Heartbeat Bangalow’s
free l november 2014 No.186 l Celebrating the Life and Times of the local Community
Beehive yourself! The theme of this year’s Show is the bee. In writing, craft, photography and art, unleash your inner apiarist. See our story pages 4 and 5.
editorial One has to have great reserves of physical, cultural, emotional (and sometimes financial) stamina to get through each month’s offering of ‘things to do’ in Bangalow. In November we can enjoy, or select from, a line up of amazing concerts at the Bowlo culminating in a Home Grown Festival at the end of the month; an afternoon of poetry and song at Heritage House; classical concerts at Gretel Farm; an Acapella concert at the Uniting Church and much more. There’s a film night, a cricket day, a school fair, an In Conversation evening with a local author ... you’ll have to ‘read all about it’ in our
reports for this issue. But that’s still not all. We also have reports on the greening of the new highway, a plea from Landcare for more volunteers of a certain gender, some new car parking spots in town and profiles of some of our fabulous locals. AND THE ANNUAL SHOW IS COMING UP SOON. A big thank you from Heartbeat to those community organisations and clubs who contributed this month and an invitation to all to share with our readers your news and achievements in the months to come. Enjoy the fine weather but please also dance for rain now and then. Di Martin
Great Window CWA!
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October was Breast Cancer Awareness month, with Cancer Council’s Pink Ribbon Day held on Friday, 24 October across NSW. The CWA ladies created a brilliant, eye-catching window display to draw attention to this cause. I hope many women stopped and considered the need for vigilance and regular check-ups. In the Northern NSW region, it is predicted that, by 2016, 350 people will be diagnosed with breast or gynaecological cancer in a single year, with 73 deaths expected. Judy Baker
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bangalow’s heartbeat www.heartbeat.net.au PO Box 132 Bangalow NSW 2479 Editors: Dianne Martin 6687 2592 Ruth Kirby Email: editors@heartbeat. net.au Cover photo: Hilarry Hermann, Sue Franklin and Teena
Hulbert by Suze McLeod www.downbangalowroad.com.au
Advertising: Janelle Saunders 0422 069 861 advertising@ heartbeat.net.au Ad Production: Allie Leo Design: Niels Arup Editorial team: Judy Baker, Don Brown, Helen Johnston, Tony Hart, Robin Osbourne,
Shelagh Pepper, Lyn Plummer, Benny Saunders, Sally Schofield, Brian Sundstrom, Hilary Wise Distribution: Bangalow PO, Brian Sundstrom, Peter Bradridge, Neil McKenzie Website: Joanna Wilkinson
Accounts: Rob Campbell Chairman: Neville Maloney
DISCLAIMER. This newsletter is published by Bangalow’s Heartbeat Incorporated PO Box 132 NSW 2479. Hon. Editors Dianne Martin, Ruth Kirby, Hon Sec/ Public Officer Neville Maloney. Membership is open to all adult residents of the 2479 postal district. The opinions expressed by individual contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editors and other members of the Association committee. While every reasonable effort is made to publish accurate information, Bangalow’s Heartbeat Inc. accepts no responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed.
local news
Landscaping the new Highway The dry weather in early spring has allowed rapid progress with the new highway. This of course means large areas of exposed soil, often quite steep or near creek banks. Brian Sundstrom recently arranged a meeting with Peter Windsor, Site Foreman for the Tintenbar to Ewingsdale landscaping work, to see how they are dealing with this. Peter, an experienced horticulturist, works for HL Landscapes, the Brisbane company which has the landscaping contract with Lend Lease. HL has a background with major roadworks such as the Gateway bridge. Peter has worked locally for 22 years, eight from a Bangalow base, and he now lives in Lennox Head. He has worked on large local projects and knows many of the landholders affected by highway work. The landscaping team is currently very significant: a manager; two foremen; two people ‘hydro-mulching’ (see later); six doing ground preparation and weed control and three maintaining new plantings. Virtually all the species being planted for ‘the long-term’ are local endemic varieties (some non-native pioneer grasses are used). I was pleased to see many prominent species, including the Bangalow Palm – 150 of these will be planted near Bangalow roundabout. A consortium of regional nurseries is providing all the plants, including Camwell Palms south of Newrybar. A key technique they are using to stabilise new earthworks is hydro-mulching. Large tanks are made up of this water-based brew containing sugar cane and straw mulch,
chicken manure, gum and vegetable dye. The soil surface is first limed then the mulch is sprayed on, often with grass seeds as ‘pioneer binding agents’. Native species are planted either with this or later.
There are of course many creek crossings and low-lying areas needing careful attention, especially tributaries to Emigrant Creek Dam. I was told that Rous Water has frequent meetings with the landscaping team to encourage best practice. I was shown one bridge over such a tributary. As well as stabilised banks with plantings of lomandra, dianella etc, large rocks and ‘habitat logs’ have been placed in the creek to slow water flow and encourage local wildlife. The tunnel under the bridge even has light reflectors which attract animals to use this route rather than cross the road. Other interesting points: l Two sizable Morton Bay figs were
planted last year on top of the cutting south of Bangalow. These are to replace two grand old trees, which had to be taken out as the road cut through the edge of the Jarrett farm. These were advanced trees, in 1200 litre pots, and are doing well. l As well as the hydromulch, trees such as macadamias from resumed plantations have been mulched to use in roadside plantings. In one area adjacent to a macadamia farm, some tuckaroo trees, which have a growth habit quite like macadamias, are being planted in rows, to ‘merge in’ with the plantation. l Cane toad exclusion netting and silt traps in sensitive riparian areas. As well as being impressed with much of the progress so far, I was particularly pleased to hear that the landscaping contract includes three people doing maintenance for two years after project completion. Peter stressed the importance of looking after new plantings and said, “We are trying to have the plantings merge in with the surrounds as much as possible.” The big test will be in our next summer downpours. Let’s hope they are not too severe and the good planning of the landscape team holds up.
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show business
it’s showtime! The 115th annual Bangalow Show is on 14 -15 November and after having our fair share of rain and hail last year, we are heading into a Show of blue skies and sunny days! The Show gets underway on Friday at 6am with the Working Dog Trials. Starting on one hundred points and allowed five minutes, the dog must work the cattle in an anticlockwise direction through two obstacles before directing them into a pen. Points are deducted for any obstacle that is not attained: five for the first two, six for the third as well as two points for every ‘sin’ the dog commits – going off course, losing interest, running between the cattle and his owner or doing a tail turn – turning its back on the cattle. Come along and enjoy these remarkable dogs and what is a very popular spectator sport in many parts of the country, before getting on with the rest of your day.
