s i m u l a t e d ac ti o n o f the U n i t e d S t a t e s Congress. Each student Is assigned to a committee that has its c o u nt e rp a rt in the U. S.
Congress. - Christine Feldt
Back’ rou' (l-r): Alycia Piomkowski. Amanda Lewis. Colby Brown Third row (l-r): Annie Huppert. Ellen Rasnick. Achyut Phadke. Mart Morello. Derek Haas Second roui (l-r): Christine Feldt. Sam Kressler. Abhy Morgan. Sara Yood. Brian Hau’bins. Am Kaufman Front rou' (l-r): Justin Leroux. Sarah Harger. Ilya Khabinsky. Stefani Orland. Charita Sinha
^eot^etowH /P todcl ^{.AI* In February, a g r o u p of stu d e n ts d e parts for W a s h in g to n D. C. W h ile s p e n d in g fo u r days in W a s h in g to n D. C. sightseeing, we p a r t ic ip a te in the M o d e l U n ite d N a tio n s c o n d u c te d by s tu d e n ts of G e o rg e to w n University. As a w h o le , B ancroft students r e p r e s e n t o n e n a t i o n in a n u m b e r o f c o m m itte e s . W o r k i n g w ith s tu d e n ts fr o m Back row (l-r): Brian Hawkins, Sam Kressler, Justin
all over the c o u n try ,
Leroux Front row (l-r): Ellen Rasnick, Sara Yood, Christine
p o l i t i c a l a l l i a n c e s in o r d e r to p a s s a
Feldt, Joe Persky
w e t r y to establish
n u m b e r of resolutions. - C hristine Feldt
Bancroft Outing & Science Club B an croft O u tin g and S cien ce C lub is dedicated to exploring and enjoying nature and to protecting the environment. We try to increase our generation’s awareness of its resp on sib ilities to protecting the earth. This year’s Outing & Science Club has been very active. We took numerous hikes. Our an n u al O kem o ski trip w as a b la st. Recycling was a success. We planted bulbs on campus which will be beautiful come spring, and we participated in numerous other nature activities. It is our hope that we have shown the Bancroft community the gifts nature offers and a i ded in the preservation of the earth. -Mia Pearson & Greg Lapidas BOSC Co-Heads Front row (I-r): Pat O ’Connor, Aniv Pearson, Greg Lapidas, Caidyn Alhquist, Kat Crowley, Meg Swan, Gina Vairo, Came Trencher, Kate Sliwoski, Mark Teutsch Second row: Borko Kereshi, Brian Hawldns, D avid Yood, Sara Langer, File C ahill, Stephanie Dolmat-Connell, Alison Stuart, Leah Rosales, Charita Sinha, Cathy Day, Julianne Sisley Third row: Dave Hawldns, Tom Goss, Patrick Sheehan, Aitnie Huppert, Julie Deprez, Chris Vazquez, Izzy Crowley, Ryan McLaughlin, Sara Feldman Fourth row: Jim Deprez, Jillian Dunn, Chelsea Seale, C ortney Kitchen, C hristine Feldt, Victoria Radin, Mike Peters, Marc Schultz, Josh Katz, Mia Pearson, Win Ruml, Jeanne Nicholson, Morgan Holzer, Eric Coghlin, Lindsav Bennett, Jake Ov^er
Mt. Moosilauke hilce - September ’97
BOSC Camaraderie
'^op\^dc^ Si Asking an acting club to spend hall a year without a theater is asking the im possible. This fall, how ever, Bancroft students returned to find renovations to the auditorium unfinished. Owing to construction complications, the auditorium was not expected to be eompleted until January I. For the first half of the year, therefore, the Baneroft Powder and Wig Society had to put on two performanees w ithout an auditorium. Though it was not easy, we were able to use our innovative minds, performing the Eighth Grade play in the M ultipurpose Room and Our Town, the annual drama, in the Dining Hall. Everyone was willing to devote the extra time and effort necessary to make the.se shows the success that they were. Thanks to the renovations, the Bancroft Techies expect to be working in luxury, with a new lighting board and a cat walk, while the audience sits back and relaxes in the new .seats. The.se seats will also prove to be a helpful addition for the students if they happen to have a long assembly. With the revival of old traditions, Movieness and colorful announcements, the great annual New York trip and our most successful Open Mic Night to date, this year’s Powder and Wig Society is surprising everyone. This year we did not just get by. On the contrary, we are soaring toward one of the most successful years in recent memory. ~ Bram Yoffie
Back row (l- r ) : M organ H olzer, Bram Yoffie, Lea Hench, Will Ebert, Ketan Vakil, Tony Belanger, David W rig ht, S tephen G o ran so n , Jeff Lacouture, Stephen Laddis, David Yood, Paul Belanger, David Flagler, Andy Lindblad, Steven Krumholz, Justin Lesniewski, Justin St. John, Jen M iller, E m ily A thy, Sarah Harger, Talya Yaylaian, Sandy Gay Second row (l-r): Emily Saperia, Sara Yood, Stefani O rland, Justin L eroux, A ndrew F itz g e ra ld , Pat Sheehan, Bree Guntharp, Jen Siergie, Graham Binder, Julie Deprez, Aimee Green, Abby Morgan, Sarah Sealy, Jo e lla M aron, C hris C o n n o lly , Andrew Schaeffer, Samantha Welch, Ilya Khabinsky, Priscilla Swan, Adam Dubinsky, Didi Eze, Kate Hutchinson Front row (l-r): Ian Hamos, Sarah Burke, Kara O ’Brien, Liza Michie, Rachel Trocchio, Kim Pentland, Carrie Trencher, Jen Connolly, Alana Rubin, Jes,se Geller, Lindsay Catino, Kate Sliwoski, Addie Candib, Rachel Ostrow, Eric Ursprung
Students prepare for The Walk for Diabetes.
i a
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Hard at work at The Heifer Project.
