2018 Bancroft School Yearbook

Page 1



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B an cro ft School Blue Noon 2018 Volume LXXXIX

Table of Contents 2 - Dedication

120 - W i n t e r S p o r t s

4 - All A r o u n d C a m p u s

126 - C h a r l i e A. T o u r n a m e n t

6 - Freshman and S o p h o m o re

126 - Cl u b s


144 - Event s

6 - J u n io r Retreat

146 - D r a m a a n d Musical

10 - S e n i o r R e t r e a t

146 - Y o u n g W r i t e r s ' C o n f e r e n c e

12 - H o m e c a m m g W e e k F e s t i v i t i e s

150 - R o b o t i c s

16 - M o u n t a i n Day

151 - S c i e n c e Fair a n d N a t i o n a l

16 - H a l l a w e e n

H i s t o r y Day

20 - L e a r n i n g

152 - Roller S k a t e N i g h t

22 - S t u d e n t Art

154 - B o w l i n g B o n a n z a

24 - S enior S u p e rla tiv e s

156 - Lip S y nc

26 - S e n i o r A u t o g r a p h s

156 - F r e n c h I m m e r s i o n Day

29 - N o t e f r o m Ms. Ba ke r

160 - T r i b u t e Ads

30 - S e n i o r Pages

172 - C u r r e n t E v e n t s / Y e a r in R e v i e w

6 6 - L o o k Flow Far Y o u ' v e C o m e

174 - A u t o g r a p h Pages

90 - S a n d b o x e rs 92 - S e n i o r P o r t r a i t s 94 - J u n io r Portraits 96 - S o p h o m o r e P ortraits 96 - F r e s h m a n P o r t r a i t s 100 - M i d d l e S c h o o l P o r t r a i t s 102 - L o w e r S c h o o l P o r t r a i t s 104 - W e l c o m e Ms. B ak er 105 - A d m i n i s t r a t i o n P o r t r a i t s 106 - F a c u l t y P o r t r a i t s 110 - S p o r t s 112 - Fall S p o r t s

The Class o f 2018 Dedicates this /earhook to.

Mrs. Vanderspek!

One could make a strong case that Precalculus isn’t exactly, well... the most fun subject. Something about graphing every possible trigonometric function (until you learn how to use your Tl-Nspire better than your iPhone) and figuring how to manipulate them to your heart’s content doesn’t seem to appeal to most high school students. However, a lot of us loved Precalc. Not because of the class — because of Mrs. Vanderspek. Mrs. Vanderspek brought humor, joy, and the occasional heated political conversation to every class with energy, engaging students and making them feel at home. W h e th e r we're recovering from a bad test, picking classes, or making future life decisions, Mrs. V has always been there to offer support, look out for us, and remind us to make the most out of each and every day. Taking a math class in the future without Mrs. V is hard to imagine; yet, we know that w e ’ll always be able to reach out to her, w hether we're looking for math help, life advice, or maybe a political meme. W e all wish you the best, Mrs. Vanderspek. W e know that you’ll continue to leave a positive mark on each and every student you meet, and we all look forward to seeing you soon. Love, The Class of 2016


The class of 2021 kicked off t he y e a r by pi cki ng v e g e f o b l e s of f he Connmuni f y Horvesf Projecf in Gr af t on. Then t hey canne back and c o m p e t e d in t he 3rd Annual Ice C r e a m Chal l enge. The wi n n i n g ad vi so r y? LeBlanc -t he i r f i r s t - pl ace flavors w e r e p e a c h - b l u e b e r r y w i t h a hint of c i n n a mo n and zucchi ni wi t h




mi nt and cil antro.

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Sophomore The S o p h o m o r e s s t a r t e d off th e i r day by b e c o m i n g c e r t i f i e d for CPR at Bancroft. They then had a de licio us c o o k o u t lunch on the fields. After that, th e y h e a d e d to Elm Park to c o m p e t e in a s c a v e n g e r hunt a r o u n d th e city.

Junior T h e J u n i o r s s p e n t t h e i r r e t r e a t at C a m p C a r i b o u in W i n s l o w , Ma i n e . T h e y w o r k e d t o g e t h e r to reach new heig hts and push t h e i r l i mi t s . T h e J u n i o r s b o n d e d t h r o u g h v a r i o u s g r o u p a c t i v i t i e s b o t h in t h e a i r a n d on t h e g r o u n d . At n i g h t , t h e y h a d a c a m p f i r e w h e r e they sang songs and did t h e C h u b b y Bunny c h a l l e n g e . T h e r e t r e a t m a d e the transition from s u m m e r back to s c h o o l a l i t t l e ea s i e r !


The class of 2018 seni or slid d o w n t he Kennebunk River rapids! It was a t ot al a d r e n a l i n e rush and an a m a z i n g wa y t o st art of f t h e i r last y e a r of high school! At n i g h t t i me , t hey w e n t s w i m m i n g , pl ayed cards, and at e del i ci ous f ood. It wa s truly a t r i p to r e m e m b e r l

■y 10


WEEK Bancroft b r o u g h t the hype this Spirit W e e k w i t h 5 day s of t h e m e d fun and c o m p e t i t i o n s for the best outfits. PJ day s t a r t e d off t he w e e k w i t h t he Huffman sisters, Annobelle and Paige, s p or t i n g the best paj amas. For T r o p i c a l Tuesday (ironic because t h e r e was an act ual t r o p i c a l s t o rm ). Page C. and Emily b r o u g h t h ome the prize. Megan and T h om a s won W a c k y W e d n e s d a y and Felix and Chloe Z. t r u m p e d all the o t h e r t w i n s on Th ur sda y. W e t o p p e d off t h e w e e k w it h a Blue Out. Go Bulldogs!


H a p p y t o g e t ou t of

cl ass ea r l y , e v e r y o n e r a n d o w n t o t h e gynn

for the annual H o m e c o m i n g Pep Roily Blue O u t . Each

athletic team p r o d u c e d cheers, ranging from hitting c o r n s t a r c h "golf bol l s" i n t o t h e c r o w d t o s k i p p i n g in ci r c l es . The Middle School bond helped c r e a t e the hype.

The MCs (and S p ik e ) —i .C M > *

C H A M P S 19;

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Homecoming Festivities

Homecoming Dance

Homecoming Court (L-R):Esther Merritt-Boone, Tyler Papula, Loilo ElSam ra,Noah Cichowlas,Colin Cui, Blake Brote, Miles Barker, Ben Niose 15

Mountain Day 2017 This M o u n t a i n Day, e v e r y t h i n g w a s a w e s o m e ! D u r i n g t h e L e g o t h e m e d d a y , t h e s t u d e n t s h a d a bl ast a s s e m b l i n g life s i z e d b r i c k s i n t o m a s te r p ie c e s to later d e stro y. Unlike p re v io u s years, th e J u n io r s and S e n i o r s t i e d f o r first, l e a d i n g t o a n a i l - b i t i n g t i e b r e a k e r . In a s e c o n d a n d e v e n l y m a t c h e d hula h a o p r a c e t o b r e a k t h e tie, t h e S e n i o r s r e m a i n e d c a l m u n d e r p r e s s u r e a n d p r o v e d t o b e t h e c h a m p i o n s . It w a s an u n f o r g e t t a b l e M o u n t a i n Day!


Freshmen: Movies

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This year's Halloween celebration was one for the books! In the morning, the whole school gathered in the gym to show off their creative costumes, and the Seniors' Zootopia skit completely wowed the Lower Schoolers! Later, the Upper Schoolers fiercely competed in the class competitions. This year's activities included a frozen t-shirt contest, apple bobbing, a three legged race, and the Lower School favorite, pumpkin carving!

Juniors: Fantasy/Mythoiogy

Seniors: Xootopia C li)



m r

S o p h ie Frieden


Miles & Ben:Most Class Spirit

EmilyiMost Likely to Win Jeopardy

Anthony & Riley:Most Athletic

TomiMost Laidback

Colton: Most Likely to Win an Oscar

Akash: Most Likely to Win a Rap Battle

ilIB Jll'

Rachel C: Kid at Heart

Duru: Most Huggable

Nicholas© Jonathan:Most

ChamiiMost Likely to

Likely to Win a Nobel Prize

Become a Rock Star 24

Lazi: Class Musician



Eve: Most Likely to Travel the World

Ryan: Most Tech Savvy

Karan: Class Scientist

Chris: Punniest

Afiah: Biggest Social Media Sensation


Shanis and Megha: Best Hair

Penh:Class Paparazzi

Bridget: Class Photographer

Philip & Grace: Mr. & Ms.