the announcement of our 2014 Bangalow Showgirl. Our current Showgirl Kim James is now living in Sydney but is returning home for the Show to take part in the official presentation and sash one of our six Showgirl entrants - Keiran Hall, Amrita Singh, Anna Boyle, Caitlin Duff, Courtney Parker-Boyle and Emma Burgess. Eljay Freestyle Entertainment will be performing on Saturday, an action packed motorcycle and bicycle trials stunt show. The team consists of experienced riders who will continually amaze with their spectacular moves and gravity defying trials action. The reptile show, the baby animal farm, magicians and Kidz Klub will also return. Entry to the Show is $10 for adults, $5 high school students and pensioners and under 12 years free. Karen Ryan
Pampered pooch. Photo by Suze McLeod
Friday afternoon the Children’s Pet Parade gets going at 4pm although pets must be registered by 3.45 in the Scarrabelotti Ring. Children should have only one pet in their care but they can enter up to three different classes including Best Smile, Prettiest Eyes or Rodent of the Show. The Opening Ceremony on Saturday follows the Grand Parade and will include
Junior Showgirl and Showboy The Junior Showgirl and Showboy competition is to be held on Saturday at 11am in the marquee at the far end of the Moller Pavilion. The age categories for the boys and girls competition are: under six years, six to 9 years, 10 to 12 years and Miss Teen Showgirl 13 to 17 years of age. The senior Showgirl entrants will be judging these categories and the kind of questions the children will be asked are:
have you entered anything in the show, what are your hobbies, what is your
favourite part of the show? The winners of the competition will participate in the Opening Ceremony with the senior Showgirls entrants. If you would like to register for the Junior Showgirl / Showboy competition before show day you can enter via the website or return a completed entry form to the Show Office. For further information contact Angela 0448 675 292. Angela Hill
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Rich Morrod with henna hair. Photo by Suze McLeod Hen provided by Hec McKenzie
In keeping with our 2014 Show theme, ‘Bees’, we are holding the inaugural Beehive Hair-do and Beeards competition on the Saturday of the Show at 1pm. Entry in the competition is free and must be registered by midday in the marquee (the Bee Hive Lounge) beside the Moller Pavilion. Steward of the Beehives and Beeards, Sue Franklin, is gathering prizes galore to celebrate ‘The Amy’ – embellished, theatrical beehive and ‘The Patsy’ – a classic beehive. The overall Best in Show Beehive is awarded ‘The Veronica’ gold embossed sash and rosette. Wigs are not permitted but hair pieces, hair extensions and anything else you would like to add to your beehive are fine, in fact they are encouraged! Local hairdresser and TAFE Hairdressing Teacher, Chris Edmeades, will also be setting up beside the Bee Hive Lounge on Saturday morning with her team of students for two hours to work their magic on anyone who would like their hair done for the competition, so no-one misses out. The Beeard Competition has two categories - the embellished beard and the bushranger. Both are for long or short beards. Again, there will be prizes to flabbergast and the embossed gold sash mmmmm. A photo booth will also be set up to capture the style and panache of all the entrants. Any enquiries don’t hesitate to contact Sue 6687 1512. Karen Ryan
community noticeboard School fair Come and help Teven-Tintenbar Public School in Fredericks Lane, Tintenbar. Celebrate 20 years of fun, fresh food and fabulous entertainment in the beautiful shady grounds of the school on Saturday, 1 November, between 9am and 2pm. For more information, please contact Michelle on 0418 690 717. Michelle Mahon
Moller Pavilion in the Bangalow Showground. BYO picnic lunch. Ken Day
Gretel Farm concert
The street stall will be held on Friday, 7 November in front of the newsagency. Come along to purchase lots of goodies including Christmas gifts. Patricia Ellis
On Sunday, 9 November at 3pm, enjoy the first of three concerts this month starting with two of the great romantics, Beethoven and Wagner. Wagner songs and Beethoven’s ‘Spring’ sonata with Lecia Robertson soprano, Bridget Crouch violin and Nicholas Routley piano. $45 includes afternoon tea. Proceeds to Our Kids Lismore Hospital. Gretel Farm, 134 Springvale Road Eureka, Bookings essential. 0425 243 860 or gretelfarm@aaapt. net.au Vicki Brooke
Red Cross Report
Our next meeting is on Friday 7 November, 10am, at the RSL Hall. All welcome. Please note that we will be holding our famous Christmas street stall in the main street of Bangalow on Saturday, 29 November from 8am until 11am. As well as our terrific raffle basket, filled with Christmas goodies, we will be selling cakes, preserves and plants. Hope to see you there. Dot Gill
ADFAS Byron Bay End-of-Year Film Night, featuring The Sting, will be held on Monday, 17 November at the A&I Hall, Bangalow. Made in 1973 The Sting won seven Oscars including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Original Screenplay. The film is set in 1936 at the height of the Depression and tells the story of two con men played by Paul Newman and Robert Redford. Film starts at 7.30 pm. Doors open at 6.30 pm. $20 for ADFAS members, $25 for guests. Ticket includes glass of champagne on arrival and coffee/tea and cake after the film. Programs and earlybird memberships for 2015 will be available on the night
All Souls Anglican Church
Church and cricket If you like a bit of church, picnic and cricket, you’re welcome to join with the Uniting and Anglican Churches on Sunday, 9 November at 10am at the
North Coast Bookkeeping Services For all your Bookkeeping requirements including BAS, QuickBooks or MYOB ph: 6687 2604 Ian Holden fax: 6687 2893 7 Rosewood Ave, Bangalow book001@bigpond.net.au Member of Australian Bookkeepers Network
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($120 individual, $220 couple). All welcome. Enquiries 6684 3249. Anni Abbink
In conversation Friends of the The Headliners Libraries Events comes to Bangalow! Claire Headliners Dunn, author of My Year Without The Headliners chorus, under Matches, will be in conversation the direction of Cathy Gordon, with local journalist Anneli will be performing at the Knight on Tuesday, 18 Bangalow Uniting Church at 5pm November at 5.30 for 6pm on Sunday, 23 November. This at Bangalow Heritage House, is the third consecutive year that Deacon St. Come along and hear the chorus has entertained the about Claire’s year in the wild. congregation and their friends $5 entry gives you refreshments with their diversified repertoire. and a drink on arrival. Lucky All are welcome for a gold coin door prize and a chance to win donation at the door. The award winning a signed copy of her book. rsvp: your name and mobile number Headliners are an acapella to byronbayfol@gmail.com group of 30 women who sing at Carolyn Adams many community events in the Northern Rivers. They are fully booked for this year but are now Gretel Farm concert On Thursday, 20 November at accepting new opportunities to 11.30 am - 3pm, a fundraiser for sing at local events in 2015. For The Fred Hollows Foundation. further information please check Harp recital with Margaret Curtis, their website headlinerschorus. garden viewing and auction. $65 info or call Annola at 6624 4003. Nola McQuade includes wines and gourmet luncheon. Help continue Fred Hollows’ work in ending Bangalow Networking avoidable blindness. An estimate Breakfast 32.4 million people are blind. On Thursday, 27 November Two in three blindness cases are at 7:45 am at Town, meet our preventable or treatable. A gift of presenter Ilias Katsapouikidis, $25 can give sight. Bookings as ‘Ilias the Greek’, of sweets above. Vicki Brooke handmade with love. Places
