Senior Editors:
Abigail Alfred Stephanie Cohen Emily Dore
Junior Editors:
Nneka Eze Rachael Flonig
Photo Editors:
Alana Kulig Susan Scheufele
Sports Editor:
Ruth Ebert
Business Editors:
Moira Finicane Rachael Honig
Faculty Advisers: Robert Dec Karen Jersild Karen Wilson 1
Blue Moon Table of Contents Hopes and Expectations....................... ................................................4-5 Class Retreats........... ................. ......... ..................................................6-9 The Class of 2002...... .................. .................................. ...................10-13 Fall Events............................. ............. ......................... .............. ...... 14-17 Clubs.... ............. ................................................................................. 20-45 Sports.............. .................... ............................. .................. ......... .....46-61 Faculty & Staff............. ............. ....... ............. ..... ............................62-71 Students........ ................................. .................................................. 72-127 Advertisements..................... ........................ ............. ..................128-150 Year in Review..................... ......... ...... .........................................151-166
The Class of 2002 Dedicates the Yearbook to Mr. Dennis Trocchio He walks down the hallway with his coffee freshly filled to the brim, saying "hello" to everyone he passes with a smile on his face. When we were freshmen, he taught us his popular catch phrase "land equals power," and he always joked in class to make learning more exciting. A class period would never go by without the comic relief of his map troubles, pen leaks, or a little "jokie, jokie." Mr. Trocchio had a positive influence on our learning experience, even when he wasn't our teacher. He is always genuinely concerned about everyone's problems and well-being. He knows all of the senior class, having taught us once, twice, or even three times. Thank you, Mr. Trocchio, for four years of endless support, and for helping us through our tumultuous high school years. We will never forget your passion for teaching and learning and your great ability to bring that passion to your students. Thank you.
This year Mr. Pollock was "looking forward to a positive year because the 2002 class has been a spirited class ever since they entered the Upper School. They haven't disappointed me; they've shown great leadership." We asked some of the Upper School students what they were looking forward to or what they were expecting this year. Left to right: Alana Kulig, Here are some of their Sue Scheufele, and Greta answers:
Left to right: Allison Wallace, Angela Giannopoulos, and Sarah Allen
1-■1• 1% Left to right: Nate Lemay, Dave Filiberti, Andy Yee, and Adaeze Ekeson
"I was thinking that 11th grade would be really hard because it's the year of looking at colleges." ~ Angela Russo '03
"I was thinking about seeing my friends. I couldn't wait to see my friends!" -Abby Reid '04
Mr. Barrow said, "I have been looking forward to seeing the past students and how they've grown. I am also looking forward to seeing how much more capable they have become." - "I know that there is going to be a lot of stress...I can't wait until everything is done [college applications]," said senior Jess A versa. - Junior Steph Webber said that she's looking forward to "turning 16 and getting my permit." ~ "I was expecting 9th grade to be a lot harder than 8th grade," said freshman Mike Shusta.
Nate Holdstein, Matt Lindblad, and Mike Athanasiou
"I am looking forward to having more freedom/' -Jen Kowaloff '05 Left to right: Ryan Hartwell, Alexa Dickman, Christi Maiella, and Jonjy Ananth
Left to right: Kiran Patwardhan, Paul Wright, Eddy Arous, Ryan Harrington, Dena Raffa, and Alex Dow
"Soccer and track." -Nneka Eze '03
Left to right: Alex Mancevice, Steve Scheufele, Arielle Kilgore, and Scott Nystrom
"Getting into a good college and getting out of school in May/' -Larry Atupem '02 5
lass Retreats Ninth, Tenth, and Twelfth Grades In Bancroft's annual tradition, each class began the new school year with a retreat. Freshm en played games and swam at Camp Blanchard. Sophom ores did com m unity service at Christopher House, followed by food and gam es at Bancroft. Seniors enjoyed outdoor activities at Cedardale Groveland Park. Photo below: Seniors relaxing in the pool. At right: Prince Ekeson, Sue Scheufele, and Andy St. Lawrence playing mini-golf.
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Freshmen clockwise from top left: The girls pose before the water balloon toss; Scott Lindblad catches a water balloon; the boys try to sink the floating dock; everyone prepares their water balloons.
Clockwise from left: Senior girls leaning in for a huddle; sophomore boys playing football with Shaun McDonough running for a touchdown; Ruth Ebert, Caitlin McDonough, and Morgan Montgomery kicking back; Greg Peters, Ryan Gise, and Ryan McDonough taking a break; Ben Weisberger swinging into a softball game; Sean Waithe leading a performance for his class mates.
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Mountain Day September 25,2002 This year’s Mountain Day took place at Bancroft instead of Mt. Wachusett, the traditional location. The student body donated the money saved to PS 89, a New York City school devastated by the September 11 terrorist attacks. Bolstered by good weather and good will, school spirit soared.
Right: Isaac Selkow shimmies his way to the front of the sophomore dance troupe. Also pictured left to right are Clancey Bateman, jas mine Tatum, Kris Karellas, Neena Chand, Alissa Broz, Jen Deprez, and Mike Habib. Below: The sen iors ma rch ou t onto the field to lead a cheer for the Class of 2002.
Below: Josh Woda captures a ring for the sophomores.
Above: The freshmen are all smiles as Sam Bacon leads their celebratory cheer.
Right: Senior Colin Probert looks to classmate Greta Scheibel for tips on how to hula hoop.
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Left: The sophomore class hails the coming of Alek Shapiro.
Left: Seniors Dave Nicholson and Ben Weisberger share a special moment. Below: Freshmen Allison Wallace and Angela Giannopoulos boogie down in the paired dance compe tition.
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Above: "The school sit."
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Left: Juniors Nate Holdstein, Alex M ancevice, and John Dagnello deliver a swanky a cappella ver sion of "Luck Be a Lady Tonight."
Left: Junior Stephanie Webber is held aloft by her classmates as a finale to their dance performance.
cJdonxecomlnz yAfoet a Lon<p day on the fields
Varsity Field Hockey Squad all dressed up and ready to party on the dance floor.
Erin Finicane and Eileen Gardner just full o' smiles. W e're too sexy...
And the girls strike a pose...
We're ready for our close-up.
Crutches? Ice bags? Tylenol? Bandages? Not at this dance. Girls Varsity Soccer parties hard!
Ready for the spotlight.
Right: Sarah has found a prince in Sam.
Below: Peter and Shelby share a quiet moment.
Above: Dena and Allison are all smiles. Right: Steph makes Becky a star.
Right: Who is Jamie going to choose?
Left: Somebody's hungry!
Below: Heather's caught herself a man.
Above: Zack and Dave are headed for the ranch.
Back row (1-r): Nyna Vo, Colin Probert, Sarah Allen, Jen Deprez, Emily Vasiliauskas, Jamie Yood. Front row (1-r): Tom Bacon, Dave Slatkin, Caitlin McDonough.
Student (Zouncit
Student Council had a kick@ $$ year. Besides winning multiple Oscars for our film debut in “RESPECT,” and excavating buried treasure in the depths of the archery range, we also tackled serious student concerns, including summer reading and hot lunch rations. We kicked off the year with an incredible fall, responding to 9-11 with an assembly and straw vote to keep Mountain Day on campus and send the bus money to an elementary school (P.S. 89) in Manhattan. We then focused major efforts on revising the Student Government Constitution and enticed the student body to pass a laundry list of amendments while chowing down Ciao Bella. Second semester Council hunkered down and suffered valiantly through a snow-day-less winter while passing proposals to put easy access paper towels in the commons and student readers on the Summer Reading Common Choice Committee. We visited an Administrative Committee Meeting, strove to crash a Trustee party, and had an all-around good time at our own top-secret Student Only meetings. Individual projects such as dress code enforcement, mentoring Middle School Student Council, and helping D.C. revise the Disciplinary Code captured our attention in the Spring. Looking back on this super successful year on Council, I can only thank the dedicated reps who made us proud, wearing Bulldog suits, driving unauthorized vehicles, and getting multiple infractions within a ten-minute time period. Hope next year’s crew is “Feeling Groovy!” Lots of Love M P V Y D SA B , McDonough
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Activities Board
Back row: Mr. Kondek, Ryan Gise, Justin Hawkins, Larry Atupem. Frontrow: Mrs. Salit, Sarah Shear, Abby Reid,Mindi Schultz, Caitlin McDonough, Nyna Vo, Becky Holden, Hanna Kaufman.
Great Googaly Moogaly! The Activities Board kicked major booty for the year 2001 -2002! The Board’s awesome advi sors and enthusiastic reps started off the school year with an unforgettable Home coming fashion show followed by an ex travagant Pep Rally and successful Homecoming Dance. The board not only held the annual AB events, such as the Bowling Bonanza, class competitions, and carnation sale, but the Board also debuted their hilarious carnation sale video, evaluated clubs and activities, per formed at the Lip Sync Contest, and held a hot chocolate sale. The stellar reps organized all these events while stuffing th e ir f a c e s w ith D u n k in ’ D o n u ts , a n d e n jo y e d e a c h O th e r’s C o m p a n y w h ile r e p r e S e n tin g t h e S tu d e n t b o d y . E v e n
though we had a lot of fun, the Board also helped the community by donating half of the Homecoming Dance’s profit to the Jimmy Fund in Greg Peters’ name and the proceeds from the carnation sale to the UMass Children’s Medical Center. The AB made you laugh and smile, and brightened the school with its high spirit. The board will continue to make Bancroft a funner place for everyone! -Love, Nyna
Disciplinary Committee
At the close of the Disciplinary Committee's third year in existence, the D.C. has emerged as a strong branch of student government. Casting away early shadows of being inferior to the two other branches of student government, the D.C. has continued to earn an increasing amount of trust. While sustaining the practice of reviewing disciplinary matters, this year, the D.C. has taken a more active role. We have created a movie and broadened awareness on common disciplinary issues. The D.C. says a lot about the trust the administration gives to the students; the D.C. has a visible positive impact on our community. President of the Disciplinary Committee o CD CD Q > £ Bram Geller •• tj T) o CD Jh a G X<D J Cti 3 Q CO
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Back row (l-r): Mr. Teutsch, Emily Baird, Bram Geller, Ms. Telenson. Front row (l-r): Matt Sbrogna, Paul Wright, Caitlin McDonough, Chris Chand.
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Back Row (1-r): Brain Geller, Jam ie Yood, Stephen Jararas, C hris C hand, A lek Shapiro, U yen Le, Em ily Vasiliauskas, Sean W aithe, A nnelise Pasnau, K ym G iacoppe. Front Row (1-r): Paul W right, M eghan Rea, K evin H an, Kris K arellas, A ly G lick, Jess W eisberger, Jasm ine Tatum, Ah'by Reid, Phil Glenn.
The Bancroft H osts had another successful year. Thanks to all of the hosts w ho let their guests shadow them for a day. We cou ld n 't have done it w ithout you. We are sure that prospective students and our hosts have enjoyed their tim e together. We are certain of the continued enthusiasm and support in our excit ing pizza parties, ice cream gatherings, and the H ost Program as a w hole in the year to com e. Thanks to M rs. Lam ir for keeping things organized and under control. Also a special thanks to M rs. R odriguez for being a great head of adm is sions. Bravo, w e have a host of a good time! K evin H an and M eghan Rea
The Buddy Program helps to smooth out the transition for students new to Bancroft. All new students in the Up per School are paired with "Big Bud dies," students who have been at Bancroft for one or more years. Throughout the school year, buddy pairs participate in activities such as a make-your-own-sundae party and candy hunt out in the field. Even after the first few months of school, buddies still see each other, even just to say a quick hello. Thanks to all of the bud dies, big and little, who participated in this year's program. Also, thanks to our club advisor Mrs. Salit. Zack Lewis and Jessie Feldman
Gay-Straight Alliance This year GSA contin ued to spread a mes sage of tolerance and expand our interac tions with other diver sity groups outside of the Bancroft commu nity. The GSA has grown from group discussion to newspa per articles, a movie night, and guest speakers, hoping to send a multi-dimen sional message of tolerance. - Shelby Catino, Andy Galich, Sarah Tracchio
Back row (1-r): Victoria Knight, Alex Mancevice, Andy Galica. Middle Row (1-r): Alexis Giannopoulos, Anika Sabin, Arielle Kilgore, Alexis Hawkins, Nate Holdstein. Front Row (1-r): Jenn Melia, Sarah Rulfs, Sarah Trocchio, Shelby Catino, Angela Morello.
Peer One
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This year, Peer 1 continued our mis sion of educating the Bancroft com munity. We decided to take a new approach to some long-term issues. The question boards that we put up in the hallway provided an opportu nity for the community to comment on the issues. It also helped Peer 1 get a better grasp on what concerns the student body had. Thanks to all those who made intelligent com ments. We hope our presentations have made an impact and that Bancroft students continue to make responsible decisions. - Dave Nichlson, Jesse Feldman Back Row (1-r): Dave Nicholson, Mr. Myers, Diana Desai. Front Row (1-r): Sam Bacon, Jessie Feldman, Connor Dow
As we all know, the 2001 -2002 Bancroft School year was a challenging one for our commu nity. With the events of September 11, it has been an even more challenging one for the U.S.A. Despite the damage and destruction that was caused, we as Americans stood to gether and supported each other. Americans proved that This unity is what Juntos strives for in the Bancroft com munity. We’re not talking about the unity you get in cliques or in social circles. We’re talking about the unity that comes from trusting and accepting each other for who we all are. We al I have our roots; if we could only share what makes us unique, we could connect and work together ( ) to build a stronger commu nity. — Michelle Ramirez &Adaeze Ekeson
J untos
“United We Stand.”
|Back Row (1-r): Prince Ekeson, Katie Forzley. Front Row (1-r): Steph W ebber, Adaeze Ekeson, Ms. Day Not pictured: M ichelle Ramirez
The Tour Guides club enjoyed a success ful 2001-2002 school year, with over sixty students in the program. Launch ing the year with our open house in October, we showed prospective stu dents and families all our school has to offer. The success of the open house lasted all year, resulting in several sub sequent tours and impressed families. Thank you to everyone and good luck next year. - Naomi Honig, Julia Croft
Mr. Alphabet is fun to play with. We are superheroes. We have daisies in our pockets. We collect. We hide from photo graphs. Sometimes we think of books. We are the keepers of the English closet. We steal recycled paper. Sometimes we share. Like a massive star quarterback, we like to tackle the challenge to give birth to a compi lation and combination of many literary pieces in what we like to call a literary "magazine." Although our club is mysteri ously devoid of massive quarterbacks, we do manage to bust out with a halfway decent issue every now and then. Intarsia is a secret world of wonder, and you are all invited. - Arielle Kilgore, Alex Mancerice
The Beacon The Beacon reached new heights this year with a series of excellent headline articles, diversity of opinion, and interesting content. Under the leadership of editors Elana Kaufman and Colin Probert, the paper has attracted an assortment of talented contributors. Who can forget the satiric wit of Mr. Deal, the flowing commentary of Lexi Tumolo, the thorough reporting of Emily Vasiliauskas, or the pas sionate opinions of Nate Holdstein? Address ing a variety of concerns, The Beacon has greatly increased its breadth of articles; within its pages, labor allegations have been explained, the terrors of September discussed, conserva tive politics debated, and Denise Rich inter viewed. The paper only increases in quality with each successive issue, and Bancroft can look forward to its continued growth in the months and years to come. - Elana Kaufman, Colin Probert
Back row (1-r): Matt Dinaro, Alek Shapiro, Moira Finicane, Ruth Ebert, Kristen Brownell, Caitlin McDonough, Nneka Eze, Mr. Stein, Jenn Melia, Emily Vasiliauskas. Front Row (1-r): Ryan Erickson, Colin Probert, Elana Kaufman, Lexi Tumolo.
As you can see, the yearbook was a success! We managed to meet all the deadlines... eventually. Our creative business staff put together delicious chocolate-filled bake sales and a decorative Mardi Gras. Despite the fact that we stayed on Saturdays, after school, and cropped photos during class, we did it! - Abby Alfred, Emily Dore, Steph Cohen
Back row (1-r): Dena Raffa, Moira Finicane, Nneka Eze, Steve Javaras, Sean Waithe, Chau Ho, Ruth Ebert. Middle row (1-r): Rachael Honig, Kat Radin, Elana Alfred, Brad Yayalian, Uyen Le, Ms. Wilson, Ms. Jersild. Front row (1-r): Emily Dore, Steph Cohen, Abby Alfred, Annelise Pasnau.
Back row (1-r): Sam Bacon, Alana Giannopoulos, Dave Slatkin, Chau Ho, Steve Javaras, Alek Shapiro, Angela Morello. Front row (1-r): Ariane Lenis, Kiran Patwardhan, Alana Kulig, Sue Scheufele, Mr. Dec. Photo Staff
Care Compassionate and cool were the big buddies this year A ll of the little buddies were energetic and dear Ready each Saturday for some gym and art Everyone smiled and laughed from the start Thank you to all of the big buddies who participated in CARE this year. We hope to see you all next fall! -CARE co-chairs
Back row (1-r): Jess Aversa, Dave Nicholson, Matt Sbrogna, Ben Greenberg, Alex Dow. Middle row (1-r): Alana Giannopoulos, Dorsy Yoffie, Lexi Tumolo, Dan Greenberg, Jess Weisberger, Aly Glick. Front row (1-r): Uyen Le, Margaret Bacon.
S o c ia l (Zonce’ins
Back row (1-r): Mrs. Stuhlbarg, Rachael Honig, Andrea Titus, Alissa Broz, Rachel Stevens, Sarah Allen, Alana Rose, Bram G eller, Kevin Han, Alix Lam sa, Um ar Salim i, W ill How erton. M iddle row (1-r): Jill Farragher, Emily V asiliauskas, Kiran Patw ardhan, Vera Zavin, Brianna Perley, Julie Sloane, Aly Glick, Jess W eisberger, Tram N guyen, Ha Bui, Uyen Le, Elana A lfred, Dorsy Yoffie, Sam Brown, Alek Shapiro, Mrs. Hosey. Front row (1-r): Sarah Shear, Lisa Tankanow , Lisa Schuster, Nyna Vo, Abby Alfred.
What a success! Begining with numerous walks for charity and the Thanksgiving canned food drive, Social Concerns got off to a great start. As the holiday season snuck up on us the Bancroft community gathered to collect an astonishing amount of presents for the children. In addition to collecting presents our club helped out at the DSS Christmas Party and the Refuge Apostolate. The Social Concerns members never rested. We crafted Valen tines for the elderly, shot hoops for Easter Seals, and ate pancakes for our foster children. While keeping the tradi tions of our annual activities, we also began new traditions which we hope benefited the Worcester community. We would not be able to do any of these acivities without our loyal members. Thanks for a great year! -Social Concerns Board
Horizon Horizon has been a great success this year. In addi tion to our usual big buddies, we had many freshmen join the ranks this year and add to our tight knit commu nity. The little buddies were very enthusiastic when performing The One Inch Boy play this fall, and our audience had a great time. We are very excited about our three new heads-in-training for next year and plan to apply plenty of new games and ideas to the upcoming sessions. We look forward to many continued Saturdays of fun interactions, learning, and theater, and hope to see you there! -Emma Ostrow and Elana Alfred Back row (1-r): Nneka Eze, Emily Vasiliauskas, Alexis Giannopoulos, Elana Alfred, Katherine Radin, Emma Ostrow, Stephanie Cohen, Meghan Rea, Caitlin McDonough, Siri Bream. Front row (1-r): Lisa Tankanow, Angela Giannopoulos, Nate Holdstein, Mari Rubin, Jen Kowaloff, Anu Phadke, Jamie Yood.
Care Buddies
Social Concerns
A m nesty International is a w orldw ide organization w hose goal is to p re serve the hum an rights of people. A t Bancroft, A m nesty w orks to increase student aw areness about global issues of injustice and civil rights. O ur focuses this year w ere, as usual, the freedom of the Tibetan people from C hina, and this year m ore than ever, A fghanistan. It w as a difficult year for A m nesty International, being that the w orld com m unity w as focused on the events of Septem ber 11th and the threats of terrorism and war. O ur club m anaged to stay focused and be patient, and w e planned a m ore actively engaged second half of the year, filled w ith letter w riting com paigns, protests, and presentations. Thank you to the dedicated m em bers of Amnesty. We hope you w ill all continue to fight against hum an rights abuses. - Julia C roft and Sue Scheufele
Prom 2002 was held at the Beechwood Hotel on April 27, with a post-prom event at Assumption Col lege. The theme, "Under the Stars," was complimented by an outdoor terrace and decorations that lit up the room. With a newly formed committee of students who helped us prepare for the special night, we were filled with a lot of great ideas to help create a fun, memorable night for everyone. Some of our major fundraising events in cluded a Homecoming Caramel Apple Sale, the second annual Lip Sync con test, the second annual Spaghetti Dinner/Volleyball Challenge, and multiple donut and bagel sales. We hope that everyone had an unforget table Prom 2002, and we look forward to continuing the tradition in future years. -Elana Alfred, Becky Holden, Angela Russo, Alana Giannopoulos
Back row (1-r): Mrs. Meyer, Jon Dunn, Nate Holdstein, Rebecca Kowaloff, Greg Strazzulla. Middle row (1-r): Lindsey Huchowski, Dena Raffa, Angela Russo, Alana Giannopoulous, Christi Maiella, Heather Devlin. Front row (1-r): Elana Alfred, Becky Holden.
Mrs. Meyer, Dave Nicholson, Benno Weisberger, Jess Aversa, Jon Dunn.
