Strategic Plan 2013-2017

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Strategic Plan

2013 – 2017

BaptistCare NSW & ACT • ABN 90 000 049 525

Introduction This Strategic Plan has been developed and approved through a lengthy consultation, planning and realignment process within Baptist Community Services NSW & ACT, (BCS), which from February 2014 has been re-named BaptistCare NSW & ACT. During late 2012 and early 2013 the BCS Strategic Leadership Team (now known as the Executive Committee) embarked upon an extensive analysis and planning process which resulted in a series of Interim Recommendations for the Strategic Plan. These were approved by the Board in February 2013. Following this, the Board approved an organisational restructure away from a Regional structure into a Business Stream structure. This came into effect on June 2013 and is described further in this Strategic Plan. The restructure was titled ‘Shaping Our Future’ and from June 2013 a period of realignment took place across the organisation.

At the same time, and in line with our strategic planning, BCS undertook a project to re-name and re-brand the organisation. A number of the projects that arise from this Strategic Plan were commenced in 2013 and after a period of further refinement, the Strategic Plan was approved by the Board in December 2013. The Strategic Plan was formally launched in February 2014, with the new name, statements of purpose, values, and branding in place. BaptistCare NSW & ACT is well positioned to embrace the significant changes ahead within Australian society, respond to the regulatory reform process that is under-way within the sectors in which we operate, and to transform and grow as a major care service provider within NSW & ACT.

Strategic Plan Purpose The BaptistCare Strategic Plan sets the direction for the organisation for the period 2013 to 2017, taking into account the key trends in society, along with the challenges and opportunities that are before us as a care provider. The plan will be reviewed annually and any changes considered necessary will be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.

The Plan will focus our service areas on how they can best serve our primary client groups: • Older people and their carers • People living with disadvantage and distress. • Marginalised people requiring housing and support.

The Plan identifies strategic priorities, provides direction for growth and change, and aligns the organisation behind our Purpose, our Values, our Vision and Positioning, and our Brand promise of ‘Care You Can Trust’. The Plan also informs our key stakeholders, including our supporting churches, government departments, resident and industry groups, our clients, carers, staff, donors, volunteers and Company Members.

BaptistCare | Strategic Plan 2013-2017


Our Organisation Our Name

Our Purpose

We have decided to change our name to BaptistCare NSW & ACT, recognising the advantage of sharing a similar name to other Baptist organisations across Australia and to more clearly reflect our background and purpose. We will also celebrate our 70th year of service in NSW & ACT in 2014. We have therefore taken these opportunities to give considerable thought to how we communicate our name and how that should best represent what we stand for and believe.

‘Transforming Lives By Expressing The Love Of Christ’. BaptistCare’s new purpose statement recaptures the simplicity of the original 1944 mission statement: ‘Expressing the love of Jesus to those in need’, while bringing additional focus on transformational outcomes and acknowledging the broader client group that BaptistCare now serves. This new statement will help bring renewed focus on our purpose as an organisation.

The opportunity provided by the name change has been used to review and redesign all our marketing and communication material. Our name, purpose and values, logo, colours, layout designs, web and intranet sites are all being updated and refreshed in a way that is significantly more relevant and clear to our clients those to whom we provide service, and to all our stakeholders. The new material captures both our purpose and our values; it expresses very clearly in words and in design our absolute commitment to providing trustworthy care and to being leaders in life transforming client centred care.

BaptistCare ligned

Our Promise Our Positioning Our Vision Our Values Our Purpose

What phrase captures it all?

What will we be famous for?

What does the future look like?

Care You Can Trust

Leaders In Life Transforming, Client Centred Care The Trusted Name In Life-Transforming Care

What truths underlie our business? R.E.S.P.E.C.T Why do we exist? Transforming Lives By Expressing The Love Of Christ


Strategic Plan 2013-2017 | BaptistCare

Our Values - RESPECT Each person is unique, loved by God, and worthy of respect, dignity and inclusion. By respecting this individuality, we create strong and caring communities that value personal wellbeing - and each other. When this respect is shared, it has the potential to transform lives. We value this respect in our clients, colleagues and our wider network and this is what we practise every day.

The RESPECT acronym is already widely used across BaptistCare to define our approach to care service delivery in many different situations, such as; client-centred care, spiritual care, dementia care, palliative are, and special needs groups. Aligning our values with this acronym enables the whole organisation to powerfully connect our values with our care delivery.

