free ■ JUNe 2011 No.148 ■ CelebratiNg the life aNd times of the loCal CommUNity
CABARET DA DESH People get ready See page 6
Weir woes: Did you hear the one about the crack in the weir? See page 24.
there she goes: Dame Edna makes a surprise appearance. See page 12-13.
billycart mania: Bangalow’s main street becomes the race track. See page 12 -13.
Editorial Editorial
Kitchen and Bathroom Showroom 10am -5pm Mon til Fri
Saturday by appointment
Bangalow Industrial Estate Dudgeons Lane Ph: 6687 2275
2 PO Box 132 Bangalow NSW 2479 Editors: Dianne Martin 6687 2592 Ruth Kirby Email: Advertising: Benny Saunders 0413 928 624 Email:
June is upon us, officially winter, offering welcome respite from grass cutting. Our hard working voluntary organisations offer many activities this month to tempt us from the fireside. Amongst these are the Lions Curry Night, the ADFAS lecture and music at the pub. It is also time to reveal hidden talents by volunteering to perform in the Da Desh Cabaret in July, unless (or as well as) you’ve also volunteered for Red Faces in June. Don’t be discouraged, we promise to be very supportive of your efforts. A star may be born. This issue is awash with photos of the Billycart Derby held on Sunday, 15 May on a beautiful autumn day. Our thanks to all the volunteers as well as the participants who made this such a successful and enjoyable
Editorial Team: Judy Baker, Marika Bryant, Tony Hart, Lyn Plummer, Brian Sundstrom, Christobel Munson
day. The Bangalow Public School also took honours with their Mad Hatters Tea Party. Heartbeat welcomes Benny Saunders who takes over as Advertising Coordinator in June. See contact details below. Di Martin
Photo credits
Cover: Da Desh 2010: Karen Ryan Weir woes: Judy Baker Billycart Derby: Judy Baker Billycart Derby p12+13 Judy Baker and Lisa Sharpe. This page: Leghorn pic: Glenda McKenzie. See page 7 for Poultry Club News.
Sub Editor: Helen Wilson Distribution: Bangalow Post Office, Brian Sundstrom, Peter Bradridge
Web Pages: Wendy Gray Accounts: Rob Campbell Chariman: Neville Maloney
DISCLAIMER. This news-letter is published by Bangalow’s Heartbeat Incorporated PO Box 132 NSW 2479. Hon Editors Dianne Martin; Ruth Kirby, Hon Sec/Public Officer Helen Wilson. Membership is open to all adult residents of the ‘2479’ postal district. The opinions expressed by individual contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editors and other members of the Association committee. While every reasonable effort is made to publish accurate information, Bangalow’s Heartbeat Inc. accepts no responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed.
MOTHER NATURE COLLIDES WITH FATHER GREED A community forum entitled ‘Mother Nature collides with Father Greed’ will take place in Bangalow on the evening of Tuesday, 5 July at the A& I Hall, inspired by The Great Disruption, the latest book published by sustainability advocate Paul Gilding. Organised by Green Coast Catalysts, the local climate change activist group, the forum will be triggered by a “stimulating encounter” with two leading Australian experts, Paul Gilding and Ian Dunlop, followed by a Q&A session led by Bangalow journalist Mick O’Regan. Paul Gilding has spent 35 years campaigning for a balanced use of earth’s resources. Once the global head of Greenpeace, he was also the personal sustainability advisor to a number of CEOs of global corporations. Bringing a totally different perspective to the issue is Ian Dunlop, a policy advisor to the Prime Minister from the Australian Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO), Sydney. He has worked as a senior international oil, gas and coal industry executive and as CEO of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Ian Dunlop says: “Above all, visionary, principled, long-term leadership is needed now from
government, the community and business. Shortterm political or corporate expediency is no longer acceptable; bi-partisan cooperation is essential. Action is required in the next six to 12 months, not in the three to five years favoured in political debate.” On the evening of 5 July, Paul Gilding will set the scene, outlining the “deeply optimistic” message of his book, subtitled: ‘Why the climate crisis will bring on the end of shopping and the birth of a new world’. In the book – which has received worldwide acclaim since its April launch - the contention is we can face the coming inevitable crises head-on, in a meaningful way. Its themes include the failure of economic growth, and the power of human ingenuity to save more than the planet: to save humanity. One of the book’s numerous accolades, from Publishers Weekly, reads: ‘Gilding’s confidence in our ability to transform disasters into a ‘happiness economy’ may astonish readers, but the book provides a refreshing, provocative alternative to the recent spate of gloom-and-doom climate-change
Sustainability advocate Paul Gilding. studies.’ Describing the event, Chris Sanderson, from the Green Coast Catalysts, said: “The idea behind this forum is to set up a stimulating encounter between two leading experts to discuss the situation we are now facing, followed by a question and answer session. “With the depletion of fossil fuel derived energy and climate change will come the decline of the economic growth. As Paul Gilding puts it, the economy is a fully-owned subsidiary of the environment, rather than the re-
verse, and we’ve already used up 150 percent of our resources. How we handle this will be the topic of the evening’s discussions.” The event runs promptly from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. Tickets, $10 for adults; $4 pensioners and unwaged and $2 for university and high school students, are available from the Macadamia Castle. Advance pre-bookings are recommended (ph: 02 6687 8432). Some tickets will be available at the door. A light supper will be available between 6-6.30pm. Christobel Munson
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Henry Bader moved to Knockrow 10 years ago and has established a very ‘environmentally responsible’ 5,000-tree nut farm. The land adjoins Emigrant Creek dam and is quite undulating so erosion and run off into the dam could have been a problem if not managed. This is of course not Henry’s only ‘green’ motivation. He expressed the philosophy that “anything I do to protect the dam is also helping tree health and nut yields. If you look after the soil, it will look after your trees and the trees will look after you.” Most of the land was open pasture, with creek banks and gullies infested with lantana and camphor when he took possession in 2001. “A priority was some contour banking,” Henry said. “We then started planting our nut trees and established a cover of smother grass.” This grass is shade tolerant and forms a low mat, binding the soil and minimising exposed tree roots. It has to be planted by turf or runner, so is quite a task to establish, and best done before there is a canopy cover. “Another benefit of this grass is our light harvest equipment can operate on it in wet weather, common at harvest time,” Henry said. Other ‘environment measures’ used on this impressive farm include: • Working jointly with Rous Water to remove camphor and weeds from creek banks and gullies. These have been replaced with healthy native species. (See picture of Henry above in well-grassed plantation, dead cam-
phor and new rainforest in background). • Use of wasps (Trichogramma), which parasitise nut borer eggs, thus greatly reducing spraying. The tiny wasps are bought as eggs on small cards. From September to December, 10,000 of these cards are stapled each week to tree leaves. • A major composting program uses nut husks, poultry manure, chips from prunings and purchased Council mulch. The quantity is still not enough for the entire orchard, so ailing trees and those with some exposed roots have priority. • Trial plantings of small pockets of shrubs which attract another orchard pest, the spotting bug. They can then be sprayed in these restricted areas, before getting onto the nuts. The nut processing is also impressive. Drying silos are ‘solar boosted’ to save electricity. There are also PV panels on the shed. The quick drying of wet harvested nuts greatly improves quality. Many of the above practices have been costly to implement but Henry feels the investment is well returned through increased yield and quality and hence prices received. One looming problem is the farm is about to lose 300 trees to the new highway. Some extra land is being negotiated and this sprightly octogenarian is planning how it could be planted out and readied for harvest in six to eight years! Visiting the farm is very inspiring. Brian Sundstrom
