Poised for Impact: A Revolution in Heart Care
As the population continues to live longer, the burden of agerelated cardiovascular diseases and the need for specialized cardiovascular care have increased in tandem.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one person dies from heart disease every 34 seconds in the United States, making it the leading killer of both men and women a position it has held for over 100 years. Cardiovascular diseases are on the rise nationally and have an outsized impact on elderly and low-income communities. As the population continues to live longer, the burden of age-related cardiovascular diseases and the need for specialized cardiovascular care have increased in tandem. This puts heart care at the very core of Banner’s vision to advance world-class care for all, as we put all forms of cardiovascular care from common conditions to heart transplants close to home.
Caring for more than half of Arizona’s cardiovascular patients, Banner Health is uniquely positioned to establish a new gold standard of care through its multidisciplinary approach which blends world-class expertise across specialties with groundbreaking research, advanced technology, and compassionate patient care. At the core of this approach are Banner’s flagship academic medical centers in Phoenix and Tucson, home to faculty and staff with unrivaled expertise in cardiovascular research and care. Here, experts treat a range of conditions from the common to the complex heart attack, heart failure, rhythm disorders including atrial fibrillation, valve problems, and vascular heart disease while educating the cardiologists of tomorrow and training physicians from across the globe in the latest and most sophisticated procedures. And Banner Health’s cardiovascular expertise isn’t just focused on the quaternary care centers that provide advanced care, but also extends to outstanding clinical cardiology care, valve and vascular intervention throughout our care delivery system. This ensures that world-class cardiovascular care is within reach for everyone.
Our Vision
Our challenge — and opportunity — lies in creating the infrastructure and environment that affords the time and space to transform patient care.

Banner’s cardiovascular programs aim to be the premier destination for differentiated services through clinical excellence, breadth of service offerings, superior patient experience, and value — provided by an integrated delivery network focused on the prevention, early detection, and treatment of cardiovascular disease.
Banner has an unprecedented opportunity to further invest in, and significantly improve, the cardiovascular health and quality of life of Arizonans and patients across the Southwest, now and in the future.
Combining our unparalleled expertise within this signature clinical program with a compassionate approach to behavioral and lifestyle interventions, we can improve quality of life, reduce disability burdens, and minimize health disparities in our communities.
Our challenge — and opportunity — lies in creating the infrastructure and environment that affords the time and space to transform patient care. Philanthropic investment will allow us to develop programs that attract and retain national and international experts in cardiovascular care to lead our programs into the future. We will nurture discovery and engage our patients in clinical trials that will become the therapies that allow them to enjoy long and productive lives. Patients will be encouraged to actively participate in maintaining their own health and will be educated and well supported in ways to lead a heart-healthy life.
We need to make unprecedented investments in our cardiovascular programs to turn this full vision into reality. Your partnership is crucial to our success. Through the campaign, we will build on our excellence in cardiovascular care with strategic new investments in clinical programs, facilities, innovative technology, academic fellowships and training programs, and supportive ancillary programs to ensure that world-class care is available and accessible right here in Arizona.
Banner has organized many of our cardiology capabilities in dedicated centers, each focusing on specialized areas of care — while also connecting patients to the full spectrum of integrated services that Banner is uniquely able to provide. In addition to providing the full spectrum of coordinated patient care in convenient locations, each of the following Centers will also be instrumental in developing protocols and supporting research around the use of minimally invasive techniques to improve heart health in the community and on a broader scale. They will provide support to educate and broaden the skills of coronary health care professionals through training, fellowships, and collaboration opportunities. Philanthropic investment will allow Banner to scale its current offerings across our integrated health system, making this specialized care available to more Arizonans and residents of the southwest and mountain west.
Investment opportunities are detailed on the following pages.
Commemorative naming is available to recognize significant gifts.
Advanced Cardiac Diagnostic Center, Combining Leading-Edge Imaging and Genomic Medicine
Initiative Goal: $20,000,000