C an teen opened stron g th is year with two new additions to its w onderful staff. After s to c k ing up and in corp oratin g som e new selectio n s to th e m enu, sa le s sh o t up-w ithout th e help from the sm oothie m achine. The m oney m ade th is year in the ca n te e n allowed u s to provide five N intendo G am eboys with a cce sso rie s to our foster c h il dren, giving th em a very m erry C h ristm as. T h a n k you to all who buy from th e ca n teen and keep th ose tu m m ies rum bling! D ave N ic h o ls o n , Ben W eisberger, J e s s Aversa, J o n D u nn 31
True Blue True Blue is the one and only Bancroft Dance Club. Our Club was started in October of 2001. The purpose of this club is to bring out a talent that is not always shown at Bancroft. We are a new club, therefore we didn't have time to accomplish all of our goals, but we hope, in the future, to achieve much success. Thank you! -Neena Chand & Abby Reid
Back row (1-r): Mike Habib, Shaun McDonough, Chau Ho. Middle Row (1-r): Abby Reid, Neena Chand, Steph Webber. Front row (1-r): Adaeze Ekeson, Hanna Kaufman, Mindi Schultz.
Fueled by strong interest and talented students, the Ceramics Club began its first year. Par ticipation for this club soared with enthusiastic potters with various talents in different forms of clay building. Starting with students who had never been introduced to ceramics, the leaders Nate Lemay and Brooke Taylor taught basic techniques in the art of building clay. Advanced students improved their skills immensely by additional help from the leaders along with the help of Mrs. Edwards. We look forward to having a possible real club period next year and to improving our skills even more thoroughly.
Club Leaders Brooke Taylor and Nate Lemay
Dispatch the word - Blue Belles had a great year! After the tragedies of September 11th, we lifted spirits and sang of America's Beauty. Although we gave peace through the holiday season when people asked Dona Nobis Pacem, we were unable to bring snow for a White Christmas. At the very successful A cappella Jam, we made more than Two Coins and Stood By Each Other as we sang our hearts out. This whole year was so good that it was just Like a Prayer. We graduate seven seniors who will miss the fun and smiles of the Blue Belles. Keep Wishing Upon a Star Blue Belles. — Lexi Tumolo
Do you think Hawaiian pizza’s a turn on? Well everybody's free to his own opinion, but over the course, of our fourth year we've collectively determined that it's not. Yes, a cappella is in its fourth year and after the longest time, we have a name (kudos to Mrs. Yood)! This multi-colored collaboration of loving fools known as Uncommon Time has continued to amuse all. . .well at least we've amused ourselves with our many antics: tenors masquerading as Cupids, the thrill of dating Paul Wright, and exploring the Bohemian side of all of us, to name a few. Yes, in our life we've done many crazy things, but we like to think that they bring light to the dreary months when the sky is a hazy shade of winter. So that's the 1 2001-2002 in a nutshell; thanks everybody for another great year and we'll be seeing you next year. . . I — Emily Gardner, Jen Deprez j
Powder and Wig, oh how do we love thee? Let us count the ways. . . 1. Strastruck! Damce 2. How to Eat Like a Child (8th Grade Play) 3. Open Mic Night 4. The Miser (US Drama) 5. Fiddler on the Roof (US Musical) 6. Rhymba-Tiya (5th Grade Play) 7. NY Trip - Noises Off! Alas, what is there not to love? Thank ye one and all, especially Mr. B and Mrs. Hench, for another spectacular year! -love, da board
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Back row (1-r): Mr. Deal, Kristian Becker, Jenn Melia, Mr. Mathieu, Jon Smith. Front row (1-r): Alexa Dickman, Anu Phadke, Nneka Eze, Emily Baird.
Back row (1-r): Mr. Barrow, Emily Vasiliauskas, Vivek Patwardhan, Mr. Considine, Kevin Han, Eddy Arous, Jon Smith, Diana Desai, Bernadette Samko, Andrea Haas. Front row (1-r): Steve Javaras, Jonjy Ananth, Victoria Knight, Trevan Marden. 40
Debate club this year was quite a .... Composed of bright-eyed novices, and fiery veterans, we charged through the DAN EIS league leaving many unsuspecting Exonians and Phillipians by the wayside begging for mercy. W ith our five competitions, we set quite a record and established ourselves as.... Though we did not have any of last year’s “biker gang/ Jo h n Deal encounters” we still re mained very hog-wild. In addition, much thanks to the members and outof-club participants who joined in Mock Trial. We rem ain hopeful for next year and eager to dominate once again in our third year of tyrannical rule. Much Thanks, Anu and Nneka
The Varsity Math Team completed another excellent season. Our first meet of the year, on October 10, 2001, at Assabet Valley Regional Voca tional High School, began with our tie for first place in our division with Shrewsbury High School. Like our other meets, this one ended with the traditional cookie party. With JB at the wheel, the bus ride back was filled with exuberance and rejoicing. Fighting for pull position in the algebra 1 round, some found them selves at a loss having to deal with circles and all related theorems at Hartlet High School. Cookies were good, our scores were not. - Trevan Marden, Victoria Knight, Eddy Arous, Kevin Han
Back row (1-r): H anna Kaufm an, Naom i Honig, Arielle Kilgore, Prince Ekeson, Mrs. Hosey, Taverly Adam s, Diana Desai. Front row (1-r): Sarah Trocchio, Kristian Becker, Sarah Rulfs, Jenn Melia .
Estrafalario burst onto the language club scene with some friendly (?) rivalry with the Table de Francais. Though unsuccessful in our volleyball competition, the Estrafalites salsa-ed th eir way into the kitchen, created colorful pinatas, and enjoyed many a Mexican/Argentinian lunch. These fanatic Estrafalites have brought Latin American culture to the Bancroft hallways during Foreign Language Week and beyond. We can't wait to have an even more successful second year! -Naomi Honig and Hanna Kaufman uDiujno)) duudh X 6juoh .iujodnjopoijaoD sdlu uno ouo opun6as un jaua.|. Djod jo jad sa soiuapod ou soj .|.oson •p||D SDIU X OJ3 fuDJ4.X3 DUJOipi |3 p DUDIU3 5 D| 3 |UDJnp ^OJOUDg 3 p S0 |nqj4.S3 A so| o doija u jy U14.D") 3 p Djru|no D| o p p jj. uoq sa4.1pjDj4.s3 udj 6 S04.S3 souDiu)4.ua6jv' / soudo)X3 W sozjaniup soqoniu uojD4.njjsip X 'ssjo p o soipnui ap SDj-DUjd uojaioiij 'duiooo D| d ds |ds |3 uojD|iDq sa+jp^DJ+s^ so| 'p q iap A p p uopjiadujoo DJ+sanu ua oposooDJ^. o6joquja ui£ sipouDj-j ap a |q o i D| uoo popipAjj (0) opouioo oun6p uoo ojafuDJixa oiuoipi |ap sqnp so| ap ouaosa D| o oi+uodau 0uDpj.Dj4.s3
TABLE DE For the 2001-2002 school year, La Table de Francais has been more active than ever before. Our goal as a club is to practice speaking French in a supportive atmosphere as well as to learn more about French culture. Continuing the movie night and crepe dinner from last year, we also added a Haunted Halloween walk and costume party. The club continues to hold the traditional fund-raising crepe sale to finance various outings. As in the past, La Table de Francais organized Foreign Language Week, and this year with the help of the newly formed Spanish club, Estrafalario. This year is particu larly exciting because the club has organized a trip to Montreal in June. Venez nombreux! -Michael Athanasiou, Christopher Chand, Cecilia Vuillermoz
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Back row (1-r): Sebi Tamas, Mike Athanasiou, Matt Lindblad, Ben Cohen, Eddy Arous. Middle row (1-r): Cecilia Vuillermoz, Chris Chand, Nate Holdstein, Jamie Yood, Zack Lewis. Front row (1-r): Jen Deprez, Shinya Amano, Neena Chand, Abby Reid, Jill Goldstein. 41
Back row (1-r): Paul Wright, Ryan Harrington, Scott DolmatConnell, Caleb Dresser, Dan Reilly, Mr. Smith, Kirari Patwardhan, Eddy Arous, Alexis Giannopoulos, Artnalisa Olson. Front row (1-r): Moira Finicane, Lexi Tumolo, Dave Nicholson, Sam Truesdell.
Coming off a successful summer at Smith's house in Maine where we caught a bunch of small mouth bass (only Paul was skunked), we began the year excited about fly-fishing. A few weekends after school began, we went on an excursion to the Quinnapoxet River, where we saw a few small fish rise. Unfortunately, we were largely unsuccessful in our attempts to bring them home. In the fall we honed our casting skills out on the fields, and in the winter we learned how to tie some knots and we watched A River Runs Through It. The climax of the off season was our field trip to Lower 40, which was a nice way to start off spring vacation. Our trips in the spring were a success, and even Paul caught a fish. We are sure that the Bancroft Fly-Fishing Club will continue to attract anglers and enjoy success. Bodkin forever! —Dave Nicholson, Greta Scheibel, Sam Truesdell
OUTING AND SCIENCE Back row (1-r): Caleb Dresser, Lexi Tumolo, Paul Wright, Meghan Rea, Ryan Harrington, Pat Rea, Anu Phadke. Front row (1-r): Sam Truesdell, Ruth Ebert, Caitlin McDonough.
The 2001-2002 Bancroft Outing and Science Club had a very successful year. One of the most successful in the history of the club, actually. The members of the club really pulled together and were able to get many projects off the ground. The club was able to organize trips to the Nashua River to help clean it up, a trip to the Omni Theater, and an ice skating trip. The highlight of the year was the broadening of our club to encompass ocean life. We also had a successful blood drive in March, which after the September 11th tragedies drew more support than ever. We want to thank our members and supporters for always coming to the meetings and adding their insight on the environment. From the fun facts on the board to awesome trips on the T and in the canoes, we want to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to Mrs. Pearson and Mr. Teutsch for a great four years of Outing and Science fun! Thank you again and to next year's heads: Keep up the fun times! Ruth Ebert and Sam Truesdell 42
Back row (1-r): Eric Magnuson, Sam Jeppson, Sean Waithe, Brewster Kanis. Middle row (1-r): Moira Finicane, Jill Goldstein, Charles Gamma 1, Bruce Baird, Tom Bacon, Jake Remillard, Jon Dahlberg, Sam Bacon, Ryan Gise, Connor Dow, Vivek Patwardhan, Zack Lewis, Pat Rea, Eddy Arous, Qasim Salimi. Front row (1-r): Leah Harnos, Andrea Haas, Dan Greenberg, Mr. Smith, Jonjy Ananth, Isaac Selkow.
T his y ear th e Ping-Pong C lub con tin u ed to have a large following. W ith s u c h powerful new m em b ers like J o n “th e a n im a l” D ahlberg and S e a n “th e en forcer” W aithe and retu rn in g p ow erhou ses like C h u ck “w ear th e p a n ts in th e rela tio n sh ip ” G am m al and Stevo Ja v a r a s , th e clu b thrived. We w ere able to play a b u n ch of friendly gam es of pong w hile enjoying som e com petitive to u rn a m e n ts am on g st ou rselves and w ith W orcester Academ y. T h e Ping-Pong C lub h ad a g reat y ear and looks forw ard to c o n tinued su c c e ss! — Eddy A rous & M oira F in ica n e
Memories of Meaux
Michelle Ramirez
Remember our French friend Audrey Colas who came to Bancroft for the 2000-2001 school year? Well, for the whole first semester of this school year Audrey and her family welcomed me into their home in Meaux and made me an honorary Colas. Every morning I woke up to eat my petit dejeuner of pain au chocolat and orange juice. I went to lycee (high school) with Audrey and studied like any other French student. The biggest meal of the day was lunch, and I will never forget how delicious French cuisine can be. Other than excellent cuisine, I was fortunate to visit monuments such as la tour Eiffel and YArc de Triomphe. I also had the opportunity to explore two chateaug, le Chateau de Chenonceau and le Chateau de Chambord. Everywhere I turned in France, there was always something interesting to see, something with historical significance. I loved the way the city streets were lined with hundreds of boutiques and how the country fields were so green and open. I appreciated every moment of my time in France. If I could have that experience again, I definitely would.
Venimus, Vidimus, Vicimus.
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Men's Cross Country
Back Row (1-r): Coach Lappin, Zack Lewis, Kevin Brownell, Kevin Han, Eric Magnuson, Colin Probert, Christian Seale, Robert Weir, Coach O'Brien. Front Row (1-r): Scott Dolmat-Connell, David Eypper, Josh Lubatkin, Jake Remillard, Greg Strazzulla. Not pictured: Ben Weisberger
This year the Men's Cross-Country Team was very success ful. We were a very young team, and five of our top six runners were sophomores and freshmen; the only exception was senior Josh Lubatkin. Returning all-star Jake Remillard battled through nagging injuries to finish with another strong season, and freshman Scott Dolmat-Connell had a breakout season and emerged as a team leader. Dave Eypper overcame a serious early injury to have an amazing season, finishing fifth overall in the NEPSAC race. Kevin Brownell and Zack Lewis keyed many wins by displacing runners from other schools, while Benno Weisberger and Colin Probert, who both ran in constantly sleep-deprived states, provided us with depth. Also providing depth were Greg Strazzulla and Kevin Han, who persevered through a near-death experience with killer bees. The season started at Pingree where we destroyed both Pingree and Berwick. As the season progressed, we were able to crush the compe tition, in and out of the league. At the start of the post-season the boys were undefeated. We dominated the E1L and NEPSAC meets, both held at Pingree. We took home the championship with our runners holding six of the top sixteen positions. The team was sparked by freshman Christian Seale, who out of nowhere appeared and took the number two spot on the team. Josh finished second in NEPSACs and Christian finished a strong third. Josh led the team to an undefeated season and another championship. Next year's team will be led by captains Dave and Jake. Good Luck on your future championships and keep the traditions alive - all of them! 48
-Josh Lubatkin
Women's Cross Country We come in small numbers!! The Women's Cross Country team started the season looking for our sixth straight league title, even after graduating the number three captain last spring. Fortunately we acquired senior Emily Dore! Led by league MVP Kristen Brownell the girls ran through the regu lar season despite mono (Sue) and butt spasms (Anika). At New England's, senior captains Caitlin McDonough and Nyna Vo brought home the heavy plaque for first place team division four! With top performances by Kristen (2), Caitlin (8), Alix (14), Nyna (15) and Anika (18) the team destroyed the competition. Emily and Alexis also ran their best races at EIL's and NEPSAC's. Congratulations to the 2001 Girls XC Team. We drink Dr. Pepper and we run with reckless abandon!!
-Caitlin McDonough and Nyna Vo
Captain Nyna Vo finishes strong.
Back Row (I-r): Coach Lappin, Alexis Hawkins, Emily Dore, Kristen Brownell, Anika Sabin, Coach O'Brien. Front Row (1-r): Captains Caitlin McDonough, Nyna Vo.
After the loss of nine seniors from last year’s Squad2K, this year’s Squad2K1 enjoyed many fun yet challenging moments. Presented with a fresh, new team of many young players, we learned how to work together to win on the field once again. Our first few games were against tough, non-league teams; however, they helped us strengthen our skills for games against our own tough EIL opponents. Five energetic seniors led Squad2K1: Jessica “JJ” Aversa, Meghan “Tude” Rea, Becky “Give It a Ride” Holden, Lexi “Feet” Tumolo, and Stephanie “Meist” Cohen, along with our returning juniors Angela Russo, Ariane Lenis, and Anu Phadke. Newcomers Heather Devlin, Adrienne Marois, Allison Wallace, Dana Fuhrmann, Emily Baird, and Alissa Broz all brought new talents to the team. As the season progressed we continued the Squad’s traditions of cage, warheads, game sprints, and multiple team dinners. A highlight of our season was our game against Concord Academy. We were able to knock them out of their undefeated position in the league with a 3-0 victory on their field. Next year, the seniors will be missed, but hopefully the Squad of 2002 will be able to take back the league title! ~ Jess Aversa, Meg Rea, Angela Russo '
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Junior Varsity
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Back Row (1-r): Alissa Broz, Heather Devlin, Lexi Tumolo, Dana Fuhrmann, Becky Holden, Allison Wallace, Anu Phadke, Coach Gerhardt. Front Row (1-r): Ariane Lenis, Emily Baird, Angela Russo, Meghan Rea, Jess Aversa, Adrienne Marois, Stephanie Cohen. 50
Back Row (1-r): Vera Zavin, Molly Scannell, Susan Flanagan, Kim Proos, Eileen Gardner, Jasmine Tatum, Jaclene Coit, Cali O'Connor, Coach Jasperson. Front Row (1-r): Kim Giacoppe, Liz Eypper, Becky Slatkin, Monica Picard, Christina Athanasiou.
Golf Team
Back Row (l-r): Dave Gerhardt, Matt Sbrogna, Connor Ryan, Coach Salit. Front Row (l-r): Scott Nicholson, Bruce Baird, Chris Finn, James Magnuson, Dave Slatkin. Not pictured: Joshua Jasinski, Dan iNeslusan.
Coming into this season, the golf team, led by captain Chris Finn, realized that it would be a challenging year due to the team's lack of experience. Though our team record was 4-9, we were able to play well against the better teams in the league; in fact, we almost beat the E.I.L. co-champions at our home course. Dave Gerhardt was the number two man (4-7-2); followed by the middleman, number three Scott Nicholson (4-8-1); and number four, Connor Ryan (4-6-1). Our number five, Bruce Baird (4-6-2), was also our Most Improved Player. We also had help from Dave Slatkin, who earned the sportsmanship award, and two new players, Joshua Jasinski and Dan Neslusan. Our Most Valuable Player was Chris Finn, who earned an EIL All-Star award and has high expectations for the 2002 golf team. Next year we will make a run for the league championship! I I
~ Chris Finn
M en's Varsity Soccer
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Back Row (1—r): Sam Brown, Vivek Patwardhan, Yury Alkhazov, Ryan McDonough, Kristian Becker, Owusu Achamfour, Peter Habib. Middle Row (1-r): Coach Spreadbury, Darren Howerton, Shaun McDonough, Jeff Reisner, Nathan Lemay, Brewster Kanis, Josh Woda, Bram Geller, Paul Wright. Front Row (1-r): Will Howerton, Dave Nicholson, Sam Truesdell.
The Men's Varsity Soccer Team had a fantastic year. Under the guidance of the new head coach, Kevin Spreadbury, we started the season by tying the league champion Berwick team. We spent our practices throughout the season working to stay in shape and to improve both indi vidual and team skills. All our hard work paid off as we managed a four-game winning streak early in the season. Our biggest victory was an emotional defeat of LCA at their own homecom ing, where our goalie Nathan Lemay played like a champ. Anchored by the senior captains Sam Truesdell and David Nicholson, along with Bram Geller, the team prevented high-scoring games; however, we lacked the potent offense required to score goals in our league. We ended the sea son with a disappointing loss at Berwick, but our spirits were high as we left the field, thanks to a last-minute goal by Sam Truesdell. Thanks to Coach Spreadbury and Coach Ford for a great season. Good luck to all the returning players, and keep playing soccer. -David Nicholson, Sam Truesdell, William Howerton 52
Men's JV Soccer
Back Row (1—r): Coach Ford, Mike Shusta, Teddy Perrin, Mike Bloom, Ryan Harrington, Josh Woda, Patrick Rea, Mike Habib. Front Row (1-r): Sam Bacon, Peter Habib, Yury Alkhazov, Isaac Selkow, Tom Bacon.
Women's Varsi
Back Row (1-r): Coach Salit, Lindsey Huchowski, Sarah Allen, Jess Magnuson, Naomi Honig, Siri Bream, Nneka Eze, Emily Vasiliauskas. Front Row (1-r): Jill Goldstein, Abby Reid, Margaret Bacon, Julia Croft, Leah Manchester, Alana Kulig. Not pictured: Hillary Myers
The W omen's Varsity Soccer Team, well, let's just say we faced a few setbacks this season. Com ing out strong, captains Margaret Bacon and Julia Croft had high hopes of w inning the EIL Cham pionship and possibly advancing to the NEPSAC Tournament. Unfortunately, the team was cursed with a num ber of serious injuries. After captain Julia Croft tore her ACL during the first scrimm age before the start of the season, the team lost captain Margaret Bacon to a torn ACL, senior Alana Kulig to a dislocated shoulder, senior Hillary Myers to painful ankle problems, and freshman starter Jess M agnuson to juvenile arthritis. Plagued by many other small injuries, the team at one point had lost half of its starters. Despite this spell of bad luck, the players' spirits remained high throughout the season. All of the injured players remained comm itted and attended every game and practice, despite their inability to participate. Our record by the end of the season does not come close to reflecting the overwhelm ing dedication all of the players had to the team. Three players were recognized as EIL All-Stars: senior captain Margaret Bacon, sophomore Jill Goldstein, and freshman Sarah Allen. The underclassmen really stepped it up this season, filling spots of our greatly missed former seniors. We have high hopes for the upcoming season and faith that we've gotten rid of ALL of our bad luck! GOOD LUCK next year ladies! Margaret Bacon and Julia Croft
Women's JV Soccer
Back Row (1-r): Kelsey McDonough, Kiran Patwardhan, Courtney Silva, Andrea Haas, Rachel Stevens, Anna Engelsted, Coach Donald Bamburger. Front Row (1-r): Annalise Pasnau, Rachael Brill, Julia Engelsted, Angela Giannopoulos, Mindi Schultz.