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are limited and can be booked out quickly! http://www. byronandbeyondnetworking. com.au Rosemarie Toynbee
Gretel Farm concert Sunday, 30 November at 3 pm with proceeds again to Our Kids Lismore Hospital. Piacere : Music for Pleasure - Handel, Vivaldi, Telemann, Mozart, Stamitz, Berlioz and more. Carmelia MacWilliam flute, Arna Steigrad violin, Robbie Farrar cello and Margaret Curtis, harp. $45 includes afternoon tea. Bookings as above. Vicki Brooke
Bowlo events
Saturday, 1 November: DIESEL ‘LIT UP’ TOUR. After 25 years of music making, DIESEL leaves his front door again to bring you diesel lit up – THE SINGLES ’89’14. A tour to “look back at the sparks and smell the roses” of the accumulated singles that have etched their way into our music landscape. With over 30 singles and 13 albums, DIESEL has the fortunate problem of having to try and fit all of this in to a performance, a performance that is littered with milestones, with familiar songs taking on a new life in the uncluttered solo environment. Doors 6.30pm; presales $35 (+bf) door tix $40 Tuesday, 4 November: MELBOURNE CUP. The Bowlo is proud to announce that the Melbourne Cup can be viewed
in our Foxtel Sports Bar on three televisions. If you would like to celebrate the big race with your staff, book in advance for our Melbourne Cup special menu. At $40 pp it’s bloody good food in our restaurant, sweep stakes, lucky door prizes, glass of wine on arrival and Foxtel TV screens. Bookings essential. Phone 6687 2741 Friday, 7 November: RAY SORENSON. Byron Bay-based singer songwriter Ray Sorenson brings over 40 years of experience as a musician to the fore with the release of the first single, ‘Blue Haze’ from of his forthcoming debut long player Silent Writer. A well-known musical force on the North Coast of NSW, Ray has spent most of his life writing and touring the region, however never found the right time to dedicate to releasing an album of his own material. This accomplished musician has set out to record an album that is the perfect representation of his life. The ‘Blue Haze’ single is the start of a new journey for the father of two and one that looks set to welcome him into the Australian country scene with open arms. Doors 7pm; show 8pm; presale tix $15 + (bf) door tix $20. Saturday, 15 November: KEVIN BORICH. This is a man with 45 years of professional experience behind him; a man who jammed with Santana during the famed Rock Arena
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Historical Society Can you help with our 100 years of Gallipoli exhibition? 25 April 2015 marks the 100th year anniversary of the landing at Gallipoli and 100 years of ANZACS. To commemorate this historic occasion, the Bangalow Historical Society will be holding a calendar of events and an exhibition on the 100 year anniversary of Gallipoli in April 2015. In order to make this event truly memorable we would like to extend the invitation to the 2479 community who had relatives in Gallipoli or WW1 to share their photos, letters or memorabilia as part of the 100 years of Gallipoli exhibition. If you can help, please contact Wendy at the Bangalow Museum and Tearoom, Email: bangalowhistorical@bigpond. com or phone 02 6687 2183. Wendy Grissell
Lic no - 274537c • Abn- 58297387104
on 2nd Friday of October 2nd and 4th Friday of October & November Book early to avoid disappointment Contact John on 0449 252 476
MUSIC FESTIVAL. Live at the Bowlo, one whole day of homegrown music. 15 artists playing on two stages. Featuring Bourbon Street, Goodrich, It’s all a Beautiful Noise, The Pilots, Waxhead, Camel Tones, Parkside Orchestra, Double O’s, Feeling Dave, Slippery Gypsies, Time Stokes, Richie Williams, Reilly Fitzalan, Vikki Grant, The Broken Spoke and Bill Wade. Earlybird tix $25 (+bf). Book now at www.bangalowbowlo. com.au Kat Antrim
Dosa & Curry Night Bangalow Historical Museum From 5.30pm - 8.30pm
show, Calder Raceway 1977 60,000 people. On stage jams with legendary Bo Diddley, Richie Blackmore [of Deep Purple] Taj Mahal, John Mayall, Living Colour and toured with Joe Walsh as The Party Boys the name he thought of being a foundation member - and a man who was inducted into the Australian Blues Foundation Hall of Fame. Backed by great musicians such as Paul Wheeler [Drums – Icehouse ] he always has a rhythm section to die for. Their brilliant uniqueness will have you by the heart and soul, all together having you wanting more. Doors 6.30 pm; show 7.30 pm; presale tix $20 (+bf) door tix $25. Wednesday, 19 November: BRIAN CADD. After a highly successful career as a writer, producer and member of several of the most influential bands of the 60s, Brian Cadd became Head of A&R and house producer for Fable Records in Melbourne in 1970. Owned by recording industry legend Ron Tudor, Fable Records forged the way for the first wave of truly allAustralian record companies. Duties included A&R decisions regarding material and record direction plus in-studio production responsibilities. Online tix $28 (+bf) door tix $30; doors open 7.30 pm; show 8pm. Saturday, 29 November: BANGALOW HOMEGROWN
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local music Sam Cutler Photo by Judy Baker
Thanks for the Music The month of November offers a nationwide chance to acknowledge the place of musicians in our communal lives. Our Bowlo has a special interest in this matter. Musicians are important to the club’s financial recovery, having provided entertainment over the year. Several well known performers have filled the hall to overflowing with enthusiastic music lovers and others, less well known, have introduced us to the music from different times and cultures. Byron Shire has a remarkable pool of talented people in every branch of the arts. Finding sponsors prepared to give times and venues for our younger performers to demonstrate their prodigious talents is always a challenge. Giving them such a venue is the Bowlo’s way of recognising the contribution of all the musicians from the last few years. To bring to an end the Month of Local Music, on Saturday, 29 November the club premises will be the site for an afternoon and evening of live music provided 8
by an amazing selection of performers, all of whom are locals. The inaugural Home Grown Music Festival will feature 15 bands or individual soloists. Early bird tickets for the fully ticketed event will be available at the Bowlo and will cost $25 plus booking fee. And as MC The Bowlo has been lucky enough to engage as MC and Festival Supervisor a man who, arguably, has more knowledge of the successful running of festivals than anyone else in Australia, and possibly in the world. Sam Cutler has been involved for over 50 years in organising tours and gig placements for many international artists, including the Rolling Stones. In his recently released book, You Can’t Always Get What You Want, he gives his account of working with many major groups and individual artists. The book is an insider’s account of the highs and lows of professional musicians, particularly in the late 60s and 70s. His organised tours to Europe and Canada
