Beijing Bangson Culture Fall 2020

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B e i j i n g B a n g s o n Culture Co. , Ltd.

BRAND INTRODUCTION About us: Beijing Bangson Culture Our Company: Little Red Flower Studio was founded in 2001 and registered by Beijing Bangson Culture Co., Ltd. in 2007. We publish books for children aged 0-6 and our publications include activity books, sound books, education board games, pop-up books, picture books, board books, early learning books and stickers. We work with a talented team of in-house editors, designers and more than a hundred illustrators. Our fully-functioned production factory provides quality products on time and at the best prices. Kids have always been and will always be at the centre of everything we do. We hope children all around the world can Read and Grow with Bangson!

Our Mission: Our mission is to create more books that can inspire children's mind and promote all-round development. We aim to enlighten children at various stages of growth and focus on providing more engaging and interesting books for them.


Dear friends, I would like to share with you today a Little Red Flower. This name may be new to you, but it means a lot to me. Long time ago... 20 years ago in Beijing, Little Red Flower Studio was founded by accident. Have you noticed how many important ideas are created by accident? I heard a soft voice from the bottom of my heart: "I want our children's books to be fun"! And against my judgment, I followed that voice! Over the years we have released many titles created by the most loved authors and illustrators. Our happy books have always been created with development and fun in mind.Each book is subject to strict educational criteria because we care for our children a lot. Years passed. I was proud of what we had accomplished, but my heart's voice turned to a whisper over time. I was scared that it might fade away completely one day...So I set off on a journey into myself. I spent a full year searching spiritually for my original inspirations. And I discovered something I hadn't realized before! It is very important for children to be recognized and supported on their own path. Little Red Flower books help children to be themselves. Being yourself means being unique, boldly discovering the world and expressing yourself. P.S. Our books have been p u b l i s h e d i n I t a l y, F r a n c e, Po l a n d a n d some Asian countries since 2007 under the Bangson brand. Read and grow up with Bangson.

This is the story of our Little Red Flower. Together we can write its continuation! In the difficult times of the pandemic, happy books for children have become even more important. Maybe one flower brings a little happiness. Let’s turn the children's world into a sea of flowers. It is our ambition to deliver our Little Red Flower books to every child in the world!

Chief Editor & Founder :

Catalogue Board Books Picture Books


Pop-up Boo 30


All about Stickers 44 Early Learning



oks Books


New&Novelty 32

Education Board Games Books





Board Books


My Feelings

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower Age: 3+ Price: 89.8 per copy Format: 250Ă—250mm Extent: 18pp

How do you feel? I feel sad. I feel happy. I feel shy.... Everyday we have different feelings. We feel happy about getting good grades, but next moment we fell sad for the broken toys. This book teaches kids about feelings and emotions and what they should do to deal with these feelings and how they express themselves well. When they understand their own emotions, they can also understand others' feelings. Lift the flaps to find more vivid pictures and see other possible ways to deal with our feelings.

Board Books


Our Bodies are Different Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

Age: 3+ Price: 89.8 per copy Format: 250Ă—250mm Extent: 18pp

Where do babies come from? Why are some parts of girls' and boys' bodies different? Why am I a girl? Young children are curious about everything, especially about their body. Here is a big board book designed especially for young children who are eager to know their body. This book doesn't only help to answer these basic questions, but also teaches kids how to protect themselves. Boy and girls are different, but they are also the same.Lift the flaps, push, pull and slide the pages to learn more. The big interactive book aims to help kids feel comfortable about their body and feel proud of themselves.



Board Books NEW

My Big Lift-the-Flap Book. Human Body Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower Age: 3+ Price: 118 per copy Format: 250Ă—250mm Extent: 24pp

From our eyes and noses to our skins, muscles and bones, do you know what their functions are? Have you wondered about how our body works? This interactive board book tells you everything about your body. You will know how your body works and what your body can do. Lift the flaps, push, pull and slide the pages to see the secrets of the body. This is the perfect book for keeping busy hands and busy minds entertained for hours. Kid-friendly and age-appropriate words and explanations make it simple for kids to understand and to see what they are made of.

Board Books NEW

My Big Lift-the-Flap Book. The Space Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower Age: 3+ Price: 118 per copy Format: 250Ă—250mm Extent: 24pp

Have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered what it looks like in the space? A great fun interactive space book for children, packed with interesting information about the universe, the solar system, the space, the earth. Clear and easy terms and bright illustrations make learning fun for kids. Lift the flaps, push, pull and slide the pages to see the secrets of the space. It's a perfect way to bring space and science into the world of kids.



Board Books NEW

Look Inside· Questions and Answers

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 3~6 Price: ¥56.8 per copy Format: 213×275mm Extent: 12pp

This is a perfect series of interactive books for children, packed with children-friendly words and explanations about the animals, dinosaurs, plants and nature. Read the questions, think carefully and then lift the flaps to see the correct answers. It gives kids the chance to think and stimulates their curiosity. The bright illustrations and the flaps keep busy hands and busy minds entertained for hours.