M en's Basketball Varsity
Back row (1—r): Coach O'Brien, Dave Gerhardt, Eldraen Pharr, Bruce Baird, Eric Magnuson, Jon Dunn, Darren Howerton, Coach Bellino. Front row (1—r): A.J. Bellino, Larry Atupem, Josh Lubatkin. Not pictured: Ben Weisberger
This year's Men's Varsity Basketball Team battled through many obstacles to have another strong season. The season started off on a rough note with a loss to PCD and a double overtime loss to Wheeler by two points. After an extremely hard early season, the team was able to rip off a huge mid-season winning streak. We won nine in a row and one over class B school Pomfret. We were the only league team to beat Beaver, the 2001-2002 league champions. Senior Benno Weisberger was a key to the team's success, providing leadership on and off the court. The team also received key contributions from Jon Dunn and Eric Magnuson, who gave the team great hustle and re bounding. The team was led by its three all-stars Darren, Larry, and Josh. Darren emerged as a defensive stopper shutting down some of the best players in the league. Larry came on to dominate the inside with scoring, rebounding, and blocking shots. Larry ended the season averaging over 18ppg and second in the EIL in scoring, despite his extremely frail frame. Josh continued to rack up the assists and finally started to shoot a little scoring over 300 points for the season. He finished out his career as the all-time assist leader with 701 assists. Two of this season's highlights included Larry and Josh both scoring career highs of 31 points, although Larry crossed mad kids up, including Josh, from his own team braking his ankles in two and sending him to the emergency room. Next year's team will miss Larry, Benno, and Josh, but the future looks very bright with one of the strongest freshman classes in years. They will be young and will depend on the further improve ment of Darren, Eric, Jon (next year's captain), Bruce, Dave, Dan, Christian, and Eldraen. —Josh Lubatkin and Larry Atupem
Junior Varsity
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Back row (1-r): Josh Jasinski, Qasim Salimi, Sean Waithe, Dan Neslusan, Teddy Perrin, Coach Bellino. Front row (1-r): Charles Gammal, Brandon Smith, Christian Seale, Dan Greenberg, Pat Rea, Phil Glenn.
Women's Basketball D espite our gam e record, Bancroft Varsity W om en's Basketball played a successful season. W ith a you ng team consisting of only one senior, one junior, four sophom ores, and three freshm en (and a new coach), w e had little experience and lots of learning. We had a rough start to the season, still learning how to play as a team , but as the season progressed, w e im proved as a w hole and played better and better together. O ur shooting, passing, defense, and overall attitude im proved. We learned how to accept and learn from defeat and appreciate success.
—Abby Alfred
Back row (1—r): Coach Wortmann, Kiran Patwardhan, Jess Magnuson, Eileen Gardner, Jess Weisberger, Jasmine Tatum, Allison Wallace, Lisa Tankanow. Front row (1—r): Abby Alfred, Jill Goldstein.
Junior Varsity
Back row (1-r): Coach Spreadbury, Rose-Ellen El Khoury, Taverly Adams, Alexa Dickman, Diana Haynes, Courtney Silva. Front row (1-r): Annelise Pasnau, Amy Hopkinson.
Ski Team
Back row (1-r): Coach Darcy Cornell, Connor Dow, Mike Bloom, Dave Filiberti, Erik Pearson, Nate Lemay, Dave Slatkin, Kevin Brownell, Dave Eypper. Middle row (1-r): Scott Nicholson, Ryan McDonough, Jake Remillard, Ruth Ebert, Annalisa Olson. Front row (1-r): Aly Glick, Scott DolmatConnell, Alex Dow, Chris Finn, Dana Fuhrmann, Emily Baird.
This season started off with a surplus of skiers for the men's team and barely enough for the women's team. With intense dry-land training, including running up Wachusett Mountain for the time trials, our season started off well. Although mother nature did provide a bit of a challenge for skiers everywhere, we finally made it to the mountain for snow training four days before our first race. Our first race allowed some of our younger racers, along with the veterans, to win Bancroft some crucial points. The first race put the men in first place and the women in third place. The remaining races served to increase the men's lead over rival Worcester Academy and secure the third spot for the women. When the season ended the men finished in first and the women in third, with a com bined second place overall. Along with strong team standings, Bancroft ended up with some extraordinary individual standings, including junior Nathan Lemay, who led the men's team with an impressive second place, and freshman Scott Dolmat-Connell, who won third place. The women's team had freshman Emily Baird leading the way with a strong eighth place. The women's team will lose two seniors this spring, but will hope fully add some strong new skiers to next year's squad. We have confidence that next year's season will p>rove to be very successful. 1
— Alex Dow and Chris Finn
Women's Volleyball Varsity
Back row (1-r): Coach Paul Salit, Stephanie Connors, Sarah Allen, Adaeze Ekeson, Alissa Broz, Nyna Vo, Siri Bream, Coach Bob Stein. Front row (1-r): Uyen Le, Leah Manchester, Emily Dore, Dena Raffa, Emily Vasiliauskas, Angela Giannopoulos.
The 2001-2002 Varsity Volleyball Team w as extrem ely successful this year. We started the season w ith the goal to qualify for the N ew England Tournam ent, a goal to be accom plished only by taking first or second place in the EIL tournam ent. W ith a lot of hard w ork, discipline, and fun, we earned second place and a coveted spot in the N ew England Tournam ent. This w as our greatest accom plishm ent of the season. O ur team has grow n together and has bonded. The seniors w ill m iss this team greatly and they w ish everyone the b est in the future. - Em ily D ore and D ena Raffa
Junior Varsity
Back row (1-r): Christiana Maiella, Leah Hamos, Andrea Titus, Naomi Honig, Bernadette Samko, Rachel Stevens, Coach Paul Salit. Front row (1-r): Noelle Crooks, Brianna Perlev, Nicole Legassey, Vera Zavin, Jennifer Kowaloff, Mari Rubin.
Friends on and off the court
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Head Administrators
Scott Reisinger Headmaster
Bruce Pollock Head of Upper School
Roger Jones Head of Middle School
Helen Seale Head of Lower School
Charlie Aleksiewicz
Bill Bagley
Mary Bagley
Ellie Ballard
Lydia Barter
Danette Day
Betsy Engvall
Joanne Fortin
Janet Kelly
Debbie Lamir
Lisa Leach
Peg MacGilpin
Cathy Meyer
Margery Miller
Mike Mooney
Janice Morello
Victoria Mulligan
Alain Ndagijimana
Kathy Perry
Cara Philbin
Vicki Powers
Iris Rodriguez
Barbara Rodrique
Lynn St. Germain
Ann Vanosdol
Sandra Welch
Fordyce Williams
Julie Salit
Lower School Faculty
Halley Allen
Emmanuelle Jette
Karen Johnson
Lisa Kunhardt
Andrea Mitchell
Patricia Oyer
Julie Parkinson
Judith Sbrogna
Sheryl Schutter
Elaine Shack
Jo Truesdell
Kristen Tupper
Mara Lap pin
Susanna Williams
Shiva Aliabadi
Carolyn Archie
Brooke Belcher
John Deal
Don McMillan
Jamie Paul
Laurie Stuhlbarg
Stephen White
Paul Belanger
Marilyn Butler
Bob Dec
Mary Edwards
Matt Glenn
Lea Hench
Paul Kelly
Margaret McCandless
Winslow Myers
Stephanie Feo
Martha Hosey
Gary Mathieu :V
Becca McGowan
Nicolina Puccio
Drew Cummings
Nadine Telenson
Karen Wilson
Scott Baker
Fred Bavon
Karen Jersild
Dennis Trocchio
Nicole Zito
Kathy Young
Ken Considine
Paul Salit
Bill Perrine
Bonnie Macpherson
Mark Smith
Kim VanderSpek
Sylvia Bullock
Jane Crooks
Joan Carlson
Brian Kondek
Darcy Cornell
Amy Pearson
Mark Teutsch
Bud Brooks
Elisa Hein richer
Peter McKone
Bob Stein
Russ Enlow
Jane Gerhardt
Ann J as person
Mark O'Brien
April Wortmann
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Steve Kelley
Ray Auren
Terry Bartkus
Helen Keaney
Cindy Kelly
Mary Ann Lavin
Not pictured: Lise Mercier
Maintenance Back Row (1-r): Paul DeCarlo, Kevin Larkin, John Esslinger, Dick Barriere, Julius Powell, Jim O'Rourke Front Row (1-r): Fernando Santos, Jon Esslinger, Willy Gould
Back Row (1-r): Joseph Evangelista, Patrick El Khoury, Caitlyn Richmond, Julia Witt, Genevieve Markees, Katherine Restrepo, Mrs. Mitchell Front Row (1-r): Mrs. Tupper, Rocco DiVerdi, Maria Anthony, Allison McCarthy, Todd Wetzel, Anna Milton, Robert Giacomelli, Dylan McDonough, Mark Sullivan s Q
Back Row (1-r): Adrienne Chodnowsky, Madeline Beecher, Laurel Wills, Olivia Titcomb, Mrs. Holden Middle Row (1-r): Jacob Peckar, Rebecca Elkinson, Eloise Harrington, Jimmy Langway, David Millette, Collin Orr Front Row (1-r): Tyler Packard, Margaret Gardner, Amanda Kondek, Taline Migridichian, Andrew Foreman, Robbie Wetzel
Back Row (1-r): Jesse Dewey, Katie Howard, Isabella Tropeano, Isaac Greenawalt, Jackson Venditti, Connor Palatucci, Kendall Pomeroy Front Row (1-r): Mrs. Truesdell, Lauren Lavine, Neelu Mohaghegh, Paul Friedman, Danya Li, Amanda Scudder, Emory Payne, Emma Keates, Mrs. Schutter
Back Row (1-r): Mrs. Allen, Casey Wagner, Jenna Marcus, Amelia Erskine, Samantha Greenberg, Robert Donohue Middle Row (1-r): Emily Brunell, Cameron McMillan, Ellery Gibbs, Christopher Leonard, Rebecca Seiple Front Row (1-r): Alexis Packard, Mara Dougherty, Natalie Paul, Greg Loring, Daniel Clemson, Rachel Levy
Back Row (1-r): Nate Crowley, Jonah Greenawalt, Sabrina Roy, Caleb Fujimori, Danielle Cahn Middle Row (1-r): Kelly Goonan, Rachel Hahn, Ryan Venditti, Brandon Radziewicz, Courtney Cochrane Front Row (1-r): Jack Bausch, Elizabeth Johnson, Hannah Reisinger, Shannon O'Brien, Lauren Lorkiewicz, Katie Oliver, Mrs. Lappin
Back Row (1-r): Elena Cochrane, Rebecca Siladi, Jenny Wallace, Rebecca Ayres Middle Row (1-r): David Kapaon, Keely Sullivan, Alex Witt, Aiko Suyemoto, Adedeji Fajana, Ben Cuba Front Row (1-r): Stefan Cepko, Mikaela Barton, Sam Fujimori, Ruth diBuono, John-Mark Anthony, Emily Johnson
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Back Row (1-r): Mrs. Allen, Caroline Brown, Maggie Kush, Josh Erban, Solon Kelleher, Alex Schutter, Matt Kapaon, Sam Millette Front Row (1-r): Alison Weiner, Zoe Richman, Sritarini Relangi, Matt McKone, Rachel Fahlstram, Ross Honig, Lauren McCarthy
Back Row (1-r): Mitchell Wills, Caleb Greenawalt, Thomas Gardner, Connor Richmond, Elisabeth Tadiri, Heather Loring, Arjuna Keshavan, Ms. Williams Front Row (1-r): Katie Palatucci, Emily Proos, Ursula Munger, Jaclyn Danko, Curtiss Pomeroy, Ryan Burns, Lucas Gherbesi
Back Row (1-r): Dana H ershm an, Mrs. Shack, M ichael Gale, Sarah Bousquet, Tiffany Soobitsky, TJ Kinisky, Elizabeth Perez, Remy Jette, M eg Anderson Front Row (1-r): Trevor Pendleton, Nate Sans, Abigail Ayres, Sarah Calm , Steven M igridichian, Robert Duckworth, Sean Fujim ori
Back Row (1-r): N oah M cM illan, Jackson Karpiez, David M ack, Zack M endel, Charlie Peckar, Sarah KelleyM iddle Row (1-r): Christina Cervini, Joey Venditti, David Stillm an, Alexandra Yanoff, Evan Berg, Ashley Sparhaw k Front Row (1-r): Mrs. Parkinson, M icaela Palerm o, Matt Caron, Clara Zinm an, Jesse Clark, Kaitlyn W itt
■ W
Back Row (1-r): Taylor Ryan, Jim Kelley, Alden Rurnl, Caroline Tocci, Trudy Crow ley, Griffin Reilly M iddle Row (1-r): Mrs. H om m es, Sam Broadhurst, M ichael Dougherty, Elizabeth Slepchuk, Cristi O' Connor, Ben Paul Front Row (1-r): Ben Erban, Rachel G erhardt, Victoria Piktelis, Isabelle Englested, N atasha Guha, Albert M itchell, Brad Marcus
Back Row (1-r): Jackson Stell, Jessica Fujim ori, Christopher Bullock, A llison Bennett, Ben Camp, Adam M endel M iddle Row (1-r): Dan Cole, M aia Selkow, Eric Proos, Meg Terrill, Laura Crow ley, A lexander Heinricker Front Row (1-r): Ms. Johnson, Victoria Bausch, Sarah Tadiri, Laura M ilton, Elizabeth dibuona, Darcy M cDonough, Josh Sans
Elizabeth Allen Nicole Asbridge Lucy Baird Elizabeth Breen Kara Brownell Michaela Brunell Benjamin Bryant
Isaac Camp Robert Caron Sarah Chase Monika Chitre Ellen Dahlberg Alis Deliallisi Bryn Digney
Spencer Doehlert Gabriel Drapos Bridget Dunigan Adele Erskine Michael Farragher Samuel Finkelstein Noelle Fura
April Gammal Michael Harrington Cassandra Hayes Tara Jacobsen Tarik Kafel Alexis Kelleher Sangita Keshavan
Faraan Khan Thomas Killeen Katrina Lamsa Alexander LaRose Nicholas LoPresti Stephanie Lund Nicholas Marois Joshua Minor Naomi Ostrow Aidan Payne Catherine Philbin Krystyanna Ramsdell Michelle Remillard Julia Scheier
Jake Schuster Adam Shepro Robert Shine Caitlin Snider Marv Kate Stone J Lucia Vairo Ellen Vancelette
Rachel Weiner Isabel Zinman
Hillarv Adams j Nicholas Alunni Alena Amano Katherine Anderson Michelle Arous Daniel Asbridge Ryan Bateman Meagan Bousquet Aaron Brown Colin Campbell Mackenzie Carroll Benjamin Cole Lisbet Crowley Tucker Cushing
Melanie Dec Winslow Dresser Alyse Dunn Susan El Khoury Kingsley Essien Elizabeth Eze Rebecca Fahlstrom Arielle Filiberti William Fitzpatrick Karl Gazdowski Florencia Gherbesi Jared Glick Justin Hamer Stephanie Jacques Cynthia Javaras L. Eric Jones Heather Karellas Dorothy Kelleher Catherine Knight Laura Lenis Dana Li Noah Ligeti Caitlin Meyer Sarah Neslusan Maarit Ostrow Christopher Palatucci Paul Dale Pedevillano Tanner Pendleton Nicole Peterson Julia Probert Julene Radziewicz Max Richman Alex Rose William Short Sarah Stillman Christina Tadiri Eric Tankanow Joshua Torrey Adrienne Vairo Lucie Wall Gifford Williams Taylor Zork
Mary Anderson Christina Athanasiou Anthony Aversa Baird Bream Rachael Brill Henry Chase William Chilton
Meredith Crawford David Crowley Lucy Crowley Joel Cutler Myles Dunigan Jared Ellison Anna Engelsted
Julia Engelsted Nathaniel Erskine Elizabeth Eypper Morenike Fajana Isabel Fay Siobhan Finicane Susan Flanagan
Christopher Frendl Roseann Gammal Stephanie Ganias Elizabeth Gardner Ingrid Guha Timothy Harrington Brett Hershman
\v . .■■■
Estelle Hirsh Laura Honig Daniel Hvney Julia Karpicz Sarah Kinisky Michael Lefemine Benjamin Lund
Adrienne Marois Shannon McAuliffe Kelsey McDonough Timothy McKone Bradley Nicholson Elizabeth Nigro Cali O'Connor J
Samuel Ostrow Andrew Philbin Monica Picard Emily Pietro Monique Remillard Melissa Scannell Kristin Shea Rebecca Slatkin Matthew Stepanski James Terrill Alissa Trepman Stephen Ursprung Giles Wells Davis Woodruff Not Pictured: Matthew Glcik Jesse Vaughn
7S><\ncfio'kt A t t e n d s Below: Ride 'em cowboy!
Left: Ben, James and Jess chillin' in the Commons.
Below: Chau, Siri, Uyen, Chris and Trung spend the night on the town.
Above: Alana flirts with troopers Eddie and Paul to get out of a ticket.
Taverly Adams
Sarah Allen
Samuel Bacon
Thomas Bacon
Emily Baird
Michael Bloom
Samuel Brown
Jaclene Coit
Stephanie Connors
Noelle Crooks
Jonathan Dahlberg
Alexa Dickman
Scott Dolmat-Connell
Connor Dow
Caleb Dresser
Rose-Ellen El Khoury
Ryan Erickson
Jill Farragher
Katherine Forzley
Dana Fuhrmann
David Gerhardt
Kymberlee Giacoppe
Angela Giannopoulos
Daniel Greenberg
Andrea Haas
Diana Haynes
Hannah Holdstein
Amy Hopkinson
Darren Howerton
Joshua Jasinski
Stephen Javaras
Jennifer Kowaloff
Hung Le
Lam Lieu
Scott Lindblad
Jessica Magnuson
Heather Melling
Daniel Neslusan
Annelise Pasnau
Brianna Perley
Eldraen Pharr
Samuel Pope
Kimberly Proos
Daniel Reilly
Alana Rose
Qasim Salimi
Bernadette Samko
Melinda Schultz
Eliza Schuster
Christian Seale
Michael Shusta
Courtnev Silva
Brandon Smith
Jordan Smotherman
Rachel Stevens
Sarah Shear
Left: Thanks Mike, I needed that!
Right: Happy Halloween, but watch out with that knife!
Left: Mari takes center stage among the freshmen.
Below: Christian does his Mr. Bayon impression.
Left: Dan always makes Qasim smile.
Above: Courtney, Lisa and Jess, three amigos.
Above: That's Bacon, Tom Bacon, student council rep.
Owusu Achamfour
Bruce Baird
Clancey Bateman
Kristian Becker
Kevin Brownell
Alissa Broz
Ha Bui
Neena Chand
Michael Clifford
Jacob Cutler
Jennifer Deprez
Matthew Dinaro
David Eypper
Larissa Ferreira
Erin Finicane
Ryan Gise
Philip Glenn
Alyson Glick
Eileen Gardner
Jill Goldstein
Michael Habib
Leah Hamos
Angela Morello
Kyle Lesniewski
Ryan Marcoux
Ryan iMcDonough
Shaun McDonough
Scott Nicholson
Scott Nystrom
Vivek Patwardhan
Erik Pearson
Edward Perrin
No Photo Available
Gregory Peters
Patrick Rea
Abigail Reid
Jeffrey Reisner
Arthur Remillard
Sarah Rulfs
Connor Ryan
Anika Sabin
Matthew Sbrogna
Caroline Scarmell
Stephen Scheufele
Isaac Selkow
Alek Shapiro
David Slatkin
Julie Sloane
Jasmine Tatum
Andrea Titus
Brian Tobia
Sarah Trocchio
Joseph Vairo
Sean Waithe
Jessica Weisberger
Joshua Woda
5 • **
' •
Sophomore Shots
Above: ♦ Super couple Clancey and Ryan
Above: Dave and Sarah hangin' out at the sophomore chairs.
I f
Above: Abby's last minute studying.
Above: Phil working hard on a project.
% Left: The shining stars!
Below: Taking a break during a free.
Above: Alexis, what ar£ you doing?
Left: Lunch break!
87 i
Jonjy Ananth
Edward Arous
Michael Athanasiou
Anthony Bellino
Kristen Brownell
Shelby Catino
Benjamin Cohen
John Dagnello
Diana Desai
Heather Devlin
Alexander Dow
Jonathan Dunn
Adaeze Ekeson
Nneka Eze
Joshua Faucher
David Filiberti
Christopher Finn
Justin Hawkins
Nathan Holdstein
Naomi Honig
Rachael Honig
William Howerton
Lindsey Huchowski
Samuel Jeppson
Hanna Kaufman
Arielle Kilgore
Nathan Lemay
Ariane Lenis
Matthew Lindblad
Eric Magnuson
James Magnuson
Christiana Maiella
Alexander Mancevice
Leah Manchester
Matthew Marcoux
Jennifer Melia
Tram Nguyen
Kiran Patwardhan
Anuradha Phadke
Michelle Ramirez
Angela Russo
Umar Salimi
Matthew Shack
Jonathan Smith
Sebastian Tamas
Emily Vasiliauskas
Stephanie Webber
Robert Weir
Eric Wells
Paul Wright
Andrew Yee
Benjamin Yood
Vera Zavin
Meet the Juniors ... Right: "It's gonna be Paul!"
Right: Lindsey, A lana, A ngela, and Ariane with ladies' man, Matt.
Below: Tram and Jonjy chillin' like villains in the Tech Center.
...And five, six, seven, eight...
The hosts of the lip sync contest, Justin, James, and John.
Left: Dave is just relieved he doesn't have to put his hand in that goop. Below: Hello, earth to Chris!
Next year's stars!
The honor of your presence is requested at the coronation of Ben Cohen.
A night out with the Bear, Brains and Brawn.
