Gauri Pradhan Tejwani is a former model turned Indian television actress. She is best known for playing the roles of Gauri Pratham Mittal in Kutumb, Nandini Karan Virani in Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi, Falguni Harshad Parekh in Meri Aashiqui Tumse Hi and Anita Sharma in Tu Aashiqui.Tejwani was born in Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India. Her father Major Subhash Vasudeo Pradhan is a retired Indian Army Officer and her mother Asha is a homemaker. Pradhan is the second of three siblings; her elder brother Bharat, is a petrochemical engineer, while her younger sister Geetanjali, is a M.D. Pradhan is the only one in her family to have pursued modelling and acting as a career.Her childhood was spent travelling throughout the country owing to the nature of her father's job. As a result, she studied in different schools, one of them was the Carmel Convent School in Udhampur. After her father's retirement, the family settled in Pune (Maharashtra), where she attended Sir Parshurambhau College for a course in BSc.