Board Books NEW

Lift-the-Flap Science Book Ⅰ· Wonderful World Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

5 titles available Age: 3~6 Price: ¥39.8 per copy Format: 210×190mm Extent: 16pp

This series of board books include 5 titles, presenting introductions to our wonderful planet for young children in a fun and informative way. Children will love exploring every scene to discover the secrets of nature by reading the clear texts and lifting the flaps. A perfect series for children who have interests in nature and science.

Wonderful Night

Changable Weather

Animal Home

Colorful Seasons

Mesterious Space



Board Books NEW

Lift-the-Flap Science Book Ⅱ · Mysterious Nature Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

5 titles available Age: 3~6 Price: ¥39.8 per copy Format: 210×190mm Extent: 16pp

This is a series of great fun flap books packed with interesting information about nature, the farm, the pond, the forest, the beach and the garden. Each page spread has a stunning colour illustration, and several flaps to lift to find out more about what's going on in the scene. Perfect books to read, to play and to learn.

At the Pond

In the Forest

At the Beach

In the Garden

On the Farm

Board Books

15 Sold to Taiwan, Hongkong, Macao


Play With Concentration

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

2 titles available Age: 2~5 Price: 48 per copy Format: 240Ă—280mm Extent: 24pp

Can you find a black bird? Which bear is the tallest? How many eggs are there? Use little fingers to find them among those animals and objects. 12 themes and 156 interactive games bring so much fun. It is also a good way to learn animals, fruits, vegetables and daily objects. Searching for the unique and the only one in that page can keep the children concentrated for hours and practice observation skills.

Play With Concentration

Play With Concentration


Board Books Sold to France, Poland, Taiwan, Hongkong, Macao

First Learning Play Book Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 0~3 Price: ¥49.8 per copy Format: 205×275mm Extent: 14pp

This is a set of board books that contains the basic concepts including colors, shapes, animals, numbers and other objects in our daily life. Ove r 3 5 f la p s a n d in te ractive gam es in e a ch b ook, colorful p ictures, simp le texts a nd i n t e ra ct ive qu es tion s h e lp ch ildre n guess w hat's und erneath. Child ren w ould love t o l i f t t h o s e f laps to f in d th e cor re ct answ ers. Good for d evelop ing creativi ty, obse r va t i o n a n d h an d- e ye coordin ation .

My World




Board Books


Sold to Thailand, Taiwan, Hongkong, Macao

Little Smart

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

2 titles available Age: 1~4 Price: 78 per copy Format: 140Ă—165mm Extent: 104pp

This is a set of creative cognitive books for mathematics and English enlightenment meant to children in the target group 0-4. The series includes 2 books presenting beautiful die-cut pages with 19 numbers and 26 English letters. Children can recognize numbers and learn letters through reading, touching and playing with the pages. These are the perfect books to exercise expression and improve t h e v o c a b u l a r y, t o c u l t i v a t e observation, imagination, memory and reading abilities.




Board Books

Little Explorer

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

6 titles available Age: 2~5 Price: 53.8 per copy Format: 185Ă—185mm Extent: 22pp

This series of board book introduce children to the amazing world of the ocean, insects, stars, birds, and poops. 22 flaps and 30 diecuts bring extra fun to reading. Children love li fting the flaps to find w hat happened underneath. The easy-to-understand facts, the bilingual sentences and the bright illustrations will make it easy to bring science and nature into children's world.

Board Books

Hello Poop

Hello Ocean

Hello Bugs

Hello Stars

Hello Night

Hello Birds



Board Books Sold to Thailand, Malaysia

My First 100

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

3 titles available Age: 1+ Price: 29.6 per copy Format: 120Ă—150mm Extent: 24pp

This series of vocabulary board books are designed for children to read and learn basic vocabulary.There are 100 pictures and bilingual words in each book covering animals, colors, shapes and everyday objects. The book has sturdy board pages and a padded cover with rounded corners for safe handling by little ones. Children will enjoy playing with these bright and colorful board books.

My First 100 Words

My First Numbers, Colors and Shapes

My First 100 Animals

Board Books


Sold to Vietnam, Taiwan, Hongkong, Macao

First Science Slide-and-See Book Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

5 titles available Age: 1~5 Price: 57.8 per copy Format: 190Ă—190mm Extent: 10pp

Look! The dinosaur is roaring. The truck is dumping sand. The elephant is spraying water. Pull the tab to make them move. Through this series of board books, children will have an adventure into the world of tiny creatures, big animals, dinosaurs and vehicles. Kid-friendly and ageappropriate words and explanations are simple for kids to understand. Lift the flaps, spin the wheels and pull the tabs. Children will learn as they read and play!

