Table OF CONTENTS AWARDS ............................................................................................................................................. 4 BAND ROOM EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................. 4 FESTIVALS / EVENTS ........................................................................................................................... 6 FUND RAISING .................................................................................................................................... 7 MARCHING DRILL ............................................................................................................................... 9 MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY...................................................................................................................... 10 MILITARY ............................................................................................................................................ 10 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS & ACCESSORIES .......................................................................................... 10 PUBLISHING & TEACHING .................................................................................................................. 18 RECORDING, ACOUSTICS & AUDIO CDS ............................................................................................. 21 TRAVEL ............................................................................................................................................... 22 UNIFORMS, FOOTWEAR & APPAREL .................................................................................................. 25
Product guide sponsors ETYMOTIC .......................................................................................................................................... 3 BANDRIBBONS .................................................................................................................................... 4 WENGER ............................................................................................................................................. 5 FUN PASTA FUNDRAISING .................................................................................................................. 8 COUNTRY MEATS FUNDRAISING ........................................................................................................ 9 E.C. BENSON INSTRUMENT BELLS & SLIDE COVERS........................................................................... 12 HAMILTON STANDS ............................................................................................................................ 13 PHAETON TRUMPETS / SAX DAKOTA ................................................................................................. 15 STEVE WEISS MUSIC ......................................................................................................................... 17 PEAK PERFORMANCE TOURS ............................................................................................................. 23
AWARDS Bale Company (800) 822-5350 BandRibbons www.BandRibbons.com 800-487-9747Decorating Achievements since 1963. Exceptional Customer ServiceStock & Custom Ribbons Made in America
Concert Design - musicians' seating and lighting http://www.concertdesign.com
Gift Solution2901 S Capital of Texas Hwy Ste B10, Austin TX lAC Acoustics3901 W. Kearney St., Lincoln NE
Conwed Designscape Corp. (800) 932-2383
K & K Sound System Inc.Coos Bay, OR Core-Lite Industries LLC- Quiet Podiums and Risers Manufacturers
Lotus Lights(612) 377-0132
Debourgh Mfg. Co.(800) 328-8829
Brooks Creationswww.brooks-art.com/
Desca, Inc.(715) 645-2158
Jackson’s Music Store (770) 904-2535
EM-BEE Ideas 314-966-4129
MakeMusic 7007 Winchester Circle, Ste 140, Boulder CO Manhasset Specialty Company (509) 248-3810
Encore Batons PO Box #1, Bellaire MI Music Treasures Co. America's Music Resource Ctr. www.musictreasures.com SportDecals Inc. (800) 435-6110
Etymotic Research, Inc. Elk Grove Village IL 888-389-6684 High-fidelity hearing protection for musicians MusicPRO electronic earplugs:Ideal for directorsAsk us about our Adopta-Band Program
AIM Gifts 800.233.2800
Midwest Folding Products Mollard Conducting Batons PO Box 178, Bath OH Music Filing and Storage Systems430 Country Club Dr, Bensenville IL
The Neff Co.(800) 232-6333
Marlo Plastic Products3535 Rt. 66, Neptune NJ
Fulcrum Acoustics Rochester, NY 866-234-0678 Gator Cases Inc.www.gatorcases.com
Music In Motion PO Box 869231, Plano TX
Alden Lee Co. Inc. (800) 324-5207 Band Towers Unlimited At ESP, we already know what you want! 765534-4092 You deserve a safe place to clean drill. We exist to provide it kim@bandtowers.com
Carlton Casessales@carltoncase.com
Decorating achievements
Band Ribbons
ChopSaver - your band will play and sound better!Visit us at www.chopsaver.com for your FREE sampleCall toll free - 877-346-0951Or send us an email at info@chopsaver.com And EZ fundraising – www.chopsaver.com/fundraiser
Take rehearsal to the next level. Advance musicianship, improve intonation, articulation, attacks and releases, and ear training skills.Experience cutting edge technology and how music will be taught, rehearsed, and performed in the future with Wenger’s virtual acoustic system for rehearsal spaces. Wenger
(312) 666-2606 5
Music Store1 311 Marketplace Dr # 134, Garland TX Newland Custom Batons (330) 634-1009 Peery Products Company, Inc. 1-800-336-0577 Pender's Music Co. 314 S Elm St, Denton TX Peterson ElectroMusical Products 11601 S Mayfield Ave, Alsip IL Portastand, Inc. PO Box 2242 Stillwater, MN. 55082
fESTIVAL/Events All American Music Festival (800) 243-4365 American High School Performance Series (800) 503-0807 Arabian Nights (407) 589-2411 Austrian National Tourist Office (212) 575-7723 Busch Gardens (800) 343-7946
Gateway Music Festivals & Tours (763) 295-4707(800) 331-8579 FAX: (763) 295-6029 Stacy Thielman-Jost Hartwick College Summer Music Fest. (800) 388-0337 Hawaiian Music Festivals (800) 366-7486 Hersheypark Choral Festival www.hersheyparkchoralfestival.com Lights, Camera, Music! At Universal Orlando Resort(800) YOUTH-15
Repeat Performance 10511 FM 1585, Wolfforth TX
Capital Music Fest A unique and highly effective educational experience in Washington D.C. www.capitalwindworkshops.com
Rhythm Path LLC 713 Meadow Dr, Burkburnett TX
Cedar Fair – Festival of Music www.festivalofmusic.com
Litchfield Jazz Festival (860) 567-4162
RhythmBee 711 Kelsey Creek Lane, Gilmer TX
Choice Music Events (806) 771-0290
Manhattan Concert Productions(212) 279-1147 ext. 16
SKB Case Corporation (714) 637-1252
Choral Magic www.choralmagic.com
Mark O’Connor String Camp (615) 941-7426
SproutBeat 20208 Bellerive Dr., Pflugerville TX StageRight Corporation 495 Pioneer Pkwy, Clare MI SuperScope LLC 1508 Batavia Ave, Geneva IL 60134 Techland 2420 Center Street, Houston TX The BandCaddyShop – 254-722-9232 Viking Casessales@vikingcases.com Wenger Corporation 800-493-6437507-455-4258 http://www.wengercorp.com
Distinguished Concerts International New York (212) 707-8566 x300 Dixie Classic Festivals (804) 275-5253 Drum Corps International (317) 275-1212 Edison Festival of Light Inc. (239) 334-2999 Festivals of Music 1-800-305-7565 tmerrill@edprog.com Two day Adjudication festivals include an onstage clinic www.festivalsofmusic.com Fiesta-Val Music Festivals 6223 Lakeside Ave. 6