Senior Superlatives
R obert A. - m ost likely to get his own zip code Abby A. - m ost upfront Elana A. - m ost likely to kill a good joke or story Yury A. - m ost likely to never arrive to anything on tim e Shinya A. - m ost likely to live in France Larry A. - best tessellation Jess A. - biggest teeny-bopper M argaret B. - m ost likely to be J u lia ’s co-captain in the W orld Cup Siri B. - m ost likely to have a caffeine overdose Chris C. - best cars S tephanie C. - least likely to dem onstrate volum e control Julia C. - m ost likely to be M arga ret’s co-captain in the W orld Cup A lyssa D. - m ost likely to be a dancing queen Em ily D. - m ost likely to be on the O lym pic volleyball team Ruth E. - m ost likely to have five crushes in one day Prince E. - m ost likely to be a 500-pound body builder Jessie F. - w ackiest M oira F. - kindest heart Emily G. - m ost likely to m arry her high school sw eetheart Bram G. - m ost likely to be a politician A lexis G. - m ost likely to be a pop star Ben G. - m ost likely to be best friends with Colin in 50 years Peter H. - m ost likely to be seen on the cover of GQ Kevin H. - m ost hyperkinetic Chau H. - m ost am ount of gel used on one head of hair Becky H. - m ost likely to be a fashion designer Elana K. - m ost likely to be the editor of a prestigious new spaper R ebecca K. - m ost likely to live in England Alana K. - m ost likely to be a bunny Uyen L. - m ost likely to get an infraction Nicole L.- m ost likely to be the first one to get m arried Zach L.- m ost likely to be like Bob Stein Josh L.- m ost random Trevan M.- frien d lie st Caitlin M.- m ost likely to be the first lady M organ M.- m ost likely to be a stage m anager on Broadw ay H illary M.- m ost likely to hurt herself Trung N.- m ost likely to star in the next Karate Kid movie Dave N.- m ost likely to be seen driving his tra cto r around G rafton in tw enty years A nnalisa O.- m ost likely to spend all of her m oney at D unkin’ Donuts Emma O.- m ost likely to be a star on SNL C olin P.- m ost likely to be a Scottish politician Katherine R.- m ost likely to be on Broadw ay Dena R.- m ost likely to be a back-up dancer for N’SYNC M eghan R.- m ost high pitched G reta S.- least likely to show up at our fifth reunion Susan S.- m ost artistic Andy S.- m ost free spirited Greg S.- m ost likely to w ork at the Gap Brooke T.- biggest anim al lover Sam T.- m ost jovial Lexi T.- m ost likely to win a Nobel Prize Nyna V.- m ost cheerful C ecilia V.- m ost likely to becom e a translator Benno W .- m ost often shares his opinions Brad Y.- m ost likely to have a hall of m irrors Dorsy Y.- m ost likely to freak out before a test
Robert Awotn Aframe
By the time I was born, all of the good rooms were taken; I was forced to be flexible.
Hmmm...maybe I should have put two baby pictures in.
I knew having a last name beginning with the letters "Af" would pay off eventually. It's about time. Those letters have made me not only the first name on every attendance list I have ever been on in high school, but until a few years ago, the first name alphabetically in the entire school. This honor does not entitle me to any special privileges; rather it forces me to make sure I am on time for every school event. But it will all be worth it once 1 graduate. From then on, whenever anyone asks me how I did in high school, I can say that I graduated first in my class. Traditionally people put inspirational and/or philosophical sayings on their pages. I will not disappoint. A famous sage once said "I want to share something with you - the three sentences that will get you through life. Number one, ’Cover for me.’ Number two, 'Oh, good idea, boss.’ Number three, ’It was like that when I got here.’" I want to thank my family, all of my friends from Bancroft, especially those I met at Flagg roughly 300 years ago, and all of the people who don't fit into one of those categories but are just as important for the various things they did that I appreciate (there are too many to list).
A b ig a il T ic h n o r A l f r e d Thank you to all the friends I have made through the years. My friends from school, camp, traveling, and whatever else, you’ve all been there for me and made times more fun. Thank you! To all my teachers: You have not only taught me, but you have inspired me to learn. Thank you for everything.
“Listen to the musn’ts child Listen to the don’ts Listen to the shouldn’t The impossibles, the won’ts Listen to the never haves Then listen close to me Anything can happen, child Anything can be.” -Shel Silverstein
If you can’t be a highway then just be a trail, If you can’t be the sun Mom & Dad: Thank you for always being so supportive and pushing me to do my best. You've not only acted as my parents, be a star; but you have been my friends. I know the house will seem quiet It isn’t by size that you next year, but I’m sure you'll have fun! win or you failThank you to my entire Be the best of family: You’ve been the whatever you are! most supporting, loving -Douglas Malloch people in the world. Tammy, Rachel, Polly, Elana: You’re my best friend and my other half. Thank you for always being there. It’s great to have Justin: You guys are my someone who always understands me. I’ll miss our best friends and my role nightly sleepovers, dance parties, and just always models. Thank you! being with you next year! I love you so much! 95
Elana T. A lfred 7S>c<pin somewhere. ^ fou can n ot build a repu tation on w hat you intend to do. Mom and Dad: It must not have been easy to always have double trouble, but you did a great job! Thanks for everything you’ve done for me. I love you! Tammy, Rachel, and Polly: Sisters are precious and most people are lucky to have one. I have three who always keep me smiling. You girls are my best friends. I love you! Justin, welcome to the family. I know we have great times ahead.
Abby: You’re my second half. What can I say to the person who’s lived my life with me? You’re my best friend and I love you!
“Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.” -Anonymous Kat, Greg, Alexis, Elana, Steph, Zach, Dave, Sandy, Alyssa B, Courtney, Kelly: I don’t think I could have had more fun with you these past 4 years. Thanks for everything. Kat, I’ll see you at Ralph’s! Pooch: Thanks for all the fun talks and for giving me helpful advice.
Class of 2002: Good luck next year. I know that wherever life takes you, you will succeed! “It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything." -Tyler Durden
Y u ry A lk h a zo v
To my Family: Thank you for putting up with me throughout my adventurous journey called high school. I will always hold a great deal of gratitude for your support and encouragement.
« The Theatre Crew: You guys have been my second family. Words cannot express how much I will miss the Bancroft theatre. Rest assured that as long as I live, I will cherish my Music Man, Oklahoma, Mattress, and Fiddler T-shirts.
“It’s hard to stay mad when there’s so much beauty in the world.” - Lester Burnham
C la s s of 2002:
To my Friends: Guys, you know who you are, and Well... this is it. I am graduated from you know I love you. Sorry \ Bancroft and on my way to college. A for the cliche, but I very scary thought. As I look back at honestly wouldn’t have freshman year, this moment seemed so made it without you. far away. It’s impossible to summarize Shin, Ceci, Peter and my the last four years in a few sentences, departing amigos: Ah the so I’m not gonna try. There were good memories... Be good. I’ll times, there were bad times, but I check up on you to make wouldn’t have it any other way. sure you’re behaving. Basically, as I leave this place never to My underclassmen be seen again (until I come back to buddies: Don’t forget us. visit), I hope that someone out there in Keep the legacy alive. the future will one day realize like I did Most of all... Be Happy! how limited our time is in high school. It’s a cool place. Enjoy the time you’re given; make the most of the precious goodness. With those words I sign out. Peace!
What the shizzles my nizzles! Good bizzle and much lizzie!
% ■■■■
■“Jury ftCffiazov
All life is Pain and Suffering.
4m m mm -■' ■
S H -IN y A
Life is beautiful. Learn to Enjoy it.
Well I guess I finally made it. I’ve been at Bancroft for six years and I must admit it feels good to leave. But I owe a lot to Bancroft for my education and also the friends I have made. I’ve ruled this school since day one and have done so until my senior year. They call me LJIGG THE RULER. 97
‘f a tic a iiawteti Cluewa
Chris & Ant: Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you
"D on’t frown m n int0 a wal1’ d011’1 8 ive UP ’ b ecau se you Figu re out how to clim b over never know it, go through it, or work when around it. som eone is falling in Good luck next year! love with your sm ile.” - J u s t in Tim berlake
Becky: If we saved our money we could buy our own Sebring! Nantucket in our own house! Our trips out! I love you sweetie, thanks for always listening and being there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. I will never forget it!
Mom & Dad: With
Dave, Ben, Ben no: Well guys, then there were four.
your help and guidance I I guess in the end it comes down to who can eat the most continue to grow each day. right? Thanks for all the laughs & good times. Dave, take Thank you for all of your care of the tractor! Ben. my big hugable thing! Pacey, 1 mean Benno, you didn't actually think I was just going to W h e n something like this happens, you only SUpp0rt. I love you both. want to reach out and grab the people around let it go did you? I will never forget all that we have been y OU the ones you take for granted. You want to take through together. Thanks for all the good times. those people and hold on to them as tight as you can. And tell th em how p re cio u s th ey a re to you. How knowing them m akes your life better every day you’re living it. Suddenly you realize how awful it would be if they didn’t know of the profound affect they’ve had on your life. So I want to tell you all that I Love you, now forever and everyday in between." -D aw son’s Creek What can I say? Oh
Thanks To: Ro, Thanks for the encouraging words and advice. Go
SJ crew, Jay & Linny,
Squad 2k1: Girls, it’s been fun. JJ will always live! Coach:
Nsync! My Y ’all know who you are. Thanks for all the fun. Stay cool! Thanks for all the craziness, miss you! 18 now, I will never forget all of the let’s go dancing! Jay Hot cop, OH GOD! love you! Oh baby motivation and wisdom you have Panera! The p. avengers strike again! You know given me. You were always there you'll miss the suits! Stephie, Tude, Baco, Kat, Allison, Dave, Mattie, with an open door. Thanks for Jimmy, Shamani, Ang, Alana, Heather, Jon, Erik. Bermudian Swim everything as a coach and a friend. buddies! Goonal! Thanks for all the great memories!
Lilly & Alana,
Mom and Dad - There are not enough words to thank you for everything you have taught me. You both have sacrificed so much for me. Thank You. I LOVE YOU!
I'm Juls, Em.
Nsync! You me them ya ok ok. We mastered the flip! Thanks for everything over the 1 ho * years. It has : definitely been a wild ride!
Mxvtqwiet fBacen
We made it! Thanks to all my Ted and SamaraBancroft buddies, it’s been an You have both incredible seven years. Special been amazing. I thanks to Alex Chambers, Crofty, Thanks to my could not have Greta, Becky, Alana, Alyssa, amazing family and asked for better Hillary, Dave, Benno, Siri, crazy cousins. You friends.VISIONS Aversa, Julie N., Meg M., A. are all wonderful. It’s Sam and Thomas - You both are 2000! Thanks for Dow, Jess W., Aly, Sloaner, been fun. You are amazing. We’ve been through being there. I love Fitzy, Magz, MV, Eze, and my forever in my heart! everything together, and I know I you both! soccer and lax girls have couldn’t have made it this far Special thanks to all been amazing. Keep in touch without you. Smile, have fun, and my WSAG, and live it UP. Coach Salit, most importantly remember that I’m Hawaii and VT Coach B, Mr. Salit, Mr. McMillan, here to back you up every step of 2001 amigos!! I’ll and Mr. Troch: Thank you all for the way. I LOVE YOU GUYS! miss the FUN. your valuable guidance along Jess - We’ve been through so the way. Congratulations and " I t ’s t i m e n o w w e m u s t much. It’s been seven amazing Good Luck to the Class of 2002! b e m o v i n g o n w a r d , i t ’s years, and I couldn’t have asked for a better friend. You will always t i m e n o w f o r u s t o fly, Kate -This just about says it all. You hold a special place in my heart. I t a k e c a r e a n d l o o k have been the greatest friend and o v e r y o u r s h o u l d e r , I ’m LOVE YOU, MOKIH Special cousin anyone could ever ask for. thanks to Sara, the Feldmans and t h e r e a l l t h e t i m e . ” ’m always here for you. I love you! - V e rtic a l H o r iz o n the Allards - I’ll miss you all!
Siri *£. (Bream
Juls, Bacon, H ill and
AlANA- Aw w you guys, I’m going to miss playing with you so much. 1 feel we’ve gotten so close this year... back-seat bus reekage and “would-you 0 <J1 rather” (eww!) two by <?* two’s, KISSING U R ' SISTER! luv va’ll-even as gimps. J
You have no idea what I’m talking about but you will someday. M r . M c M illan - You’ve given me the precious gifts of
language, self-confidence, and friendship. Thank you’s cannot convey the depth of my gratitude. (will a French Vanilla, cream & two Equals do?)
S H I N Y A - You
i) made every day feel like i kindergarten
LlNBSEY- From soccer to across he ocean, you’ve become such a close friend... Daddy Drew, Speedy and Bob, pre-game \ysterics, broken arm threats, your adorable goodie face.
To everyone else... i have not forgotten how much you’ve given me... unlike this limited piece of paper my appreciation knows no bounds. I could not have come this far without your help.
j oqAmuTii podchuis )ou urn j put? .io}st?oo .iojjo.i n S4ppoAY oqj
words., oh lordy! Greb- There’s so much to say... everything you’ve gotten me through and put up with- all the words, the chaos, the scribbled slips of always saw through.
~A\3[J put? sSuiAY .I0l{ popjojun OL|S ‘.QAO SRAY
Christopher J. Chand
When you look back, you will always see missed opportunities. Don’t 1 worry though, because the future holds infinite possibilities.
Sessional Cinderella -Ju st when the caterpillar thought the world
Ruth Ever since M r .S m ith - We’ve made it! Surviving all four years preschool you’ve been together... From a math lover to a... well... thank you. ; ) there for me- catching me when I fall, listening to me (no matter how insane I sound) whenever I ^ t h e fa iry ^ ^ s P 'a y t need to talk, taking me on DD runs, dinner o \ dates... you are my best friend, and I’ll never EVER forget you.
Stephanie Gail Cohen Thank you to my family Mum, Dad, Abby, and Melissa for giving me endless love and support. You have always been there for me and are always accessible for help and advice. Without you I would not be where I am today. Thank you for everything. I love you!
“Work as if you don't need the money; love as if you've never been hurt; dance as if nobody's watching." -Anonymous
Thank you to my friends, especially SBTB, BVFH Squad, Carlson advisory, CKDC, SSDS, and HSI. We have shared many memories, fun experiences, and lots of laughs. High school would not have “When I find myself fading, I been the same without you. Thank you to my teachers who have been so invested in my future close my eyes and realize my and have taught me so much. Thanks to everyone friends are my energy:’ who has made a difference in my life, and good -Anonymous luck to the Class of 2002!! Mom and Dad: I can’t thank you enough. Through these past four years you’ve been the two people I turn to the most. Your love and support mean more to me than you know...I love you both.
Julia Elizabeth Croft
Jon: You make me laugh more than anyone I know. You’ve been a great brother, but more importantly an amazing friend, thank you. Robb, Ben + Dave: I love you guys so much...I can always count on you to make me I’m not a mrs. ed... Robb I’ll never forget what you mean to me...I love you.
Hill, Alyssa, Gret, Alana and Su: Without you guys my days would be so boring. I can’t put into words how much you all mean to me...nothing will ever come betweeen us, I love you all...don’t forget lunch table convos.
Benno: What would I do without you? You’ve been there for me more than I could have asked for. Without you these four years would not have been as fun. I’ll miss you.
...turns out not where but who you’re with that really matters...
03 E
£= C
>>+* £ C , 3= c/ )£ Q >W E J o § o? °o S §, =3
> CD
sz 0 o Bancroft has been an experience, but you § S' 3 0 have made me who I am. £ OI J -Thank you everyone"0 o 8 i e C
• •
Bacon, Jessie, Becky, Siri, Verse, Carlson advisory, soccer and lax girls: a little thing like college will not come between our friendships...thank you for an awesome four years.
Thank you to the Weisbergers, the Morgans and the DiPasquales for their support.
Alyssa Mikiko DiPasquale
Gracias... Mom and Dad... You’ve taught me everything I know about life
through the countless questions and lectures... and I’ve taught you all you want to know about patience. I never thought I’d make it this far and I couldn’t have without you. I love you. Gramma and Pappap... I could have never survived without the cooking, stories, and memories from the girl with the diaper to humpty dumpty. The Tuomi’s, The Backus’s, The Bregman’s, The Holden’s, and The Sloane’s... My homes away from home, thank you for the
THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LUNCH TABLE AT BANCROFT...Jul, Lana, Su, Hill and Gret... I could not have
asked for better friends. From you I have learned so much about myself, without you I’d be lost... There aren’t words to express how much you mean to me... The impact you have made on my life is indescribable... to me you are all the sisters, and I am so fortunate to have spent these past few years with you.... I love you oh so much...
support. Adri... Private school couldn’t pull us apart, you will always be my sister. Rita- It behoooooves us to be forever in debt to you. It will be a cold day in hell when I forget you and the foxiest advisory ever. Te lo agradezco.... Mrs. Kelly... From Caribou to college, thanks for leaving the door open... Jacob... My little brother, I love you very dearly and never forget it (and Joel too)... Thank you Ben for everything... To Becky, K8, Greg, G, Caitlin, Bacon, Jessie, Siri, Hanna, Em V. ice cream queen, little Alana, Peter+Paqui and techie family (for taking in a dancer... FUNFETTI), EG+ Uncommon Time (love your #1 fan) and all of my friends... it has been such a wonderful experience... Thank you for being such extraordinary people... If you dream it, you can truly achieve it... Charlotte, Ben, the company and CKDC- Your constant support
and love I will never forget. I could not have asked for a better bunch of kids or for better guidance to grow up with. I love you.
; “Now I'd like you to step forward over here. They're not that different from you, are they? Same haircuts. Full of hormones, just like you. Invincible, just like you feel. The world is their oyster. They believe they're destined for great things, just like many o f you, their eyes are full of i hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one iota of what they were capable? Because, you see gentlemen, 1 these boys are now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? —C a r p e — hear it? — C a r p e , C a r p e D i e m , s e iz e th e d a y b o y s , m a k e y o u r liv e s e x t r a o r d i n a r y -from D e a d P o e t s ’ S o c ie t y
Emily Dore
Mom and Dad: I love you guys so much. Thanks for always knowing what to do, knowing how to help me, knowing how to make me laugh, and knowing how to encourage me. Even though I might get annoying when Dad uses too much salt or butter and Mom spills on herself, you know I do it out of love! You are the best parents, and I really hope that I’ll be just like you. I’ll do anything Dena or Tulip, whichever. B est friends for six years, from our treehouse to our stupid for you, including letting you live with me when height difference. You’re by far the funniest you’re old and crazy, I loooove you!
J, Ben, and Tim- You guys are finally starting to be nice to me (well J, you always have been), and I can't wait until we're all best friends when Brad- It all began when you first made fun we're older.
of my feet, and I've been hooked on you since then. Thanks for making me so much happier by just being there. I have the best time with you no matter what we're doing, and times like painting plates and singing in the car have been amazing. I love you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. We'll eat lobster with your mashED potatoes every night, we'll fish, and eventually go to Disney World together. Thanks so much Brad, I love you.
girl I’ve ever met. We’re such dorks together, and th a t’s what makes it so much fun. I’ll always be here for you, you know that. I love you, and don’t worry, as much as I try to scare you, I know college isn’t going to change anything. We’re definitely best friends forever.
Ruth Higgins Ebert
Mom and Dad: Thank You. Those words don’t seem to be enough but they say it all. You have given me more than I could ever ask for. I Love You. Will: I can't wait for our future adventures. I love you. Grandparents: Gigi- For always wanting to know what I knew. Barbara- For always being there. Bompa- You’ll never know how much I admire you, Bompa D.- We would have had a blast. And Em, I wish we could have had more time.
“Carry-on my wayward son, there’ll be peace when you are done, lay your weary head to rest, don’t you cry no m ore..” -Kansas
Friends: You have made me into the person I am today, and words will never express how grateful I am. All of you who gave me a shove in the right direction or picked me up when I had fallen, THANK YOU. You gave me a light when it was dark. I love you guys. Teachers: You have taught me so m uch in and out of the classroom . Thank You.
“Youth, health, a joyful heart and an open road before u s ...” -Singing Eagle Lodge Eagle Girls: You have been my rock. “I’m off on a rocket ship prepared for something new ...” -Guster Winnie, Millie, Eddith, Otto, Andy, Annie, Gabe and Liam: The cutest anim als in the world!
“I wish the real world would ju s t stop hassling m e...” -M atchbox 20 “Believe in me, Help me believe in anything, B ecause I want to be someone who believes.” -Counting Crows
Prince Ifeanyi Ekeson
Thanks to all the teachers and administrative staff @ Bancroft and all the teachers of the past. Thank YOU Mom and Dad for supporting me, pushing me to work hard, and teaching me the importance of it. Adaeze, enjoy senior year of high school, enjoy the seniority. Dibe, welcome to high school, good luck! Thanks to HIP-HOP music, all the true “Headz,” ILLA COMPOUND and all influencial African-Americans. I would also like 2 thank all the previous Bancroft Varsity Wrestling team members, especialy Justin L., for caring about the program so much. Thanks 2 Shaw’s employees, the ORIGINAL spot members, The lunch table-Matt, Justin, Andy G.(u got a nice system, man), “St.Lawrence,” Jonjy, and Holdstein. ALL my friends @ Bancroft and all over (u know who u rll!) Sean Y, Tuan and those who gave an EAR to me and my raps.Thankx. GOOD LUCK 2 THE CLASS OF 2002!!!!
i d
W hat lies behind us and what lies before us are sm all matters com pared to w hat lies within us. R alph W aldo Emerson Sara: My partner-incrime, my confidant, my best friend. I couldn’t have asked for a better older sister. Never forget how much I love you. Amelia, Miles, & Luke: You guys are great! Thanks for everything!
M arg: We’ve been through everything together. Thanks for always making me smile. “Things are never quite as scary when you have a best friend.” -Calvin & Hobbes
To all of my friends, especially Mags, Jules, Mr. D eal, Mr. Salit, Mom, Peter, D ad, &. Joyce: Becky, Alexis, Brad, Greta, Mr. M cM illan, Tele, & Your wisdom and support Alvssa, Dave, Alana, Hill, Coach B allard: I can’t has guided me through the Rachael, Julie, Benno, Meg, thank you enough for years. You guys are my Jess W, little Bacons, Woda, what you have taught heroes and you have made Lindsay, my lax girls, and me and how you have me who I am. I love you. all my Visions, WSAG, Sc influenced me. Connecticut buds, especially Jenny, D.W., Stephers, Matt, Katie, Tara, & Ross:: Thanks for the W hatever tears a t us, laughs and the memories. 1 whatever holds us down love you guys... and i f nothing can be done, w e’ll m ake the best o f w h at’s around. -D ave M atthews B an d
It’s been seven crazy years. ~ I’ll never forget the Roman Banquet, Chewonki, Renaissance Fair, Mountain Days, class competitions, Halloweens, Mr. Troch, Proms, courtyard dances, Dunkin Donuts runs, The Senior Commons, Homecomings, creating parking spaces, the AP craze, Six Flags, College Quest, Caribou, pizza fridays, Bancroft-Pingree rivalry ~ I’m going to miss this place...
a cta
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ic a n e
/ oum speciafcreation. Come take a took, fiv e me the
fook_or the ovation. - ACBin
To myfrien d s: W e’ve Seen through To fyfom an d D ad: T hankyou
so much together. T han k you f o r
fo r your patience, your Cove,
a d the phone cads, the smifes, an d
an d your Caighs. you have
a d the memoraBCe experiences. I
taught me so much. I Cove
knozu there are many more to come.
