Jio Phone Next price in India is expected to be set at Rs. 3,499, and sales are expected to start soon.Jio Phone Next is all set to launch in India on September 10, or Ganesh Chaturthi. The phone was announced at the 44th Reliance Industries AGM back in June. It was positioned as the ultra-affordable 4G smartphone that has been co-developed by Reliance Jio and Google. Jio Phone Next's pricing and specifications haven't been unveiled officially yet, but there have been several leaks. The Jio Phone Next offers Google Play store access and will is confirmed to come with features like voice assistant, automatic read-aloud of screen text, and language translation.Jio Phone Next price in India, availability (expected)Reliance announced during the AGM that the Jio Phone Next will be available on September 10, or the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi. A recent report suggested that the company has initiated talks with its retail partners for the sale of the phone.