NSW GOVT BACKFLIPS ON SOLAR FEED IN TARIFF The NSW Government invited ordinary people to invest our savings and reduce our emissions by installing solar panels, and it provided a financial incentive for us to do so. We thought this was a fantastic opportunity to do our bit to counter the effects of climate change. Now we have been so induced, have made the necessary investment from our super fund and have installed our solar panels as our personal contribution to reducing carbon emissions, the government has decided to pull the rug from under us. Mid-May, it announced it has reduced the financial incentive by a third. (As it happens, this will give the power retailers a windfall profit. See:
solar-pay-power-retailers). This is on top of equivalent damage inflicted by the GFC where so many of us lost heavily from super funds. If a financial institution tried to do this, it would be successfully prosecuted for misleading practices, and those in charge who made the decision, would be thrown in jail. In my view, what the Government is doing (if Barry O’Farrell gets away with it) will be a serious corruption of enormous proportions of ethics, natural justice and democracy. What an appalling start to their term in office! If this bothers you as much as it appals me, we have a chance to protest via the website of the Solar Energy Industry Association: www. This association is developing a
class action against the NSW Government. That this government even considers betraying the trust ordinary Australians gave them by voting them in, is yet another measure of how the Greenhouse Mafia and extractive industries now control the energy and climate change policies of both major parties in this country. Hopefully we will learn how to reclaim democracy from corporate power before it’s too late. The latter by nature is focused on making profits, seemingly regardless of the fact that infinite growth is not possible on a finite planet, and that integrity, natural justice and democracy must always have the political power to trump corporate power. Christopher Sanderson
ANOTHER CRASH IN THE 50 KPH ZONE The photo illustrates just how close a truck came to the front of a Lismore Rd business on Thursday, 21 April. This is not an isolated incident as this property has previously had the front fence ‘taken out’ in another crash. Motorists see the 80kph sign from the top of the road near the roundabout and immediately speed up. The 50kph zone should be extended to the end of the residential area. The school kids who have to walk along that stretch of road have also said how frightening it is when there is no footpath. Sue Holm
HIGHWAY INTERCHANGE UPDATE Local MP Don Page has been a great supporter of the campaign to have RTA retain the existing highway slip roads at Bangalow and delete the planned Tintenbar to Ewingsdale (T2E) motorway interchange past the Bowling Club. He is on the case. Importantly, we are informed Mr Stoner, as Deputy Premier, is
taking responsibility for the complete Pacific Highway upgrade, rather than it being the responsibility of the Minister for Roads. What this is likely to mean is RTA plans will receive wider review than in the recent past. Don Page has also spoken to Bob Higgins, RTA’s general manager of the Pacific Highway upgrade, who
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said he had put the T2E interchange on hold while a review takes place. But time is short as RTA is keen to select a successful tenderer and get work underway. However, Bangalow has time to refine its objections and confirm the views of the 1015 residents who signed last year’s petition. Tony Hart
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Farewell Bangalow Anglican Parish is having a farewell service for Father Russell Trickey at 9am on Sunday, 26 June followed by a farewell brunch at 10.30am in the Hall. All are welcome to come. Drinks are provided but please bring a plate. Patricia Ellis
Garden Club All residents are invited to participate in the Biennial Garden Club Competition in September. There are categories for everyone. The entire garden or just some specialised parts can be entered and there are generous cash prizes. Entry is free and entry forms are available at the Bangalow Newsagency. The next club meeting is Wednesday, 1 June at the Anglican Hall at 1.30pm. Tracey Knowland is speaking on ‘Gardening in the Sub-Tropics’. The Saturday Social Visit on 4 June is to the property of Gwen Weir in Eureka. Gwen is a gifted gardener, hobby farmer and environmentalist. Helen Johnston
on Saturday, 18 June from 9am at Barebones Art Space. Tickets are $25 each and there is a maximum of 10 tickets per person. We also ask tickets are for over 18 year olds only please. Da Desh will be held at the A&I Hall on Saturday, 16 July. For many performers this is their first time on stage so the nerves are beginning to tingle as they practise in lounge rooms, or any spare space they can find, all over Bangalow. Any further information, or if you would like to perform, call Ruth or Karen at Barebones Art Space on 6687 1393 (work hours). See you there! Ruth Ryan
Newrybar Hall A traditional Australian bushdance will be held at the hall at 7pm on Saturday, 18 June. Last year we held the first bush dance at the hall for 30 years. It was an outstanding success so it is now an annual feature on our events calendar. Enjoy three hours of traditional Australian Bush and Celtic music by Playing Possum
Flood Relief Cheques for flood relief from the Byron Farmers Market were presented on 12 May. $2000 was given to the Grantham Families Flood Relief Trust Fund and $3000 was presented to the Bangalow Lions for distribution for NSW Flood Relief. The market has also given produce as well as BBQs and hampers for families from Grantham who have been hosted at Casuarina by Linda Pennlington who is coordinating relief and funds. Mike Stack
Cabaret da Desh Tickets go on sale for Cabaret da Desh 2011
MOBILE LIBRARY At Bangalow School every Saturday morning 9.30am -11.30am
Bush Band from Uki. Come and dance or just listen to the music. If you don’t know the steps, Playing Possum demonstrate each dance beforehand. It’s a BYO evening with supper served. Tickets $25/head call 6687 8443 or email Space is limited so don’t delay. Tickets only confirmed on payment. All proceeds go to the improvements at Newrybar Hall. Activities at the hall: Monday 6pm: Zumba (0432 572 507) Tuesday 6pm: Yoga (0415 178 728) Wednesday 9.30am: Tai chi (0422 652 653) Thursday 5.45pm: Belly Dancing (0468 747 250). Ian Duncan
Volunteers National Volunteer Week was celebrated starting Monday, 9 May. Feros Care, the community’s aged care service, celebrated all those Bangalow and Byron Bay locals who offer their time and passions to make the lives of our village residents much brighter. Feros Care is in great need of more local volunteers who have an interest to share or just like to keep others company in the facilities or by taking them out into the community. It may be as simple as taking a resident shopping, or walking them to the local bowling club. “Feros Care isn’t just about the aged care services we provide for our residents at Byron Bay Village and Bangalow Village; we are about positively enhancing their lives,” said the Director of Clinical Services at Feros Care, Sarah Marciano. So roll up, volunteers! Jacinta Reid
For emergency flood and storm assistance
132 500
♦ Pots ♦ Garden plants & pavers ♦ Quality Garden Soils ♦ Bulk Potting Mixes ♦ Compost & Mulches ♦ Sand & Gravel 225 Lismore Rd, Bangalow Ph: 6687 1520 Robyn & Ian Black - Proprietors 6
Bangalow Lions Curry Night The Bangalow Lions Club is adding some spice to its ever popular Curry Night at the A&I Hall on 4 June with a very special ‘Red Faces Talent Quest’ to accompany the feast of authentic Indian curries plus professional performers. Tickets include the feast and entertainment and are $35 from Lions members or Barebones Artspace. Scott McGregor
Bangalow Music Festival A dazzling line-up of musicians from Australia and elsewhere will be here to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the festival 12 to 14 August. Three day festival passes are available now from Barebones Art Space. Tickets to single concerts will be available from 19 July. The ‘Concert for Bangalow’, featuring festival stars and local talent, is on Thursday, 11 August. Michael Malloy
Travel Photography Contest Entries for the Northern Rivers Travel Photography contest close Wednesday, 29 June with winners being announced the following day. The theme is ‘City Sights’ and Nature’s Delights’, with all funds raised going to Bangalow Land and Rivercare. All ages, great prizes so get snapping! For info: May Heartbeat or Kim on 0400 887 991 or kim@