‘Ih an ky ou for your friendships. They were an amazingly good-looking The most wasted day o f a ll is one in which we h a re not laughed.
heard...N obody waddled.
To Erin andSioShan: W e zviff aCzvays Se the three fin ican e sisters, pozoerfuC on an d o f f the court. W hat am I going to do zvithout the tzvo o f you aCzvays around? To D awn: Thanks f o r Being such a g reat oCder sister an d aCzvays Being there to taCkahout anything, fo u know I Cove you a d so much!
To a d my teachers: fo u are tndy inspiring.
T hankyou ‘B ancroft f o r a d the
T hankyou f o r your h ard w o rk atid
memories. Thirteen years. This
dedication. I can ’t te d you how much y ou ’ve w as a g rea t pCace togrow up, an d I zviCCmiss these haCCs. heCped me grow .
N n i D o n 't n iv n m p a s h o e w e d n i e i i ~ T h e v ’ r e a ll lit t le h o r r o r s e v e r v o n e . - S t a a e d i r e c t i o n s ?
W h a t a r e y o u o n ? ! ? I ’ m h ig h o n l i f e —N ic e p i a n e r : )
I g e t t h e b ig o n e ! ! !
E m ily G ard n er
1 don't have the room or the words to describe these past four SZ J5 years. There are so many memories and so many people that 1 CD\ CD 3/) don't know where to begin. Thank you all for your love, C (A |s support, inspiration, guidance, food, songs, and all the rest. CD > 6 if )
T 3 ■o
Mom, Dad, Eileen, Betsy, Thomas, and Maggie: ^ Well I've made it and I owe everything to you guys., 1 Andy: Well you've lived through Thanks for being there and always believing in me. your freshman year and now it's my turn. Thank you for everything, but No, Thomas, you can't have my room. Betsy, I most importantly for just being you. leave Harrison in your care. Mags, you and Emma I love you.
The Lindblad Family: You guys
CD 03
“O T3 Z3
“TO 3 Bear have tun and call me a lot, and “So many faces in and out of my life CD I Eileen, I'll always be taller than you. I'm Some will last 0 ) > CD 3
have been so great, I don't know gonna miss you guys. 1 love you. Some will just be now and then how to thank you. Matt, keep all the j enny_babe^ Life is a series of hellos and goodbyesu. 5o crazy a cappella traditions going for * , ^ knQ~w ^ {Q say Hqw can j possibly I'm afraid it's time for goodbye O me. Come up to \isit next \ear. sum Up years in a few sentences? So all I'm gonna again. Billy Joel XD c say is you better call and visit and everything. I CD rO love you more! -Emmy-teetee o 03 if )
The Deprez Family
Thanks for being my second family. I’m gonna miss you guys. And. Dr. Deprez, I promise I'll try spaghetti sauce some day! I d o n ’t r e a d t h o s e b u t t e r f ly !
- H e y lo o k , i t ’s a c r i c k e t w i t h a n t l e r s !
xZ 0 SZ
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■ 0D >1
- I n t h e n a m e o f t h e g o d s o f t h e Y M C A . . . . - L o o k ! I’ m a b e e - u t i f u l
- T h e y ’ r e n o t j u g s , t h e y 'r e l e f t o v e r c o n t a i n e r s -
Bram Geller Thanks to my family, friends, teachers, and everybody else who has impacted my life.
T h u r s d a y n ig h t p h o n e
y A t z x i s jZ x jn n e ^ / i a n n c p o u i o s
c a lls , w e e k ly s le e p o v e rs , s itu a tio n , s m e ll, F la ts o f e g g s ~ 2 B o o s In a P o d !!
*Friends* Emma(boo), Rebuke, Greg, Annalisa, Elana, Abby, Juicy lou, Marg, Gorilla, Alana, Alyssa, Dorsy, Colin, Bram, Julie, Tal (smelldawg), The Henchy Advisory and the rest of the Class of 2002. I love you all! Thanks for always being there. Keep in touch! To my extended family- Thanks for all the love and support. You are the best family anyone could ever ask for. -Special thanks to all my teachers at Bancroft. I owe my ENTIRE education to all of you! Thanks for the past twelve years.-
Alana & Angela-You guys are so great. You always manage to make me laugh no matter what mood I’m in. Get ready for my daily calls next year...poppycock, ju ju bee, clipse, sleepovers, toothpicks, muggsy, triple A..So many more, we are such goofs! MUCH LOVE!!!!!
‘T h e tim e s th e y a re a c h a n g in g ”
— Bob Dylan Mom and Dad- Thank you so much for everything, my Vas and my Mooch! I know I wasn’t the easiest to deal with all the time, but come on, you know you love me!! Thanks for putting up with all my.... stuff, I love you!!!! Mama Hench- You are my school mom, I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t my advisor! Thanks for listening to all my problems. I’ll be back for more complaining! Thanks for helping me through! "After all, our parents are older than we are. We must always remember that. And, being older, they're beyond the clutches of passion. Theirs is the cool judgment of reason." -Moliere
unristina-There isn’t enough space on this page for everything I want to say to you. We have spent eighteen years together, and I’m gonna miss you SO much next year! You are honestly my best friend, I LOVE YOU!
Benjamin Harris Greenberg
hey there pretty lady, love you.
the big three, Okay well I'm sitting here typing this on the day that it’s due, but does “ It is only the heart that one can mrs. ed that really surprise anyone? Didn't think so. Well, looks like this is the see rightly; what is essential is end of the trip. It’s been quite a ride, and I think I've done my fair share invisible to the eye.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupery « • • | • * * | ^ or damage, n o w l m going to try to wax philosophical; let me share the one piece of wisdom I have. Boys and girls, there is nothing more important in this world than the ones who love you, the ones you can rely on, and the ones who shape your life. You probably won't meet a whole lot of people like these in your life, but cherish the few that you do ‘cuz they’re not around forever. You gotta make the best of what you've got and not worry about anyone else. It's up to you to take things into your own hands. It’s up to you to do things that will make you satisfied with yourself. It's up to you to make the right choices for you and no one else. There is very little in this world that isn’t worth fighting for, and it is your decision and your duty to fight for your beliefs, your goals, and your dreams. Because when you fight for something important to you and win, it is the sweetest, most rewarding victory of all, and you will never, ever forget what it means to you. to put it bluntly, F+B To my parents- Thank you for your understanding, your guidance, and your unconditional love. You have provided a perfect example for my own parenthood, and I love you both more than you know. Daniel- You’re the heir to the throne, rule well. To my family- Infinite thank you’s. I owe a piece of this to all of you. <To my teachers- To quote Churchill, “never...was so much owed by so many to so few." Thank you all for putting up with me and leading me to success. To my friends- You people know who you are and how much you all mean to me; words are hopelessly inexpressive. Every single one of you has had an impact on my life, and every single one of you holds a place in my heart. The best I can do is say thank you and that I love you all.
Peter Habib
Shin: You’ve been my best friend since 9th grade.
We’ve been through everything together. I’ll miss you buddy. Ceci, Jen, Yury, Alex: All you guys made my life during high school so enjoyable. I have no idea what I would’ve done without you. The Unruly Mob: Rob, Greenie, Larry, Josh, Brad, and Lewis: It’s been fun my unruly group. Brad, you
are the shizzle in which no nizzle could compizzle. Greeeenie, Robbie, our leader, LEWIS and all the others, I’ll miss making fun of all of you and letting you guys make fun of me. Lunch won’t be the same in college. Alana and Alyssa: You both are so beautiful, and I love you both.
Mom and Dad: Without your love, support, and devotion, I would not be the person I am today. I love you both, and you both mean so much to me. Mark and Mike: Mark, you’re an awesome older brother. You’ve taught me so much. Hopefully I’ll see you a lot more next year. Mike, you have the house all to yourself. Next year, Mark and I aren’t there to tell you what to do. Remember everything Mark and I taught you. Have Fun!
The Bacons, Shusta, Dunn, and all the other cool kids (you know who you are): It’s been fun, peace.
Kevin Dong Han Family-Thanks for everything for the past four years. You have given me so much that I don’t know if I can ever return your love. Mom, I appreciate everything that you have done for me. I know I haven’t been the easist child to deal with, but I’m coming along. I love you all!!
Friends- It has been real. I had so much fun with you guys. I don’t think I could hav survived at Bancroft without you guys. you Sam and Bram for all crazy ant, times. Yo know guys...its good...yo jus have fun....keep in touch guys..
XC: BOYS (and girls)! We rock. Drink more Dr. Pepper and Goodo!! Coach O’Brien and Coach Lappin, Thanks for everything!! “Why so ITCHY and Why so STICKY?!?”
“Do, or do not. there is no ‘try’ ”-Yoda To all my non-Bancroft friends, it has been awesome. Sarin and Gracie, “Dame lo por favor!!!” Dada da loves you! Kate and Carrie, thanks for all the fun! I love you all.
“Yo know guys..yo just gotta do it_yo know.. yo guys are sick...” 106
Thanks Carlson’s Advisory for all the food and all the jokes! Be good in college kiddos. Keep in touch!!
To all my teachers—especially Mrs. Carlson, Mr. Barrow, and Mr. White—Thanks for all the help and encouragement. I have grown so much! Keep in touch!
“The world breaks us all. “Never send to know for whom the bell Afterward, some are stronger at the broken places.” -Hemingway tolls; it tolls for thee.” —John Donne
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"Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends" (Bach). It has been, fun Bancroft. Have a great life everyone. Best of luck to
’* 1 L J.<
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For being there fat meJrom th»«5p~ start, helpin; me out all the way.'yoj^r pratiAfcnee makes life more beautiful. 6 n B&fjMe, Anh ithout you, sed this far.
wisdom an “ I’m o n ly t h is f a r a n d o n ly t o m o r r o w le a d s m y w a y ." - D. M a t t h e w s
“ M y h e a r t lifte d m y fe e t, a n d I ‘R
Mom-Your endless love and support has made me the person I am today. Thank you so much for being not only my mother, but also my friend. I love you. Daddy-W ith everything we’ve been through, you’ve emerged as the person who has taught me about life and how to be an adult. Just remember one thing... Mark-Yeah, you’ve always been my obnoxious little brother, but I still love ya. I know you’ll take your life to great heights, Bub.
“Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high There’s a iand that I’ve heard of once in a lullabye. Morgan, Meg, & StephSomewhere over the rainbow From the sleepovers to the Skies are blue And the dreams that you dare to stair pictures, w e’ve had some awesome times. You dream really do come true.” guys are the best. - T h e W iz a rd o f O z
And to the Class of 2002-Thanks for making my high school experience a great one. Never stop reaching for your dreams.
‘. H
d a n c e d .” ~ N a th a n o f N e m e ro v
Dave-You have become such an important person in my life. Words cannot express how much I treasure our relationship. I love you. (Thank you for all the over-the-phone hugs.) Melinda & Samantha-You guys are amazing. We’ve kept up such an awesome friendship after all these years. I don’t know what I would do without you. Love you both. Thanks for all the great times! To all the Girls: I’m so lucky to have friends like you. Thanks for making high school awesome for me. Love you all! Special Thanks to Isa, Alana, Jul, Baco, Jess, Jessie, & Greta. And (I guess) The Guys-Thanks for all the fun times. Be good in college! “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” -Thoreau
To Mrs. Puccio, Coach Also Thanks to: The Wrights, the Gerhardt, Mr. McMillan, Mrs. Hench, & Mrs. Kelly- DiPasquales, the Rennells, the Ballous, Mrs. Meyer, Carolyn and Your guidance has The Dance Place girls: Your love and influenced my high school career in so many amazing ways. Thank you for encouraging me to make these years the best they could be.
support have helped me so much over the years, and I will always remember all the memories and fun times w e’ve had. Love you all!
A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. -William Shedd
To Mom, Dad, Seth, Avi, friends, teammates, and teachers: Thank you. I love you all. Wickidgudpality
You may say I ’m a dreamer, But I'm not the only one, I hope some day you'll join us, And the world will live as one. -John Lennon
Dime con quien andas, y te dire quien eres. -Spanish saying
Live long and wonder
f f
Thanks family for helping me with everything, especially college! Ill miss you all!
Mom: Thank you for being someone I could tell my problems to. You’ve pushed me to high standards. It’s Je ss: We’ve changed been hard, but I really am a lot in nine years, grateful for your guidance. but I still have so Thanks for reviewing my much fun with you. papers. I’ve appreciated it. I Our friendship is so will always cherish the England memories. I love you! special! Thank you!
Dad: Most of all, I want to thank you for the countless hours of time Munchkin: I’m so glad we’ve you’ve spent helping me with math. grown closer this year. It’s been great to have you as a I truly wouldn’t have done it friend, and I’ve had so much without you. I really admire the kind of person you are. You are one fun with you. I hope we can of my biggest role models and one of keep it up when we live my closest friends. Thanks for being apart. You’re a great kid and so understanding and for all you’ve I love you. done for our family. I love you!
Emma: What will I do without someone Jam es: I am so lucky to have you, to grinch and RP with next year? I love you’ve made me so happy. You To Gregorio, Alexis, being a geek with you! The memories have taught me so much about and Annalisa: of our England adventures will stay myself. “I want to thank you for Thanks for the fun, with me even if you aren’t there to giving me the best day of my especially at lunch share them with. I love you! life”~Dido. I love you! XOXO with the virgin clan!!
^ -AiouAa McuaC I
"Ready or Not you're ready for me. you gotta be 'cause I want you to be." -Joan Jones's Everyday Down
ACT: V. Soccer 1,2,3,4, V. Track 7th, 8 th ,1,2,3,4 (captain), AMB: House on the hill, cocktail parties, Playboy and Yearbook photo 2,3,4 (editor), P&W+Musical 2,3,4, SC 2,3,4, Things Alana Wants’. Prom 4, HOMECOMING QUEEN 2001!!! Memories: 6th grade Annie, OM, 4th grade boys’ bathroom, Per C. English, P.O.I #2 w/ KH, LW, S+GC. History per B: CS, KS, RC, JG, PS, BM. Wiz of Oz w/ my Art Boys: BEN, JAY+ JUSTIN. Cotillion w/ senior Steve C., High School Spanish at age 12, 14th Bday, EFAD w/ MC, CC+ML! Mar, Lis and Kara -Ferdie’s, Loving DW, Peeing in the wagon w/ ML, V. Soccer Team!!! The Vineyard, "This is where I stop on the way to the Cape, Gret,” Alg. 2, BH, Halloween shopping w/GS, Harwichport w/ JL, NY trip 2001, Gilligan in the tub, Jul's car!, “Real” sopranos, Advisory, Nights w/ Becky and Lily, Dashboard and Red Sox games. Comp, angles and Pulp Fiction w/ Shinya- you’re one of the best. Deal’s AP w/ Emmers-Shaks! REPS :orever w/CP, Troc w/ the girls and my Benhameen (cards and poems). Horrible Pre calc w/ EDDIE; ,:hanks Mr. Smith. PP: Kids about the "high gas prices," kids with key chains and people who wear aoots w/ baggy pants. Thanks: Allison- You are my best friend and have gotten me through these /ears. Thank God for you! Soccer, RAT, obssessions, and "Open Arms." Jeff- I love you for being dense as a brick, going bowling aka SECRET SQUARE, U2+sad REM, SNL, and being Ferris. The guys- MGH for being Cameron to my Sloane, CT for the date, Matty, JT, BH, Wright Bros (sexy scoles and pixie). Lauren- You have become one of my greatest friends; without you I wouldn’t mow the wonders of pliers and late nights. Amanda, Garrett and Steve for always encouraging me. Becky- Remember our college boys!, Alexis- My Beautiful Bio sister! Donald for salad, Fran, Jeff-a-oo, Erin, Erica-track songs!, LW, AL, LK, TC, CC, MB +CAT. Slatkin whom I think about Only in Thanks to the greatest friends th a t have b r o u g h t me 'Dreams, Peter-We’ll all be together someday, Dave, Jess, Siri, NL, SC, MR, ED-smile’s in the bag, fiaPP'ness ancl tr a u m a at the Lunch Table: Jul3Y, AM, ST, MM, Alena+SA. ROBIN, Susan, Diane, Ginny, Candy, Lacoutures, Sandy and Don, ™\ G la d ia to r!"+ A lm o s t Famous. Hill-Techno+O.M.H.U. Crofts + Liko. Mrs. Rexroad, Mrs. Malloy, Mr. Luzi and Sra., Suze - photo shoots* substitutes. Gret- The Cape Mr. McMillan, and RITA. Bus+ C orruption! M o m m y and D a d dy- Thanh you for beeping m y options as open as Carry on. Girls. you could. I a m y o u r snuggle bunny! Camille- "W hat's gonna happen to Poppy?" G ra h a m y K- "Pardon me. Santos." I love you all!!!
Cape Kids: Merry. Cait. Greg. Colin: Nantucket: "crush." the strip, spoons. Greg: Linda's. 6 year !h7>7ha7whenmS'Lng7iTn7<!LSrean<) romance. 3 classes in 7 yrs.. understanding everything. with me being a flirty, funny, outgoing, vain girl.
'Z^ont waste you? time trying to please people.ffou should do it rf you fond pleasure in the process. jZ iv e
\fo u t lif e
b u t t h a t , d o e s n ’t to
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f \ u l f e l i e v e r y th in * } .
people who h ad allow ed me to have su ch a w on d erfu l experience bein% p a rt ojf the T S an crofo com m unity. 3 w ou ld a ls o like to thank a ll those who tau g h t me som e lesson s in Irfe I
th at 3 w ill cherish alw ays. I f you're reading this, y o u 're w asting y o u r time. Odefie
N ic o le / K a t i e jZe^assey So high school is the best time of our lives? Oh I hope not.
<Zo everyone: (/jood-bye. <lo Allyna: 3 love you. ^ hank you -foot bein$ there. TSzxzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! :)
(7/ /lia n a , Y{yen, S>iti, J/m ily and cHill: ^fou %uys are incredible, (/food luck and 3 null miss you. (7 o ^Ttoy: ~\J'ou are my world. ~/'ou were the cushion 3 fell on when 3 could no longer stand. ^ Then you offered me your hand when it. was time to $et back up. ^fe u are the reason 3 made it this f a t . < 7 hank you. 3 will love you always.
Zachary Lewis Abby: I’ve known you since kindergarten. Thanks for the room and board. Elana: haha howz French? Josh: You’re a spiritual moron. Ljigg Status: Howz the tesselation? Oohyen. T-dawg. Cmoney. Party at C-notes. HABIB!, MATT DINARO. Alana: Howz Ben Tzatick? House: I would put a pic of you, but it wouldn’t fit. Prince: You got my back. Hi ping it’s bob. To anyone I forgot, don’t feel bad but I did this last minute as usual.
Thanks mom and dad: Although I complained of your constant nagging, it was what allowed me to succeed. Amanda: Thanks for being a great sister. Special thanks to Mr. White, umm Bob Stein here!, Madame!!, Mr. Barrow, Mr. Thoms, Mr. Reisinger and Mr. Trocchio. “Baby, don’t you wanna dance up on me?” - Britney Spears
Thanks camp friends. 110
Special thanks to all the people who helped me through math and French.
stop passing and shoot the damn ball! - my dad, coaches, fans, strangers and pretty much everybody else It feel good to feel good!- my uncle Bubba And you know this, MAN!-Smokey from Friday
ve been here for 13 years! om naptime and football at SnOUtOUtZ. acess to gettin’ flabbed and Da old crew: Mike Abramoff- “from the cradle to the grave” Steve Brown, oin’ to Bar Mitzvahs to Dave Borgesi, John Evans, Blake, Rob Morgan. lasketball and college. Its so ^ Wash U peoples: My girl Jorga from Idaho, Brittany from Tallahasse, old up here! I guess that’s c c , * . Stephanie from Savannah. /hy lm headin down to da ,„ „ . , , _ ** 11 .»/T hppx t Tu )irty South ta spit dat My School peoples: Larry- OHHHH, My ankle! (LJ1GG) I guess I broke outhern slang. There are a y°u t0° manY times, for real though, you’ll grow into dem arms! Oh yeah, )t of fake people here, but I you’re not the #&A#ing man! Peter Merrit, House, Prince, Habib, Nyna. ked most y’all. I wanna keep Abby- I ’m gonna miss you beating me up and pulling my hair and beard. Elana-Stop eating all my food!, Dena (CIACCO!)- You’re huge! i touch with everybody. II see y’all when I see y’all! Zach-Party at C-Note’s! Colin-“Did they cancel Family Guy again?” Thanks
€ >v
to Surabian for takin’ me under his wing. ’hank you’s: AJ-thanks for half my wardrobe and assists. \y fam: Mom and DadBig thanks to my CHAMPIONSHIP cross country team and to all my ’hank you for •VERYTHING, Bubbie and Basketball Squads. Q -You’re my partna! I’m gonna miss club hoppin’ with you. ■'appa. Monique -You’re my girl, you always make me laugh, JC FAM-Goldie, Anne Re nd Evelyn, Joyce and Vicky, Thanks to Coach Fitz and Coach O’Brien for always having confidence in LOVE YALL. me even though I would never shoot, and Coach Bellino for giving me a chance.
hanks to NORTH CAROLINA, Come on and Raise up! Take yo’ shirt off, Ws. Truesdell, twist it round yo’ head, spin it like a helicopter!-Petey Pablo /Irs. Seale, It’s time to fight back!- Huey Newton 'Ir.Thoms, (Mr) LAPPIN, You just got knocked the #*A# out!- Smokey from Friday i\\. White, Mr. Barrow. Holla back youngin’- Fabolous
Trevan Scott Marden WOW! It’s hard to believe that we are leaving Bancroft. It seems like only yesterday I was beginning third grade in Mrs. Allen's class. We've had a lot of fun, and look how far we’ve come!