Megan & Ross: Most Likely


to Brighten Your Day

Robbie: Most Likely to Work

Will: Most Likely to Become

for the CIA

a Doomsday Prepper


Gigi: Best Shoulder to Cry

Chloe: Best Smile

Sammi: Most Cheerful


V A I il _____

Chelsea: Biggest Optimist

Jacob:Class Entrepreneur

Harley: Biggest Meme Enthusiast

Caroline: Most Likely to

Jack:Class Mathematician

Felix: Most Charming

Jon: Class Daredevil

Bryan: Most Likely to Be Seen at the Gym

Be on Broadway

Drac: Most Likely to Be Seen in the Ceramics Studio


Cindy: Class Fashionista

Sam and Rachel B.: Class

Kirsten: Most Likely to Be


Seen Backstage

iH'.' rri

Marly: Most Likely to Be

Isabella: Best Laugh

Lucy: Most Dedicated

Late to Class

Lindsay: Most Likely to

Abbey, Mikaela, &

Become a Writer

Rebecka: Class Moms

Andrew: Preppiest

Maomao: Most Creative 27

Ariana: Class Sweetheart

Sophie: Most Creative

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Closlrijg Remarks 3

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for the- Class of 20,^..,f





IF YOU d o n ’t l ik e SOMETHING, CHANGE IT.





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g ettin g lost w il l





T T r r


c u /SJd t and SHARE



Best of luck to you a1)!-,Ihank yO'U'' for J-oJang a■ ch an ce on me-oD-d * * -1^_ ' ff sharing T O U R pasgt.g.rfs during nnu —* year a f ' B a h c r o f t . ' r * • p

Ms. "Baker 29



Penh Alicandro

Bermuda Cambodia Cape Cod Costa Rica tJ/K Nikon. Mexico HONDA.

Be a HERO.

'Tm n o t in this w o rld to live up to y o u r e xp e ctations and yo u 're n o t in this w o rld to live up to m ine." -Bruce Lee


Niles Barker

"Peace among worlds" -Rick Sanchez

"Ouch" - Abraham Lincoln


Carmen Bebbington

Emily Berthiaume


I ).


/ 33

Thomas Brossi

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana. ” ■Anthony G. Oettinger


Riley Burns r , ii T



Rachel Busby


"To thine own self be true, And it must follow as the night the day Thou canst not then be false to any man." - William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Thank you to everyone who has been here for me along the way, to my parents for always loving me, and to Lindsay and Chami for always staying by my side and changing my life for the better. Thank you to Duru, Ariana, Chelsea, Eve, Kirsten, Sammi, Abbey, Rachel C, Harley, Felix, and Megha for all the laughs and support you've given me over the years.


Colton Chaney


^iye them wisdom that kave it: cind tkose tkat are fods, let them use their ‘TcdentsC r'!I


-William Shakespeare, tw elfth Alight



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Rachel Clemson


Jonathan Conroy


“And the turtles, of course... all the turtles are free, as turtles and, maybe, all creatures should be.”



Nicholas Conroy

"Not all those who wander are lost." J. R. R. Tolkien


Duru Cosar

"W hat makes som ething special is not ju s t s:hat you h are to gain, b u t ichat you feel there is to lose. ” -A n d r e Agassi



Lazi Danga

"The purpose of life is finding the largest burden you can bear and bearing it." Jordan B. Peterson

My Diplom a A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.


Kirsten Davis

"Who would I be if you had not been my friend?" - Falsettos


Andrew Desrosiers

"That's just how the shoe squeaks"


Naomao Ding ^ A,


Negan Donaty

Ross Fitch



Sophie Frieden


Marly Gallo


'L d \x iJ tk e J h k o M


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Xunzhuo(Lucy) Hao

# n '5ezuti^C<^

Scmp&ccfy LA (JiA ulhuncde ^ (9 p k u ix jC £ iJ t^ ^


Xioaling (Isabella) He

Tlhis is Ihow I count: 12 5 4 5 6 8


Lindsay Igoe


Akash Koul


Chami Lamelas


Nick Lancaster

"It ain't over till it's over" - Yogi Berra


Ariana Laneri

‘‘ ■* •; -'K

"Here’s to the ones who dream Foolish as they may seem, Here's to the hearts that ache. Here's to the mess we make." - La La Land


Nikaela Linder

: '"ri'sfc-s-.v


Grace Lyons


Harley Naignant

When I sit alone/Come get a little known/But I need more than myself this time


Anthony Marguerite




Jacob McAllister

'Do. O r d o not. T h e r e is no

t r y .” -]fod a


Karan Nehta

"cA cliamond is mer’el^ a tump of coal that d id welt undet' pressuy'e'.'






Bryan Montenegro


Caroline Morgan




‘‘I guess some people object to powerful depictions of awesome ladies ^ -Leslie Knope, Parks and Recreation



Will Nicholson


Benjamin Niose

"Never get caught" -Frank




Let's all just hope I didn't peak in high school


Philip Onffroy

noun [ e e s o w - p o u r p ]

The handle attached to a fold-up table making it easier to carry. NGC!


Eve Phillips




Ryan Polhemus

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. -John F. Kennedy

Haomeng (Felix) Qin

\ '•m


/ '-i

They say th a t no man is an island. False. I am an island. And this island is volcanic. And it is about to erupt, with the molten hot lava...of strategy. ---- Dwight Kurt Schrute k 4


Abbey Roering

Samantha Rosenfeld

"You Know what? 'Kilowatt-hour per sol’ is Q pain [to s a y l I'm gonna invent a new scientific unit name. One Kilowatt-hour per sol is. .. it can be anything... urn... I sucK at th is... I'll call it a 'pirate-ninja'."? Andy Weir, The Martian


Giuliana Russo

"l ii i l l i m e m a k e s \oi i l»ol(l(>

blips ://\\ w \\.\ouliil)e.com/\\a

lch.\=dQ\\1\\9Wo\cO" - \noii\ mens


Shanis Santos


Robert Scudder


Negha Shashidhar


Chelsea Sheldon

"Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic." - Aibus Dumbledore

Thank you to my fam ily for being my rock, to my friends for being my greatest source of joy, and to my teachers for guiding me through the last 13 years. I love you all.


Rebecka Sokoloff


Afiah Somiah


Chris Stephenson

Sam Sutherland


V »*

You say you d like to see me Climbing. ^v ^ You pick the place and I'll choose the time ' And I'll climb The hill in my own way just wait a whi|g, for the right day. 'V ,,

-David Gilmour

'I r



Bridget Vlixted

'My mother is worried I have mental problems. I found a book about teenage paranoid delusions during a routine search of my parents' bedroom.'’ -Oliver Tate 82

Xiwen (Drac) Xu

Chloe Zearfoss


Ueija (Jack) Zeng

No one can tell me what my M atrix of Life is. I have to see it for myself.


Kexin (Cindy) Zhang ISBASimtU niALIST 1991-92

N .C .P .B .A .C . ■AW aALL F1NALWT 18B2


Q u J i^ ^ A y \0U iS0<Xy,eM \uC M J^^A XX(Xy


Jon Zujewski



"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzky" -Michael Scott


Penh Alicandro

Miles Barker

Tom Brossi

Riley Burns


Carmen Bebbington

Emily Berthiaume

Rachel Busby

Colton Chaney

Nicholas Conroy

Duru Cosar

m m .

IjL Lazi Donga

Kirsten Davis

Megan Donaty

Ross Fitch

Isabella He

Lindsay Igoe


Nick Lancaster

• V


Andrevi/ Desrosiers


Marly Gallo

Chami Lamelas

Ariana Laneri 88

Mikaela Linder

Grace Lyons


Anthony Marguerite

Jacob McAllister

Caroline Morgan

Will Nicholson


Karan Mehta

Bryan Montenegro

/ Benjamin Niose

Ryan Polhemus

Philip Onffroy



Abbey Roering

Sammi Rosenfeld

Gigi Russo

Robbie Scudder

Megha Shashidhar

Chelsea Sheldon

Felix Qin

Sam Sutherland

Rebecka Sokoloff


Chloe Zearfoss

Drac Xu

Jon Zujewski

Cindy Zhang 89

Jack Zeng

L to R: Chelsea Sheldon, Rachel Busby, Rachel Ciemson, Marly Gallo, Chloe Zearfoss, Riley Burns, Ross Fitch, Robbie Scudder

Chloe, Robbie, Ross, Marly — and friends! -- sell their delicious homemade treats at the annual 5th Grade Bake Sale.

Mrs. Tupper and Mrs. Truesdell's kindergarten classes begin their first year together at Bancroft in 2006.


Riley and Rachel C. show off their State Fair projectsl

The 5th Grade takes an all-class photo with their costumes on to celebrate putting on their play "The Last Dragon."

Chloe and Rachel B. enjoy a Medieval Feostl

Rachel B. performs the play's opening song, "Dragonship 35," and Chelsea and Rachel C. perform the song "To the Faire."


