05 / Year 10
11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
ingkungan, alam, dan manusia terikat dalam suatu interaksi yang tak terpisahkan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Manusia berkesempatan untuk mengambil dan memanfatkan segala sesuatu yang ada di lingkungan dan alam. Salah satunya adalah ide pendidikan di alam terbuka dengan metode belajar dari pengalaman (experiental learning) yang sebenarnya sudah dikenal sejak zaman dulu. Kegiatan di alam bebas yang cocok untuk dilakukan seluruh anggota keluarga dan rekan-rekan di tempat bekerja adalah permainan tantangan (outbond). Permainan ini selain memompa adrenalin, juga membangun kehangatan antar keluarga dan membangun semangat baru dalam mengerjakan aktifitas kerja sehari-hari. Sekarang banyak tempat yang menyediakan permainan tantangan. Ada yang di dalam kota, pantai, atau di lereng gunung, yang kesemuanya ini sangat menyenangkan dan aman untuk dilakukan.
05 / Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
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STORIES Preventing Windshield Wiper Problems Windshield wiper problems don't appear out of the blue. They start small and build over time, until you're stuck in a thunderstorm or snowstorm with thick streaks of ice or water keeping you from seeing the road ahead. The average lifespan of windshield wipers is about four to six months, depending on weather conditions where you live and how often you're out in bad weather. Each time the blades rub across your windshield, a little more rubber comes off and pits start to appear. As soon as you see streaks, it's time for new blades. Here are some tips to get the most life out of every set of blades that you buy.
Outbound Training
alam 5-7 tahun terakhir, outbound training menjadi salah satu primadona training di Indonesia. Banyak sekali manajemen perusahaan yang melirik dan menginvestasikan training karyawannya melalui outbound training atau kegiatan manajemen outbound training. Metode experential learning dalam bentuk outbound training yang satu ini mampu menghadirkan nuansa baru dengan kemasan berbeda dibanding training konvensional selama ini, yang hanya duduk di dalam kelas, formal dan membosankan.
Building a New Home, from an architect’s perspective
Are you building a new home and engaging an architect to design a house that functionally satisfies your needs? It is time to re-think the building of your new dream house, as Setyadi Ongkowidjaja shares his thoughts on designing a house that is relevant to the owner, the architect and the community at large.
rusmi simbolon
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CONTRIBUTORS Our bank account: BANK CENTRAL ASIA kcu Asia Afrika P.T. PARAMA CITTA TRADINDO Account 008-306003-1 I f you have comments, qu est ions or feedbac k on anyt hing you’ve read in B A N DU N G A DV E RT I SE R , send us an email: info @bandungadver tis er.com Letter s by mai l are also welcome. Let ters may be edited for l ength and cl ar i t y, and are pu blished su bjec t to ou r p ol i c y. Anony mou s let ters will not be pu blished.
ADSIE Sondhiar Hitomartanoe Born in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia in March 1977, he was introduced into the world of art by his father (Gouw Tauw Hing), an amateur artist who specialized in portrait sketches and oil paintings. He studied Architecture at Parahyangan Catholic University Bandung, Indonesia from 1995 - 1999. Besides managing the store, he continues to produce artworks and take photographs.
PERSONAL INSIGHT James Gwee T.H., MBA James Gwee T.H., MBA is a renowned seminar speaker and trainer from Singapore. He has conducted training and seminars in more than 500 organizations in Indonesia (in English & Bahasa Indonesia). He has released 5 Best-Selling CDs for Business and Personal Success and one audio book entitled “Selling With Empathy”. Check out his website at www.jamesgwee.com. To invite James to train and motivate your staff, call 021-39837063
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
“Wajib ‘Light On’ bagi Pengendara Sepeda Motor” Pasal 107 ayat 2 UU No. 22 thn 2009 Sanksi: kurungan paling lama 15 hari atau denda paling banyak Rp100 ribu
Preventing Windshield Wiper Problems Windshield wiper problems don't appear out of the blue. They start small and build over time, until you're stuck in a thunderstorm or snowstorm with thick streaks of ice or water keeping you from seeing the road ahead. The average lifespan of windshield wipers is about four to six months, depending on weather conditions where you live and how often you're out in bad weather. Each time the blades rub across your windshield, a little more rubber comes off and pits start to appear. As soon as you see streaks, it's time for new blades. Here are some tips to get the most life out of every set of blades that you buy.
Images: Sxc.hu - corbis.com
Keep the Car Clean Keeping your car, windshield and wipers clean is the best way to preserve your wipers. Take off heavy dirt, bird droppings or ice and snow by hand before you turn on your wipers. They're not built for tough jobs and will deteriorate quickly if you work them too hard. Don't use your wipers to remove snow and ice in the winter. Rubbing across the uneven surface of snow and ice tears tiny nicks into the blades. Lift the blades so they're away from your car, scrape the windshield thoroughly, then run the defroster to melt any remaining ice before you start the windshield wipers. Keep the windshield fluid reservoir filled, so that you
know you'll get fluid when you turn on the windshield cleaner. Most cars run an automatic cycle to clean the windshield. You can't stop it once it’s begun, and if there's no fluid, you're running the wipers on a dry, dirty surface and ruining their edge. Look for wiper
fluid with a built-in rain guard. Be careful about using your wipers when it's misting or drizzling, especially if you've got a dirty windshield. Run the wipers just often enough to maintain safe visibility. Treat Wipers with Care • The metal on old wiper blades can carve scratches into your windshield once the rubber has worn off, been pulled of or crumbles due to too much heat or cold. If you see streaks on your windshield, it's time to change blades. • Wiper blades usually have a three-month lifespan.
• Even if your wipers are fairly new, check them for damage before leaving on a trip. If they look a little worn, pick up a new set of blades and either change the wipers before you leave, or bring them along for the ride. You never know what type of weather you might run into along the way. • Make it a habit to check wiper blades at the beginning and end of each season. Rain, snow, sleet, ice and heat all damage wiper blades in their own ways. (Source: life123)
During that time you can pretty much expect your windshield to be sparkling clean after each consecutive wipe of the blades. Higher-quality blades may last up to six months. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for changing blades. When in doubt, it's always better to simply put on new blades. They're inexpensive and easy to replace. • Don't try to pull up a wiper blade that has been frozen to the windshield, either by hand or by turning the wipers on. You'll pull chunks of rubber from the blade's surface. Allow the car's defroster to warm the windshield until the wiper blades are released.
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
Green Kitchens Use the 3 R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
A poem needs understanding through the senses. The point of diving into a lake is not immediately to swim to the shore but to be in the lake, to luxuriate in the sensation of water. You do not work the lake out, it is a experience beyond thought. Poetry soothes and emboldens the soul to accept the mystery
No other area in the home is more costly than a kitchen. They're one of the largest rooms in the home, and if not, we want them to be bigger. The materials we use to remodel them are not only expensive, but also wasteful, high-maintenance, and inefficient. And most of the appliances installed in this space sap a lot of energy. Of course, this is the place where you cook, eat, and entertain, so it makes sense your kitchen will use the most energy. Plus, you want it be extravagant, warm, and welcoming. But it doesn't make sense for one family to suck up all those resources. This is why green kitchen design has become such a popular trend: it increases environmental efficiency without sacrificing luxury.
“Architecture is to make us know and remember who we are� Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Images: corbis.com
Be Energy Efficient The biggest energy waste comes from oversized and inefficient appliances. Do you need such a big refrigerator? Sure it's always overflowing, but clean it out one day and you may find you've been misusing a lot of space. And do you need that industrial-sized microwave to heat up your TV dinners? Does your dishwasher have to hold an entire pantry of plates? Think about all that energy and water waste, which not only effects the environment but your utility bills as well. Here are some ways to help reduce your use: Get Downsized: The first step is getting rid of the energy-eaters and buying smaller appliances that require less energy. Also, downsizing certain appliances forces you to become more conscious of unnecessary hoarding and pointless clutter. Energy Star: Always buy Energy Star rated products that have been approved by the government for optimal energy efficiency, which can save on money and waste. And don't forget this also includes low-e windows with extra insulation and solar shading. Natural Lighting: Incandescent bulbs are expensive, burn out quickly, and use up lots of energy. Instead, invest in skylights, dormers, or picture windows for day lighting. Or buy compact fluorescent light bulbs which last a lot longer and require less electricity. New Products: Everyday new energy-efficient appliances hit the market. Invest in an induction cook top, which is much more effective than gas or radiant models by getting hotter faster while using less power. Or buy a dish-drawer washer: a compact dishwasher that imitates the look of a single drawer. Alternate Surface Areas Green kitchens don't just deal with energy issues; they also deal with the materials the room is built out of. Traditional counters, cabinets, and flooring are typically high-maintenance: they're expensive and need a lot of attention. Therefore it may be time to alternate your surfaces areas with stronger alternatives: ecofriendly by-products. Less Litter, More Money
Though green kitchens cost more initially, due to their overall efficiency, they will save you money over time. Plus it doesn't have to be a complete transformation. By just using one green kitchen design tip from above, you'll be on your way to a more effective remodel. Even the little things add up to big savings. Just for starters, here are a few last green kitchen tips to keep in mind: Reuse: Instead of paper plates and napkins, use cloth napkins and reusable plates to help cut down on waste. Also, investing in thermal cookware (which heats up quickly and maintains its temperature) is a great way to save additional energy. Recycle: Always make room for recycling bins in the home. And when getting rid of the old appliances, make sure somebody else can use them: give the microwave to charity or sell the fridge for extra cash. Reduce: If you're thinking about buying new, eco-friendly materials for your green kitchen, make sure you buy locally, instead of globally. Paying shipping costs hurts your budget and wasting all those fossil fuels via transportation isn't very helpful. (Source: life123)
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
LED TV Buying Guide Your old TV has finally died and you have decided it’s time to get one of those fancy new digital TVs you’ve been hearing so much about. You have decided you want the best that’s out there and have decided on an LED TV. You’re all set to get your new LED TV but don’t know quite where to start.
Images: Sxc.hu - corbis.com
To better understand LED TVs, let’s look first at the basic technology behind most LCD TVs. An LCD TV is basically a grid setup in front of a light. The grid of course is divided into pixels and each pixel has its red, green, and blue sub-pixels. To allow light to pass through the screen a physical gate is opened allowing light to pass through. The degree to which the gate is opened will determine the intensity of the color and by varying how far the red gate is opened relative to the blue and green gates will produce virtually any color. Not all LED TVs are created equal. Most LED TVs really aren’t true LED TVs; rather, they use LED backlighting. Most LCD TVs on the market today use CCFL lighting, similar to fluorescent lighting for your room. The downside to CCFL is the light is always on when the TV is on. There really is no way to vary the intensity of the light behind your screen. Even with the screen set to go completely dark, it won’t appear black, but rather grey. This is because some of the light will still seep through the LCD screen. LED TVs that employ local dimming technology will have to ability to dim or even shut off the light behind certain portions of the screen
buy a slim TV if the wall mount for it is 3 inches thick. Be sure to check the overall thickness of the TV and the wall mount. Be sure to only use a wall mount that is compatible with your TV. There are other factors to consider as well such as aesthetics and connections. Be sure to get one that has enough of the connections you need. As HDMI becomes more popular, the number of analog
where greater contrast is needed. If there is no light source behind the screen, you can be assured that contrast and dark level detail will be at its best. This is combined with LEDs’ ability to produce very bright, white light is how some manufacturers claim 3,000,000:1 or higher contrast ratios. Some LED TVs won’t actually use backlighting, but rather side illumination. Obviously these TVs won’t be capable of local dimming. While these TVs will offer a brighter picture than a standard LCD, the contrast ratio won’t compare to a TV that uses local dimming technology. If you are planning to mount your new LED TV to the wall, be sure to check the thickness of the set. Most LED TVs will be slimmer than their non LED counterparts. Some are even as slim as 1.2 inches. The other thing to consider when wall mounting is the mounting bracket itself. It doesn’t make sense to
inputs is decreasing. If you find yourself with a large number of analog devices, be sure to check the number of component and composite inputs offered. Of course the most important thing to remember is to get a TV that fits your budget and your needs. It’s worth it to do your homework to get a TV that you will be happy with for years. (Source: tv.toptenreviews)
Yang Perlu Anda Ketahui Ketika Membeli Hard Disc Drive Baru Hard disc drive merupakan media penyimpan data yang ada pada notebook atau desktop PC. Anda bisa menyimpan file musik, video, foto, dokumen penting dan data lain pada sebuah hard disc.