Members of the Social Concerns Club help many individuals and organizations in need. Our projects have included the adoption of a child from South America, the March of Dimes Walk, the Heifer Project, the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk and others. During the fall, the club gathered food for the Worcester County Food Bank. For the holiday season, we collected Toys for Teens and volunteered our time distributing gifts. All of our members are special people for all of the work that they do. Good luck to the departing seniors and we look forward to seeing the rest of you next year. ~ Alycia Piontkowski, Christine Feldt, Sara Danger Back row (1-r): Jon Dahlquist, Ethan Dorr, Annie Huppert, Kelly McKallagat, Lindsay Catino, Pat Sheehan, Chris Vazquez, Didi Eze, Jen Connolly, Kara O'Brien, Liz Hannum. Gina Vairo, Steve Lupacchino, Carrie Trencher, Jing Wang, Abby Morgan, Morgan Holzer, Amanda Lewis, Julianne Sisley, Milan Moore Second row (1-r): Lindsay Bennett, Caitlyn Ahlquist, Alissa Greenberg, MaryBeth McGillicuddy, Pat O'Connor, Andrew Schaeffer, Polly Alfred, Izzy Crowley, Ellen Cahill, Stephanie Dolmat-Connell, Priscilla Swan, Abe Stein, Samantha Welch, Meredith Brooks, Julie Deprez, Ilya Khabinsky, Leah Rosales, Brian Hawkins, Chris Connolly, Ruthie Aframe, Emily Saperia, Sara Yood, Ellen Rasnick, Sandy Gay, Jen Miller, Aimee Green, Julie Martin Front row (1-r): Sarah Lucchesi, Meg Swan, Alycia Piontkowski, Sara Langer, Christine Feldt, Addie Candib, Kate Sliwoski
La Table de Fran^ais
Front row(l-r): Natasha Korgaonkar, Sarah Harger, Aliza Krefetz Second row (1-r): Charita Sinha, Sandy Gay, Cathy Day. Liz Kennedy Third row (1-r): Nicky Puccio, Sara Yood, Chris Vazquez, Amanda Lewis, Justin Leroux, Anthony Arous, Eric Wellman Missing: Ting Li, Emmanuelle Vuillermoz, Naomi Sleeper
La Table de Frangais meets every Friday during Upper School lunch in Mr. D’s room. This club welcomes any student or teacher who takes French or who knows how to speak the language. W'ith our sixteen members speaking only French, we di.scuss many issues relating to French culture. Thanks to our two French members Sandy Gay and Emmanuelle Vuillermoz lor talking about the French society and their culture. Also many thanks to Mrs. Puccio and Ms. Kennedy for their ideas about what to di.scuss each Friday. Flope to .see many new and old faces next year!!! ~ Amanda Lewis
Tour Guides Thi.s year has seen changes in the structure of the Tour Guides program. Tour Guides has become a group of about twenty stu dents dedicated to representing the school. The tour guides have dedicated numerous hours towards training and giving tours, and the school is thankful for their com Back row (1-r): Eric Coghlin. Josh Katz, Ruben Honig, Vickie
mitment and enthusiasm. Without their Radin, Cortney Kitchen. Morgan Holzer help, the administration would be at a loss. — Maureen Chang and Joey Persky
Second row (1-r): Jeanne Nicholson. Caitlyn Ahlquist, Stephanie Dolmat-Connell, Alycia Piontkowski, Andrew Schaeffer. Stephanie Galica, MaryBeth McGillicuddy, Chris Vazquez. Kat Crowley Front row (1-r): Bob Gielow. Justin Kaufman. Elle Cahill. Charita Sinha. Stefani Orland. Sarah Harger. Maureen Chang. Chelsea Seale. Manasi Chitre, Samantha W'elch. Joe Persky
0 F T 92
All the athletes whohave competedunder the Bancroft banner knowthat theyhave beenblessed. These combatants have been given the gift of athletic contention inanenvironment where victoryis secondtoenjoyment andwhere coaches always have themost sinceredesiretoprovidetheskills andwisdomthat fuel the love of sports. Most students at Bancroft are accustomedto the sight of young men and women inBancroft bluejerseys embracing each other inthe triumphof athletic victory. But, a sight that is also not unfamiliar is that of aBancroft athlete leaving the field of play with dignity and a fierce look of determinationthat says: “We’vebeenbeaten, but wewill return. And we will be stronger.” It is this strength of character that makesourBancroft athletesuniqueandsuccessful. 93
The soccer team assuaged some initial criticism with early victories against formidable opponents Rocky Hill and Berwick, who beat us least year. We followed these victories with a stellar win against Class B Rivers. Other highlights included 1-0 victories against Pingree and Concord and a 4-0 victory against Beaver. Seniors had the honor of inflicting three losses upon Pingree in the last four years. For the second year in a row we finished second place in the E.I.L., having a shot at the title up until the end of the season. Our final record was 14-4-1.
