8 minute read
MR BRIAN ROWE shepherd housemaster
So …. what does Shepherd do, and provide, for our boys in green? What makes Shepherd so important? And why have a House system at TSS Prep such as we do? No other preparatory school in our country has a House involvement to the extent we do here at TSS Prep. As we hurriedly head to the end of this year, I have indeed reflected upon those exact questions. And to find answers I have gone to the boys.
One young man, when he was new to our school in Year 5 stated:
You could only imagine how overwhelming TSS was on that first day. So many buildings - so many kids - so many things to remember.
My first identity at the school came from joining the magnificent Shepherd House - it gave me an instant feeling of belonging. I had an instant group of boys and teachers I depended upon and who could depend on me. Shepherd helped me adapt to the school’s culture. This amazing green House gave me a sense of pride, belonging and support. Shepherd gave me an opportunity to get to know the boys in other year levels also.
The athletics carnival made me realise how strong all TSS House spirits were - but wow! Shepherd sure had the loudest war cries I’d ever heard.
I couldn’t have said it better! And from another young man who enjoyed the experience here at Prep right from Reception said:
Although I knew what Shepherd was in my first few years, I didn’t know what it meant to be a Shepherd boy until my first athletics carnival in Year 3. As we do every year, we had an 800m race that anyone could join into. It was voluntary - but out of all boys in that race almost everyone of them was Shepherd. Although we weren’t all great runners, all the boys simply gave it a go to achieve points for the House. That’s when I knew what it meant to be a Shepherd boy. To try hard, not give up, and give everything a go. I have learnt a lot in Shepherd - not only its meaning - but the experience to work as a team and a group. In all inter-house competitions I have never seen a Shepherd boy give up. I have only seen improvement, cooperation and hard work.
Out of the mouths of babes!
And that’s why we have our Prep House system at TSS. It is a microcosm of our band of brothers culture. To all boys at TSS Prep, their House is more than a House to them – it is a family. A sense of belonging. A sense of unconditional acceptance. A supportive environment in which to learn some of life’s more challenging lessons.
Yes! That’s why we do what we do. And that’s why Shepherd is Shepherd. That’s why we bleed green! It’s important to us. It’s a part of us! It’s in our DNA!
In conclusion, I must mention the record amount of money raised at the Shepherd House cake stall for Beyond Blue and Leukaemia Foundation - $6,517. Phenomenal. Also, reclaiming the House music shield. Fantastic. I thank Joe, Kael, Griffen and Phoenix along with the Year 6 cohort for your enthusiasm and leadership. You have set a high bar for the leaders of next year. To all the boys who wear the green stripe, well done. Shepherd has experienced a grand year. Your commitment to the green machine is appreciated. You get what it is to be Shepherd.

To the Shepherd staff of 2018, Mr Tones, Mr Fellowes, Mrs Pemberton, Mrs Yap, Mrs Harris, Mrs Kozned, Mrs Boxall, Mrs Boyd, Mrs Lesko, Ms Mitchell, Mr Scoones, Ms Parkhouse, Mrs Rix and Mrs Quade – a huge thank you.
So – tide and time wait for no man and my time has come. After nine years of the most enjoyable task of being Shepherd Housemaster, I pass the green baton to Mr Tones, who already bleeds green and will do a superb job I’m sure. And to those following next year and beyond – two words – never whispered – never uttered without a red face – always shouted at the top of your lungs - GO SHEPHERD!

MESSAGES FROM YOUR 2018 SHEPHERD LEADERS Joe Ray Shepherd House Captain 2018
Wow, 2018 has been an incredible year. I have had great years along the way, but 2018 has been the best. I have been very fortunate to be the House Captain for 2018 of the best House I could ever be in, SHEPHERD!
Shepherd has the greatest spirit - we show this off by presenting our war cries far clearer and louder than all the other Houses. Whether I am running cross country with sweat dripping out of my ears, singing my lungs out in House music or using every grain of energy running around in a game of House soccer, there is no House I would be so determined to work this hard for than Shepherd.
Leaving Shepherd House is something I never wanted to think of but it was bound to happen eventually. I have made so many good memories here and I will cherish them as I start my new adventure on the Senior Campus.
Shepherd is not just a green House - it is a mighty green House. Its strong bond is like how the good shepherd looks out for his sheep – and that’s just like Shepherd boys who look out for each other. The closer I have got to the end of my time at the Prep School the more I worry about leaving. I’d like to thank all the Shepherd staff that have helped us along the journey, Mr Rowe our great Housemaster, but most importantly my fellow Shepherdites.
Thank you SHEPHERD! Go green!
Griffen Poole Shepherd House Vice Captain 2018
I am proud to be a Shepherd House member and leader. While it is an exciting time of year as we celebrate the conclusion of our time at TSS Prep, it also comes with some sadness because, while I will always be a Shepherd boy, I will need to swap my green stripe for another colour next year.
Shepherd has had an awesome year! We have participated strongly and tried our best at the swimming, cross country and athletics carnivals! Our House spirit is the strongest and our war cries the loudest! We excelled at the House music and brought home the trophy after a year off.
As a leader I have participated in everything that has been offered to me ….. my advice to all Prep boys is to give everything a go! You have nothing to lose and only experience, fun and learning to gain!
Leadership is not about being the best but encouraging others to be their best and I think I have done that this year!
As leaders we have been forced to step out of our comfort zone….giving everything a shot. Not the best singer? Bah. Give it a go! Not the best swimmer? Bah. Give it a go! If people see us giving everything a go - they are more likely to also give it a shot!
As I write, we still have House cricket, debating and chess to go. Let’s do this…. let’s bring the Howard Smith Cup back!
Thanks Shepherd. It’s been fun.
Go Green!
Phoenix McNab Shepherd House Vice Captain 2018
When I found out I was one of the Shepherd Vice Captains in the middle of the year, a wave of happiness hit me. Shepherd House is by far the best House since there is so much House spirit and joy even if we don’t win everything. When it’s the time of year for the Shepherd House cake stall, excitement spreads through the school and happiness, warmth and sugar is spread to every student in the school. Shepherd House is the House that definitely spreads the most spirit through the school each year and therefore is certainly the best House to be in. So, as my time in Shepherd House concludes, I hope the best for Mr Rowe in retirement, for the teachers who have guided me in Shepherd over the years and to all my fellow Shepherdites who follow.
It’s been great! GO GREEN! GO SHEPHERD! Kael Saw Shepherd House Vice Captain 2018
It has been an absolute honour to have been Shepherd House Vice Captain for 2018. From helping out with House events, charities that we host, and looking out for and helping our peers of the mighty green machine - this year has been very rewarding and memorable. This year the amazing Shepherd House cake stall raised over $6,000 dollars! Wow! That is what l call Shepherd determination! Beyond Blue and the Leukaemia Foundation were the two very deserving charities that benefited from this.

Though my time in the green machine has been relatively short, it has been the best experience of my schooling! Everyone in Shepherd is so welcoming and makes you feel like you have been there from the beginning. Everyone is so supportive and no matter what, everyone pats you on the back, whatever the outcome. What more could you ask for in a House? Shepherd has always had my back and supported me through my time here and l can’t thank them enough for their help. I would like to thank Mr Rowe especially who is always by our side and his funny jokes and his warming smile make everyone else around him smile too.
This year has been an amazing year being able to work and play with my fellow Shepherdites and the leadership team. I cannot thank Shepherd enough for the support and the kind actions that this House does daily!