Images: sxc.hu
Jika hard disc pada desktop PC atau notebook sudah penuh, cara yang paling mudah untuk menambah ruang kosong adalah dengan cara menghapus file yang tidak dibutuhkan lagi. Jika tidak memungkinkan untuk menghapusnya, anda bisa saja mengompress data yang tidak begitu besar ke dalam bentuk ZIP sehingga kapasitas file menjadi lebih kecil yang tentunya akan menambah ruang kosong pada hard disc. Tetapi, cara ini tidak begitu efektif karena anda mesti bolak-balik mengekstrak file ZIP jika ingin melihat data yang ada di dalamnya. Cara yang paling efektif adalah dengan cara membeli hard disc baru sebagai tambahan dari hard disc utama pada komputer atau notebook. Jika bingung ingin membeli hard disc seperti apa, jenisnya bagaimana? Ikuti petunjuk singkat berikut ini. Internal atau Eksternal? Yang pertama kali harus dipilih, anda ingin membeli hard disc internal atau eksternal. Kedua tipe ini berbeda, internal hard disc drive terhubung dengan kabel SATA atau IDE, sedang hard disc eksternal terhubung lewat USB, eSATA atau port fire wire. Cara peletakkannya pun berbeda, hard disc internal diletakkan di dalam komputer, sedang hard disc ekternal bisa di bawa ke mana saja (portable hard disc). Secara fisik, biasanya hard disc internal memiliki bentuk fisik yang lebih besar jika dibandingkan dengan hard disc eksternal. Eksternal Hard Disc Drive Salah satu kelemahan eksternal hard disc adalah kecepatan transfer data yang tidak bisa secepat hard disc internal. Selain itu, pada beberapa tipe hard disc eksternal, dibutuhkan power supply yang harus dihubungk an d e n g a n tegangan listrik. Selain itu, sebelum membeli hard disc eksternal pastikan komputer atau
notebook anda support dengan koneksi hard disc. Sebagai contoh, jangan membeli hard disc dengan media koneksi eSATA sedang pada komputer atau notebook hanya tersedia port USB 2.0 sebagai media penghubung hard disc. Internal Hard Disc Drive Umumnya hard disc internal dijual dengan harga yang lebih murah dan memiliki bentuk fisik yang besar. Jika ditinjau pada masalah kecepatan transfer data, rata-rata kecepatan transfer data ke internal hard disc lebih cepat dari transfer data pada eksternal hard disc drive. Kelemahannya, anda tidak tidak bisa membawa hard disc ini kemana-mana karena tidak bersifat portable. Selain itu, meskipun bisa digunakan sebagai eksternal hard disc (dengan membelikan kabel power tambahan), anda akan kesulitan karena harus menambahkan lagi sebuah converter dari USB ke SATA jika menginginkan kompatibel dengan semua perangkat komputer. Merek dan Kualitas Hard Disc Meskipun tidak mutlak, memilih hard disc merek terkenal adalah pilihan yang bijak karena mereka telah berpengalaman dalam memproduksi hard disc yang berkualitas. Tetapi, seperti produk yang lain, merek dan kualitas selalu berbanding lurus dengan harga, semakin terkenal merek dan kualitas produk, harga yang dipatok juga semakin mahal. Kesimpulan Merupakan hal yang lumrah jika seseorang kehabisan ruang penyimpan data baik di desktop PC atau notebook. Semakin hari, ada lebih banyak data yang harus disimpan baik untuk kepentingan pribadi maupun yang menyangkut pekerjaan. Jika ingin membeli hard disc baru, pastikan anda memilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi keuangan anda. Ingin membeli hard disc internal atau eksternal? (Sumber: blog.fastncheap.com)
Personal Insight
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
In Part 1 of “The Job of the Sales Manager”, we have discussed some general functions of a sales manager (or, in fact, any manager). In this article, we shall discuss the specify functions of a sales manager. A quick reminder… As the name implies, the job of he manager is to MANAGE. The definition of a manager is “Someone who gets things done THROUGH OTHER PEOPLE”. The sales manager is no different. Your job is to achieve the sales target given to you (and you have committed to achieve it) THROUGH OTHER PEOPLE (meaning your sales people). Therefore, your specific function is to achieve your sales target THROUGH the sales people in your team. In order to do this, you must have the right number of people with the right level of competency in your team. If you fail to do this, achieving your sales target (and, believe me, it definitely keeps increasing every year regardless of the economic situation and economic forecast) will prove to be an increasingly difficult task for you. This is where it all begins… It all begins at the annual budget meeting. For most companies, your annual budget meeting will be coming in November or December. In the annual budget meeting, you discuss, disagree, and then agree on targets and budgets. Undoubtedly, you will be asked to set your own sales target for the coming year (or more often, you will be given a sales target that you have to achieve). It is during this budget meeting that you can argue, disagree, and defend, etc., the sales target that you and your team will have to achieve in the following year. This is the NEGOTIATION stage. You have to do this really well. Your performance evaluation (hence your bonus and promotion) for the coming year will be based on you achieving (or failure to achieve) this target. If you think that this sales target is reasonable and achievable, accept it and commit to achieving it. If you thing that it is high, but you can achieve it if you are given additional resources, then this is the time to ask for it. This is the NEGOTIATION stage. You are given the sales target, you ask for something extra to help you to achieve the target. Give and take. Whatever it is, once you agree and accept the sales target and budget given to you (even if it is reluctantly), then you are OBLIGED to ACHIEVE it regardless of the reasons and excuses later on. I have seen many sales meetings whereby, in order to avoid arguments and confrontation with management, the sales manager pretends to accept the target and the budget. However, immediately after the meeting the sales manager goes around to his colleagues to complain that the sales target does not make sense, is totally unachievable and he will not achieve it and there is nothing he can do to achieve the result. THIS IS WRONG. The decisions made during the annual budget meeting is a SERIOUS COMMITMENT and EVERYONE, managers, directors, etc must STICK TO and COMMIT to what they have agreed upon.
Sometimes the problem is the other way around. The sales managers work extremely hard to achieve the target, and when he needs the resources (eg. Extra sales people or money which has been agreed upon at the annual sales meeting), the HR or Finance says “No money.” THIS IS WRONG. If it has been agreed upon during the annual budget meeting, it must be fulfilled. Even worse, sometimes it is the top management that goes back on their word and do not fulfill their promise. If the top management plays this “bluffing” game, then you are setting the trend for your managers and everybody else in your company to follow your footsteps to bluff each other. You started this CHEATING game! The Right People Very often sales managers do not achieve their sales targets because they just do not have enough sales people to get the job done! Why? • Poor planning. The sales manager has under-estimated the number of sales people to get the job done. You’ll be surprised, but I have found that many sales managers are just too lazy to think hard. • Sales people resign and they cannot get replacements. This leaves them under-staffed. Again, poor planning by the sales manager. In the realities of life, it is naïve to think that people will stay and that no one will resign throughout the year. People come and people go. You must be make preparations for it! Otherwise it will be like taking part in a football competition with exactly eleven players (with no reserve players) and expecting that no one will get injured throughout the 90 minutes. And when people do get injured and leave the field, you are left with ten, even nine players to fight against the competitor’s eleven players (of which three are new substitutes with fresh energy fighting against your nine overworked and extremely exhausted players). When a silly mistake like this happens, the team manager deserves to get hanged! The same reason applies to you the sales manager! • Enough sales people, but of poor quality. Again the fault of the sales manager for recruiting “below-standard” sales people. This problem could arise because of : • Poor selection and recruitment process • Poor company (or product) image, hence unable to attract good quality sales people • Poor compensation system, hence unattractive for good quality sales people. In this case, the fault lies in the sales manager as well as the management. It is the sale s manager’s fault because maybe he has not fought hard enough (and/or he has failed to convince management) to raise the compensation system in order to attract good quality sales people. It is the management’s fault in trying to “save cost” at the wrong place (the very heart of the organization – the department that hunts the meat for the whole company).