Men’s Varsity Soccer
Front row (l-r): Jesse Palma, Tucker Ruderman, Clinton Becker, Quanuquanei Karmue, Zachary Wyatt, Adam Hershman, Marc Schultz, Josh Katz Back row (l-r): Manager Katie Enlow, Vilas Patwardhan, Tim Dore, Joe Brennan, Rubin Honig, Cyrus Ahalt, Joey Persky, Drew Freilich, Laurent Martin, Manager Andrew Katz, Russ Enlow
Record: 14-4-1 Highlights of the season included an undefeated record at home and the league's number one ranked defense, allowing only 14 goals in 18 games. The defense was led by senior captain and goalie. Drew Ereilich, senior captain. Josh Katz (who possessed an outstanding offensive firepower), senior stopper Joey Persky (who showed tenacious style), and sweepers Tim Dore and sophomore Marc Schultz (who showed a flare for the extravagant). In front of this awesome display of talent came a very skilled midfield led by captain Cyrus “Big-foot curve” Alhalt, Ruben “loose canon” Honig, Zack “bulletproof chest trap” Wyatt and Tucker “full of desire” Ruderman. Leading this skilled foursome into battle offensively was Vilas Patwardhan, who was a tremendously skilled and fast forward. Along with his partner in crime, Quanuquanei Karmue (with his blistering shot), this duo set the league on fire by making other teams quiver at the thought of playing Bancroft. Six team members were named All Stars. These six were: Drew Freilich (#3), Tim Dore (#7), Quanuquanei Karmue (# 9), Vilas Patwardhan (#17), Josh Katz (HM) and Cyrus Ahalt (HM). Best of luck to next year’s team and their tri-captains, Cyrus Ahalt, Tim Dore and Vilas Patwardhan. ~ Josh Katz Drew Freilich
Top left: Oh what a tangled web we weave. Top right: I shouldn’t have used super glue on my leg this morning. Right: Hey hey we’re the Monkees.
JV Soccer Front row (1-r): Kurt L esniew ski, John Goss, Justin Lesniewski, David Wright, Manager Sarai Torres Back row (1-r): Bob Whitelaw. Derek Sbronga, Brandon R ockw ell, Avi Kaufman, Borko Kereshi. Stephen Laddis, Manager Elizabeth Hannum
Back row (1-r): Steve Kelley, Jen Lodge, Libby Brennan, Julie Nicholson, Julie Martin, Erica Marois, Meredith Brooks, Naomi Reville, Julie Deprez, Kate Cranshaw, Erica Woda, Alana Rubin, Mary Fuller, Ingrid Tsang, Priscilla Swan, Chrissy Goss, Morgan Holzer, Ed DeHoratius Second row (1-r): Danielle Spring, Maureen Chang, Cortney Kitchen, Mia Pearson Front row (1-r); Alicia Rockwell, Suzy Klainer, Laura Apostolou, Jeanne Nicholson
Bancroft’s Girls’ Varsity Soccer Team had an outstanding year and clinched the first NEPSAC title in the history of the school. The team was led by very strong players and supported by a talented bench. Coach Kelley carried twenty-two players on his team, and everyone saw playing time. This year was a special one for the team, and we developed strong relationships among players and coaches. Coach DeHoratius worked hard with goalies Alana Rubin and Laura Apostolou. Coach Martin helped work on skills and endurance. Everyone on the team was a part of this magnificent season. We finished undefeated with six EIL all-stars, three all-state prep players and a league title. Look out for us next year because only four seniors are graduating. Good luck to captains Cortney Kitchen and Mia Pearson. Go Bulldogs!! ~ Laura Apostolou and Jeanne Nicholson
It's tough being this good.
There’s nothing better after a win than a good of fashioned hoedown.
If ya got it. Haunt it.
Field Varsity Field Hockey Back row (1-r): Katie Meyer, Kelly McKallagat, Elle Cahill, Alison Stuart, Sara Langer, Chelsea Seale, Vickie Radin, Courtney M cK allagat, Izzy Crowley, Stephanie Dolmat-Connell Second row (1-r): Jane Gerhardt, Ruthie Aframe, M elissa G erhardt, Camilla Colley, Caitlyn Ahlquist Front row (1-r): Alaina Montuori, Kat Crowley, Lindsay Bennett, Aimee Green The 1997 Bancroft Field Hockey team was lead by senior tri-captains Lindsay Bennett, Alaina Montuori and Kathryn Crowley. The team consisted of eleven returning players and seven new teammates. The combination of experience and new talent led to a successful season. The team’s primary goal this year was to win the league. After our devastating tie to Winsor, this goal seemed unattainable. But because of our previous wins and a 1-0 victory over Newton, we were able to win the E.I.L. title. Our final league record was 5-0-2, and our overall record was 113-5. This overall record entitled us to two post-season tournaments. AISGA was canceled for the second year in a row because of rain, and NEPSAC was nearly canceled because of snow. Instead, however, we had the opportunity to play on Boston University’s turf. Although we were defeated by Rivers, it was a great experience. Playing under the lights in a stadium was a first for Bancroft and not something that any of us will soon forget. ~Kat Crowley Alaina Montuori Lindsay Bennett Junior Varsity Field Hockey Back row (1-r): Cara Sullivan, Didi Eze, Maggie Brophy, Sarah Burke, Amanda Lewis, Polly Alfred, Rachel Trocchio, Lindsay Catino, Ann Jasperson Front row (1-r): Sara Yood, Jen Connolly, Liza Michie, Katherine Radin, Manasi Chitre, Naomi Sleeper
Hockey 11 -3 -5
Let’s negotiate..
^V«5fe3V*^n’. fr^v Back row (l-r): Patrick O’Connor, Win Ruml, Tom Goss, Nate Senge, Colby Brown, Sam Kressler, Mark O'Brien, Carolyn Whitten, Greg Lapidas, Jon Pitcher, Stephanie Galica, Emily Athy Second row (l-r): Jill Dunn, Sara Feldman, Brian Hawkins, Justin Leroux, Bram Yoffie, Chris Connolly, Sandy Gay, Emily Saperia, Meg Swan Front row (l-r): Dave Hawkins, Jeff Goodwin, Eric Coghlin, Samantha Welch, Sara Scheufele
Boys: 17—0 Girls: 18-1
Dr. Pepper!
