December 2012 Senior Living Magazine

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50+ Active Living Magazine

Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre’s Artist Director New Program Helps Modify Seniors’ Homes Exploring Arizona’s Sonoran Desert

Rendezvous with Rocks Richmond Gem and Mineral Club WWW.SENIORLIVINGMAG.COM



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By the Other Guys Theatre Company

May 22 – Jun 1


Sep 13 – Sep 28

DRACULA: A SOUL THIRSTS From the play by Hamilton Deane & John L. Balderston

Oct 11 – Nov 9


A Musical based on the Frank Capra Film and the Original Strory by Phillip Van Doren Stern Book, Music & Lyrics by Thomas M. Sharkey

Nov 22 – Dec 23


Screenplay by Betty Comden & Adolph Green Songs by Nacio Herb Brown & Arthur Freed

Jun 14 – Aug 25






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27 Classifieds 31 BBB Scam Alert

6 Arizona’s Sonoran Desert

Exploring the Sonoran Desert reveals a charming, rustic history and unexpected beauty.

10 Generation by Generation


Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre’s Brian Richmond has always been a storyteller – on stage and behind the scenes.

4 The Family Caregiver by Barbara Small

14 A Rendezvous with Rocks

28 NEW! Fit for the Adventure

The Richmond Gem and Mineral Club offers activities like rock hounding trips, jewelry making, gem shaping and silversmithing.

by Eve Lees

29 Courageous & Outrageous by Pat Nichol

18 Enjoying Every Minute Along the Way

30 Ask Goldie

by Goldie Carlow

Author, historian, volunteer, tour guide and professional speaker Danda Humphreys finds new challenges exciting.

36 Reflections Then & Now

24 The Many Hats of Leanne Jones

by Gipp Forster

A strong curiosity has led to adventures close to home and further afield for this private investigator.

33 New Program Helps Modify Homes BC Housing’s new Home Adaptations for Independence program helps low-income seniors continue living at home longer.

Senior Living magazine wishes you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday season!

Cover Photo: Travel writers Rick and Chris Millikan go horseback riding in the Sonoran Desert, Arizona. Senior Living is distributed at all BC Pharmasave locations.


Senior Living is published by Stratis Publishing. Publisher Barbara Risto Editor Bobbie Jo Reid Advertising Manager Barry Risto 250-479-4705 ext 101 For advertising information, call 250-479-4705 Ad Sales Staff RaeLeigh Buchanan 250-479-4705 ext 103 Mathieu Powell 250-479-4705 ext 104 Barry Risto 250-479-4705 ext 101




Head Office Contact Information: Box 153, 1581-H Hillside Ave., Victoria BC V8T 2C1 Phone 250-479-4705 Fax 250-479-4808 Toll-free 1-877-479-4705 E-mail Website Subscriptions: $32 (includes GST, postage and handling) for 12 issues. Canadian residents only. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. Senior Living is an independent publication and its articles imply no endorsement of any products or services. The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of the publisher. Unsolicited articles are welcome and should be e-mailed to editor@seniorlivingmag. com Senior Living is distributed free throughout British Columbia. Stratis Publishing Ltd. publishes Senior Living (12 issues per year). ISSN 17103584 (Print) ISSN 1911-6403 (Online)

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Looking for Senior Housing?

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To Move or Not to Move?

BC Housing Directory ������� ������� �������� ���������� ��� �� ��������� ����������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������

A Helpful Guide for Seniors Considering Their Residen�al Op�ons

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Is it Time to Develop New Holiday Traditions?


or many people, the holiday season revolves around visiting friends and family and celebrating longtime family traditions. With the decline or change in a family member’s health, you may not be able to celebrate in the same way you did in the past. Everyone’s attention and energy is directed elsewhere. So, is now the time to create new holiday traditions? Letting go of the old traditions can be challenging. Doing so can re-emphasize how your circumstances have changed and the losses your family is experiencing. Many family caregivers struggle to try to maintain the status quo and keep the holidays as they were before the care recipient’s health changed, even though things are very different now. Take some time to re-evaluate your expectations for the upcoming holiday season and create a more realistic view of what you are able to do and what you are now able to afford. What do you truly have the time, energy and finances to do? What can you delegate to others? Are you doing something simply out of habit? What is your care recipient able to enjoy? Free yourself from the expectations about what “should” happen. Often families keep old traditions simply because they are “traditions.” They don’t know why they are doing them, and aren’t really enjoying them anymore. It took a long time for my family to let go of that lime green jellied salad for Christmas dinner. Celebrate in a way that works for your family and friends