Remember, “pay peanuts, get monkeys”. Having said all this, here are some points that you really have to ask yourself and answer honestly. 1. Do you enough sales people in your team. If not, why? by James Gwee 2. Are the sales people that you have of the right quality? If not, why? What can be done to rectify the situation? 3. How does your “dream sales team” look like? • How many players are there? • What are the qualities and capabilities that each of the should possess? • Where can you find sales people like these? • Does your company have what it takes to attract sales people like these? • What can you do to attract them to leave their existing companies and join your company? • After they have joined your company, what factors will make them want to stay in your company? • Does your company have these qualities to make it attractive for good quality sales people to want to stay? • If not, what must be changed, added, removed to make it attractive for good quality to stay? I strongly suggest that you take some time to seriously and honestly look at those questions and their answers. Then take corrective action. Perhaps you would need to raise these important issues and your proposed solutions during the forthcoming annual budget meeting. May I remind you to please not come to a meeting with a long list of problems without any suggested solutions! Any fool can come up with a list of problems (or complaints). It takes thinking and creative man to also offer some workable and sensible solutions! Do these, and you will be perceived very positively (even appreciated and respected) during the coming annual budget meeting. Get management’s approval and you have a very much more successful year in 2011! Until then…. Happy Managing! Sponsored by:
Images: corbis
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
Kepribadian yang Disukai
Beberapa kepribadian yang disukai baik laki-laki ataupun perempuan: 1. Ketulusan menempati peringkat pertama sebagai sifat yang paling disukai oleh semua orang. Ketulusan membuat orang lain merasa aman dan dihargai karena yakin tidak akan dibodohi atau dibohongi. Orang yang tulus selalu mengatakan kebenaran, tidak suka mengada-ada, pura-pura, mencari-cari alasan atau memutarbalikkan fakta. Prinsipnya “Ya diatas Ya dan Tidak diatas Tidak�. Tentu akan lebih ideal bila ketulusan yang selembut merpati itu diimbangi dengan kecerdikan seekor ular. Dengan begitu, ketulusan tidak menjadi keluguan yang bisa merugikan diri sendiri. 2. Beda degan rendah diri yang merupakan kelemahan, kerendahhatian justru mengungkapkan kekuatan. Hanya orang yang kuat jiwanya yang bisa bersikap rendah hati. Ia seperti padi yang semakin berisi semakin menunduk. Orang yang rendah hati bisa mengakui dan menghargai keunggulan orang lain. Ia bisa membuat orang yang diatasnya merasa “oke� dan membuat orang yang di bawahnya tidak merasa minder. 3. Kesetiaan sudah menjadi barang langka dan sangat tinggi harganya. Orang yang setia selalu bisa dipercaya dan diandalkan. Dia selalu menepati janji, punya komitmen yang kuat, rela berkorban dan tidak suka berkhianat. 4. Orang yang bersikap positif selalu berusaha
melihat segala sesuatu dari kacamata positif, bahkan dalam situasi yang buruk sekalipun. Dia lebih suka membicarakan kebaikan daripada keburukan orang lain, lebih suka bicara mengenai harapan daripada keputusasaan, lebih suka mencari solusi daripada frustasi, lebih suka memuji daripada mengecam, dan sebagainya. 5. Karena tidak semua orang dikaruniai temperamen ceria, maka keceriaan tidak harus diartikan ekspresi wajah dan tubuh tapi sikap hati. Orang yang ceria adalah orang yang bisa menikmati hidup, tidak suka mengeluh dan selalu berusaha meraih kegembiraan. Dia bisa mentertawakan situasi, orang lain, juga dirinya sendiri. Dia punya potensi untuk menghibur dan mendorong semangat orang lain. 6. Orang yang bertanggung jawab akan melaksanakan kewajibannya dengan sungguhsungguh. Kalau melakukan kesalahan, dia berani mengakuinya. Ketika mengalami kegagalan, dia tidak akan mencari kambing hitam untuk disalahkan. Bahkan kalau dia merasa kecewa dan sakit hati, dia tidak akan menyalahkan siapapun. Dia menyadari bahwa dirinya sendirilah yang bertanggung jawab atas apapun yang dialami dan dirasakannya. 7. Rasa percaya diri memungkinkan seseorang menerima dirinya sebagaimana adanya, menghargai
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dirinya dan menghargai orang lain. Orang yang percaya diri mudah menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan dan situasi yang baru. Dia tahu apa yang harus dilakukannya dan melakukannya dengan baik. 8. Kebesaran jiwa dapat dilihat dari kemampuan seseorang memaafkan orang lain. Orang yang berjiwa besar tidak membiarkan dirinya dikuasai oleh rasa benci dan permusuhan. Ketika menghadapi masamasa sukar dia tetap tegar, tidak membiarkan dirinya hanyut dalam kesedihan dan keputusasaan. 9. Orang yang easy going menganggap hidup ini ringan. Dia tidak suka membesar-besarkan masalah kecil. Bahkan berusaha mengecilkan masalahmasalah besar. Dia tidak suka mengungkit masa lalu dan tidak mau khawatir dengan masa depan. Dia tidak mau pusing dan stress dengan masalahmasalah yang berada di luar kontrolnya. 10. Empati adalah sifat yang sangat mengagumkan. Orang yang berempati bukan saja pendengar yang baik tapi juga bisa menempatkan diri pada posisi orang lain. Ketika terjadi konflik dia selalu mencari jalan keluar terbaik bagi kedua belah pihak, tidak suka memaksakan pendapat dan kehendaknya sendiri. Dia selalu berusaha memahami dan mengerti orang lain. (Sumber: senyawa.wordpress.com)
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
“Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another” G.K. Chesterton
10 Have you come a long way, baby? The general impression is that women are becoming incrementally more successful in the workforce -- and some of the news is good. Women are represented in the workforce in greater numbers than ever and holding a higher percentage of managerial and executive jobs than in the past. Womenowned businesses have doubled in the last dozen or so years. But some news is not so good.
Images: corbis.com
Powerful Career Strategies for Women
The Government Accounting Office, for example, recently reported that in 1995 and 2000, full-time female managers earned less than full-time male managers in 10 industries, after controlling for education, age, marital status and race. Female managers in the communications industry made 86 cents for every dollar earned by male’s managers in 1995, but by 2000, the figure had dropped to 73 cents on the male-earned dollar. Similar drops were reported in entertainment and recreation services; finances, insurance, and real estate; business and repair services; retail trade; and other professional services. Lack of pay equity and the ever-present glass ceiling continue to be obstacles to women's career success. But women have secret weapons, opportunities to deploy their special strengths, and the ability to adapt talents typically thought to be men's domain. If our 10 strategies seem to suggest male-bashing or a war between the sexes, that's not the intent. It's just about leveling the playing field in a work world that has been inequitable for women for far too long. Here are 10 strategies women should consider for advancing their careers: 1. Get as much education and training as you can Education is, by far, women's most powerful secret weapon, and we have been preparing for a sneak attack for at least the last decade. In 1975 a majority of the college degrees awarded went to men. This was true at the associate, bachelor's, masters, first professional, and doctorate levels. By 2000, a majority of the associate, bachelors, and master's degrees were awarded to women, according to the Postsecondary Education Opportunity Research Letter. 2. Be a surfer "girl" Women are in the majority, not only in most realms of higher education, but also in Internet use, comprising at least 52 percent of Internet users, according to Nielsen/Net Ratings. Women are also more efficient in their Internet use; they spend less time surfing because they know what they're looking for. 3. L e v e r a g e communication and interpersonal skills Numerous recent studies have noted differences in the way men and women communicate and relate interpersonally. Women's way of communicating
is not necessarily better than men's, but it may be better suited to newer styles of management. Socalled "feminine attributes," such as the ability to build relationships with customers, strike up joint ventures, and partner with suppliers are increasingly important, says Janice Gerstein, manager of business development for AOL's Digital City. 4. Plan your career Career planning is important for everyone, but especially for women because they generally have more twists and turns to negotiate along the road to career success than do men. If you have a road map, you'll be less likely to become derailed if you should, for example, decide to relocate to be with a significant other, have a baby, or suddenly need to care for an elderly parent. 5. Network Who are the more successful networkers, men or women? You might guess women because women seem like the natural talkers, while we tend to think of men as holding back. The facts indicate that men use networking more effectively than women, however. 6. Find a mentor To find a mentor, identify someone you admire, and test the waters by asking advice. Be sure to reveal as much of yourself as possible. Mentors are most likely to invest themselves in those in whom they see a little of themselves, which is why you should never approach a prospective mentor in state of desperation or helplessness. 7. Cultivate and project confidence Women often suffer from a crisis of confidence in the workplace, especially when the environment is hostile or chilly to them. Caitlin Williams, author of Successful Woman's Guide to Working Smart, informally surveys women to whom she presents workshops, asking them "what one quality do you believe is the most important for your career success?" Confidence wins the top spot every time, Williams’s reports. The author, whose book provides
numerous inventories and exercises for assessing and building confidence, suggests remembering past successes, believing in your ability (education and training play a big role here), knowing yourself, and seeking career encouragement (a mentor can help). 8. Self-promote Self-promotion is not easy for women. "Many women are uncomfortable with self-promotion because it flies in the face of society's message that a woman is the support person who is supposed to put other needs ahead of her own," write Binnie Shusman Kafrissen and Fran Shusman in their book, Winning Roles for Career-Minded Women: Understanding the Roles We Learned as Girls and How to Change Them For Success at Work. But women need to toot their own horns because they can't depend on others to do it for them. 9. Incubate your talents If you have big dreams of career or entrepreneurial success, seek to spend some time working in organizations that will help you incubate your talents. This incubator concept is a centerpiece of Dorothy Perrin Moore's book, Careerpreneurs: Lessons from Leading Women Entrepreneurs on Building a Career without Boundaries. Moore suggests that corporate incubators can help you gain exposure to customers, suppliers, and competitors; foster specific managerial, technical and planning skills; and learn how to do things better by working in less-than-optimal environments for sub-optimal managers. 10. Become a free agent In a 1998 joint study by Catalyst and the National Foundation for Women Business Owners, women business owners cited four major reasons for leaving the private sector: lack of flexibility (51 percent); glass ceiling (29 percent); unhappiness with work environment (28 percent), and feeling unchallenged in their jobs (22 percent). (Source: quintcareers.com)
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
How to Cook Yanto Firdo - Executive Chef The Square Restaurant, Novotel Hotel Bandung
Baked Prawn with Seafood Gremolata Sauce Bahan-bahan: • Tiger Prawn 3 pcs @ 65 gr • Cumi, Kakap, Udang 50 gr • Bawang Bombay 20 gr • Butter Unsalted 10 gr • Kentang Lokal 150 gr • Fresh Cream UHT 100 ml • Tepung Terigu 20 gr • Mozzarella Cheese 30 gr • Mix Bell Pepper 60 gr • Rosemary Fresh 10 gr Cara Masak: 1. Udang dibersihkan dan dipotong kumisnya lalu belah punggungnya, bumbui kemudian di grill/panggang sampai masak. 2. Cumi, Kakap dan Udang kupas dipotong kecil atau cincang kasar, panaskan mentega/butter, kemudian tumis seafood tersebut dengan bawang bombay lalu masukan tepung terigu secukupnya, kemudian fresh creamnya, masak sampai mengental kemudian bumbui. Setelah itu masukan hasil cara masak 2 ke dalam hasil cara masak 1 (bagian punggung Udang), taburi dengan mozzarella cheese lalu oven sampai cheese mencair. 3. Untuk kentangnya pakai Baked Cream Potato. Caranya: Kentang dikupas lalu iris tipis kemudian rebus sampai masak lalu susun ditempat cetakan. Selanjutnya tumis bawang bombay sampai harum kemudian masukan tepung terigu dan fresh cream. Setelah masak dan mengental masukan kedalam cetakan yang berisi kentang yang sudah direbus masukan kedalam oven sampai masak, dan potong dadu/kotak. 4. Mix Paprika setelah dipotong segitiga ditumis sebentar dengan bawang bombay. 5. Setelah siap semua, susun kentang ditengah plate lalu udangnya, kemudian beri sekelilingnya dengan tumisan mix paprika, hias dengan daun rosemary fresh.
Tandoori Chicken Sandwich Bahan-bahan: • Ayam Fillet 100 gr • Bawang Bombay 20 gr • Cury Madras 50 gr • Lettuce Ice berg 20 gr • Tomato 10 gr • Gherkin 10 gr • Mix Bell Papper 30 gr • Red Coleslaw Salad 25 gr • Tortila Skin Besar 1 pcs • Kentang Lokal 150 gr • Mayonnaise 20 ml Cara Masak: 1. Ayam diiris tipis kemudian campur dengan bumbu. 2. Serbuk kari masak dengan pan dan minyak sedikit sampai masak. 3. Bawang bombay, tomat, gherkin dan mix bell papper dipotong kecil/cincang kasar. Jadikan satu dan bumbui dengan garam, sauce tomat dan air lemon. 4. Siapkan kulit tortilanya lalu oleskan mayonaise kemudian masukan irisan daun lettucenya, campurkan hasil cara masak 1 dan 2 kemudian lipat menjadi dua, masak di pan sampai warnanya kecoklatan. 5. Kentang dipotong-potong menjadi beberapa bagian menyerupai bulan sabit. Rebus sebentar kemudian goreng. 6. Setelah semuanya siap, susun diplate sandwichnya kemudian kentangnya, terakhir sajikan coleslawnya, irisan kol merah dengan mayonaise.
Ginger Bread Coffee Bahan-Bahan: • Ginger Bread Syrup ½ oz • Fresh Milk 8 oz • Single Espresso Cara membuat: Masukan semua bahan ke dalam blender, tambahkan es batu secukupnya lalu hiasi dengan whipped cream dan red cherry.
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
Coffee and health Coffee and health used to be a controversies theme in the seventies. Nowadays, moderate coffee consumption is rather exonerated from its supposed negative long term effects upon health. My mother used to be one of those persons who teach her offspring, in its early ages that coffee is not bad. It is bad! In consequence, I managed to keep away from coffee. At least until the difficult age of 10, when, as I remember, I was permitted to join mother and neighborfriends at the coffeetattle table.
