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Designing Environments and Activities that Support Resilience (Preschool–Grade 2)
The pandemic forced many to think about the ways trauma affects children’s lives. This workshop will focus on trauma and resilience, taking a deep look at how the body reacts to trauma and the impact on development. Participants will learn strategies that focus on the development of supportive environments, practices, and asset-based tools that reflect children’s strength and their ability to strengthen resilience leading to healing. Instructor: Genevieve Lowry
December 7 | Online
Wednesday, 7:00 PM–8:30 PM ET 2 CTLE or .2 CEU $35 Registration Deadline: 11/30
Making: One Way to Create More Inclusive Classrooms (Preschool–Grade 5)
Project-based making starts with students’ interests and skills, allows them to be seen more dynamically, and bridges home and school learning. It allows students to see themselves as people who, through tinkering, can have an impact over systems and objects in their world. This course will help you create the conditions in which your students can explore their individual talents in order to design their own projects. Participants will explore ways in which projects can be facilitated with accessibility (low floors) and possibility (high ceilings) for all students and how to identify the benchmark skills that are being taught and learned within each project. Instructor: Kelly Bird
December 5 and 7 | Online
Monday and Wednesday, 6:30 PM–8:45 PM ET 5 CTLE or .5 CEU $295 Registration Deadline: 11/28 TEWS851N
Normalizing Vulnerability in the Classroom: Strategies to Inspire Children to Take Social, Emotional, Academic Risks (Grades K–8)
Children who have learned to normalize vulnerability operate with resilience, confidence, and a growth mindset. This workshop outlines how games, work-sharing protocols, connection circles, and other techniques can inspire children to share openly with—and support— one another. A digital folder of practical resources will be shared with you after each session. Instructor: Lily Howard Scott
December 12 and 14 | Online
Monday and Wednesday, 6:30 PM–8:30 PM ET 4 CTLE or .4 CEU $195 Registration Deadline: 12/5
The Reggio-Emilia Approach: From Theory to Practice (Ages Infant–5 Years)
The early childhood program founded in Reggio-Emilia, Italy incorporates an emphasis on the learning environment, process vs. product, developmentally appropriate practice, and the importance of the community of learners. Much of this philosophy reflects the culture of the Italians and is difficult to recreate in the United States. This course is meant to provide an introduction to the approach and will attempt to bridge the Reggio-Emilia theory with American culture. We will view the Reggio-Emilia approach as a means to combat the push-down curriculum, competition, product over process, and the jumping/skipping of learning stages we are now experiencing in this country. Instructors: Patricia Watkins and Rafa Pérez–Segura
November 7, 9, 14, 16 | Online*
Mondays/Wednesdays, 7:00 PM–9:30 PM ET 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Registration Deadline: 10/31 *Class includes asynchronous work