Actor Sidharth Shukla died of sudden heart attack in the morning (September 2) leaving everyone including his family, fans and industry colleagues in shock. The Bigg Boss 13 winner was rushed to Cooper hospital in the morning where he was declared brought dead. The entire TV and film industry is in shock over the sudden death of Sidharth Shukla. Sidharth's close friend from BB 13 Shehnaaz Gill, who shared a very thick bond with him, is also not in a good state right now. While talking to ETimes TV, Shehnaaz Gill's father Santokh Singh Sukh shared, "Uska bura haal hai... she is not in a good state. I am constantly in touch with her over the phone. Bura haal hai sabka he. Shehnaaz's brother Shahbaaz has left to be with her, he will be with her." Bigg Boss 13's Asim Riaz was in complete shock and he also reached the hospital to pay his last respects to Sid. Arti Singh, Shefali Jariwala, Jay Bhanushali, Hindustani Bhau, Rajkumar Rao also visited Sidharth's home to meet his family.