In September 2025, our growing and expanding North Wales Medical School launches its first pharmacy degree, enabling students to study pharmacy in North Wales for the first time.
Bangor University’s medicine programme enables students to complete their entire medical degree programme in North Wales, working in close collaboration with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and Primary Care providers across the area. Our medicine degree offers students a rich learning environment with greater emphasis on learning in practice and at the heart of local communities, in keeping with the Welsh Government’s plan “A Healthier Wales”.
Foundation Year options are available on most of our degrees.
Visit the course pages on our website for more information.
Welsh medium options
Bangor University offers many opportunities for students to study through the medium of Welsh.
To find out how much of your course is available in Welsh, visit
Accounting, Banking, Finance and Economics
NN4H Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons) 112-136 3
NN4F Accounting and Finance (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) 64-104 4
N4N2 Accounting and Management BSc (Hons) 104-128 3
N4NF Accounting and Management (with Foundation Year)
N391 Banking and Finance
N39F Banking and Finance (with Foundation Year)
N312 Banking with Financial Technology (FinTech)
(Hons) 48-96 4
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 48-96 4
(Hons) 104-128 3
N32F Banking with Financial Technology (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) 48-96 4
L110 Economics BSc (Hons) 112-136 3
L10F Economics (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) 64-104 4
L1N3 Economics and Finance
L1NF Economics and Finance (with Foundation Year)
Biology and Biotechnology
C100 Biology
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 48-96 4
(Hons) 112-136 3
C101 Biology MBiol (Hons) 128-144 4
C10F Biology (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) 48-104 4
Biology and Biotechnology
C511 Biology with Biotechnology BSc (Hons) 112-136 3
C510 Biology with Biotechnology MBiol (Hons) 128-144 4
Business, Management and Marketing
N313 Business Data Analytics BSc (Hons) 104-128 3
N31F Business Data Analytics (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) 48-96 4
N111 Business Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
N200 Business Management
N20F Business Management (with Foundation Year)
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 48-96 4
N206 International Business Management BSc (Hons) 104-128 3
N2N6 Management with Human Resource Management BSc (Hons) 104-128 3
N26F Management with Human Resource Management (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) 48-96 4
N501 Marketing
N50F Marketing (with Foundation Year)
N507 Marketing Communications Management
N832 Tourism Management
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 48-96 4
(Hons) 96-120 3
(Hons) 96-120 3
Computer Sciences
I110 Computer Information Systems BSc (Hons) 104-128 3
IN00 Computer Information Systems for Business BSc (Hons) 104-128 3
G400 Computer Science BSc (Hons) 120-136 3
H117 Computer Science MComp (Hons) 128-144 4
G40F Computer Science (with Foundation Year)
I103 Computer Science with Game Design
GW49 Creative Technologies
H118 Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
(Hons) 48-112 4
(Hons) 120-136 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 120-136 3
H114 Data Science and Visualisation BSc (Hons) 120-136 3
Conservation, Geography and the Environment
5DKD Conservation with Forestry BSc (Hons) 88-120 3
D447 Environmental Conservation BSc (Hons) 104-128 3
F900 Environmental Science
(Hons) 104-128 3 F850 Environmental Science
(Hons) 120-136 4
F90F Environmental Science (with Foundation Year)
D500 Forestry
(Hons) 48-96 4
(Hons) 88-120 3
L700 Geography BA (Hons) 104-136 3
Conservation, Geography and the Environment
F800 Geography BSc (Hons) 104-136 3
F801 Geography MGeog (Hons) 112-144 4
C347 Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
(Hons) 104-128 3
D515 Woodland Management and Conservation BSc (Hons) 104-128 3
Criminology, Policing and Social Sciences
M930 Criminology and Criminal Justice
L34L Criminology and Criminal Justice and Social Policy
V5V6 Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
L200 Politics
L20F Politics (with Foundation Year)
L436 Professional Policing
L300 Sociology
L30F Sociology (with Foundation Year)
LM39 Sociology and Criminology and Criminal Justice
LM3Y Sociology & Criminology and Criminal Justice (Bilingual course)
LL34 Sociology and Social Policy
L3LK Sociology with Social Policy (Welshmedium course)
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 48-96 4