Penh Alicandro

Miles Barker

Carmen Bebbington

Emily Berthiaume

Rachel Busby

Colton Chaney

Rachel Clemson

Jonathan Conroy

Thomas Brossi

Riley Burns

Nicholas Conroy

Duru Cosar

Lazi Danga

Kirsten Davis

Andrew Desrosiers

Maomao Ding

Lindsay Igoe

Akash Koul

Chami Lamelas

Nick Lancaster

Ariana Laneri

Mikaela Linder



Grace Lyons

Harley Maignant

Anthony Marguerite

Jacob McAllister

Karan Mehta

Bryan Montenegro

Caroline Morgan

Will Nicholson

Benjamin Niose

Philip Onffroy

Eve Phillips

Ryan Polhemus

Haomeng (Felix) Qin

Abbey Roering

Samantha Rosenfeld

Giuliana Russo

Shanis Santos

Robert Scudder

Megha Shashidhar

Chelsea Sheldon

Rebecka Sokoloff

Afiah Somiah

Chris Stephenson

Sam Sutherland

Bridget Wixted

Yiwen (Drac) Xu

Chloe Zearfoss

Weijia (Jack) Zeng

Kexin (Cindy) Zhang

Jon Zujewski


Alana Anderson

Max Aniceto

Ibby Ayyash

Aferdita Bacaliu

Sam Bond

Andy Bowman

Jack Boyd

Julianna Boyson

Jonathan Call

Jason Chang

Meredith Gibson

Watts Herideen-Woodruff

Ruipei (Hamilton) Huang

Annabelle Huffman

Hallie Kamosky

Gaia Knight

Alice Knowlton

Serey Kremer

AJ Kuzmission

Aodhagan Leach

Xiang (Eleanor) Li

Ian Maher


Abby Mann

Carlo Mannina

Esther Merritt-Boone

MacArthur Mills

Tyler Papula

Raj Parikh

'• • = ' ' Ruhi Patil

Randy Pierce

Tristan Roberts

Angela Rusha

Sophia Simon

Max Sulik

Emma Sullivan

Jennah Virostek

Lei (Ken) Wu

Shang (Helen) Yu

Eli Zamore

Weiyi (Adelaide) Zheng


Victoria Adusei

Kahnya Alicandro

Hannah Bergman

Moira Buckley

Jack Campbell

Page Cassidy

Aryan Chaudhary

Nuoer (Nova) Chen

Noah Cichowlas

Prince Collins

Erin Connor

Nate Coz

Abbey Cranford

Braman Cronin

Androniqi Danga

Brian Davenport

Robert DeAngelis

Kate Dickson

Kaya Dorogi

Andrew Dully

Gianni Eisenhauer

Laila El-Samra

Daniel Freedman

Wanjiru Gitonga

Hannah Guin

Thomas Hollinger

Jenna Husson

Taeo Johnston


J»iV Michael Kurlan

Ying (Ella) Li

Keer (Colly) Liang

Andrea Marguerite

Julia Nguyen

Max Onffroy

Aiden Fetter

Kassie Sakhat

Chloe Selavka

Clare Shanahan

Abby Smook

Andrew Stahovec

Weixian (Ian) Sun


Christina Tonna

Violet Van Buren

Weihang (John) Wang


Jialiang (William) Zhou


David Alex

Maya Anderson

Jyandriel Aponte

Jonathan Asher

Matthew Baker-Grunza

Isabella Balian

Lucy Barnard

Nick Beaulac

Ashley Beriau

Rocco Bovenzi

Blake Brote

Sam Budish

Claire Campbell

Kristian Cania

Elijah Choate

Tongjia (Colin) Cui

Chris Davis

Amalie Deshais

Zach Domski

Sarah Fragola

Maya Gaines

Marggie Gallagher

Kat Garcia-Chope

Sarah Gross!

Luke Hanley

Julia Hanssen

Aidan Hoey

Paige Huffman

J '/ 'i


Sophia Jacobson

Tyra Jenkins

Thomas Mason

Brady Mena

Mary Naber

Henry Osterweis

Rosend Pena

Grace Fetter

Emma Polhemus

Stephen Quill-Schuffels

Alii Rosenfeld

Danielle Sangermano

Chris Sholla

Pierce Sullivan

Malea Troy

Ayah Yusuf

CJ Zujewski


Morgan Adams ^ Joseph Azar Edward Balian Darren Belanger Aidan Berger ^

Jake Bilsbury Aidan Boyd Rory Chambers Andrew Chason Anne Conners

Jack Cormier ^ Julia DeAngelis Maddie Eisenthal Julius Gaisford v Vivian Gal *

Fiona Healy ^ Talyajaber ’ Jonah Keates Anna Madonia Alec Maher

M a ia A n ic e t o C a m e r o n A u b in K e e le y B a g lio J aco b B a r s h te y n W ill B u d n ik N o la n B y ro n B r id g e r t e C a s s id y A m ir a C a s t e lo - B r a n c o

M a x w e ll C h a p m a n H a y la D a v is L in d s a y D e n e e n D a n ie l D w o r m a n A b ig a il E p p le K e v in G a in e s F r e d e r ic G o n d e k S o p h ia H a d d a d

C e lin e H a m z a John H an ssen Z o e H e n n in G e o rg e H u rd A n d re w Jacobson L e a r t Jahaj A m e li e J o h n s t o n - M a n b y W a lk e r K e lly

B ono Langa S a g e L o o k -W h y A d r ie n M o u lin V i c t o r ia O n f f r o y R ic h a r d P a r s e S a n t ia g o P a s to r B r ia n Q u ill- S c h u f f e ls A le x a n d e r S a v ille

N a o m i S c h ifF e r J o s h u a S e ip le E li S t e p h e n s o n B r ia n S t e v e n s J o s e p h in e S t e v e n s S a v a n n a h S w e e t - G ig lio A id a n T a h ir a j N a ta sh a T o n n a


Jacob Mahr Max Mannina Lucas Marble Nathaniel Martin Ryan McAllister Timothy Melley

D a m on D egre M a r y - K a t h r y n F lo y d T h o m a s G a lla g h e r B r e n d a n G e ib w a c h s S o p h ia G e n d r o n E le a n o r G r a y ^

T h om as H oey E liz a b e th H o w a r d

A r i s t i t h i s K o u r li s - 1 A ryan M ago B e n ja m in M a r k le E ly s e M c M a n u s Logan M ercer E le a n o r M u r r a y S h a n e P a rre tti A m e l i a P ie r c e

C h a r lie S a k h a t J e ffr e y S ie m e n E th a n S m o o k M a tth e w S o m e rse t -

A le x S t e f a n i S h iv S tu e b e r E v a n U n d e r k o fle r M a d e ly n W h i t n e y


Grade 5 Back Row (L-R); Mrs. Rocha, S am u el Ja ffa, Sophia Sfroe, Annika Ste p he n son , Amelia Bond, Olivia G a r c i a - C h o p e , Rachel S t e r m a n , A n d r e w G a p o n fs e v, Mrs. Arsenault Middle Row (L-R]: Douglas Rowan II, Brigid Lyons, .


A n d r e w Byron, Kylie C o r r i g a n , Darcy W a l t o n Bowen, Miles B e a u d e tt e Front Row (L-R]: J o s e p h Assad, Lily Shah, Damon Rubin, C o o p e r LeBlanc, W i l l i a m Kraus

Grade 4 Back Row (L-R]: J a k e Penniman, Mrs. LeBlanc, Mrs Shack, B ro d y-Q u il l- S ch u tfe ls Middle Row (L-R]: Lillian Wolf, Kad e n W alker, Helen Taylor, Arianna Barthel, J a n e Burroughs Front Row: (L-R]: Vanessa Amechi, Lexi D w o rm a n , Avinash Go tten, A n th o n y Parretti, Jack Doh ert y

Grade 4 Back Row (L-R]: Z a c h a r y U rba n, Mrs. Allen, Cody Penniman Middle Row (L-R]: V iv ia n McManus, Sy dn e y Had dad, Ma ire ad Baglio, A l e x a n d ra Sinrich, Nata lie K a n t e r Front Row: T h o m a s Mu rra y, Fisher La m be rt , Nolan Baglio, Amalia Price, Sara h Melley

Grade 3 Back Row (L-R]: Mrs. Jackal, Noah Stephenson, W a n g e c h i G i to n ga , Molly O'Brien, Mrs. Hamel Middle Row (L-R]: Reese B e r th ia um e, Sy dn e y Col em an, Avery Salmon, J e r e m y Redden, Rebecca W a g n e r Front Row (L-R]: Chad K a r w o w s k i . J o r d a n Shah, J a ck Floyd, A n d r e w Belanger, La uren S t a u n t o n '102

Grade 2 Back Row (L-R): Mrs. T a pp e r, N i k o m e d e s Lukes, Ma ximo s Kourlis, Zoe McCuine, Mrs. Hamel Middle Row (L-R): Ava Rawson, Adyson Patrick, Abigail Pulsifer, Hannah Som er set , Zoe Kraus Front Row (L-R): Liam Reidy, Aedyn Esser, Sophia Nohrden, A d a m Some rse t, Hun ter S to ckw el lSmith

Grade 1 Back Row (L-R): Roshan Gotten, Ms. Connor, Aubrie Salmon Middle Row (L-R): Aubr ey Coleman, Caroline O'Brien, G ra ce Murray, Noo r Akalin, Sydney Redden Front Row (L-R): Emily Pulsifer, Maxwell Thamel, Colby Ber th iaum e, Sadie Smith