– as your life situation is now. This year may not be the same as past holidays or maybe even future ones either. However, it can still be enjoyed in its own unique way. Have a family meeting and ask each person to identify two things that are most important to them at this time of year. If some of these seem overwhelming, how might they be modified or delegated perhaps to the next generation to take on? Be creative and try something different. If your energy is higher earlier in the day, perhaps you can have a holiday breakfast or lunch instead of dinner. Or perhaps have a potluck meal and have everyone contribute. Instead of buying gifts for everyone, try drawing names or go in with someone else on purchasing gifts. Relax and let go of the pressure of expectations. You may SL be delighted by the new traditions you create. Next month: Caregiver Wellness Barbara Small is the Program Development Coordinator for Family Caregivers’ Network Society located in Victoria, BC.

The Family Caregiver column is brought to you by the generous sponsorship of Saint Elizabeth


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Travel & Adventure

Arizona’s Sonoran Desert A Place of Rare Beauty



s eager first-timers to Arizona, we explore its Sonoran desert and southwest heritage… without playing even one golf course! Our discoveries begin on horseback just outside Scottsdale. Slapping on cowboy hats and strapping on water bottles, we settle aboard Big John and Gem. Wrangler Josh leads us into the blazing sun, explaining, “This ranch once stretched 17,000 hectares eastward to the McDowell Mountains and south to the Camelbacks.” It seems impossible that cattle could survive here, until told each steer had over 16 hectares for grazing, which included nutritious bean pods from Palo Verde, ironwood, mesquite and other plentiful legumes. Josh continues his horseback commentary, pointing out some familiar spiraling cacti, “Notice how barrel cactus always lean southward? Locals call ’em compass cactus. And because those fuzzy-looking golden cholla produce very sticky barbs, they’re nicknamed desert Velcro.” A Great Horned Owl eyes us from her nest tucked high in a stately saguaro. “She swiped that prime spot from a Harris Hawk family,” says Josh. “Mama



The authors stroll down the Main Street of Goldfield Ghost Town.

Owl and Mrs. Hawk perched up in that ironwood tree an entire day – motionless – deciding ownership in a staredown!”


Cottontail rabbits and quail scurry into ragged underbrush. Above, tangled nest-like plants cling to struggling trees. “That mistletoe’s stranglin’ a Palo

semi-desert grassland and chaparral. Plants used for food, medicine, basketry, simple dwellings and implements demonstrate early desert lifestyles. Nestled in the foothills of the Black Mountains north of Phoenix, Carefree provides a relaxing change of pace in the high desert. Each sunny day begins with brisk walks into town for breakfast. In chitchatting, our friendly waitress highlights the town’s uniqueness, amusing us with streets named Ho-Hum Road, Tranquil Trail, Linger Lane and Nonchalant Avenue.