(Hons) 96-120 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 48-96 4
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
Q565 Cymraeg i Ddechreuwyr / Welsh for Beginners
BA (Hons) 96-120 4
Q562 Cymraeg / Welsh1 BA (Hons) 104-128 3
QW53 Cymraeg a Cherddoriaeth / Welsh and Music BA (Hons) 104-128 3
LQ35 Cymraeg a Chymdeithaseg / Welsh and Sociology
QV51 Cymraeg a Hanes / Welsh and History
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
QMV2 Cymraeg a Hanes Cymru / Welsh and Welsh History BA (Hons) 104-128 3
3Q5Q Cymraeg a Llenyddiaeth Saesneg / Welsh and English Literature BA (Hons) 104-128 3
Q5VV Cymraeg ac Athroniaeth, Moeseg a Chrefydd / Welsh and Philosophy, Ethics and Religion BA (Hons) 104-128 3
QQ15 Cymraeg ac Ieithyddiaeth / Welsh and Linguistics BA (Hons) 104-128 3
Q5WK Cymraeg gydag Ysgrifennu Creadigol / Welsh with Creative Writing
BA (Hons) 104-128 3
Q563 Cymraeg Proffesiynol / Professional Welsh BA (Hons) 104-128 3
QWM5 Cymraeg, Theatr a’r Cyfryngau / Welsh, Theatre and Media BA (Hons) 104-128 3
Engineering and Product Design
H612 Computer Systems Engineering BEng (Hons) 120-136 3
H617 Computer Systems Engineering MEng (Hons) 128-144 4
H661 Control and Instrumentation Engineering MEng (Hons) 128-144 4
H611 Electronic Engineering BSc (Hons) 104-120 3
H610 Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons) 120-136 3
H601 Electronic Engineering MEng (Hons) 128-144 4
H61F Electronic Engineering (with Foundation Year) BEng (Hons) 48-112 4
H607 Engineering BEng (Hons) 120-136 3
H608 Engineering MEng (Hons) 128-144 4
H60F Engineering (with Foundation Year) BEng (Hons) 48-112 4
W240 Product Design (English-medium course) BSc (Hons) 96-128 3
W241 Product Design (Welsh-medium course)
English Language and Linguistics
(Hons) 96-128 3
QQC3 English Language and English Literature BA (Hons) 104-128 3
QQCF English Language and English Literature (with Foundation Year)
(Hons) 48-96 4
Q318 English Language for Speech and Language Therapy BA (Hons) 104-128 3
Q315 English Language for TEFL
(Hons) 104-128 3
English Language and Linguistics
Q3WL English Language with Creative Writing
Q3R8 Linguistics and Modern Languages
Q1C8 Linguistics and Psychology
Q140 Linguistics and the English Language
English Literature and Creative Writing
W801 Creative Writing
W8R8 Creative Writing and Modern Languages
8H25 English Literature
2P17 English Literature and Creative Writing
32N6 English Literature and Music
Film, Journalism and Media
Creative Arts
33PQ Film and English Literature
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 4
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 4
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 96-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3 P318 Media, Film and Journalism
(Hons) 96-128 3 P320 Media, Film and Journalism (with Foundation Year)
Media and Creative Writing
(Hons) 48-88 4
(Hons) 104-128 3 P302 Media and English Literature
P323 Media and Music
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
History and Archaeology
VV41 Heritage, Archaeology and History BA (Hons) 104-128 3
V100 History BA (Hons) 104-128 3
V10F History (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 48-96 4
V103 History and Archaeology BA (Hons) 104-128 3
3QV1 History and English Literature BA (Hons) 104-128 3
VW13 History and Music
BA (Hons) 104-128 3
V130 Medieval and Early Modern History BA (Hons) 104-128 3
V140 Modern and Contemporary History
M212 Criminal Law
M100 Law
M101 Law (2 year accelerated programme)
(Hons) 104-128 3
/ International Experience
M10F Law (with Foundation Year)
M1M9 Law with Criminology
M1V1 Law with History
M1R8 Law with Modern Languages
M1L2 Law with Politics
M1C8 Law with Psychology
M1L3 Law with Sociology
M1Q5 Law with Welsh
LLB (Hons) 112-136 3
LLB (Hons) 112-136 3
LLB (Hons) Bachelor degree at 2.ii (or equivalent) in another subject 2
LLB (Hons) 64-104 4
LLB (Hons) 112-136 3
LLB (Hons) 112-136 3
LLB (Hons) 112-136 3
LLB (Hons) 112-136 3
LLB (Hons) 112-136 3
LLB (Hons) 112-136 3
LLB (Hons) 112-136 3
Medical and Health Sciences
B732 Children’s Nursing2
Code Programme
Modern Languages (French, Spanish, German, Italian and Chinese)
R800 Modern Languages4 BA (Hons) 104-128 4
R808 Modern Languages (with Foundation Year)4 BA (Hons) 48-96 5
R817 Modern Languages Studies4 BA (Hons) 104-128 3
R807 Modern Languages and Criminology and Criminal Justice4
R805 Modern Languages and Cymraeg (Welsh)4
R801 Modern Languages and English Literature4
R818 Modern Languages and Film4
(Hons) 104-128 4
(Hons) 104-128 4
(Hons) 104-128 4
(Hons) 104-128 4
R804 Modern Languages and History4 BA (Hons) 104-128 4
R820 Modern Languages and Media4
(Hons) 104-128 4