Kindergarten Back Row (L-R): Mrs. Boin, Sophia McLaren, Ruben Peraita Morgan, Axel Kapitulik, Cole Anderson, Samuel McCuine, Hazel V er d ie r, Mrs. Cabral Middle Row (L-R): Eva Blackadar, Caitlin Nasc ime nto , Abigail Kane, Ca ro ly n Braley, Talla D w a rm a n Front Row (L-R): Javi Ganas, E m m e tt Gray, Hannah Belanger, C ar o li ne Nohrden, T h e o d o r e Kane

Pre-Kindergarten Back Row (L-R): Ms. Brodeur, Ms. Brown Middle Row (L-R): S a m a n t h a W a g n e r , Ivan Sa m a rts ev , A le x a n d ra Anderson, Natalie Landers Front Row (L-R): Ellie Muzi Tian, Hugh Kelly, Lakshmi M u d d a n a 103


Trey Cassidy

Lisa Baker

Trevor O'Driscoll

Beth Beckmann

Head of School

Upper School Head

Middle School I lead

l.ower School Head


Justin Redden

Peter McKone

Neil Heenan

Athletic Director

Director of Technology

Director of Operations

Dining Services

Sean Ganas

Trish Doon

Tobey Fossey

Charlie .Aleksiew icz

Director of Admissions

Director of Finance and

Chief Advancement

Director of Worcester





Halley Allen

Shannon Arsenault

Nichole Aubin

.... Mary Bagley

John Beauregard

Paul Belanger

Shari Belanger

Susan Bergeron

Kim Boin

Maureen Cabral

Richard Cassidy

William Chambers

Jun Chen

Stacey Christiano

Abby Church

Karla Cinquanta

Alisha Coleman

Flavian Collet

Kaitlyn Conor


Kendra Davis


iJ K b

Blaise De Souza

L_ James Dickison

Dominic Dipersia

Mary Edwards

John Esslinger

Martha Fortier

Christian Gal


Elisabeth Gondek

Suzannah Griffin

Hannah Hall-Alicandro


Laura Hamel

Thara Hamza

Elisa Heinricher

Mason Hendershott

Martha Hosey

John Irvine

Megan Jackel

Michael Jessie

Stephen Kelley

Brian Kondek

Fanfei Kong

Kim Landers

Lisa Leach

Gail LeBlanc

Lana LeBlanc

Jackie Lefebvre

Michelle Lessard

Jaime L'Heureux


Kendra McCuine

K.C. McKeon

Heather McLeod

Clem McNamara

Neal Melley

Jane Merritt

Will Meyers

Janice Morello

Jen Morgan

Diana Morton

Mark O'Brien

Julie O'Malley

Christa Papula

Amy Pearson

Wayne Penniman

Marlon Perez

Grant Phillips

Kevin Ratcliffe

Nathaniel Reden

Patti Rim

Allison Roach

Betsy Rocha

Kim Rogers

Chris Sheldon

Pam Sheldon

Kate Sheridan

Judith Sbrogna

Elaine Shack


Brad Sicchitano

Robin Silverman

Alexis Stevens

Taryn Surabian

Kristin Tapper

Michael Urban

Lynn St. Germain

Jody Stephenson

i*- ' / V-'<^5<aia \ Lyssa Steponaitis

Mark Taylor

Nadine Telenson

Stefani Torode

Henry Torres

Rachel Wagner

Carrie Whitney

Robyn York

Al Sjogren

l\ (






-> *0



Varsity Cross Countr

Back Row (L-R]: C oach W ib e r g , T om Brossi, Ibby Ayyash, Miles Barker, Bridget W ix te d , Page Cassidy, Aidan Choate, Max Onffroy, Bram an C ronin, A n d re w Dully, Prince Collins, Coach Prestes Front Row CL-R): C a rm e n B eb b in g to n , Lucy Barnard, B rig e tte Cassidy, Emma Sullivan, C ap ta in Philip O nffroy, C aptain Megan Donaty, Am alie Deshais, M egha S hashidhar, Anushka Toke, Sam Budish

Like past years, the Vars ity Cross C ou nt ry teann sang th e ir way to vic to r y . The hig hli ght of the season was the te a m sleep ove r at the Cassidys' house in Maine be fo re th e ir NEPSTAS race. At the sleepover, the t e a m s t r e n g t h e n e d th e ir bo nds w it h one another, w a l k e d on the beach, shared th e i r goals, played card games, and w a t c h e d "Prefontaine." Overall, it was an u n f o r g e t t a b l e season' 113

Varsity Field Hocke

Back Row CL-R): Coach G e r ho r dt , Claire Cam pb ell, Chri sti na Tonna, Kassie Sakhat, W a n j i r u Gitongo, Andrea Ma rgu erite , Malea Troy Front Row (L-R): Clare Shanahan, Julia Nguyen, K ahnya Alicandro, C a p t a i n Marly Gallo, C ap ta in Riley Burns, Ashley Beriau, Mary Naber, Abbey C r a n f o r d

T h is f i e l d h o c k e y s e a s o n w a s t h e tea nn 's m a s t e x c i t i n g a n d successful season. D esp ite h a v in g a t e a m p r im a r ily m a d e of f r e s h m e n a n d s o p h o m o r e s , t h e g i r l s w e r e a b l e t o m a k e it t o t h e EIL t o u r n a m e n t , w h e r e o n l y t h e t o p f o u r t e a m s in t h e le a g u e p la y e d . F r o m p a s ta d in n e r s filled w it h b u ffa lo c h ic k e n d i p t o b e i n g on t h e f i e l d w i t h o n e a n o t h e r , t h e t e a m c r e a t e d an u n b re a k a b le bond w ith each other. 114

Varsity Volleyball

Back Row (L-R); T e am M a n a g e r Ian Sun, Julian na Boyson, Paige Dawson, Alana Anderson, Ella Li, Ally Rosenfeld, Nova Chen, Coa ch Stock Front Row CL-R): Angela Rusha, Abby Mann, C ap ta in Eve Phillips, Tyra Jenkins, Androniqi Donga Not p i c tu re d : C a p t a i n S a m m i Rosenfeld

(I R:

W o r k i n g t o g e t h e r t h r o u g h t h i c k a n d th i n , BVVB p e r s e v e r e d a n d s t r e n g t h e n e d os a f a m i l y . T h is v o l l e y b a l l s e a so n, t h e y p r a c t i c e d servin g , s e ttin g , passing, h ittin g , an d b lo c k in g to p r e p a r e fo r any o p p o n e n t . The girls p la y e d h a rd and s u p p o r t e d o n e a n o t h e r , no m a t t e r t h e c h a l l e n g e , a n d h a d a g r e a t season overall. 115

Varsity Girls Soccer

Back Row CL-R): Coach Salguero, Sophia Simon, Maya Gaines, M a g g ie Gall ag he r, Isabella Ballon, Esther Merritt-Boone, Erin Connor, Coach Griffin Eront Row (L-R): Sophia Jacobson, Emma Polhemus, J en na h V iro ste k, C a p t a i n G r a c e Lyons, Danielle S a ng er m an o , Laila El-Samra lilu Ber th iaum e

This fall season for the V a rs ity Girls S o c c e r t e a m was very eve ntful. Main tain in g t h e ir strea k f r o m last year, the t e a m won the H o m e c o m in g g a m e ag ainst LCA. Despite sun bu rns and e x h au s tin g practices, the girls s t r e n g t h e n e d t h e ir skills and b o n d e d as a tea m . At the end of th e season, the y c e l e b r a t e d by go in g to Skyz one l It was the p e r f e c t e n d in g to a fa n ta s tic season. 116

Varsity Boys Soccer

Back Row (L-R): Co a ch Anas, Karan Mehta, Ma cAr th ur Mills, Nick Lancaster, C ap tai n Carlo Mannina, Nate Coz, T h o m a s Hollinger, Chris Davis, Coach S p r e a d b u r y Front Row (L-R): Pierce Sullivan, Blake Brote, Chris Sholla, C ap ta in Tristan Roberts, Daniel Freedman, Cap tain Ryan Polhemus, Brady Mena, W ill ia m Zhou, Kristian Cania

T h e V a r s i t y Boys S o c c e r t e a m c o n t i n u o u s l y w o r k e d h a r d a n d i m p r o v e d t h r o u g h o u t t h e s e a s o n . T h e h i g h l i g h t of t h e s e a s o n w a s t h e t e a m ’s b ig w i n at t h e i r s e n i o r g o m e a g a in s t L a n d m a rk . The boys h o pe to c o n tin u e to im p r o v e a n d s t r e n g t h e n t h e i r skills n e x t s e a s o n .