Dr. Pepper!
Dr. Pepper! Close your eyes and you won’t feel the pain.
league titles. At the beginning of the sea.son, they all knew exaetly what they had to do. From the start, the guys knew that they were going to be tough to beat. Four of last year’s top five runners were returning. Coming off a ehampionship season last year, the guys had reason to be confident— but not over-eonfident. Everybody put forth a 100% effort during practices with one com mon goal: to repeat as Eastern Independent League Champions. The team was rewarded for its persistent effort. The runners went undefeated in the league, placing third in their division in their first appearance at the Wachusett Invitational and sixth in the New Englands. The girls’ cross-country team shared the same success; its 1997 season will not soon be forgotten. The team consisted of thirteen girls, more than it has seen for several years. From the beginning, there was a sense of vengeance. After becoming co-champions last year, the girls knew what they had to accomplish to become champions, and champions they were. Their only loss was to a team outside of the league. They beat every team in the Eastern Independent League at least once, and became the champions of 1997. The team was not only serious, but fun-loving too. The team spirit and friendship combined with hard work and dedica tion to leave a legacy for years to come. Both of the teams capped off their sea sons of domination with league race victories here at Bancroft. All-Stars included Dave Hawkins, Jeff Goodwin, Win Ruml, Stephanie Galica and Sara Scheufele. Samantha Welch received the honor of League MVP. Looking ahead to next season, the guys’ team will be led by co-captains Win Ruml and Nate Senge, while the girls’ cap tains will be Samantha Welch and Emily Athy. -Jeff Goodwin and Sara Scheufele Captains
Here I come to sa\ e the dav!
Give us a minute and we'll have our pants ott.
G olf T eam
Back row (1-r): Jim Deprez, Andrew Fitzgerald, Andrew Haddad, Matthew Rosales, Chuck Tingue, Jason Olsen, Ryan McLaughlin Front row (1-r): Gina Vairo, Graham Binder, Lindsay Gerhardt, David Osgood Missing: Captain Neal Donnelly
Fitz admires Bancroft’s beautiful grass as he goes for eagle.
What a perfect day for Graham to practice his superb golf swing.
There must be something funny with this golf ball!
This year the Bancroft golf team finished the season with a very respectable 9-3 record. With Mr. Aleksiewicz unable to return, the team was faced with finding a new coach. They found a local golf pro by the name of Mark Zenevitch. Although the players were initially unsure of what to expect, things steadily improved as the season progressed. The team enjoyed itself on the course and had a good time throughout the entire season. The top six golfers this year consisted of Neal Donnelly, whose leadership and stellar play throughout the season were an example to us all; Graham Binder, whose amazing consistency was affirmed by his final season record; David Osgood, whose veteran tips and experience benefited the entire team; Jim Deprez, whose steady improvement showed what could be done with a little effort; Ryan McLaughlin, whose sense of humor seemed to always lighten the team’s spirits; and Lindsay Gerhardt, whose constant desire to improve was admirable. At the league tournament at the end of the season, Bancroft had a strong showing. Out of a field of forty-five, Bancroft took three of the top five spots. Neal Donnelly, Jim Deprez and Graham Binder finished first, third and fifth respectively, proving that Bancroft is a school that needs to be taken seriously on the golf course. The Bancroft golf team finished in a tie for second place in the league. The returning members are looking forward to next year, when they will make a run for the title and show the league that the Bancroft golf team is a force to be taken seriously. -Jim Deprez
M E ^ ’S
Varsity Men’s Basketball Back row (1-r): Tim Dore, Abe Stein, M ark O ’Brien, Cyrus Ahalt Second row (1-r): Joey Brennan, Jason Olsen, Andrew Schaeffer, Jon D ahlquist, Dave Haw kins, Jeff Goodwin Front row (1-r): Matt Rosales, Mike Surabian, Vilas Patwardhan
You don't have to get yourself through the hoop, too.
This isn’t the end zone, Abe.
London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.
BASKETBALL M en’s Junior Varsity 1 Basketball
Hawkins, Steve Lupacchino, Chris Vazquez, Ian Hamos, Jim Deprez Front row (1-r); Ethan Dorr, Adam H ershm an, Chris Connolly, Jesse Palma
Men’s Junior Varsity 2 Basketbaii (Not Pictured) Chuck Tingue, Dave Hodgman, Andy Haddad, Ubong Ukpong, Derek Sbrogna, Tod Schutter, Achyut Phadke
The Bancroft M en’s Basketball Team started out this year beating three tough opponents, including a victory at the buzzer over league rival Pingree. They followed with unfortunate losses in the Rivers Tournament and two losses against good Brooklyn teams. Their season was stalled when Jeff Goodwin, senior big man, sustained a season-ending injury during a gam e against L.C.A . W ithout him the Bulldogs struggled. Yet, once again they were victimized by injury when Cyrus Ahalt, a junior captain, was hurt, ending his season. Led by junior captain Abe Stein, senior sharp-shooter Dave Hawkins and high-scoring, sophomore point guard Mike Surabian, Bancroft finished the season strong with two victories over Berwick. The supporting cast of Matt Rosales, Jason Olsen, Joe Brennan, Jon Dahlquist, Andrew Schaeffer, and Tim Dore came on strong in the end and offered valuable hustle. The M en’s Basketball Team finished second in the E.I.L. and looks forward to a promising season next year. Many thanks to dedicated and talented seniors Jeff Goodwin and Dave Hawkins. ~ Abe Stein
Back row (1-r): Jill Bennett, Kirsten Truscott, Katie Enlow, Julie Deprez, Abby Morgan, Jill Dunn, Sara Scheufele, Mary Fuller, Meredith Brooks, Bob Whitelaw Front row (1-r): Priscilla Swan, Jennifer Lodge, Leah Rosales, Courtney McKallagat, Liz Hannum, Erica Marois “Missing: Laura Apostolou, Danielle Spring”
RECORD: 14-10
Can we play, too?
