Indore: Varsha Dongre, a deaf and dumb student from Indore, who won the Miss India award among 1,000 at the Star Line Miss India Contest of general contestants held at Tajnagari Agra in Hal, has now shown her spirit in human service. The Webinar, organized on the occasion of World Organ Donation Day, she has announced organ donation after death.More importantly, with the rains, 200 deaf and dumb people across the country have also declared organ donation after death. Varsha also duly filled out the organ donation form on Friday while 200 deaf and dumb will complete the process in their respective states after the oath. This is the first time in the country that 200 deaf persons including a handicapped Miss India Awaradi have decided to donate organs. Varsha says, "Even though I am deaf and dumb, my kidneys, eyes, and other organs can be of use to give a life to a person after my death, nothing can be of greater wealth to me than this.