11 minute read
LEAP OF FAITH The standout event of the year for me was the tandem parachute jump with Mr Parsons! It was for a great cause, furnishing a room for homeless women. Our team raised over $9000. Thanks goes to all those who sponsored us. We had a good time decorating it on the day. The idea of the tandem parachute jump was so we could raise as much money as possible with as little effort as possible. I am very grateful to Mr Parsons who was not at all keen, but he accepted the challenge for this great cause.
Mr Parsons, you are a true champion! The photo below shows the room we decorated as part of a $6 million project for Anglicare based in Toowong. It is a refuge for homeless women and is managed so that it enables the women to regain self-esteem away from the streets where they are often at risk of abuse. Thanks to the many members of the TSS Community who supported Mr Parsons and me in our fundraiser. It is greatly appreciated.
THE CHAPEL AND SOME OF THE SERVICES HELD THERE The Chapel continues as a significant landmark and symbol within the school of the importance of the spiritual dimension of being human. A significant range of services are offered in the Chapel both in term time and also over the holidays. The annual House Chapel services in 2015 provided an opportunity for each House to remember and honour their Patron while also hearing a message of David, the second King of Israel. The selection of a great leader is not primarily the physical and intellectual ability to do the job, but more importantly that the qualities of the heart are fundamental.
SACRISTANS Each year we select a team of Sacristans, one from each House and also one as the School Sacristan. This team assists the chaplain to run the Chapel services each week and for any special events. The team for 2015 was Emmanuel Nyathi as School Sacristan, Michael Karlovic (ATK), Tae Hee Min (BID), Sam Finlayson (DEL), Harry Holmes (KAI), Tarrant Cardiff (MAU), Jack Staines (McK), Hugh Wheaton (MEL), Ha Min Kang (RAD), Sam Hoath (SUR), Munro Underwood (THO), Jasper Hardy (TUR) and Stan MackeyPayne (WAL). Each year they take more responsibility for the running of the services and the operation of the technology and management of the Chapel. Thanks for a positive year.
ANNUAL YEAR-LEVEL SERVICES Each year level has an annual service in which a particular theme is explored. The new Year 7 cohort is welcomed to the school by members of the school council. Year 8 experience the solemn rituals of Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season called Lent that leads up to Good Friday and Easter. Year 9 are encouraged to express gratitude to the members of the TSS staff, particularly those that work almost invisibly around the school, but who provide a vital service to the operations of the whole school. Year 10 celebrate the work of the United Nations by recognising the many areas of human suffering caused by both nature and human activity. They are encouraged to see that we all play a part to create a better world. Year 11 are invited to contemplate the dark side of humanity expressed in events like the use of atomic weapons and other human abuses across the world and over human history. They are then invited to consider the light that can be shed into these moments of human darkness. We do this on 6th August, Hiroshima Day, and the Feast of the Transfiguration. Finally, the Year 12 boys gather the night before their graduation in the Chapel for their Valedictory service in which they savour their years at TSS, the opportunities they have had, the friendships they have enjoyed and the mentors that have walked with them. This is a time to consider what wisdom they can take with them into the future.
WEEKLY HOLY COMMUNION Every Wednesday morning at 8.00 there is a short Holy Communion service held in the Chapel and is open to staff, students and friends of TSS. Seven to 15 people gather for these services and we pray for the whole school and any particular concerns that are facing our school community or the world. This small community shares a breakfast together once a term in the Darnell Room prior to the service.
STUDENT CHAPLAIN This year has been a first for TSS and the Diocese in that we have had Peter Jeffery visit the school two days a week to assist his training as an Anglican Priest and also a trainee Chaplain. He has worked at the Prep School and Senior School in the classroom and also in the Chapel. He ran the St Alban’s Day Service at the end of Term Two. Peter will go to have a year now with Fr Bryan at Churchie.
THE BOXING PRIEST Visit from “the Boxing Priest”, Dave Smith. Also known as Fighting Father Dave, he is an Anglican parish priest based in Australia.
He is best known for his work with at-risk youths, especially in his use of boxing for those suffering from substance-abuse problems and anger-management issues. He is also a sixth degree black belt and a professional boxer. His progression into martial arts and boxing happened while he was attempting to raise funds for the community in Dulwich Hill, where he was the Parish priest. It was a great honour to have Fr Dave visit the school. He shared his experiences and insights at several events over the three days. We had a dinner on the Sunday night for 20 members of staff. Fr Dave spoke and responded to questions related to his work with boys on the streets in an inner suburb of Sydney, and also on the streets in Syria from where he had recently returned. He allowed a few boys in Years 11 and 12 to have a go with him in the Chapel ring, much to the enjoyment of those watching on. He then spoke about the benefits of boxing and the discipline of controlling anger. During his four visits to the Chapel he talked about the theme “Fight the Good Fight”.
