3 minute read

Aspirational Mathematics

By Dr Scott Tooley, Head of Mathematics

One of the problems teachers had with teaching at a distance was making sure that the level of challenge was right for our students. Communication was significantly more difficult without students in the classroom, so it was imperative that resources were prepared appropriately to make sure that students were supported, not only when struggling, but also challenged if coasting. The collaborative approach to planning in Mathematics allows teachers the time to make sure that all these elements are included in every lesson. Whilst the topic of a lesson may be familiar, the height of the ceiling to which students can aspire within a task is certainly a big part of what teachers consider.

Online lessons in Mathematics followed a format that included a starter for students to work on as they joined, the main learning intention broken down by success criteria that students should be aiming for, a teacher taught aspect to the lesson and main task, a form of support as required (often in video format) and finally an enrichment task. This allowed the students’ learning experience to be as close as possible to being in the classroom.

Differentiation has been an important element of a teacher’s toolkit for many years now and remains a key factor in making sure that students are challenged within their lessons. Without a doubt, having a faculty full of teachers that teach all levels of Maths throughout all the Secondary Key Stages means that all students should feel that they are supported when they struggle and challenged to aspire further when they are successful.

Experience tells us what students find difficult and what concepts will impact on future learning, so we support these learning challenges with planned strategies such as retrieval practice and formative assessment. All students can have success in Mathematics, and it is our job to make sure that they experience the joy of getting a question correct or finding the solution to a problem.

When we are looking to deepen a student’s understanding of mathematics this does not need to be done by learning the subject faster. Spending time questioning why something works, how it is connected to something

else and where it might go in the future is what makes better mathematicians. This deepening is supported by planning carefully to consider what questions should be asked and with what tasks a student should engage. The best way to support a student in developing their learning is by tailoring the questions that need to be asked to scaffold the student towards a deeper understanding. By doing this with students at an early age, they will develop the ability to be able to ask their own questions as they mature mathematically, helping them to be independent in their learning.

When some students were asked what they thought about the enrichment aspect to their lessons they said:

I think mathematical enrichment is a great way to help further the learning for students who are already comfortable with the work that classes are primarily focused on; it challenges them and allows them to improve their skills in math beyond what is normally taught within the curriculum. – Caylah Yang

In my opinion, enrichment questions are very useful and efficient. It allows us to further enhance our knowledge on the topic we are studying and also maths in general. Enriched questions are also a lot more challenging, forcing us to extend our thinking as well as finding another strategy to approach it in order to find the solution. – Porngarun (Gui-Chai) Tangchaiyawong

Enrichment maths energises me as it nimbly tickles my brain! – Vachiravich (Turbo) Phantratanamongkol

When we began the safe return of students to the classroom, I was excited to engage with my students in a way that we all prefer as teachers. Schools were created to have students in them and whilst teaching online allowed us all to learn new skills, there is certainly nothing better than having a class in front of you, expectant that you can help them on their learning journey.

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