R806 Modern Languages and Philosophy, Ethics and Religion4 BA (Hons) 104-128 4
Music and Drama
W300 Music
W302 Music
W30F Music (with Foundation Year)
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 48-96 4
W32F Music (with Foundation Year) BMUS (Hons) 48-96 4
WW38 Music and Creative Writing
W311 Music and Film
W3R8 Music and Modern Languages
QW34 English Literature and Drama
P34W Film and Drama
P31W Media and Drama
WW43 Music and Drama
Ocean Sciences
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 4
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 96-128 3
(Hons) 96-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
F650 Geological Oceanography BSc (Hons) 120-144 3
F652 Geological Oceanography MSci (Hons) 128-152 4
F62F Geological Oceanography (with Foundation Year)
C160 Marine Biology
(Hons) 48-112 4
(Hons) 120-144 3 C167 Marine Biology MSci (Hons) 128-152 4
C16F Marine Biology (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) 48-112 4
Ocean Sciences
CF17 Marine Biology and Oceanography BSc (Hons) 120-144 3
F712 Marine Biology and Oceanography MSci (Hons) 128-152 4
CC13 Marine Biology and Zoology BSc (Hons) 120-144 3
C169 Marine Biology and Zoology MSci (Hons) 128-152 4
F715 Marine Science and Conservation BSc (Hons) 112-128 3
C355 Marine Vertebrate Conservation BSc (Hons) 112-128 3
C356 Marine Vertebrate Conservation MSci (Hons) 128-152 4
F7F6 Ocean and Geophysics BSc (Hons) 120-144 3
F700 Ocean Science BSc (Hons) 112-128 3
F840 Physical Geography and Oceanography BSc (Hons) 112-128 3
F734 Physical Oceanography MSci (Hons) 128-152 4 Psychology
C800 Psychology BSc (Hons) 112-136 3
C80F Psychology (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) 64-104 4
C880 Psychology with Clinical and Health Psychology BSc (Hons) 112-136 3
C813 Psychology with Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons) 112-136 3
C801 Psychology with Neuropsychology BSc (Hons) 112-136 3
/ International Experience
Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences
C611 Adventure Sport Science BSc (Hons) 104-128 3
C680 Sport and Exercise Psychology BSc (Hons) 104-128 3
C616 Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons) 104-128 3
C61F Sport and Exercise Science (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) 72-96 4
C617 Sport Science, Physical Education and Coaching
Teaching, Childhood and Youth Studies
X313 Childhood & Youth Studies
X314 Childhood & Youth Studies (Welshmedium course)
X319 Childhood & Youth Studies and Psychology
X315 Childhood and Youth Studies and Sociology
X316 Childhood and Youth Studies and Sociology (Welsh-medium course)
X321 Childhood & Youth Studies and Welsh (Welsh-medium course)
X131 Primary Education with Qualified Teacher Status (English-medium course)
X130 Primary Education with Qualified Teacher Status (Welsh-medium course)
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 96-120 3
(Hons) 96-120 3
(Hons) 96-120 3
(Hons) 96-120 3
(Hons) 96-120 3
(Hons) 96-120 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
(Hons) 104-128 3
C300 Zoology BSc (Hons) 112-136 3
C301 Zoology MZool (Hons) 128-144 4
C30F Zoology (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) 64-112 4
C3D3 Zoology with Animal Behaviour BSc (Hons) 112-136 3
C302 Zoology with Animal Behaviour MZool (Hons) 128-144 4
C335 Zoology with Animal Management BSc (Hons) 112-136 3
C336 Zoology with Animal Management MZool (Hons) 128-144 4
C3L2 Zoology with Conservation BSc (Hons) 112-136 3
CD34 Zoology with Conservation MZool (Hons) 128-144 4
C304 Zoology with Herpetology BSc (Hons) 112-136 3
C303 Zoology with Herpetology MZool (Hons) 128-144 4
C350 Zoology with Marine Zoology BSc (Hons) 112-136 3
C353 Zoology with Marine Zoology MZool (Hons) 128-144 4
C330 Zoology with Ornithology BSc (Hons) 112-136 3
C334 Zoology with Ornithology MZool (Hons) 104-128 4
C329 Zoology with Primatology BSc (Hons) 112-136 3
C333 Zoology with Primatology MZool (Hons) 128-144 4
1 This is a course for first and second-language Welsh speakers - please see the website for further details.
2 Full-time, on campus. Other modes of delivery, including flexibility in how and where you study, part-time and distance learning may be available for this course - please see website for details.
3 Campus: Wrexham campus.
4 Language-beginners’ pathway available - please see website for full range of options.
Bangor University makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information in this course guide is correct at the time of printing –February 2025. For full terms and conditions, visit:
To apply for a course, visit and follow the simple steps.
If you are applying from outside the UK, you can apply either through UCAS or through our direct application service: