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Business and Enterprise

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Business and Enterprise Education

The passion and enthusiasm the boys bring to their study of business across Year 9 - Year 12 is exciting. For some students, their study of a business subject is a pathway to further study at university; other students already operate their own business and the classroom is an opportunity to cement their knowledge and skills; and for others, they see our business subjects as offering an important understanding for the world in which we live as future employees, business owners and even as consumers. Our classrooms and business programs are designed to nurture this enthusiasm that boys are bringing to the study of business. This year we welcomed new staff members to the department, Mrs Kerrie Dickson and Mr Ian Browne, both of whom, among teaching other subjects, are working with the 107 Year 9 students that selected Business & Enterprise as an elective. These numbers are at a record high and reflect the eagerness of students to begin their business pathway. The Diploma of Business and Certificate III in Business offers students unprecedented vocational skills while still at school. Almost 50 students successfully completed the Diploma of Business this year. This qualification has offered students the opportunity to further extend their business knowledge, increase their employability skills and has also transitioned them to the more independent nature of tertiary study. The Business Department views this partnership with Careers Australia as an excellent opportunity for students that are wishing to pursue a career in business.

The Business Department has continued its association with local universities in 2015. Thirteen of our Year 12 students successfully completed the GriffithBUSINESS program, which involved students participating in assessment at Griffith University in the areas of Business Management; Commerce; and Tourism, Hotel, Event & Sport Management. The students that successfully completed the program are now guaranteed direct entry into a Griffith University business course in 2016. Congratulations also go to Jack Klementsen, who not only gained direct entry, but was awarded a scholarship for his efforts in the program.

In the Business Department we are committed to offering students additional opportunities to extend their business skills. Our Business Leadership Passport Program continues to be extremely popular. Students were fortunate to hear from a range of experienced business leaders and also had the opportunity to participate in work experience, enterprise activities and workshops; all designed to enhance their business leadership skills. Year 11 students eagerly participated in the Australian Business Week (ABW) program where they take over the running of a hypothetical sporting goods company. ABW is a unique learning opportunity for students, unlike any other program or classroom activity offered. Students are challenged in a business context and develop crucial skills in relation to time management, leadership and initiative. Big things often come from small beginnings, and for many students their work in the Business Department is a stepping stone to a bright future.

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