Buepo herbst2014 gb

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Autumn 2014 www.bannerbatteries.com












Dear Reader, The exceptionally mild winter during the 2013/14 financial year provided us with major challenges. Nonetheless, we were able to maintain Banner Group sales at the level of the preceding twelve months, above all due to the extremely positive trend with regard to AGM batteries for environment-friendly, start/stop vehicles. This business area already accounts for over 20 per cent of our production volume. We also have pleasing news to report on an international level. In September 2014, the French consumer magazine “Que choisir” awarded our Power Bull premium class battery a “best choice” rating. Moreover, the order from the VW Group for the supply of EFB start/stop batteries from January­2015 onwards represents confirmation of the fact that with a combination of innovation and quality we are on the right road. Innovative services and practical accessories constitute an equally important topic and one that we are addressing with products such as the Banner Service Tool for battery changes in modern start/stop vehicles. In order to continue to remain competitive in years to come even under difficult conditions, we have revised our 2025 corporate strategy and have placed the main focus clearly on growth. We are convinced that this strategic orientation will not only boost the success of our company, but also that of our partners. In this spirit we would like to thank you for your trust in our products and say that we look forward to continuing to capture your imagination through the innovative strength and quality of our ­batteries and accessories in the course of long-term, future cooperation.

Mag. Thomas Bawart Technical CEO


Andreas Bawart Commercial CEO



The new high-bay warehouse will go into service at the end of 2014.


MORE POWER FOR OUR CUSTOMERS THE NEW HIGH-BAY WAREHOUSE WILL BECOME OPERATIONAL AT THE END OF 2014 THUS CREATING A PROCESS IMPROVEMENT MILESTONE EN ROUTE TO GREATER CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND SEASONAL FLEXIBILITY. Never standing still and making what’s good still better represent two of the fundamental principles to which Banner actively adheres in all its business areas. And if proof were needed of the fact that these maxims naturally also ­apply to the organisation of the supply chain and subsequently customer satisfaction, this is now provided by the roughly 1,750m2, 20mhigh, fully automated, high-bay warehouse at the company plant in Linz-Leonding. Work started on the silo-design building in ­October 2013 and by the end of this year, around 10,000 additional spaces for pallets will be available, thus enabling a marked improvement in production flexibility to match

the seasonal nature of product sales. As a result of a fully automatic handover station and shelf loading, up to 60 incoming pallets can be dealt with hourly, while up to 90 can be dispatched. The new high-bay warehouse has involved investment of roughly seven million euros and constitutes an important element in Banner’s growth-oriented 2025 corporate strategy. All in all, between 2010 and 2014 some € 40 million­ have been spent on the modernisation and enlargement of production facilities with a ­ primary­focus on increased output of the highly successful AGM batteries for environmentfriendly start/stop vehicles.

FACTBOX Banner HIGH-BAY WAREHOUSE IN LINZ-LEONDING • 10,000 additional pallet spaces • Storage of 60 pallets/h, dispatch of 90/h • Optimised supply chain for greater customer satisfaction • Flexible production matched to seasonal­ demand • Investments totalling € 7 million • Essential element in Banner’s growth strategy




Partnership with VW and Audi strengthened further.

FACTBOX Banner RUNNING BULL EFB: • Two types with 60 Ah and 70 Ah ­capacities • Non-woven separator sleeve and special active mass recipe • Twice the cyclical life of conventional starter batteries; E3 classification pursuant to EN 50342-1 • Top V3 vibration resistance pursuant to EN 50342-1 • Double Lid top for maximum leak ­protection and operational safety • Absolutely maintenance-free due to modern calcium grid technology


VW TRUSTS IN Banner EFB BATTERIES DELIVERIES TO BEGIN IN JANUARY 2015. The Banner formula for success, which combines product quality, strong brands, technical competence and reliability, recently again proved to be a winner during the allocation of a coveted major order. For the first fitting of its innovative “Blue Motion” start/stop models, the Volkswagen Group has opted for Banner’s enhanced flooded batteries (EFB) in the 69 Ah performance class. Banner is

to supply the VW works in Wolfsburg (Germany), Pamplona (Spain) and Palmela (Portugal), as well as the Audi works in Györ (Hungary) and the Seat plant in Martorell (Spain). The large-scale order for EFB batteries represents the latest highlight in the long and successful teamwork between the Volkswagen Group and Banner, and is highly gratifying confirmation of the probity of our chosen corporate strategy.




