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Gut Warfare!

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Flindt Gourmet

Stefania Olivares takes on the bad guys of the gut with RAINBOW REBOOT

Stefania Olivares in conversation with Judith Daniel

Why heal the gut? Because 70% of our immune system sits in our gut and OVER 85% of disease starts in the gut! It’s time we take this seriously and get ready for a fight!

Some of you met me last year when I was talking about my own healing experiences, and how I’ve avoided multiple operations to my hands and feet and saved myself from a life on daily medication. Also how, as well as suffering from anxiety, allergies, and depression, I healed myself through different protocols of food. The constant battle in my relationship with food is what inspired me to launch RAINBOW REBOOT.

The gloves are off! Ding ding...

On the battlefield of your gut, in one corner we have the bad guys… They feast on all the nasty foods that you enjoy: sugars, processed foods, fast foods, cheap meats, alcohol, fizzy drinks, etc. When they get what they want, and they are relentless, they throw a great party, multiply and take over! Meanwhile, you will most likely experience bloating, constipation, and/or worse; the onset of more serious diseases. This is called Gut Dysbiosis and happens when the bad guys outnumber the good guys - and the majority of us suffer from it.

In the other corner, the good guys, need YOU to take charge, and feed them with all the nutrients they crave, so that they become strong and overpower the bad guys. Your ammunitions are the healing properties of fruits, nuts, seeds, veggies and legumes.

To get a bit more technical…. We have trillions of microbes, bacteria, fungi, etc in our gut, both good and bad. The good guys need to be fuelled by and thrive on fibre. No two fibres are alike - from an apple to a pineapple or to celery and they need as many different varieties as possible to continue to replicate and do their good work. Just as there are different species on the planet, there are different species of good and bad microbes. We need to provide the gut with between fifteen to twenty different varieties of fibre on a daily basis to change our microbiome (gut environment) and it can change in as little as twenty-four hours… And this is where the RAINBOW REBOOT comes in.

Rainbow Reboot to the rescue (fanfare!)….

RAINBOW REBOOT is a plant-based weekly food programme, which introduces all the colours of the rainbow onto your plate! Each colour has healing potential and is linked to an organ in the body - so basically by eating the rainbow, you’re ensuring that your diet includes all the right vitamins and minerals and that your gut is flooded with the goodness it needs.

Over a five-day period, Rainbow Reboot delivers daily to your door: a juice, a smoothie, a salad, and a soup. Created with love from local, seasonal, and fresh produce, this healthy eating system is always creative and delicious, so that you discover that this boost of wellness, doesn’t have to be boring and dull - even though those bad guys might try and convince you otherwise!

I will be cheering you on from the sidelines and holding your hand throughout the week with daily tips and support through a WhatsApp group and privately. Together we will defeat the bad guys and embrace a different template in your relationship with food, which is simple and accessible to all.

Photo: Gina Francesca

Here’s how RAINBOW REBOOT goes into battle:

Day 1 - Everyone gets a bit irritable on the first day. Getting beyond monkey mind as we venture into the unknown. Will I get food? Will I like it? Food will be delivered and it will be delicious!

Day 2 - Cravings start. The bad guys start dying off because you're starving them. But they’re not going to go peacefully or quietly, imagine a two-year-old throwing a temper tantrum in the supermarket aisle…. They’re doing this in your gut! The gut is considered the second brain and is connected to the main brain, through the nervous system, sending messages, and trying to get you to cave in. It's a challenge but I’m there to help and guide you. Together we’re ready for them and their tricks.

Day 3 - the Poop Talk. Looking at your poop is a good way to tell the health of your gut. We are told that we are what we eat, but in fact, we are what we absorb. And we absorb from the gut. So we need to put aside any embarrassment, and check the toilet bowl! We’re looking for a continuous long sausage…. Not golf balls or pellets or a loose stool, these all indicate that something needs to be addressed. It is so important that we get acquainted and also teach our kids to do the same!

We need to keep the pipes clean. Once we do this, we might find that our eczema disappears, our acne, or the pains in our joints. We were full of sh**! But we’re not anymore!

Day 4 - A burst of energy. The bad guys are getting the message and retreating. We no longer feel cravings or hunger. Through Rainbow Reboot, we’re nourishing our body at a cellular level. Cells form tissues, which make up organs. So you can expect your organs to start functioning better too.

Day 5 - How to continue? After five days, we are feeling lighter and more energised. How can we incorporate this new system into our daily lives? I offer one-on-one coaching, I can come to your kitchen and kick out any bad guys lurking in your pantry, help you with your shopping list and even find healthy alternatives to those guilty pleasures.

Photo: Gina Francesca


Dawn Callender

Busy Massage Therapist, Dawn Callender had suffered from high blood pressure since the birth of her daughter twenty years ago from a pregnancyrelated condition called Eclampsia. Her daughter arrived ten and a half weeks early and her blood pressure went through the roof. Over the years she has tried many ways to bring it under control, everything from homeopathic remedies to daily medication which she reluctantly took for ten years, and nothing seemed to work. She decided to try Rainbow Reboot, which she did for six weeks, and gradually she saw her blood pressure drop. She continued for another three weeks and this process has helped her to change her eating habits for good. She came off coffee, wine, chocolate, and sugar which was a challenge but now she is able to stay in theme around 70% of the time but is also able to treat herself now and again. She loved the food! And going forward she is much more aware of what she put into her body and her sky-high blood pressure is a thing of the past.

Laura Smith

Passionate equestrian Laura Smith did the Rainbow Reboot two weeks before and two weeks after her major knee replacement surgery. As someone who has spent her life in stirrups, it was no surprise to Laura that she needed this particular operation. She used The Reboot to help prepare her body pre-operation and to give it the boost in nutrients it needed to help her cope. And Post-op, she found that it helped with her healing and to get her back in the saddle. After just eight weeks, she was riding and jumping again. She was pretty healthy anyway but feels that Reboot just takes things one step further. She loved the food - the lasagne, the tacos, and the traffic light juices - and would highly recommend it to someone facing any kind of operation or surgery.


Salome, a Canadian student, was experiencing the worst acne she had ever experienced in her life, with both cheeks completely inflamed. She had given up on dermatological products and solutions and wanted to try something natural. Her relationship with food was unhealthy, she was eating for the sake of eating. Stefania helped her realize the impact that the food she was eating was having on her body. After just a week of eliminating the typical toxic foods from her diet, she immediately saw the inflammation go down. After four months of coaching, she had gained a better relationship with food, her previously irregular menstrual cycle had returned to a regular pattern, and she had finally established healthy and regular bowel movements. Stefania helped her completely transform her relationship with food. Now over a year later, she has virtually no acne left and has found a way to incorporate everything she's learned with her into daily life.

Let’s reboot Barbados and let a happier healthier YOU be the pot the gold at the end of your Rainbow!

Stefania Olivares is a fully certified Matthew Kenney Raw Food chef, a Living Food Lifestyle educator, integrative nutrition and transformational life coach, and a student of functional medicine and naturopathy.

Book your RAINBOW REBOOT now! And also book your FREE Discovery call with Stefania.

Follow her on Instagram (@stefania.olivares) or reach her on WhatsApp: +1 246 820 4690 or at her website: www.stefaniaolivares.com (in production).

Photo: Gina Francesca

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