Photos: Rick and Chris Millikan

Verde,” Josh winks. “Y’know, I never understood kissin’ under mistletoe, parasites suckin’ life from their host! And growin’ in such thorny trees here in the desert… smoochin’ under Arizona’s mistletoe could hurt ya!” Instructed to pick tiny green leaves, we roll them between our fingers and inhale the creosote shrub’s oily perfume. “After a rain, desert air smells exactly like that,” grins Josh. Though not sighting one rattlesnake, we learn they’re common, as are the gopher snakes that mimic rattler behaviours to discourage predators. Josh leaves us with a sobering thought, “Remember one thing about the desert: everything wants to stick, sting, bite – or eat you! Or pretends to. Otherwise, it’s a place of rare beauty.” Boisterous birdsong awakens us the next morning for an early, beat-theheat hike in McDowell Sonoran Preserve. Guide Randy leads us into this mountain park along a rugged sevenkilometre loop, one of many popular routes. He advises, “Walk, don’t gawk!” Sweeping views of Scottsdale below, vultures swooping above and desert plants make this difficult. Puffing upward to the 732-metre summit, we pause often, delighting in purple flowers on teddy bear chollas, woodpeckers pecking nest-holes in soaring saguaros and fiery red blossoms on the ocotillo’s whip-like branches. Randy fills us in, “Because there’s two rainy seasons and no overnight frosts, the Sonoran Desert supports unique vegetation and animals.” Next day’s stroll throughout Desert Botanical Gardens furthers our understandings. Winding pathways lead us past endless varieties of cacti and succulents from around the world, many abloom in orange, yellow and red. In the wildflower collection, rainbows of blossoms attract hordes of fellow photographers… and darting hummingbirds. A glassed enclosure showcases native butterflies, some ready to hitchhike outside on unsuspecting visitors. Other trails lead us into five different habitats, where we learn characteristics of the desert, oasis, mesquite forest,

A Kachina statue in Carefree, Arizona.

After browsing Easy Street’s boutiques and galleries, we cross to the plaza cactus garden, and bump into the Mayor near a rare Boojum tree! “Welcome to Arizona’s oldest planned town,” he grins. “Designed in the 1950s to rival Palm Springs, Carefree was developed for leisure, initially attracting stars like Dick Van Dyke, Lucille Ball and Bob Hope. And the Cartwrights ranching in nearby Cave Creek inspired a vacationing Hollywood writer to create Bonanza, the popular TV western.” Parting, we locate the rare crested saguaro, another garden superstar. And over at the renowned copper-shielded sundial, a plaque tells us it rises 20 metres above us. “Where the Sun Marks Time” seems a perfect motto! Escaping afternoon heat, we pop into





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the northern branch of world-famous Heard Museum. The main gallery features a detailed Bear Dance mural, instructive Hopi katsina dolls, basketry, pottery and textiles. In another, we admire native silver jewelry reflecting intricate traditional designs as well as modern motifs using gemstones and gold. Around Mesa we learn how pioneers excavated ancient native canals to irrigate today’s Mecca of heritage family farms. The area’s economy now depends on Five Cs: climate, cotton, citrus, copper and Canadians! At Queen Creek Olive Mill, owner and master blender explains that Mesa’s ideal climate and their mill’s minimal processing techniques result in exceptional olive products. Olive Oil 101 demonstrates their gentle harvesting practices and olive varieties, and rewards us with delectable samples of signature extra virgin oils, stuffed olives and tapenades. The Apache Trail takes us eastward into Arizona’s glory days. Our stops begin at Superstition Mountain Museum, where artifacts and displays recall the late 1800s. The Lost Dutchman Mine’s notorious stories draw most visitors. The Apaches, Mexicans and Dutchman Jacob Waltz supposedly found its cursed gold. If this mine actually existed, Jacob took the secret to his grave in 1891. Still seduced by swirling folklore, hopeful prospectors search the Superstition Mountains for the Lost Dutchman’s legendary riches to this day. Outside, we read zany elegies carved on wooden grave markers. A dusty trail leads to a twenty stamp mill

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Now Available The authors take a load off at this weathered assay office along the Apache Trail.

and weathered assay office, reflections of early mining activity. Beyond the barbershop, Wells Fargo office and stagecoach stand two buildings salvaged from Apacheland, a burned out western movie ranch: Elvis Presley Memorial Chapel and a barn filled with film memorabilia, including black and white photos of cowboy stars. Stopping at Goldfield Ghost Town, we stroll down Main Street. This old town may have outgrown Mesa, but the gold vein faulted and ore grade dropped. Later, sipping icy lemonades on a shady verandah, we survey the old hotel, livery stables and bordello. In its heyday, Goldfield also boasted three saloons, a boarding house, general store, blacksmith shop, brewery, meat market and schoolhouse. While others ride its narrow gauge railway or tour the Mammoth Gold Mine, we head onward to an infamous stagecoach stop. Tortilla Flat’s western charm outlasts time. In the Saloon, saddles form barstools; thousands of dollar bills scrawled with messages paper the walls. We settle down to bowls of killer chili, cooling it off with gulps from pint jars of local brew aka Mule Oil! Then, moseying along the boardwalk, we enjoy prickly pear ice cream and head to a marina two miles back. There, we cruise Canyon Lake’s