The Center will also serve as a hub for training new generations of researchers and clinicians through fellowships and clinical trials.
Banner envisions creating a multidisciplinary Advanced Cardiac Diagnostic Imaging Center that unites our expert practitioners, scientists, and technologists to support patient care, research, and education. Centrally located in the Phoenix area, the Center will offer leading edge imaging modalities and professional services to identify heart disease early and quickly, with the goal of improving cardiac health in our community. Patients will benefit from the latest advances in Precision Medicine including individual risk assessment, advanced diagnostic imaging techniques, and complete navigation throughout our specialized services offering personalized interventions.
Equipped with the latest coronary CT, stress PET, MRI, and PET MRI technologies, the Center will develop protocols and support research defining the importance of early detection through non-invasive cardiac imaging. This approach allows physicians to identify the beginnings of heart disease much earlier in the coronary arteries and heart structures, leading to quicker intervention and prevention of disease progression. With real-time answers to complex cardiac problems and follow-up to evaluate efficacy of recommended treatments, non-invasive imaging is safer, faster, and more accurate than invasive procedures.
Focused on patients with a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of an inherited cardiovascular disease such as cardiomyopathies, arrhythmic disorders, vascular disorders and lipid disorders, Banner’s genomic testing will provide lifesaving prevention interventions. Genomic testing will foster discovery around whether an alteration in one or more genes could disrupt inherited heart conditions. Physicians and genetics professionals will collaborate to perform rigorous phenotyping combined with gathering a comprehensive family history to identify individuals with previously unidentified significant risk and swiftly intervene. Genetic counseling for patients and families will foster shared and informed decision-making regarding treatment. Pharmacogenetics will also be reviewed to guide the most efficacious cardiovascular drug therapies.
Through a series of questionnaires, lab tests, genetic testing, and diagnostic imaging, individual patient risk will be stratified to indicate chances of a cardiovascular event such as heart attack or stroke. A scoring system will help patients make lifestyle changes or take medications to prevent or slow the progression of heart disease.
The Center will also serve as a hub for training new generations of researchers and clinicians through fellowships and clinical trials. Rapid advances mean fellowship programs for clinicians are desperately needed to provide enough physicians to meet growing demand. Hosting fellows will afford opportunities to continually advance the field through research.
Advanced Structural Heart Center
Initiative Goal: $10,000,000

Demand for valvular and structural heart disease care is expected to grow over the next 10 years as our population ages and heart disease becomes more prevalent. Banner envisions expanding the capacity and talent of its multidisciplinary Structural Heart Center to provide comprehensive management of the most complex structural heart issues through minimally invasive techniques, simplifying the continuum of care from initial diagnosis to appropriate intervention—all with the goal of improving cardiovascular health in our community.
While an estimated 10% of Americans over age 70 have heart valve issues, 60% of people with heart valve disease have no symptoms or do not recognize the symptoms—making coordinated care by a multidisciplinary team of health professionals key to early identification and successful treatment of structural heart issues. Valvular heart disease occurs when the valves in the heart no longer function as well as they should, impeding the proper flow of blood through the heart.
In the past, treatment for these issues required surgery; however, many can now be treated through minimally invasive procedures that focus on improving the function of the heart valve without the impact, risks, and recovery associated with major surgery. These procedures include Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR), where the aortic valve is replaced through a small catheter inserted in an artery; Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement and Repair (TMVR, TEER), where the mitral valve is replaced or repaired through a small catheter inserted in a vein. Other diseases may also be managed through minimally invasive treatments to amend the structures of the heart, including Left Atrial Appendage Opening Closure (LAAOC), in which the left atrial appendage, a small pocket located in the top left chamber of the heart, is sealed off using specialized medical materials to help prevent blood clots from forming during atrial fibrillation. Banner performs routine structural valve procedures throughout its tertiary centers. With the investment in the technology, talent and specialized device partnerships necessary for the Advanced Structural Valve Center, Banner will have the capability to manage the most complex cases in our community.
Vascular Center
Initiative Goal: $10,000,000

Some 8 million Americans suffer with some form of vascular disease and as many as 50% of those with disease experience no symptoms— highlighting the importance of early identification and intervention. The prevalence of diabetes and heart disease in our communities will result in higher demand for vascular disease care over the next decade.
Vascular disorders occur when the blood vessels become narrowed due to atherosclerosis or weaken and become less resilient which affects the ability to distribute blood through the body to the organs and back to the heart to pick up oxygen. Once requiring major surgery with its associated risks and recovery, today, minimally invasive treatments for vascular disorders disease focus on improving the flow of blood without surgery. Percutaneous angioplasty allows for visualization of the inside of the arteries and the ability to repair narrowing to allow blood to flow more freely to the extremities. Minimally invasive techniques can also decrease the size of veins and assist in improving their function.
Philanthropic investment will allow Banner to scale its current offerings across our integrated health system, making this specialized care available to more Arizonans.
Rhythm Disorder Center
Initiative Goal: $10,000,000