Tiny Creatures

Busy Wheels

Giant Animals

Finding the Dinosaurs

Nosiy Building Site


Board Books

Touch and Feel

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 0~3 Price: 59.8 per copy Format: 210Ă—210mm Extent: 10pp

This series of touch and feel books combine basic vocabulary for everyday items in a toddler's world with touch-and-feel features on each page. Use little fingers to pet the fur, interact with the mirror and feel the te x ture and le ar n about numbe r s , colors and animals. The bold and contrasting colors, engaging animals entertain toddlers on both visual and tactile level.





Board Books


Sold to France, Thailand, Malaysia

My First Touchy-Feely Lift-the-Flaps Book

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 0~3 Price: 49.8 per copy Format: 185Ă—185mm Extent: 10pp

This series of board books are full of colourful pictures, including 4 titles about numbers, letters, animals and farm animals. The pages include cut-out lines to run little fingers along, holes to peep through and flaps and colorful feely patches to play with. Each page is specially designed to be visually stimulating with colourful, eye-catching illustrations. The bilingual sentences and words help to develop language. Little ones will love looking at those bright pictures and touching the textures in the vibrant board book.






Board Books Sold to Thailand, Estonia


Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

6 titles available Age: 1+ Price: ¥27.8 per copy Format: 140×140mm Extent: 48pp

The 6 board books with die-cuts are perfects books for children to have fun with colors, patterns and animals and learn about vocabulary for the things around them. On the first page is the color page with simple lines and shapes and on the second page is a die-cuts in the shape of everyday item with description for children to guess what the thing is. The engaging illustrations and funny die-cuts will keep children guessing all the way to the surprise endings. 邦臣小红花


ISBN 978-7-5101-4236-9

0 142345

9 787510 142369


ISBN 978-7-5101-4233-8

10 142314


10 142352


510 142321

9 787510 142338

ISBN 978-7-5101-4235-2

9 787510 142352

ISBN 978-7-5101-4232-1

9 787510 142321

Farm Animals


ISBN 978-7-5101-4234-5

9 787510 142345

ISBN 978-7-5101-4231-4

ISBN 978-7-5101-4236-9

9 787510 142314

9 787510 142369

Wild Animals

ISBN 978-7-5101-4233-8

9 787510 142338

ISBN 978-7-5101-4236-9

9 787510 142369

9 787510 142369 9 787510 142345

ISBN 978-7-5101-4233-8 ISBN 978-7-5101-4231-4

9 787510 142338 9 787510 142314

ISBN 978-7-5101-4235-2

9 787510 142352

ISBN 978-7-5101-4232-1

Fresh Fruit 9 787510 142321

ISBN 978-7-5101-4233-8

ISBN 978-7-5101-4234-5

9 787510 142338

9 787510 142345

ISBN 978-7-5101-4231-4

9 787510 142314

ISBN 978-7-5101-4235-2

9 787510 142352

ISBN 978-7-5101-4232-1

9 787510 142321

ISBN 978-7-5101-4234-5

9 787510 142345

ISBN 978-7-5101-4231-4

Funny Toys

9 787510 142314



ISBN 978-7-5101-4236-9 ISBN 978-7-5101-4234-5


Living Goods


ISBN 978-7-5101-4235-2

9 787510 142352

ISBN 978-7-5101-4232-1

9 787510 142321

ISBN 978-7-5101-4234-5

9 787510 142345

ISBN 978-7-5101-4231-4

9 787510 142314

Busy Vehicles

Board Books


Sold to Canada, France, Switzerland, Belgium, the United States

Look & See

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 0~3 Price: ¥35.8 per copy Format: 172×172mm Extent: 24pp

Peep through the die-cuts of these sturdy board books to learn about animal, colors, vehicles and numbers. This series of board books feature die-cut on each page, bright illustrations and simple text that encourage children to learn different items. With each turn of the page, the die-cut holes become progressively smaller. Little ones will enjoy grasping these little holes.

My Numbers

My Animals

My Colors

My Vehicles



长鼻子,大耳朵。 它是谁?是大象!


Pop-Up Books Sold to France, Thailand, Malaysia

Pop-up Adventures

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

3 titles available Age: 1+ Price: 69.8 per copy Format: 182Ă—183mm Extent: 24pp

This funny baby book encourages learning by introducing children to colorful scenes about weather, beach and vehicles. Turn the pages to see the pop-ups jumping out of the pages. 7 pop-ups lead children into the world of the book. Read the simple and bilingual texts and follow the characters to see and to feel the beautiful scenes.

Funny Weather

Let's go

At the Beach

New & Novelty Rubber Toy Book Five Lions Go to Sleep Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower Age: 0~4 Price: ¥68 per copy Format: 260×210mm Extent: 10pp

Rubber Toy Book Ten Cats Play Outside Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower Age: 0~4 Price: ¥108 per copy Format: 260×210mm Extent: 20pp

The two board books feature rubber toys and interactive games with counting, numbers and colors to learn. With colorful illustrations, sturdy pages and cute rubber toys, these books are perfect for toddlers to enjoy hours of reading and learning fun! Reading the childfriendly sentences and finding the correct objects in each page help develop concentration, observation and counting.