Images: sxc.hu - corbis.com
That was the moment I started to exercise my taste buds on coffee. In those days, I remember developing a partiality for coffee with milk. Or should I say milk with coffee... However, I know now that the coffee I was drinking back then was indeed, not so good. Reground, over boiled, sometimes brewed over the grounds from the other day, could you think of worst? No wonder I wanted to Hyde those hideous characteristics with tones of milk. In the meantime, I probably took a good sip of coffee on the road and woke-up to a much more pleasant reality. Coffee is not bad. It is good. But why are there so many voices whispering that coffee and health don't go well together? Caffeine Call it food or beverage, coffee is free of any nutritional value and, as indecent as it may sound, we consume it exclusively for pleasure. Yes, the caffeine content in coffee is partially responsible for that pleasure. Caffeine acts as a mild stimulant over the central nervous system that results in better memory, better judgments and idea-associations, better movementcoordination. A single serve espresso contains somewhere among 80 and 120 milligrams of caffeine. A normal cup of coffee (even drip coffee) contains about 100 - 150 milligrams of caffeine. This is what commonsense calls moderate consumption at one sit. Within several hours (varying from one person to another) caffeine is eliminated from the body. Referring to average coffee drinker again, s/he can have three or four sips (servings) of coffee every day aside from any health risk. The thing about coffee is quite the same as with other foods and beverages. The effects vary with the dosing: moderate can be medicine, too much can be poison. The average coffee drinker can experience novice effects after ingesting 550 milligrams (women) and 700 milligrams (men) at one sit. These effects refer to headaches, nausea, and petulance. The caffeine overdose is being speculated around 10 grams. I say, it would be impossible to reach it exclusively by drinking coffee, as you should ingest 100 cups at one sit. However, if you succeed, it may be the last thing you'll ever do. Coffee is not recommended when certain health problems are already present. Reasons
could stand on solid proof or only on purpose to avoid unproved but also unwanted risk. Acidy describes the sour-component of the coffee taste. Acidy (or acidity) is emphasized in Arabica coffee and in light roasts. It may have a negative effect over the digestive functions. People that are less tolerant with acidity but still want to drink coffee may choose a decaffeinated coffee or a natural low-acidity coffee from Brazil, India or Caribbean. Other negative effects that have been nominated (egg. over pregnant women) have not resulted in significant proof when tested. The medical society nowadays is rather exonerating coffee from long term negative effects upon human health. The beneficial effects of coffee Coffee has proven beneficial effects over persons suffering from asthma. 2 to 4 small cups of coffee through-out the day will help them reduce the recurrence of asthma-attacks and moderate their intensity. Coffee contains natural antioxidants called 'flavonoids' that are wide known as disease protectors. The beneficial effects of moderate caffeine consumption are wide recognized: caffeine works on alertness, mood, sensorial activity and memory. Of course, you may choose to take your daily caffeine intake from other foods and beverages: chocolate, carbonated drinks based on coca-nuts extract, tea. Beside these effects, somewhat proven by the medical society, I would mention one more: the pure pleasure of sipping a good cup of coffee. If every person on this planet would do this every day, I believe there would be less wars, suicides, health problems, people suffering from depression etc. etc. But I could be wrong. (Source: streetdirectory.com)
EVENTS IN MAY ‘11 Please inform your events to editor@bandungadvertiser.com or fax to +62 22 2034264
SEMINAR MARK PLUS INC 1. EFFECTIVE NEGOTIATION SKIL Taking Maximum Advantage in Business Transaction through Good Negotiation Skill Kamis-Jumat, 12-13 Mei 2011 – Pukul 09.00-17.00 WIB 2. CERTIFICATE IN BRAND MANAGEMENT Comprehensive Guide to Manage Your Brand Effectively Kamis-Jumat, 19-20 Mei 2011 Kamis-Sabtu 26-28 Mei 2011 Pukul 09.00-17.00 WIB 3. KEY ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT How to Maximize Key Account Potential through Dynamic Account Management Process Selasa-Rabu, 24-25 Mei 2011 – Pukul 09.00-17.00 WIB 4. HANDLING CUSTOMER COMPLAINT Turning Challenges Into Opportunities through Good Complaint Handling Senin-Selasa, 30-31 Mei 2011 – Pukul 09.00-17.00 WIB For further information and registration, please contact campus Markplus Institute of Marketing Jl. Terusan Dr. Ir. Sutami kav 7 - 8 Bandung T: (022) 2005 335, F: (022) 2005 337
ATELIER EAST The 1st Ever Seminar in Bandung Colour Your World Learn From The Expect How to Mix & Match Colours In Your Home Monday 23 May 2011, 2,00 pm – 05.00 pm The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel & Spa, Jl. Ciumbuleuit 152 Bandung For further information and registration,
By Email: atelier@singnet.com.sg, website,: www.atelier-east.com.sg Setyadi Ongkowidjaja
05 / Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
Outbound Training
alam 5-7 tahun terakhir, outbound training menjadi salah satu primadona training di Indonesia. Banyak sekali manajemen perusahaan yang melirik dan menginvestasikan training karyawannya melalui outbound training atau kegiatan manajemen outbound training. Metode experential learning dalam bentuk outbound training yang satu ini mampu menghadirkan nuansa baru dengan kemasan berbeda dibanding training konvensional selama ini, yang hanya duduk di dalam kelas, formal dan membosankan. Bermain tapi bukan main-main. Fun tapi full learning point. Inilah unsur lebih management outbound training yang ditawarkan. "Bandung Treetop Adventure Park menawarkan konsep baru dalam metode outbound dimana keseluruhan kegiatan outbound dilakukan di atas tanah, ujar Agus Kandi-Direktur Bandung Treetop Adventure Park." Belajar melalui proses mengalami sendiri, berinteraksi secara intens sambil belajar dengan rekan sehari-hari dalam pekerjaan melalui simulasi game outbound yang dilakukan di alam terbuka, seperti di Bandung Treetop Adventure Park adalah pengalaman penuh makna. Manfaat Outbound Training Apapun jenisnya, outbound dengan berbagai jenis petualangan (adventure) dan permainan (games) yang biasa dijalankan sebenarnya memiliki manfaat yang beragam. Diantaranya adalah: 1. Komunikasi efektif (effective communication) 2. Pengembangan tim (team building) 3. Pemecahan masalah (problem solving) 4. Kepercayaan diri (self confidence) 5. Kepemimpinan (leadership) 6. Kerjasama tim (team development) 7. Permainan yang menghibur (fun games) 8. Konsentrasi (focus) 9. Kejujuran/sportivitas Ragam manfaat tersebut bermuara pada tercapainya pengembangan diri (personal development) dan tim (team development) yang dapat dirasakan oleh para peserta outbound. Karena sukses seseorang dalam hidupnya terutama dalam karier
bisnis dan organisasinya sangat ditentukan oleh kepercayaan diri (self confidence), kemampuan mengontrol emosi, dan kemampuan berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Para pakar dibidang kecerdasan emosi berpendapat bahwa sukses dalam karier di perusahaan (juga diranah kehidupan lainnya) lebih ditentukan oleh kecerdasan emosional dibandingkan dengan kecerdasan intelektual. Oleh karena itu, upaya untuk mengembangkan kecerdasan emosional mendapatkan perhatian yang semakin besar. Dalam kegiatan outbound training, memang tidak mungkin dapat 100% mengubah kecerdasan emosional seseorang hanya oleh kegiatan yang dilakukan 1 sampai 4 hari saja. Tapi kegiatan outbound training terutama yang dirancang untuk tujuan-tujuan tertentu bisa menjadi starting point (titik pijak) bagi seseorang untuk menemukan konsep diri dan perilaku yang lebih baik pada hari-hari berikutnya. Dengan konsep-konsep interaksi antara peserta outbound dengan alam serta melalui kegiatan simulasi di alam terbuka, diyakini dapat memberikan suasana yang kondusif untuk membentuk sikap, cara berfikir, dan persepsi kreatif dan positif dari setiap peserta outbound guna membentuk rasa kebersamaan, keterbukaan, toleransi, dan kepekaan yang mendalam yang pada harapannya akan mampu memberikan semangat, inisatif, dan pola pemberdayaan baru dalam kehidupannya. Melalui simulasi outdoor activities (outbound training) ini
peserta juga akan mampu mengembangkan potensi diri, baik secara individu (personal development), maupun dalam kekompakan tim (team development) dengan melakukan interaksi dalam bentuk komunikasi yang efektif, manajemen konflik, kompetisi, kepemimpinan, manajemen resiko, dan pengambilan keputusan serta inisiatif. Sejarah Outbound Training Berdasar catatan, salah seorang pioneer dalam pendekatan proses belajar di alam terbuka adalah John Dewey (1938). Ia sudah memprediksikan bahwa di masa depan, sekolah merupakan sebuah miniatur masyarakat demokratis. Belajar dari pengalaman menjadi sebuah komponen penting dalam pendidikan. Setelah Dewey, ada Kurt Hann (1941). Hann mendapat tawaran kerjaan dari Lawrence Holt -pengusaha kapal dagang. Holt punya masalah: kinerja antar-awak kapalnya rendah sekali, terutama soal kerja sama tim, ini yang sangat kurang. Akhirnya, Kurt Hann
apatkan kesan yang tak terlupakan hanya di kawasan wisata air panas alami Sari Ater Hotel&Resort Ciater- Subang Jawa Barat. Serta Kesempatan Berwisata Murah Tiket masuk Taman Rekreasi Pemandian Air Panas Alami, hanya Rp.17.000,-, serta nikmati paket promo seperti petualangan seru Go Kart, ATV, Mini Moto, Paint Ball hanya Rp.50.000. Buggy Twin Seater flying fox, mini moto, paint ball, Landy Touring, panahan, fun team building, outbound management training, outbound spritual management training dll. Sari Ater Hotel & Resort dilengkapi juga dengan berbagai type bungalow yang berjumlah 70 unit & 80 kamar hotel serta multi function hall untuk keperluan meeting, seminar, gathering, birthday, reunian, weeding, exhibition dan Arisan. Bagi pecinta kuliner dapat mengunjungi ke Kampung Lesehan Kabayan dan nikmati berbagai macam menu khas Sunda yang pasti menggugah selera. Serta nikmati Paket Promo menarik lainnya Full Board Meeting Rp.475.000/night/ pax, Wedding Package Rp.160.000/pax min 300 pax, Gathering Package Rp.545.000,-/ pax untuk weekdays dan Rp.735.000/pax berlaku weekend serta rayakan acara perpisahan sekolah dengan Youth Package hanya Rp.280.000,-/pax./day
Informasi dan reservasi Jl. Raya Ciater Subang, telepon : 0260 - 471700 / 800 dan buka websitenya di www.sariater-hotel.com
05 / Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
menerima tawaran itu. Untuk mengatasi persoalan tadi, ia mengadaptasi konsep, outward bound. Di Indonesia outward bound masuk lewat orang-orang yang punya kecintaan pada petualangan di alam bebas. Alatalat yang dibutuhkan mengharuskan penyelenggara untuk memiliki latar belakang kemampuan teknis. Paling kentara adalah untuk mengeset alat. Lagipula kalau kita lihat pada materi salah satu pendekatan belajar di luar ruang, adventure education (pendidikan petualangan), mengharuskan pihak operator mengadakan pembelajaran di alam terbuka. Malahan tak jarang mengambil tempat di daerah yang sulit, misalnya di hutan atau di gunung. Didalamnya, ada permainan macam navigasi darat dengan memakai petakompas atau rope courses (permaianan dengan memakai tali-tali), yang mana permainan ini sudah menjadi "makanan" para pehobi petualangan alam bebas di sini. Ternyata, konsep outward bound itu amat disukai di sini. Supaya gampang
menyebut orang kita pun latah untuk mengucapkan outbond. Mengapa Outbound Training Dibutuhkan Menurut Hidayat Tasrif-GRO Sari Ater Hotel & Resort, dewasa ini tidak hanya perusahaan atau organisasi kecil saja yang melakukan kegiatan outbound training. Perusahaan yang sangat maju pun sangat memerlukan kegiatan outbound. Hal ini mengidentifikasikan bahwa outbound training sangat cocok untuk dilakukan dengan beberapa program dan tujuan tertentu. Sehingga outbound training sangat cocok untuk dilakukan dimana saja dan oleh siapa saja. Kebutuhan masyarakat kita terhadap outbound training sangat luar biasa. Hal ini bisa kita lihat dengan banyaknya famflet, reklame, atau beberapa website yang disebarkan oleh beberapa lembaga atau instansi yang menawarkan jasa outbound training. Disamping itu, kita juga dapat melihat media-media yang menyiarkan kegiatan outbound training. Hal ini telah menjadikan tesis, betapa outbound
training itu tangah diminati oleh banyak kalangan. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan outbound training sangat kita butuhkan untuk mengembangkan potensi yang ada dalam diri kita. Hal penting yang paling menarik adalah permainan pembelajaran dalam outbound training selalu ditampilkan dalam bentuk permainan yang penuh makna. Dalam permainan skills, individu tidak hanya ditantang berfikir cerdas, namun juga harus memiliki kepekaan sosial. Dalam kegiatan outbound training, individu dituntut mengembangkan kemampuan ESQ (Emotional Spiritual Qoutient)-nya dibanding IQ (Intellegent Qoutient)-nya. Metode outbound training memungkinkan peserta bersentuhan fisik dengan latar alam terbuka sebagai medianya. Dari sini, diharapkan, lahirlah kemampuan dan watak serta visi kepemimpinannya yang mengandung nilai-nilai kejujuran, keterbukaan, kepekaan, toleransi, kecerdasan, serta rasa kebersamaan dalam membangun hubungan antar manusia yang serasi dan dinamis. Jika kita tertarik untuk mendapatkan itu semua, tentu penyelenggaraan outbound sangat lah kita butuhkan. Outbound akan selalu melahirkan pengalaman baru yang akan membentuk perkembangan kita dari tatanan yang biasa menuju tatanan yang luar biasa dahsyat. Bagi perusahaan yang baru berdiri, atau mereka yang baru membentuk team work, kebutuhan akan outbound training sangat vital adanya. Kehadiran outbound training diharapkan bisa memberikan pelajaran bagi mereka yang baru menggeluti dunia baru. Berbagai sumber
hhhhh The history of paintball is fairly brief. From its humble beginnings as an agricultural tool, the paintball gun has evolved into an essential part of this popular, fast-paced sport.
