Getting up from a fall Unfortunately, even if you are doing all that you can to reduce your risk of falling, you may still have a fall. Knowing what to do if you have a fall can help you feel more confident. If you do have a fall, lie still for a minute, try to stay calm and check yourself for injuries. If you know you can’t get up, or feel pain in your hip or back, then try to call for help by using your phone or personal alarm or by banging on walls. Try to keep warm by covering yourself with whatever is close by and try to keep moving your limbs and roll from side to side if you are able to or not experiencing pain. The following technique for getting up after a fall is worth knowing. You might even like to practice this technique so that if you ever need to get up from the floor, you will feel more confident. Make sure you have someone with you when you practice, just in case you need more help than you expected.
1. Roll onto your side, and then push up onto your elbows.
2. Use your arms to push yourself onto your hands and knees.