Congratulations to the Class of 2002! ^Zo my friends: ^Zkank you ait so muck fioz making my ten yeaxs at lS>anctiojjt some ofi the best yeais o-fc mi/ U^e. 3 It vemembei
"The greatest gift of life is friendship and I have received it." - Hubert Humphrey, American vice president (1911-1978) 111
CA VTU N l -\T» CitVfrv -U AU^- S v c o o
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Morgan Montgomery Draw a crazy picture, Write a nutty poem. Sing a mumble-jumble song, Whistle through your comb. Do a loony-goony dance 'Cross the kitchen floor Put something silly in the world That ain't been there before.
-Shel Silverstein The real test of friendship is: can you literally do nothing with the other person? Can you enjoy those moments of life that are utterly simple? -Eugene Kennedy
What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from. - T.S. Eliot
~I have so many people to thank for making the past four years so greatThe Fam: You guys are awesome and are always there when I need you - 1 love you tons!! The Henchy Advisory: We're the best, end of story! Finger painting, cake decorating, inner-advisory "dating" (I love you!) - what more could you want? Techies: My second family...painting "boxes," black light highlighter tatoos, funfetti, never ending work calls...Techie love forever (and ever, and ever)! All my Friends: Trips to Hawaii, writing novels, boyfriend pillows, Oscar parties, SBTB (with a T!), days of the week, Spanish guys, rings in chem class suck & blow, "I don't have that problem," my ghetto-ness, algebraic expressions, chats on the lax field and X-C bus, James Bond, the pact, white airplanes in Broken Arrow, sketchy driver's ed., mood swings, family emergencies, the Bruce hat...all the fun we've had, you guys mean the world to me and have helped me make these memories the ones I'll never forget! I'll miss you... -A lso, special thanks to my teachers, Bancroft Lax and X-C, Social Concerns, and Student Council"Well here and now will we ever be again? Because I have found all that shimmers in this world is sure to fade away again." -S h im m e r, Fuel
Mom and Dad: I love you both so much and appreciate what you’ve done for me. can’t thank you enough. Amv: Even though you are my sister, you’re my best friend. I love you and thanks for everything. Andy + Josh: You guys have made life difficult, but I love you both.
The lunch table: Alana, Julia, Greta. Susan, and Alvssa: You guys are the best! Without you my time at Bancroft would have been extremely boring. Thanks for all the awesome times. It’s been wicked fun. I love you all and will miss you so much next year. I wish you all the best of luck.
ttitfa ri) M yers
T h a n k s f o r e v e r y t h in g G r e g a n d K la n a ( c h e m c l a s s ) , R u d y ( s p a n , c a l c , s o c c e r ) , a n d N ic o le ( p h y s i c s w ith A m y ). M a t t y , y o u ’r e t h e c o o l e s t b i k e r 1 k n o w . S t a y w ith it . K C , t h a n k s f o r b e in g o n e o f t h e o n ly 2 p r e p s in W h it in s v ille w ith
“Don’t wish it away. Don’t look at it like it’s forever. Between you and me I can honestly say that things can only get better.”— EJ
m e . D re w , t h a n k s f o r a ll t h e la t e n ig h t ta lk s . T h e y h e lp e d s o m u c h . A le x , t h a n k s f o r a ll y o u r h e lp w ith B r ia n . H e ’s a h a n d f u l. J a m e s , y o u 'r e t h e b e s t . I d o n ’t h a v e t h e w o rd s to e x p r e s s w h a t y o u ’v e d o n e fo r m e o r w h a t y o u m e a n to m e . T h a n k y o u s o m u c h a n d r e m e m b e r th e “s t a r s ." x o x o x o
Brian: Thanks for all the support you’ve given me. I couldn’t ask for a better friend. Even though we’ve had some rough times, there definitely were some good ones. Remember all the DD runs, trampoline nights, Boston days, all the vacations, etc. It’s been a lot of fun. You’re the biggest goofball I know! Thanks for making me laugh.You have no idea how much that helped me get through my worst year. No matter what happens between us, remember that I will always love you.
Thanks to all the members and leaders of Amnesty, Social Concerns, Tour guides, and Cooking club.
Erin: We've been friends for so long. I
Julia, Alana, Jessie, Bacon, Sara, don't know how I'm going to manage Morgan, Snuff, Su, and tlie rest of without you next year. College won't tlie soccer and lacrosse crew: Thanks come between us...promise. Thanks for everything. I'll miss you.
for making practice fun and not as tedious as it could have been.
rrung Q . Nguyen Friends: I would like to thank my friends (you know who you are) for the four years I have attended Bancroft. I wouldn’t have survived it without you guys. There were some rough times and some smooth times. Although I say bye to you guys, it is not a permanent one. I know that I will probably talk to you guys again no matter where I am. Fav. Quotes: -Flying is simple. You just jump and miss the ground. -I know kung-fu, karate, and 47 other dangerous words. -There are three types of people in this world: Those who can count and those who can’t.
About me: I am probably not a very well known person in school due to my passiveness and not being vocal at school. But for those who have talked to me or know me, then I would like to be remembered as a person who would never really intend to hurt anyone physically or emotionally. Although I know self-defense, I don’t go around and karate chop someone on the back of the head...all the time. Family: My parents are the ones who have raised me to be who I am today. Without them, I wouldn’t know where I would be. My sister is the one who has influenced me to listen to a type of music known as breakbeat and to sing (although I rarely sing at school). I have always enjoyed picking on my little brother when I’m stressed out, but I always do so with brotherly love. Remember: “Be who you are and never try to be anyone else. That way, you’re staying true to yourself.”
Mom and Dad, thanks for all your support and encouragement. More importantly, thanks for trusting me to screw up and learn from my mistakes. You guys are the best parents anyone could ask for. Maybe I’m not always right, but I’d say you’ve done a great job. Scott, we’ve shared a lot over the last three years, now it’s your turn; make sure you and Brad have as much fun as we’ve had. Brad, you’ll always be the Golden Nugget. Hope you’re ready for high school because it’s gonna be fun times. I’ll miss you guys.
In the long run, men hit only 'T ^ a v e N i c h o l s o n what they aim at. Therefore, they had better aim at something high. -Henry David Thoreau Life is not about where you end up, it’s about what you do along the way. Thanks to all those people who been there along the way to keep things interesting. Kate Keegan, for W h a t A l e ’s You. Nana & Grampa, Nana & Papa, you have always been there to congratulate me. Andrew, even when you fell asleep early, growing up with you was great. Now if I could just get you to call back. Thanks to Abby, Elana, Kat, Julia, Margaret, Greta, Steve and Lindsey, Dana, Derek, Thomas, Dan, Liza, all the Andersons and Nicholsons, Julia S., Mr. Salit, Mr. Teutsch, Mr. Trocchio, Mr. White, all the Lax boys, and everyone else whose name should be here, sorry, but I ran out of space.
So in America when the sun goes down I know tonight the stars'll be out, and nobody, nobody knows what's going to happen to anybody. - Jack Kerouac
Ben, Robb, Benno: It’s been an awesome seven years. Being hicks in Grafton, sledding at Dinosaur Hill, pre-Mtn Day traditions, the third floor, SuperBeast Saturdays, Farmington, the list is endless. You guys have been great friends, can’t wait for w hat’s next. fM o m -
You have been both a mother and best friend to me for the past 17 years. Thank you for all of your unconditional love and support. I don't know what I'll do without you next year. I love you!
A nnansa k
Special Thanks to Gramma NERB and the whole Beast Family
You have been my best playmate for the majority of my life. Thanks for being such a great grandfather. I love you a whole big bunch!
You have been like a father to me. Thank you for helping me learn from my mistakes and for your constant encouragement. I love you!
You are the craziest and most fun loving person I know. Thank you for teaching me to be a true princess smartypants! Hugs and Tummybites!!
To my friends: ALEXIS. 12 years! We’ve had some awesome times together- Spain and Sergi; Maria, Ayudame Ayudame! No puedo!! knock knock knock...; "Cardinal’' Desires; too many more to list, many more to come! Thanks for being such a great friend. Love ya! GREG, we always have fun when we are together- snow walls and dodging police cars, trips to the Cape, and Mexico (we wish). Thanks for being such an awesome person to hang out with. Love ya! KELS. you were my partner in crime this summer. Remember our cool mom cars and weekly outings. You know we’ll be friends forever! Love ya! ERICA, when I first met you I never thought we’d become such great friends. Thanks for all the fun times in Boston. Love ya!! To all my other friends ~ BUKIE, EMMA, and the rest of the ©te® ©If you guys have made my years here at Bancroft unforgettable. Good Luck and I’ll miss you!! To my teachers: Thanks for your knowledge and support during the past four years, it means everything to me. RITAPANTS. you have been both my advisor and friend throughout the years. Thank you for your love, support, and most of all, your insanity. I love you!!
‘jemimahpiddlin duck/123 spittle/lil april showers/cooks in the kitch, i love you*
2 B o o s in P o d / s i t - o n - t h e - h a t -
‘ Emma Isabelle Ostrow*
s itu a t io n / p h o n e c a lls / w e e k ly s le e p o v e r s / p la y s / w ritin g s o n g s / m ad
“I try to make everyone’s day a little more surreal.” —Calvin, C a lv in a n d H o b b e s
d a w g / g c n c ra l g o o fin e s s / c a r r y o n m y w a y w a rd s o n , b e s t b o o s fo re v e r!
^Others that deserve a mention for their vast influence on my life: my Jew ish Eisner peeps, eclectic CCY theater folk, Ja n e , Teddy, Isabelle, Esther, both pairs of Grandm as and Grandpas, Elin & Helga, *Love to all my esteem ed Bancroft friends Marzipan, Lerners, Aaron, and teachers. Thanks for always laughing Ju lia n , Smelldawg, Ja m e s, along with me. Good tim es, eh? Indeed! etc... I love you all!
*1 owe so m uch of my happiness at Bancroft to the theater departm ent. Mr. Belanger and Mrs. Hench, thanks for encouraging my many aspirations.
*Ah, my “greatest advocates in life” (right Maisely?)! You guys are the single m ost im portant sam/jessie/rob/nynz/ people and pups I know. Nothing i com pares with family, and ours: Maise, Paise, Roosha, me (Emmadoo), Shmoodles, Grinch *You two are the m ost entertaining best Little, Scades, Dootzie, and friends a girl can have. I c a n ’t picture life Bivdawg is truly original. I love without you, but I imagine it would be us! Thanks for the ongoing flow very lonely. I love you, my Grinch of unprecedented chaos and Krumpet (keep on G rinehoutin’) and my pandemonium. Booser (the Jew ish Greek)!!!! b u k e / b o o / k a t/ la n e r s / a n n a lis a / g r e g / m e g /
ta fc y / e la n a / a b b y / b c n
j c n j e n /c o l in / tre e v / s
l o v e y o u i
Colin Thomas Probert Well, this is it. I am finally at the end of the tunnel! Years ago, m y arrival at this point seem ed im possibly far away. I ow e m any people | , my thanks for ensu ring m y survival during this process: My Family- W ithout you r support, I'd be dead. My friends- Because parties at C -n ote's and gentlem an's club (both in school and out) could not organize them selves. The Calliope Theatre- For their high quality i productions that filled m e w ith w onder. The Scottish people- For loaning m e your heritage. The Amazing Faculty at Bancroft- A ll of w hom ;nd sacrifice too m u ch and are recognized too little. Special thanks go out to Mr. D eal, w ho taught me how to tell p eop le that th ey're w rong. To conclude, please enjoy this picture o f me:
Words o f Wisdom "The purpose of life is a life of purpose." - R o b e rt B y rn e " The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast
- W illia m James "It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - W illia m Shakespeare "Ha Ha!, Trebeck!" - D a r r e l H a m m o n d , im p e rs o n a tin g Sean C o n n e ry
"Some may try and tell us that this is the end of an era. But what they overlook is that in America, every day is a new beginning." - R o n a ld R eagan
M adame. M r . M cM illan. M rs . Hench:
“Some men see things as they are and as!£ why. Others dream things that never were andast^why not." - Qeorge Shaw
Your guidance and support have been invaluable in these past four delicate years. Thank you so much!
Katherine Fiona Radin So be happy you're here, v R Think of life as a thrill! If worse comes to worst ^ ~ As we all know it will, Thank your lucky stars You've gotten this far! And tell yourself How lucky you are!" -Seussical
E m m a B e m , y o u lit lik e a c a n d le s tic k ! G re g 501 m a n h o u rs ! P o ly N o m ia l!
. xjjJ
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” r t T. Kennedy ^° ^ ^°m 1^ ur support and sacrifice remain constant through each of my crazy endeavours. I'll take your lessons and love with me alu/ays.
“Character is what you know you are, not what others think you have." - Marva Collins
Special Thanks to Abby. Elana. Lexi. Della. Audrey. Amanda. Sari. Jess. Anthony: You have opened your hearts and homes and embraced me as no other group of people has. Your friendship has made the hard times easier and the good times better. Thank You.
Emily- You have been everything to me. Thanks for being my best friend IN SPITE of the fact that I’m a “dork.” I’ll never forget x-mas colors, Seinfeld, & our music videos. You’ll always be my BFFFS & whether you like it or not, we’ll be best friends forever. I love you Daisy. See you on the bright side. *A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
JOSS- *Nsync AlliSOn- Mini-me,
D ena R a ffa
Alana- One day
Jon- You
our movie will get made. Between ghosts, Friends & boy bands, you’ve always been there. Don’t get “lost” without me!
mean more to me then you’ll ever know. Thanks for being my friend, (...are you for real?)
I can't remember all the times tried to tell myself to hold on to these moments as they pass." - Counting Crows
*Some of us belong to the stars, up there is where you’ll find me.*
How could I forget: rules! You’ve you complete me. been a great You have been way Ben & Dave (no more Dena Days!); Brad (D. friend for so Dena just double dipped); Larry (1/2 man 1/2 too nice to me & I Ang, Heather, Shmansterappreciate you many years. beast); Zack (weird); Josh (woman!); Colin I’ve had way too much fun w/ you girls. Gotta love those more than you (edamame?); Chris (I drove on 290); Shackers Softball, Ping-a-lings, GusGus, “LIMP!”. think. Thanks for home videos. (stupid *%$#); AJ (Nips); Ryan (BIG dork); You guys were always there when I “Come on down understanding & Coaches Enlow, Stein & Gerhardt Hoc needed to laugh. Thanks for all the to Swingspore!” being the “same crazy times. person as me". Mom & Dad: Thanks for all the support. You “It’s so hard to say goodbye to We all take different paths in part never stopped believing in me. yesterday...& I’ll take with me the life, but no m atter where we go, Bas Gram: You’re like my second mother. I’m we take a little of each other memories to be my sunshine after the dedicating my first Oscar to you. everywhere.” -Tim McGraw ram. Katie: Thanks for being more than a cousin.
To the Class o f 2002: "May every star you wish upon & every hope you're hanging on come true. 116
“Pooh, promise you’ll never forget me even when I’m ninety-nine years old.” -Winnie the Pooh
Mom, Dad, and Pat: I never could have made it this far without your love and support. I love you guys and I’ll miss you next year.
Saved By the Bell: We’ve made it through a lot. Keep in touch next year. I’ll miss you guys next year.
All my friends who I couldn’t have made it through high school without you know who you are!!
BVFH Squad and Coach Gerhardt: So many memories the past three seasons! You better kill Winsor next year and take back the league!!!
Senorita & Tele’s Advisory: We truly are the “foxiest” advisory in . Remember the pene...
Greta Scheibel Ain’t nothin but a G-thang baby biggest thanks I can give goes to the lunch table. We shared everything: Journey, Prom, and “dirty” lunch table talks. You guys make Bancroft to me. Julia- Winter, spring, summer, and fall, ORANGE SNAPPLE, pathetic friday nights playing the piano, and oh yes, RODEO! Hillary- You’ve shown me what true friendship is, you’re always there, and I love you (crystal palace...what?!?). Susy- How could I forget my first metal show you took me to? I have sooo much fun going to shows with you in Boston, visiting you at the Bean Counter, and post-mountain visits to coffee shops. Alyssa- My favorite tiny dancer, JUST SHOVE THAT DIME IN THE JUKE BOX, trip to Martha’s Vineyard, “just girl” parties...(with Becky haha and Bram), and oh yes, the pre-Homecoming party, we’re the best. Alana-1 feel like I got to know you best this year, I had so much fun with you at Martha’s Vineyard, shopping in Boston (hotties on the highway....wait...this isn’t Boston, this is the bridge to Cape Cod), and everything in between. Thanks girls, I’ll never forget you. Now, second biggest thanks has to go to....BACON. Where do I begin? I’ve had sooooo much fun with you these past two years....WE’RE JUNIORS AND WE’RE LEADING!!!, tailgate parties complaining about boys (no names mentioned), blink 182, the list goes on. Basically I love you, and whenever you need me I’m there for you. Daddy Dave deserves a big thanks too. Thanks for junior homecoming, 2:30 AM cell phone calls, and for just being Davey. The non-Bancrofters: Sarah Kane-You’re always there for me, whether I need to run away or go to Friendly’s. You and Babs are my second family, and I love you. My Family- Thanks for putting up with me for these last 18 years, love you guys. 117
Susan Scheufele
Andy St. Lawrence
Gregory Adam Strazzulla Mom and Dad, thank you for everything. You gave me the oppotunity to be can’t start w ithout mentioning here, and th at is worth the world. my family. I know I could not have done this without all of you. You are my base, and now I will build on what you gave me.
“I never tfiinl^about the future, it comes soon enough” -A lbert ‘E instein Joe and Chris, this picture says it all. We grew together, "It is good to have an end and now I feel we are to jo u rn ey tow ard, b u t it's closer than ever. I won’t forget you were the jo u rn ey that m atters in there for a lot and I the e n d ." ~U. G uin always did appreciate it. X-QYOU GUYS ROCK! COACH C AITLIN AN D ALA N A , O'BRIEN AND COACH FITZ, you helped me through it all, THANKS, KEEP UP THE thank you and I will see you TRADITIONS, AND I WILL BE on the Cape. ...Sa£y ... BACK TO CHEER YOU ON! Qs &
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Sam Truesdell Mom and Dad - You are wonderful. Thank you very much to all the people I have known throughout my Bancroft career. It’s been quite a ride. From football at recess on the fields that are now that new giant building all the way to crazy AP classes, this has been so much fun. Good luck to everybody, and do not forget to take risks. I will see you all later!! Thanks to my friends....we’ve had some fun times. Music Man ~ Oklahoma ~ Once Upon A Mattress ~ Fiddler on the Roof ~ Thanks to the Drama Department! r a b b it m a d e o f s te e l, lo b s te r h a s a b e a k
“You see, you spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time.” -Jim Bouton
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Thank you to the baseball team and Double Tree and Checkers.
Alexis Zara Tum olocw My thirteen years at Bancroft have been incredibly awesome. Every experience that I have had and every person that I have known have shaped my outlook, my values and my character. Thank you, everyone: *My family for your constant love* *My friends for all the unforgettable experiences* *The Sandboxers for all the years * My teachers for your wisdom * My “Brothers” for the laughs* *Carlson Advisory for your support* *Blue Belles & BOSC * Squad & Bancroft Lax*
>: ^ ! an !; an
De an an
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I f y o u c a ll m y n a m e o u t
S a y w h a t y o u w a n t.
lo u d , d o y o u s u p p o s e t h a t /
Say w h a t y o u m ean.
w o u ld c o m e r u n n in g ? D o
Q u e s t io n y o u r s e l f - a r e y o u
y o u suppose I 'd com e a t
r e a lly w h a t y o u se e m ?
a l l . . . I s u p p o s e / w o u ld . ..
S a y w h o y o u a re .
You k n o w l w o u ld .
Say w h a t y o u m ean.
-Dispatch /w a n t to t h a n k y o u f o r g i v i n g m e th e b e s t d a y o f
Q u e s t io n y o u r s e l f - a r e y o u r e a lly w h a t y o u d re a m ?
m y lif e . A n d j u s t to b e w it h
T u t t i la v it a e la m u s ic a d i
y o u is h a v in g th e b e s t d a y
s in c o p i.
o f m y life . -Dido
-Eugenio Montale
a & Ma-
Anh Chau- We’ve
Uven. Chris. & Trung- Thanks
made it! We’ve ven though I don’t always show my ppreciation, I hope you.know that you been through so ean the world to me. I would not have much together, and ade it this far without your love, you’ve helped me . iupport, and guidance. Thank you for through every step. verything. Na Nho will always love Thanks, you know I ou.
for all the good times. I’ll definitely miss Uyen’s giggles, Chand Man’s sincerity, and Trung’s sense of humor. You guys rock! Uyen, could u please tell your boyfriend to stop hitting on me?
lub ya.
XC Team- Good luck guys & remember to always run with reckless abandon. Thanks Coach O’Brien & Coach Lappin for three awesome years. I’ll miss you a lot Mary Kate, aka Scott DC.
To My Peeps- I’ll miss ’hi 2- “Hey sistah, soul sistah, let me get a dough sistah!” You’re an awesome |riend, sister, and person. I’ll miss verything about you—your love, advice, and lost importantly, your clothes. Clubbing, nd snacking late at night will not be the ime without you. Thanks Chi 2 ,1 love you.
I’m not weird, I’m unique.
all of you, especially you Nicole. You’ll always be my Bumble Bee. Biggie hugz to my Shinz and to everyone else who touched my heart & made me smile.
Bancroft Teachers & Faculty- Thanks especially to
Nhi- You’ll always be that l’il girl in the diaper that I adore, no matter how old you are. You can be such a brat sometimes, but you’re always there for me. Thank you for loving “Chi 3” and for always understanding me, especially when no one else does. I’ll always love you.
Mrs. Pearson, Mr. Stein, Mr. Deal, Mr. & Mrs. Salit, Mr. Kondek and Mr. McMillan.