New & Novelty

New & Novelty


Magic Flashlight Book Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 3~6 Price: 59.8 per copy Format: 233Ă—275mm Extent: 21pp

It is so dark here. Can you find a rattlesnake? Use the paper flashlight to find the hidden creatures. The flashlight book allows kids to experience the excitement of nighttime exploration in the forest, under the sea, in the dinosaur world and on the grassland, inspiring children's creativity and imagination. The clear and short introduction to animals let kids learn some basic and interesting knowledge about these animals. The interactive questions arouse children's interests and through the process of searching for the hidden animals, children will exercise their concentration and observation skills.

Dinosaur World

Wild Animal

Forest Animal

Ocean Animal



Picture Books NEW

Dino David

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

16 titles available Age: 3+ Price: / Format: 210Ă—210mm Extent: 23pp

David and his dinosaur friends live in a beautiful valley. David is strong. He can lift a heavy stone. He can jump over a high fence. He can even dance! He can't dance well, but he dances confidently. He keeps dancing and dancing. He is like a star! Confidence makes David attractive. A collection of 16 stories about David and his dinosaur friends, specially designed for kids aged 3 and up to learn how to behave themselves and to get along with others through reading these funny and warm stories.

Picture Books

It's not Me

Amazing Judy

Brave Robin

David's Adventure

A Lost Egg

A Backup Player

David loves dancing

The Best Story

It doesn't count!

David, Stop it

Magic Potion

Picking Fruit

Scary Mud Dinosaur

The Fish Pie

Making Friends

I am Better Than You



Activity Books NEW

Stay Safe Puzzle

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 3+ Price: ¥69.8 per box Format: 269.5×228.5×32mm Extent: 4 puzzles

Is it safe to play football on the street? Can we eat food from strangers? What will you do when you can't find your mom? Don't worry, these puzzles will tell you everything. 4 progressive puzzles in 1 box with 1 extra booklet describing the potential dangers in different places in detail and telling us how to deal with these problems. A good way to talk to children about the dangers around them. Also a good way to let the kids find all the wrong behaviors by themselves while playing with the puzzle.

Road Safety

Emergency Rescue

Indoor and Outdoor Safety

Self Protection

Activity Books NEW

Glow in the Dark

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 4+ Price: ¥79.8 per box Format: 315×215×40mm Extent: 2 puzzles

This puzzle is a perfect activity for children aged 4 and up. It is also a good family activity for parents and children. Put these puzzles t o g e t h e r a n d t h e n t u r n o ff t h e l i g h t s a n d r e ve a l t h e g l o w i n g w o r l d . 2 progressive puzzles in 1 box with 1 extra booklet describing interesting facts of the space, dinosaurs, sea animals, forest animals, grassland animals and plants. 81 and 108 pieces bring different level of difficulty. Come and challenge yourself. You will love the colorful artwork of these puzzles.







Activity Books Sold to Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam

Funny Faces

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 1~4 Price: 59.8 per copy Format: 240Ă—260mm Extent: 14pp

Read these four little stories, follow these cute animals and see how they feel. This series of interactive board books are specially design for children under 5. Through reading different scenes and situations, children will learn how to read time, different tastes, animal sounds and different emotions and feelings. Turn the pages to change animals' little faces. Try to imitate their faces. Read aloud to learn these simple sentences.

Don't Disturb Mother Hen

It's Time for...

Happy Dino

Too Sour

Activity Books

Bangson Puzzle

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

28 titles available Age: 6+ Price: ¥49.8 per box Format: 315×215×33mm Extent: 100/150/200/300/500 pieces

28 boxes of jigsaw puzzles with different level of difficulty, varying in the number of puzzle pieces from 100 to 500. 28 themes with bright and unique illustrations provide hours of memorable, quality entertainment. How to start the puzzle and finish it step by step requires logical thinking. problem solving, creativity ability can be trained as well.


100 pieces


Flying Kites

Under the Sea

Botanical Garden

Amusement Park

Human Body



Activity Books

150 pieces

Great Show

Lantern Fair



The Little Men's Land

Space Adventure


Apple Town



Swimming Pool

Insects Concert

200 pieces

Activity Books

300 pieces

Pet Shop

Little Birds

Magic World

Football Match

Busy Street


Magic Garden

Cute Cats

Go Skiing

500 pieces




Activity Books Sold to Thailand, Malaysia

Dinosaur Puzzle

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

3 titles available Age: 3~5 Price: 69.8 per box Format: 240Ă—260mm Extent: 3 puzzles

There are 3 boxes of puzzles in this series, varying in the number of puzzle pieces from 25 to 36 to 64. 3 dinosaur puzzles of the same number in each box are designed specially for children aged 3-5. 20 dinosaur stickers and bright dinosaur images will bring extra fun for children. These puzzles help to develop creative and logical thinking, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination of the kid.