. <


Varsity Golf

Back Row (L-R): Jack Boyd, C ap ta in J a c o b McAllister, C h r i s t o p h e r Con don , Co a ch O'Brien Front Row (L-R): Nicholas Beouloc, Th o m a s Mason, J o n a t h o n Asher, Alex Duval

The golf t e a m hod a n o t h e r g r e a t season. W i t h t h r e e fr e s h m e n and t h r e e juniors, th e y 'r e looking f o r w a r d to on even b e t t e r season next year. They'll be sod to see senior J a c o b McAllister g r a d u a te ! The hig hli ght of th e season w as ju n io r J o c k Boyd finishing 10-1-1 of th e #1 spot for the Bulldogs — th e best re c o r d out of oil #Ts in th e EIL!


Fall Crew

Back Row (L-R): A nnabelle H uffm an, C oach Dumas, Paige Huffman, Henry Osterw eis, David Alex, Max Sulik, Taeo Jonhston, Stephen Q uill-Schuffels, Aidan Hoey, T e d d y Tonna, Sam Bond, Akash Koul, Zach Domski, Brian D avenport, Colin Cui M iddle Row (L-R): C oach Barr, A fe rd ita Bacallu, Rachel Clemson, M e re d ith Gibson, Kate Dickson, Mikaela Linder Front Row (L-R): Ayah Yusuf, C oach C a rte r, A n d re w Stahovec Not p ic tu r e d ; Aryan C h a u d h a ry , Rosend Pena, John W a n g

This season, th e fall c r e w t e a m had g r e a t success, and all of their novic e m e m b e r s learned a lot. They had 1 girls' var sity boat, 1 boys' var sit y boat, and 2 boys' novice boats. Despite the br utal w e a th e r , they w e n t to p r a c t i c e 6 days a week, and "smiled" t h r o u g h both of th e ir surprise 5K tests, even the one right a f t e r Mou nta in Day. They w o u ld like to th a nk th e ir biggest su p p o r te r, c h o c o l a te milk, for g e t t i n g t h e m th r o u g h those long, cold re gat ta s. 119

Varsity Swimming

Back Row (L-R); Co a ch Dickson, Helen Yu, Colin Cui, Aryan C ha udh ary , Kate Dickson, Paige Huffman, Co a ch W i b e r g Middle Row CL-R): Anne Conners, J on ah Keates, Serey Kremer, Af erd ita Bacaliu, Emma Sullivan Front Row (L-R): C a p ta i n Ibby Ayyash, C a p ta in Annabelle Huffman

This w i n te r, the sw im t e a m to o k re fu g e fr o m the chilly w e a t h e r in th e YMCA's pool. Coach W i b e r g and Coach Dickson yet again c h a l le ng ed th e t e a m w i th long pool sets, to u g h core exercises, and w h a t th e t e a m called, " d r o w n i n g drills." The te a m sw a m the ir way to success at EILs and NEPSACs, r i b b o n in g at both and ac hi evi ng PRs. O u t s id e th e pool, the t e a m b o n d e d at pizza din ners at Coach's house and loud bus rides, filled w it h music fr o m our f a v o r i te speaker. 121

Varsity Skiin

Back Row (L-R]: Clare Shanahan, Stephen Quill-Schuffels, Daniel Fr e e d m a n , Eli Z a m o r e , Zach Domski, Kayo Dorogi, Coach Meyers Front Row (L-R): Vivian Gal, S a nt ia go Pastor, Th om a s Flollinger, Danielle S a n g e r m a n o , Abbey C ra n to r d Not Pictured: C ap ta in Miles Barker

The Bancroft ski te a m had a n o t h e r g r e a t season an d lots of fun on the slopes. This season was lacking in sno w but had no s h o r ta g e of success. The girls' vars ity tea m , led by Kayo Dorogi, finished t h ir d place in the C e n tra l MA ski league. The boys' team, led by c a p t a in Miles Barker, also had lots of fun and sho w e d g r e a t im p r o v e m e n t w ith m any new m e m b e r s . 122

Girls Varsitv Basketball

Back Row CL-R): Co a ch Leather, Emma Polhemus, Novo Chen, Page Cassidy, Isabella Ballon, Jenna Husson, Coa ch G e r h r d t Front Row (L-R): Sarah Fragolo, Anna Madonio, C a p ta in Paige Dawson, Keeley Boglio, Sophia Jac obson




Se con d y e a r back for girls' basketball was a y ea r full of fun and e x c ifin g g a m e s and practices. The t e a m was very young again this year, mostly freshm en and s o p h o m o re s (plus t w o m id d le schoolers). This year, the t e a m played a Varsity and JV schedule, w in n in g b o th ty pe s of games. This t e a m is buil din g for the f u t u r e and will c o n tin u e to play strong. 123

Boys Varsity Basketball

Back Row CL-R): Coach O'Brien, A n d r e w Desrosiers, C a p ta in A nth ony M a rg u e ri te , C a p t a i n Carlo Mannina, C ap tai n Nick Lancaster, Akash Koul, Bryan M o nt e n e g ro , Co a ch S p r e a d b u r y , Coach Dipersia Front Row (L-R]: John Wa ng , Chris Sholla, C.J. Zujewski, Randy Pierce, Sam Bond, J a c o b McAllister, Luke Flanley

"The Varsity Boys' Basketball t e a m c o m p l e t e d t h e ir season by clinching a Top Four spot in the league w ith on o v e r t i m e regular-season finale win ov e r rival LCAI Even t h o u g h the boys lost to the ev e ntu al league c h a m p io n , Beaver C o u n tr y Day, in the EIL T o u r n a m e n t Semifinals, the y s h o w e d a lot of grit in g r a b b in g the # 4 seed in the EIL Basketball T o u r n a m e n t . " - Shorelines 124

Boys JV Basketball

Back Row (L-R): Gianni Eisenhauer, A n d r e w Stahovec, Peter Tonna, Nate Coz, John Wang , Brian Dave npo rt, Co a ch Dipersia Front Row CL-R): Brady Mena, Prince Collins, Rosend Pena, Kristian Cania, Th omas Mason

This season the Boys' JV Basketball tearm d o u b le d t h e ir wins f r o m the season before. After some to u g h c o m p e t it io n to start the year, the boys b a t tle d back w ith qu ality te a m play, leading to a 4 - g a m e w in n in g streak du rin g the m id d le of the season. Finishing the season v. LCA, the Bulldogs too k t h e ir season finale to the final seconds and held on for the win! The season was filled w ith g r o w t h in play and te a m c he m is try . Go Bulldogs! 125

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Boys Varisty Basketball beat Dublin 57-40 during Friday's game!





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Upper Schoolers competed in 3 vs. 3 half-court basketball games and the annual knock­ out tournament. Nick 4-

Lancaster was this year's knock-out champion!

J 27]

Aclivliies Board Activities Board, known as AB, is the branch of Student Government that oversees clubs and organizes fun events. This year, AB organized two spirit weeks, a Hollywood themed homecoming, pep rallies, class competitions, and the infamous spoon game. AB always effectively manages student organizations and engages the Upper School community with their fun activities. (L-R): Malea Troy, Abbey Cranford, Paige Dawson, Grace Lyons, Sophia Jacobson, Annabelle Huffman, Ben Niose

amhassadors Bancroft's hosts & tour guides were back this year and better than ever -- they combined forces and became this super-club: the Bancroft Ambassadors. The tour guides welcome prospective students and their families to campus and show them around our world. The host program allows current students, mostly ninth graders, to host prospective students for 0 day in the life at Bancroft.

Back Row (L-R): Ella Li, Hannah Guin, Sarah Grossi, Sam Bond, Milo Chase, CJ Zujewski, Carlo Mannina, Phillip Onffroy, Randy Pierce, Riley Burns, Thomas Hollinger, Ben Niose, Daniel Freedman, Max Onffroy, Brady Mena, Chris Sholla, Braman Cronin, Ian Sun, William Zhou, Helen Yu Middle Row (L-RT Rosend Pena, Clare Shanahan, Moira Buckley, Page Cassidy, Tyler Papula, Paige Dawson, Meredith Gibson, Grace Lyons Front Row (L-R): Maya Gaines, Paige Huffman, Jyandriel Aponte, Androniqi Danga, Andrea Marguerite, Julia Nguyen, Angela Rusha, Esther Merritt-Boone, Anushka Toke, Jennah Virostek, Sophia Jacobson, Amalie Deshais, Julia Hanssen, Colly Liang, Annabelle Huffman, Megha Shashidar, Mr. Irvine 129

A rt Club Art Club g i v e s students th e o p p o r t u n i t y to use t h e i r a r t i s t i c ta le nt s for c o m m u n i t y se rv ice and fu n d ra is e rs . Like prior years, th e Valentine's Day c a r d sale allowed th e w o r k of Bancroft's a r ti s ts to be a p p r e c i a t e d by the w h o l e U p p e r School com m unity.

Back Row (L-R); Cindy Zhang, Sophia Simon, Hallie Kamosky, Chelsea Sheldon, Sammi Rosenfeld, Julia Hanssen, Amalie Deshais, Sarah Grossi Front Row (L-R): Violet Van Buren, Rachel Busby, Ayah Yusuf, Sophia Jacobson, Lucy Barnard, Eleanor LI

Asian Culture Club Asian Cultu re Club is d e d i c a t e d to sp r e a d in g Asian cu ltu re to the who le Bancroft c o m m u n i t y th r o u g h various fun, e n g a g i n g activities. In a d d i t i o n to holding th e ir annual snack sale they also hold works ho ps , host parties, and try to br ing a t t e n t i o n to the c us to m s and holidays of all Asian cou ntries.