AB Reps- You rock my world!
I like: smurfs and omelettes and my socks and spring and screaming and you and spontaneity and knowledge and moving and freedom and thinking and my doggy and the moon and markers and dreams and desires and passion and music and revolutions and arches and backstage and energy and black 'and flying and floating and mother nature and a cappella and letters and peach fuzz and Paris and Pitt and Depp and Rimbaud and Baudelaire and the hamster dance and Holden Caulfield and Annabel Lee and texturing and smells and lollipops and languages and life and seventeen years and (peace and Beethoven and Strauss and Mozart and emotions and the catwalk and the Mediterranean and human races and toothbrushes and pillow fights and myself.
I don't like: Obedience and throwing up and roadkill and borders and competition and you and ignorance and trucks and weakness and tv and need and reality and obsession and numbers and money and pneumococus and running and popularity and war and religions and ear hair and guilt and patriotism and highways and cooking and brainwashing and regrets. I
- Cecilia Vuillermoz
'rhank y o u . 121
Benjam in Mark W eisberger Dave and Big Bennie: We have had a rockin’ good time. Dave: Skating, Farmington, and the Bosstones shows; you might say we had too much fun. But I don’t think so. Ben: I have known you since kindergarten in Mrs. Anderson’s class along with Robb, and it has been great. I can guarantee that we will have fun next year, but when those two weekends in the summer roll around you know where the four of us will be.
Robb: Dude, we have been best buds since kindergarten. We have had more fun times than I can even remember. No matter where we go I know we will always be brothers. No matter what, we will always have those last nights of camp in the future.
Julia: First of all, thank you, thank you for always being there for me for the last four years. Our friendship has kept me going through so much, and I will miss you a lot next year.
To the Morgans, the Crofts and the Nicholsons: Thank you for opening your homes and always treating me like one of your own.
To all my friends: Jess, Alyssa, Becky, Katherine, Greta, Margaret, Jessie, Jackie, Jen, Todd, Charlie, everyone at Camp O-AT-KA, New England Roast Beef, Ljigg, Josh, Colin (for all the missions), and anyone I forgot, you know who you are.
Mom, Dad, and Jess: It has been a great eighteen years. Thank you so much for all the support and always helping me overcome any and all problems I have ever had. Mom and Dad, thank you for always setting such a great example and giving me someone to look up to.
Thomas Grandma and Grandpa: Thanks for all the laughs. 1 love you
P •Un‘S>^ ncles’ Couslns- Coaches, Close Friends. Decent
Church'TvqM'maT ' Habb" leS' TeaCherS' DortOTS. Dentists, Uiurch, TV. Music, Action Figures. Art - Thanks!Emily- Time Hies when you’re having fun. and it will keep flying. Thanks for being so special and for giving me something to look forward to every day. Sweet Dreams, Night, 1 Love You! Craig Money- Best Bros for life man! The Connection: (C H J.A., B.Y.) Christina “C'liaCha”roneThanks a lot lor leaving Bancroft!!! We'll always be tight!
Tal- You are like a best fnend to me. It’s always fun when you are around. I know we will remain close throughout our lives! Thank you for the late night talks, the constant laughter, and the millions of other things you've done for me. I love you!
Be true to yourself. Be true to those who truly mean
Mom and Dad: You two mean everything to me. You are always there for me and have provided me with the warmest and most comfortable atmosphere to live in. I will forever carry with me everything that you two have taught me. You have done so much for me that it cannot possibly be repaid, and my appreciation cannot be expressed in words. I love you both forever! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTH IN G !
funmew if Ckheyou Have theof tim e thatrue t you tm,y cons>‘ fun. Walk true' outskirts your personality every day. Relax, life is truly cool if you're true to it and to yourself” -Brad Yaylaian
Gee and Pa- You are like a second set of parents to me. You two are so kind and have taught me so much, not to mention th amazing foods you cook, i truly respect everything you two have done in your lives I love you both very much! Thank you.
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Isadora S. Yoffie
"Home is the place that when you go there they always take you in." -Robert Frost f r w -
r r j
"All the love that you gave me All the dreams in the night And I just want to thank you While the day's still light." -Vertical Horizon
r v j
s •
Mom- All the detours that we took in the car had an advantage; they gave us an endless amount of time to talk. Thanks for all the love and advice. Dad- Even though I have enough hugs and kisses to last a lifetime, your baby will always be I here for more. Alexy, Tory, and Bram- Dad was right when he said that your sisters and brother will always be your best friends. I guess Chilly will have to keep things under control at home now. Thanks for all the late night phone calls. I think I could write a book with all of your words of wisdom. Nana and Papa- Our sleepovers in Key Biscayne, West Dennis and Worcester are full of so many memories. Thanks for all the Shirley Temples. Missy- I'll never forget how to make an apple pie, how to "Shuffle off to Buffalo"or any of your stories. Always remember that in my eyes you will always be 25. Mi familia en Argentina- Te quiero mucho. To all of my friends- Thanks for never asking me to be quiet when I just kept on talking and talking, even when we were miles apart. Mr. Pollock, Mr. Reisinger and all of my teachers- Thank you for your kindness and support. I would not be the same person if all of you were not in my life. "Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, you choose them as your guides and following them, you reach your destiny." -Carl Schurz
S enior B a b ie s
H ne4D '££ 'M oiaiag yg y uBqSapy yg ’IAI ^ I I !H 'OS 'A P « g 6 f 'H Ayoag '8 F 'V eAuiipg yy H rooaqay '9 f 'V Auey -£f -g utg yy -jsj 3 abq -gp 3 aouiiy yp 3 uag yp y B-uopy 'OP 3 aiueqdapg '6 £ 'H -»}3d '8 £ 'O eaiuig 'Z£'d 3 issa{ *9£ 'O esrpBuuy -gg -y Aqqy yg a sssApy -gg -y eue[y yg -y auuaqpBy yg y Euepg ’og 3 Bijaf -53 -g ' B49.ID ' 8 Z ' I P » 3 'ZZ 'O Aging -93 s S3 '3 si.a[ 3 f z y uieg £Z 3 sixapy yz 'A 6 1113 3 3 yg 'H uiAay 0Z '3 mny '61 A Asioq 81 d 1 1 3 0 3 yx -py UBAajy yp yq Suiuy -gp -q Apiuig yp 3 m ejg -gp y ipBZ yp •y Ainy yp -y ssaf '01 '3 uaAjy ' 6 ' A euApq ' 8 7 ayoojg 7 - p q 1 1 1 3 1 6 3 - 9 g p a i B & r e p q S >1 e u e p y y y qsof - g S 7 y 3 y jai
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Memories As we finish our distinguished Bancroft careers, finally, we realize that there were many special experiences in our journey through the years. Let's look back at some of those memorable times... The Sandboxers- Dena, Kat, Josh, Annalisa, Moira, Dorsy, Lexi, and Sam entered kindergarten at Bancroft and enjoyed the daily antics of Nora and her Rainbow Brite friends and Billy and Keith as they chased the girls all over the playground. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ruled the toy industry and the original boy band, New Kids on the Block, rocked the charts. We embarked on the never-ending cycle of Bancroft stress as we contemplated what we could put in the Treasure Box when it was our turn. With our graduation to first grade, we finally got to partake in activities such as woodworking, Lego Logo, gym in the real mat room, and reading groups. At the beginning of fifth grade, we realized that our class had a special skill: the power to make teachers mysteri ously disappear. As Ms. Gupton would in seventh grade and Mrs. Albrecht would in eighth grade, Mrs. Condon left us within the first month of fifth grade. On the cusp of adolescence, .we began our maturation with experimentation in fashion, media, leadership roles, and work of the "real world." Well, sort of: almost all of the girls in the grade sported the classic combination of the black and white checkered shirts paired with black overalls. What a year to mark the end of Lower School. We went out with a bang in our fabulous adapted rendition of "Jeremiah was a j Bullfrog." t Middle School was a huge adjustment, a big blur of Flex Blocks and Munches, but what we all had been waiting j for...DANCES!!! Middle School dances were the best. We all made fools of ourselves with clothes that morphed with the trends and crazy dance moves (does anybody remember something called "The Macarena"?). And then there wa: always the social custom of asking people to dance or asking people out through other people— very sneaky and inconspicuous. Anyways, middle school was a blast because we got to learn a dance from Mrs. Crooks and play j icebreakers with Mr. Mac within the first week of sixth grade; we drank lemonade at Steve's Spa during our Sixth Grade Shrewsbury Street Interdisciplinary Week; then we worked our special power on Mr. Rocha and got him to leave since his intimidating voice was making kids cry in math. In seventh grade, the highlight of the year was at Ellis Island when we abandoned some people, who passed their time by playing the "Down on the banks of the hanky-panky, where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky" game and relieved their starvation through Mr. Boone's provision of emergency hamburgers. After we conquered the stress of our "Eighth Grade Play in the Round" (My Very Own Story— what is it with our class and storytelling plays?), Eighth Grade Forums, and the Renaissance Fair (which was so much cooler than other classes'!), we had the privilege of ending our M.S. experience with a totally exciting, mind-blowing, intensely extreme white-water rafting trip. Yeah, Middle School was tons of fun. Beginning with an unusual headmaster circumstance, our Upper School careers have been filled with tons of different experiences. After about half of our class left following eighth grade, a bunch of crazy new kids infiltrated our class and spiced up our lives. During our time in Upper School, we have all followed our fancies and chosen different paths. Some have torn up the fields, tracks, and courts with amazing sports plays and even gone on to be victorious in E.I.L. and N.E.P.S.A.C. championships. Others have taken the spotlight in or engineered on the technics aspects of dramatic productions, and many have taken on leadership roles in community service activities. Even while accomplishing many things in great strides in various clubs, we have excelled academically and even com pleted sparkling college applications. While pursuing divergent interests, we have remained a tight-knit and united class, and we will always remember our spirit at Mountain Day, class competitions, and class trips. Now, as we embark on new phases of our lives, our memories from Bancroft will always bond us together through anything that crosses our path. -Alexis Tumolo
Best of Luck to the Class of 2002! From the Bancroft Parent-Faculty Association
Best Wishes to the Class
Phone: Home: Fax:
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219 W. Boylston St. P.O. Box 380 West Boylston, MA 01583
Donald V. Lemay, DDS, FAGD Comprehensive Family Dentistry 110 Prichard Street Fitchburg, Massachusetts 01420 (978) 343-3031 Fax (978) 343-3032
The Reisner Family Congratulations Dena and the Class of 2002! W e ar e so pro ud o f you!
M ay a l l y o u r d r e a m s COME TRUE. We Love You, Mom & Dad
Congratulations to Jessica and the Class of 2002!
We're so very proud of you Jess. Love, Mom, Dad, Chris and Anthony To the Class of 2002 It's been great watching you grow up!
Congratulations to Benno and the C lass of 2002.
All the Best, Melody, David, Alana and Alex Rose
Congratulations to the Class of 2002! The Filiberti Family 130
bright future! We are proud of you, Benno. Love, Dad, Mom, Jess, Grandma, Oma and your family in Ohio and Holland
Way to go Becky! On to Tufts
Love, Carolyn, Mark, Dad Bunny, Pa, Jack, Isobel & Pippi J |
Jessie Watching you grow into the thoughtful, Intelligent, diligent and beautiful young woman you've become has been a joy and a wonder. We know that college is only the next of many challenges you will meet in life, and that you'll succeed because of all you've become. We're all prouder than you can know. We love you. Dad &Joyce
Congratulations to Colin Probert and The Class of 2002 W e re very proud of you!
Mom & Peter
Congratulations to the Class of 2002!
Mom, Dad and Julia
Barry Gerhardt ANNALISA LIVE... LOVE... LAUGH...
P r e s id e n t
WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU Ex WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH. ******************************************************* XXX
M om , R oger a n d G ram py
146 West Boylston Drive Worcester, M A 0 1606-27261 main 508-853-7120 direct 508-926-7121 fax 508-853-7124 j
Auihatued Dntnhutor
Congratulations to the Class of
from GREG'S PACKING CO. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 170 Prescott St. Worcester, MA 01605 (508) 799-6644
FAMOUS FOOD, ~13ESTT3RJ*YV*S & HOSPITALITY 1160 WEST BOYLSTON STREET WORCESTER 01606 (508) 853.0789 Fax (508) 853.2879
Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, it’s off to college you go... Congratulations, Emmy-Pooh! Love, Mom, Dad, Eileen, Betsy, Thomas & Margaret 133
. -v-v.-
Co^gra+ixlalions, Cart'll* Noel McDoNough!!!! The World a W a i+ S ^ o ia . . . Love, Mow, T>ad, Shaix*, Ryan, Kelsey, Darcy, £ Dylan
7 R ebecca,
^Thank \[ou 1S ifeats o l o v e and la u ^ h te t. see ifo u
/K a y
th e y
th ro u g h
whatever the fiutuve b r in g s .
Y o u
a lw a y s
r e m a in
he a 7t s .
( Z o n $ 7a t u l a -
tio n s
a n d
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lu c k . W
lo v e ,
/K o m ,
‘Z ^ a d ,
[ Jen
Yovi Arc An A w esom e t>Avi V»ter Ant> love, m o m 5
A m vervj provit> o f vjovi
Curlv cutie To Straight Haired Beauty! That’s Our Dorsy ! Always Our Baby To Brainy Teenage Lady! That’s Our Dorsy ! ! Sunrise - Sunset Sunrise - Sunset Swiftly through 18 (Chai) years, One year curls into another Dorsy brings happiness and cheer ! ! ! Dorsy: May G-d make you like the beloved daughters of Israel: Sarah, Rebecca, Rachael and Leah! ! ! ! L’Chaim Arriba Abajo Al Centro y Adentro M om m y, Dad, Alexy, Tory, Bram & Chilly
C o n g r a tu la tio n M o rg a n !
"Wisdom without action is like a tree without fruit." - J. Kimhi
Congratulations Elana and to the Class of 2002! Joel, Carol, Seth '97, and Avi '99 Kaufman
S y ra c u s e w ill be ve ry lu c k y t o have you.! B e st w ishes f o r y o u a n d the class o f z o o o . . Love, T>ad
Novem ber
1 6, '8 4 ,
H o p k in to n ,
P o p p le s ,
P re c io u s
S titc h e s ,
B u rlin g to n ,
F is h .
C e n te r
P a rtie s ,
P la c e s , W.
S c h o o l:
B ro w n
C h lo e Shop,
B ro o k fie ld ,
H e llo
K itty ,
Sesam e
F a iry -P rin c e s s -B rid e ,
C a m p in g -in -th e -W o o d s , "S e rv in g ",
House, B irth d a y
B e a rs,
F ro o -F ro o
B o w lin g
P ic n ic s , M is s C o t t e r a n d t h e T h a n k s g i v i n g
C la s s
th e P la y ,
T r ic k o r T r e a t i n g , V a le n t in e s , F a m ily F u n D a y s , F la g D a y a n d F ie ld
Day, A
S is te r!
C lo w n ,
B a lle t
R e c ita ls ,
D ra m a Q ueen.
B ro w n ie s ,
E lm w o o d
G ra d e B us In c id e n t, OM C o o k ie s a n d
N e ig h b o rs ,
W a s te ,
G ra n d p a re n ts , N a tu re 's
Ic e
F a ir:
S k a tin g
U n c le s ,
C la s s ro o m ,
S p a rky
th e
S o il,
P la y g ro u n d
B la d e s ,
E v e ry w h e re !,
C a m e ra ,
M id d le W h a le
G irl
S c o u ts ,
Play Hard, Play Easy,
B ric k :
G y m n a s tic s ,
C o u s in s -F A M IL Y !
P in -H o le
S o il,
4 l!1
Charlotte's Web, Mr.
R e g io n a ls a n d O M E R A w a r d ,
S c ie n c e
H a s te
C o m m u n io n ,
S c h o o l: F oo d D riv e s , C la rin e t L e s s o n s , T h e
Popper's Penguins, Cam ps,
F irs t
S u m m e r A rts , S c h o o l:
W a tc h ,
D is n e y ,
K id s -N ite -O u t,
Island a n d M r . L u z i , C r o s s C o u n t r y , S o c c e r , a n d m o r e S o c c e r C a m p s & T o u rn a m e n ts , ANNIE, H u l a - H o o p C o n t e s t , C a r n i v a l s , M u s t a r d S e e d , In tra m u ra l A th le te
B a s k e tb a ll,
S c h o la r a n d
A rt A w a rd ,
B ro th e r!
V a rs ity
S o cce r,
T ra ck
M e e ts ,
S p a n is h A w a rd s ,
P o in tillis m , B o s to n
G lo b e S c h o la s tic
R un n ers
B o s to n
Am anda,
th e
M a ra th o n ,
A llis o n ,
M e r e d it h , L a u r e n a n d C a it. S le e p o v e r s , M a r c o I s la n d , D e la w a r e S t a t e F a ir, W h ite
W a te r
R a ftin g ,
C a rib o u ,
M o u n ta in
C o lle g e
Q u e s t,
C o n firm a tio n ,
W o m e n 's
M r.
B ritn e y ,
W o rld
Pum pk, F io n a ,
G am es,
S o c c e r C h a m p io n s ,
F rie n d s , E lto n ,
B e a s t,
B illy a n d T h e
B a n c ro ft: and
Cam p
D riv e r's th e
Is la n d s ,
Oklahoma, Once
Upon a Mattress, Fiddler on the Roof, M r . D e a l o n S t a g e , C a s t P a r t i e s , C h e e rle a d e rs ,
D e v ils
C o w g irls ,
P rom
F re e d o m ,
S h a k e s p e a r e , P&P, Y e a r b o o k , S o c ia l C o n c e rn s , T o u r s , C o m m u n it y S e r v ic e , P in k B e d r o o m , G r a d u a t i o n - J u n e 6 , ’0 2 !
Alana, with Love and Pride, Go C o n fid en tly in th e D irection o f Your Dream s! Live th e Life Y ou've Im a g in e d . - T h o r e a u
Congratulations to you and Bancroft's Class of 2002. Mom and Dad, Camille and Graham
CoD |Tg>fabfioDS Q r e g © ryl
“Tod^y’ is your dvy. y©u’re off to Cyre^t Pisces! y©u’re off $vd ^w^y! you’ll be od you? w^y up! you’ll be seeing grest sights! you’ll join the high fliers Who s©9? to high heights!” i9
D r le u s s
We love you and we 9re so very proud of you! dill Our Lcwe, . K oto, D^d, Joey, Chris, Qr:?DdTO&, Qrsrodps §v>d Codie !
Congratulations Stephie
Love, Abby ‘93 & Melissa ‘96 Best Wishes to the Class of 2002.
So wfi&teu&L J cun , thewPs a lm a y s [Pooh, 5
h e x e s a lw a y s ‘Pooh atui A te.
“ W h a t m o u ld J d o ? ” J s a id to [Pooh, ” J f it m a m ’t fox y o u ,” cuid LPooh s a id : " 5 xue, J t isn't m uch fu n fo x C tie, Out J mo C an stick to yet h ex ," s a y s [Pooh, s a y s he. " J h a t ’s ham it is," s a y s [Pooh. AA. Milne Now We Arc Six
Congratulations and Best Wishes to Flana and Abby. and the Class of 2002 With Love, Mom, Dad, Polly, Rachel, Tammy, Justin
Celebrating Fifty Years of Excellence In Dance Education 1
st wishes to all the Bancroft School Senic and especially to Charlotte Klein Dancers A lyssa DiPasquale and Stephanie Cohen Worcester Studios Tatnuck Square 1122 Pleasant St. (508) 753-6110
Westborough Studios Westmeadow Plaza Routes 9 & 135 (508)366-8961
Member of Dance Masters Of America
Eleanor Roosevelt
Mom and Dad
Congratulations Andy!
Love, Mom, Dad and Amanda Bram Geller Class of 2002 It is easy in the world to follow the world's opinions, it is easy in soli tude to follow our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. RW Emerson 141
wizard of oz* variables* dorsy-freaking out about bees & escalators* mcgrath's nipple* britney spears* scott 96* swan boats* crazy nancy*
I get by with a little help from my friends.
*emack & bolio's * purple lights * john zachary * elana~are you ever sober?* carolling* goddess* colin firth* gilmore girls updates* forever
From Bulldog to Bison S m m a and ‘R ebecca ( v wo sta in sticks on the lo a d o f life)
Congratulations Zack and the Class of 2002
S ev en years o f peoplewatching, flinching, and fam ily fu n . S ev en years o f humor, love, and memories for life.
Love, Mom, Dad, Amanda ©
S hat's u s in a h a lf shell, turle pow er!!
SBTB~"look at
* mixed up pronouns-Frosh homecoming I switcl | cheating j at Life and HM h M I T >1 losing 9 "Never have I ever"~Meg's frosh Mardi-Gras dre J z*58^ at Becky's house as Kevin sleeps on a ben i lesbian A j pictures-'Yuri Geller-Steph and Meg's ne I versions W tLgoM m 'y'm*. of "Back at One" & "If You Had My Love "I don't have that problem"~moose watching in Maine-Magazine drive in Spencer pre-Mountain Day-calling parents by their first names-Merle's "snugglebunnies"~senior obsessions ■ from frosh, acting class-zebra cakes-Meg singing j"What's j Your Fantasy?"- Mambo #5, our so n g -£ '. Jon's pink I shirt in Oklahoma-Kevin breaking the 4 plate-cold1 slM hands at the movies & associated life % I . i t phone calls* 0 jp b i r d jokes-Morgan and Sebi at Riverside and the van ride-sketchy * Spanish boys-Spencer fair-W onderland-"hold-handing"-Meghan Bfc , W'(Z% seducing guys with Jell-o-the inside joke shirtDawn " - Broken Arrow and the white airplaneJ # ~ Kevin's PhD dissertation-code namesfames Bondi. J I ASh |; M S T V m a r a th o n s - "Just get down and suck it artilleryi Hunt and Mario Bros-Discovery channel docurn^manS-Crazy Gnome-Tude-Meghan licking the tablethe gum story~"What's the meaning of James Bond?"-eigth grade Spanish
was a nuge aeai«*: ■ i f m m The Cult-Becky's lake-Megano and Stefano-BVFH BM Sc|uad-the caption picture-Tucker at the cast party' Stephanie hying t o learn sports trivia-Girls' New Years Eve, pole dancing, boyfriend pillows, Pat and Greg-scratch tickets and IBC Root Beer-PDA yearGreat!"—the drawing after Jess and 0^ Dena's party—green Jell-o-ducky-duck bowling team W Joanie-M GH-green m&m's-the bundles of free bread in Maine-passing off o guys-cosmo quizzes-Kevin trying . w to ice skate :
C o n ^ a t id u t C o r iy 'R e k e s c c a /
£r They Claw o f 2 0 0 2 !!! “ S
i C
We're so proud of you. Love always, Mom, Mark, Tucker and all your family and friends!