BUFFALO POWER ON TWO WHEELS INNOVATIVE ADDITIONS TO THE BIKE BULL PRODUCT FAMILY. Banner is expanding its product range for motorcycles! In future, the company’s successful Bike Bull, Bike Bull AGM and BIKE BULL AGM+SLA batteries are to be joined by the Bike Bull GEL and a new top model, the Bike Bull AGM PROfessional! This battery is nothing less than “an original for retrofitting”, a claim estimated by leading­ manufacturers of premium bikes such as ­Harley Davidson and BMW Motorcycles, who are to install the new power pack. The Bike Bull

AGM PROfessional is available in five different versions with capacities of 9 to 30Ah and stands out due to its excellent cold start characteristics. Owing to pioneering AGM technology, the batteries are ready for use ex-works, are absolutely maintenance-free, leak-proof and entirely vibration resistant, which allows their installation in a lateral position. The Bike Bull GEL product line, which is also new, offers capacities of 4 to 20Ah for all the standard motorcycles on the European m ­ arket

and will replace the BIKE BULL AGM+SLA forerunner model. The use of gel improves both the vibration and cycle resistance of the batteries, thus extending their life and permitting lateral fitting. With this product line update for 2015, Banner has succeeded in creating a battery package that is both versatile and customised for the various demands of retailers.





AWARENESS LEVELS REGARDING BATTERY TECHNOLOGY ARE ON THE RISE A RECENT CAR RETAILER SURVEY SHOWS A MARKED INCREASE IN AGM BATTERY RECOGNITION. Car retailers now obtain data regarding start/stop batteries in a much more targeted manner than was the case as recently as 2011. Moreover, they gather this information to a lesser degree from specialist publications and to a greater extent from the manufacturers, who in this connection are increasingly investing in partner training. These are the conclusions of an online survey by puls Marktforschung of Germany among 275 car retailers, which was commissioned by Banner in May 2014. The survey also indicated that AGM batteries are steadily becoming a f­ocal point for

a growing­number of retailers. If in 2011 only 15 per cent of retailers said they had been in contact with AGM technology, by 2014 this number­ had more than doubled to 32 per cent. In particular­, retailers handling ­premium German makes are constantly­confronted by the topic of AGM, which is a clear indication of the major interest in this technology within the G ­ erman automotive industry. The retailers named the Automechanika as the most important trade fair for obtaining information about modern battery technologies, followed by the IAA. Furthermore,

Battery technology recall levels

Q. Think about automatic, start/stop systems. With which battery technologies for start/stop applications has your workshop been confronted?

Standard lead/acid



Cycle-resistant lead/acid (EFB)

puls Marktforschung GmbH Battery technologies 2014


Basis: n= 275 Information in % Multiple answers possible

training at BMW and component wholesalers such as Stahlgruber and Carat also received positive mentions. For Banner as an AGM specialist the results of the survey clearly point the way ahead. Accordingly, more is to be invested in training in order to communicate our know-how at precisely the point where it is most needed; namely among the employees at car retailers and workshops, and their owners.