Images: sxc.hu
How to Play Paintball the Smart Way Although paintball has its roots in simple games like tag and capture-the-flag, the equipment involved can lead to serious injury unless everyone is on the same page when it comes to safety and game play. Having fun and staying safe are easy-here's how: • Safety first. Paintballs come out of the barrel at up to 300 feet per second-that's the length of a football field in the time it takes to say "One, Mississippi!" Always wear safety gear while on or near the playing field. Follow the rules and the instructions of referees. Learn how to handle your paintball gun-including how to safely remove the gas canister and how to cover the barrel when not in play. • Suit up. Make sure you have the proper gear before heading into battle. You'll need a mask, loose clothing and optionally gloves and some throat protection. • Know the rules. Listen and understand as the rules of each match are spelled out. If you have any question, ask-you won't have time later. Be sure you understand the goals, play area boundaries, and locations of safe area (often called a dead zone) and both team's bases. How to Play Paintball and Have Fun • Know the terrain. You can quickly understand the type of game you're about to play by studying the terrain. A field plastered with objects that will provide cover calls for a strategic mind set, while a barren field with few objects will call for a speedball game with lots of quick action. Sketch out a plan as you survey the field and wait for the match to begin. • It's all about attitude. Playing angry or getting petty about each "out" or surrender is a recipe for trouble. Keep your head in the game and remember: it is just a game. Playing clean and honest-and
with a good attitude will make the game fun for everyone involved. • Learn how to mark-not shoot. The goal in a good game of paintball is to mark your opponents, not to inflict injury. Test your gun often to make sure its muzzle velocity is less than 300 feet per second. Avoid close-up shots: give your opponent an opportunity to surrender before resorting to a pointblank shot. Never shoot at objects or people who are clearly not combatants or those who are out of the field of play. Paintball Rules Before you play or compete, learn the paintball rules so you’re not disqualified before you start. No one will choose you for their team, and the girls won’t choose you either. Impress your friends before you hit the field for the first time by knowing the rules. The opposing team is counting on you to foul up- let that be their weakness. 1. Choose the boundaries for your game. If you’re not playing in an established paintball area, decide where the boundaries are. 2. Establish safe areas or dead zones. One of the most important paintball rules is to have a place where people can check their gear, take off their goggles for cleaning, etc., without being shot in the face. 3. Agree on a time limit. Games that last forever are
too boring and taxing on everyone. 4. Decide how both teams will count victory. One of the most fought over paintball rules is victory. Knowing and agreeing to this before the game starts makes everything better from the start. 5. Choose the teams fairly. If you’re playing an established team, do they have more players than your team? Will some sit out so the teams are even? Will there be alternates to take the place of those who are eliminated? 6. From the beginning, agree on how hits will be counted. This is one of the most contested paintball rules. 7. Agree that the referee’s judgment is final. Decide who the referee will be. 8. Avoid “dead man walking” tactics by establishing your paintball rules before the game. This happens when a hit player is headed to the dead zone. 9. Set the paintball rules for your game to ensure proper ammunition. 10. Instead of having too many cooks in the kitchen, choose team captains before the game. Choose a captain from the start, and if they don’t step up under fire, shoot them. With a paintball, of course. various sources
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
Tips Memilih Sepatu dalam Kegiatan Alam Bebas Sebelum kita memutuskan untuk membeli sepatu baru ada baiknya kita memperhatikan tipstips di samping ini:
Look for the next issue Saturday 11th June 2011
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Images: sxc.hu
1. Pertimbangkan dengan jenis perjalanan yang akan kita lakukan Mulai dengan mencari sepatu boot atau sepatu tracking yang tepat dengan melihat kategori atau karakter medan yang paling cocok dengan rencana perjalanan kita. Secara umum sepatu outdoor bisa dibagi dalam 3 kategori dasar, yaitu: a. Sepatu untuk pendakian ringan Sepatu ini didesain untuk perjalanan sangat pendek seperti pendakian sehari atau aktivitas semalam saja. b. Sepatu untuk pendakian sedang Sepatu ini didesain untuk aktivitas pendakian dengan beban pendaki yang ringan sampai cukup. c. Sepatu untuk pendakian berat atau sepatu khusus Mountaineering Sepatu boot ini didesain untuk digunakan pada medan berat dan dengan beban pendaki yang sedang sampai berat. Bentuknya tinggi, bisa menyangga kaki dan bisa melindungi seluruh bagian kaki sampai pergelangan kaki. 2. Pertimbangkan masalah bahan Bahan yang dipergunakan dalam pembuatan sepatu boot atau tracking akan berpengaruh terhadap berat, kemampuan bernafas (breathability)nya, kekuatannya serta ketahanannya terhadap air. Berdasarkan bahan yang dipakainya, sepatu boot jenis ini dibagi atas: a. Sepatu dengan bahan Nylon Mesh dan potongan kulit Kelebihan sepatu jenis ini yaitu bobotnya yang ringan sehingga bisa mengurangi beban, cenderung empuk di kaki, cepat dalam membukanya, harganya relatif lebih murah dan bisa bernafas (breathable), menjadikannya cocok dipakai pada cuaca hangat sampai sedang, cepat kering dikala basah dan cocok untuk perjalanan atau pendakian pendek sampai sedang. b. Sepatu kulit Sepatu ini benar-benar tahan air, tangguh dan lebih supportive dibanding sepatu campuran bahan kulit dan nylon. c. Sepatu plastik Sepatu ini dipergunakan untuk medan es atau salju, dipakai untuk kegiatan pendakian atau ekspedisi ke gunung-gunung bersalju atau es. Bentuknya sangat kaku, sangat layak untuk penggunaan crampon (alas bergerigi yang dipasang di sepatu), terdiri dari dua lapis yaitu lapisan dalam sebagai penghangat dan bagian luar sebagai pelindung, 3. Pertimbangkan cara pembuatannya Secara umum sepatu boot dibuat dengan cara mekanisasi atau pabrikasi dan manual atau hand made. Teknik pembuatannya dilakukan dengan cara dijahit dan direkatkan (di-lem atau dipress). Sepatu yang dibuat dengan teknik penjahitan performanya tangguh dan bisa diandalkan, jika telah usang atau rusak solnya, bisa diganti. Dengan teknik ini sepatu yang dihasilkan akan berbeda dalam hal kekuatan dan kekakuan masing-masing produsen mempunyai kiat-kiat khusus, seperti gaya Norwegia, gaya Italy, dan sebagainya. Sedangkan sepatu yang dibuat dengan proses perekatan atau pengeleman, biasanya pembuatannya lebih cepat, hasilnya lebih tangguh, dan umumnya lebih murah. 4. Pertimbangan saat mencobanya Setelah kita memilih berbagai ukuran dan modelnya, cara terbaik untuk memutuskan mana yang akan kita pilih adalah dengan mencoba sepatu tersebut. Saat mencoba sepatu, jangan mengandalkan ukuran sol sepatu yang umum atau berpatokan pada nomor yang biasa kita pakai. Berbagai sumber
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
Cycling Workouts Cycling is a great way to not only improve your conditioning this summer, but also to enhance your physique. Some of the best benefits you'll see with cycling training are the body’s enhanced utilization of oxygen, increased muscular strength and power in the legs, improved ability to buffer lactic acid buildup, and decreased body-fat percentage. From a strength standpoint, cycling is preferable to running as a cardiovascular workout, since you will be constantly working against resistance. That said, there are some important things you should consider when coming up with a summer cycling routine that will help you maximize your training.