25 pieces

36 pieces

64 pieces

Activity Books


Sold to

Stick Puzzle

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

France, Poland, Estonia, the United States, the United Kingdom

4 titles available Age: 2+ Price: ¥59.8 per box Format: 193×262×25mm Extent: 8 puzzles

Different from the jigsaw puzzle, the stick puzzle uses double-sided flat sticks that can be arranged into four-themed images including animals, dinosaurs, fairy tales and vehicles. Each box includes 32 double-sided stick pieces that create 8 different puzzle images. Arranging these nice and brightly colored stick pieces helps children with their logical thinking and fine motor skills, and learn more bilingual names as well.



Fairy Tales

Things that go


Activity Books Sold to Thailand, Malaysia

Step by Step Puzzle Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

10 titles available Age: 1~5 Price: 59.8 per box Format: 240Ă—260mm Extent: 3 puzzles

10 boxes of puzzles in this series have different levels of difficulty. Each box includes 3 or 4 puzzles, varying in the number of puzzle pieces. Children can choose their favorite puzzles according to the difficulty level. Each jigsaw puzzle can be pieced together to reveal a colorfully illustrated scene featuring adorable animals and vehicles. This is a good way to introduce matching skills and develop hand-eye coordination and creative and logical thinking.

Activity Books Level 1:


Things that go

Fairy Tales


Things that go






Level 2:

Level 3:

Level 4:

Level 5:



Activity Books Sold to

Slide and Play

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 1~4 Price: 39.8 per copy Format: 181Ă—184mm Extent: 10pp

T h i s s e r i e s o f e n g a g i n g a n d i n t e ra c t i v e b o o k s include 4 books covering animals from farm, garden, zoo and circus. Read the bilingual sentences to guess what the animal is and then use little fingers to move the sliders to see if you are right. The 5 slide pages in each book feature puzzle pieces that will never f a l l o u t . T h e i n t e ra c t i v e s l i d e r s a n d q u e s t i o n s bring so much fun and also help children to develop observation skills and cultivate hand-eye coordination.





Turkey, France, Poland, Italy

Activity Books Science Puzzle

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 4+ Price: ¥59.8 per box Format: 260×260×40mm Extent: 49 pieces

4 boxes of 49-piece jigsaw show different scenes about space, seasons, nature and time. The included 24 game cards add an extra element of fun and learning! Complete the puzzle and try to find the things on the card in the puzzle. To find them, children have to react fast and observe carefully. This series of puzzles offer not only endless fun, but also help improve observation skills, concentration and logical thinking.

One Day






All about Stickers

Creative Sticker BookⅠ Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

6 titles available Age: 0~3 Price: ¥70.8 per copy Format: 210×230mm Extent: 20pp

How do you decorate your room? Where are the animals' tails? What does a monster look like? Find the stickers and create your own special scene. With these stickers, kids can engage in pages of activities and learn shapes, colors, numbers and basic math. Peeling and placing stickers strengthens fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. It is also great choice for road trips, vacations, inside activities and holidays.







All about Stickers

Creative Sticker BookⅡ Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

6 titles available Age: 3~6 Price: ¥70.8 per copy Format: 210×230mm Extent: 20pp









All about Stickers

Dinosaur Sticker Book Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 2~5 Price: 59.2 per copy Format: 210Ă—285mm Extent: 16pp

Do you know where the archeologist find the most dinosaur fossils? Can you re c o g n i ze a l l t h e s e my s t e r i o u s c re a t u re s ? C o m p l e t i n g t h e e xc i t i n g t h e m e d s c e n e s w i t h s t i c ke r s a n d l e a r n i n g i n t e r e s t i n g k n o w l e d g e a b o u t d i n o s a u r s . T h i s s e r i e s o f s t i c k e r b o o k s a r e f u n f o r k i d s t o p ra c t i c e t h e i r m o t o r a n d cognitive skills. They can peel the stickers and match them with the corresponding scene. They can also use the stickers in their notebooks.

Dinosaur Family

Herbivorous Dinosaurs

Secrets of Dinosaurs

Carnivorous Dinosaurs

All about Stickers

Vehicle Sticker Book Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 2~5 Price: 13.8 per copy Format: 210Ă—285mm Extent: 8pp

There are more than 300 vehicles to discover inside this series of fun activity st i c ke r b o o k s t h at in clu de m ore t h an 160 reusab le st ic kers. Cars are org anized int o different groups such as land vehicles, air and water vehicles, emergency vehicles and construction vehicles. These are the perfect activity books to keep children satisfied as they work through these pages.Finding the missing stickers and sticking them to the page is a good way to practice hand-eye cooperation and visual scanning.