Banner BATTERY SERVICE TOOL: TOP MARKS FOR PRACTICAL USE! THE SERVICE DEVICE DEVELOPED BY Banner FOR THE EXCHANGE OF BATTERIES IN VEHICLES WITH BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS HAS BEEN ON THE MARKET SINCE SPRING 2014 AND HAS ALREADY PASSED PRACTICAL TESTING WITH FLYING COLOURS. In 2015, some 90 per cent of the new vehicles manufactured in Europe will roll off the production lines with modern fuel saving technology under­the hood. However, the related complex battery systems present automotive workshops with increasing challenges when it comes to the selection of the appropriate replacement power pack. Accordingly, it is precisely at this point that the specially developed Banner Service Tool comes into play by offering straightforward, practical assistance.

woven, and absorbent glass mat (AGM) models. Every component and in particular the battery is matched to the respective start/stop system and therefore it is essential that during a battery change, an absolutely identical type is installed. Should this not be the case, a battery failure may occur within only a few months. The result is complaints and much worse, angry customers! More­ over, not only must the correct type of replacement battery be chosen, but also the change has to be communicated to the vehicle’s systems.

Vehicles with a start/stop function make enormous demands on the battery, which are nonetheless overcome by means of cycle-resistant enhanced flooded (EFB), valve-regulated non-

In order to make battery exchanges in vehicles with start/stop functions far simpler for automotive workshops and as a consequence, to ensure all-round customer satisfaction, Banner has de-

Banner Battery Service Tool

veloped its Battery Service Tool (BBST). Once this handy device is connected to the EOBD interface, it automatically identifies the vehicle, enquires if a battery change involves special operations and facilitates the read-out and erasure of the special error code of the manufacturer. This is all completed without an external power source and is absolutely failsafe. Above all, for automotive component companies, tyre retailers, quick service operations and free workshops the Banner Battery Service Tool represents an economic alternative to expensive diagnosis stations.


“With the help of the Banner Battery Service Tool the job can be done quickly and comfortably.” Albert Betz, owner, Albert Betz Meisterhaft Autoreparatur

“Using the BBST, our workshop can handle the majority of car makes.” Uğur Güneri, CEO, Bosch Car Service Dachau





Banner RUSSIA IS 10-YEARS-OLD! The Banner team headed by Andrej Kerin celebrated the Russian branch’s first decade with long-term customers and colleagues from group headquarters in Austria. During the festivities at the SPA Hotel “Snegirek” near Moscow, which were held from 25-27 September, the guests received interesting insights into Banner’s history and developments in both the battery branch and technology. Lively discussions were then held with the customers regarding their experiences with Banner products. The event programme also included a visit to the New Jerusalem Cloisters, football, table tennis and bowling tournaments. The culinary highlight was the presentation by Banner’s loyal customers of a birthday cake to the Moscow team.

FACTBOX Banner RUSSIA • Location: Moscow • Employees: 7 • Customers: 150 • Branch area: 500m2 • Banner is in demand in Russia: because of awareness of the brand’s top quality • Special market features: brand diversity (up to 30 brands) at each customer • Most popular products: Power Bull, Buffalo Bull, Uni Bull


Banner celebrates with its customers in Moscow



BULLISH GREETINGS FROM VLADIVOSTOK WHEN IT COMES TO THE RIGHT POWER, 11,200 KM IS A STROLL! For the past two years, the Mitsumag company­ of Vladivostok has been selling the complete range of Banner batteries from 4 to 225 Ah, and from the Energy Bull for boats to the Bike Bull for motorcycles. Vladivostok lies on the far eastern tip of Russia directly on the Sea of Japan and with almost 600,000 inhabitants is the most important Russian Pacific port. The fact that distances in Russia are on a different scale is reflected clearly by the routes that Banner batteries have to travel on a daily basis. This is because Mitsumag not only sells ­Banner products in the vicinity of Vladivostok, but also in Magadan, which lies 5,000 km to the Banner goes Siberia

north, Yakutsk, which is situated 3,000 km to the north-west and Jushno Sachalinsk­, which is located 1,700 km to the north-east over the sea. Banner products from the Moscow­ branch take roughly three weeks to arrive­by train and cover a distance of 9,050 km before arriving at Mitsumag. Moreover, they have already had to travel 2,150km on the trip from Linz to Moscow! It is therefore all the more remarkable that despite strong competition from Korean, ­ Japanese and Chinese products, according ­ to its own figures, Mitsumag sold some 3,000 batteries during last season.