F l a v
o r
F o
v e r y
T a
s t e
Whatever the occasion, the season or individual preference. Polar's selection of seltzers, mixers and family of flavors continues to make Polar the quality and value choice. 1001 Southbridoe Street W orcester MA 01610 Phone * 508-753-4300 Fax * 508- 798-9173
." -
L e s
'B r o w n
After 48 collective years.,. The Yoffies are outta here!
We love you Emmadoo!
*Congratulations* xoxo Mom m y, Daddy, Rachel, Sam, Naomi and Madeline T + B and B + T and T+b and B + T
Congratulations Dorsy! Thanks for taking up the rear so gracefully. Love, Alexy, Tory & Bram
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E xecutive E xpress B usiness Pick Up and Delivery Program
/H e g h a n , TOe a t e s o very p t o u d o f a ll you? a cc o m p lish m en ts in the c la s s r o o m , on the fie ld hockey fie ld , an d in p e r fo r m a n c e s on stag e. / ^ c g , we a7e p ro u d er s till o f the resp on sible, eth ic a l, carin g young w om an you ve becom e. T h e tim e h a s com e fo7 you to s p r e a d you7 w ings a n d fly on to new a d v en tu res. ^Remember a lw a y s th a t you a7e the light o f ou7 liv es a n d a lth o u g h it w ill be h ard to let you go...w e know you w ill co n tin u e to f i l l ou7 h ea rts w ith love a n d joy.
ydll o u t love, forever Si alw ays, '/bad, /H orn SI P a t r i c k You may not know all that the world has to offer... But we know that the world will be a better place Because o f what you have to offer. You may not know which path you should follow ... But we know that you will listen to your own heart. For it will never die. You may question what you have already accomplished... But we know you will never doubt what you can do. As all o f your tomorrows open themselves to you. Never forget how proud we are o f you And how much we love you... Yesterday, today, and always. -M ichael Coffey Tarbert
Lunch Table sleepovers...Dudup Dudup...gilly... pennies...Momma don't play that, she d o n 't!... Becky's road rage terrets...Julia's clapping laugh, and just laugh...Cafe Dolce...Boys...ugh... JOURNEY!...Jessie's banna talk...Jul and Bacon's mane...Confused... oh awesome...Soccer/Field Hockey commradery..."We're juniors and we're leai ing...ghetto vacuum...the turtle...Umpatada Umpatada...John Mayer...I have boogies... "What's a jizwad? Is it some kind of nuclef force?"...EL ReyL.Raisins and baby carrots, high maintenance...son of a-office space... presents from France...18th B-days and Hill's video...Tiffany's catalogue... Ultimate white girl dancing..."Your friends talk like boys..."Gret's cowboy
on a horse...NAKED
Pukihuddle^.. Rlozza White rasberry truffle.. Mt.Day sleepovers... Julia's poor spelling... Cecelia"...Becky losing her shoe...SUPPRESS THE CURLS .’...Bring back th barter system...Only the good die young (Catholic girls start much too late Y'all can't deny it, I'm Hillary Myers...winter, spring, summer, or fall piano parties...limpy loo!...What's this monstrosity!?" look at him go, he's a quick one..."Is that denim? No, it's purple"..."Give me a number 1-5" Hill-"umm 6... what's wrong?"...Tiny Dancer... The Craft...Christina Chalooch..."Hey Jude"...Hillary's jackt window seats... TABLE FOREVER...Alyssa, Julia, Greta, Hill, Alana, Susan, Becky, Margaret and Jessie "A dream it's true, but I'd see it through if I could be wasting my time with you." -W e'll never forget the times and laughs w e've shared...nothing will change, we'll always be you.
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W here you cam p w it h fr ie n d s .
Van Heuien
been/ c v te rrific / cecLverdure/ CexdXlcv ccvud wel re/ y r p ro u d / o f y o u /... p c C p a /,m c c m a n /e tE m A n c i/
M ercA/<qary...bcvn&'tcri/ rie rc tvcuw ccC t ete/possible/!
COdfQ'RA'T'lLCA'TlOdCS ALTXIS! XVe ’re p ro u d o f aCCyour A ccom plishm ents a n d IVish you co n tin u ed success f o r the fu tu re . X'E'E'P SMILWCj! ACCour Cove, M om, D a d ACana & A n gela
Congratulations and Good Luck to the Class of 2002. Sheila Donnelly, Tom Ebert & Will Ebert
You’re ready for the next leap!
Congratulations Dave and the accomplished Class of 2002!
With Love Mom, Dad, Scott & Brad. 150
The Blue Moon Board is very grateful to the following gener ous donors:
Dr. Brenda Eze Dr. and Mrs. Kowaloff Mrs. Sandra Olson Varnum Dr. and Mrs. John M. Tumolo Dr. and Mrs. Yood
Congratulations Emily!
Love, M o m , Dad, Jason, Ben and Tim
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P r e s id e n t E e c ir g e W . B u s h
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<r California residents endure drastic
electricity shortages in the fall. To support energy conservation measures Jay Leno stages an “unplugged” episode of NBC’s “The Tonight Show.” Democrats gain majority control of the Senate for the first time since 1994 when Vermont Senator James Jeffords leaves the Republican Party because of his opposition to President Bush’s agenda. u. Argentina’s economy collapses,
sparking deadly anti-government protests and looting as the country reaches an unemployment rate of 18% and a budget deficit of $11 billion.
4/ During a year marked by economic recession, Americans open their hands, and wallets, to much-anticipated IRS rebate checks.
Daniel Luna/AP/Wide Wotfd Photos
Spending Your IRS Tax Rebate Check Today? H e ro 's h ow ...
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PaulSakuma/AP/WideWorldPhotos 1s Russian President Vladim r P utin, and President Bush agree to cut nncisanriissiie arsenals by nearly two-thirds. Later, Bush unilaterally pulls out of the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty to pursue a missile defense system. Americans face armed guards and tighter check-in procedures as airport security restrictions are heightened following the terrorist attacks on September 11.
1s Japanese Crown Princess Masako gives birth to a baby girl in December. The birth generates fresh debate about male-only succession to Japan’s throne. Americans face another form of terror when anthrax-laced letters are sent to members of Congress and the media. Five people are killed in the attacks, and clean-up of government buildings costs millions of dollars.
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Reuters/Paul Vreeker/Getty Images
Former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic faces the International Tribunal in The Hague for U.N. war crimes, including the murder and persecution of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.
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1s Twenty-eight youths are arrested for starting bush fires that destroy hundreds of thousands of acres of forest and farmland and kill thousand of koalas and kangaroos in southeast Australia.
American Airlines Flight 587 crashes 4' Convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh is executed by into a Queens neighborhood in New York City on November 12, killing lethal injection for destroying the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building all 255 people on board. Structural failure of the plane’s tail assembly in April 1995, killing 168 people. apparently causes the tragedy. Yedioth Aharonoth/AFP
1s Violent Israeli-Palestinian confrontations escalate as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and PLO Leader Yasser Arafat struggle to find an answer to their countries’ ongoing hatred for one another. 4/ The U.S. welcomes overwhelming support and aid from dedicated allies in Operation Enduring Freedom, including Great Britain’s Prime Minister Tony Blair.
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Chris Gardner/AP/Wide World Photos
4' U.S. and allied forces mount Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, driving the repressive Taliban regime from power.
-t After Houston energy giant Enron collapses, thousands lose their life savings, accounting firm Arthur Andersen encounters accusations of unethical practices, and the General Accounting Office sues the Executive Branch for confidential transcripts in its investigation of the scandal.
Gamma Presse Images
4/ President Bush establishes a new cabinet position, Director of Homeland Security, to coordinate the fight against domestic terrorism. Former Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge becomes the first incumbent.
4/ As Operation Enduring Freedom begins, the U.S. military airdrops food rations to the starving people of Afghanistan.
In November, stargazers are treated to a spectacular shooting star display as the Leonid meteor shower returns after a 33-year absence.
Combination PDAs and cellular phones take portable communication to the next level of convenience.
American surgeons in New York perform the first remote control surgery. Signals sent through fiber-optic lines enable robotic surgical arms to operate on a gallbladder patient in France. Ilsuo Inouyc/AP/Widii World Photos
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Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, unveil a new technology that uses facial heat patterns to detect lying. Blood flows to the face when a person lies, causing dramatic changes in heat patterns.
Bruce Bedford/AP/Wide World Photos! Dr.Yorqas Nikas. SPL/Pholo Researchers, Inc
Scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital discover that beauty triggers a brain response in men that is similar to reactions to cocaine and money.
<- President Bush approves stem cell research, but only on cells already extracted. The research is highly controversial because extracting the cells kills human embryos.
1s Winter weather buffs are left out in the heat as Americans experience record warm temperatures across the country in December and January.
-> Scientists report that vast fields | of carbon dioxide ice are eroding § from the poles of Mars. Over time, I this could possibly prompt the | return of water to the Red Planet. %
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Reuters/Charles Platiau/Getty Images
AP/Wlde World Photos
't' On November 7, the supersonic 1s Scientists in Argentina discover Concorde airplane flies for the first several 80-million-year-old time since the July 2000 crash that unhatched dinosaur eggs with killed 113 people. Flight F002 petrified dinosaur embryos inside. travels from Paris to New York in just under four hours. v|/ Dr. Judson Somerville donates his own DNA to researchers who produce the first cloned human embryo.
vt Apple releases the sleek new iPod, allowing users to store up to 1,000 digital song files for on-the-go enjoyment. pioiiiiiu
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/h A new class of giant squid is discovered. The new squid can grow to lengths of 25 feet, and has fins and 10 spidery arms with elbows. ^ The Segway Fluman Transporter, a gyro-controlled scooter invented by Dean Kamen, is tested by police and postal workers in several states. Reuters/Jim Bourg/Getty Images
The AbioCor, the world’s first fully implantable artificial heart, is given to 59-year-old Robert Tools Sadly,Tools passes away in December from unrelated causes.
ABIOMED/Getty Images
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I s The MR2 camera pill allows doctors to examine the inside of the human intestine without surgery. Patients swallow the “pill,” which transmits digital images to a data recorder.
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The American economy enters a recession in March 2001, and the situation worsens significantly after September 11. Unemployment rises to its highest rate in six years. Winnie the Pooh, fondly known by countless children and adults as “the tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff,” celebrates his 75th birthday.
Popular shoemaker Vans releases a shoe of a different color—white shoes that turn yellow, pink or blue in the sunlight
Summer camps that teach skills to prepare children for the business world become popular with career-conscious kids and parents.
Mamie Crawford Samuelson
Scott Harrison/Getty Images
/fs M&M/MARS acknowledges th growing Hispanic American population with a new M&M*s flavor “dulce de leche,” the caramelized sweetened condensed milk mixture popular in Latin America. <- Hollywood pledges support for New York after the September 11 terrorist attacks by making a variety of "I Love NY" fashion statements.
"T Reacting against sexuality' in advertising, music and the across America join the "true love waits” movement
In the new arcade game Dance Dance Revolution, players watch a dance pattern onscreen and duplicate the moves on a corresponding dance floor.
'■©2002 Pliotodisc, Inc,
1s Hoping to perpetuate its mystique with motorcycle fans, Harley-Davidson unveils the V-Rod, its first new "hog” in : > a half-century.
1s The J o u r n a l o f th e A m e ric a n MiM e t ic a l A s s o c ia tio n reports that childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions thanks in part to larger fast food servings and in-school soda machines.
^ Teens across the country are on a roll with retro style roller skates and the newest fad: shoes with retractable wheels.
4/ Cover Girl turns lips into a work i of art with LipArt. The new fad comes complete with stencils, a freestyle lip brush and 26 shades
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I s Extreme soda drinkers receive another huge jolt of caffeine as Mountain Dew introduces its newest beverage— cherry, flavored Code Red.
'T* Bobbleheads make a comeback, representing not only sports figures but also pop music superstars such as ’NSYNC. <- Topps releases an “Enduring Freedom" card set featuring portraits and bios of many leaders involved, including President Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
At 10:45 a.m. September 11, Fox News Channel introduces the headline ticker. Other networks follow, creating a non-stop flood of headlines. Each “crawl” rotates nearly 80 headlines in a 7- to 15-minute loop.
A M E R IC A a t WAR
< r The American flag shows up anywhere and
everywhere as patriots across the country display their support for U.S. troops battling in Operation Enduring Freedom.
Shrek and Donkey, voiced by Mike Myers and Eddie Murphy, hit the theaters to teach a valuable lesson about true love in Shrek. MUSIC TELEVISION®
MTV, the first television network devoted exclusively to popular music, celebrates its 20th anniversary. CBS’s “Late Show with David Letterman” helps people cope with their emotions in the weeks after the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Russell Crowe receives his third straight Oscar nomination for Best Actor with his challenging role as a paranoid-schizophrenic in A B e a u tifu l M in d .
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Reuters/Monty Brinton/CBS/Getty Images
1s 1970s Swedish band Abba enjoys revival in the Broadway smash hit M a m m a M ia ! The musical features three intertwined love stories and over 20 of Abba’s greatest hits.
1s The WB scores a flyaway hit with “Smallville,” the story of Superman’s high school years. The show stars newcomer Tom Welling as the young Superman
The Emmy Awards for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy go to CBS’s “Everybody Loves Raymond" stars Patricia Heaton and Doris Roberts.
-> Actor Josh Hartnett solidifies his role as a leading man in Hollywood with a pair of blockbuster war movies: P e a rl H a rb o r and B la c k H a w k D ow n.
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AP/Wide World Photos
Photo ©Berliner Sludlo/BEI
1s Entertainers and major TV networks 1s The L o r d o f th e R in g s : The come together in historic fashion for F e llo w s h ip o f th e R in g , the first the “America: A Tribute to Heroes” movie of J.R.R.Tolkien’s fantasy telethon, raising over $150 million trilogy, receives 13 Oscar for September 11 relief efforts. nominations including Best Picture 4/ Nintendo’s Gamecube and Microsoft’s X-Box enter the video game market to compete with Sony’s smash-hit PlayStation 2.
4- Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks collaborate to produce the 10-episode HBO World War II epic B a n d o f B ro the rs, based on the best-selling book by Stephen Ambrose. 'T' Kiefer Sutherland stars in Fox’s Golden Globe winner “24.” The show is delivered in two dozen real-time episodes based on one action-packed day in the life of fictional CIA agent Jack Bauer.
1s Popular WB TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" receives rave reviews for presenting an entire episode as a musical. Photofest
4- The highly anticipated movie H a rry P o tte r a n d th e S o rc e re r’s S to n e sets records for opening weekend, and first, second and third place single-day box-office totals.
©2002 Photodisc. Inc.
1s Sony Pictures, Warner Bros., Universal, MGM and Paramount movie studios discuss the joint creation of Moviefly—the first Internet-based downloadable movie rental system.
Popular rapper Ja Rule is nominated for the 2002 NAACP Image Awards Outstanding Hip-Hop/Rap Artist for the song "Livin' It Up." Singer/actress Aaliyah is killed in a private plane crash in the Bahamas. During her eight-year career, Aaliyah released three hit CDs and appeared in several feature films. ^
Musicians join together for several concerts, including The Concert for New York City, to pay tribute to the victims and raise money for recovery efforts after the September 11 terrorist attacks.
I s The music from the hit movie 0 Brother, W here A r t T ho u ? becomes country music’s top-seller for 2001 and receives a Grammy nomination for Album of the Year.
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^ Neil Young’s song “Let’s Rpllf celebrates the spirit of tb / — passengersiwho overtook hijackers on Flight 93 in Pennsylvania on September 11
< - Colombian music sensation Shakira
To benefit AIDS research arid September 11 relief efforts'U2’s ^BoTTOTecruitsmTosictansfo record Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On.” Participating artists include Nelly Furtado, Fred Durst, Gwen Stefani, Moby and many more.
-» Modern rock group Incubus brings her high-energy Latin pop to storms onto the music scene the U.S. with her first English-language with the release of the widely album, L a u n d ry Service. acclaimed album M o rn in g View.
Reutors/Ethan Miller/Las Vegas Sun/Getty Images
■t Irish rock group U2’s Elevation Tour is the top-grossing tour of the year, earning U2 the title of Band of the Year from both S p in and R o llin g S to n e magazines.
Shawn Baldwin/AP/Wide World Photos
T Alicia Keys wins two American Music Awards for Favorite New Artist in both the Pop/Rock and the Soul/R&B categories for her debut release S o n g s in A M in o r.
't' Fatboy Slim wins six MTV Video 4/ Country singer Tim McGraw wins Music Awards for his video for the five B illb o a rd Music Awards, song“Weapon of Choice,’’featuring including Country Album of the a dancing Christopher Walken. Year for G reatest Hits.
Limp Bizkit guitarist Wes Borland leaves the band to pursue his own musical career.
T Legendary Beatles’ guitarist George Harrison, the so-called “Quiet Beatle," dies after a three-year battle with cancer.
^ Rock bands like P.O.D. use their faith to help bring the Christian rock/pop music message into the mainstream music scene Zach Cordner/Retna Ltd. USA
Australian female string quartet Bond reaches the top of the U.S. classical album charts—despite being blacklisted from the U.K. chart for sounding too similar to pop music. AFP Photo/Henny Ray Abrams/Corbis
The 14-point underdog New England Patriots shock NFL viewers by kicking a dramatic last-second field goal to upset the St. Louis Rams 20-17 in Super Bowl XXXVI.
-> Michael Jordan,38, returns to the , NBA with the Washington Wizards | Jordan fills arenas nationwide and ! propels the previously doormat | Wizards to instant respectability with an over-500 record.
1s The Arizona Diamondbacks stun the New York Yankees to win the World Series with a two-run rally in the bottom of the ninth inning of Game7. < r San Francisco’s Barry Bonds
makes baseball history with 73 home runs and an astounding slugging percentage of .863—both all-time records.
the Charlotte Sting to win the 2001 WNBA Championship.
In July, Dale Earnhardt Jr. wins the Pepsi 400 in Daytona, Florida. Ironically, Earnhardt’s victory comes on the same track where his father died just five months earlier.
first medals sweep in the Winter Olympics since 1956.
-»In November, NASCAR superstar Jeff Gordon wins his fourth Winston Cup Championship.
Swedish golf superstar Annika Sorenstam wins the 2001 money title eight tournaments and Player of the Year, and sets over 30 LPGA records including the all-time low score of 59.
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David Martin/AP/Wide World Photos
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David Zalubowski/AP/Wide World Photos
'T Former Georgia high school homecoming queen Ashley Martin becomes the first female to score in Division 1-AA college football by kicking three extra points for Jacksonville State.
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The Colorado Avalanche skate to victory in the 2001 NHL Finals against the New Jersey Devils, marking the first Stanley Cup win for 20-year veteran Ray Bourque.
^ Future Hall of Famers Tony Gwynn, Mark McGwire and Cal Ripken Jr. all retire from major league baseball at the end of the 2001 season. Reuters NewMedia tnciCorbis
Bill Greenblatt/GorOis Sygma
Kevin Snllivan/OCR/
'T The NFL season begins on a tragic note when Minnesota Vikings tackle Korey Stringer collapses at practice and dies a day later from : heatstroke complications.
-> America welcomes athletes from all over the world to Salt Lake City, Utah, to compete in the 2002 Winter Olympics. vL On their way to an undefeated season and undisputed NCAA Football national championship the Miami Hurricanes roll over the Nebraska Cornhuskers 37-14 in the 2002 Rose Bowl.
Amy Sancetta/AP/Wide World Photos;
1s In the first Saturday night women’s U.S. Open final, tennis ace Venus Williams defeats her younger sister Serena 6-2, 6-4.
An estimated 350 search-and-rescue dogs brave fire, dehydration, toxic fumes and rubble collapse as they comb the World Trade Center wreckage for survivors and victims.
-> Terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden tops the FBI’s most wanted list for his role, in the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Sarah Jane Olson, once known as Kathleen Soliah, is charged with domestic terrorism as a member of the Symbionese Liberation Army in the 1970s and sentenced to 20 years to life.
P erson o f t h e Y ea r
RUDY GIULIANI Nick Ut/APAVide World Photos
<- New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani makes many public appearances in an effort to make New Yorkers and all Americans less afraid to return to normalcy after September 11.
Joe Buissink/AP/Wifle World Photos
-> Actress/singer Jennifer Lopez marries dancer/ choreographer Cris Judd in September. 1s Wendy’s founder and familiar television figure..^ Dave Thomas succumbs to liver cancer at age 69. <- John Walker Lindh, a 20-year-old California native, becomes aprisoner of war after he is found in Afghanistan fighting for theTaliban forces. As a U.S. citizen, Walker may face charges of treason.
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Weakest Link” gains popularity thanks to the assertive demeanor of British hostess Anne Robinson. The future king of England, Prince William of Wales, 19, enters the University of St. Andrews in southeastern Scotland.
ostens Printed in USA. © 2002 Jo ste n s inc. 01-0637 (1884)
4' Hired as campus spokesmen for First USA Bank, New Jersey high school seniors Chris Barrett and Luke McCabe become the first students to finance their college educations through corporate sponsorship.