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Year 6 Donation

Year 6

doNAtioNs Assist iN anTi-Trafficking and coVid relief

Stephanie Jones, A21


Thanks to the support from Year 6 students at Bangkok Patana School during the last academic year, A21 was able to partner with local authorities in charge of a community vaccine campaign to support the Cambodian government's fight against COVID-19 and help to prevent human trafficking during the pandemic. We donated 100 cases of drinking water while distributing human trafficking prevention resources and information on how to report suspected abuse to thousands of people across the community.

We also provided human trafficking awareness resources and water to a migration centre on the Thailand/Cambodia border, which is working every day to try to identify victims of human trafficking as they cross illegal borders.

The support contributed to basic needs supplies, hand sanitiser for Covid relief, plus printing and distributing human trafficking prevention resources to the community.


We have been able to prepare and provide COVID relief packages, including face masks, hand sani-tisers, toiletries, dried food and A21’s CYSM fliers and prevention comic books to Wattana District Office, who have been working to support migrant workers in several construction camps in the district where there have been COVID-19 outbreaks and the communities have been sealed off. We also provided face masks and hand sanitiser, with A21’s prevention comic books, to both Chonburi and Banglamung hospital whom we work with to support the victims of trafficking in the area where our Child Advocacy Center is located.

Thank you again, so much for your support. A21 has been able to spread an anti-trafficking message and also support communities practically during the pandemic, because of your school’s generosity. A21 was established in 2008 and is one of the largest global organisations dedicated solely to ending human trafficking.

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