Banner AT THE AUTOMECHANIKA IN FRANKFURT Banner’s SKIING HUT WAS A PEAK ATTRACTION! The Automechanika, the top international, automotive industry trade fair took place in Frankfurt from 16 to 20 September. During the five days of the fair, 140,000 visitors gathered information about new products and trends, and naturally Banner was part of the scene. Every two years, some 4,600 exhibitors come to Frankfurt from over 70 countries to present their latest innovations in the areas of automotive components, workshop and filling station equipment, IT and management, vehicle washing systems, accessories and tuning. The Banner skiing hut also proved to be an eye-catcher in Frankfurt and once again reaffirmed its reputation as a magnet for visitors. Above all,

the typical Austrian surroundings, the cosiness and friendly atmosphere generate extremely positive feedback at international events. The new Banner Battery Service Tool for straightforward battery exchanges in vehicles with start/stop systems also aroused great visitor interest. Moreover, the best possible proof of the quality and innovative strength of our products was provided by the receipt of a major order from VW for the first fitting of 150,000 vehicles with start/stop EFB batteries. In addition, the high demand for this type of battery has prompted us to enlarge our range with two models designed specifically for the Korean and Japanese markets.

New branch manager in Neuruppin WITH POWER TO SUCCESS Nico Grotjahn took over as the manager of our ­German sales branch in Neuruppin, Brandenburg near Berlin on 1 July 2014. Neuruppin was the birthplace of the writer Theodor Fontane and is therefore also known as the “Fontane Town”. In addition with

its historical old quarter, it is famous as “the most ­Prussian of all Prussian towns”. We wish Nico Grotjahn every success.

Branch manager Nico Grotjahn





VETERAN CARS FOR A GOOD CAUSE For over 20 years, the “Lebenshilfe” in Gießen, Germany has been supporting projects for persons with mental handicaps and physical illnesses through a veteran car donation promotion. The focal point of the twentieth event of this kind, in which numerous companies including Banner are participating, is a housing project in which persons with severe and multiple handicaps will live under the same roof as persons with no disabilities. With a donation of € 5 or more, sponsors can not only make a worthwhile contribution to the project, but also participate in a veteran car competition with numerous motorised prizes that are certain to make the hearts of old- and young-timer fans and motorcycle enthusiasts beat faster.

1st prize: Jaguar MK II, 1963

2nd prize: Ferrari Mondial, 1985

1st prize: Jaguar MK II, manufactured 1963 2nd prize: Ferrari Mondial QV Cabrio, manufactured 1985 3rd prize: Mercedes-Benz 200/8, manufactured 1975 Donations can be made until 20 January 2015. Further information about the project and the prices can be found at www.OldtimerSpendenaktion.de 3rd prize: Mercedes-Benz 200, 1975

GIVING HOPE STEP-BY-STEP On 27 April 2014, the “Do Some Good Run” took place at the Pleschinger Lake in Linz, in order to raise funds for the city’s Multiple Therapy Centre­ (MTZ), which supports children and young people suffering from restricted mobility. Round Table 2, a Linz-based organisation that aims to support local social activities and help persons in need, masterminded the charity run. In past years, the event has raised over € 90,000 and we are proud as a company to contribute to this project.

Active social responsibility





IMPRINT: Media owner, publisher: Banner GmbH, Postfach 777, Salzburger Strasse 298, 4021 Linz Tel. +43/(0)732/3888-0, Fax Ext.-21399 Responsible for the contents: Banner GmbH, Andreas Bawart. All rights reserved. Reprints only with written permission. Publishing house location: Linz



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