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Women’s Varsity Basketball had a very productive season. With a final record of 14-10, we placed third in the league. Our first season with our new coaches Bob Whitelaw and Jill Bennett was an adjustment at first, but as the season progressed the team fomied a definite bond. New to the Upper School and to the varsity team, freshmen Erica Marois, Liz Hannum, Jen Lodge and Mary Luller brought spark as well as talent to our team. Each contributed something to the games, indicating a bright future for girls’ basketball. Sophomores Jill Dunn, Julie Deprez and Priscilla Swan displayed tremendous improvement and future leadership. As high scorers, juniors Leah Rosales, Courtney McKallagat, Katie Enlow and Danielle Spring fueled the team to many of our victories, co-captains Enlow and Spring scoring an average of 10 and 14 points respectively. Senior Laura Apostolou was out for the first part of the season with a broken hand but returned after winter vacation and helped fuel our fire. Senior Sara Scheufele had a fantastic season but was unable to participate in the last few games. Her talent and leadership on the court were sorely missed. Senior co-captain Abby Morgan has a consistent season as well. Our record placed us in the fourth seed position in the A division of the EIL Invitational Tournament that took place Saturday, February 28. Our first game was against the first seed team and arch rival, Winsor. After a very physical and well-played game by both teams, the final score was 41-35 Bancroft! After losing to Winsor twice during the regular season, this victory provided a nice ending to the season. We then played Milton Academy in the championship round and lost, finishing second in the tournament. We were invited to play in NEPSAC this year, an honor that we earned after a very intense year. We were seeded fifth and played our opening game against fourth seeded team Rivers. Unfortunately we were knocked out of the tournament with a .seven point loss. The Bulldogs played a number of games against the teams that were not in our league. Despite the.se odds, we played well and, in some cases, won. Our game against Wheeler was extremely encouraging, even though we lost. Our loss to Pomfret was only by five. We had an amazing blowout against Worcester Academy; the final score was 62-40. Danielle and Katie each made five three-pointers. Overall it was a fantastic year, a sure promise of a successful 1998-1999 season! ~ Abby Morgan
Left: BOO!! Did I scare you? Above: What goes up...
Back row (1-r): Greg Lapidas, Eric Coghlin, Dave Flagler, Dave Yood, Justin Lesniewski, Justin Faucher Front row (1-r): Tom Goss, Sam Kressler Missing: Mike Peters Three years ago Bancroft Wrestling in the Upper School was non-existent. Now, following the winter sports season of 1997-1998, the strong base of a wrestling tradition has finally been established. We are proud to have been part of this team, which has the potential of being a truly competitive crew in the future. Although the record of our fine team reflects a group of wrestlers who have struggled against low numbers of participants, the record does not reflect the quality of each individual wrestler. Indeed when the factor of forfeitures is removed from the equation of each wrestling meet, Bancroft is truly a formidable opponent. It was hard work, but the grueling practices administered by Coaches McDermott and Teutsch were always made worthwhile when they were accompanied by the comic relief of Tickle-Me-Flagler and Lesniewski the ingenue. The freshmen Dave Yood, Justin Lesniewski and David Flagler, and sophomore Justin Faucher all made tremendous strides towards wrestling perfection this year and were valuable additions to the team. These four wrestlers will carry on the wisdom and traditions that we the seniors passed on to them, including the pin-to-win and the philosophy of Rowdy Roddy Piper’s view on bubble gum. You four should remember that these traditions must never die, else a curse will be bestowed upon you and your kin. We should all be proud of our accomplishments this season. We the captains will always
t 1
The only thing Eric’s opponents know better than the smell of the mats is what the gym ceiling looks like. How to beat your opponent in one easy step—pin him.
remember this— the last year of our high school wrestling experience—and would like to thank the whole team. We would also like to thank the men who devoted their time to our progress as wrestlers and human beings: Coach Teutsch and Coach McDermott. Finally, a special thank you to Mr. Faucher and Jarrod for their incredible support. ~ Sam Kressler and Tom Goss
Back row (1-r): Julie Nicholson, Izzy Crowley, John Finn, Lindsay Gerhardt, Sara Feldman, Jess Oyer, Marc Schultz, Sam Epstein, Corinna Gleich, Alana Rubin Front row (1-r): Brackett Dow, Eric Coghlin, Kat Crowley, Cathy Day Missing: Libby Brennan, Kurt Hagstrom, Ryan McLaughlin, Tom Mack
Above; Snowbunnies Right: Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?
Despite poor w eather eonditions, the Bancroft Ski Team was able to have a successful season. This was due to dedicated team m em bers and a great coaching staff. Mrs. G erhardt coached us during land practices, which consisted of running, weight training and occasional team gam es. Then three days a w eek we piled into the bus and trundled out to M t.W achusett w here we m et Larry, our m o u n tain co ach . A t the m o u n tain , we train ed gates and also did drills such as 100 steps and hopping turns. The team cam e in fifth by scoring m ore points than expected. Led by Ryan M cLaughlin, the boys team finished sixth, with Ryan earning the most points. B rackett Dow, C aptain Eric Coghlin and John F inn w ere also c o n trib u to rs to the team scoring. For the second y ear in a row the girls team placed third in the league. We were able to do th is w ith c o n trib u tio n s fro m K at (p la c in g eighth in the league), Libby, Lindsay, Izzy, Sara and Cathy. We ended the season with a lip sync to Vanilla Ice th a t in c lu d e d e x c e l l e n t d a n c e m o v e s. T h is performance earned us a second place trophy. Skiing is prim arily an individual sport, but we were able to succeed individually w ithout losing sight of team goals. The future is bright for the ski team. Its m em bers are young and will begin to dominate the league next season. ~ Kat Crowley and Eric Coghlin
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W ho’s that masked
Left: Snowbunnies, take two.
