start measuring in seconds 2-line display for easy adjustment
Analogue and digital outputs 4 to 20 and 0 to 10 VDC NPN/PNP user configurable
LE550 Laser Sensor Class 2 laser visible spot for easy alignment Articulated quick-disconnect
LE55 LE 5 0 Seriies Sen enso sor: r:: mo orre ffe eattur ures e and nd pre re-pro rogr ro ogr g am a me ed fo or 10 100 0 mm to 10 1000 00 mm ra ang nge ri righ g t ou out off the bo ox x. • Adj Adjus usta sta t bl ble e ra r nge e fr f om 100 0 mm to o 100 000 00 mm mm in 1 mm increme ent ns • Adv dvance ed imag ger tec e hn hnol olog ogyy sens se ens nses e a wid es ide der er ran a ge g of materials an a d surf rfa aces fro rom meta al to t black rub ubber • Indep ep pen ende dent dig git ital al and analog outputs • S Sim mpl ple e push-button ad dju just stme ment nts
RET Automation Controls (Pty) Ltd P.O. Box 8378 | Edenglen 1613 | Phone: 011 453 2468 |