This respect is translated into our new Values:


Responsive We respond positively and thoughtfully to each other’s individual needs. Empowering We value the freedom that comes from an improved quality of life. Supporting We believe safety and security is our responsibility – and a shared priority. Personal Solutions We understand that no one-size-fits-all and we embrace this individuality. Enriching We ensure everyone’s personal and shared environments are comfortable, nurturing and positive places to be. Communicating We create open communication channels to build strong and mutually respectful relationships Togetherness Through team work we actively support each other’s shared goals and respect each other’s individual journey.

BaptistCare | Strategic Plan 2013-2017


Our Organisation Our Vision and Positioning ‘The Trusted Name In Life Transforming Care’. The new vision statement provides BaptistCare with an aspirational goal, to be the trusted name in life-transforming care, trusted above all others to facilitate life transforming care for and with our clients. This vision also establishes a high benchmark for BaptistCare – to be positioned as industry leaders: ‘Leaders in Life Transforming Client Centred Care’.

Our Promise ‘Care You Can Trust’ Through aligning our Purpose, our Values, Our Vision, and our Positioning into all that we do as an organisation, BaptistCare is able to make a bold promise to our clients, that we will provide ‘Care You Can Trust’. This is our commitment as an organisation.

Our Brand Logo BaptistCare has adopted a new logo and colour scheme to both ‘refresh’ our public face and to align our external branding with our new strategy. Through analysing the culture and character of our organisation we developed the phrase ‘All Individual, All Connected, All Respected’ to describe BaptistCare’s relationships with clients, carers, staff and volunteers. This phrase then guided development of a powerful new logo which depicts a client at the centre of our care offering, while other figures surround the client with supportive and enabling care, underpinned by our new name: BaptistCare.


Strategic Plan 2013-2017 | BaptistCare

The Trusted Name In Life Transforming Care

Leaders in Life Transforming Client Centred Care

Our Profile In 2014 BaptistCare is proudly celebrating 70 years of service to our community. The organisation was established by the Baptist Churches of NSW and ACT in 1944 as a not-for-profit care organisation, and has grown to employ 4,000 staff across 160 facilities and programs. A further 1,000 people serve the organisation as volunteers. Our revenue in the 2012-13 financial year was $236 million and our assets are currently valued at $382 million. BaptistCare is governed by a Board of twelve honorary directors elected for three-year terms by the Company’s membership, all of whom must be members of Baptist Churches in NSW or the ACT. As one of Australia’s major care providers, BaptistCare wants to ensure that we are ready to respond flexibly and effectively in an increasingly competitive and demanding environment. In 2013, we have restructured our organisational model to be based on a Business Stream Framework. This will provide us with the specialisation, focus and flexibility to respond to increasing community demand and changing government policy. The four client-facing service delivery Business Streams are:

Resourcing and equipping these business streams are two support divisions: • E xecutive – providing support for Marketing, Strategy, Projects, Governance, Chaplaincy, and Church Relationships. • C orporate – providing support for Finance, IT, Property, Human Resources and Procurement. This structure will enable the effective execution of our strategic priorities and provide a strong base for the next stage of our journey to deliver the heart of what we are about: quality, mission-driven care. Everything BaptistCare does is focussed on more effectively and efficiently delivering better care and support to our clients, fulfilling our promise of ‘Care You Can Trust’, while striving towards our vision of being ‘The Trusted Name in Life Transforming Care’. In all this we trust God to provide for our needs, but also acknowledge our responsibility to be faithful with what He entrusts to us.

• R esidential Services – providing residential aged care to 2000 clients in 20 facilities. • H ome Services – providing home-based care to approximately 9,500 people in the community. • H ousing and Retirement Living Services – providing a continuum of housing and support services to 700 residents in 12 locations. • C ommunity Services – providing an integrated range of support services to people living in disadvantage or distress

BaptistCare | Strategic Plan 2013-2017


Our Geographical Service Coverage 11 38 52










65 28

25 16





47 46



26 20


45 67

30 41


55 18



64 53 34


33 31







49 66


5 4

50 44

15 12



40 62


58 56




KEY Areas we service in NSW Areas we service in Sydney Areas we service in ACT 1. ACT 2. Ballina 3. Bathurst 4. Bland 5. Blayney 6. Bogan 7. Boorowa 8. Bourke 9. Brewarrina 10. Broken Hill 11. Byron 12. Cabonne 13. Carrathool 14. Central Darling 15. Cessnock 16. Cobar 17. Coonamble