Lionel Hampton School of Music(208) 885-6231
Master Performance Series: www.masterperformance.org Medieval Times Dinner (407) 239-8666 MidAmerica Productions (212) 239-0205 Music America Events (800) 553-4723 Music in The Parks 1-800-323-0974 info@edprog.com One & two day festivals that include admission to a theme park www.musicintheparks.com
Musicale (804) 264-8663 Norfolk Convention & Visitors(800) 368-3097 NYSMF New York Summer (607) 267-4024 Performing Arts Consultants Music Festival (732) 264-3033FAX: (732) 264-0115 Mike@usafest.org www.usafest.org Philadelphia International Music Festival - Featuring members of The Philadelphia Orchestra Rock the Boat (800) 421-4159 Sea World and Busch Gardens(407) 363-2271 Six Flags Music Festival www.sixflagsmusicfestival.com Summit Music Festival Purchase NY 7/21 - 8/11/15Intensive Chamber Music & Instrumental Training Super Holiday Tours 116 Gatlin Ave., Orlando, FL 32806 www.nyimf.org www.superholidaytours.com Call about special events The Disney Honors(866) 715-4095 The Field Studies Center of New York (212) 564-1343 The Midwest Clinic (847) 424-4163
WorldStrides (434) 982-8600 Clark Candies, Inc.(800) 229-0866
FUND RAISING Advantage Fundraising888-943-9900 AffordableSheets http://fundraisermadeeasy.com AI's Gourmet Nuts 542 Byrnes Drive, San Antonio TX All American Fundraising (800) 228-9028 Auntie Anne’s(866) 299-4654 Boost Promotions 1192 Draper Pkwy Draper UT Boston's Best Fundraising 877-937-2633 Brax Fundraising614 C. South Business 11135, New Braunfels TX CalendarLink(760) 450-6208 Cambridge Marketing LLC 800-971-7171 Candles and Moore PO Box 205, Montgomery TX Carmie's Kitchen 210 Windco Circle, Wylie TX Cash Cow Fundraising LLC PO Box 1061, Aledo TX Cedar Creek Fundraising Lincoln, DE 19960
United World Concert Tours (800) 462-1994
Cee Bee’s Citrus Florida (866) 248-7870
Varsity Intropa Tours (800) INTROPA
Century Resources Inc. Columbus OH www.centuryresources.com
World Projects (800) 922-3976
Cherrydale Farms (215) 892-1900 7
Club's Choice Fundraising PO Box 307, Eau Claire WI Cookbook Publishers Inc. 800-227-7282 Country Meats www.countrymeats.com Smoked Snacks for Fundraising! (800) 277-8989 Crescent Moon Coffee & Tea (856) 223-1237 Deanan Gourmet Popcorn (800) 275-9896 DMI Fundraising 800-628-5905 doTERRA Essential Oils 3186 N. 1125 E., North Ogden UT Dutch Mill Bulbs, Inc. (717) 868-3120 Educational Products, Inc. (800) 365-5345 ES Fundraising 220 Bammel Westfield, Houston TX Fit for Champions info@fitforchampions.com Fredericksburg Farms FundraisingPO Box 1157, Fredericksburg TX Fun Pasta Fundraising Earn up to 50% Profit! Free Shipping and No Minimums. Unique and Easy! Pasta sells itself. Sell with Brochures & with an Online Link! Fund Raising At Its Best (314) 353-0100
Fun Pasta Fundraising Fund raising Music pasta personality Up to 50% profits
FundecuaAv Cordoba 25555, Buenos Aires" C1120AAH
JustForFundraising.com (610) 762-8461
Pee-Jay’s Fresh FruitThe "Healthy Choice" for Fundraising
Fundraising with Simply Sheets9700 Old Abilene Ct, Mobile AL
Karen & Company HC 75 Box 1032, Los Ojos NM
Pennies To Dollars Custom Picture Scratch Cards call 262-387-9921 www.penniestodollars.com
FundRaising.Com Inc. (262) 387-9900
Kids in Communities (203) 531-6913
Gianni’s Gourmet Pizza Kits (410) 789-3108
Langdon Barber Groves Inc. (772) 461-8000
Golden Harvest Fruit Sales, Inc.1-800826-9099 http://www.goldenharvestsales.com
Little Caesars® Pizza Kit Detroit, MI 888-452-5487)www.PizzaKit.com
Gordon Bernard Co 22 Whitney Dr, Milford OH Harlem Wizards www.harlemwizards.com Java Joes Fundraising 23 Magnolia Dr, Rocky Point NY www.javajoesfundraising.com
Masterfoods/M&M Mars (908) 850-2628 Mickman Brothers Inc. (800) 446-4229 National Fundraising League (865) 248-8110 Ozark Delight Candy Company 1 Lollipop Ln, Prairie Grove AR 8
Peripole Inc. PO Box 12909, Salem OR Priority Fund Raising (260) 672-3789 Rada Cutlery Fundraising (800) 311-9691 Rasmussen Company 1-800-665-0222 Resource Solutions, Inc. (800) 642-0780 ResourceFundraising.com 800-642-0780
Riversweet Citrus www.riversweet.com Scentinel Candle Company (435) 755-0595
St. Louis Peco Flake Candy Co. (877) 263-9661 Successful Promotions Hadrian St, Irving TX
World's Finest Chocolate PO Box 6955, Metairie LA Yankee Candle Fundraising 16 Yankee Candle Way, South Deerfield MA
Terri Lynn, Inc.(847) 741-1900 Scents Of Soy Fundraising 393 CR 644, Dayton TX Scratchfunds www.scratchfunds.com Sico 7525 Cahill Rd, Minneapolis MN
Tom Evans Fundraising (636) 532-1902 Tom Lakos(800) 583-7858
Signature Fundraising (800) 645-3863
Tom-Wat Fundraising (800) 243-9250 www.TomWat.com -TX2StepPastries 1411 FlamingOak, NewBraunfels TX
Simply Sheets Fundraising3760 Sixes Road Suite 126, Canton GA
Van Wyk Confections (888) 465-5141
Smart Cell Fundraising www.CookieDoughNoMore.com
WeCARECoffee.Com 50% Profit (510)744-9086
Zak's Cheese Fundraisers POBox 1401, Guymon OK
MARCHING DRILL Box5 Software www.box5software.com Drill & Show Design (415) 933-7488 Dynamic Marching, LLC. www.dynamicmarching.com Marching BandWorks www.marchingbandworks.com PowerRyder Battery Cases www.DanRyderFieldDrills.com
Steve Vento Music and Drill 5755 NE Timber Hills Drive, Lees Summit MO
MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY AC Muzik (701) 293-6392 Adventus Incorporated (888) 999-6434 Ars Nova Software(425)869-0625 Audition Manager Software (615) 262-0951 AUDIX Corp., Wilsonville OR www.audixusa.comMfg. high performance vocal & instrument mics BandLedger Software (937) 270-5261 Charms Office Assistant (214) 556-1912 Cherub Technology, Ltd. Songbai Rd, Shenzhen 518108 Dorian Business Systems www.charmsmusic.com
Notion Music Notation Software (336) 275-2994 NPC ImagingTools for music engravers at www.npcimaging.com
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS & ACCESSORIES 211 Guitars. Finely crafted pro-grade instruments. 211.guitars.com
Phasx Technologies, Inc. 1631 Rock Springs Road #335, Apopka, FL 32712
A&G Music Products Co.(510) 8322452
Pocket Songs(see Music Minus One)
AAIIRR Power brass & wind instrument AcoustiCoilsDenver Colorado
PreSonus Audio ElectronicsMusic technology at musiced.presonus.com Pygraphics, Inc.(800) 222-7536 RCI Software/Riden (480) 968-0407 Sibelius Software(925) 280-0600 Sight Reading Factory (804) 442-6192 Tap Music Sales(641) 792-0352 Virtual Drumline http://www.tapspace.com VirtualMusicOffice.com Helping directors, students, & business VIRTUALLY
eMedia Music(888) 363-3424
Academy Music Productions3838 Bracswood Blvd 375, Houston TX Acoustical Solutions Inc. (804) 346-8350 Adams Musical InstrumentsAzicstraat 1719, DA Ittcrvoort FN Adventure Percussion 1112 VanArsdale Drive, Branchburg NJ AKMS, INC.(803) 695-5001 Alamo City Strings 12255 West Ave Ste 4, San Antonio TX Alamo Music Center 425 N Main Ave, San Antonio TX Alexander Reeds International Fine Woodwind Reeds superial@gol.com Fax:011-813-3315-3455
Harmonic Vision(800) 474-0903
Maestro Music Inc.(505) 881-9181
U.S. Air Force Band of the West 1860 Carswell Rd.,Lackland TX
Allen Organ PO Box 295127, Lewisville TX
MakeMusic www.makemusic.com
U.S. Army Band Recruiting 1307 3rd Ave., Fort Knox KY
MEI Software(219) 926-6315
Altieri Instrument Bags www.altieribags.com 1 Galapago St., Denver, CO.
