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Vocational Education and Training
MRS HELEN MCCLEARY vet coordinator
The TSS Vocational Education and Training program has had a very busy year indeed, with many students not only engaging in but also driving discussions about their futures – where they see themselves in five years, which industry they would like to be involved with, and where their interests lie. Our aim has been to support students in their quest for a different type of knowledge, one that has a focus beyond school, grounded in real-life commerce and activity.
Students stepping into the VET Office in search of possibilities are encouraged to consider purposeful pathways, ones in which they can truly find a calling which will help them know a working life of substance and value. Goal setting is important here, that the boys craft their own vision of a future they can work towards in the short term, and flourish in years to come.
Work experience has provided invaluable insight into industry for many of our students this year, with much time being spent in diverse areas including aviation, engineering, automotive, banking, accounting, construction, legal and tourism. The idea of spending a few days at a live worksite to gain exposure to the workforce is by no means a new approach to career development, however the authenticity of this methodology remains one of the most valuable tools in guiding our boys towards a best-fit career path. It can be just as important for a student to rule out an option as it is to further explore one.
Many of our boys took advantage of vocational programs this year, studying under the VETiS (VET in Schools) model, with courses either delivered at school or at external venues and resourced by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). The VETiS courses undertaken included Certificate I in Construction, Certificate II in Electrotechnology, Certificate II in Health Support/ Certificate III in Health Services and Certificate III in Business. Students also completed the Diploma of Business, giving rise to business owners, marketing specialists and project managers of the future.
School-based traineeships and apprenticeships were again a very strong focus for our country boarders, with many students enrolling in Certificate III in Agriculture, an extremely valid and current course with transferable skills applied to both present-day and emerging rural environments. Popular too was the Certificate III in Marine Mechanical Technology, as was the Certificate III in Fitness. TSS is uniquely poised to act as employer for several of our fitness trainees, as they complete the practical components of their traineeships within the physical education department of our Prep Campus. The skills and experience our students gain from their school-based vocational studies provide a remarkable platform from which to launch career preferences and/or related tertiary studies. Comments garnered from our VET boys offer insight into their experiences, and demonstrate an understanding of the lifelong process of career development:
“I choose to participate in work experience in the engineering industry because my family has a big aviation background. Throughout my time at school my subjects have included Engineering, Design Technology and Industrial Technology, from these subjects, I have grown to really quite enjoy my hands-on learning (kinaesthetic learning style). When this work experience opportunity came up, I applied because I have a major interest in aviation but with the engineering side of things as well.” “…by working hands-on during this program (construction), I have decided that I will not be going into the tradesman's path and will focus on the construction management instead. I have now applied to a new (2019) Construction Management course at Griffith University.” “It (electrotechnology) has helped me obtain a job with Energex by teaching me the basics of employability and the background information required for electrical apprenticeships and electrical engineering. I strongly recommended more TSS students to participate in these VET courses in future as it really can help in identifying what you find interesting in the workforce.” “It (fitness) looked like a great way to improve my skills of teaching. It will help me in coaching and with teaching kids.” “I've always wanted to be a personal trainer and in order for me to achieve one of my goals, I had to first complete my Cert III in fitness, then proceed onto my Cert IV in fitness and then onto diploma level. I have loved being able to give back to the community, to also help and watch the kids smile and laugh. It's great to see them enjoy and also succeed in the activities you are providing. It's pretty amazing.”