(L-R): Ms. Kong, Cindy Zhang, Violet Von Buren, Lucy Hao, Alice Knowiton, Andy Bowman, Aidan Choate, Eleanor Li, AJ Kuzmission, William Zhou, Helen Yu, Lazi Donga


Bancroft Channel The Bancroft Channel strives to p r o v i d e video news and e n t e r t a i n m e n t to the U p p e r School. Me mb er s of the club learn to film and edit videos to present at assembly. Each year, the Bancroft Channel cre ate s a vide o for (L R). Mr. Chambers, Nova Chen, Lucy Hao, Kate Dickson, Eleanor Li, Ken Wu, AJ Kuzmission

the Senior Dinner, allow ing all seniors to tak e part.

Big Buddies The Big Buddy Peer Mentorship P ro g ra m ma tches fr e s h m e n and new st u d e n ts w i t h Big Buddies w h o will be their m e n t o r s as the y tra nsition into th e U pp er School. The club s t a r t e d out the year w i t h a ba ng at the New S tu d e n t O ri e n ta t io n . Th o u g h young, the p r o g r a m has had a n o t i c e a b l e im p a c t on th e U p p e r School c o m m u n i t y , involving o v e r half of

Back Row (L-R]: Moira Buckley, Hannah Guin, Rachel Busby, Milo Chase, Meredith Gibson, Miles Barker, Thomas Hollinger, Felix Qin, Helen Yu, Brian Davenport, Max Onffroy, Bryan Montenegro Middle Row (L-R): Chloe Selavka, Abbey Cranford, Androniqi Danga, Jenna Husson, Caroline Morgan, Afiah Somiah, Ben Niose, Philip Onffroy, Grace Lyons, Rebecka Sokoloff, Hannah Bergman, Annabelle Huffman Bottom Row (L-RT Christina Tonna, Duru Cosar, Kahnya Alicandro, Julia Nguyen, Serey Kremer, Anushka Toke, Laila El-Samra, Megha Shashidhar

the s t u d e n t b o dy . 131

Business Club Business Club Is an av^esome o p p o r t u n i t y for s t u d e n t s to learn business t a c t i c s to a p p l y In t h e i r lives an d f u t u r e careers. They re g u l a rl y nneet w i t h Mrs. L'Heureux, th e b o o k s t o r e m a n a g e r , to discuss all t h i n g s business. Back Row (L-R): Brady Mena, Raj Parikh, Meredith Gibson, Anthony Marguerite, Jacob McAllister, Jack Boyd, Karan Mehta Middle Row (L-R): Mrs. L'Heureux, Andrea Marguerite, Lucy Hao Front Row (L-R): Nova Chen, Kaya Dorogi, Lalla ELSamra, Danielle Sangermano, Claire Campbell, Tristan Roberts



O rg a n iz e d and staffed by U p p e r School students, CARE is a m e n to r i n g p r o g r a m for children w it h m o d e r a t e special needs fr o m w ithin the g r e a t e r Worcester c o m m u n it y . CARE a c tiv iti e s tak e place at Bancroft on S a tu rd a y m o rn i n g s In the fall and spring. Every session br ing s joy and m e m o r a b l e e x p e r i e n c e s for all.

Back Row (L-R): Ian Maher, Ibby Ayyash, MacArthur Mills, Jack Boyd, Raj Parikh, Angela Rusha, Riley Burns, Ben Niose, Milo Chase, Anthony Marguerite, Jon Zujewski, Bryan Montenegro Middle Row (L-R): Andrea Marguerite, Grace Lyons, Emiiy Berthiaume, Esther Merritt-Boone, Jennah Virostek, Cindy Zhang, Erin Connor, Mary Naber, Isabella Balian Bottom Row (L-R): Taeo Johnston, Abbey Cranford, Marly Gallo, Chloe Zearfoss, Laila ELSamra, Hallie Kamosky, Hannah Frieden, Sophia Simon 132


Decibelles Decibelles is Bancroft's all-fennale a cap pella gro up . The Decibelles bring nnusic to ca m p u s by p e r f o r m i n g at the assembly and in the annual a cappella show. Me mb er s love w o rk i n g t o g e t h e r in h a rm o ny to cr e a te music and co l l a b o ra ti n g to ma ke bold, new choices wi th the ir g r o u p sound.

Back Row (L-R): Serey Kremer, Ella Li, Kassie Sakhat, Gigi Russo, Androniqi Donga Front Row (L-R): Chloe Selavka, Marly Gallo

Disciplinary Committee The DC b r a n c h of S tu d e n t G o v e rn m e n t receives, discusses, an d ma kes recom m endations about disciplinary con cer ns . They also w o r k w i t h th e Deans to ensure t h a t C o d e of Conduct rules a re clear. This year, DC b r o u g h t ba ck the an nual Dress C od e Fashion S ho w and sha red plans to p r o m o t e stu d e n t judicial a w a r e n e s s t h r o u g h

CL-R); Mr. Gal, Max Onffroy, Abbey Roering, Philip Onffroy, Hamilton Huang, Maggie Gallagher

a PSA p r e s e n t a t i o n series.


E.V.O.C. The E n v i r o n m e n t a l and O u t d o o r s Club, knov/n as EVOC, aims ta help t h e Bancroft com m unity b e c o m e g r e e n e r and ta inc re as e a w a r e n e s s a b a u t the e n v i r o n m e n t . The club's p r o j e c t s have in c lu d e d a s c h o o l ­ w i d e re c y c li n g p r o g r a m in th e Dining Flail, tra il cle a rin g days Back Row (L-R): Ben Niose, Miles Barker, Thomas Hollinger, Hannah Frieden, Carlo Mannina, Sam Bond Front Row (L-R); Anushka Toke, Ariana Laneri, Megan Donaty, Angela Rusha, Ruhi Patil, Mrs. Fuller, Mr. Kondek

around Worcester, an d v a r io u s a c tiv itie s to c e l e b r a t e Earth Day.

Frame of Mind Frame of Mind act ively Informs the U p p e r School c o m m u n i t y ab ou t e m o ti o n a l well-being. The club fr e qu e nt ly surprises stu d en ts by pu tt in g little stressrelief toys in their mailboxes. Fram e of Mind also or ga n iz es Refresh Days that allow stu d en ts

(L-R): Julianna Boyson, Julia Nguyen, Eve Phillips, Sammi Rosenfeld

to ta ke a br e a k fr o m sch oo lw ork , relax, and re cha rg e. 134

Frisbee Club This club gives m e m b e r s the cha nce to tak e a break fro m classwork and e n ga g e in frisbee ma tch es w it h their peers. Frisbee Club teaches m e m b e rs new playing tac tics Last Row (L-R); Philip Onffroy, Eli Zamore, Aodhagan Leach, Penh Alicandro, Kahnya Alicandro, Rosend Pena Third Row (L-R); Taeo Johnston, Miles Barker, Will Nicholson, Max Onffroy, Harley Maignant, Ryan Polhemus, Max Sulik, Erin Connor, Michael Kurlan, Nate Coz Second Row CL-R); MacArthur Mills, Ben Niose, Colin Cui, Kristian Cania, Andrew Dully, Christina Tonna, Jack Campbell, Wanjiru Gitonga, Prince Collins, Angela Rusha, Kayo Dorogi, Andrew Stahovec, Chris Condon Front Row CL-R): Pierce Sullivan, Teddy Tonna, Laiia El-Samra, Julia Nguyen Floor; Mr. Dickison

and s tra te g ie s to i m p r o v e their game.

G.S.A. Bancroft's c h a p t e r of Genders & Sexualities Alliance, or GSA, is c o m m i t t e d to raising a w a r e n e s s about LGBTQ+ issues and c r e a t i n g a safe, s u p p o r t i v e spa ce for students. Each year, GSA spo nso rs th e National Day of Silence, a da y tha t raises a w a r e n e s s ab o u t the silencing effect of bu llyin g on

(L-R); Hannah Guin, Andy Bowman, Caroline Morgan, Kirsten Davis, Gigi Russo, Chloe Selavka, Julianna Boyson, Aidan Choate, Sophie Frieden

LGBT Q+ y o u th .




Gourmet Club G o u r m e t Club is Ban cr oft 's c oo kin g club, w h i c h gives m e m b e r s a cha nce to e x p a n d th e i r c o o k i n g skills while also i n t r o d u c i n g t h e m to new cuisines f r o m d i v e rs e culfu res. The club of f e n sells th e i r cre at io n s, like

Back Row: Paige Huffman Front Row (L-R]: Hallie Kamoskg, Ruhi Patil, Annabelle Huffman, Ibby Ayyash, Emma Sullivan, Jyandriel Aponte, Alana Anderson, Sehora Telenson, Sarah Grossi, Isabella Baiian, Grace Petter, Ashley Beriau

chocolate-covered pretzels, to the U p p e r School c o m m u n i t y . Bon Ap pe tit!