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Right: Sisters of the slope.
Back row (1-r): Amanda Lewis, Lindsay Bennett, Maureen Chang, Christine Goss, Jing Wang, Kelly Turner Front row (1-r): Maya Litani, Jasmine Whitney, Sandy Gay
Volleyball and interpretive dance?
Jazz manages to make the ball float.
n its second year the Bancroft Volleyball Team has had a successful and mjoyable season. Everyone’s skills worked together to form a cohesive A/hole. Rachel and Jing were superb at passing, while Maureen and Kelly excelled at setting. Amanda’s amazing serving complemented Lindsay’s, Chrissy’s and M aya’s blocking and hitting. By the end of the season, everyone was functioning as a team. We won four matches, all in the last quarter of the season. Among M aya’s and R achel’s cheering, screams of “sheep,” and Mr. Stein’s favorite quote, “Let’s try to get a set to Jazz,” the girls learned to work together. The win over Pingree and the strong resistance to Concord and its MVP of the League reflected the team’s best efforts as well as its collective enthusiasm and talent. Thanks to the girls and to Coach for a most enjoyable season. ~ Jazz Whitney
Top left: And they walk away contented. Above: Mo in motion. Left: Your shoe’s untied...
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Yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream o f happiness and every tomorrow a vision o f hope. Congratulations, Jeff and the Class o f 1998 Love, Mom, Dad, Mackenzie, Murphy, Gram and Grampa
C on gratu lations Class of 1998
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Patrick Motors, Inc. Saab - Subaru - Volkswagen
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Thanks for all the support of
Bancroft Athletics
GOOD LUCK TO THE CLASS OF 1998! - The Spirit Club
I 1
Congratulations ANDY Wishing you health, love, happiness and prosperity. Reach for the stars - there's no stopping you. Much love, Mom, Dad, Jen, and Mike He who adds not to his learning, diminishes it. -Emerson
Michael, Wecontinuetobeproudofyouandimpressedbyyour work anddedicationtoscholarshipandintegrity Wearegrateful tothe Bancroft communityandwant all the teachers toknowthat theCohenfamilyfeelsdeepappreciationfor their enthusiasmand devotiontotheir professionand totheir students. Youwillremainaninfluencealways. Michael andyour fellowgraduates, enjoyandsucceed; it is yourdestiny. Love, Mom,DadandCaroline 117
b Simian MawMfw and fib fxunity.. W e tHUik cvie a ueH4f special t^mw^ man. IJxui hone gnown up da cpdchlg^ f^epme owe etgjed. W e judt uaant ta te££ gau yxm a ^ a duccedd od a dtudent, IJxui one a duccodd ad a pe^an^ 3iut nw^t a/ a££ gau am a duccodd od awe dan. QM a^ Od iaae gau and toe am da p m u d of. gau. Cangiotidatiand an a jad vaetl done! IJxm fight up the fined of. gawc (imiheK <£ dbte^, and a/ fiath M am and S)ad. W e knam gau w itl achieve whatever goat b in gawt heant. QM (Swe £ave^ M am , S a d , Judtin and QJfaocid 118
Congratulations DREW and the Class of 1998 We are proud of all your fine achievements and look forward to your future accomplishments, Love, Mom, Dad, Jaime and Sabrina
Congratulations toourgrandson Drew
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We are very proud of you Love, Grandma Mil and Poppy
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KIDS WHO ARE DIFFERENT Here's to kids who are different. The kids who don't always get A's, The kids who have ears twice the size of their peers. And noses that go on for days.... Here's to kids who are different. The kids they call crazy or dumb. The kids who don't fit, with the guts and the grit. Who dance to a different drum.... Here's to kids who are different. The kids with a mischievous streak. For when they have grown, as history's shown. It's their difference that makes them unique. ~ Digby Wolfe
Congratulations to the Class of 1998 Well done Pat! Love, Mom, Dad and Pete
(ONCMTULflTIONUimflHDTW(Lfl« Wnm W e Kusk Xjou nxuck tovCf joij cxnd kiXppLncss now and nlwixifS. jZove atiwaxfs, /K on x, "T^ad, QuLie and Qen
Remember... The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 1998 GREG'S PACKING CO. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 170 Prescott Street Worcester, MA 01605 (508) 799-6644 121
Eric, Since you were old enough to understand, we frequently shared with you that our definition of a person's security is “their power to produce.” You listened and internalized this philosophy and live it through your prime bases in life, those being family, friends, education, athletics, community and s e lf The United States Army slogan is — “Be all that you can be.” — and we know, E.B., that you will continue to be all that you choose to be. We love you and we wish you well as you travel life ’s journey. We look forward to traveling with you, and most of all we thank you for who you are! Love, Mom and Dad
To “The Weasel”: It’s hard to believe it’s been over eleven years since I dubbed you “The Weasel”! In those eleven years we have gone through several phases in our lives. However, each year that went by, you played a special role in my life. I am both honored to be your big brother and fortunate to have you as a younger brother. Kristen sees you as the younger brother she never had, and truly enjoys each moment she spends with you. Weasel, Kristen and I are very proud of your accomplishments, and we know you’ll continue to be a wonderful brother, brother-in-law, friend and uncle to our family. Congratulations, we love you. Jim and Kristen E.B., It’s hard to believe my “little brother” is graduating from high school. On one hand, I'm sad to see you grow up, but on the other hand. I’m happy to see you mature into an adult and embark on the next phase of life’s journey. I’m so proud of all your outstanding accomplishments, and I feel so fortunate to have the best “little brother” in the world! Good luck - and remember - I’m always just a phone call away! I love you, Jill E.B., In the 6 inches and 60 lbs. that I’ve known you, I watched you develop into a man well beyond his years. I look forward to watching and participating in your continuous journey towards your goals. Know that you have my support and love, as a friend and a brother. Jon
GO PATS!!! Eric, We are so proud of you and all of your magnificent accomplishments and triumphant moments. We wish you the very best of luck with all of your future endeavors, and we are here to support you 100 percent. May your journey through life continue to be filled with good health, much happiness and many more magical moments. Love, Chris and Kim
RHSPECT Respect for the hard work that he has had to do to accomplish the academicgoals he has reached so far. Respect for the personal integrity he has developed which is recognized not only by his parents but also his peers. Respect for his humor, his work ethicin academics and sports, his curiosity of mind, and his setting of goals for himself that will enrich his life. Most of all, respect for the love he has shown to his parents and family.