An estimated 3 million to 6 million Americans have atrial fibrillation and an estimated 10% of people will deal with an abnormal heart rhythm during their lifetime. Heart Rhythm Disorders occur when the electrical system of the heart does not follow the normal pathway. The electrical system in the heart drives the pumping function so when the pathway is abnormal, sometimes the overall ability of the heart to pump blood is affected. Most of the abnormal pathways can be corrected through minimally invasive procedures if medications are not helpful.
A multidisciplinary Heart Rhythm Center will provide a comprehensive approach to managing all aspects of heart rhythm disorders. Minimally invasive treatments for heart rhythm disorders focus on correcting the abnormal pathway by blocking the pathway or implanting a device to control the heart rhythm. These techniques include percutaneous ablation therapy, where the physician uses heat or extreme cold through a small catheter in the vein to eliminate the abnormal pathway; placement of a pacemaker under the skin to regulate the heart rhythm; and the implantable defibrillator, a device that will deliver a very small but sufficient shock to the heart to reboot it out of an abnormal, life-threatening rhythm is implanted through a small catheter in the vein.
Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Center
Initiative Goal: $10,000,000
The prevalence of heart failure is expected to grow to over 8.5 million Americans by 2030. Currently, about 10% of people over age 65 have heart failure and this number is expected to grow with our aging population. Heart failure occurs when the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the needs of the organs in the body. Often called Congestive Heart Failure, the condition may be further defined as being right- or left-sided heart failure. Management of heart failure includes medications, lifestyle changes, and minimally invasive treatments such as implanted monitors that identify changes in heart function early and allow for quick interventions. We envision conducting phase 3 clinical trials for advanced devices, including the Total Artificial Heart and Structural Heart Valves.
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygen, or ECMO, is a form of life support used for babies, children, and adults with life-threatening heart and/or lung problems. ECMO gives the body time to rest and recover by doing the work of the heart and lungs. While this care is available at our academic medical centers, expansion of ECMO services across the Banner Health system will bring this life-saving technology to more patients and save additional lives.
Banner – University Medical Center Phoenix Heart Center
Initiative Goal: $3,000,000
Sports Cardiology Program
Initiative Goal: $3,000,000
The Heart Center at Banner – University Medical Center Phoenix is ready for comprehensive renovation of patient care areas to better reflect the caliber of expertise available, ensure patient comfort and safety, and provide a seamless patient experience. Philanthropic investment will support renovation, furnishings, and equipment.
Sports cardiology is an emerging subspecialty field that encompasses the care of athletes and active individuals who may have known or unknown cardiovascular conditions. The care team utilizes equipment and tools to assess exercise-induced cardiovascular issues. Creation of a new Sports Cardiology Program based in Scottsdale will bring this highly specialized level of care to the Banner community in Scottsdale, Phoenix, and beyond. Funds will support the equipment and technology to build out this program.
Greatest Needs
Unrestricted gifts of every size are vital in supporting a range of needs across Banner Cardiovascular, both today and in the future. These flexible funds allow Banner Health to respond to emergencies, develop innovative solutions, and leverage additional philanthropic investment from individual and institutional funders to advance patient care and programs. Your gift to this unrestricted fund will help advance world-class cardiovascular care throughout Arizona and the southwest well into the future, leaving an enduring legacy of caring for our communities.
Cardiac Catheterization and Electrophysiology
Laboratory Upgrades
Initiative Goal: $30,000,000
Banner’s Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories are showing signs of age, both in downtime frequency and the need for repeated repairs. Investments in these key clinical facilities will include extensive renovations and procurement of new technology and equipment.
Replacement of outdated equipment with the latest in catheterization and interventional cardiology technologies and an overhaul of each space will enhance patient and staff comfort and safety; reduce risks of medical complications; and improve overall efficiency, staff productivity, and patient outcomes in the catheterization lab.
Cardiology Academic Fellowships
Initiative Goal: $2,000,000 endowment per fellowship (5 total)

Central to our mission is educating the next generation of caregivers, a diverse cohort of individuals who reflect the population we care for and who will combine compassionate care delivery with a rigorous dedication to advancing health care through research and practice.
Fellowships give physicians the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, clinical judgment, and literature evaluation skills necessary to practice medicine in specialty and sub-specialty areas. Permanently endowed fellowships provide critically necessary training for physicians pursuing in-demand cardiac subspecialties in electrophysiology, structural heart, and more. Fellowship training programs are developed in alignment with our Complex Disease Management programs and will complement both Banner and Arizona’s unique physician demand.

At the heart of life is health. And at the heart of health is Banner.
With your support, we can meet the challenges of cardiovascular disease head on and bring worldclass care and services to Arizona. Investments needed to catapult Banner’s cardiovascular program to national esteem total $106 million. Together, we can make a profound difference in the fight against heart disease, improve the quality of health care available right here at home, and positively impact the lives of countless individuals and families.