U.S. Marine Corps Music 1513 Desert Storm Rd., Fort Worth TX
Music Studio Direct (877) 687-4270 Musicware Inc. (800) 881-9664
U.S. Navy Fleet Band Activities 5722 Integrity Dr, Millington TN
Altus Flutes 12020 Volunteer Blvd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 www.altusflutes.com Amati Violin Shop 2315 University Blvd, Houston TX
Musitek Corp. (805) 646-8051
AMC Music 4819 Feagan St, Houston TX Amedia Cymbals USA www.amediacymbals-usa.com Anchor Audio(760) 827-7100 Android Originals LC - visual art & guitarsSee: TulsaSoundGuitars.com Jam HubModern Classroom Silent Rehearsal Technology Antigua Winds, Inc. (210) 661-6505 Applied Microphone Technology appliedmicrophone.com – Instrument Microphones Aquarian Drumheads (714) 632-0230 Austin Winds 2700W Anderson LI1 St Austin TX Avedis Zildjian CO. 22 Longwater Dr, Norwell MA
Band World Music Inc. (626) 934-8530 Bee-In Tuner, Inc.(516) 798-5555
Cecilio Music (877) CECILIO
Behn Mouthpieces 3101 Spyglass Hill Rd, Edmond OK
CelloStone Boulder CO
Berps & Bags Musical Enterprises(415) 457-6529(888) 927-2449FAX: (415) 236-6429Mario Guarneri
Charles Bay Woodwind Instruments (818) 706-3309
Better Than New Band Repair 1401 ChisolmTrail Rd Round Rock TX Black Diamond Strings (800) 375-3234 Blocki Pedagogical Flute Products (866) GO FLUTE Bobby Dukoff(305) 255-3967 Born to Rock Design Incorporated Guitar, Bass, Violin Bow, Cello Bow, Accessories
Azumi Flutes1 2020 Volunteer Blvd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 www.azumiflutes.com www.azumiflutes.com
Brook Mays Music / H&H Music8605 John W Carpenter Fwy, Dallas TX
B. Rad Percussion(540) 789-7369
Cadenza Violins Inc. 6905 Coit Rd Ste 100B, Plano TX
Backun Musical Services 6750 Cariboo Rd, Suite 1 Burnaby, BC V3N 4A4 Canada 604-205-5770 www.backunmusical.com Bam France 143 Lawrence St., Hackensack NJ Band House 3033 Kennedy Ln, Texarkana TX Band Shoppe 8900 Highway 65, Cynthiana IN
Cascio Interstate Music (800) 462-2263
Buffet Group USA 7255 Salisbury Road, Jacksonville FL
CANNONBALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 625 E. Sego Lily Drive Sandy, UT 84070 Sheryl Laukat sheryl@cannonballmusic.com Carlos Coelho Woodwinds 3854 Washington Blvd, Indianapolis IN Carolyn Nussbaum Music Co 625 Digital Dr Ste 300, Plano TX
Charles Colin Music (212) 581-1480 Charles Double Reed Co. (603) 356-9890 Chasons Music (619) 742-8787 Chesbro Music Co. Idaho Falls, ID 83403-2009 ChopSaver - your band will play and sound better!Visit us at www.chopsaver.com/band for your FREE sampleCall toll free - 877-3460951Or send us an email at info@chopsaver.com And EZ fundraising www.chopsaver.com/fundraiser Chuck Levin's Washington Music Centerwww.chucklevins.com Clark W. Fobes San Francisco, CA 94132 Claude Lakey Mouthpieces, Inc. (425) 861-5920 Clemens Violins Violas Violoncellos L.C. 6353 Clayton Rd, Saint Louis MO CODA Drums and Percussion (415) 570-0970 Collora Piano 1451 Wycliff Ave., Dallas TX
Columbus PercussionTel: 614-885-7372 Concord International Group, Inc.(847) 836-8688 Conn-Selmer Inc. PO Box 310, Elkhart IN
INSTRUMENT BELL AND SLIDE COVERS Nation’s Largest Manufacturer of Custom Instrument Covers NEW! Trumpet & Trombone Bell Covers
Consoli Music Products732.477.3856
School Spirit-Excitement Minimal Attenuation
Custom Music Co.(248) 546-4135 D’Angelico Strings(616) 968-3351
For 5” - 34” Instrument Bells www.ecbensonassociates.com
D'Addario and Co. Inc. 595 Smith St, Farmingdale NY Dallas Strings 20 E. McDermott Rd., Allen TX Dampits Inc.(212) 581-3047 Dancing Drum 5500 Prytania St., New Orleans LA DANSR, inc.Importer for Vandoren and Denis Wick products. For more information visit our website www.dansr.com or call us at888-7074455 David Brewer Fine Violins LLC6016 Beargrass Ct NE, Albuquerque NM David G. Monette (503) 255-5552 David Gage String Instrument Repair Inc. (212) 274-1322 David's Instrument Repair 1215 S Broadway St, Carrollton TX DEG Music Products (800) 558-9416 DF Music /Denis Wick 2847 Bond Cir, Naperville IL Doug Elliott Mouthpieces13619 Layhill Rd, Silver Spring MD
Dream Cymbals And Gongs (877) 933-7629
EncorePro.org (713) 992-5251
Drum Bum, Inc.(804) 273-1353
Enovative Technologies11935 Worcester Hwy, Bishopville MD
Dynasty/DEG Music ProductsPO Box 968, Lake Geneva WI
ErgoSonic Percussion1420 Marshland Road, Apalachin NY
Earl C. Benson & Associates 29589 Gerlach Way, Cannon Falls, MN 55009 Custom Bell Covers Trombone Slide Covers-Edgees (800) 720 0304 Fax (507) 263 9447 www.ecbensonassociates.com
Explorers Percussion 8050Wornall Rd, Kansas City MO
Eastman Music Company 2138 Pomona Blvd. Pomona, CA 91768 (909) 868-1777 www.eastmanstrings.com
First Act Inc. 617-226-7888
Eastman Strings2138 Pomona Blvd. Pomona, CA 91768 (909) 868-1777 www.eastmanstrings.com
Fat Cat Instrument Co., Inc. (212) 665-5237 Ferree’s Tools Inc. (269) 965-0511
Fishburn Violin Shop11435 Spring Cypress Rd Unit C, Tomball TX Flavoreeds 3535 N Anthony Blvd, Fort Wayne IN Fox Products Corp6110 S. State Road 5, South Whitley IN
Edwards Instrument Co PO Box 440, Elkhorn WI
French American Reed Mfg. Co. (731) 664-5545
Encore Mallets437 Southfork Dr Ste 100, Lewisville TX
Fugate Instruments 204 Loren St., Washington IL
Green Tones 12020 Volunteer Blvd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 www.gogreentones.com Hamilton
Gregory Smith Clarinet Products, Inc. (847) 866-8331
Reliable support
Guardian Bags and Cases (415) 570-0970
Useful innovation hamiltonstands.com