G o n ^ ra iu la iio n s ^o ancf f /i e C la s s oj-^9 S /o o o e ^
JK om ^ D a d a n d j S a u r e n
L a u ra (O L G A ) - I t s ta rte d w itk tk e fir s t n i ^ k t o u t w i t k y o u (I t k i n k y o u c a n rem em ker) an d even tk o u ^ k I d o n ’t k n o w w k at tk e fu tu re k old s I k n o w well
it w ill en d
fo r u s. B e c a u s e w e’ve k e p t tk e vike
to a ll m y fr ie n d s : S a r a ,
W y n n ie , Court,
M a y o , L iz , D a n a , a n d a ll m y c ra z y
cou zm s.
A n d t o C a m il la ( L U Z ) - - T k a n k s f o r
a k v e a n d s tr o n g w e w ill m o s t d e fin ite ly
a ll t k e l a u g k t e r a n d t k e t e a r s , Y e a k
t k r iv e . T k a n k y o u s o m u c k L a u r a f o r
w e ve k a d o u r s k a re o f k o tk k u t I
k e in g
a c o n s is te n tly
tru e
frie n d .
lo v e y o u a lw a y s a n d f o r e v e r , e v e n
c o id d n ’t a sk fo r m o re ! A n d m o st d efin itely
w k e n y o u r e p o o r a n d lo n e ly o r r ic k
a k ig tk a n k you to tk o se p eop le w k o coid d
a n d f a m o u s . I ’ll k e tkle e re .
n ev er k av e m ad e m e la u g k as k a rd . T k o s e
are tk e tim e s!
a lw a y s ...................... JH aw ta(C )tga )
L O V E ........................ C a m iiia ( £ u /z )
T k e ' O m ^ a n th ' ik e ^ fL w o r s .
Sammy It's been wonderful watehing you grow and enjoying eacfi step. —
Congratuldtions on ad your achievements. W ith A d Our Love^ Mom; Dad and MeCissa 126
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j2ove, (^7an\n\a. *^oc
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Brarrij You wU[ always be our Superman,.,
Keep Rockin' tfie Boat! Congratniations LovC j
The Tribe XO
out </~iAndson\c T^cvit toko ^teio u p uynon^ tktee Seuuti-^ul, wise wonien,,-
Guidelines for the future: 1) Listen to our advice 2) Follow it Luithout question 3) Remember me are alw ays right
M ay these guidelines bring you success and happiness! Loue, Your Sisters XO
C ongratulations m m L aura!!!!!!
m m t so V20UV oi you ^nv youR MComvasHmtnn. m Know you w3££ succitd /flj wnmveR you do. 9US7 R m m m jo ho£d on jo youR VRefims ^nv ntvzR iorqzj you M^fiys n m /> £ovjng i m u y jo a m you uvm £OVt fi£w^ys mom. vfiv. Rjcnn m v vmjc^
"TJtonc^, ^ fvioud
masn “ Tflom, T)ad, A^fe~Acting class... Nantucket (ycxi'ie gstting nd of those, right?)... Phantom of the Opaa... JCS...Techno... England... bleached hair... Al^fara Qass... MS dances.... stories... going out @ 9:30...and just hangin’. You have been my best friend since s i xt h. . .well seventh grade. &TrrH~Gecifge,cioyoukncwvvhal thanks fcr always I think? Tu es vraim ent une being there. I'll magnifique amie! Je ne foublierai always toveyou! jamais. Mera pour tout! Je faime
& 'PniaceM EmmamueUe do you know what I think'!’ I think you should say your line. I gonna be mean Je patJe bien le gallois. Tu aspires, Idlie. Rachel my heart w ill go on. candles and smoke alarms, vampires, art. Lilandra loves Wyll. cocoa. HM S Dei'onshire. sealegs!. donuts., m m m , yum m y! KtifSUn, A couldn t Ivive iiskeit fjcn A ie t t n sonC m iu, fo i tk A ts wluit ifou Ate to w . 'ZY»iV otAH^es, tke
yn\^ YO etsk.