Following on the same theme of “Fight the Good Fight” we had a guest speaker who had an exceptional military record,
serving in all three SAS Squadrons during the Vietnam War, Lt Col Geoff Chipman. He is a member of the Gold Coast North Anglican Parish. He shared his story with the boys, relating how after his time in Vietnam he ended up with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and how he had to fight with that disorder to regain his life, and that he did so by rediscovering his faith in God. He now helps others with PTSD.
PASTORAL SERVICES We are pleased that we still have a number of Old Boys and staff who have weddings at St Alban’s Chapel. During 2015 there were nine weddings.
It is also a great joy to celebrate the baptism of the children of Old Boys and friends of TSS. During 2015 Fr Jim and I have officiated at 25 baptisms. It has been very helpful having Rev Jim Stonier officiating at some weddings and some baptisms over the past couple of years. He has indicated that as he moves up to Brisbane he will withdraw from doing these services. I wish Rev Jim and Dianne all the best in this time of transition.
The toughest thing in this role is to officiate at the funeral or memorial service of a staff member and sadly we had to do that twice this year. We had a great tribute to teacher Mr Robert Hawthorn halfway through the year. Then only months later during the September school holidays we had a large funeral for Mr Steve Roberts. Steve had been at TSS for 31 years and had served in several roles over that time.
CHAPEL PERSPECTIVE Our weekly Chapel services at Prep are a very special time when we come together to pray, sing and learn about God. It is also a time when Mr Wyer presents the Bounceback focus for the week ahead. After a song, Mr Baker brings a Bible reading and a reflection on the meaning of what has been
shared from the Bible. Boys from the duty house present prayers, and the Housemaster then leads in prayer and invites the boys to join in The Lord’s Prayer. After another song we close in prayer and say the Grace together. Here are some perspectives the boys have shared about our services.
“The prayers in Chapel help me treat my mum nicely.”
“Chapel has taught me how to be more mature and behave myself at both school and home.”
“I have learnt in Chapel that you should always look on the bright side, and that has changed my attitude.”
“Bounceback, and how it encourages myself and others to help everyone around you. And all the stories of the Bible, they are really amazing some of those stories.”
“I have started to pay extra respect to my parents.”
In addition to our weekly Chapels we also have special Chapels when all Prep boys join together to commemorate Anzac Day, Easter, Remembrance Day and Christmas. These gatherings are always special.
Boys from Years 3 – 6 are involved in an annual evening House Chapel service, and the boys of Year 6 have a special Clay and Candles service at the opening and closing of their final year at Prep. Our November Clay and Candles serves as the boys’ Gradual Service and is quite a special time for parents, boys and staff.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PERSPECTIVE Each week the Boys of Prep have a Religious Education lesson of 45 minutes’ duration. These lessons cover many of the important teachings and the seasons and celebrations of the Christian Faith. In recognising the fact that a number of boys have a different faith background we make a real effort to ensure that they feel accepted and included in our lessons. Here are some of the boys’ responses when they were asked what they had learnt in RE, and how they had applied this to their lives.
“I used to think religion was just mumbo jumbo, but now it’s really interesting.”
“Now I don’t fight with my sister as often.”
“How to treat others and how to treat myself.”
“I have learnt that The Bible is not very different to the Qur’an, and to respect the differences. And, I’ve learnt to share more.”
“I have not been saying ‘Oh my God’ or ‘Jesus’ anymore because it is rude.”
“I have learnt that we need to love one another as Jesus has loved us. I saw this in the playground, people being nice to one another.”
“That I have to be more grateful for all the things I have (the widow with hardly any money donated it all to the offering box).”
So many wonderful answers from so many wonderful boys. To summarise, we invite boys to engage with the teachings of The Bible, learn from its values, and challenge them to think of ways to introduce those values to their daily lives.
DONATIONS AND OFFERINGS DISPERSED There are a number of offerings received in the Chapel over the year. It is great that we can distribute this money to several important situations of need. Thank you to all those who have given to these offerings or made donations at the time of the baptism of their son or daughter. 1. Local Lions Palm Beach Lions Festival of Magic $900.
2. Local Rotary $660. Children’s Festival Circus Quirkus for 12 special needs children.
3. Local Anglican – St John’s centre $1,000 to provide services for people living on the street in Surfers. 4. Emergency appeal for Nepal $4,100.
5. Parachute jump raised over $9,000 for Anglicare Home for homeless women in Brisbane.
6. Supporting the western Queensland Bush Ministry $1,000.
7. Projects in the Pacific region November appeal, $1,500
Archbishop’s Appeal.
8. Projects in Africa, The Blind mission $1,000.
9. Projects for Middle East, $1,000 Barnabas Fund assisting with refugees. There is still money that will be distributed between now and the end of 2015. Thanks to all those who have contributed to the offerings in Chapel over the year.