for Jerry Garcia and The Grateful Dead were spectacularly successful and Sam went on to work with The Allman Brothers, Mike Bloomfield, The Band, Ramblin’ Jack Elliot, Pink Floyd and many others. In 1969 Sam’s talents as a stage manager and master of ceremonies were on show at the Stones’ memorable concert in Hyde Park. His company, Out of Town Tours, has been involved in organising tours and placing groups in music festivals worldwide for 50 years. He selects the artists appropriate for the audience that each festival aims to reach. The size of the venue, the duration of the festival, the target audience, and the overall aim of the festival must all be considered if the festival is to be successful. Sam believes in learning through doing. Working on his book’s historical account of the controversial or interesting events in a long career, Sam found pleasure in the written word. Since the book’s publication he has been on a promotional tour, “living on the bus” he calls it, but he has also begun work on a novel. The new book is not totally concerned with music, but looks, in his words, “at love and life for the over 70s”. It is progressing steadily and meets Sam’s need for some engrossing creative enterprise. He is also keen to maintain his interest in young talent and he has a lot to say to young musicians about the problems and joys of a musical life. Turning his attention to the upcoming Home Grown Music Festival, Sam is concerned, at the very beginning to tailor make the whole project to the size limits of the of two stages. The Bowlo hall will be the main focus but there will be another area for performers, allowing time for each of the performers to set up on the main stage while the alternative stage is in operation. Sam is planning to give the community a pleasant musical experience. He doesn’t see this as an attempt to take over from Blues Festival or Splendour, but as something smaller and more locally based. He hopes to see a balanced menu that demonstrates his belief that beautiful things come in small parcels. The Home Grown Music Festival aims to bring some of our many talented musicians to our attention and to give them what all artists need - performance space and the opportunity to use it. What happens if things don’t run perfectly at this inaugural event? Well, as Sam put it to me, “If one makes mistakes, learn from them. Keep looking for what the community would like to hear.” Make note of the time for this musical offering. The afternoon and evening of November 29 will be the start of something good. Don Brown BANGALOW’S HEARTBEAT
market forces
Rainforest Foods and Anthony Hotson A trip to Central America in the 90s changed the course of Anthony Hotson’s life. Owner of Byron Bay-based Rainforest Foods, Anthony was in Costa Rica as part of his world travels when he became involved in an initiative called the National Biodiversity Institute which took him on botanical and etymological expeditions into the rainforests. This sparked a fascination with rainforests which led Anthony, upon his return to Australia and the Far North Coast, to investigate what was in our local rainforest. The family property at Tuckombil – 138 acres of red soil, ‘some of the best soil on the North Coast’ – provided the ideal location for him to begin cultivating native bush foods such as lemon myrtle and Davidson plum. And yet despite enthusiasm for, and growing interest in, native bush foods and the establishment of the Australian Rainforest Bushfood Industry Association, much of the expected market for these new plantations did not eventuate. The industry association was dissolved and Anthony turned to valueadding his own crops, as well as supplying fruits and spices to the original creator of Rainforest Foods. So it was that when the owner of Rainforest Foods decided to move into soaps and cosmetics, Anthony bought the label. This
was about eight years ago and since then, apart from updating the brand to a more sophisticated and contemporary look, he has gone on to produce native fruit jams, sauces, honeys and macadamia-based products which are sold to retail outlets throughout
the east coast. While his macadamia nut spread fills him with the most pride, it is the latest product, ‘Mac-Cao’, raw organic cacao with macadamia spread, which is currently filling him with excitement – that plus a new baby boy! Victoria Cosford
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local news Landcare Byron Creek plantings Photos by Judy Baker
THE Man from Landcare That’s right, there is only one these days, man that is, in the Bangalow Landcare team. Where are all the men in this town? I’ve been feeling sorry for this man who every week gets surrounded by a team of women so I thought I would try to raise some support for him. We have had many members come and go over the years but there has always been a balance of genders. Somewhere the balance changed. Where are the men that can do a good brushcutter session in the morning, saw down a few weeds, and plant for the future? Surely there are some guys in Bangalow who could get into this on the odd Saturday morning and give this lone man some backup. He is very outnumbered. The other notable factor is the age of the group. None of us are young and there are days when we feel it. Why don’t younger
Car parking spaces increased
people seem to care about the environment? There is, of course, a multitude of ways to help improve our environment and I hope that is how younger people take action, but none is as satisfying as actual hands on work, leaving a visual improvement. I know that it took to have kids of my own before I realised my mother was not a nut case in her endeavours to plant trees. I had hoped with all the information available now that younger people would be getting pro-active and coming out to get involved. It’s not too late, it just may be too early but, trust me it’s cooler in the morning and a perfect time to go to the beach when we knock off at 10.30am. Update on last month’s story A young boy who was part of the tree felling team on our landcare site has come forward to claim responsibility. He and
Robert Lotty
his friends were cubby building as we suspected, no thought given to anything else, just a school holiday activity. The boy is mortified now that he realises what they have done and is planning to join us at landcare for a time to make amends. I hope the other boys involved will also take responsibility and not let their friend stand alone. The honesty is appreciated and I hope this raises awareness that we do need to keep up with our kids activities, especially on school holidays. It was noted that a separate group is also using the site as a smoking spot. The police are aware of this and watching the area. Landcare works every Saturday morning at 8.30am for about 2 hours. Call Liz 6687 1309 for more information or check on the website for current week’s location www.bangalowlandcare.org.au Liz Gander
Deacon Street works Photo by Judy Baker
At last council is upgrading Deacon Street and creating new car parking spaces near the Bangalow CBD. Deacon Street, currently a patchwork of potholes, is undergoing shoulder-widening works to accommodate 35 new parking bays and the road will then be resurfaced. The Station Street car park has been levelled and will be resurfaced. Let’s hope this is old news by the time this Heartbeat reaches you. Judy Baker
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takin’ it to the streets
Charlotte Street
1910 Hartford house
Located high on the hill behind St Kevin’s Catholic Church, residents of Charlotte Street have wonderful views across Bangalow township and the surrounding countryside. Being a self-contained little oasis in Bangalow, it comprises three streets named after early settlers. Robinson Street honours the Robinson family who came to the area in the late 1800s and the other two streets were named after mum and dad Robinson, Charlotte and Thomas. Luckily the Robinsons didn’t have 20 children or they would have gone mad trying to get a DA through Council for all the extra streets that would have been needed. Terry Bleakley
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local faces
