Corridor Development & Design Code
Vision for the A23 Great Street : Redhill to Horley Corridor
Reigate & Banstead Borough Council
PROJECT HEAD: Mr. Hugo Nowell, Director
The Design Code is focused on delivering a co-ordinated response to the design of development along a stretch of the A23 extending north to south from Gatton Park on the northern edge of Redhill to the Longbridge roundabout on the western edge of Horley, a distance of approximately 10 km. The route is located in the south-eastern portion of Reigate & Banstead Borough; a part of the Borough where the Local Plan identifies opportunity for change and development.
The Design Code aims to deliver around four principal themes:
• To make the area work better for pedestrians and cyclists;
• To improve access to open spaces and parks;
• To identify opportunities for development; and
• To raise the quality of design.
The Design Code for the A23 Great Street is community focused aiming to address issues and challenges in a way that will improve the lives of those people living, working or visiting the area. In other words the Code aims to deliver ‘Public Value’. The Code has been prepared through a rigorous and logical process. This starts at a strategic level with an understanding of the challenges facing society and how this may impact on the way that we plan our towns and cities.These are identified as the ‘Grand Challenges’. We have then considered how addressing these issues can deliver Public Value – tangible benefits to all members of the public that enhance quality of life.
Access to facilities and amenities
In recent years increasing value has been placed on the ability to access all of ones days to day needs within 15 minutes of our home through a network of attractive and safe walking and cycling routes.
This is a core objective of the Design Code. The accessibility of education, employment, public transport, nutrition, health and care, recreation and leisure has been assessed and is indicated in diagrams on this and the following pages. Facilities have been identified and mapped and 1,200m isochrones (based onthe typical distance that may be walked in 15 minutes) mapped.
These isochrones measure distances along existing walking routes rather than measuring as the crow flies. Colours are stronger where access to several facilities overlaps. For the public transport plan the walking distance to bus stops is mapped using 400m isochrones; for railway stations the isochrones remain at 1,200m.
Health & Community Facilities
Nutrition (Potential to buy fresh food)
A23 Street Design Priorities
Road Network Characterisation
The design of the A23 corridor between Redhill and Horley often appears confused between whether it should form part of the trunk road network or part of the local highway network. The design code makes plain that its design must respond to the latter. Whilst sections may carry in excess of 20,000 vehicles per day and certain junctions can sometimes experience congestion and delay, the A23 corridor is fundamentally a street that connects and passes through a number of towns and smaller centres, as well as being the street that many people call home. Its design must respond to this context, encouraging drivers to behave in a manner that is appropriate.
For parts of the A23 a bi-directional cycle track is already in place on the eastern side of the street and this is therefore taken as the starting point for the street typologies. The Street Codes reflect the movement, nature, built form, and identity Codes already set out in the Design Code.
Bi-directional Cycle Track On-street Cycle Parking Location Junction Design and Spacing Street Furniture, Pedestrian Guardrail and seatingNarrow street with segregated cycle route and footway
Code S2 applies in areas where the width of the corridor is between 14.4m to 14.6m (excluding Privacy Strips or Frontage Zones).
Street with dedicated Bus Lane
Code S8 applies in areas where the width of the corridor is between 17.8m and the maximum corridor width.
Wide Street with on-street parking
Code S7 applies in areas where the width of the corridor is between 16.9m and the maximum corridor width.
Street around Redhill Town Centre
Code S9 shows an exceptional situation along the corridor where the street passes around Redhill Town Centre and is a dual lane carriageway.
Street Section S2 Street Section S8 Street Section S7 Street Section S7Sustainable Transport Hub
Watford High Street Southern Gateway Masterplan (Conceptual Design)
The project is focussed at analysing the area along with its constraints and opportunities and prepare a vision for the Southern Gateway along the Watford High Street. The project aims at establishing a conceptual masterplan which can act as a critical friend to the design team and public consultation for development along the edge of A411 and Watford High Street Junction.