Hamilton Stands Providing music, instrument, and pro audio stands www.hamiltonstands.com sales@hamiltonstands.com Hermes Trading Co. 830 N Cage Blvd, Pharr TX Hillje Music Center 175 Enterprise Pkwy., Boerne TX H. Jimenez Mariachi Instruments 12020 Volunteer Blvd.Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 hjimenezinstruments.com/ Hodge Products (888) 685-0548
Houghton Horns LLC 1021 Conchos Cir W, Keller TX Howard Core Company LLC 99 Symphony Way, Anniston AL Howarth of London 31 Chiltcrn St., London W1U 7PN Gemeinhardt Musical Instruments (574) 295-5280 (800) 348-7461
Hunter Music 3300 Northern Blvd, L.I.C. NY 11101
Gamble Music Co.(312) 421-6652
Getzen Company PO Box 440, Elkhorn WI
Garner Headjoints 396 Howes Rd, Moretown VT
Giddings and Webster1 1423 86th St court, Anderson Is, WA
Hercules Stands 12020 Volunteer Blvd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 www.herculesstands.com/us/
Gatchell Violins Co.1379 West New Haven Ave, West Melbourne FL
Gon Bops 91 Airport Drive, Houlton ME
Full Compass Systems, LTD (800) 456-5844
Hohner Kids 12020 Volunteer Blvd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 http://hohnerkids.com/ HW Products (510) 614-8722 Ideal Musical Merchandise Co. (212) 675-5050 Impact Industries 801 Jefferson St. Wausau WI 800-342-1244 Infiniti Reeds P.O. Box 591273, Houston TX Innovative Percussion 470 Metroplex Dr, Nashville TN
Johannus Organs of Texas 8407 Saber Creek Trail, Austin TX John Packer Ltd 141 Staplegrove Road, Taunton" Jupiter Band Instruments 12020 Volunteer Blvd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 www.jupitermusic.com K & S Music(908) 790-0400 Kanstul Musical Instruments Inc.1332 S. Claudina Street, Anaheim CA Kawai America Corp. (310) 631-1771
M&M Tuba 6453 W Rogers Cir Unit N2 Boca Raton Fl 33487 Maass High Performance Musical Instruments 9838 Rocky Run Road, Harshaw WI Macsax Saxophones LLC 4705 Island Cv, Austin TX Majestic Percussion 12020 Volunteer Blvd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 www.majesticpercussion.com Mallet Minders: Reliable, attractive, affordable.www.MalletMinders.com or Contact@MalletMinders.com
Kelin Violin Shop3321 Premier Drive, Plano VA
Malletech LLC (732) 774-0011
Instrument Care Apparel. Covers for Brass & Winds. www.InstrumentCareApparel.com
KELLY Mouthpieces - Bringing COLOR to Music!
Malmark PO Box 1200, Plumsteadville PA
International Violin Co. (410) 832-2525 J.J. Babbitt Co. Inc. Elkhart, IN 46516
KHS America 12020 Volunteer Blvd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 http://khs-america.com/
Manhasset Specialty Co. PO Box2518, Yakima WA
J.L. SMITH & CO. (704) 334-1428 FAX: (704) 347-4789 www.jlsmithco.com
Knilling String Instruments 1400 Ferguson Ave, Saint Louis MO
Jack Rasmussen Luthier 1734 W Division St, Arlington TX Jarvis Industries Inc. 23924 Lenze Rd. Spring, TX 77389 (281) 370-5455 (800) 548-4239 JodyJazz Saxophone Mouthpieces www.JodyJazz.com The Choice of Award-Winning Band Directors - Exclusive patented designs Hand-crafted in the USA
Legere Reeds Limited 39 Weatherup Crescent Barrie Ontario ON
Mapex Drums 12020 Volunteer Blvd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 www.mapexdrums.com Maple Leaf Strings1039 North Bend Road, Cincinnati OH Marimba One(888) 990-6663
Lisle Violin Shop 4510 Burke Rd, Pasadena TX Lohff and Pfeiffer Brondbyvcj 211, Vallcnsb.ek Lone Star Percussion www.lonestarpercussion.com Ludwig/Musser Percussion Co. (574) 522-1675
Marimba Productions Inc. (732) 774-0011 Marimba Warehouse Inc10100 Belknap Rd Ste AI, Sugar Land TX
Massimo Mallets Learn, Create, Share Max Trumpet United: "The Pocket Max", Gig bags, etc. charlescolin.com/pocket.htm, www.maxtrumpets.com MBT International (843) 763-9083 x3083 Melhart Music Center 3325 N 10th St, McAllen TX Metropolitan Music Co. (866) 846-5461 MiBlueBook (234) 678-5993 Midwest Musical Imports 2021 E Hennepin Ave Ste 374, Minneapolis MN Mighty Bright (805) 683-9000 Mighty Cold Products1333 College Parkway #185, Gulf Breeze FL Mike Balter Keyboard and Concert Mallets MiPro Portable PA Systems (800) 846-5606 Miraphone eG Brass Instruments Traunreuter Strasse 8, Waldkraiburg Mixed Bag Designs 1744 Rollins Rd, Burlingame CA
Muncy Winds Music Co 5014 Nc Highway 105 S, Vilas NC
NEOTECH, Proudly made in the USA www.neotechstraps.com, Belgrade, MT
Music and Arts Center 4626 Wedgewood Frederick MD
North Texas Oboe Reeds 1821 Lansford Ave, Dallas TX
Music in Motion(800) 943-8906
NS Design(207) 563-7705
Music Man, Inc. www.musicmaninconline.com
NTune Music & Sound 1141 E 42nd St, Odessa TX
Musicmaide (937) 239-9064
Oleg Products Co.(818) 904-0030
MusicNomad Inst CareCleaners/Oils/Cloths www.MusicNomadCare.com
Otto Trading Inc1921 Carnegie Ave suite C, Santa Ana CA
Miyazawa Flutes(319) 341-0042 Moe Bleichner Music Distribution2424 Abercorn Street Suite 2, Savannah GA
Mutec, Inc Harmon Mutes www.mutecmutes.com Harmon Mutes
Morgan Bumper Company 3011 Maine St, Quincy IL
National Educational Music Company (NEMC) 908-232-6700
MTS Products(574) 295-3142 x15
Palatino Musical Instruments (415) 570-0970 Peace Musical Co. LLC (626) 581-4510 Pearl Corporation 549 Metroplex Dr, Nashville TN
Percussion Source 1212 5th St, Coralville lA
Pyle Percussion PO Box 1691, Sun City AZ
Rocky Ridge Music Center465 Longs Peak Rd., Estes Park CO
Peterson Electro-Tuners (708) 388-3311
Quantum Bass Center 3414 La Branch St #5, Houston TX
Rodriguez Musical Services2566 Shenandoah Valley Rd NE, Atlanta GA
Phantom Guitars www.pgmusic.com
Quick Horn Rinse by ESW PO Box 440817, Aurora, CO 80044
Pickett Brass 308 North Ashland Ave, Lexington KY
Quinn Violins (612) 378-5470