Train Tracking I am a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, a member of the Australian Rail Historical Society (AHRS) and the NSW Rail Heritage Museum. I am canvassing for interested volunteer as-
Heritage House Tearoom
sistants to contribute to a current photographic survey and a historical photographic record of the Casino to Murwillumbah railway line both as a preliminary to an asset audit and condition report and for a proposed heritage museum display, perhaps in Bangalow. I was raised on the North Coast of NSW last century being one of the eight children of the district ‘relief’ school teacher Nancy Burrell. Bangalow was the nearest railway station to our home. Info: Christopher Burrell 0400 255 222 Christopher Burrell
Bangalow Poultry Club For the poultry exhibitor, the shows are on. Most breeders will have their calendars marked for the shows they will attend as they are not able to attend all of them, and they breed especially for that show so their birds will be in top condition. So our little feathered friends are pampered with shampoos, blow dries, manicures, pedicures, and even a toe nail and eye brow clipping. Good luck to both birds and breeders of all ages. Bangalow junior member, Matthew Savins is the most successful junior in the Northern Rivers and southern Queensland areas. Matthew has been a member of Bangalow Poultry Club for over six years now and has achieved more than some adult members. We look forward to the day when Matthew will be judging some of the big shows. Glenda McKenzie
Bangalow lawn bowlers champions after 24 years The lawn bowlers of Bangalow Bowling and Sports Club have had one of their best competitive seasons for many years. In the
2011 Fours Championship of the Tweed Byron District Bowling Association a Bangalow four with Barry Fiedler as skip, together with Gerry Swain, Tony Hart and Jeff Nolan was successful in winning the reserve championship for grade 5 to 7 players. In the grand final against an Ocean Shores team with a two shot lead coming into the last end, Bangalow secured the three shots needed to win. This is the first District Championship won by Bangalow bowlers since the TBDBA was created 24 years ago. In the triples reserve championship Bangalow entered two teams. Both won their first round matches, but the team of Ian Holden, Ross Thatcher and Tony Hart were knocked out in the second. However, the other Bangalow bowlers Bernie Harriott, Gerry Swain and Jeff Nolan, reached the final, only to be beaten by a superior Pottsville team. Tony Hart
Heritage House Museum Craft coming soon in June Craft classes (knitting, sewing, weaving and felting) are to be held during the mornings. For further details phone Wendy at the museum on 6687 2183. Wendy Grissell
Upgrading You may be familiar with the Bangalow information website put together by Milton Cater, Milton has put together an online encyclopedia about life in Bangalow. He’s recently upgraded the website, and his wife Anne now runs it, sharing the load. “If you know anybody who would like to take it on, let me know,” Milton says. Drop in to see Milton at the Rug Shop if you are inspired to help.
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JUNE 2011
ADFAS NEWS Garden lovers are in for a treat next month when writer and journalist Anne Latreille will be guest speaker at the ADFAS June lecture evening in Bangalow. A writer and journalist specialising in gardens, landscape and the environment, Anne Latreille’s topic will be Dame Elisabeth Murdoch and her famous garden, Cruden Farm. Dame Elisabeth came to this 52-hectare property at Langwarrin, just outside Melbourne, in 1928, as a 19 year old bride. Edna Walling did early design work on its garden
but from the early 1930s Dame Elisabeth controlled, expanded and cared for it (with, since 1971, the help of gardener Michael Morrison). Now aged 102, Dame Elisabeth still takes an active interest and continues to share her garden, opening it regularly for good causes.
Surrounded by suburbia, each year the farm and garden provide a green oasis for thousands of visitors, who relish its relaxed family atmosphere, fascinating plants and shady trees, velvet lawns and rolling paddocks, and the lakes that are a haven for wildlife. Anne Latreille wrote an award-winning column for The Age and was a long-serving editor of that newspaper’s garden page. She has authored several garden books, the most recent of which is a beautifully illustrated book on Cruden Farm entitled Garden Of A Lifetime. In writing this book she has gained a unique insight into this exceptional garden and its equally exceptional creator. One beautiful garden, eight long decades and one passionate owner; it’s a remarkable story. ‘Dame Elisabeth at Cruden Farm’ will be held on Monday, 27 June at the Bangalow A&I Hall. The lecture will begin at the new time of 6.30pm, with wine and refreshments to follow. Doors at the A&I Hall open 6pm. Guests are welcome, $20, pay at the door. Full program on the ADFAS website. Membership and other enquiries to Carole Gamble on 6684 4996. Susie Warrick
Richard’s going B
Bangalow’s newsagent, Richard Rombouts, is preparing to go bush on the annual NSW Variety Bash in August. This event is a major fundraiser for Variety, The Children’s Charity. Over the years these events have raised millions to help children who are sick, disadvantaged or have special needs, through three programs: • The Freedom Program providing mobility equipment for those in need; • The Care for Kids Program providing medical assistance and family support; and • The Future Kids Program supporting children in education, sporting or artistic endeavours and experiences. Richard was roped in to take part in the 2007 event when one participant could only do half the trip. He loved it so much he asked to go again if the team had a vacancy. This year he’s joining the team of four in car 008, a 1964 Chevy Belair (all cars must be pre-1974 models). Team leader Ian
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Relay for Life
Walsh, of Brunswick Motor Wreckers, has participated twice before and is ensuring the car is roadworthy and registered. He is also modifying it - picture bucket seats front and back, with space for an Esky between the two back seats! The route is always between towns starting with ‘B’ and this year runs from Baulkham Hills (Sydney) to Buccaneer Rock, Broome. Last time Richard was involved he raised thousands of dollars and his fundraising has already started for this Bash. The Bangalow Lions Club has donated generously. You can help by buying a CD from the box of donated CDs in the newsagency (purchase by way of a donation). Alternatively, you can lodge a donation online at (remember to select car 008), donate at the newsagency in cash or write a cheque payable directly to ‘Variety The Children’s Charity’. Judy Baker
The Byron Shire Relay for Life committee thanks our Byron Shire community for their generous and enthusiastic support of our relay held in Bangalow in March. We were delighted with the way businesses, entertainers, clubs, associations and individuals supported the teams and our committee. We banked $46,000 which will go to assist the Cancer Council with research in fighting cancer. As well as research, a lot of fund raising comes back to the community. The Cancer Council has donated $500,000 to the accommodation project ‘Our House’ in Lismore for cancer patients receiving treatment at the Integrated Cancer Centre. The Cancer Council NSW Sun Smart program supports early childcare centres and primary schools in their efforts to reduce children’s exposure to UV radiation and thus reduce the risk of
skin cancer. Many of our local schools and childcare centres have received grants and have become sunsmart, eg changes to shade, behaviour (hat wearing and sunscreen) and curriculum (sun protection learning activities). Grants are available for a range of local projects including sun protection marquees for use at local events, training programs for patients/carers/volunteers, funding for patient/ carer activities or equipment. Cancer Council NSW provides information and support packs to newly diagnosed patients. The packs contain useful information about support services and practical matters relating to cancer diagnosis and treatment. These packs are distributed by the HELPLINE and the Cancer Council NSW Far North Coast Regional Office at Alstonville ph: 6627 0300. Our next Relay for Life will be in Mullumbimby in 2013. Liz Parks
The 4 Elements Four outstanding musicians in one ELECTRIFYING ensemble! Tania Frazer Oboe, Ben Greaves Violin Katherine Philp Cello, Christopher Wrench Harpsichord Works by Vivaldi, Merula, Rameau, Telemann