The Vision is to create a place that:
• Has a distinct character and identity
• Provides an attractive and distinctive arrival experience
• Is easy to get to by walking, cycling and public transport
• Has quality spaces that invite people to stay and enjoy
• Is animated and safe during the day and evening
• Is green, healthy and good for people and the planet
• Supports local business and community activities
• Is an attractive place to live and work
Key Objectives for conceptual masterplan:
• Create a recognisable place and gateway with a strong identity
• Transform over time the ring road from an urban motorway into a civic boulevard
• Establish a sustainable transport hub and excellent walking and cycling connections
• Develop underused sites, repair and animate the urban fabric
Sustainable Transport Hub
Additional bus stops
• Expand facility from two to for stands to plan for for future demand residential growth in Colne Valley
New cycle infrastructure
• Segregated bi-direction route from High Street across Exchange Road to station and Lower High Street
Improved active travel and public transport interchange
• Legible and direct pedestrian facilities
• Cycle stands including Beryl cycle hire at station
Improvements to Exchange Road
Tighten junctions
• Create direct and single stage pedestrian facilities
• Reduce barrier effect
• Make it more comfortable and easy to cross
• Reduce speed
Introduce green margins and tree planting
• Reduce air and noise pollution
• Provide sustainable urban drainage
• Soften image
• Long term goal to introduce pavements and cycleways
Development to overlook and animate Exchange road
Replace underpass with safe and overlooked level crossing
High Street Gateway Masterplan
1. Gateway landmark on Pyramid site 2. Crescent Road site 3. Refurbished Listed Buildings 4. Sustainable transport hub 5. Cycling infrastructure improvements 6. Exchange Road / High Street Junction Improvements 7. Arrival space with café 8. WCC Development 9. Other longterm development proposals 10. Overlooked level crossingCreating a strong gateway and arrival experience to Watford High Street
• Integration of transport modes for onward connection of public transport journeys
• Integration into the Local Cycling and Walking Implementation Plan (LCWiP)
• Safe separation of vehicles and cyclists at the Water Lane / High Street junction,
• Segregated High Street bi-directional cycle lane linking Watford High Street Station;
• Safe and secure cycle parking to enhance sustainable transport hub
• Economic benefits of potential higher footfall in the southern end of the High Street;
• Architectural Gateway to Lower High Street
• Real-time signage for easier interchange of transport modes.
• Wayfinding signage enhancement to link in with a wider wayfinding strategy
• HCC Bus Service Improvement Plan integration allowing for bus priority
• Safety scheme to overcome accident cluster at the High Street/A411 Beechen Grove junction
Landmark building on Pyramid site
• Prominent place in vista along key approaches (High Street, Lower High Street and Water Lane)
• Marks entrance into Town Centre
• Visible, distinctive and outstanding building to be memorable and help with way finding and to create strong identity
New Development on WCC and other sites
• Define and animate streets and spaces
• Provide new homes and active ground floor uses
Refurbish run-down listed buildings
• Preserve heritage asset
• Attractive new uses that animate gateway
• Strengthen character and enhance image
Create new arrival square at the station
• Breathing and meeting space at the station
• Seating and café
• High quality public realm and landscaping
• A place to feel welcome and to stay
Urban Heritage District
of urban heritage precinct and revival of the existing tram corridor network : The Case of Dalhousie Square, Kolkata
(MA AU, Manchester School of Architecture)
BBD Bagh - Dalhousie Square, Kolkata, India
(Existing Lal Dighi & Millennium park, Kolkata)
SITE AREA: Approx 0.75 Sq.Km
• Redevelopment of the Heritage Urban Open Space to activate the central business district of Kolkata and creating better interfaces within the existing site precinct.
• Development of Socially active Public open space to activate the area during non-business timings of the day.
• Preserving the Unique architecture that dates back from the Colonial Era.
• Establishing pedestrian-friendly spaces along the tram corridors.
• Decongesting traffic through revival and remodelling of the existing tram corridor.
• Tram Network as the new transportation Catalyst, which in future will guide the urban transportation trend.
• Enhancement of Heritage Urban tourism.
The projected project of redeveloping the urban historic area at Dalhousie Square in Kolkata will be a significant step forward in terms of urban tourism and recovering the city’s dwindling identity. The proposal is conceived as a concept for redeveloping the Urban Heritage Precinct into a socially engaged linked urban environment that respects the heritage structures inside and surrounding it. The project’s goal is to provide leisure and amusement while also catering to crowds in the future, therefore promoting urban tourism.
Although the area has a rich history and relics of some excellent architectural marvels, the impact of the city’s effort to save some of them is nowhere to be seen. Dalhousie Square, still the centre of Kolkata’s business and administrative institutions, has been caught trying to preserve its historical buildings while meeting the needs of its populace, the majority of whom do not have the patience or care to look at the architectural wealth that surrounds them, for the last two decades. The conclusion of the planned project would contribute in the development of the city’s identity by building a heritage urban district within the city that is extensively connected to other portions of the city using tram as a sustainable means of urban transportation.
Development of Kolkata's first Heritage District by promoting Urban tourism and reviving the existing tram corridor
Revitilizing the Lakeside and Heritage Square with socially active public space design and Pedestrian friendly approach.
Integrating existing Promenade with upcoming Kolkata ‘EYE’ project with a tourism centric urban development along the river edge
One way proposed Traffic towards Howrah and Noth Kolkata
Mapping the Heritage Structures to provide pedestrian friendly access and creating less bussier interfaces
One way proposed Traffic towards Esplanade and South Kolkata
Proposing the existing 2 Level Underground parking under Lal Dighi Garden as public parking for decongesting the parking encroachment in surrounding areas
One way proposed Traffic towards Esplanade and South Kolkata
Freeing up the traffic from the square and surrounding streets to create an pedestrian centric urban tourism corridor with interactive social spaces
Enhancing the existing riverside park with innovative public spaces and activites to promote tourism & social activities along the river edge.
