WLB32 Industrial LED Light Bar
Th T he fu utu t re is br briight ight with itth Ba Bann ann nner’s ’s indus ustria al LE L D liigh g ting g. The W Th WL LB3 B32 utilizes es advance ced d LE ED liligh g ti gh ting n technology provid din ing g hi h gh gh-quality and d main ma inte enanc na anc n ee-fr free e ind ndustriall liligh ghti t ng sol olut utio ut tio i ns ns tha h t will last for year arrs. s • High h brigh htn tnesss wi with th an ev even en light ig ght out utpu p t fo pu or a no no-g -glare glow • Robu ust metal al housing g, sh s at atte t rproof of light cover err and d eas asy installation • Id Ideal fo or work work sta tati tion ons, on s, mac achi h ne ligh hting, controll cab bin inet e s and et an nd manu nufa nu facturrin i g liline nes
RET Automation Controls (Pty) Ltd P.O. Box 8378 | Edenglen 1613 | Phone: 011 453 2468 www.retautomation.com | sales@retautomation.com