Horizons O rg a n iz e d and staffed by U p p e r School students, Horizons is a t h e a t e r p r o g r a m for children w if h m o d e r a t e special needs fr o m w ithin the g r e a t e r Worcester c o m m u n it y . The g r o u p puts on a play m the fall and spring sessions in the H ar ri ng to n Perfo rmin g Arfs Theater.

Back & Middle Rows CL-R}: Jyandriel Aponte, Jenna Husson, Clare Shanahan, David Alex, Hannah Bergman, Christina Tonna, Ross Fitch. Eleanor Li, Matt Baker. Gianni Eisenhauer, Chloe Selavka, Androniqi Danga Front Row (L-R): Julia Nguyen, Megha Shashidhar, Shanis Santos, Kahnya Alicandro 136

Pi Club Me mb e rs of Pi Club all share a passion for m a th e m a ti c s , whi ch pr o v id e s the fo u n d a ti o n for this club. They c o m p e t e at nu me ro us cha llenging ma th me ets t h r o u g h o u t the year. W h e n they are not c o m p e ti n g , they pursue m a th related activities. The Pi Club regularly Back Row (L-R): Jonathan Conroy, Mr. DeSouza, Chris Davis, Milo Chase, Hamilton Huang, Nova Chen, Helen Yu Middle Row CL-R): Akash Koul, Nicholas Conroy, Aryan Chaudhary, Colin Cui, Ruhi Patil, Kayo Dorogi, Cindy Zhang, Ella Li, Jack Zeng, Lucy Hao Front Row (L-R]; Tom Brossi, Karan Mehta, Philip Onffroy, Adelaide Zheng, William Zhou

challenges the U p p e r School with the Problem of the Fortnight.

The Peer Le ad e rs hi p Association, kn o w n os PLA, w o r k s to create a c o m m u n i t y w here no st u d e n t fears any f o r m of bullying. The club annually o r g a n i z e s a "Black Out Bullying Day," w h e n m e m b e r s of the U p p e r School dress in black and pledge to br in g an end to bu llyin g in schools.

(L-R): Abbey Cranford, Moira Buckley, Kahnya Alicandro, Hannah Bergman, Androniqi Donga, Riley Burns, Julianna Boyson, Andrea Marguerite Not pictured: Page Cassidy


Powder & Uig P o w d e r & W i g is d e v o t e d to p r o m o t i n g any an d all p e r f o r m a n c e s in the Ban cro ft c o m m u n i t y . P o w d e r an d W ig p r a v i d e s th e fu n di ng land a d v e r t i s i n g for all of th e main s ta g e p r o d u c t i o n s and even o r g a n i z e s a t r i p to New York City each y e a r to Back Row (L-R): Colton Chaney, Blake Brote, Gigi Russo, Kirsten Davis, Jon Call, Abby Mann, Ally Rosenfeld Front Row (L-R): Lucy Barnard, Alice Knowiton

see a play on Broadway. For this yea r's trip, the club chose to see "Anastasia."

Prom The Prom C o m m i t t e e had a g r e a t ye ar planning the J u n i o r and Senior pro m. This year's t h e m e was "A Starr y Night." Prom C o m m i t t e e put t o g e t h e r a w o n d e r f u l night and c r e a t e d lasting m e m o r i e s along the way. Back Row (L-R): Gigi Russo, Emily Berthioume, Riley Burns, Ross Fitch Middle Row (L-R): Sophia Simon, Flollie Komosky, Meredith Gibson, Sommi Rosenfeld, Abbey Roering, Jennoh Virostek, Ruhi Potil, Shonis Santos Front Row (L-R): Esther Merritt-Boone, Mikoelo Linder, Rebecko Sokoloff 138

Robotics K now n as the Robodogs, the r o bo tic s club breaks m e m b e r s up into d iffe re n t tea ms who then use the VEX Robotics Design System to build, p r o g r a m , and d r iv e ro bo ts in interscholastic c om pe tit io ns . Back Row, Standing (L-R): Mrs. Heinricher, Braman Cronin, Alex Duval, Aodhogon Leach, Penh Alicandro, Harley Maignant, Ryan Polhemus, Chris Stephenson, Jonathan Conroy, Chami Lomelos, Jack Zeng, Aidan Choate, Jon Asher, Elijah Choate, Henry Osterweis, David Alex, Helen Yu, Paige Huffman, Aidan Hoey Seated (L-R): Aferdita Bacaliu, Watts Herideen-Woodruff, William Zhou, Aryan Chaudhary, Max Onffroy, Max Sulik, Philip Onffroy, Milo Chase, Hamilton Huang

Social Concerns With a d e t e r m i n e d mindset. Social Concerns ai m s to better the w o r l d around th e m . Each year, the club organizes "Tr ic k or Treat for UNICEF,” the C an ne d Food Drive, th e Blood Drive, and n u m e r o u s Bake Sales to raise funds for c h a r i t a b l e organ ization s.

Back Row (L-R): Jyandriel Aponte, Christina Tonna, Mrs. Pearson, Laila EHSamra, Victoria Adusei, Will Nicholson, Page Cassidy, Malea Troy Front Row (L-R): Afiah Somiah, Julia Nguyen, Shanis Santos

139 .

Speech The S p e e c h Teann c o m p e t e s at local an d n a tion a l in te rs c h o l a s ti c tournaments. M e m b e r s c o m p e t e in e v e n ts such as pu bli c spe akin g, a c tin g, and i n t e r p r e t i v e reading. The t e a m has been ver y successful in th e past fe w years and has had a Back Row (L-R); Aryan Chaudhary, Aiden Petter, Andy Bowman, Mr. Sheldon, Colton Chaney, Thomas Hollinger, Afiah Somiah, Jon Call, Kirsten Davis, Sarah Gross! Middle Row (L-R): Mrs. Sheldon, Caroline Morgan, Chelsea Sheldon, Megha Shashidhar, Abby Mann, Chloe Selavka, Clare Shanahan Front Row (L-R); Gigi Russo, Ayah Yusuf, Lucy Barnard, Sophia Jacobson

n u m b e r of national finalists. This year. Nat ion als w as held in W a s h i n g t o n , D.C.

Student Council s t u d e n t Council's main goal this y e a r was to f u r t h e r discussions ab o u t d iv e rs ity and to find d i ff e re n t w ay s to c e l e b r a t e our dive rse stu de nt body. Additionally, they helped raise aver $ 7 0 0 for Puerto Rico a f t e r H urr ic ane Maria and, of course, they o r g a n i z e d the annual Lip Sync.

Back Row (L to R): Karan Mehta, President Akash Koul, Esther Merritt-Boone, Andrew Stahovec, Colin Cui Front Row (L to R): Blake Brote, Laila El-Samra, Emily Berthiaume, Eleanor Li


Table de Franpais Table de Franpais is Bancroft's French club. The club exp lores the Fr an co ph o ne w or ld and holds t w o cre pe sales each year. The pr oc ee ds fr o m these much-anticipated sales go to ch a ri ta b le o r g an iz at io n s In Back & Middle Rows (L to R): Sammi Rosenfeld, Cindy Zhang, M. Collet, Duru Cosar, Alice Knowiton, Eleanor LI, Lazi Danga, Colly Liang, Androniqi Danga Front Row CL to R): Eve Phillips, Felix Qin

French-speaking countries.

Unleashed As Bancroft's online student pu bli ca tio n, Unleashed sh o w cas es student vo ic e in th e Bancroft c o m m u n i t y and p r o v i d e s the student b o d y w i th original and c r e a t i v e content. M e m b e rs of the club c r e a t e w r i t t e n editorials, TV and movie reviews, videos, cartoons, an d more.

Back Row CL to R]: Mrs. Fortier, Bridget Wixted, Caroline Morgan, Mikaela Linder, Rebecka Sokolott, Julianna Boyson, Chelsea Sheldon, Afiah Somiah, Emma Sullivan, Clare Shanahan, Kirsten Davis Front Row CL to R); Lindsay Igoe, Alice Knowiton, Carmen Bebbington 141

Watch Your Tone W a t c h Your Tone is Ban cr oft 's co - e d o co pe ll o g r o u p . They p e r f o r m of o copello nig ht and regularly s h o w c a s e th e i r ta le n t at assembly.

Back Row (L to R): Marly Gallo, Andy Bowman, Ella Li, Aidan Choate, Chloe Selavka, Abby Mann Front Row [L to R); David Alex, Gigi Russo, Jon Call

yearbook The Year book Club's Layout and Photo te a m s are d e d i c a t e d to c a p t u r i n g student m e m o r i e s and pr es er vin g th e m in Bancroft's annual Blue Moon Yearbook. Me mb e rs put in countless hours in and out of school to ta ke photos, set up pages, and sell books and ads. This year, the club hosted Back Row [L to R): Ms. S heridan, Sam S u th e rla n d , Ken W u, Penh A licandro, T om Brossi th e i r first ev e r Roller

T hird Row (L to R): Violet Van Buren, Sophia Simon, Rachel Busby, Page Cassidy, Em m a Sullivan

Skate Night!

