Architectural detailing, High-tech construction with 3rd world resources.

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Baptiste Guastavino Aprilof 1stApril 2014 2014 1st Building Technology IV ARCC 5099

Architectural Detailing Assignment


High-Technology construction with 3rd world ressources



A 1 550


W1 3 4



900 20 60 120









Top of ground floor

400 7 60 60 200


3% slope

FN1 220


75 75 200

Drawn by: Baptiste


Date: 1/04/2014


high-technology construction with 3rd world resources

Detail Title: Section Detail at Typical Exterior Wall at Ground Floor and Foundation Wall.

Scale: 1:10 Detail n°



TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION: 4000 x 2000, flexible, white Re-used truck Tarpaulins (Freitag) + Low-e-paint finish 20 Ø x 2500, sturdy secondary structure + air cavity, Bamboo Rods + tarp straps

2400 x 600, sewn, tarps filled with recycled expanded polystyrene beads 800 x 600 x 600, Tarps filled with sand, clay and a stabaliser (cement&straw) 20 Ø x 3500, Air cavity + sturdy secondary structure, tarp straps + Bamboo Rods


TYPICAL GROUND FLOOR CONSTRUCTION: ±60 x 150 x 300, rigide with sand swept joints, Loacal stone Slabs (Schistose) 50 x 6000 Ø drainage, local sand with little silt content 220 x 6000 Ø secondary drainage, Granular A gravel


TYPICAL FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION: 800 x 600 x 600, Tarps filled with sand, clay and a stabaliser (cement&straw)


TYPICAL EXTERIOR GRADE CONSTRUCTION: ±60 x 150 x 300, rigide with sand swept joints, Loacal stone Slabs (Schistose) 50 x 6000 Ø drainage, local sand with little silt content 220 x 6000 Ø secondary drainage, Granular A gravel


TYPICAL EXTERIOR DRAINAGE SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION: 200, secondary drainage, Granular A gravel 60, drainage, local sand with little silt content ±60 x 150 x 300, rigide with sand swept joints, Loacal stone Slabs (Schistose) 200, drainage cavity ±60 x 150 x 300, rigide with sand swept joints, Loacal stone Slabs (Schistose) 60, drainage, local sand with little silt content 200, secondary drainage, Granular A gravel

Drawn by: Baptiste


Date: 1/04/2014

high-technology construction with 3rd world resources

Composite Construction Notes.

Scale: N/A Detail n°


1 The Raw material Truck Tarpaulins will come from ‘Freitag’; Pre cut (4000 x 2000 + 9 types of surfaces to be transformed into sand bags and 1 type of surface to contain EPS) and washed. They will be assembled on site (sewing), filled up and benefit from a Low-e-paint treatment on the outer surface. 2 EPS will be collected on site and broken down into small chunks to serve as a thermal barrier. The pieces will be contained inside a tarp hanging between two sand bags. 3

The straps on the tarps will be collected and re-used to fasten them safely (wind proofing) against the Bamboo structure.

4 Barbed wire will be layered between the sand bags to give horizontal stability. 5 The end of the bags will be stitched together to prevent EPS or sand leakage. 6 The tarp sand bags will be made of 70% sand, 30 % clay + a stabalizer (cement and straw). 7 The stone slabs will be made of a local rock formation, ideally Schistose. quartzite, gneissic, granite will do too.

Drawn by: Baptiste


Date: 1/04/2014

high-technology construction with 3rd world resources

Construction Notes.

Scale: N/A Detail n°


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