2 pm Sunday 19 June 2011 St Martin’s Anglican Church, Stuart Street, Mullumbimby Admission: Adults $25, Members $20, Children $10 Barebones Bangalow, Mullumbimby Book Shop, at the door
Byron Music Society
JUNE 2011
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Popular Anglican priest Father Russell Trickey is leaving Bangalow. Bangalow won’t be quite the same after the end of this month when popular Anglican priest Father Russell Trickey leaves the district to take up a prestigious interstate position. In a special appointment by the Archbishop of Melbourne, Fr Russell will become Vicar of Christchurch Geelong, the oldest church in Victoria. It has been a swift rise for the priest who arrived in Bangalow seven years ago to take up his first post as parish priest of All Souls Anglican Church, though it is no surprise to all those who have come to know him, both within the church and in the wider community. Many have met Fr Russell through the meditation groups he set up at the very beginning of his ministry, groups that brought people from all over to sit in the peace of the church, meditative music gently playing, to engage in breath and focusing techniques to connect with the God within. His preaching has always been characterised by an emphasis on love and service, on the oneness of all beings, an emphasis that led one surprised Easter visitor to comment “if only all churches could be like that.” His parishioners love him for his deep caring and for the robust humour that combines with a mystical understanding of the nature of God. “Fr Russell has taken us deeper,” said long time parishioner Neil James. As for Fr Russell, he declares himself “a little nervous” about going to a big city parish, and while sad to be leaving Bangalow, is looking forward to the challenge. “Being priest at Bangalow has been a great opportunity to grow as a priest as well as spiritually. “My ministry has been characterised by working as a team, and this has flowed out of the belief that God is present in everyone, and therefore everyone is equally important.” Fr Russell’s last service is on Sunday, June 26 at 9am. All welcome. Christine McNeil
LOCAL BILLYCART FILMMAKERS LAUNCH CAMPAIGN FOR HELP The Bangalow documentary Billycart Dreams recently launched a two month fund raising campaign after being turned down for funding from various government based film agencies. The filmmakers are now applying the same DIY attitude that applies to their topic (making billycarts) to getting their film finished. What started as a small project inspired by the annual Bangalow Billycart Derby quickly grew into a story of national significance when Jane Saunders and Hannah Ross discovered Bangalow’s love of a good ol’ fashioned billycart derby was still shared around the country. Researching Billycart Dreams has put the filmmakers in contact with billycart racers all over Australia and they have travelled to some of the biggest derbies including Gosford, Melbourne and amazingly to a billycart derby held on the most famous racing mountain in Australia - Bathurst’s Mount Panorama, along the way meeting all sorts of characters addicted to billycart racing. The Mount Panorama billycart derby was contested by Ocean Shores local Paul Newbold who took the antique pedal car he races every year in Bangalow all the way to the top of Griffin’s Bend on Mount Panorama. The race down the hill was slightly hairier than racing down Bangalow’s main street. Billycart Dreams traces Australia’s billycarting history right back to the late 1800s and has collected rich archival footage and stories from every decade in between. The Sydney Museum and Australian Museum of Childhood are supporters as are two of
Australia’s motor racing heroes Dick Johnson and Harry Firth, as well as Ginger Meggs illustrator Jason Chatfield, who were interviewed for the film. Bangalow (and several north coast locals) feature prominently in the documentary. The filmmakers filmed the event for three years speaking to many competitors about the secrets of the perfect billycart After 3½ years following and researching the history of the billycart in Australia, Jane and Hannah have around 40 hours of footage for 30 minute documentary but they have found the journey into post-production is an up-hill one and Billycart Dreams does require funds to assist it through post production. Their aim is to deliver the full history of the billycart in Australia in a half hour documentary and to provide on the DVD a further 30 minutes of extras including a photo gallery of billycarts. The funds are needed for professional editing, music licensing and archival footage fees. Billycart enthusiasts can help out by making donations from $10 upwards. Community members are also invited to contribute photos of themselves and their own billycart for inclusion in the DVD photo billycart gallery. Local businesses are also invited to support the documentary. The fundraising page and campaign details can be found at: index.php/archive/index/993/description/0/0 The one minute promo for Billycart Dreams can be viewed at: index.php/archive/index/993/description/0/0. Jane Saunders
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LIONS LINES So the air has a bit of chill in it of late but that hasn’t stopped the Bangalow Lions. The volunteers were once again cooking up a storm at the annual Billycart Derby. Sausage and steak sandwiches seemed to be just what was needed to keep the punters enthused and ready to cheer on the brave rolling down the hill. On the last weekend of May volunteers would have come knocking on your doors to collect for the Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal. With over 100,000 volunteer collectors Australia-wide it’s a great way to support all the wonderful social and community work done by the Salvos.
JUNE 2011
Last but certainly not least - the Lions’s Club Curry night. It will be burning away at the A&I Hall on 4 June. If you haven’t heard, this year is a little SPICIER than usual, with a ‘Red Faces Talent Quest’ to keep you entertained and an authentic curry feast to fill your bellies. Tickets are $35 per person and can be bought from Lion’s members or Bare Bones Art Space. There will be a bar to quench your thirst and lots of fun to be had. Hope to see you all there. Andrea McLean
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AND ON ThAT FARM he hAD A DUCK… Take a chef and six ducks. Throw in a passion for free-range farming and a taste for flavour and what do you get? A recipe for success! When AJ Scott arrived in town some six years ago, little did he realise he’d eventually become known as the Duckman of Bangalow. Originally from Western Australia, AJ (Alexander John) had been on a travelling holiday around Australia when fate – a broken down vehicle and a meeting with his long, lost cousin – intervened and somehow he never managed to leave. A trained chef, AJ worked at a couple of local restaurants including Utopia and the Urban for a few years. With his grandfather a sheep and cattle farmer and his parents once owning a small free-range piggery in England, it was not long before AJ decided to turn his hand to farming. “My original plan was to get some cattle,
but I ended up moving to where I am now [a 200 acre property called Rafton’s Farm],” AJ says. “So instead I got six ducks and raised and then ate them.” To AJ’s surprise the flavour and taste of his free-range ducks far exceeded his expectations. “I thought ‘Oh, I love this. I wonder if there’s a business in this.’ There was no fresh duck around here at that time. You could only get frozen duck. So I thought if I could do fresh duck I could start a business,” AJ explains. While he may have had farming in his blood, AJ discovered breeding and selling Pekin ducks was not as easy as he’d imagined. “I made lots of mistakes when I started out,” he admits. “It takes a lot longer than you realise. And while I knew it was going to be hard, I never expected it to be this hard.” AJ’s hard work however paid off. Today his company, Bangalow Poultry and Game,
is the main duck supplier locally, with his duck highlighting menus at such restaurants as Ate, Bangalow Dining Rooms, Harvest Café and Utopia. “I’ve now got my ducks into restaurants in Byron and the Gold Coast.” AJ says. “Eventually I’d like to get into a Sydney restaurant, but Brisbane is the next step and then into Sydney after that.” So what is it about Bangalow Ducks that makes them so good? “They’re local; they’re free-range; they’re from a small producer. They’re farmed respecting the animal’s welfare,” AJ explains. “And they’re happy ducks,” he adds with a smile.