18. Coolamon 19. Cootamundra 20. Cowra 21. Dubbo 22. Dungog 23. Forbes 24. Gilgandra 25. Gloucester 26. Gosford 27. Goulburn Mulwaree 28. Greater Taree 29. Great Lakes 30. Griffith 31. Gundagai 32. Harden 33. Junee 34. Kiama

Strategic Plan 2013-2017 | BaptistCare

35. Lachlan 36. Leeton 37. Lockart 38. Lismore 39. Maitland 40. Mid Western Regional 41. Murrumbidgee 42. Narrandera 43. Narromine 44. Newcastle 45. Oberon 46. Orange 47. Parkes 48. Palerang 49. Lake Macquarie 50. Port Stephens 51. Queanbeyan City

52. Richmond Valley 53. Shellharbour 54. Shoalhaven 55. Temora 56. Tumut 57. Upper Lachlan 58. Wagga Wagga 59. Warren 60. Walgett 61. Weddin 62. Wellington 63. Wingecarribee 64. Wollongong 65. Warrumbungle 66. Wyong 67. Young


Greater Sydney Local Government Area Service Coverage



























BaptistCare | Strategic Plan 2013-2017




• The proportion aged 65+ is projected to increase from one in seven Australians in 2012 to

one in four by 2060.


• The number of people aged 85 and over is projected to

more than quadruple (from 0.4 to 1.8 million) between 2010 and 2050.2

• It is estimated there are 266,574 people with dementia in Australia in 2011. This is projected to

increase to 553,285 people

by 2030, and 942,624 people by 2050.3 • By 2026, the number of people aged 65 years or over in low-income rental households will

more than double.


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Australia’s Society and Challenges Australia faces significant social challenges in the next few decades. An ageing population, increasing cultural diversity, poor indigenous health and reduced housing affordability will increase demand for services. Our response will be impacted by government policy changes and the move towards client-directed care. Australia’s ageing population means that a greater number and a higher proportion of people will require aged care in the future. Significantly: • the number of “very old” Australians (aged over 85 years) will rise dramatically; • t he proportion of aged people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) backgrounds will increase; • t he prevalence of people living with chronic disease, disability and dementia will escalate. At the same time: • more people will want to be cared for at home; • there will be a shortfall of informal carers; • c lients and carers will seek to have a greater involvement in the services they receive and in the manner in which they are delivered; • f ewer people are able to secure affordable housing or enter into home ownership • m ore people will retire with debt and without owning their homes, leading to increased demand for affordable, long-term accommodation; • m any communities will experience multiple disadvantages, especially communities with a large proportion of people are unemployed or dependent on pensions and benefits, the homeless, sole parents and people with ATSI backgrounds.

Aged Care Reform The Coalition government’s policy statement Healthy Life, Better Ageing, largely indicated its support for the Living Longer Living Better (LLLB) Aged Care reform package announced by the Labor government in April 2012, similarly recognising the issues of providing choice, access and improved information. The LLLB package aimed to extensively transform the manner in which Aged Care is funded and delivered over the next 10 years. It emphasised the provision of expanded supports to enable people to remain in their homes as they age rather than enter residential care, with planned residential places reduced as a consequence. It also recognised that the aged care workforce needs to be extensively enhanced in order to provide the quantity and level of care required to meet Australia’s future needs. The package significantly impacts service delivery. Increased funding for Home Care packages based on a Consumer Directed Care model and the establishment of a new Aged Care Gateway to centralise the provision of information, assessments and referrals, mean that the Home Care sector has become highly competitive. This trend is expected to continue as consumer expectations increase and ‘value for money’ becomes a more significant driver. An Ageing Australia: Preparing for the Future_ Australian Government Productivity Commission Research Paper. November 2013. 2 Caring For Older_ Australian Productivity Commission Inquiry Report Volume 1. No.53, 28 June 2011 3 Dementia Across Australia:2011-2050_ A Report Prepared by Deloitte Access Economics, September 2011 common/files/NAT/20111014_Nat_Access_DemAcrossAust.pdf 4 AHURI Issue 096: Rental housing for lower-income Australians http:// 1

Solving these complex social issues will require collaborative partnerships between government, not for profit and for profit organisations.