Rousseau Music Products www.eugene-rousseau.com Saxophone mouthpieces & ligatures for advancing student and professional performance
Pintech USA, Inc.(864) 242-2150
RamPad 374 East H St. Ste A PMB368, Chula Vista CA
Pirastro GmbH Senerfelderstrasse 80, Offenbacb am Main
Rath Trombones www.rathtrombones.com
RDG Woodwinds 589 N Larchmont Blvd F12, Los Angeles CA
Players Music Accessories (480) 833-2500
Regal Tip(716) 285-3546
RS Berkeley Musical Instruments (908) 790-9499 (800) 974-3909 FAX: (908) 790-0407 www.rsberkeley.com
Remo Inc. (661) 294-5600 28101 Industry Dr, Valencia CA
Runyon Products Inc. (337) 948-6252
Repaircussions (585) 385-3993
S.A.S.I. (954) 723-0026
Resona by Burkart(978)-425-4500
Sabian 219 Main Street, Meductic NB
POLYTONE@peoplepc.com BRUTES powerful-versatile
Reunion Blues (707) 765-1500
PowerWristBuilders.com 800-645-6673/408-221-3277
Rhythm Band Instruments PO Box 126, Fort Worth TX
Practice Pads.(800) 348-9737
Richards Double Reeds (Rath Music Group) 9207 S Lakewood Ave, Tulsa OK
Prestini International (520) 287-4931 PRO TEC International (714) 441-0114
Rico A division of D’Addario & Company, Inc.800-323-2746 Rigoutat 5 boulevard de Creteil, Saint Maur Des Fosses
Protune Corp.info@protune.com
Saga Musical Instruments - Cremona Violin Outfits PO Box 2841, S. San Francisco,CA 94080 1 800 BUY SAGA Salyers Percussion16310 Sapling Ridge Dr., Sugar Land TX Sam Ash Music25 NE Loop 410 Ste 110, San Antonio TX
River City Reeds7610 Allendate Peak, San Antonio TX
Saxquest Inc 2114 Cherokee St, Saint Louis MO Schilke Music Products (708) 343-8858
Robertson and Sons Violin Shop3201 Carlisle Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM
Schulmerich Carillons, Inc. (215) 257-2771
Pro-Mark Corp. (631) 439-3300 Protec 1340 Manhattan Avenue, Fullerton CA
Rovner Products High performance ligatures & clarinet barrels!
Steve weiss music inc Percussion specialists since 1961 Best selection Best price Always in stock Fastest shipping Knowledgeable staff 888-659-3477 8787-582-2494 We Make Percussion Easy! www.steveweissmusic.com
S.E. Shires 4 Spaceway Lane Hopedale, MA 01747 508-634-6805 www.seshires.com Shar Products Co. 2465 S Industrial Hwy, Ann Arbor MI
SONOR Orff 12020 Volunteer Blvd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 http://us.sonor.com/instruments/orff SousaGuard www.sousaguard.com
Strunal America Inc. (908) 301-1366
Silver Fox Percussion info@groverpro.com
Southwest Strings1721 S Cherrybell Strav, Tucson AZ
Superslick Products (574) 295-6633
Simba Products(615) 366-9007
Steinway Dealers of Texas 12980 N Highway 183, Austin TX
Suzuki Music USA 9323 A Stevens Rd. Santee, CA Talwar Brothers Pvt. Ltd., India, www.gardbags.comGard Bags for trumpet, trombone, saxophone, tuba.
Singin' Dog Double Reed SuppliesPO Box 17286, Sugar Land TX Sofia-Violins.com Master Quality Violins Fine European tone wood crafted in America Soldano 2995 Paul Drive, Elkhart IN
Stentor Music Co. Ltd. +44 1737 240226 Steve Weiss Music – We Make Percussion Easy! www.steveweissmusic.com Thousands of Items in Stock Fastest Shipping Industry Leading Prices STL Ocarina 11746 Administration Dr St Louis MO 17
Strait Music Co. 2428 W Ben White Blvd, Austin TX
Tama Drums/Hoshino USA 1726 Winchester Rd, Bensalem PA Taplin-Weir Inc. 1434A Danforth Ave, Toronto ON Tarpley Music CompanyP O Box 8150, Amarillo TX
Tempest Musical 843 LockhillSelma Rd San Antonio TX
Art You Can Play Removable artwork top, 18-144 humbucking outputs
Tenor Madness 2855 Deere Rd, Waterloo lA
U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies/St.Louis Music
Terra Nova Violins 6983 Blanco Rd, San Antonio TX
Ultra-Pure Oils LLC www.ultrapureoils.com
The Getzen Company (262) 723-4221
UniTec Products, Corp.- Tuba and Sousaphone Cases800-782-3296
The Music Link(415) 570-0970
Universal Percussion Inc. (330) 482-5750
The Woodwind & Brasswind (800) 348-5003 Thein Brass Norderney Str. 14, Bremen TKL Products Corp. (804) 749-8300 Ton Kooiman Thumb Rest for Clarinet Oboe flute saxwww.tonkooiman.com Tough Traveler Ltd. (800) GO-TOUGH Treeworks® Chimes (615) 780-2641
Trick Percussion Products (847) 519-9911 Tromba Wind Instruments www.trombainstruments.com Tuba Essentials 403 BlaekEarth Rd., Wales WI Tuba Exchange 1825 Chapel Hill Rd, Durham NC Tuba M&M Tubamlb@aol.com Factory Direct Tuba, Euph, Trombones
Valley Keyboards4432 S Padre Island Dr, Corpus Christi TX
Wexler Music Co. (David Wexler & Co.) (480) 675-8888 Wichita Band Instrument Company www.wichitaband.com William Harris Lee and Co 410 S Michigan Ave #560, Chicago IL Williamson Music Company 701 E Plano Pkwy St 414, Plano TX Wittner GmbH & Co. KGwww.wittnergmbh.de Wm. Lewis and Son (800) 348-7426
Vandoren/Wick/Dansr/JonesC/o DANSR, inc., U.S. Importer 818 West Evergreen Avenue Chicago, IL 60662 (312) 475-0464 FAX: (312) 475- 0958
Wm. S. Haynes Co. 68 Nonset Path Acton, MA 01720 978-268-0600 wmshaynes.com
Vater Percussion 270 Centre St Unit D, Holhrook MA
Wood Violins PO Box 2074, Port Washington NY
Vento Music (574) 256-2000
Woodwind and Brasswind PO Box 7479, Westlake Village CA
Verne Q. Powell Flutes, Inc. www.PowellFlutes.com
Wristies, Inc.(978) 937-9500
Vic Firth Company 65 Sprague St, Boston MA Virgin Musical Instruments 1308 N. Magnolia Ave. #L, Cajon CA Warburton Music Products 2764 US Hwy 1, Mims FL Wernick Musical Instruments +44 116 255 6225 West Music Co PO Box 5521, Coralville lA
TulsaSoundGuitars.com Westheimer Corp.(847) 498-9850
Yamaha Corporation 6600 Orangethorpe Ave, Buena Park CA Zildjian 22 Longwater Dr, Norwell, MA Zonda Brass and Woodwinds Exceptional Value in Everything We Do.