jan carmody This area has more than its fair share of interesting residents and Jan Carmody is certainly one of those. She lives in a light-filled old house in Bangalow complete with a gypsy caravan attached to the back verandah. Her house is filled with a lifetime’s collection of memorabilia, paintings and bric-a-brac. Jan was born in Bondi in 1938 and spent her early years in Sydney. At 11 she moved to Temora near Wagga. At the age of 18 she entered the Miss Riverina competition and won. Her prize was a Berlei bra, a Janzen swimsuit, a free modelling course with Pat Woodley and a one week holiday in Manly. Jan says, “I was so excited. I thought it was like going to Disneyland. I had never been on a plane before, or been to Manly. So it was a real treat.” She began her modelling course while also working as a receptionist at a busy hairdressing salon which was frequented by many Sydney socialites. Jan was always a keen swimmer and loved the beaches in Sydney. When she was 20 she won the Miss Coogee competition. After that she entered the Miss Australian Surf competition which she won in 1959 along with Mr Australian Surf, Colin MacFarlane. Her prize was a seven week round the world trip to promote Australian beaches. So she set off on a wonderful trip with June Dally Watkins as her chaperone. During her time in Hollywood she was offered a screen test for the movie Daisy Mae and met many famous stars of the day. On returning to Australia Jan married and went on to have a son and daughter. During this time she met Florence Broadhurst who painted her portrait. While sitting for Florence she met Joshua Smith who was Florence’s art teacher. Jan had always painted from a young age and after meeting Joshua Smith she began to attend his art classes. Throughout this time Jan continued her career as a model, also appearing in fashion parades, stills photography, TV commercials and as an extra in films. In the 60s Jan moved to Toukley and opened a bric-a-brac shop, ‘Jan’s Jungle’, from which she also sold furniture and brass beds. She sanded, polished and restored all these herself and sold many of them in both Paddy’s and Paddington Market. Later in the 60s, after returning to Sydney, Jan decided to volunteer 14
Jan Carmody Photo by Judy Baker
her artistic skills to paint murals in the Camperdown Children’s Hospital to lift the spirits of sick children. She spent many hours up and down ladders covering the walls with colourful murals. After their success she was then offered paid work to paint murals at Hornsby Hospital and several childcare centres in the area. In the following years Jan married twice more and had another daughter. She began to buy and restore old houses, painting inside and out, building shelves and repairing furniture. In 1999 Jan bought a 30 acre farm in Eureka and began to renovate the old house there with the help of her son who was a carpenter. He sadly passed away at the age of 43 from a heart attack. Jan then sold her farm and moved into her current house in Bangalow in 2005. She loves being part of the Bangalow
community and, in particular, has always enjoyed performing in Cabaret da Desh, designing her own clothes and decorations. Her gypsy caravan, originally from Nimbin, was also painted and attached to the rear of the house. Her caravan has featured in Marie Claire and the Northern Star and is occasionally rented. Jan always continued her modelling career, only stopping in 2011. She continues to receive commissions for her paintings of portraits and animals. Hers has been a very fulfilling life. As she says, “I’ve found a lovely lifestyle here. I have a great group of friends who are very caring and supportive. We meet every Saturday morning for coffee and chats. I love being in my house surrounded by so many memories of all the interesting events and people from my past.” Well done Jan! Lyn Plummer BANGALOW’S HEARTBEAT
Health & Wellbeing
Dr Graham Truswell M.B.B.S., D.R.C.O.G., D.T.M.& H. Dr Jill Pryor M.B.B.S., F.R.A.C.G.P. Dr Marcus Hewitson B.Sci. (Med)., M.B.B.S., F.R.A.C.G.P. Dr Julian Chew B.Sci. (Med)., M.B.B.S., F.R.A.C.G.P. Dr Inga Schader B.Sci., Mb.Chb., M.R.C.N.Z.G.P. Dr Jan Maehl M.B.B.S. Dr Eric Sambaiew B.Sc., M.B.B.S. Dr Bronwyn Hudson M.B.B.S. (Hons), Dip Child Health, MLLR, B.Comm (Hons)
Sara Goldie
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Theta Healing, Kinesiology
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Suite 4, 20 Byron Street, Bangalow NSW 2479 Ph/Fax: (02) 6687 0431 Mob: 0414 861 653 E: info@saragoldie.com Professional and confidential psychotherapy. Medicare rebates available
award winning fusion of yoga and pilates mat work
9.30am - 11am
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6628 1898 (24 hours) Bangalow Healing Centre Natural Care for your physical and inner health
bangalow remedial massage Phone 0499 490 088 Suite1, 26 Byron Street Bangalow 2479 Deep Relaxation • Remedial • Deep Tissue Sports • Pregnancy • Trigger Point www.bangalowremedialmassage.com.au
Sally Pattison - 0417 598 958 Naturopath, Massage Therapist James Thomson - 0409 532 458 Osteopath Lynette Tyrrell - 0432 533 686 Herbalist, Reiki Practitioner 13 Station Street, Bangalow Health Fund Rebates available
15 15
arts and craft
workshops with sole Ever wanted to know how to release your ‘inner artisan’? Thanks to the decision of shoemaker and leather worker, Rachel Ayland, to share her many skills, now you can. For 14 years, Rachel has been running her business, Rasu Leathergoods, at Bugam Place in the Bangalow Industrial Estate. There, her speciality is using traditional methods to make bespoke footwear for the orthopaedic and fashion needs of her clients. But it doesn’t stop there. The highly talented Rachel (who’s been studying and working at her craft of shoemaking and leatherwork for 30 years) also undertakes repair and alterations of footwear and other goods. So if you need repairs to your motorbike gear, zips in jackets, repairs to your favourite bag or saddle, upholstery, dyeing, new buckles, new insoles, and heaps more, Rachel’s leathergoods workshop will be the place to go. But she’s decided that now’s the time to run classes as well as attending to all your leather needs. So in October, Rachel started classes that run for one day, two days - or as many days as you need to undertake more complex projects. Classes will be held on 6, 13, 20 and 27 November (or alternate Saturdays, 8 Nov and 22 Nov). But what exactly happens in these workshops, you ask? “I aim to provide a safe, fun and relaxing environment for you
to enjoy a unique creative experience”, Rachel says. Classes will be for two, three or a maximum of four students at each session. If you attend one day only, you could end up going home with a belt you have made, or a pouch, a small bag, a pencil case, a pair of espadrilles or a pair of leather thongs. If you decide on a two-day course, you can make a pair of hand-dyed leather sandals, made to measure, or a leather shoulder bag. Should you be extra keen, a three-day
workshop could see you making a pair of shoes, boots or sandals. And Rachel’s flexible. Should three friends decide they’d like to do a weekend class together, any time, any month – just phone her and she’ll work out dates to suit you. The courses cost $100 a day, including materials, and run from 10am to 5pm. BYO lunch. For more details or to book, phone Rachel on 02 6687 2255; mobile 0403 721 840 or email rasuleathergoods@hotmail. com Christobel Munson
Dr Fabio Miranda Dr Eduarda Miranda General & Cosmetic Dentistry Implants & Orthodontics
6687 2766
at Bangalow Medical Centre, Suite 5, Bangalow
bangalow chiropractic • Applied Kinesiology (AK) • Total Body Modification (TBM) • Sacro-Occipital Tech (SOT) • Neuro-Emotional Tech (NET) • Neuro-Organisation Tech (NOT)
James Whittle Wholistic body balancing using low force techniques
6687 0522 16 16
past and present
As long as you are remembered, you aren’t truly gone These were the final words in Terry Bleakley’s 2002 short film and they were said in the context of a town’s history, its characters and its fluctuating fortunes. It used the analogy of the ups and downs of a romantic relationship, hence the title My Love, My Bangalow. The film was about changes and the link between past and present. At that time Bangalow was beginning to change dramatically as it transformed from a working rural town into the eclectic village it has become today. There was a feeling among some of the older residents that newcomers didn’t know or appreciate links to the past. I had started to sense from these people that they were undervalued. Being my first foray into this sort of thing I looked for a cast who were not only cheap but who might not realise what they had gotten themselves into until it was all over! Three remarkable men volunteered to take part in the film: Frank Scarrabelotti at age 104, Artie Prentice and Russel Blanche, both in their early eighties. Artie said his immediate response to being asked was pride - pride that he could help tell a story that might provide a link between the past and the present. “The film has done a lot to let new residents know about the town,” he said. In reviewing the film for Heartbeat, Paula Williams said, “There is a universal appeal