Second Row: Julia Nguyen, K ahnya A licandro, Hallie Kam osky, M e re d ith Gibson, M a o m a o Ding, Anushka Toke Front Row CL to R): Duru Cosar, Arlana Laneri, M egan D onaty Not p ic tu r e d : Dr. B eaureg ard


Yea rbook thanks everyone who p a r t i c i p a t e d in our cl ub p h o t o contest. W e l o v e d all of t he p i c t u r e s you s e nt us!




Drama - The Greek N ythology O lym piaganza

In t h i s y e a r ' s d ra m a production, th e cast a nd cre w p r o d u c e d a series of h u m o r o u s takes on G r e e k m y t h s . The a c t o r s did o g re at job making a u d i e n c e s l a u g h in all t h r e e o f t h e i r perform ances! Bravo!


nusical - C a b a re t



Writers at the conference this year worked hard in poetry, fiction, screenwriting, and journalism workshops while also sharing their original work at an open mic and in class. They enjoyed unique mentor moments, including some slam poetry by Reggie Gibson. 148

Writers got to talk to mentors during lunches, in Q&A sessions, and during their inspiring workshops. They also had the opportunity to buy the mentors' published works, including their novels and poetry.

T h e Me n t o r s




Rtd wins the tournament!

Seed 1




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4344Z M arlborough Mariboiough, Moss<uhuseus. Untied States

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Ba n c r o f t Ro b o d o g s 2 0 1 7 -2 0 1 8 S e a s o n Aw ards T e a m 2 4 4 2 -A T o u r n a m e n t C h a m p io n s T o u r n a m e n t F i n a l is t s

T e a m 2 4 4 2 -b E x c e l l e n c e A w a r d (2 x ) D e s ig n A w a r d T o u r n a m e n t C h a m p io n s (2 x ) T o u r n a m e n t F i n a l is t (2 x )

So. N e w E n g l a n d S e m i -F in a l is t T e a m 2 4 4 2 -C Ex c e l l e n c e A w a r d ROBOT S k il l s A w a r d T o u r n a m e n t C h a m p io n s (2 x ) T o u r n a m e n t F in a l is t s

So. N e w E n g l a n d C h a m p io n s T e a m 2 4 4 2 -E T o u r n a m e n t F in a l is t s (2 x ) T E A M S 24 4 2 -B a n d 24 4 2 -C W ILL BE t r a v e l in g t o t h e v e x W o r ld C h a m p io n h s ip s in A p ir l


Science Fair and National History Day ^

Karan M ehta

Milo C h a s e

Lazi D a n g a Stude nts in the Research and Scientific Inquiry class spent the year researching the ir chosen top ics and cr e a ti n g the ir own projects. In March, the stud ents pr esented the ir projects to judges at the Science Fair.

H a m ilto n Huang As part of a new class this year, Research and Historical Inquiry. Mrs. Buckley he lped her t w o students c r e a t e histo ry rese ar ch projects for c o m p e t i t i o n . Chelsea Sheldon an d Mikaela Lind er spent the ye a r r e s e a r c h i n g t h e i r chosen topics in o r d e r to c o m p e t e at the Central W e s t Mas sac hu setts National History Day C o m p e t i t i o n .

Bowling Bonanza Best Costum es:

The BOW Lshevik Revolution


Top Scorer: N o a h C.


Bowling Bonanza broke up dreary, cold J an u ar y with lots of fun, pizza, punny costumes and bowling, of coursel





French Immersion Day\^^

This French Innnnersion Day, students attended 4 workshops that were all spoken in French! In the cooking workshop, students made a delicious lunch featuring salad, an upside-down apple pie, and more traditional French foods. In the other workshops, students learned about French culture and played French games. 158



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sta y curious, Will!

'V -

■ i

0 '


So proud of you! Lots of love from Mom, Dad, and Kath

We are so proud of you! With Love, Mom, Dad, Annie, M att <St^C.j. 162

Duru'cugum, ^asam boyu mutluluk diliyoruz

Rachel - I'm so proud ol the CTcalive, inlelliji'cnt, and strong person yon have become. I look fonvard to the next chapter as I know yon are going to make your dreams come true. Love, Mom 163


|Carpe Diem!



We are so proud of you, Caroline.

Love, Mom, Dad, Grace, Stewie, Hamish and Calvin. ☆


' •



Congratulations on your success acadennically and in sports! We lare proud or your achievements and the sights you have set on your future goals. We are excited COsee you continue to succeed in the next step of your life and we wish you a prosperous future.

Brother. Congratulations on this huge milestone! We always knew that your hard work, ambition, and determination would pay off. Continue with the hard work in the years ahead. Love, Andrea. Steven & Eric

Love, Mom & Dad

I Anthony Marguerite







m •^!svj. m-'5^ ■ Vy^..^-'


Congratulations, Jonathan and Nicholas! We are very proud of both of you! Love, Mom and Dad


Low er School

K in d e rg a rte n


for m a *e rtu re s Of OrVJ am be.ym.. 6 arc 50 proucl of all w v c




i r


9 race. It’s been an amazing ride! We are s© ^erg proud... thank ^ou for being ^ou!

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

We believe you can fly! The sky is your limit. Spread your wings and soar high!

c^uch joa^e alii^a^s,

We love you and are proud of you! Congratulations, Rebecka!

^Mom, Dad, ^ ike^ , Brigid and Olive


My Girl She's the air that I breathe, She's the beat in my heart. She's the tear in my eyes when we're apart. She's the pride that I peel, with all she achieves. 'm the one who gives hope, in what she believes. She's a part op my body, but now she's all grown, as she waves me goodbye, to pind a lipe op her own. My beautipul girl, you've grow up so pine. You mahe me so proud, to hnow that you're mine. Toni Kane

Congratulations my Riley! Love, Mom


DEARGIULIANA, w h a t t o say t o y o u ?



C o n g ra tu la tio n s o n y o u r g ra d u a tio n !

Congratulations to Penh and the Class of 2018!

W e a re p ro u d o f y o u and y o u r

The Alicandro Family

a c c o m p lis h m e n ts . W e k n o w y o u w ill c o n tin u e th e jo u r n e y w ith eve n m o re success.

Love, M o m . L a rry, N ick & S ara h

H M il 170






Sir Elton John and Lady Miley Cyrus dazzled with a duet of "Tiny Dancer" at the 2018 Grammys. The performance packed an extra punch given John's recent announcement that he plans to retire after his upcoming tour.

SHEEHAN'S GREAT DIVIDE + Ed Sheeran's (pronounced Divide) finished 2017 as the most popular album of the year in the U.S. Since its release in March, the album has boasted over one million copies sold, over five million singles sold and a staggering 1.5 billion on-demand audio streams.

+ A GOOD YEAR TO RE DRUNO Bruno Mars swept many of the major categories at both the American Music Awards and the Grammys. Winning over a dozen awards between these two award ceremonies alone, 2017 proved to be a great year for the 32-year-old pop star.

SBIG The soundtrack for the children's movie, Moana, took home the American Music Award for Best Soundtrack. Alessia Cara, who sang the pop version of the hit song "How Far I'll Go" from the movie, also won the Grammyfor Best New Artist.

The music streaming world was dominated by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee's "Despacito" in 2017. The track, which was enhanced by a remix featuring Justin Bieber, earned a total of 1.322 billion on-demand streams (both audio and video streams combined). The song's lyrics were also the most searched for lyrics of the year, according to Google.


^ YEAh IN REVIEW ^ U.S. NEWS $200 BILLION HURRICANE SEASON + The 2017 hurricane season proved to be the most expensive one ever. After going over a decade without a major storm hitting the coast, two major hurricanes—Harvey and irma—biasted the U.S. coast with winds exceeding 130 miles per hour. Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico with winds reaching 155 mph.


ii:ii][Hj:miKi Each year, more cities, states and universities opt to replace the October holiday, Columbus Day, with Indigenous Peoples' Day to celebrate the rich history and legacy of those native to the land.

+ HfT HEUTBALITY The U.S. Federal Communications Commission revealed its plan to dismantle regulations that ensure equal access to the Internet, a concept known as "net neutrality." Rescinding the regulations will make it possible for telecom companies to force consumer Internet companies to pay for faster connections which would, in turn, end up being paid for by individual users.

In the spirit of welcoming cultural diversity and female empowerment, Mattel Inc. released a new hijab-wearing Barbie. The doll was inspired by the talented American Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad who was the first to compete wearing a hijab.

In 2017, cities in Florida, Utah and Minnesota instituted a ban on single-use plastic shopping bags. Frequently, shoppers throw away the bags rather than recycling them. The bags take over 100 years to decompose and the toxins used in production cause major environmental concern.




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