TSeutcelets/'^eriL-^ic, At 4
RacM~ Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Mors... Eric... Andrew... John(utoareyou hidingfrom me?)..Cal1eDolche..I KNOW what you're thinking... M r. Boon... MEATB/tLL HEAD!!!... reading minds... Silver Snake... dreams... Pizza... Here kitty, kitty, kitty... Darion.-1 loueyou fbreiter, my sister. Nei«r forget thepastand neuerdoubt thefuture. 1'llalwaysbewithyou.myDearLilandm.
eHocti, ^Jay»es ISotui skitts, wkiilea
ri-Y iHtetvienj, Uotuie, tedkeiid, btunette, wkAt s next?
o{}^egsions w itk tke view At tunck. cH a m , ^ p A m i t (Zkeese T^ez^,
sukivuxtines, ^ te A u x des ^eett. Jlixuk^!, /liverpcot,
weeUi^ ctuskes, tke T^eiXtUs, bUxe U ^ t pictutes, "lountAf bait ie tke sputoe o^ aU ^cxodexes^ Atvi i i ^ t , " waU Att, tki!>onu, iind
kinuiA weitA in
CiilcuLito^, Tih^, tke *^c^uy*\,
letters to /IXixine, txnd
Kate- Bceta.. MCasa guy..DaveyJcres..huK..CAKL!!!...'IheMcrikees... ABBA.. yyvyie... Jamie Rev^eie's a jerk!...'Vd\'et Bladdrirds.. 9eepoveis... BEATLEPOWER]... New Touve bem godsends to me in tAis wodd, and no matter where we end up tomorrow, Years 1996...BellbottDms..Paneuil HaE.Eorum stuff..Maic, Uam, Andrew', Jascn, next week, nett year, next millennium, you will afwrys Be in my heart, aS three you, I Jrff,Josh,Jdm, Eugp, Eten, Doug, Pan, Adam, Seth, Mike, Brian, Peter, OArlagnan, men’ not fie a foject person, fiutyou make me want to fie petfri You arc three souls in Alan Ada, Etarrison Ford, Jamie Farr, Etawd Oudhov-ny, etc... Acting Qassthis worit that I wilt aJwcys rememBer when I am fonefv or sad. Without you, sunlight American Theater...God Lists...Boie Dal... Her name was Aphrodite... I'm not wouH Be M , gold would not glitter, my ^ would not shine, and fife would not Be the sulking, I'm just angry... histrav- hackney-. ORANGE'!!... Co^tructicn w'orkets... glory that it is. Love, KEH Mcnty Pythcn... E^pt.. Walks to the malL.. Theater... FrankZappa.. 15MPH with lram..Srutup!Ibv'eyoufc«rv'erandev'er.Thankycx, forbeingyou imagination to lirie in a bream tnorlb.” -unknown
! !
Congratulations to
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tke class of 1998
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From tne
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Blue Moon Board U
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"^riiKe Y e a r t o o L S t a l l is esp cecially m ile lit e J to l(oll(G)Wi]rig (donors
lo r t l i e i r geiKeroiis c o n t r it iit io n s o
k a n c r o lt S c l i o o l A c t i v i t i e s jB o a rd .r iie B e n s o n I ' am iilv f i l e A OSS F a m i l v T lie
f iim o lo F a m i l y
o Y lu te B u s B o m p a n y
C6 Meghan McGrath Eric Coglin------ Tom Goss Christian Farmerie Jasmine W hitney— Morgan Holzer— Emmanuelle Vuillerm oz—^Joella Maron Abby Morgan — Vijay Renganathan — Alicia Rockwell Danit Veroude-Caitlyn Ahlquist-Krysten St. John-Sara Scheufele-Kate Hutchinson -P a t O ’Connor Camilla Colley— Greg Lapidas— Laura Apostolou Neal Donnelly—Jim Deprez—Leah Benson—Jon Pitcher—Alaina Montuori— Mike Allen-Jing W ang ... ... Lindsay Bennett
Mike Peters Joe Persky------ Brian Hawkins Andy Katz------ Ruben Honig Dave Osgood— Ryan McLaughlin— Sam Kressler Michael Cohen—^Jeff Goodwin—^Jake O yer Nick Marcoux-Bram Yoffie-Natasha Korgaonkar-Suzy Klainer-Melissa Gerhardt -Jen Siergie Kat Crowley—^Josh Katz— Sarah Harger Dave Hawkins-Colby Brown-Paul Laddis-Drew Freilich-Dave Hatch-Ruthie Afram e ... Jeanne Nicholson------ Chris Connolly
-PMue l^ io o n S t. a i r i The Blue M oon Yearbook Staff this year has worked extrem ely hard to bring you th is fine reflection of the Class of 1998 and of B ancroft S chool. A fter many long days of w o rk, reading and rereading, we are proud of the outcom e and hope w ith o u r hearts that you e n jo y re a d in g th is y e a rb o o k as m uch as we enjoyed putting it together. Good luck to next year’s editors and may yo u r yearbook days live on! Ed ito rs-in -C h ief and
S i ^ohn and Sam Kressler
F acu lty A d visers
Laurie Dings, Krysten St. John, Sam Kressler, Liz Kennedy
Back Row: Laurie Dings. Michael Cohen. Alicia Rockwell, Suzy Klainer, Sam Kressler, Krysten St. John, Paul Laddis, Danit Veroude Front Row: Liz Kennedy, Ian Hamos, Amanda Lewis, David Sinofsky, Aliza Kret'etz. Polly Alfred. Christine Feldt Missing: Ting Li. Mia Pearson, Alison Stuart
Back Row: Bob D ec, David Sinofsky. Ian Hamos. Amanda Lew is, M ichael Cohen Front Row: Stefani Orland, Suzy Klainer, Cathy Day, Charita Sinha Missing: Laura A postolou, Cam illa Colley. Kat Crowley, Carlene M acM illan
P h o t o
S t a f f
But luhat did he see in the clear uiater?The mater mas like a m ir ror and he sam h/mself. He mas no i n ugly duckling.
HeivasasivQi —Hans Christioi.Ar:
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