PUBLISHING & TEACHING Accura Music Inc.(614) 594-3547 African American Jazz Caucus, Inc. (212) 979-0304
Alfred Music alfred.com ALRY Publications PO Box 3249, Seattle WA Ars Nova Press PO Box 45271, Seattle WA
Carl Fischer Music www.carlfisher.com
Editions Henry Lemoine 27 Bd Beaumarchais, Paris FR
Carnegie Hall (212) 903-0770 Carnegie Hall's Weill Music Institute (212) 903-0770
ArtistWorks(800) 326-5596 Association of Music Parents www.amparents.org Bandroom.com Publications (210) 691-1484 Barry Hurt Music PO Box 215, Pagosa Springs CO
Ed Sueta Music Publications Inc. (973) 983-8700
CCE/Riding with Pride 11330 Hillguard Rd., Dallas TX ChordBuddy2868 East Cottonwood Road, Dothan AL Cimarron Music and Productions(860) 536-2185
Educational Products Inc. 1400 N IH 35 East, #120, Carrollton TX Edwin F. Kalmus & Co. Inc. (561) 241-6340 Encore Associates 305 Stone Hollow Ct., Prosper TX Florida Music Service (863) 666-2020 Focus On Music 1955 W. Baseline Rd. Ste. 113-181 Mesa, AZ 85202 480-233-2514800.332.2637
BAS Publishing Co.740-592-3036
Cimarron Music Press www.cimarronmusic.com
Bill Holcomb's Musicians Publications 757-410-3111
Claude T. Smith Publications Inc.(913) 541-9422
Bob Jones University Press (864) 242-5100
Cool Drummings Publishing Co.1725 W IIwy 97, Jourdanton TX
G. Schirmer Inc.(212) 254-2100
Boosey & Hawkes(212) 358-5300
Culver Crest Publications info@cpp.com
Gary P Gilroy Publications, Inc. www.gpgmusic.com
Curnow Music Press (800) 728-7669
GIA Publishing 7404 S Mason Ave, Chicago IL
David E. Smith Publications, LLC www.despub.com www.churchmusic.biz
Grand Mesa Music Publishers (970) 245-1685
Frank Erickson Publications (760) 941-0592
Bourne Company(212) 391-4300 Breezin' Thru Inc. 471 Woburn Ave, Toronto ON Brilee Music Publ. Co.48 Wall Street, 28th Floor, New York NY Brixton Publications (863) 646-0961
C. Alan Publications PO Box 29323, Greensboro NC C.F. Peters Corporation (718) 416-7800 Cal30 Development 3267 Catkin Ct, Marietta GA
David Herring Music LLC 179 Liz Ln, Hot Springs AR De Haske Music Publishing Group (+31) 513-653053 Disney Theatrical Licensing 214 W. 42nd St., New York NY Dover Publications Inc. (516) 294-7000
Guitar Now Online EDU509 Mill Pond Drive, South Windsor CT GuitarCurriculum.com PO Box 4072, Austin TX Hal Leonard Corporation www.halleonard.com/band See and hear scores with our ScorePlay videos. New releases from top composers and arrangersfeaturing movie and pop favorites
Hands On with Zig-hand percussion/drumset clinics hand percussion/drumset workshops Heritage Music Press PO Box 802, Dayton OH International Music Company(212) 391-4200 Jair Klarfeld Music 179 Grassmarket, San Antonio TX Jazz at Lincoln Center (212) 258-9812 Johann Kliment KG Music 43-1317-5147
La Tradicion West Music Mariachi1212 5th St., Coralville lA
MRNS Music 116 E Branch Hollow, Carrollton TX
Last Resort Music Publishing Inc.(800) 762-0966
Music Education Consultants , Inc .(702) 361-3553
Lee Roberts Music Publications Inc. FAX: (518) 392-2517
Music Intelligence Project PO Box 969, Old Lyme CT
Luck’s Music Library (800) 348-8749
Music is Elementary 5228 Mayfield Rd, Cleveland OH
Ludwig Masters Publications 6403 West Rogers Circle Boca Raton FL
Music Prodigy4335 Van Nuys Blvd Ste 308, Sherman Oaks CA
Macie Publishing Co. info@maciepublishing.com (973) 983-8700
Joy TunesHanatziv 43, Tel Aviv
Music Theatre International 421 W 54th St F12, New York NY Music Time Inc.FAX: (856) 346-4264
Magnolia MusicPublications, LLC JPM Music Publications www.jpmmusic.com or jpmmusic@brick.net
Manhattan Beach Music (718) 338-4137
JWPepper http://www.jwpepper.com
Marching Show Concepts (800) 356-4381
K Wylie Publications 2104 Oakcrest Ct, Corinth TX
Mariachi Connection2106 W Commerce St, San Antonio TX
Kelley Musical Arrangements & Design (727) 368-8032
Matrix Publishing Co. (541) 747-6903
Kendor Music, Inc. www.kendormusic.com
McGraw-Hill Education 2309 Bennington Dr., Arlington TX
Key Poulan Music www.keypoulanmusic.com key@keypoulanmusic.com (559) 299-5399 Marching Band Music / BASICS! Method Books Choose parts for your band's size and skill level Delayed Billing / Regional Exclusivity'
Meredith Music PublicationsExclusive Distribution by Hal Leonard Corporation
Kjos Music Co. 4382 Jutland Dr, San Diego CA
Musica Propria (210) 682-7862
Metropolitan Music 4861 Mountain Rd., Stowe VT MJM Works L.L.C. 4852 Spreading Oak Dr Bulverde TX MMB Music Inc.(314) 531-9635 Mountain Rhythm (905) 764-6543
Musical Moments & Way Cool Keyboarding4432 S Padre Island Dr, Corpus Christi TX MusicFirst 180 Madison Avenue, New York NY MusicTeacherTools.com PO 2372, Castro Valley CA Natek Music LLC 8627 Dove Forest Ct Henderson NV Northeastern Music Publications, Inc. PO Box 517, Glenmoore PA Notes & Strings: Note Reading(800) 587-3056 Odd Quartet Comics PO Box 92381, Southlake TX Opus 4 Music(425) 486-6562
Oxford University Press Music Department 198 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10016-4314 (800) 445-9714 Pel Music PublicationsPhone: (715) 735-5273
Row-LoffProductions PO Box 292671, Nashville TN
The FJH Music Co. Inc. (954) 382-6061
Rundel Band Publications & Recordings 49-8395-9426-0
Themes & Variations 24664 Riverside Dr, Red Deer AB
Santorella Publications, Ltd (978) 750-0566