Taste Test
Want to try some of AJ’s duck for yourself? Chef Adam Thorton of Bangalow Dining Rooms shares one of his best recipes for Bangalow Duck. Kim Wildman
ReCIPe: Spiced confit of Bangalow duck with roasted baby beetroots, hazelnuts and baby spinach Ingredients:
8 Bangalow duck legs 1 quantity Spice mix (see below) 1 litre Duck fat or olive oil 24 Baby beetroot 200g Baby spinach 80g Hazelnuts 500ml Red wine jus 2 sprigs Thyme 1 sprig Rosemary Confit is a traditional French method of cooking fowl and pork in its own fat and juices, resulting in a tender, succulent meat that can be stored for a longer period. Method: 1. Marinate the duck legs in spice mix for at least 2 hours (preferably overnight) in refrigerator. 2. Place baby beetroots into a baking tray and half fill with water adding half of the thyme and rosemary at the same time. Cover with foil and bake in 200C oven for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. 3. Once cool rub skins off (wear gloves to avoid pink hands) and cut into halves and set aside. 4. Place duck fat into pot and bring to the boil; reduce heat to barely a simmer. 5. Add duck legs skin side down, to allow any skin to hold in any juices whilst cooking. 6. Bring the fat to a very gentle simmer. 7. Cook for about 1 hour and 30 minutes until the duck comes away from the bone easily. 8. Place hazelnuts into oven for 5 minutes, then place into tea towel and rub to remove skins. Cut into halves.
9. Place ducks into hot pan with a little fat, skin side down. Cook until crisp and golden, remove and leave in warm place. 10. Heat beetroot in a pan then add a little chopped rosemary and thyme, salt and pepper. Finally add baby spinach and hazelnuts. 11. Place beetroots in middle of the plate, top with duck legs and finish with some red wine jus or good quality gravy.
Moorish spice mix:
1 teaspoon caraway seeds • 2 teaspoons coriander seeds 2 teaspoons whole black peppercorns • 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon sea salt Dry roast caraway seeds, coriander seeds and pepper until fragrant, then grind with salt and oregano with a mortar and pestle or spice/ coffee-grinder.
Health & Wellbeing
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JUNE 2011
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THYROID SCREENING Your thyroid plays two major roles: it governs your metabolic rate (ie: the rate at which you burn up glucose, fat and protein), and it plays a role in the uptake of calcium into the skeletal system among other functions. When it is not working optimally there can be a wide range of undesirable effects. These include constant tiredness, constipation, high cholesterol levels, difficulty losing weight, mild depression, low libido, impotence, muscle and joint pain, osteoporosis, dry skin and
hormone is in the muscle tissue rather than circulating in the blood. Before tests for blood levels of thyroid were available, the doctor would put the hammer to the knee reflex to assess thyroid function. These doctors who were dissatisfied with the system of thyroid testing and medication came up with a sophisticated piece of technology that can test, in nano-seconds, the speed of the reflex and have shown these tests are 98.5 per cent accurate for testing for thyroid
Dementia is generally talked about as Alzheimers but this is only one form of dementia. Blocked arteries to the brain can also put in train a number of changes which, with surgery, can be reversed. In the case of one potential victim a spinal x-ray ordered by a chiropractor revealed a blockage in the carotid artery. The GP immediately ordered an ultrasound which confirmed the blockage and a second ultrasound was done by a vascular surgeon. The surgeon advised a carotid endarterectomy would be needed. Before tests for blood levels of thyroid were available, the Annual ultrasounds were done for the doctor would put the hammer to the knee reflex to assess next four years. In the six months before the thyroid function... next ultrasound was due, the patient became ...Blood tests can vary due to the time of day, the increasingly aware she was ‘losing it’. Her former considerable powers of concentramenstrual cycle or due to seasonal variations. tion began to desert her. She began to have trouble with words: thinning hair among many other symptoms. function as compared to blood tests at 65 per the wrong word would come out; a great The commonly known condition of an cent accuracy. Blood tests can vary due to many things turned into ‘whatsitsname’ under-active thyroid is called Hypothyroidism the time of day, the menstrual cycle or due to and ‘thingamabobs’ until by the time of that (hypo = low) and is usually medicated with a seasonal variations. year’s annual ultrasound she was having synthetic hormone. The US doctors have also gone back to increasing trouble putting a comprehensive However there is a less well known condition prescribing natural thyroid hormones (there are sentence together. called Sub-Clinical Hypothyroidism where six of them) instead of the synthetic hormones She said to the vascular man, “The time blood tests show within normal levels of thy- (one or two of the six) in small doses with has come”. The surgery was duly performed roid hormones and the patient is still suffering encouraging results. and the effect has been little short of mifrom symptoms of low thyroid function. A growing number of Australian doctors are raculous. It is this situation that prompted doctors starting to catch on and use their methods. One Mentally she has gone back at least 10 in the United States to revise the system of of the benefits is there is no blood taken for the years and is as good as she ever was. testing. test and for many that in itself is a big plus. If this is happening to you, the remedy They went back to testing the reflexes which For more information call 0413 813 945. may be as simple as outlined above. gives an indication of how much thyroid Peter Wilson Helen potential plus ouline ad.pdf 14/3/10 9:13:55 AM Wilson
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the arts Half a year onward, me pretties... and what have we got to show for ourselves? No room for media gloom in this little column – nor any references to crazy hats and wedding kisses. This is ART, pure and simple, and all things creative that go bump in the night: nights are so much longer and plenty of time to ponder the meaning of your life.
Art Prizes:
Screen out loud:
Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize (national acquisitive) showcases the ‘quality and diversity of sculptures of smaller dimensions’ and the finalists’ works are exhibited over 16 days at Redleaf Council Chambers in Double Bay (wow, might even SELL something). Prizes totalling $13K ($10k acquisitive) all happening at the launch 21 October in chambers: www. by August 5. Caldera Regional Arts and Tweed River Art Gallery call for entries from painters, sculptors and photographers for CA2011. Give some thought to our environment and conservation values in a positive way! Fellowships and prizes and opportunities to the value of $11K with finalists exhibiting in various places over a seven week period: for more info by August 17.
