6 minute read
Wellbeing Health
The area of Wellbeing Health has seen tremendous growth over the past couple of years and we would like to inform you of our progress. Last year, TSS demonstrated its ongoing commitment to the psychological wellbeing of our students by employing two full-time psychologists. Our Preparatory school welcomed Ms Amelia-Rose Read, and Ms Jordan Howley became our second psychologist at the Senior School. These ladies each hold a Masters in Clinical Psychology and have quickly set about getting involved in student programs and working in partnership with staff and parents to support the needs of the boys.

This year, TSS has continued its quest to explore new ways in which to improve the mental and physical health of our students. We know that psychological wellbeing plays a key role in academic achievement. We also know that childhood is an ideal time to introduce programs that promote social and emotional literacy, with the aim of preventing illness now and in later life. To assist us in developing a ‘whole school’ approach to student wellbeing health programs, TSS has employed Ms Caitlin Anderson as our Wellbeing Health Promotions Officer. Ms Anderson is an accredited practising dietitian and sports dietitian with experience in developing and delivering wellbeing initiatives in the private and sporting sector. Ms Anderson and I are tasked with developing a holistic and preventative program that offers continuous experiential learning opportunities around concepts of wellbeing to our boys from Preschool to Year 12. We have great pleasure in sharing the Wellbeing Health offerings of 2018 with you.
WELLBEING HEALTH PROGRAMS Earlier this year, we launched a Mindfulness program tailored to all students from P-12. Teachers were provided with targeted activities (such as breath focus, mindful movement and loving kindness) that were aligned with our weekly themes.

We also introduced two new initiatives - Mindspace (Senior School) and Zen Zone (Preparatory School) - to complement this program and provide additional opportunities for students to further develop their mindfulness practice.

MINDSPACE Mindspace is an alternative play option at the Senior School, which provides guided meditation. It is facilitated by Ms Anderson and is open to all Senior School students. Mindspace has subsumed the Senior School’s Zen Zone program, originally established by Ms Howley, which offered students an opportunity for lunchtime mindful art and crafts activities.

ZEN ZONE Zen Zone is a mindfulness-based lunchtime program rewarding students who have worked well in class at the Preparatory School. It is a fun and engaging session that draws on both formal and informal mindfulness practice. A typical session involves a Tibetan singing bowl calling the boys attention to the task, calming music (alpha waves) in a formal meditation practice, and a fun informal mindfulness activity such as: making mindjars; visualisation and clay sculpting; drawing; balloon soccer; and mindful eating.
Ms Anderson and Ms Read facilitate two sessions (Years 2-3 and Years 4-6) to ensure that age-appropriate activities are selected for optimal engagement, and to allow the boys to learn something new. Zen Zone is just one of the many wellbeing spaces available to our Prep boys, with established programs created by our passionate staff including Bush Kindy, Friends Club and the Rainforest.

TEEN MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID AND YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID Having the knowledge to care for yourself is one thing, but knowing how to care for someone else can be challenging. This year our Senior School psychologists, Miss Howley and Dr Zagoren introduced Teen Mental Health First Aid Training to our Year 7 and 10 students. This program recognises that young people are more likely to share their problems with peers, so it is important to skill our young people around the signs of a developing mental health problem, as well as to recognise when to get a responsible and trusted adult involved. Our psychologists will also train staff in Youth Mental Health First Aid to ensure boarding staff, coaches and teachers understand the most common mental health issues faced by adolescents, early warning signs of mental health problems, and how to assist by guiding a young person toward appropriate support.

CRUNCH&SIP Ms Anderson has been working closely with our Year 2 teachers to implement Crunch&Sip, a national healthy eating initiative, providing students with a 10 minute break to crunch on fresh vegetables or fruit and sip on water. Crunch&Sip aims to develop healthy habits and increase the consumption of vegetables, which remains the lowest food group consumed by Australian children.

SPECIAL EVENTS We recognise that as our boys grow and develop, so too do their needs. To support our students, we designed a tailored Wellbeing Health Day for Year 7 and Year 10. Our Year 7 students took part in a range of activities specific to our MENS REMAP pillars, and our Year 10 students participated in three workshops which covered positive relationships (pornography and consent), nutrition and exercise (daily movement and protein for health), as well as mindfulness and sleep.

This year we also raised awareness for several events that hold great importance to our school and relevance for our boys. In addition to our major event Men’s Health Week, we also recognised Safer Internet Day, National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, R U OK? Day, Take My Ride and Australian Dental Health Week. Evidence-based information and practical tips on these topics were delivered to boys during Assembly and Chapel, as well as classroom posters and the School newsletter.
We were grateful to also host clinical psychologist and host of the ABC Series ‘The Ex Files’, Cliff Battley, to share practical and effective tips to our parents on ways to boost their child’s self-esteem. Additionally, we proudly represented TSS at the International Boys' Schools Coalition Conference where we shared our vision of Wellbeing Health with delegates from all over the world who share a mutual passion for positive education.

MEN’S HEALTH WEEK As a TSS first, we arranged for a series of special events and activities to raise awareness around self-care practices specific to and beneficial for young males.
Students were excited to take on the Smoothie Bike during break time, blending a berry blitz smoothie using the power generated from each revolution. Students also took part in an In Defence workshop that provided practical strategies to not only protect themselves through selfdefense, but also to avoid initiation of and involvement in dangerous social situations.
During our Men’s Health Week Assembly, we shared a video acknowledging what men are doing well in regards to their health, as well as key areas for improvement around connecting with others and risk-taking behaviour. In addition, Mr Norman, Mr Chinia and Mr Stark joined our panel, hosted by Mr Hawkins, where they shared tips for maintaining balance and wellbeing. Mr Hawkins also generously awarded the creativity of our art competition participants with a gift voucher of their choice. We concluded the week by hosting the Mamacitas and Coco Whip food trucks, serving fresh Mexican food and vegan coconut ice cream, which was thoroughly enjoyed by both staff and students on our beautiful TSS lawns.