Pedestrian friendly street connection with tram corridor and informal social activities
Proposed Design Development
If the roads surrounding the Dalhousie sqaure is dedicated only to the pedestrians, heritage will be given the utmost impotance and there will be space to free up the existing encroachments done by various hawkers and eateries on the pavements.It will help in developing the building interfaces in a better way alongwith Heritage conservation and promotion.
Dalhousie Square is one of the finest precincts of colonial heritage structures, which acted as the embryo of modern metropolitan Kolkata. Once it can be made pedestrian -only, the nerve centre of city’s central business district (CBD) can turn into an exquisite tourist destination.
Design Interventions
The site is located in a prominent square in the heart of the city, close to the Hooghly River. The location comprises of a historic lakefront and riverbank.
Extending the adjacent parks through the site, we have an opportunity to create a continuous public water front. This address a major missing link in the public route from Dalhousie square to the Millennium park riverfront.
Mapping the heritage builings in and around the site provides an opportunity to create an urban development which is contrast to the history, yet elevates the importance of these buildings as a backdrop to enhance tourism.
Developing the riverfront promenade alongwith connecting the square to the riverfront through a gateway to create a seamless pedestrian connection without any traffic interaction.
Continuing the corridor with a polygonal loop that extending beyong the riveredge on one side and over the lake on another.This loop is concentualised to offer oppurtunities that capture 360 Degree views all around.
Creating a looped tram network alongwith the existing riverside railway corridor provide unique views and travel experience towards the lake and the river.
Creating boardwalk and skywalk experience at different levels of the two different water front to create an unique experience along with framing views towards inside and outside.
Inspired by the opportunity to create a living waterfront, the Dalhousie square Masterplan seeks to enhance connectivity of the public waterfront, restore natural habitat, elevate the standard for urban waterfront resiliency and transform the people of Kolkata and tourists to interact with the water edge while respecting the historic heritage present in the surroundings.
Conceptualising Lakefront and River front connection without pedestrian and traffic interaction alongwith creating view corridors for the surrounding Heritage structures.
Skywalk connection over the busy traffic alongwith promenade and ghat (river edge) development will allow public to interact with the river and the surroundings at different levels.
Urban Town Center
Envisioning an Urban Town Center for a New Capital City: The Context of Amaravati.
Along the People’s Way, Amaravati (PROPOSED CAPITAL REGION), Andhra Pradesh, India[As per Amaravati Masterplan]
Site Area: 1
PROJECT FACULTY: Dr.Karteek Guturu, Assistant Professor, SPA Vijaywada
Email ID:
This study focuses on market and commercial spaces in an urban environment. It includes the derivation of parameters inferred from regional, national and global examples of best practices to understand the co-existence of formal and informal market typologies. These parameters combine to form a responsive morphology in terms of movement and geometry, wayfinding, accessibility and public amenities. The final outcome of this project is a proposal for the town center of Amaravati based on Statutory Zoning Regulations of the region.
It aims at envisioning a seamless bond between all commercial establishments through inclusive, transparent and pedestrian-friendly design.
" The budding capital city of Amravati grows with its deep-rooted cultural heritage and merges into a scenic image of the existing landscape and a glorious paArt. "
Envisioning Landscape as a tool to link active and passive greens that creates responsive public spaces associated with modern market centres
Red Plaza (Cyclical Market Spaces)
Interactive Green spaces
People’s Podium
Commercial Walkway Green Plaza (Truck Plaza)
Canal Front
Herbarium & Urban Framing Carnival Spaces
Open Parking Plaza
Public Squares
Skywalk (People’s Walkway)
The design focuses on retention of existing terrain vegetation in patches and provide a space for both active and passive green. An appropriate mix of both active and passive green has been used to create enclosed and smooth public spaces substantiating the public movement involved in the town centre. An equal scope for urban farming has been given with an approach of urban landscape in vicinity of Farmer’s market.
Parallel Projection
Among top 5 Entry
ANNUAL NASA DESIGN COMPETITION, 2016 National Association for Students of Architecture, India
Howrah Bridge (Connecting City of Kolkata to Howrah), Hooghly River (Tributary of River Ganges), India
The fine line between reality and hypothesis can be defined as a coexistence between their attributes. The idea of showcasing an alternate city-life here has been understood as a representation that highlights transit as the life-line of the city. An attempt have been made to bring back more sustainable transit modes an club them with more pedestrianized environment inside the proposed tunnel. Iconography and fascination generation are the facets of the same hypothesis.
Establishing alternate link through the Hooghly river
"Projecting a parallel version to Howrah Bridge through the Hooghly River"