Air and Sea Vehicles

Land Vehicles

Meet the Vehicles

World Cars



All about Stickers NEW

Nature World Sticker Fun·I Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

5 titles available Age: 2~5 Price: ¥12.8 per copy Format: 210×285mm Extent: 20pp

Learn all about nature through this series of fun activity sticker books that include 5 b o o k s p re s e n t i n g a m a z i n g a n im a l s in n a t u re . Ta k in g a n i m a l s t h a t c h i l d re n l ove , fro m ocean animals to dinosaurs to forest animals, these activity books are packed with simple activities for children to do independently. Except stickers, coloring activities and easyto-understand facts also bring so much fun. These activities are good ways to practice children's hand-eye coordination and help to develop dexterity.

S e a Wo rld

W e t lan d A n imals

G ras s lan d Ani m a l s

D i nosa u r W or l d

I nt o t h e Ju ng l e

All about Stickers



Nature World Sticker Fun·Ⅱ Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

5 titles available Age: 2~5 Price: ¥12.8 per copy Format: 210×285mm Extent: 20pp

Le a r n a l l a b o u t natu re th rou gh th is s er ies of fun activi ty sticker b ooks that includ e 5 bo ok s p re s e n t in g birds , garden an im als , veg etab les and frui ts in nature. These b ooks a r e p a c k e d w i t h s i m p l e a c t i v i t i e s f o r c h i l d r e n t o d o i n d e p e n d e n t l y. E x c e p t s t i c k e r s , t h e c o l o r i n g a c t i v i t i e s a n d e a s y- t o - u n d e r s t a n d f a c t s a l s o b r i n g s o m u c h f u n . T h e s e activities are good ways to practice children's hand-eye coordination and help to de velo p d e x t e r i ty.

B eauti ful Birds

F o re s t A n imals

Fruits and Vetetables

G a r den Ani m a l s

Butterflies and Moths


All about Stickers NEW

Stay Safe Sticker Activity Book Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

6 titles available Age: 2~5 Price: 16.8 per copy Format: 250Ă—250mm Extent: 24pp

The world can be dangerous especially for young children. This series of sticker books presenting potential danger in different places, like the outdoor, the kindergarten, the public places, at home and on the street. With more than 500 reusable stickers, the delightful illustrations and childfriendly text, these books teach children how to avoid potential dangers, how to ask for help, how to deal with different situations in different places. Children will learn the basic skills to stay safe and be prepared for emergencies.

Outdoor Safety

Kindergarten Safety

Home Safety

Self Protection

In Public Places

Road Safety

All about Stickers NEW

Puffy Sticker Book· Amazing Jobs Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

6 titles available Age: 3~6 Price: ¥19.8 per copy Format: 180×240mm Extent: 8pp

The puffy sticker activity books include 6 kinds of jobs, 24 interesting career scenes, cool 3D puffy sticker, Interactive games, 142 groups of Chinese and English words and a convenient carrying handle. These puffy stickers are soft and safe for kids to squeeze and to grab. Playing with the reusable stickers, doing the activities, reading these words and finding the objects in the scene can help kids develop their hand-eye coordination and concentration skills and build vocabulary as well.









All about Stickers NEW

Magnetic Sticker Game Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

12 titles available Age: 2~5 Price: 49.8 per copy Format: 220Ă—285mm Extent: 8pp

This series of amazing magnetic sticker books are packed with double-sided large panoramic scene to explore and over 60 reusable magnetic stickers in each book to play with.With no rules or set places for stickers to go, it could keep children busy for hours. Little ones can spread it out across the floor and create whatever kinds of scenes they want. These magnetic stickers are perfect for learning fine motor skills. The ability to create their own scenes will bring confidence and will delight little ones.

All about Stickers

Cretaceous Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs' Relatives

Triassic Dinosaurs

Jurassic Dinosaurs

Grassland Animals

Jungle Animals

Ocean Animals

Farm Animals

City Vehicles

Construction Vehicles

Resue Vehicles

On the Outskirts



All about Stickers NEW

My Bilingual Cognitive Sticker Book Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

6 titles available Age: 1~4 Price: 12.8 per copy Format: 210Ă—285mm Extent: 10pp

This is a series of beautiful sticker books designed to help children build vocabulary by associating words to attractive pictures. These books cover most preschool objects and concepts to help your child get ready for school. 6 Interesting themes including animals, shapes, colors, letters, etc. With bilingual phrases,reusable stickers.


General Goods




M y W or l d

All about Stickers NEW

Big Sticker Book of Animals Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 2~5 Price: ¥13.8 per copy Format: 210×285mm Extent: 8pp

Learn all about animals in this series of animal sticker books. More than 100 reusable stickers in each book and the colorful pages feature animal photographs to look at and bilingual names to read make learning fun.Through finding and matching the correct s t i c k e r s t o t h e c o r r e c t s p a c e s , c h i l d r e n w i l l l e a r n e a s y- t o - u n d e r s t a n d f a c t s a b o u t animals and develop hand-eye coordination skills.

