EntreCompEdu English

Welcome to EntreCompEdu, designed to help develop teachers’ entrepreneurial education skills. These PDFs are part of our innovative guided learning online course, teachers and educators from all across the globe are joining us to develop their entrepreneurial education skills. If you would like to join us, please register here www.entrecompedu.eu/registration.php EntreCompEdu is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, our partner organisations are: Bantani Education, European Business Summit, Go Scholengroep Antwerpen, Innogate to Europe. LUT University, Materahub, NCDIEL Skopje, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, and Me Analytics. If you would like to find out more about the project, please visit our website www.entrecompedu.eu and if you have any questions, please email entrecompeduonline@bantani.com This ISSUU page is managed by Bantani Education on behalf of EntreCompEdu.