Artie Prentice, Russel Blanche and Frank Scarrabelotti Photo by Terry Bleakley
about the growth of love through shared hardships and the good and bad times as friendships wax and wane and wax again, and a town moves from a rough clearing in the bush, via timber getting and dairyfarming to a charming art and tourist centre, but which is still a wonderful place to live.” Frank, Artie and Russ played the part of
three elderly men who continued to meet and reminisce in their old age. The film was narrated by the late Father Gary Shearston. With the recent passing of Russ at age 93 it is hoped that those gentle and generous men have found each other again, and if they didn’t have all the answers before, I am sure they have them now. Terry Bleakley
“The Little Art Shop” is now at Bangalow Newsagency Contact us for your next pet A self funded, no-kill organisation We speak for those who cannot speak for themselves
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17 17
local news Architect’s sketch of the shelter. Photo by Judy Baker
Skate park shelter A shade shelter is being constructed at the Bangalow skate park so that parents and onlookers can watch all the action in comfort. The SK8 committee of Liz Parks, Dale Viola, Jane Reffel and Lyle Le Sueur has been raising funds for over 17 years and more recently, over the last three years, raised
And the battle is won Residents who had worked over two years to stop the proposed development at 9 Station Street were overjoyed when they heard that the Commissioner of the Land and Environment Court agreed that the proposal should be rejected. “The bulk and scale of the proposal as a result of amalgamating the allotments and proposing a single mass across the site, with a predominantly flat roof, would have a detrimental impact on the identified heritage significance and existing character of the existing Bangalow Heritage Precinct/
Concrete has donated the concrete for the project and Cedar Creek Constructions have assisted with the labour. Local builder, Lyle Le Sueur, has coordinated the building work and donated his time to build the structure. It should be finished soon, in time for summer. Judy Baker
more funds through the markets, raffles and kids selling T-shirts and caps. They now have $11,000, enough to pay for a concrete shade structure with a table and seats. Harley Graham Architects and Phillip Wallace Engineers and Ardill Payne Engineers have donated design and engineering. Holcim
Heritage Conservation Area and heritage items in the vicinity of the site and the impact is of such consequence, that the application should be refused.” Following Council’s refusal of their second application – very similar to the first refused over a year previously – developers Gordon Highlands took Council to Court. The case was heard over two days with residents giving evidence on site on the first day and then at the Tweed to hear the Court proceedings that afternoon and the next day. Then an anxious wait but it
was all worth it when we heard the result! Bangalow residents believe we are fortunate to live in a very special place and want to retain its character and our quality of life. This case should be instructive to future developers who clearly need to respect Bangalow’s heritage and take community wishes into consideration. I believe most of us would accept and welcome development that is carefully planned to complement our village and we hope that in future developers will consult fully with the community. Jenny Coman
This town’s Going Grey! What’s happening in Bangalow? It seems there’s a virus spreading from the Byron Street, Station Street intersection, turning all the buildings grey. How drab. How very 18
unBangalow. Where are the heritage colours? Whilst, individually, a grey building can look elegant, a row of shopfronts in various shades of grey becomes less attractive. We seem to
be losing the variety of colours that gave us a distinctive village atmosphere. When next considering a repaint, why not stand out from the neighbours a bit? Judy Baker BANGALOW’S HEARTBEAT
in the garden
preserving our environment There are in the world many people and foundations that are doing great work on conservation and the preservation of our natural environment. One of those is the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The IUCN was the first global environmental organisation, founded as far back as 1948, known then as IUPN (Preservation). The IUCN has developed a Red List of Threatened Species™. This List is widely recognised as the most comprehensive objective global approach for evaluating the conservation status of plant and animal species. The role of the List is to, “provide information and analyses on the status, trends and threats to species in order to inform and catalyse action for biodiversity conservation”. There are 19,000 species of plants on the IUCN Red List. I will give some examples of plant species that are on the Red List. Hibiscus clayi or Clay’s Hibiscus, a plant endemic of Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, is classed as Critically Endangered (CR2) and cultivated in six to 20 gardens. Only four plants are left in the wild. Habitat degradation due to feral pigs and weed infestation are culprits as well as the picking of flowers by hikers reducing, or even eliminating, the possibility of fertilisation by a particular species of humming bird itself under threat. A dozen specimens of this particular plant were reintroduced into forest reserves in its natural range and signs placed to discourage people from collecting the flowers. We can only hope that these measures will be sufficient to preserve this plant from being lost in the wild. (World Conservation Monitoring Centre 1998. Hibiscus clayi. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on 21 October 2014). Wollemia nobilis, the Wollemi pine,
Clay’s Hibiscus Hibiscus clayi
made the headlines when it was discovered growing in a gorge in 1994 in the Wollemi Park near Sydney. In 1997 it was classed as Endangered (Walter and Gillett 1998) then in 1998 was reclassed as Critically Endangered (Oldfield et al. 1998) as it was believed that there were less than 50 mature individuals left. Later surveys have shown that the total population consists of about 80 mature individuals or multi-stemmed clumps and about 300 juveniles and seedlings have been recorded. The larger number of plants should have taken the Wollemi pine from the Critically Endangered list but the fact that the species is restricted to a
Wollemi pine Wollemi nobilis
single location, the decline of quality of its habitat or part of it and the risk of disease have meant that the species has retained its status as Critically Endangered. (Thomas, P. 2011. Wollemia nobilis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on 21 October 2014). You can visit the site of the IUCN at the following address: http://www.iucn.org/ For further reading go on www.facebook. com/Interactive.landscapes where I have posted my reference sources Patrick Regnault (Dip.Hort) Registered Horticulturist 0062 MAIH
Companion Animals Welfare Inc
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Visit: cawi.org.au for more information or to make donations
NOVEMBER 2014 19
away with words
A magical afternoon of poetry and music