Sea Animals

Cute Animals

Wild Animals




All about Stickers

Photographic Sticker Book Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

5 titles available Age: 2~5 Price: ¥12.8 per copy Format: 210×285mm Extent: 10pp

These 5 photographic sticker books aim to make learning fun. The sticker book includes over 100 reusable stickers and 11 colorful pages featuring real photographs. In children's beginning years of learning, they will find it easy to learn new words and names of simple objects around them through these attractive photographs.

Animal 1


Animal 2



All about Stickers


Sold to Thailand

My Early Learning Sticker Book Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

8 titles available Age: 2~5 Price: 16.8 per copy Format: 210Ă—285mm Extent: 16pp

This 8-themed series of sticker books help children learn basic skills that are necessary in their growth, like basic math, observation skills, logical thinking, etc. 16 fun scenes, 4 pages o f r e u s a b l e s t i c k e r s , e n g a g i n g i l l u s t ra t i o n s a n d s c e n e s b r i n g children so much fun of completing the scene, which will give confidence and satisfaction. Perfect for practising manual deterity and hand-eye coordination.


Self Recognition



Social Skill


Logical Thinking



All about Stickers

Sticker Book for Children I Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

8 titles available Age: 0~3 Price: 9.9 per copy Format: 185Ă—260mm Extent: 16pp

T h i s fa n t a s t i c s e r i e s o f s t i c k e r a c t i v i t y b o o k s i n c l u d e 1 6 f u n s c e n e s a n d e n g a g i n g a c t i v i t i e s . Re a d t h e c h i l d - f r i e n d l y t e x t s a n d fo l l o w t h e instructions to stick the stickers and create the unique scene. Children will enjoy fixing the picture stickers onto each fun scene. Great for visual thinking, fine-motor skills, and hand-eye coordination.









All about Stickers

Sticker Book for Children Ⅱ Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

8 titles available Age: 3~6 Price: ¥9.9 per copy Format: 185×260mm Extent: 16pp

T h i s fa n t a s t i c s e r i e s o f s t i c k e r a c t i v i t y b o o k s i n c l u d e 1 6 f u n s c e n e s a n d e n g a g i n g a c t i v i t i e s . Re a d t h e c h i l d - f r i e n d l y t e x t s a n d fo l l o w t h e instructions to stick the stickers and create the unique scene. Children will enjoy fixing the picture stickers onto each fun scene. Great for visual thinking, fine-motor skills, and hand-eye coordination.











All about Stickers Sold to Thailand

My Very First Sticker Activity Book Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

8 titles available Age: 2~5 Price: ¥7 per copy Format: 190×190mm Extent: 12pp

Great fun interactive sticker books for children aged 2-5. The 8 themed sticker books present everyday scenes for children, making it easy to learn things around them. No set place for stickers to go on each page. Little ones can create their own scenes. Reusable stickers, bright illustrations and interactive questions stimulate children's curiosity and develop their fine motor skills and creativity.

Funny Bugs

Funny Animals

Things that Go

Cute Pets

Happy Farm

Colorful Life

Busy Shop


All about Stickers NEW

Creative Magnetic Sticker Book

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 3+ Price: 118 per copy Format: 210Ă—285mm Extent: 12pp

This is a series of books designed to introduce the amazing animals, dinosaurs, vehicles and human body. More than 40 pieces of magnetic stickers can be used repeatedly. Children can place these magnetic stickers in the appropriate scenes or anywhere they want. Bright and cheerful illustration stimulates children to read and to play. Easy-to-understand facts about different animals, vehicles, dinosaurs and human body make learning fun for young children.



Our Body




Education Board Games NEW

Magnetic Dress-Up

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 3+ Price: 49.8 per box Format: 161Ă—221mm Extent: 4pp

See, a prince, but why is he wearing a pirate hat? A girl is wearing Egyptian dress, but why is she wearing geta shoes? Why is the soldier holding a fire extinguisher? Come and dress for these people: soldier, astronaut, policeman, fireman, prince, princess, pirate, wizard. You can mix and match their dressing style. 4 characters, 4 different scenes, 54 pieces of magnetic dresses, pants, shoes, hats, handheld objects. kids can change their clothes randomly and learn different professions and dressing styles.The magnetic stickers can be used repeatedly and can be easily protected in the iron box.





Education Board Games NEW

Magnetic Tangram Puzzle Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

2 titles available Age: 3+/5+ Price: 69.8 per box Format: 190Ă—210mm Extent: 108pp

This puzzle set contains 100 different shapes and patterns, 2 sets of magnetic tangrams of varied sizes and shapes, a magnetic board that kids can use to set up their designs. Put theses puzzles together to form an animal, a human, a car, a boat or whatever you like. By solving the 100 shapes and creating their own patterns, kids will have a different freshness everyday and never get bored. Kids can learn different shapes, colors and sizes. Hours of fun can also inspire children's observation, imagination and test their shape-recognition, pattern-design and problem-solving skills.