Tiger Music Store www.TigerMusicStore.com - jazz and brass materials
Pepper of Dallas 7459 Airport Fwy Unit B, Richland Hills TX
Shawnee Press, Inc. (615) 292-9571
Percussive Arts Society Inc. (317) 974-4488
SheetMusicDB.net +43 6133 8775 (Austria)
Per-Mus Publications, LLC http://www.permus.com - for catalog & on-line purchase
Sher Music (707) 763-8134
PG Music Inc. www.pgmusic.com800268-6272 or 250-475-2874 Philomuse, Inc.(530) 644-5500 Picardy 604 Bristlewood Cove, Cedar Park TX Pitopia Percussion Phone: 209 761 5162 PlayinTime Productions, Inc. (641) 673-8901 Private Music Studio Guides 401 Beechwood Ave, Haddonfield NJ QuaverMusic.com 1706 Grand Ave, Nashville TN
Trillenium Music Co. (941) 377-7375 Virtual Sheet Music, Inc. www.virtualsheetmusic.com
Silver Burdett/Pearson 6025 Commerce Dr #550 Irving TX Snooty Hooty (The Teachers Corner) 328 Prestwick Dr., Hoschton GA Solo-Ensemble.com Paper-free, worry-free Solo and Ensemble contests Solutions for Teachers 6793 Carpenter Rd, Ypsilanti MI Somerset Press/Div. of Hope Publishing(630) 665-3200 Southern Music Company10750 Indian Head Ind. Blvd., St. Louis MO Standing ‘O’ Marching (732) 547-4564
Queenwood/Kjos(858) 270-9800 RBC Music Co. PO Box 29128, San Antonio TX
Tone Deaf Comics 1242 Edinburgh Ln, Union KY
Synced Up Designs 159 Ivernia Loop, Tallahassee FL
Resource Publications Inc. (408) 286-8505
Tapspace Publications PO Box 55753, Portland OR
Romeo Music 14237 Inwood Rd, Dallas TX
Teaching Concert Band (919) 815-6893
Visual Techniques 2200 Jahan Trail, Longview TX Walking Bird(804) 285-2216 Wingert Jones Music Inc. (866) 956-7337 XtremeBrass & Percussion http://xtremebrass.com/store/
RECORDING, ACOUSTICS & AUDIO CDS Altissimo! (615) 460-7077 Charms Office Assistant www.charmsoffice.com Compact Disc Service (818) 241-9103 FLASH Visual Media 4516 W Elgin PL, Broken Arrow OK Kaydan Productions (540) 989-4686 Mark Custom Recording Service10815 Bodine Rd, Clarence NY
MVP Home Entertainment (310) 436-6447 Naxos of America 1810 Columbia Ave Stc 28, Franklin TN North American Theatrical Photographers 5385 Five Forks Trickum Rd, Stone Mountain GA Sonic Crossroads Philadelphia PA Soundwaves Recording, LLC (419) 433-4918 Triple Disc CD Manufacturers (540) 899-3981
TRAVEL Accolades International Tours for the Arts(800) 747-2255
Bob Rogers Travel – 800-373-1423 Founded and owned by a band director,serving your needs is at the heartof everything we do.Learn more at www.bobrogerstravel.com Branson On Stage Live PO Box 6609, Branson MO Branson Tourism Center Groups - In Branson, MO.Booking your Student Travel has never been easier!
Eastern Music Festival PO Box 22026, Greensboro NC Educational Performance Tours 1-800-972-6813.
Brightspark TravelWe know the big stage better than anyone.
Educational Tours, Inc. P.O. Box 257, Holt, MI 48842 (517) 699-6900 (800) 654-4560 FAX: (517) 699-0677 www.tours-eti.com
Byways Magazine ww.issuu.com/byways
Educational Travel Adventures www.etadventures.com
Casterbridge Tours (800) 522-2398
Educational Travel Services, Inc.800752-1296 www.etsi.com
Cedar Fairwww.cedarfair.com
Embassy Suites DFW Airport South 4650WAirport Fwy, Irving TX
ACFEA Tour Consultants (800) 886-3355
Celestial Travel & Tours 3045 S. Parker Road, Suite 201Aurora, CO 80014Office: 303-773-1224 Direct: 303-872-1155720-248-3718
Adventure Cruise Travel 877-878-5732 www.adventurecruisetravel.com
Celtic Horizon Tours Unit 5 G, Maynooth
Adventures In Education 4903 Maryanay, No Richland Hills TX
Concord Int'l Group Inc. 2380 Vantage Dr, Elgin IL
All About Group Travel 322 W Hornbeam Dr, Longwood FL
Dallas Symphony Orchestra 2301 Flora St Ste 300, Dallas TX
All World Travel & Tours PO Box 1606, Allen TX
Director's Choice Tour and Travel 10701 Upland Ave, Lubbock TX
American Classic Tours & Music Fest. 4243 E Piedras Dr Ste 155 San Antonio TX
Director's Showcase InternationalPO Box 229, Ligonier IN
Bandfest(800) 243-4365
Dollywood 2700 Dollywood Parks Blvd., Pigeon Forge TN
Encore Performance Tours 343 Congress St, Ste 3100, Boston MA Encore Travel (ACIS) www.acis.com/ EPN Travel Services888-323-0974 tourinfo@edprog.com Fine Arts Travel 8235 Agora Pkwy #111, Selma TX
First Class Tours 12703 Eastex Fwy, Houston TX
Disney Performing ArtsPO Box 10,111 Lake Buena Vista FL Dixie Stampede PO Box 6850, Branson MO
Four Seasons Tours (800) 421-4159 French Woods Festival of The Performing Arts 1879 University Drive, Coral Springs FL
Global EMA www.globelema.com
Music Travel Consultants www.musictravel.com
School Tours of America 9610 Long Point, Houston TX
Graceland Attractions 3734 Elvis Presley Bvd, Memphis TN
Musicfest Texas 1784 W Schuylkill Rd, Douglassville PA
Seasons Music Festivals PO Box 369, Grandview TX
Green Light Group Tours 7 Old Mission Ave., St Augustine FL
National Motorcoach Network(540) 477-3323
Sechrist Travel 14513 North Creek Dr. #E309, Mill Creek WA
Group Travel Consultants 5448 Hoffner Road, Orlando FL
North American Music Festivals(717) 245-2222
Groupanizer Music Management 202 4012 Cambie St., Vancouver BC
OrlandoFest 800-313-2251
Hetzer Tours & Charters Inc. (937) 866-1461
P.A.C.E Travel pacetravel.net
Hill Country Rocks 2390 Twinwood, New Braunfels TX
Par Avion Travel Inc. (310) 670-2970
Hilton Garden Inn Orlando at SeaWorld6850 Westwood Blvd., Orlando FL