On Sunday, 16 November, Dangerously Poetic will offer another of their popular afternoons at the Bangalow Museum and Tearoom. From 3-5 pm, all are invited to come and be entranced by poetry and music on the theme of Myths and Magic. Chris Mallory will sing his original story-songs. During his career, Mallory’s engaging performance style has earned him the chance to share the stage with iconic Australian performers such as Jimmy Barnes and Clare Bowditch. The featured readers are professional storytellers, Jenni Cargill-Strong and Annie Bryant, who will offer both poetic stories and poems about myths and magic. Jenni has five award winning recordings and performs regularly in schools. Storyteller and songstress, Annie is co-host of the Bay FM show, Heart of the Story. The audience is encouraged to get in on the fun during the open reading by sharing an original poem or a favourite by someone else on the theme of myth and magic. Dangerously Poetic Press is an incorporated community group dedicated to encouraging and supporting both poets and poetry lovers. They have recently launched their 12th publication, Pirouettes and Prayer, a collection by Bev Sweeney. Many of their books will be available on the afternoon in a special pre-Christmas sale. Frequent visitors know about the generous tables of sweet and savoury treats and beverages catered by the Tearoom, on the corner of Ashton and Deacon Streets. Enjoy all this entertainment with yummy refreshments included for only $15/12 for dp members. For more information about Dangerously Poetic and this event, go to www.dangerouslypoetic.com Laura Shore
useful information and contact numbers AA Tues 5.30 Richard 0466 885 820 ADFAS Anni 6684 3249 Angling Club Outing 2nd Sat Ray 6687 1139 Aussie Rules Bill 6687 1485 Aussie Rules Junior Greg 6687 1231 Bangalow Community Alliance (BCA) Terry 6687 2525 Bangalow Markets monthly 4th Sun Jeff 6687 1911 Bridge Fri 12pm Chris 6687 1597 Cancer support 1st Wed 1-4pm Chris 6687 0004 Childcare Centre 7.45am-6pm Kerry 6687 1552 Cricket Club Anthony 0429 306 529 Co-dependents Anonymous Thurs 7pm/Sat 4pm Guy 0421 583 321 CWA 2nd Wed Di 6685 4694 Garden Club 1st Wed Hazel 6687 8409 George the Snake Man George 0407 965 092 Groundforce Georgia 6629 1189 Historical Society/Museum/Tea Room Wendy 6687 2183 Land/RiverCare 1st Sat working bee Liz 6687 1309 Lawn Bowls, Men Wed & Sat 1pm Gerry 6687 1142 Lawn Bowls,Women Wed 9.30am Dot 6687 1246 Lions Club 2nd/4th Tues 7pm Roger 6687 0543 Mufti Bowls 3rd Sat 9am Lynne 6687 1823 Netball Club train 4.15 Thurs Rachel 6687 0402 Op Shop 10-3pm Sat 10-12 6687 2228 Parks Committee 3rd Tues 7.30pm Jan 6684 7214 Playgroup Tues 10am Sue 0421 030 438 Police Peta 6687 1404 20
Pony Club Kim 6687 8007 Pool Trust 3rd Wed Dominic 6687 1425 Poultry Club Hec 6687 1322 Progress Association Ian 6687 1494 Quilters 2nd,4th Thurs Helen 6684 1161 Red Cross monthly - 1st Fri Dot 6687 1246 Rugby Union Richard 0415 773 064 S355 C’mtee Heritage House Don 6687 1897 Scouts Tues 6.30pm Jenny 6687 2047 Show Society Karen 6687 1033 Soccer Club 2nd Mon 6pm Nick 6687 1607 Social Golf every 2nd Sun Brian 6684 7444 Sports Association 2nd Wed bi-monthly Brian 6687 1024 Sporting Field bookings Nick 6687 1607 Tennis Court Hire 6687 1803 Writers Group 1st Thurs Alex 0439 304 911 VENUES A&I Hall Station St Brian 0427 157 565 Anglican Hall Ashton St Matthew 0488 561 539 Bangalow Showgrd Moller Pavilion Karina 6687 1035 Sports/Bowling Club Byron St Kat 6687 2741 Catholic Hall Deacon St Russell 0423 089 684 Coorabell Hall Coolamon Scenic Simon 6684 2888 Newrybar Hall Newrybar Village Ian 6687 8443 RSL Hall Station St Charlotte 6687 2828 Scout Hall Showgrounds Jenny 6687 2047 Heritage House Deacon St Don 6687 1897 BANGALOW’S HEARTBEAT
what I’ve been reading Two different takes on how women are dealing with the ethics of living sustainably.
My Year Without Matches by Claire Dunn
Personal growth! It’s a very intimate thing. Some people don’t bother to explore who they are or why they are the way they are. Others address issues as they arise with counsellors and psychologists; some go through periods of reading every self-help book on the shelf; others self-help with their friends over a cup of coffee or a beer; you can learn about yourself by doing courses at Interrelate, Relationships Australia, or some retreat to the bush for 12 months to reconnect with their inner wild woman. Meet Claire Dunn, an articulate and intelligent young woman who, when she could no longer stand the tedium of her day job, threw it all in for a year of self discovery in the bush. Whilst Claire’s experience requires her to build her own shelter, collect drinkable water, make fire without matches, recognise and harvest bush foods the exercise is not without some connection to civilisation e.g. during the 12 months the participants are each allowed 30 days off site. They are provided with some staple foods and they are given a period of time to learn the art of making fire (although from Claire’s telling of the task required to make fire I now appreciate that it is a craft requiring some exceptional skill). Six participants committed to this experience; three men and three women and within a very short amount of time four of them are coupled off (an interesting result in itself, I thought). I love the respectful way that Claire addresses the often fractious nature of the various relationships within the group; each of them is clearly there for their own reasons and have individual and differing expectations. Claire tells the tale from her viewpoint only and does not make any attempt to conjecture what the others might be experiencing. There was nothing in this book that beckoned me to give up my cosy mattress or my Saturday morning cappuccino. Hey! My favourite self help book was Women who run with the Poodles! But this was an interesting and engaging book to read and I admire the honesty and rawness with which it has been written. I look forward to hearing more from Claire at the Friends of the Library event on November 18th. See CNB for details. Carolyn Adams – Bookworms & Papermites
Confessions of Ethical Investing by Kassia Klinger
Kassia Klinger traces both her life story and her personal relationship with money, and her interest in the evolving industry of ethical investment over the last 50 years in her self-published ‘Confessions’. Flipping between those two worlds, she writes in a chatty, gossipy style. Her aim is to encourage readers to think differently about managing money and investment in general, and to become better informed before automatically investing private funds with ‘big business’. What excites her is “the real power money has when it is employed for the benefit of all: society, the environment and investors wanting a good financial return”. To do this, she interviews a number of pioneers in ethical investment (including several Byron Shire identities) to find out why and how they got started trying to find ways to make money while taking social, environmental and financial responsibility for their decisions. The book also follows the author’s travels in Australia and overseas as well as her investment explorations as she puts her family’s inheritance at stake and learns by experience. Included are graphs showing a sustainable business model, the natural world and an ‘enlightened’ business model, as well as a breakdown of a typical ethical investment portfolio. Christobel Munson Kassia promoting the book at Sample festival this year November 2014
our active kids Left to right: Ocean, Zoe, Tai, Brigid -Back row: Jasper and Will. photo by Jim Czislowski Bangalow Scout leader