Magnetic Tangram Puzzle 3+

Magnetic Tangram Puzzle 5+



Education Board Games Sold to Taiwan, Hongkong, Macao

Add Fish Up to 10

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower Age: 4+ Price: ¥34.8 per box Format: 107×73×50mm Extent: 65 cards

A fun card game for 2-5 players aged 4 and up. The goal for this game is simply to get more fish cards. To win this game, children need strategy and to do addition calculations. This card game help kids practice counting and basic addition calculations within 15 while having fun. A good game for family time, road trip and parties.

Sold to Taiwan, Hongkong, Macao

Count Cats

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower Age: 4+ Price: ¥29.8 per box Format: 107×73×50mm Extent: 50 cards

An engaging card game for 2-4 players aged 4 and up. The goal for this game is to get rid of your cards before others can. Players need to give one or two cards with one more cat than the former player's card. With cute cats and funny game rules, this card game could entertain children for hours and improve their counting and addition calculation.

Education Board Games

65 Sold to Taiwan, Hongkong, Macao

Plus or Minus

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower Age: 5+ Price: ¥37.8 per box Format: 107×73×50mm Extent: 90 cards

A card game for 2-4 players aged 5 and up. Do the addition or subtraction calculations on the card and play a card with the calculation result in the center as fast as you can. The first player who gets rid of all the cards wins. Children need to react fast and do the calculation. A good game to exercise calculation and active thinking.

Sold to Taiwan, Hongkong, Macao

Jaws of 10

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower Age: 5+ Price: ¥39.8 per box Format: 107×73×50mm Extent: 100 cards

90 cards with colorful illustration are specially designed for 2-4 players aged 5 and up. Turn over the top cards of the draw pile one by one. Do the addition calculation. When the calculation result is 10, the one who reacts fastest gets the cards. To win the game, players have to identify numbers, do the calculation fast and react fast. A perfect way to practice calculation and develop their initiative.


水果 吃 和蔬 菜


Education Board Games NEW

Magnetic Sticker by Numbers Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 3+ Price: 49.8 per box Format: 161Ă—221mm Extent: 6pp

A Portable box includes 600 small magnetic stickers, 5 beautifully arranged mosaic pictures and 1 blank squared board. Children need to find the number and its corresponding color and place these small stickers together to make a beautiful picture of an animal, a character or a vehicle according to the numbers. They can also create their own works of art on the blank board. This is a perfect way to exercise children's creativity and logical thinking ability.





Early Learning


Sold to Thailand, Malaysia

Match & Learn Puzzle Pairs  Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

3 titles available Age: 2+ Price: ¥69.8 per box Format: 190×210mm Extent: 108pp

This bright series of two-piece puzzles are designed to introduce animals, numbers, alphabet, colors and shapes to young children. By matching the 72 pieces of puzzles together, children gain important understanding of basic preschool knowledge in a relaxed and fun way. The 72 puzzle pieces are self-correcting pieces. Only the correct pairs fit together. This helps to boost confidence in young children and makes it possible for kids to play independently. These puzzles are also an ideal way of improving hand-eye coordination, motor skills and problem solving ability.





Early Learning

My Early Learning Flash Cards Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

5 titles available Age: 0~3 Price: 39.8 per box Format: 190Ă—210mm Extent: 72 cards

Each box contains 72 flash cards designed to help kids to learn and recognize some basic words. One side of the card has a picture, while the other side has the word written in English and Chinese. These bright and colorful images will introduce kids to everyday items like vehicles, vegetables, fruits, etc. Playing fun games with these cards allow children to develop thinking skills and increase concentration. These flashcards are perfect for kids to hold and to read.


Animals Basic Words

Early Learning General Goods

Early Learning

Magic Bath Book

Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower

4 titles available Age: 0~3 Price: 22.8 per box Format: 120Ă—120mm Extent: 6pp

Four books in this series specially designed for children to play with when they are having a bath. Each book contains 6 pages telling a short story.The magical thing happens when the pages get wet. The scenes would be brought to life in full color. It will attract kids' attention with its vivid patterns and colors and keep them occupied. Bathing time will not be boring and will not be a challenge for parents.These books are soft and squishy for little hands to squzze. Fully waterproof and tear-resistant. Kids can also use waterpens to draw on the book and to recover the color of a deer, a frog or a bird.

A Little Bird

The Lost Deer

Hide and Seek

Caterpillar's House



Sound Books NEW

My Talking Dictionary Text and Illustrated by: Little Red Flower Age: 3+ Price: 148 per box Format: 161Ă—221mm Extent: 24pp

Little ones will love interacting with 46 buttons and building their first words by reading, pointing and listening to this book. We have everything including fruits, vegetables, animals, toys, festivals and anything you can think of. Press the little buttons to listen to more than 500 words. Follow the speaker and say the word out loud. Connect words with pictures again and again. Learning words has never been so fun! This educational sound book encourages learning and gives confidence and satisfaction that come from learning new things!

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