Registrations open for school-aged filmmakers (ACMI) with the theme ‘respect’: students and teachers from primary or secondary schools can check it out at by September 16.
Writers: QWC/Allen & Unwin Manuscript Development Program is open to emerging writers of children’s fiction. Looking for books for middle/upper primary school aged children, this program gives 10 writers a chance to work with industry professionals and publishers in a three day retreat: www.qwc. by July 14. Also available 4 day retreat for fiction, non-fiction writers to work with industry peers closing July 21, same website!
Photographers: Environmental Photographer of the Year 2011 – professional or amateur, you can raise awareness of environmental/social issues: by July 31.
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Exhibition opp: The SWICH Contemporary Art Space wants anyone interested in tea to go for a themed exhibition. All things infused just to confuse you. theswich. Bird and Fish Meet on the Road: for more Painting by Marika. info, if tea’s your bag.
Exhibition: Art on the Move is on again at the Moller Pavilion, within the Bangalow Showgrounds, coinciding with the markets. New artists are heading your way, as well as the same old favourites! Bunting is making a come-back, and recycled art works; glass objects; ceramics; paintings and prints and more. June 26. Marika Bryant
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Music Festival celebrates 10 harmonious years One of Australia’s most enchanting fine music events, the Bangalow Music Festival, celebrates its 10th Anniversary in August with esteemed international artists and some of the finest Australian musicians tuning in play. Bangalow will fill with the sounds of strings, headlined by acclaimed UK violinist and 2010 Classical Brit Award winner Young British Performer Jack Liebeck, Australia’s supremo harpist Marshall McGuire and ARIA award winning guitarist Slava Grigoryan. Over just three days from 12 – 14 August, the award winning festival comprises 10 concerts that will showcase one of Australia’s most regarded chamber music ensembles – the Southern Cross Soloists and feature internationally renowned pianist Jayson Gillham, The Queensland Choir, cellist Patrick Murphy and the new young and exciting Melbourne Piano Trio. There are performances from the dynamic Flinders Quartet and two remarkable Israeli pianists, Gil Garburg and Sivan Silver, making their Bangalow debut to perform an extensive repertoire, which ranges from Baroque to Contemporary. Artistic Director Paul Dean said: “We are really excited to be showcasing such a vibrant cross section of musical styles in our tenth year. Each year the festival evolves both
musically and culturally and offers a divine experience.” The festival also utilises the intimate setting to stage unique events that encourage open communication between the audience and musicians over the three days. Subscriptions are on sale now and single tickets will go on
sale mid July for the program, now online. Bangalow Music Festival will also present a community concert before the festival for the local residents as well as an educational children’s concert for local school children. Tickets from Barebones Art Space in Bangalow or ph: 07 3842 9468. Michael Malloy
LOCAL BOYS MAKE GOOD… MUSIC Rattlehand comes home to Bangalow Alt-country/rock band ‘Rattlehand’ is known as a Brisbane-based act, but in fact the band members’ unique love of country music and all its derivatives can be attributed to growing up in the Northern Rivers. Front man Josh Shelton was born and raised on a macadamia farm in Dunoon. Harmonica player Steve Wallis is a Byron lad and lead guitarist Josh Rippingale
is from Bangalow. Shelton says it was “a lifetime of listening to old records and 88.9FM in the shed with my Dad that really got me loving old-time country music. But I also grew up on rock ‘n roll with a dash of punk and metal amongst many other genres – all of which have combined over the years to become strong influences on my writing.” Shelton and ‘Rattlehand’ mus t be doing something right as they have been playing to sell-out crowds all over Queensland and Victoria since their inception in 2009 including some enviable performances at
Tamworth Country Music Festival, Apollo Bay Festival and the Woodford Folk Festival. Recently booked as Brisbane’s Powerhouse residents for the month of August, Shelton believes the band’s successes so far are thanks to the narrative inherent in their music. “Our songs are about real people and real stories, both contemporary and historical, from bushrangers and Mexican drug mules to the Dorrigo Hotel. We are focused on writing songs which people can enjoy musically and conceptually. It is so important people can relate to your music, and hopefully feel a connection to it when they hear it. The more you listen to ‘Rattlehand’ music the more each song’s story becomes apparent.” ‘Rattlehand’ are heading home for one show at the Bangalow Hotel on Friday, 17 June from 8pm before returning to interstate tours. “This will be our first show to a home crowd and we are really excited. Our families will all be there and we hope a few old mates and familiar faces from the Rivers will stick their heads in to have a beer and say g’day.” Danielle Starkey
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ACCOUNTANT Baker, Dimitri Pittion and Harvest Head Chef, Joseph Griffon, fire up the oven. Newrybar locals will be pleased to know the old bakery at the Harvest Café is back in use. Harvest’s organic sourdough bread is baked daily and sold on Saturday mornings. The space is already in use as a function room for day or night events such as weddings or parties. An excellent sound system has been installed and there is room for live music. Other ventures at the planning stage include
a provincial style delicatessen and a cooking school with Harvest chefs taking periodic weekday classes. Harvest owners Tristan and Kassia Grier love Newrybar and are really keen to bring as many locals and travellers as possible into the village. As Tristan says, “ I love the idea of rejuvenating Newrybar and trying to take it back to its heyday.” Lyn Plummer
Newrybar School Fireworks and Fair Newrybar Public School is set to light up the night sky on Saturday, 25 June with its annual fireworks and bonfire spectacular. Put on by the Newrybar School P&C, Newrybar Fireworks has been celebrated by the school for more than a quarter of a century. Newrybar Fireworks taps directly into that history through community support. “We’ve got so many people helping from the district,” says Relieving Principal, Renae Davis. “That’s the real history – that famous country spirit, of pitching in for each other. There’s Bangalow Lions Club, Alstonville Apex Club, local businesses and past parents chipping in to help make the night a success. It’s all very professional too. The Newrybar Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade will be in attendance, as always. And the pyrotechnic experts will no doubt aim to top last years’ fireworks spectacle. “It’s a fun night for our children, and they get to experience the school as it connects with the broad community.” Ms Davis also said it was such community support which guaran-
JUNE 2011
teed the continuation of smaller, traditional country schools. “There are very real benefits in smaller class sizes,” she said. “Most importantly, it enables our teachers to give greater individual attention to our students. This makes for a very supportive environment.” Ms Davis said the school currently had 32 students. “That’s a ratio of about 11 students per teacher right now,” she said. “The optimum level is 15 students per teacher, so there is some room for growth.” Activities on the night will include Tombola, chocolate wheel, raffles and produce stalls. Renowned for great local food, there will be everything from the Bangalow Lions Club’s barbeque, to vegetarian curries, chicken satays, home made cakes, desserts and Apex Club doughnuts. There’s also the local Zentveld coffee cart and homemade organic lemonade. School gates open for the fireworks spectacular at 4pm, with fireworks kicking off at 7pm. Enquiries to Newrybar Public School on 6687 1343. Rebecca Zentveld