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Our Strategic Response BaptistCare recognises that we need to change our service delivery model in order to ensure our care service offerings remain competitive and meet the emerging care needs and expectations of our future clients. A number of factors will influence the way in which services are provided: • c lients in all business streams will have an increased complexity of health and care needs; • c are delivered primarily in home will reduce lengths of stay in residential facilities; • i ncreased numbers will require assistance, but there will be a smaller available workforce; • c ommunity expectations that services are delivered in a manner that is both environmentally sustainable and cost effective; • a ssistive technologies will increase service options for the care needs of clients and productivity for employees; • the impact of policy decisions by governments.

Our strategic focus areas will be: 1. Expressing the Love of Christ 2. Delivering Life-Transforming Client-Centred Care 3. Building Strong and Caring Communities 4. Developing High Performance Teams of People 5. Enabling Sustainable Operations

Our strategic priorities will be: 1. Expressing the Love of Christ by: 1.1. Demonstrating our Christian Purpose in all that we do; 1.2. Offering Hope to people living in disadvantage and distress; 1.3. Supporting concessional clients in our programmes; 1.4. Providing Chaplaincy services to all our clients, and people. 1.5. Demonstrating Servant Leadership in our relationships and actions;

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1.6. Living out our RESPECT values in our relationships and behaviour;

2. Delivering Life-Transforming ClientCentred Care by: 2.1. Successfully delivering on our ‘Care You Can Trust’ brand promise throughout the organisation; 2.2. Implementing our RESPECT values at the core of our approach to delivering services; 2.3. Developing and implementing ClientDirected Care services that focuses on the needs, expectations and preferences of clients; 2.4. Providing a continuum of care to clients across the BaptistCare business streams within geographic clusters; 2.5. Improving the quality of our Customer Service through standardised and centralised approaches; 2.6. Developing Dementia & Palliative Care services that can be applied acr oss all aged care locations. 2.7. Using evidence-based research to strengthen our provision of clientcentred holistic care. 3. Building Strong and Caring Communities by: 3.1. Creating safe, welcoming spaces for clients which enable social inclusion; 3.2. Developing a continuum of service integrated housing that addresses the need for Crisis, Social and Affordable Housing for the disadvantaged in our community; 3.3. Developing and expanding our range of service integrated Housing (village) options for older people within our geographic clusters; 3.4. Developing and expanding our Residential Aged Care portfolio while meeting regulatory standards and client needs.

4. Developing High Performance Teams of People by: 4.1. Embedding our RESPECT values into our relationships and behaviour; 4.2. Fostering positive attitudes and active engagement in all we do; 4.3. Creating safe working environments for all staff and volunteers; 4.4. Developing career pathways that enable staff to fulfil their career objectives; 4.5. Delivering leadership development programmes that help managers to build healthy and productive teams; 4.6. Ensuring sufficient attraction and retention of suitably qualified and skilled staff and volunteers to meet business requirements.

5. Enabling Competitive and Sustainable Business Operations by: 5.1. Implementing a comprehensive risk management framework; 5.2. Improving financial performance through achieving agreed operational benchmarks, reducing corporate costs, improving income and growing services in targeted areas; 5.3. Building efficient and effective support teams and systems that help facilitate improved operational performance; 5.4. Meeting our regulatory obligations that arise from safety, accreditation and quality standards, and the aged care reforms; 5.5. Identifying and developing our core competences as an organisation.

Building Strong and Caring Communities Expressing the Love of Christ

Delivering Life-Transforming Client-Centred Care

Developing High Performance Teams of People Enabling Competitive and Sustainable Business Operations

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Our Strategic Objectives Strategic Area



The Christ-centred Purpose of BaptistCare is actively demonstrated in our relationships, our organisational culture, and the services we deliver.



• Our Christian Identity will be expressed and strengthened through the culture and behaviour of our people and the services we deliver.

1. Our people management and development policies and programmes actively reinforce our Christ-centred culture.

• Christian servant leadership underpins our approach to leadership and management. • We are committed to providing Chaplaincy to all our clients and people. • Christian pastoral care is widely conducted by our staff at all levels.

2. Opportunities are provided for clients and staff to regularly participate in Christian activities (e.g. Devotions, Chapel Services, Discussion Groups and Celebrations). 3. Christian leaders are recruited according to the management levels stated by our policies. 4. Leadership and management programs will include components on Christian Identity and servant leadership. 5. Clients, staff and volunteers have access to a nominated Chaplain wherever we operate. 6. Professional development programmes for Chaplains, and pastoral care education programmes for staff and volunteers, are provided. 7. Appropriate methods, including research, of assessing the impact of our Christian Identity on clients and staff will be identified.