Images: veer.com
A variety of workouts One of the most important factors to consider when putting together your bike workout is variety. If you're doing the same workout day in and day out, your body is going to adapt to it very quickly and you will stop showing results. By changing it up on a frequent basis, you will keep your body guessing as you work your muscles on a variety of levels at the same time. One session per week should be dedicated to a longer-duration workout, as this will help you build cardiovascular endurance. Not only is this good for proper health, but it will also give your body a break from the very high intensity workouts. Aim to cycle continuously, at a comfortable pace, for about 45 minutes to an hour. There is no need to overdo it during these sessions, unless you are training for an endurance event. Excessive endurance training will lead to issues with recovery and will take time away from other workouts you should be concentrating on. Finally, adding one or two sessions of sprint training is a smart move, as these are what will really bump up your fitness level. Aim to go 30 seconds to a minute at a very hard pace, and then take a rest period for two to three times the duration of the sprint interval. Repeat this process 6 to 12 more times before starting your cool down. Incorporating strength training Adding a well rounded strengthtrainingprogram to your plan is a smart move if performance is a goal. Strength training will help to keep you injury-free, since your ligaments and muscles will be better able to support the stress you
place on them, and it will also help you work at a higher level of intensity, thus increasing the level of your workout. If you have any muscular imbalances (outer quad is stronger than inner, for example), you will also want to assess this and find ways to correct it with your strength training. Doing so will prevent you from experiencing many troubles down the road. The major lifts you definitely need to be doing are squats, hamstring curls, bench press, military presses, dead lifts, and some type of abdominal core work. These particular muscles are heavily used during your summer cycling routine, so strengthening them is important. Race-specific training If you have decided that you are going to train for a particular cycling race, be it a triathlon or otherwise, you will want to begin to tailor your workouts to the race. Try to include more sessions of approximately the same distance that you will be racing, and if you can get your hands on information about what the course is like, find a similar course to train on. It is particularly important to take note of altitude at this point. If you are going to be racing at a considerably different altitude than you are used to, you will definitely want to factor this into your training. The higher
up you go, the harder it will be on your muscles (due to decreased oxygen available to the body). Proper nutrition As with any workout, you must factor proper nutrition in with your training. On longerduration, moderately paced sessions, you will be able to predominately use fat for fuel, so it is not entirely necessary to be eating a high-carbohydrate meal before. That said, if you are cycling for one or more hours at a time, you will likely find that your performance will be better if you do eat some carbohydrates, either before the session or partway through, in order to give your muscles their preferred source of fuel (the body burns carbs more easily than fat). Finally, you must take hydration into account, because even a slight amount of dehydration can cause you to feel fatigued and become dizzy, with a drastic impact on how effectively your muscles function. On longer bike rides, be sure to bring a water bottle filled with water or an electrolyte-balancing solution that will replenish your water stores as well as your potassium and sodium levels (for those who sweat a great deal during their workouts, an electrolyte solution is preferable). roll with it If you are looking for a new challenge to take on this summer, give cycling a try. There are many health benefits, and it is a great way to push your body past any plateaus you may be experiencing. Just ensure that you approach your summer cycling training in a smart way in order to reap the greatest rewards from the time you dedicate to your sessions. (Source: askmen.com)
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
Very old Chinese wise man once say, "Madness twin brother of genius because each live in world created by own ego. One sometimes mistaken for the other QUOTES
6 Kebiasaan membawa botol air minum dalam perjalanan atau saat pergi ke mana pun mungkin belum menjadi tren di masyarakat. Bila haus di tengah jalan, kebanyakan dari kita lebih suka membeli sebotol minuman ringan beraroma teh atau soda atau pun air mineral.
Images: corbis
Alasan Harus Cukup Minum Air Putih
Kebutuhan tubuh akan cairan memang tak bisa dibantah. Cairan penting dalam memelihara keseimbangan serta proses metabolisme tubuh. Bila asupan cairan ke dalam tubuh tak seimbang dengan pengeluaran, maka dipastikan Anda akan mengalami gangguan atau pun dehidrasi. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan cairan, sebaiknya pilihlah minuman yang baik dan tak menimbulkan risiko bagi kesehatan. Salah satu yang terbaik tentunya adalah air putih, meski faktanya cairan ini kalah populer ketimbang minuman beraroma dan beraneka rasa yang beredar di pasaran. Nah supaya Anda tidak meremehkan khasiat air putih, berikut adalah enam fakta ilmiah betapa kebiasaan minum cukup air putih setiap hari penting bagi tubuh. 1. Mempertahankan keseimbangan cairan tubuh. Fakta medis menunjukkan tubuh manusia 60% terdiri dari cairan. Fungsifungsi cairan ini adalah untuk proses pencernaan, penyerapan, sirkulasi, produksi air liur, transportasi nutrisi dan mempertahankan suhu tubuh. 2. Membantu mengendalikan kalori. Sejak lama, orang yang sedang menjalani program diet melakukan kebiasaan banyak minum air putih sebagai strategi menurunkan berat badan. Meskipun air tidak menghasilkan efek magis, menggunakannya sebagai
pengganti minuman berkalori tinggi tentu saja akan sangat membantu. 3. Membantu membangkitkan otot. Sel-sel yang tidak mampu mempertahankan keseimbangan akan cairan dan elektrolit, akan berakibat pada kelelahan otot. Ketika sel-sel otot tidak memiliki cairan yang cukup, mereka tidak akan berfungsi dengan baik dan kemampuannya berkurang. 4. Membuat kulit tetap bercahaya. Kulit Anda sebenarnya mengandung banyak air dan berfungsi sebagai benteng dalam mencegah ekses hilangnya cairan tubuh. Namun begitu, jangan harap bahwa kelebihan cairan dapat dijadikan sebagai cara ampuh menghilangkan kerutan dari garis pada kulit. 5. Memelihara fungsi ginjal Cairan tubuh merupakan media yang juga mentransportasikan sisa atau limbah untuk keluar dan masuk ke dalam sel. Racun utama dalam tubuh adalah nitrogen urea darah, sejenis cairan yang dapat melewati ginjal untuk kemudian diproses dan dieksresikan dalam bentuk urin. Ketika tubuh memiliki cukup
cairan, urin akan mengalir bebas, jernih dan bebas bau. Namun, ketika tubuh tidak punya cuku cairan, konsentrasi urin, warna dan bau akan lebih kentara karena ginjal harus menyerap cairan ekstra untuk menjalankan fungsinya. Tak heran bila Anda minum sedikit air, risiko Anda mengalami batu ginjal akan meningkat terutama pada iklim hangat atau panas. 6. Mempertahankan fungsi normal usus. Asupan cairan yang cukup akan membuat makanan yang melewati saluran cerna dapat mengalir lancar dan mencegah terjadinya kosntipasi. Ketika Anda tidak punya cukup cairan, usus akan menyerap cairan dari feses atau tinja untuk tetap menjaga hidrasi. Alhasil, tentu saja buang air besar Anda akan bermasalah. (Sumber: kompas.com)
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
"Menurunkan berat badan dengan diet dan olahraga tidak akan ada hasilnya jika tubuh kurang tidur. Untuk sehat, seseorang harus rela mengusahakan semua hal, mulai dari olahraga, makan yang benar hingga tidur cukup"
Health Benefits of Spas Spas are places where a person can get a wide range of health treatments and beauty treatments that are meant to relax and relieve the person from stress and strain. Due to extreme stress in professional life, spas have become more popular offering relaxation treatments with a bigger price tag.
Images: veer.com
The word spa is derived from Latin “solus per aqua”, which means health through water. The spa concept of immersing the body of the person in water to restore and maintain health is considered to be very important to life. According to Sebastain Kneipp, father of hydrotherapy, water and herbs mixed in the right combination; can be used to cure any illness. Today’s modern life style has made people feel sick, stress and exhausted. To maintain a good balanced diet, good exercise and enough rest has become a real challenging issue for both men and women. They get stress from working all the day and get even more aggravated when doing the household chores after the day’s work. There are different kinds of spas like the day spas where the person has to make an appointment and
get treated. Resort spas are like staying in a hotel, spas on cruise ships as one of the relaxing ways, medical spas which are run by medical practitioners to treat patients, home spas for daily indulgence in homes etc. The spa treatments include facials, massages, sauna and other skin and body treatments like pedicure, manicure etc. Some spas are dedicated to particular health aspects like weight loss regime or for back pain treatment. Latest breakthrough in spa technology involves ultrasonic waves, ozone negative ions and far infrared rays into a single portable home spa machine. This machine provides relief from stress and from common illnesses. Studies have revealed that five minutes of ultrasonic bubble treatment is equal to massage done for an hour. Like the traditional massage of applying pressure directly on the body tissues, this too applies pressure by dilating the cells and penetrating the skin. This ultrasonic home spa provides relaxation and massage to the body, cleans deeply, provides internal warming, beauty contouring etc. For an aroma hydrotherapy to be done at home, one needs to add few drops of herbal oils like the sandalwood oil, citrus oil or lavender oil to enjoy and feel the natural healing of a waterfall, forest bath or a hot spring. Health benefits of home spas
Apart from making the person relaxed and rejuvenated, a home spa can even benefit them health-wise too. A home spa can improve the health of a person when used with bath oils and spa salts. It improves the removal of metabolic wastes and toxins from the body. It enhances the oxygenation of the extremities and joints, blood circulation is improved. The muscles are toned with a youthful and glowing complexion. It increases the metabolic rate, enhancing the power to burn calories quickly and promotes weight loss. It normalizes the blood pressure levels, lowers the cholesterol levels, balances acid-alkaline levels in the body, boosts immunity, improves the flow of lymph, reduces aches and pains of the muscles and joints, enhances the mood and improves the digestive system. (Source: articlesbase.com)
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05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
Ruang Terbuka Kota Bandung, yang dahulu dikenal akan kesejukannya, terletak pada dataran tinggi yang subur berkontur dan dikelilingi oleh bukit serta pegunungan. Dengan kondisi alam yang demikian, maka tak heran dapat tumbuh beraneka-ragam tanaman, seperti yang terlihat di tepi kiri kanan jalan maupun ruang-ruang terbuka kota. Pada umumnya, suatu lingkungan ruang terbuka, dirancang dengan menggunakan kaidah-kaidah estetika dan memakai pola-pola geometris-simetris yang jelas, sehingga dapat membangkitkan kesan tertentu dalam benak seseorang.
khas berupa jalan yang mengelilingi rancangan ruang terbuka tersebut, sehingga tercipta pola yang jelas dan mempunyai arti. Ruang terbuka kota, seperti taman yang dirancang dan ditata dengan baik serta ditanami berbagai macam bunga, pernah mengorbitkan Kota Bandung dengan berbagai julukan yang mengharumkan, seperti Bandung Kota Kembang maupun Paris-nya Pulau Jawa. Di samping bangunan-bangunan yang dirancang secara menarik penuh sentuhan keindahan, dirancang pula pola kota dengan mempertimbangkan kaidah Bandung -khususnya Bandung Utara- bangunan, lahan, serta alamnya merupakan satu kesatuan desain yang tak dapat dipisahkan. Konsep perancangan Kota Bandung yang mengagumkan tersebut sangat geometris, formalistik, dan berorientasi ke alamyang awalnya lahir dari konsep Renaisans, yang dipengaruhi juga oleh konsep-konsep Islam tentang ruang dan waktu. Secara singkat, dapat dikatakan bahwa basil rancangan Kota Bandung (Bandung Utara), yang dibangun sebelum tahun 1950an, mencerminkan perpaduan antara konsep Islam, Renaisans Romantis, dan Awal Modern. Ada beberapa bagian wilayah atau lingkungan Kota Bandung yang dirancang dengan sangat menarik menggunakan pola geometris-simetris dengan dilengkapi penerapan kaidah-kaidah estetika yang menyebabkan pengamat dapat merasakan adanya kesan pengalaman ruang maupun visual, misalnya kesan kelegaan, ketegangan, harapan, maupun kesan lainnya. Contoh lingkungan kota yang dirancang untuk dapat memberikan pengalaman ruang bagi pengamatnya tersebut antara lain adalah ruang-ruang terbuka pada lingkungan sekitar Jalan Lapangan Supratman, Taman Pramuka, lingkungan Jalan Malabar-Jalan Gatot Subroto, lingkungan Jalan Sultan Tirtayasa-Jalan Ir. H. Juanda, serta lingkungan Jalan PatrakomalaJalan Ermawar. Rancangan tersebut memiliki ciri
terletak diantara Jalan Aceh, Jalan Maluku, dan Jalan Seram. Dilengkapi dengan sebuah kolam dan sungai kecil, patung, jalan setapak, bangku taman, ditambah rimbunnya pepohonan yang tumbuh di sana -antara lain pohon ki angsret (Spathodea Campanulata) dan bungur (Lagerstroemia Speciosa)- membuat suasana dalam taman dan lingkungan sekitarnya terasa sejuk dan nyaman. Selain bentuk taman seperti di atas, ada pula ruang terbuka yang dirancang berupa lapangan rumput dengan atau tanpa pohon pelindung di tepinya. Biasanya, ruang terbuka ini terletak pada daerah permukiman dan dapat digunakan untuk berbagai kegiatan, seperti olahraga, pramuka, dan arena bermain. Ruang terbuka seperti ini dapat kita temui di Taman Pramuka, Taman Supratman, Lapangan Titimplik, Lapangan Gazibu, Alun-Alun, Tegallega, Lapangan Saparua, dan beberapa lapangan lainnya. Ruang terbuka yang dapat juga dirancang sebagai jalur hijau kota, umumnya berbentuk memanjang dengan sungai kecil di tengahnya dan ditumbuhi tanaman-tanaman besar pada kedua sisinya, sehingga tercipta suasana teduh dan nyaman.