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Books Highly Recommended Local Students Br for teenagers and older Horizons In the past 12 months I have read a number of engaging books all written through the characters of teenage boys who are struggling to either ‘fit in’ or to make some sense of their lives. These books are all set in Australia, are loaded with intrigue, sometimes funny and sometimes heartbreakingly harsh and sad. The Dead I Know – Scot Gardner: Aaron is failing at school, struggling at home because his Mum has dementia and he hates the caravan park where they live because the local bully keeps beating the crap out of him. He’s pretty messed up. Every night he is afraid to go to sleep because he believes he will wake up in a strange place and not know how he got there. At the start of the book he has just been apprenticed to the local funeral director and his life is about to turn around, but not without heartache and pain. (5 stars) Big River Little Fish – Belinda Jeffrey: Tom Downs is born backwards, at the same time as his mother dies, on the banks of the Murray River. We meet Tom when he is 15 and living with his loving foster parents. He has a special way with motor engines and
would love to help his Dad in the workshop instead of going to school. The no-hopers and crazy people who live on the banks of the river are his friends and he likes to help them out. The story’s climax is the flood of 1956 and what is surprising is not what the river takes away but what it brings back! (4.5 stars) Jasper Jones – Craig Silvey: This multiple award winning book is an Australian version of To Kill a Mockingbird. Jasper is a rebellious, solitary, mixed-race character of intrigue for Charlie Bucktin and his friends. Charlie is understandably confused and eager to impress when Jasper comes knocking at his window in the middle of the night desperately urging him to follow. (5 stars) Past the Shallows – Favel Parrett: Miles and Harry live in Tasmania with their father, an abalone fisherman. Their mother died in a car accident and their older brother has left home because their mean old father takes his problems out on his sons. This is a beautiful book about love and loss and the bonds of brothers. (4 stars) Carolyn – Bookworms & Papermites
As this year’s recipients of the Sandi Dean Music Scholarships, brothers David and Michael Krippner of Coopers Shoot travelled to Rockhampton over the recent school holidays to attend the 2011 SunWater and Stanwell Music School. The music school is directed by onetime Bangalow resident and continuing
This year’s gala concert was ind students played some beautiful a with the feeling and precision of Bangalow Music Festival Artistic Director, Paul Dean, who is also the Director of the Australian National Academy of Music. The Sandi Dean Music Scholarships, which are offered to two local secondary students with demonstrated musical ability, are jointly funded by Bangalow Chamber of Commerce and Bangalow Lions Club in memory of the late Sandi, who was a popular and hard-working member of the Bangalow community. Paul set up the award-winning Music
AA Tues 5.30 Doug 6687 8668 Angling Club Outing 2nd Sat Ray 6687 1139 Aussie Rules Bill 6687 1485 Aussie Rules Junior John 6687 2787 Bangalow Community Alliance (BCA) Terry 6687 2525 Bangalow Markets monthly 4th Sun Jeff 6687 1911 Bangalow Freemasons 4th Monday 7.30pm Steve 6624 5547 Bridge Fri 12pm Brian 6687 2427 Cancer support 1st Wed 1-4pm Chris 6687 0004 Childcare Centre 7.45am-6pm Kerry 6687 1552 Cricket Club Anthony 0429 306 529 CWA 2nd Wed Claire 6687 0557 Garden Club 1st Wed Shirley 6687 1417 George the Snake Man George 0407 965 092 Groundforce Georgia 6629 1189 Historical Society/Museum/Tea Room Vivienne 6687 2183 Jazz-x-ercise Thurs 6pm Ann 6629 1041 Land/RiverCare 1st Sat working bee Liz 6687 1309 Lawn Bowls, Men Wed & Sat 1pm Ian 6687 2604 Lawn Bowls,Women Tues 9am Dot 6687 1246 Lions Club 2nd/4th Tues 7pm Roger 6687 0543 Mufti Bowls 3rd Sat 9am Lynne 6687 1823 Netball Club train 4.15 Thurs Rachel 6687 0402 Op Shop 10-3pm Sat 10-12 6687 2228 Parks Committee 3rd Tues 7.30pm Jan 6684 7214 Playgroup Tues 10am Jenni 6629 1740 Pony Club Kim Herwig 6687 8007 20
Pool Trust 3rd Wed Peta Poultry Club Hec Progress Association Ian Quilters 2nd,4th Thurs Leonie Red Cross monthly - 1st Fri Dot S355 C’mtee Heritage House Dawn Scouts Tues 6.30pm Alison Show Society Karen Soccer Club 2nd Mon 6pm Nick Social Golf every 2nd Sun Brian Sports Association 2nd Wed bi-monthly Brian Sporting Field bookings Nick St Vincent de Paul Thurs 10-11am/Catholic Hall Tennis Court Hire B&S Club Kaylene Writers Group 1st Thurs Ruth VENUES A&I Hall Anglican Hall Bangalow Showgrd Sports/Bowling Club Catholic Hall Coorabell Hall Newrybar Hall RSL Hall Scout Hall Heritage House
Station St Ashton St Moller Pavilion Byron St Deacon St Coolamon Scenic Newrybar Village Station St Showgrounds Deacon St
6688 4236 6687 1322 6687 1494 6687 1453 6687 1246 6687 2442 6628 1024 6687 1033 6687 1607 6684 7444 6687 1024 6687 1607 6687 1235 6686 3008
Michael 6687 1081 Russell 6687 1046 Karina 6687 1035 Lynne 6687 1235 George 6687 1969 Simon 6684 2888 Kay 6687 1324 Charlotte 6687 2828 Jenny 6687 2047 Dawn 6687 2442
roaden Musical School five years ago, and it attracts young musicians from all over Queensland - and two lucky scholarship-winners from Bangalow. Most of the students stay on-campus at a local boarding school, and the five-day programme of tutelage and workshops is led by some of the most respected musicians and teachers in Australia. It culminates in
deed a soul-stirring event, as the and triumphant classical pieces f many well beyond their years. a gala concert of orchestral, choral, stage band and other musical performances, in the acoustically and aesthetically grand confines of Rockhampton’s beautiful sandstone cathedral. This year’s gala concert was indeed a soulstirring event, as the students played some beautiful and triumphant classical pieces with the feeling and precision of many well beyond their years. The audience response was understandably enthusiastic, offering hearty applause and shouts of “bravo!” David (piano and guitar) and Michael (piano, guitar and drums) enjoyed and learnt much from their experience at the school, and were totally inspired by playing in the orchestra with so many fine musicians, and rubbing shoulders with some very accomplished peers. The boys would particularly like to thank the Bangalow Chamber of Commerce, the Bangalow Lions Club, Michael Malloy and all others involved in providing such a wonderful opportunity for them to be involved in the Music School, and thoroughly recommend it to other aspiring local musicians. Ross Krippner
JUNE 2011
HOW TO COOL THE PLANET by Jeff Goodell Jeff Goodell is a well-credentialed American environment writer. This book, published in 2010, summarises his three-year investigation into geo-engineering. These are schemes to alter the earth’s climate - in this case, to avert serious global warming. Goodell meets the many scientists and entrepreneurs who feel there is little chance of the world reaching agreement to seriously reduce emissions in the short to medium term. Consequently they feel research is needed now, to see if the planet could be cooled to avert a major catastrophe some time in the future. They use the analogy of cancer treatment – often unpleasant, possible side effects, but necessary if the situation is dire. Three of the main projects he reviews are: • Cloud brightening, where fleets of high tech unmanned ships would spray micro droplets of seawater into clouds. This would hopefully brighten them, reflect more sun and hence cool us. Detailed designs have been prepared but not tested. There is an entire chapter on clouds. • Fertilising plankton in the ocean to take up more CO2, some of which would fall to the bottom in their skeletons and be locked away. One US ‘maverick entrepreneur’ raised several million dollars in 2008. A ship was loaded with 50 tonnes of iron sulphate and headed for waters off the Galapagos to test the theory. The location was a silly choice, as Greenpeace and other groups successfully blocked this trial and a subsequent one near Morocco. • Injecting particles into the stratosphere above the Arctic. This may reflect enough sunlight to stop the melt. Governments and the Gates foundation have funded major research on this. Such things as high altitude balloons connected to 25km Kevlar hoses,