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Our Strategic Objectives Strategic Area



We will meet the changing needs of our residential clients while effectively and efficiently ensuring the long-term viability of residential care.



• E ffectively meet the changing needs and expectations of residents, carers and the wider community using RESPECT based service delivery models.

1. Services provided are predominantly higher level care and dementia specific, with 35%-40% of beds being secure dementia places, and a Centre of Dementia Excellence has been established.

• E nhance our current capabilities for dementia care, palliative care and assistive technologies • E nsure long term financial viability through improved income management and increased productivity. • A dopt the Stewart Brown benchmarks to help measure and improve financial performance and inform investment decisions. • N ew facilities are developed and commissioned while older facilities are reviewed and upgraded to achieve compliance to standards and meet client needs.

2. A specialised, but ‘portable’, palliative care programme is operating in all residential services. 3. More fee-for-service offerings are available and provision of respite care has expanded. 4. Provision of services for supported, concessional and assisted residents is continuing. 5. Use of assistive technology has resulted in enhanced resident safety and care, while improving staff efficiency and safety. 6. All facilities are achieving the agreed Stewart Brown benchmarks for minimum financial performance. Financial performance will be used when assessing property refurbishment or construction investments. 7. New Residential facilities have been commissioned at Griffith (ACT) in 2014 and Kellyville (Gracewood) in 2016. 8. All facilities are compliant with relevant accreditation and property standards and meet client needs.

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Strategic Area



We will be the leading provider of home-based client-directed care in NSW & ACT.



• D evelop a service delivery model which provides greater client choice, control and access to services, and can respond to changing consumer and government expectations and needs.

1. Our service delivery model is more efficient and flexible, facilitated by technology that enables mobility for all care staff, access to integrated client management systems and centralised customer service and administration, while delivering 20% more service outputs by June 2015.

• E nsure long term sustainability and competitiveness. • D evelop and implement client directed care based on RESPECT across all programmes. • P rovide a comprehensive range of services wherever the Home Services division operates. • T ransition Disability services in response to government reforms.

2. All Home Services packages have been transitioned to a Consumer Directed Care model by June 2015. 3. A broad range of integrated services focused on client enablement and wellbeing and RESPECT are available, including fee-forservice options to meet additional client requirements. 4. Partnerships with internal and external stakeholders are established so that a comprehensive range of client-directed care services are available wherever BaptistCare Home Services operates. 5. A new business model for remote Telecare has been developed and implemented to provide more effective and productive care delivery options for the benefit of both clients and BaptistCare. 6. Transition provision of Disability services to a fee-for-service model as required in response to the NDIS reforms for the delivery of disability care.

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Our Strategic Objectives Strategic Area



We will offer retirement living which encourages older people to remain self-reliant and provide support to enable them to remain in their own home throughout life.



• P ursue development opportunities to expand our retirement living portfolio.

1. Villages collocated with residential facilities will have development priority.

• S upport the transition from independent living to home care to residential care.

2. Additional stages of Gracewood Kellyville are built as justified by demand and sales.

• A dopt the principles and themes of the ‘Apartments for Life’ model and identify other appropriate models.

3. Targeted BaptistCare owned land is developed and new development opportunities have been sourced. 4. Service integrated villages that provide support services which enable people to remain at home as their care needs change have been implemented. 5. Alternative integrated models for retirement villages have been researched.

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Strategic Area



We will provide a continuum of service integrated community housing to those suffering disadvantage within our targeted geographic communities.



• Grow our housing portfolio.

1. Our integrated housing model for disadvantaged people achieves a goal of 500 dwellings over 5 years through a sustainable mix of funding options;

• D evelop a continuum of service integrated housing to meet crisis, social and affordable housing needs. • S upport the care needs and wellbeing of our clients. • D evelopment of effective partnerships to support our social housing objective. • A chieve sustainability in our housing and service delivery practices.

2. A Housing Panel focused on growth targets, that is inclusive of resident advocacy and skills based members, is operating; 3. Formalised partnerships with internal and external support services, governments, residents and churches have been established; 4. Housing tenancy management and support services are delivered by structurally separate divisions; 5. An Asset Management strategy has been developed and integrated across the organisation; 6. Housing projects deliver economic and environmental sustainability for BaptistCare, residents and the community.