serta prinsip estetika yang baik, dilengkapi dengan elemen pelengkap kota -jalan, jembatan, pedestrianmaupun elemen penghias kota -patung, monumen, air mancur- yang dipadukan sedemikian rupa. Paduan ini sebenarnya mampu menjadikan Kota Bandung sebagai tempat untuk mendapatkan kenikmatan visual yang nyaman dan harmonis. Ruang-ruang terbuka tersebut tidak semuanya mempunyai fungsi yang sama. Ada yang dirancang dengan fungsi sebagai taman kota, yaitu taman yang ditumbuhi berbagai tanaman dan dilengkapi dengan alur jalan, kolam, lampu hias, serta bangku tempat duduk, seperti yang dapat kita jumpai di Taman Maluku, Taman Ganeca, Taman Merdeka, Taman Lalu-Lintas, dan Kebun Binatang (Taman Sari). Taman Maluku (Molukken Park) Taman yang mulai dibangun pada tahun 1919 ini
Suasana demikian masih dapat kita nikmati di Taman Cilaki dan Taman Cibeunying, yang memanjang serta ditumbuhi dengan pohon-pohon besar. (Sumber: bandungheritage.org)
Batagor Riri Jl. Burangrang No. 41
Bumbu Desa Jl. Pasirkaliki 160 Bandung • Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 41
Eastern Istana Plaza Ground Floor B5-6 Jl. Pasirkaliki 121-123
Green Resort Jl. Sersan Bajuri - Lembang
Kartika Sari Jl. Kebon Jukut No. 3
Kartika Sari Jl. Buah Batu No. 165 A
Kartika Sari Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 85
Karya Umbi Jl. Cihampelas 186
O LALA Bistro Jl. Setiabudhi No. 56
Rasa Bakery Jl. Tamblong No. 15
Rumah Keboen Jl. RE. Martadinata No. 156
Riung Sari Restaurant Jl. L. L. R. E. Martadinata No. 22
Sari Sunda Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 86-88
Sindang Reret Group Jl. Surapati No 53 Bandung
Sierra Jl. Bukit Pakar Timur No. 33
Sweetheart Jl. R. E. Martadinata No. 140
Tomodachi Jl. Sukajadi No. 193
Telagasari Restaurant Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 269 - 275
The KIOSK Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda No. 48 & Braga CityWalk
Torigen Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 55
Blossom Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 112 Mode Plus Jl. Setiabudhi No. 41F
Riau Junction Jl. L.L.R.E Martadinata No. 17-21 Setiabudhi Supermarket Jl. Setiabudhi No. 42 - 46
HOTEL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Aston Bandung @ Braga City Walk Jl. Braga No. 99 - 101 d'Batoe Hotel J. Pasir Kaliki No. 78 Bandung Grand Pasundan Hotel Jl. Peta (Lingkar Selatan) No. 147 - 149 Grand Hotel Preanger Jl. Asia Afrika No. 81 Grand Hotel Lembang Jl. Raya Lembang No. 272 Horizon Hotel Jl. Pelajar Pejuang 45 No. 121 Hotel Panghegar Jl. Merdeka No. 2 Jayakarta Hotel Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 381 Novotel Bandung Jl. Cihampelas No. 23 Putri Gunung Jl. Raya Tangkuban Perahu KM 16 - 17, Lembang Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort Jl. Raya Ciater Subang Summer Hill Jl. Setrasari Raya No. 10 Sheraton Bandung Hotel & Towers Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 390 Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel Jl. Asia Afrika No. 112 The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel & Spa Jl. Ciumbuleuit No. 152 The Luxton Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 18
OTHERS • • • • • • • • • •
Bandung Giri Gahana Golf & Resort Jl. Jatinangor, Desa Cikeruh KM 20 Sumedang Batununggal Indah Club Jl. Batununggal Indah II No. 70 Bandung Dago Endah Golf Lapangan Golf Dago Atas No. 78 Bandung Everyday Spa Jl. Aceh No. 66 Bandung Bandara Husein Sastranegara, Jl. Pajajaran, Bandung Rai Fitness Gedung Premiere (Hotel Aston Tropicana) Lt. 5 Jl. Cihampelas No. 125-129 Bandung Saung Angklung Udjo Jl. Padasuka No. 118 Bandung Seni Abadi Jl. Wastukencana No. 87 Bandung Melinda Hospital Jl. Pajajaran No. 46 Bandung Blitzmegaplex Paris Van Java Jl. Sukajadi 137 - 139 Bandung
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05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
There are nearly thirteen million people in the world. None of those people is an extra. They're all the leads of their own stories QUOTES
Ask The Expert
Building a New Home, from an architect’s perspective Are you building a new home and engaging an architect to design a house that functionally satisfies your needs? It is time to re-think the building of your new dream house, as Setyadi Ongkowidjaja shares his thoughts on designing a house that is relevant to the owner, the architect and the community at large.
It is everyone’s dream to own a landed property. In reality, many landed houses in modern Asia no longer enjoy an open landscape overlooking the ocean or mountain range, with lavish gardens of the kind one finds in first-class resorts in Bali or Phuket. Instead, they are usually sited right smack off a busy and noisy road, and have neighbors within near distance. Despite change in the family structure, leisure time (on the lack thereof ) and vast improvements in household technology, the requirements of these one-off houses remain the same. Because of their predictability, the architect will usually have greater control, free from the influence of developers, project managers and committees. The purpose-built private house can then the perceived as the result of the fulfillment of a wellcrafted wish-list of both parties, constrained only by the shape of the land, workmanship of the contractor and the budget. Environment, History and Culture As an architect, our basic design tenet for a house is
quite simple. First, we make a detailed study of the site to ascertain its constraints and possibilities. Next, we note the client’s requirements and preference and, lastly, we go away to formulate an idea of what the house should be. It is precisely this encapsulation of an idea – and how, in the mind of an architect, it is developed, through substantial research into the environment, history and social culture, into an architectural reality that will stand the test of time. The ownwe's physical needs are easily met. For example, he may prefer natural ventilation instead of air conditioned comfort, except for the most humid days. But it is his emotional needs that one requires a special sensitivity for. For instance, should an entrance lobby be just a simple, utilitarian affair, or should it have a certain element of class and glamour (even if the owners are rather introverted by nature) so that visitors to the estate will be impressed and the rental values can be enhanced? And what about the front porch – should it be just an effective feature to keep out heat and rain, or should it be something more, a statement about the owners who live inside? An architect would have addressed such in the course of his work. There is also the matter of integrity in the use of materials and the design of structures. Instead of putting up neo-classical columns mindlessly, we usually persuade our clients that such features may be unsuitable in the present context. However, if it is grandeur that they hope to achieve, then there are
other equally effective ways of reaching such goals. For example, through sensitive proportioning and the correct choice of the material, colour, lighting and textures. The mish-mash of borrowed Greco-Roman styles that have recently sprung up in several ASEAN cities reveal an anxiety to flaunt the wealth of the nouveau riche without quite understanding what good architecture is all about. Or even whether these styles are suitable for our climate. Nature teaches us that God created eyebrows to prevent sweat from entering the eyes and eyelashes to prevent the sun’s strong glare from blocking our vision. Yet, how sad it is to sometimes see that our tropical houses are bereft of such protection from the sun and rain. Many houses have neither roof overhangs nor provision for the windows to remain open during the rainy season. It is not uncommon to see new houses with exposed walls without copings that become badly stained within six months of construction. How wasteful to repaint them so soon! “First, we shape the environment, and then the very environment will shape us,” Sir Winston Churchill was quoted to have said. So, the next time you are commissioning an architect to do up your house, please note that although you and your family own that house, the structure will also affect the lives of the people around you. Setyadi Ongkowidjaja is a practicing architect with projects in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and China. He has published a few books on architecture and interior design.
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
Masalah Kelistrikan pada Mobil Bekas Mendapatkan mobil yang tidak rewel merupakan idaman semua pembeli mobil bekas (mobkas). Namun, tak jarang terjadi mobkas yang ditemui memiliki masalah pada sistem kelistrikannya. Pernahkah Anda menemui kejadiankejadian seperti di bawah ini saat berburu mobkas? Sinar lampunya berangsur terang saat digas, dan meredup ketika pedal gas dilepas. Atau ruang mesinnya penuh dengan kabelkabel tambahan yang dipasang dengan asal. Ciri-ciri tersebut bisa menjadi pertanda mobkas yang Anda lihat itu memiliki masalah dalam sistem kelistrikannya.
Pada umumnya dasar kelistrikan dari mobkas Anda adalah sistem 12 volt searah, dimana aki berfungsi sebagai sumber listrik dan alternator yang mengisi kembali listrik yang digunakan sehingga aki tetap memiliki cadangan listrik meskipun ada beban penggunaan. Sistem kelistrikan mobil juga umumnya menerapkan negative ground. Artinya kutub negatif aki langsung dihubungkan ke bodi mobil sehingga seluruh bagian mobil yang terbuat dari logam memiliki kandungan negatif yang sama dengan kutub negatif aki. Pada mobkas yang telah berumur lebih dari lima tahun, banyak kabel yang mulai bermasalah karena dimakan umur. Biasanya kabel menjadi getas, dan kemampuannya dalam mengalirkan listrik menjadi berkurang. Pengecekan Listrik Secara Cepat Ada kalanya pada saat ingin meminang mobkas, Anda ragu dengan kondisi sistem kelistrikannya. Berikut ada beberapa tips agar anda dapat terhindar dari masalah kelistrikan. • Periksa ruang mesin. Apabila banyak kabel tambahan yang tidak standar dan tidak rapi di ruang mesin, maka besar kemungkinan kelistrikan dari mobkas incaran Anda ini bermasalah. • Periksalah terminal positif (+) accu, apabila pada terminal tersebut banyak kabel tambahan, maka hal
Images: corbis.com
ini mengindikasikan banyaknya aksesori tambahan yang memerlukan listrik. Hal ini juga pertanda bahwa banyak sistim kelistrikan yang di-bypass. • Periksa seluruh komponen kelistrikan, seperti lampu-lampu, AC, power window, dan lain-lain. Bila komponen-komponen tersebut bekerja dengan sempurna, maka besar kemungkinan sistem kelistrikan mobil itu juga masih baik. • Dalam kondisi beban penuh dengan menghidupkan AC, lampu-lampu, audio, dan komponen lainnya, naikkan putaran mesin. Jika terjadi perubahan terang sinar lampu yang signifikan, atau putaran kipas elektrik bertambah kencang, berarti ada masalah dengan pasokan listrik dari alternator. Bersiaplah mengeluarkan biaya untuk rekondisi alternator. Solusi Untuk Listrik Berpenyakit • Kabel negatif atau grounding system Kabel negatif adalah hal yang sering dilupakan. Umumnya pabrikan hanya memasang kabel negatif yang disalurkan langsung ke blok mesin, kemudian dari blok mesin disambung ke bodi atau sasis dengan kabel yang lebih kecil. Pada mobkas yang berumur sebaiknya ditambahkan kabel negatif ke beberapa titik lain di bodi, sasis, maupun blok mesin untuk mengatasi daya hantar kabel yang mulai berkurang karena dimakan umur. Selain itu umur mobil juga mempengaruhi kemampuan pelat bodi dan komponen logam lainnya menghantarkan arus listrik negatif ke sekujur mobil. Anda juga dapat pula menggunakan grounding system kit yang tersedia di pasaran. Rangkaian ini memiliki beberapa kabel sehingga penyaluran listrik negatif pada mobil dapat lebih merata. • Relay kit Banyak pemilik mobkas yang mengambil jalan pintas
untuk mengatasi kehilangan daya pada kabel dengan relay kit. Prinsip kerja relay kit ini adalah mengambil alih jalur pasokan listrik bawaan mobil, sehingga arus listrik diambil langsung dari aki. Dengan cara ini resiko tegangan yang hilang akibat kabel yang termakan usia dapat dikurangi. Kelemahannya adalah, apabila pemasangan tidak rapi, maka akan dapat mengakibatkan korsleting. Sebaiknya relay dipasang oleh mekanik yang biasa menagani sistem kelistrikan. Umumnya relay kit ini dipasang pada headlamp atau motor starter. • Sambungan kabel Pada mobil yang kurang baik perawatannya sering ditemui rangkaian kabel yang berfungsi mem-bypass sebuah sistem kelistrikan. Pada prinsipnya cara ini tidak dapat dibenarkan demi alasan keamanan. Cara yang benar adalah dengan menguraikan kabelkabel dan mencari sumber kerusakannya. Untuk memperbaikinya, kabel tersebut sebaiknya diganti secara utuh. Namun dari segi biaya, cara ini terbilang mahal. Solusinya adalah mengganti kabel yang rusak secara utuh. Saat mengganti, sambungan kabel idealnya disolder dan dibungkus dengan isolasi bakar, sehingga sambungan dapat tertutup dengan sempurna. (Sumber: otomotif.web.id)
Inspirational People
Mengubah Sampah menjadi Rupiah Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk memusnahkan sampah plastik dari lingkungan? Sampah plastik membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama untuk hancur. Selain itu dapat menimbulkan banyak masalah bagi kesehatan dan sanitasi.