scouting adventures In September, some of the Bangalow and Lennox Head Scouts headed off for a great adventure hiking from Angourie to Brooms Head in the first section of the Great Coastal Walk in the world famous Angourie Surfing Reserve. I corresponded with Scout Brigid Czislowski about their intrepid adventure. Although their leader and some support crew did assist at varying points, these remarkable young people undertook parts of the trek on their own. As they set off in Yuraygir National Park, the first thing they noticed was lots of fallen debris and hail stones covering the track. After misadventures with maps and GPS and steering clear of steep cliffs, these Scouts managed to navigate their way along the track, although not easy at times. It sounded as if there was certainly no shortage of beautiful sweeping views and scenery along the way. After a long exhilarating day of hiking on the trail with heavy packs they had to find a suitable place
to set up camp for the night. With ocean views, sounds of crashing waves, kangaroos grazing in the grass and a night sky filled with sparkling stars, the Scouts relaxed around a camp fire after a long day’s journey. The next morning after breakfast, they set out for another long day of hiking in strong winds, entirely along the soft sandy shore at high tide. The last section of the hike was a seemingly endless stretch of sand. Although it was a hard slog, Brigid said it was pretty amazing and definitely worth it. She told me that upon arrival at their second camp, when she and Zoe were looking for a suitable place to set up their tent, they jumped on what they thought looked like perfectly solid ground but to their surprise they sank straight down with a splash! It turned out to be a bed of pumice floating on water. I’m sure it would be one of many moments of great laughter for these young adventurers. For me, listening to her story, I couldn’t help
but think how wonderful it is to hear about young people out there who love adventure, appreciate the natural world and also that there are adults (Scout leaders and parents) out there who help nurture, support and encourage them to challenge themselves in ways like this. Through organisations like Scouts, young people learn to utilise valuable life skills such as planning and engaging in shared decision making, team work such as setting up a camp, navigating, preparing meals, looking after each other and working together cooperatively to make a journey like Angourie to Broomes Head successful and loads of fun. If you are interested in finding out more, Bangalow Scouts meet on Tuesday nights from 6:15 to 7:45 and Cub Scouts meet on Wednesday nights from 6:15 to 7:45 during school term. Please call Jenny Holden on 6687 2047 or check out www.scouts.com. au Cynthia Harris
Does the 2479 region know who you are? If you’re not advertising in Bangalow’s Heartbeat, then you’re missing the heart of your local market! Contact Janelle Saunders on 0422 069 861 or email: advertising@heartbeat.net.au for all the advertising options. 22 22
new horizons
Tree change leads to Swim School Ben and Ashleigh Howard-Bath came up from Sydney to Binna Burra in 2006. This was initially for a year, to see if they “should make the move permanent.” The decision was yes, but then of course the big question – how to earn a living? Ben’s boat building job in Sydney was hard to replicate. Ashleigh, a nurse, was able to work in Ballina for a while - until the twins arrived. They were in addition to their four other sons! A home-based business was needed. Their home had a pool and Ben was also a qualified swim instructor, so the decision was made: Bangalow Swim School was to be created. Liaising closely with Byron Shire, who Ashleigh says were very helpful, construction work began in January this year. The pool was made fully enclosable and heated (solar and electric backup to 32 degrees). Poolside facilities for parents were needed and of course car parking and all-weather access. It all came together for the opening in May. Yes, they had correctly perceived a need, as enrolments have quickly built to the point where Ben is now nearly fully booked and Ashleigh is very busy handling the business side (and their six sons). The pool is in a delightful setting off Binna Burra road, with great views for parents to relax in while Ben teaches. A popular class is for three to five year olds – Little Kickers Learn-to Swim. Classes for 6-12 year olds cover stroke correction and swim-fit. Babies from eight weeks are also catered for, as are children with special needs. Ben is accredited with Swim Australia and
Above, the swim school in Binna Burra. Ashleigh and Ben with three of their boys, Indy, Luca and Hugh
says he likes to use “play-based learning with a big emphasis on safety.” As an example, Ben and the twins, now two years old, showed me their Humpty Dumpty game.
The boys sit on the pool edge and fall in as the story is recited. They are taught how to surface quickly, breathe and grab the pool edge. Brian Sundstrom
Expressions of Interest
Committee Membership Bangalow A&I Hall Board of Management Would you like to contribute to the betterment of our Shire by joining a committee? Council is currently calling for nominations for an additional member to the Bangalow A&I Hall Board of Management to assist the Board with the management of the Bangalow A&I Hall. All Expressions of Interest must be submitted on an approved nomination form. Nomination forms and Guides to Operation of the Board can be obtained at the Council Administration Centre, Bangalow Post Office and are also available on Council’s website: www.byron.nsw.gov.au/section-355-committees Nominations close: Tuesday 9 December 2014 Enquiries: Gayle McCallum - 02 6626 7045
Bangalow Cellars Locally owned and operated You’ll always find something special in
43 Byron Street Bangalow Ph 02 6687 1262 www.thecellar.com.au
Sun - Thurs 10am - 8pm | Fri - Sat 10am - 9pm 23
november diary
town talk October AGM and Ruth Ryan was elected as the new president. Sue Gow
Congratulations Mailligh! Fifteen year old Mailligh Parker from Bangalow Bluedogs Soccer club has been invited by AC Milan Football Club to attend a 10 day training camp in Milan, Italy in November. Mailligh, who has played for Bangalow Bluedogs since she was five years old, has been an outstanding player and this year was called up to the Women’s Premier team, which won the grand final. Mailligh attended the only regional training camp offered by AC Milan in Lismore last month. Eds Photo by Maralyn Hanigan
Job well done! After 17 years at the helm, Sybil Johnson is stepping down as president of the Bangalow CWA. Members have appreciated all her hard work and guidance and wish her well. A fresh committee was elected at the
Teven Tintenbar school fair; Diesel
Melbourne Cup
All Souls street stall; Red Cross mtg; Ray Sorensen
Church and cricket; Gretel Farm concert
Bangalow show
Bangalow show; Kevin Borich
Dangerously Poetic
ADFAS film night
Claire Dunn in conversation
Brian Cadd
Gretel Farm concert
Bangalow market; Headliners
Byron & BeyondNetworking breakfast
Homegrown music festival; Red Cross street stall
Gretel Farm concert HB deadlines: 12(ads) 17(copy)
An arty town The last panel of the Post Office mural, by local artist Vanni Mangoni, has now been completed and ready to be admired. See the September issue for our report on Vanni. Eds Photo by Judy Baker
Zentveld’s Roastery welcomes the public
Roastery door sales Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm 193 Broken Head Road Newrybar 5 mins south of Bangalow counter specials & freshest coffee fab local coffee & our full range ground to your order
For the
“RIGHT ADVICE” Whether it is SELLING or RENTING or any PROPERTY needs...
chocolate espressobeans . leaf teas superb drinking choc . GF DF GM free ... all available in cafe sized packs
Zen Barista Training for all interest & skill levels ... includes a behind the scenes tour of coffee growing, processing & roasting
Please see our website for more information
Visit our new website & read comments from recent clients who are happy with “THE RIGHT ADVICE” they received!
ph. 02 6687 2045 e. coffee@zentvelds.com.au
cafe baristas . home & office . students
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6687 2479