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Our Strategic Objectives Strategic Area

Community Services


We will offer hope to people living in disadvantage and distress



• A lign current services to the needs of our target client groups.

1. Effective services are being provided in four core areas: - Social Housing support; - Social Inclusion with safe welcoming spaces; - Counselling targeted to domestic violence and social inclusion; and - Chaplaincy

• A pply a geographical matrix structure to service provision. • A dopt a sustainable organisational and funding model.

2. Services result in increased levels of safety, resilience and wellbeing for our target client groups – people experiencing crisis, people with multiple and complex needs and people impacted by domestic violence. 3. Integrated services operate in ‘clusters’ with multi-disciplinary teams located in three operations groups – Southern, Sydney and North West. 4. A stable financial allocation from the organisation, together with an effective fundraising program, enables growth in service provision.

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Strategic Area



Our people are able to achieve the highlights of their career within a team-based, performance driven, caring and supportive environment that is focused on BaptistCare’s Purpose.



• O ur people management and development policies and programmes actively reinforce our Christ-centred culture and RESPECT values.

1. Organisation structures, career pathways and employee development processes that meet the long term business requirements of BaptistCare.

• C hristian servant leadership underpins our approach to leadership and management.

2. Our leadership development enables 70% of all Band 8 and above roles to be filled internally.

• D evelopment of our organisation to address the changing industry profile and increasingly competitive labour market. • I mplementation of a comprehensive WHS management system to improve safety and reduce costs.

3. Recruitment processes that successfully attract employees from outside the industry are in place. 4. Organisational training arrangements are integrated and standardised and use of external Vocational Education & Training has expanded. 5. Restructured workforce employment arrangements aligned to productivity improvement that enable a highly skilled and flexible workforce have been established. 6. An industry leading WHS Management System and Improvement Plan is implemented which delivers injury rates better than industry benchmarks and cost savings of $3 Million per annum. 7. Staff Turnover is lower than industry benchmarks.

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Our Strategic Objectives Strategic Area



We will establish support services, teams and systems that enable competitive and sustainable business operations.



• I mproving the quality of our Customer Service through standardised and centralised approaches.

1. A customer service contact centre has been established for all business streams that delivers industry-leading customer satisfaction results and provides competitive advantage for BaptistCare.

• I mplementing a comprehensive risk management framework that reduces risk levels. • I mproving financial performance through improving productivity and reducing corporate overheads.

2. Risk management action plans that successfully reduce operational risk to agreed levels in all key risk areas have been implemented with appropriate controls.

• A dopting a new IT service delivery strategy to reduce costs and expand business functionality without reducing service quality.

3. A sustainable financial position that delivers productivity improvements across the whole organisation and improved profitability, 4. Property and land identified as no longer suitable or surplus to long-term needs has been decommissioned or sold, when market conditions deem appropriate. 5. IT cost saving strategies have been realised by June 2015. 6. New technology-enabled business solutions for clinical care, rostering, payroll, human resource management and online education are operational. 7. Productivity and communication has been enhanced through the use of mobility and online technologies.

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Our Strategic Planning Process Document


Primary Contributors

Approved by

Annual Sequence

Five Year Strategic Plan Review (this document)





BaptistCare Annual Business Plan





Budget Assumptions





Divisional Annual Business Plans





Annual Budget

Executive Committee


GM, CEO & Board


Individual Performance Agreements

Executive Committee




Our Strategic Plan in Summary Strategic Area

Strategic Objectives


The Christ-centred Purpose of BaptistCare is actively demonstrated in our relationships, our organisational culture, and the services we deliver.


We will meet the changing needs of our residential clients while effectively and efficiently ensuring the long-term viability of residential care.

HOME services

We will be the leading provider of home-based client-directed care in NSW & ACT.


We will offer retirement living which encourage older people to remain self-reliant and provide support to enable them to remain in their own home throughout life.


We will provide service integrated community housing to those suffering disadvantage within our targeted geographic communities.

community services

We will offer hope to people living in disadvantage and distress.


Our people are able to achieve the highlights of their career within a team-based, performance driven, caring and supportive environment that is focused on BaptistCare’s Purpose.


We will establish support services, teams and systems that enable competitive and sustainable business operations.

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BaptistCare Level Two, 22 Brookhollow Avenue PO Box 7626 Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 T (02) 9023 2500 F (02) 9023 2501 BaptistCare NSW & ACT ABN 90 000 049 525

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