Dewiyana Asriani
Perkembangan kegiatan daur ulang limbah plastik memberikan kontribusi untuk mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan. Dewiyana Asriani, seorang ibu rumah tangga dengan dua orang anak-putra dan putri, lulusan Desain Fashion di Studio Intermodel pada tahun 1991 adalah salah satu contoh seorang ibu rumah tangga yang peduli terhadap lingkungan. Mengawali kariernya dengan bekerja dari satu pabrik garment ke pabrik garment lainnya, kini ia konsen menjalankan bisnisnya dengan memanfaatkan sampah rumah tangga sebagai bahan dasar untuk dijadikan barang yang bisa menjadi sesuatu yang dapat digunakan serta bermanfaat. Sejak tahun 2007, perempuan yang akrab dipanggil Dewi ini mulai tertarik menggeluti usaha handycraft daur ulang sampah plastik ini karena setiap hari melihat sampah-sampah yang menumpuk dengan merk, warna dan motif yang berbeda-beda sehingga timbul suatu gagasan dan pemikiran, kenapa tidak berkarya dan berekspresi dengan bahan-bahan ini. Selain ikut melestarikan lingkungan hidup, bahan yang tidak terpakai ini bisa dijual dengan nilai ekonomi yang tinggi bila diberi sentuhan seni yang indah serta unik. Dengan dibantu oleh suaminya-Iwan Kurniawan- yang merupakan seorang lulusan Fakultas Seni Rupa & Desain ITB, Dewi pun mampu memanfaatkan sampah plastik ini menjadi suatu barang yang layak pakai. Berawal dari nol, diapun mulai aktif di organisasi PKK di lingkungan sekitar tempat tinggalnya. Karena
sedang gencar-gencarnya kampanye kepedulian terhadap lingkungan hidup akibat global warming yang melanda bumi ini, akhirnya Dewi pun tertarik untuk masuk menjadi anggota LSM FOKAL (Forum Kader Lingkungan) di daerah tempat tinggalnya. Dari sanalah dia mulai mengetahui tentang pentingnya melestarikan lingkungan hidup dan mulai mengenal menjadi sahabat sampah pada tahun 2007 dengan mengikuti pelatihan daur ulang sampah yang diadakan oleh FOKAL dan PD. Kebersihan. Sejak itulah dia mulai mencoba berkreasi dan mengekspresikan bakat seninya akan keindahan suatu produk dengan berbagai model bentuk produk daur ulang yang berguna dan dan layak untuk dijual, meskipun banyak tantangan dan hambatan karena masih banyaknya orang yang menyepelekan dan menganggap sinis bahwa itu adalah hal pekerjaan yang sia-sia.
Tahun 2008, dia sempat mengikuti palatihan kewirausahaan di Senbik (Sentra Tembikar) yang diadakan oleh Disnakertrans. Dari pelatihan inilah pemahaman tentang dunia usaha semakin membuatnya kuat untuk terus menggeluti dunia usaha daur ulang sampah ini. Lalu lahirlah “Saras Dewi Handycraft & Accessories”, sebuah workshop yang memproduksi dan menjual semua barangbarang dari bahan sampah plastik hasil karya Dewi beserta suaminya itu. Kini, Dewiyana Asriani beserta Iwan Kurniawan rajin mengikuti seminar-seminar tentang sampah dan memberikan pelatihan akan standar kualitas hingga bersama ibu-ibu PKK didikan BGC (Bandung Green Clean) membentuk kelompok usaha dengan produk daur ulang yang dinamai Trashion. Karena merasa masih banyak orang yang belum bisa menghargai suatu karya seni dari produk daur ulang sampah ini, Saras Dewi Handycraft & Accessories sering melakukan pameran dengan menampilkan produk daur ulang sampah plastik dengan sentuhan seni dan kreativitas juga kekuatan akan kualitas yang baik sehingga layak untuk dijual dengan nilai ekonomi yang tinggi.
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
Reserve a space in the next issue of HOTSHOT. For information please contact our marketing team at +62 22 2031734, 2034336, 91109109
Drama Musikal Once on This Island JR
Launching Bandung City Tour ARION swiss-belHotel
Media Gathering (H3B) 2011
Salah satu adegan dalam drama musikal dengan judul Once on This Island JR, yang dimainkan oleh siswa-siswi Bina Bangsa School, Sabtu (9/4) lalu di Taman Budaya ‘Dago Teahouse’ Theatre-Bandung.
Doddy H. Widodo-Sekretaris PHRI Kota Bandung dan Rizal H. Sultoni-GM ARION swiss-belHotel Bandung, berfoto bersama dengan Komunitas Onthel “Bandung Majang Mejeng” sesaat setelah penandatanganan MoU Bandung City Tour Heritage pada hari Minggu (24/4) lalu.
Kepengurusan baru H3B 2011 yang diketuai oleh Restina Setiawan (Grand Royal Panghegar) berfoto bersama dalam acara Media Gathering H3B 2011 yang dilangsungkan di The Papandayan Hotel, Jum’at (6/5) lalu.
International Family Day
Launching Consumer PC Terbaru HP
Soft Opening Grand Odiseus Fitness & Spa Hyatt Regency
Seorang siswi mempraktekan percobaannya dalam ruang Science Fair, International Family Day Penabur International School yang berlangsung di Kampus Penabur Internasional School, Jum’at (15/4) lalu.
Dari kiri ke kanan; Jane Ritonga-Market Development Manager, Danny Lee-Country General Manager HP Indonesia dan Mina Y. Dimalouw-Notebook Lead, menjawab pertanyaan wartawan dalam acara Launching Consumer PC HP di Ballroom Hilton Bandung, Selasa (19/4) lalu.
Arifin Darmawan-GM Hyatt Regency Bandung (kiri) dan Aditya Indradjaja-Presiden Direktur Odiseus International (kanan) bersama-sama menggunting pita sebagai tanda dibukanya Grand Odiseus Fitness & Spa Hyatt Regency Bandung, Kamis (21/4) lalu.
Marketeers Dinner Seminar
Grand Opening Papyrus Photo Studio Ciwalk
Pesona Batik 2011
Hermawan Kartajaya-Founder & CEO. MarkPlus, Inc., berbicara di depan para peserta MarkPlus Dinner Seminar dengan tema Free-Marketing for Profit, yang berlangsung di Ballroom Hilton Hotel, Rabu (4/5) lalu.
Aprilia-Business Owner Papyrus (kiri) berbicara di depan para peserta Gathering Pengurus OSIS SMU se-Bandung pada hari Sabtu (30/4) lalu di Ciwalk. Kegiatan tersebut merupakan salah satu rangkaian dari acara Grand Opening Papyrus Photo Studio di Ciwalk.
Sendy Dede Yusuf-Ketua Yayasan Batik Jawa Barat, memberikan sambutan sekaligus membuka pameran Pesona Batik 2011 yang diselengarakan di Pasteur Hyper Point, Rabu-Minggu (4-8/5) lalu.
Penandatanganan MoU BJB-Grand Hotel Preanger
Guest Lecturer, Live Demo and In House Training in Dermatologic Surgery
Seminar “No Perfect Parent, No Perfect Child”
Anton Partono-Dirut PT. Bina Inti Dinamika (kanan) berjabat tangan dengan Harta-BJB Cabang Utama Bandung, sesaat setelah penandatanganan MoU antara BJB dengan Grand Hotel Preanger di Grand Ballroom Ramayana-Grand Hotel Preanger, Jum’at (29/4) lalu. Disaat yang bersamaan diresmikan pula Grand Ballroom Ramayana “The Luxurious Heritage of Grand Hotel Preanger”.
Tanggal 16-17 April 2011 Santosa Hospital menyelenggarakan Seminar dan Live Demo teknik bedah kulit dan bedah sedot lemak dengan menghadirkan Prof. Lawrence M Field, MD, FIACS, pakar bedah kulit dari Amerika Serikat dan dokter dari Skin Health & Beauty Centre Santosa Hospital (dr. RW Nanda Dewi, SpKK & dr. Musliani M, SpKK).
Fidelis E. Waruwu, M.Sc.Ed., berbicara di depan para peserta seminar dengan tema “No Perfect Parent, No Perfect Child” yang diprakarsai oleh Town for Kids International Preschool yang berlangsung pada hari Sabtu (16/4) lalu di Hotel Serity Bandung.
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
book review
30 Resep Aneka Pempek, Siomay, Batagor, Pangsit & Otak-otak Penulis : Anti Aprilyanti Penyunting : Prayudi Penerbit : Daras Books Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan pempek, siomay, batagor, pangsit, dan otak-otak? Makanan khas Indonesia ini bisa dijumpai di mana saja dan peminatnya pun berasal dari berbagai kalangan. Selain rasanya yang lezat, pempek, siomay, batagor, pangsit, dan otak-otak juga mudah dibuat. Anda bisa membuat sendiri pempek, siomay, batagor, pangsit, dan otak-otak dengan mempraktikan 30 resep unik, kreatif, dan bervariasi yang ada di buku ini. Cara membuatnya praktis dan tidak sulit. Buku ini juga menyajikan beragam variasi paduan bahan, seperti telur, udang, jamur, dan bahkan nanas, yang akan membuat rasanya bertambah enak. Semua bahan yang digunakan di dalam buku ini murah dan mudah didapat. Selain itu, setiap resep dilengkapi dengan foto-foto step by step-langkah demi langkah proses pembuatan-sehingga bahkan para pemula bisa mempraktikannya dengan mudah. Selamat mencoba!
05/ Year 10 11 May 2011 - 10 June 2011
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