Peak Music Festivals 3000 Custer Rd. Ste 270, Plano TX
Huddletrip100 S. Saunders Rd. Ste. 150, Lake Forest IL Kaleidoscope Adventures (407) 345-4899 Masterpiece Tours(972) 509-5395 Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament 2021 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas TX Metro Tours Inc.mettours@nb.net OR 724-942-3688 Music Celebrations International(8 00) 395-2036 Music Contact International (802) 862-2200 Music Festivals & Tours visit us at http://www.musfestivals.com Music for All 39 Jackson PI 150, Indianapolis IN
See Pigeon Forge Receptive 119 Music Rd, Pigeon Forge TN Shader Productions 957 Nasa Pkwy Stc 505, Houston TX Shock Rock Enterprises 910 W. Meadowmere Austin TX
Peak Performance Tours - Customized performance tours for your band, choir & orchestra. Public performances, clinics & music festivals. Explore Domestic and International Destinations! Call 800-220-0165 or info@peakperformancetours.com Perform International LLC 2344 Perimeter Park Dr. #108, Atlanta GA Pride of Texas Music Festival PO Box 13949, Arlington TX R&R TravelPO Box 10, Krum TX Red Carpet Charters 426 Metro Park Dr, McKinney OK RockSports 1609 Chisholm Trl Ste 400, Round Rock TX Schlitterbahn Waterpark 381 E Austin St, New Braunfels TX
SilverleafResorts 140 Heimer Rd, San Antonio TX Six Flags Fiesta Texas 17000 IH 10 W, San Antonio TX Southern Star Music Festivals - two locationswww.starmusicfestivals.com Southern Star Tour and Travel10730 Potranco Rd # 122, San Antonio TX Straight A Tours 6881 Kingspointe Pkwy Orlando FL Summit Tour Travel PO Box 682240, Orlando FL Super Holiday Tours www.superholiday.com Superior Travel and Tour 1270 Coronado Terrace, Deltona FL Taylor Tours(800) 258-9070 The InterCulture Tours China(630) 848-1910
Strike up the band and let us lead the way. We take care of all the details so you can focus on your music. Customized group tour packages for your band. Great performance venues hotel accomodations motorcoach and airfare meals and entertainment history tours sightseeing professional tour managers up-todate security resources peak performance tours public performance opportunities 800220-0165
Titanic Museum Attraction 714 Hwy 248 Ste 520, Branson MO TMF Tours and Travel 803 W Inspiration Dr, Pharr TX Tour-rific 13810 Champion Forest Dr Ste 200, Houston TX
Bando Shoes, LLC(800) 451-3617 Blue Moose Tees 912 113th St, Arlington TX Brents Uniform Factory (formerly Pro Look)1163 E Ranch Ct, Gilbert AZ Costume Holiday House 3038 Hayes Ave., Fremont OH
Travel With Barb(402) 614-9793 Troubadour Consultants PO Box 623, Kaufman TX U.S. Integrity Touring Co 151 Webster Mills Rd, Chichester NH Unique Travels and Tours PO Box 516, Hooks TX United World Concert Tours now known as GACTO 1426 N Grand Oaks Ave, Pasadena CA
Cousin’s Concert Attire (800) 881-5343 Dance Sophisticates 1605 Prospect St, Indianapolis IN DeMoulin Brothers & Co. (618) 664-2000 (800) 228-8134 FAX: (618) 664-1712 Steven G. Trull, Vice President Drillcomp(866) DRILLCOMP
World strides International Discovery 32 N Augusta St, Staunton VA
Drillmasters/ Speedsters/Super/Drillmasters (800) 233-6737
Dynamic Designs 717 Jewell Dr, Waco TX
Academic Choir Apparel (800) 626-5000
Fear Nothing Music Gear (800) 361-GEAR
Al’s Formal Wear 7807 MAIN ST, Houston TX Algy Uniforms (954)457-8100 American Formal Mart/Blazer Depot (561) 265-0065 Ares Sportswear(614) 767-1950 ASCOT Formal Wear (713) 791-1888 X 3312 Band Shoppe(800) 457-3501
FJH Music Company Inc. 2525 Davie Rd Ste 360, Fort Lauderdale FL Fred J. Miller Inc. (937) 434-1121
Got Pride USA 5435 N Garland Ave Garland TX Gotham Shoe Co.(727) 546-9517 Harmonious Designs 3816 Wentwood Drive, Dallas TX Hughes Brothers 3425 W. 76 Country Blvd., Branson MO Kochberg Graphics 153 Carrington Dr, Richmond Hill ON Lone Star Graphics 105 Industrial Blvd, Nash TX MADD Creations 5407 Sayle, Greenville TX MarchingApparel.com 480-299-7927 2209 W 1st St. #113 Tempe AZ MarchingBandPlumes.com (800) 636-3502 Mark Elliott Designs 4305 Red Oak Dr., Nacogdoches TX McCormick’s Enterprises, Inc. www.mccormicksnet.com Murphy Robe Company1000 N Market St, Champaign IL Music and More Midwest (517) 467-2003 Patricola Brothers S.N.C. Via Ercole Beltrami 9/C, Castelnuovo Scrivia
Fruhauf Uniforms, Inc. 800 E. Gilbert Wichita, KS 67211 Phone: (316) 263-7500 or (800) 858-8050 Fax: (316) 263-5550
Patti DeWitt Co368 Riddle Rd, Cedar Creek TX
Gandy Ink 2027 Industrial Ave, San Angelo TX
PepWear LLC PO Box 4504, Cedar Hill TX
Peacock’s Marching World (928) 692-2263
Regency Cap & Gown Company (904) 724-3500 Rivar's, Inc.800-775-4829 Rockin' Feet6130 W Flamingo Rd PMB 460, Las Vegas NV Smith Walbridge Band Products (217) 352-4262 Southeastern Performance Apparel (334) 793-1576 x 314 Stage Accents (800) 631-1611 Stanbury Uniforms PO Box 100, Brookfield MO Summit Sportswear 406 Dunes Ridge Way, League City TX The Band Hall(615) 252-2263 The Band Mans Company (630) 759-6969 The Director's Assistant 4848 Lemmon Ave. Stc 504, Dallas TX Tuxedo Connect 3812 Kelvin Ave, Fort Worth TX Up-Front Footwear, Inc www.dinkles.comWarren Creative Designs Drill design, coordination, production, consulting Zephyr Hats 5443 Earhart Rd, Loveland CO Zoro Sportswear www.zorosportswear.com (210)748-9648 richard@zorosportswear.com