Kannada superstar Puneeth Rajkumar passed away due to a fatal cardiac arrest on Friday, the 29th of October. The actor was reportedly working out in his gym when he complained of chest pains and was later rushed to a hospital immediately. Puneeth was later admitted to Vikram Hospital and was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit but despite the aggressive efforts of the medical staff, he remained non-responsive. The 46-year-old actor was pronounced dead at 2:30 pm on the 29th of October, 2021.The government of Karnataka, in the meantime, has been striving hard and alerted concerned departments to heighten security in anticipation of chaos and furor.Puneeth Rajkumar (17 March 1975 – 29 October 2021[1]), colloquially known as Appu, was an Indian actor, playback singer, television presenter, and producer who worked primarily in Kannada cinema. He was a lead actor in 29 films; as a child, he appeared in many films. His performances in Vasantha Geetha (1980), Bhagyavantha (1981), Chalisuva Modagalu.