Welcome to Banksia Scout Group. To help with the initial step the group has completed this information pack to help answer some of the questions you may have and give you some information about scouting and the Banksia Scout Group. Scouting is a worldwide organisation offering the opportunity for young people to learn and discover the world beyond home and classroom, tapping the skills of others to learn and passing that knowledge onto others. We are a family oriented youth organisation set in place by Lord Baden-Powell in 1907. We are a voluntary, non-political, educational group consisting of Youth, Parents and Leaders. All Leaders are volunteers and are trained in their respective roles. Leader preparation includes careful scrutiny, in addition, they have accepted and signed a Code of Conduct. We see parents as a very important part of our group, as we work together to develop the youth of today to take their place as respectable citizens with dignity and the ability to mix with others, as well as treating all as equals. We encourage your participation in our sectional activities. Our Group consists of Joey Scouts (6 to 8 years), Cub Scouts (7 to 11 years), Scouts (10 to 15 years) and Venturers (14 to 18 years). Each section has trained Leaders who provide specifically designed programs to meet the developmental needs of the age group. All time given to Scouting by the Leaders is voluntary. Please take the time to read the Youth Information Pack carefully. If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact me or the Section Leader. We will be only too happy to assist. Yours sincerely Katrina Hoare “Jacala” Group Leader
Katrina Hoare (Jacala)
0410 455 615
Joey Scouts Leader: Kea McNeill (Bilby)
0447 394 205
Cub Scouts Leader: Jo Hamilton (Rikki)
0404 001 914
Scouts Leader: Sonia Andrews (Koala)
0409 758 964
Venturer Scouts Leader: Jo Brzozowski (Pera) 0408 240 995
Girls and Boys aged 6 to 8 years Joey Scouts is the first Section of Scouts. The emphasis is on fun and friendship and a gentle introduction to a world of challenges and adventures through Scouting. • Do you know how to cook chocolate spiders or make frog puppets? • Can you build monsters and spaceships from scrap items? • Have you ever grown a plant or hiked in the bush? These are all things you can learn when you are a Joey Scout! Joey Scouts are boys and girls aged six and seven who like having fun and making friends! • When you join Joeys you’ll be part of a Mob. • You’ll play games, read stories, sing songs and do craft activities. • You’ll find out about nature and learn about native birds and animals. • You might fly a kite, go bushwalking, go to the beach, or visit a fire station, zoo or farm. The Joey Scout motto is HOP – Help Other People! • You’ll learn to jump in and HOP, and to share with your friends. • You’ll also learn heaps of useful stuff, like what to do in an emergency. • When you join in different activities and learn new things, you and your mates in the Mob can earn special badges to sew on to your Joey Scout shirts.
Girls and Boys aged 7 to 11 years Cub Scout activities are planned to cover a broad range of interests and topics to trigger their imagination and curiosity, and to meet their developmental needs. Our Cub Scouts meet once a week on Thursday 5.30pm to 7pm as well as finding new adventures in Pack Holidays and outings. - Section currently full and another leader needed before new members accepted. • • • • • •
Bushcraft Discovery Camping Hiking Science Outdoors
Water activities: • • • •
• • • • • • • •
Knotting Compass First aid Environment Flight Achievement Adventure Friendship
Canoeing Rafting Swimming Fishing
Girls and Boys aged 10 to 15 years “Action Plus” is the best way to describe the life of a Scout. Scouts have a unique opportunity to experience numerous adventures. Our Scout Troop meet on Fridays from 6.30pm to 8.30pm as well as taking part in weekend camps and outings.
• Scouting is all about having fun, hiking, camping & making new friends • Cooking for yourself at camp on an open camp fire • Building a tower from rope and staves (wooden poles) • One of our games is Chariot Races • We have fun nights at the den - Games all night and movies at Halloween • We visit many places eg airport, all emergency services, lifesaving and radio station where we even get to announce a song!
Girls and Boys aged 14 to 18 years In Venturer Scouts, it is the Youth Member not the adults who plan and run activities with the emphasis on adventure, challenge and excitement. The Venturer Scout Unit meets Wednesday 7pm to 9pm as well as taking part in weekend camps and outings. Our Venturers are currently meeting with Mackay City Central Venturers so please contact Leader Jo Brzozowski for more information.
VENTURERS LOOK WIDE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Canoeing Hiking Caving Cooking Fun Golf Swimming Abseiling Initiative activities Camping Movies Photography Ceramics Driver education Community Activities
these are just some of the things venturers do
ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES 2015/2016 (Includes Personal Accident Insurance) When a youth member starts, the membership fee is payable based on a pro-rata basis which includes an initial once only REGISTRATION FEE ($55) In each subsequent year, the membership fee is payable as at 31 March less the registration fee. With an organisation consisting of over 100,000 members, administration and training expenses are substantial. New Youth Members Registration Fees 2015-2016 APR
Renewal Youth Members A family concession is applicable on renewal of the Annual membership fee for the second and subsequent children as follows: Child No. 1 $121.00 Child No. 2 (within the same family) $116.00 Subsequent Children (within the same family) $111.00
REGIONAL AFFILIATION FEE This fee helps offset the administration and other expenses of the Central and Coastal Region, of which Banksia Scout Group is a part. The levy is currently $20 per annum.
GROUP TERM FEES A Term Fee is required to cover the costs of sectional activities, equipment, badges and certificates as well as Group expenses such as electricity, insurance etc. There are 4 terms per year and families are invoiced on a term by term basis. • 1 child - $100ea • 2 children - $95ea • 3 children - $90ea • 4 children - $87.50ea $30 of each term fee is allocated to next year’s registration fees. If your youth member leaves prior to the end of financial year this money will be refunded.
EQUIPMENT The Banksia Scout Group has a large range of expensive camping equipment such as tents, ropes and cooking gear. Group fundraising events meet the cost of this equipment. Eventually you will need to equip your child with items of personal equipment such as a mess kit, sleeping bag, hike pack and so on. As they progress through the sections, more of this type of equipment may be required. However, there is no rush to buy these items and they may make great ideas for birthdays and Christmas.