Health & Well-Living Assessment
The Health and Well-Living Assessment reflects BaptistCare’s commitment to incorporate a holistic care delivery approach for our clients. It is underpinned by the belief that older people can improve their health, functional ability and quality of life as they age.
At BaptistCare, we see time and again the difference that well-designed home care services can make. We understand that everyone’s situation and needs are unique, and are committed to tailoring our supports to help each person to live their best life.
We apply a Wellness and Reablement approach to all we do, seeking to understand each person’s health and abilities in order to support independence.
A key part of the BaptistCare approach to Home Care packages is to include, at no additional cost, a professional Health and Well-Living Assessment for clients who would benefit from this comprehensive, individualised assessment.
Benefits of the Health and Well-Living Assessment
y Provides expert advice on how to manage health conditions that are affecting your physical, mental and social well-being.
y A focus on supporting you to maintain or regain your independence at home.
y Development of solutions tailored to your unique situation.
y A summary report with assessment findings and recommendations.
Who conducts the Health and Well-Living Assessment?
The Health and Well-Living Assessment is conducted by an Allied Health professional who has had extensive experience in community aged care.
The Consultant reviews your current situation and health conditions, and works with you to identify and employ strategies that promote healthy ageing.
How much does the assessment cost?
The assessment is free for clients who receive a Home Care Package through BaptistCare.
How do I arrange an assessment?
Inform your Care Facilitator that you would like a Health and Well-Living Assessment.
Your Care Facilitator will make a referral to the Consultant, who will visit you in your home.
BaptistCare’s understanding of each person’s unique needs is just part of our commitment to outstanding care management and quality home care.