are discussed. Goodell points out the shield would need renewing annually, would mean the end of blue skies and like the other ideas, have many possible unexpected side effects and international disputes. Goodell starts off thinking such schemes are crazy, improbable and dangerous. “Even if they worked it may just let us continue our excessive energy use”. He ‘warms’ somewhat as he meets many sincere people who are becoming more acceptable in the scientific community. The book is very readable and humorous in places as some of the wackier people and ideas are introduced. If you want to just browse, it is well indexed and referenced. Brian Sundstrom
Bangalow Public On a typically beautiful May day, the students of Bangalow Public School readied themselves for their Cross Country Carnival. Students displayed wonderful enthusiasm and magnificent sportsmanship and citizenship as they completed the course in and around the showground. The Stage 1 students enjoyed some fun field-based activities such as sack races and skipping, together with several high-speed laps of Frank Scarrabelotti Field. The older children were required to complete 2km or 3km journeys, with everyone striving for their personal best. Congratulations to the following winners: 8/9 yrs: Sam J-S and Kasey B 10 yrs: Kobi E and Brianna C 11 yrs: Lachlan S and Ambrosia W
The Annual Billycart Derby is an event eagerly anticipated by many in the community, particularly the children at the Bangalow Community Children’s Centre (BCCC).This year the children participated in the midday parade down the main street of town. Preparations for the children’s involvement in the parade began several weeks ago with students from the North, Middle and West rooms working on wonderful hats to wear during the parade march, with the help of BCCC parent, art teacher Margo Simpson. The day of the Derby arrived, and with it some stunning autumnal weather. The clear
blue sky was a beautiful backdrop for the amazing colours of the children’s hats. As the children assembled at the top of parade route, the excitement in their little faces was pure magic. After patiently waiting for the parade to begin, the preschoolers had their moment in the sun, proudly marching down the main street in time with the Pipe Band. With coloured streamers in hands, the children waved and smiled at the crowd assembled. For many children participating in the parade was a highlight of this year’s ‘Billygoat’ Derby (as one child called it!) Sally Schofield Photo taken by Jacqui Thompson
Children & Ladies Lounge Clothing Homewares & Soft Furnishings
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The Cubs are back in town
12/13yrs: Patrick B and Kate R The carnival was so successful 64 students qualified to compete at the Brunswick Valley District Cross Country Carnival at Durrumbul.
Mad Hatters Galore!
As a part of the Bangalow Billycart Derby, our school held a wonderful and highly successful Mad Hatters Tea Party. Cakes, slices, jams, chutneys, coffee, tea, face painting, books, temporary tattoos and of course the wonderful raffle and jelly bean guessing competition was part of the fun! Thank you to our wonderful supporters, helpers and hard-working committee members who really did a fantastic job. Our school looked so warm and inviting. Peter Flannery
JUNE 2011
It has been five years since Bangalow has had a Cub Scout Pack, due to the lack of numbers and leaders. After our ‘Try Cub Scouting’ program earlier this year we were lucky to gain two new Leaders, Jim Czislowski (right) and Paul Cartwright (left). We are thrilled to have 10 new Cub Scouts with new enquiries coming in all the time. Cub Scouts is the second Section of Scouts, for boys and girls aged 8-10 ½ years. The emphasis is on fun and friendship and participating in new challenges and adventures through Scouting. Trained Cub Scout Leaders guide a Cub Scout Pack of up to 24 boys and girls as they learn to set goals and achieve them through the two Award Schemes. Scouting is an educational movement and puts great emphasis on “learning by doing”. Cub Scouts are encouraged to express them-
selves creatively, through games, and activities. Cub Scouts is based on the Jungle Book stories by Rudyard Kipling and the Leaders take their names from these stories. Cub Scouts learn about caring for each other and helping other people and take an active role in caring for the environment. As well as their weekly 1 ½ hour meetings they participate in weekend activities such as camping, canoeing and hiking. Cub Scouts, as part of Scouts Australia, is a multicultural, multi-faith organisation, focuses on the development of the whole child as a member of our society. More than anything, Cub Scouts is about having FUN! If you wish your child to become involved ring Jenny Holden on 6687 2047, so they can be put on our waiting list. Jenny Holden. Photo by Lisa Sharpe.
J U N E d i a ry
t o w n ta l k
Weir woes
The weir near Bangalow’s Heritage house was drained recently by Council. There was a crack in the wall caused by roots of a large eucalypt. This caused a sizeable leak and possible danger to swimmers. The tree has been removed and the damage assessed by Council engineers. Heartbeat will check on progress and report next issue. Brian Sundstrom
Bubbler installation
Our long-awaited bubbler has been installed in Bangalow’s Heritage (Fire Station) Park. Brett Allen (pictured), who has created many interesting pieces in bronze and copper around the district, has made a distinctive sculpture in copper, echoing the shape of the Bangalow palm’s sheath. It has a standard drinking bubbler mechanism for easy maintenance and a spout in the centre for filling water bottles. Dogs are also able to drink from this water stream but cannot contaminate the spout as the
outlet is covered. The cast bronze tree of life and river branches remind us of the recycling of water in the environment. Judy Baker
Welcome to Nashua
An even bigger welcome now – a third welcome sign proudly on display at the ‘southern’ end sitting on the Emery property. The sign went up just in time for a family wedding, thanks to the instant team of Mark, Wally, John and Lance, with Carmel recording the event on camera. Well done everyone. A photo sign noting the wonderful contributions of Ned and Emily Emery to the Nashua area is also planned. Don’t forget – the Nashua annual cricket day – our fifth... is held the fourth Sunday of October – that means Sunday, 23 October this year. Jacinta Lithgow
Garden club meeting
Saturday Social Visit for Garden Club
Lions Curry Night and red Faces Talent Quest
rattlehand at the Bangalow Hotel
Tickets for Caberet da desh on sale at Barebones
Traditional australian bushdance at Newrybar Hall
Baroque Concert, Mullumbimby
Newrybar annual fireworks and fair
Farewell service and brunch for Father Trickey
adFaS dame Elizabeth Murdoch at Cruden Farm
Close for entries to Northern rivers Travel Photography contest Farmers’ Markets: 4,11,18,25 Bangalow Market: 26 HB deadlines: 15(ads) 21(Copy)
Apprentice of the year
Congratulations to Jess Vickery from Bangalow Hairdressing who won first Year Apprentice of the Year at the annual awards held in Lismore in May.
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