45 scenic kilometres aboard Dolly the Steamboat. Through the Junior Grand Canyon, sheer cliffs soar above cactus dotted shorelines on this, smallest of the Salt River’s several manmade lakes. Around tiny coves, the captain urges us to watch for roaming mule deer and packs of pig-like javelinas. Instead, we spot eagles nesting on towering pinnacles and bighorn sheep balancing on lofty crags. In passing oddly shaped sandstone formations, we imagine seeing a mammoth… and other creatures. Our whirlwind explorations in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert reveal astonishing bio-diversity and frontier history. SL For IF YOU GO information, visit In the article “Giving from the Heart” on page 16 of the November Planned Giving issue, the photograph of “Tiny” (shown) on was taken by BC SPCA volunteer photographer Wendy Nesbitt. We apologize for the credit omission. WWW.SENIORLIVINGMAG.COM


9 11

Generation by Generation

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Imagine unlocking potential in generations to come. For 50 years University of Victoria students have made a positive impact on their communities and the world. From discovering new ways to fight diseases, to creating art that moves generations, to inventing new businesses that employ thousands of people, UVic students can achieve change. And they have you to thank for making it possible. Your gift. Your legacy. A planned gift to UVic can open a world of possibilities for future generations. Contact Natasha to start the conversation about creating a lasting legacy in your will or estate plan. Natasha Benn | 250-721-6001 |

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ounder of the Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre, Artistic Director Brian Richmond, began his stage career at the age of 12. Aware of his interest in theatre, Brian’s mother hired a private teacher for her son, who took acting lessons for several years before he became totally involved in theatre. “I pursued my interest in theatre all through my teenage years, while others were playing sports,” says Brian, now a grandfather, whose most recent claim to fame comes from winning the 2011 “Critic’s Choice Award” for his production of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolfe? Brian’s first business venture in drama began with a children’s theatre company that played in the parks of New Westminster and Vancouver. With a cash box in the back of his old ’59 Chevy Station wagon, Brian hired actors and designers and took the shows around. “It was back-breaking work taking the shows from park to park,” says Brian, who “learned by my mistakes as well as by my successes.” Brian got his own acting beginnings with Vancouver’s Holiday Theatre, doing the Centennial Tour across the country, where he worked with great international theatre artists at Expo ’67. “It was a phenomenal experience for me,” says the actorturned-director. “That was the first time I saw Montreal, and it was an exotic experience being a young man from English Canada. The culture was something that was entirely new to me, and I think that’s what interested me in going to study in Paris later.” In Montreal, Brian ran Playwright’s Workshop, a professional theatre company dedicated to developing contemporary work and new writers for the Canadian stage. There, he also directed, particularly with Centaur, an English language theatre company. “The French theatre in Montreal is, generally, truly inspiring,” says Brian. The English theatre, particularly in the time period that Brian worked there, tended to be heavily steeped in realism and naturalism. French Theatre, on the other hand, tended toward a greater love of romantic, florid language. “They’re quite distinct,” says Brian. In Paris, Brian trained at École Lecoq, a physical theatre school, where he studied in silence, working on mime.


Photo: Gary McKinstry

Switching from acting to directing in the early ’70s, Brian was the founding Artistic Director of Persephone Theatre in Saskatoon, where he directed, among other works, the world premiere of Ken Mitchell’s Cruel Tears.

Brian’s other achievements include serving as Artistic Director for one of Canada’s most influential alternative theatre companies, located in Toronto and dedicated to the development and production of Canadian work. In 2008, Brian founded Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre, giving Victoria residents and visitors an opportunity to view world-class productions of the great plays from the past while offer-

ing early career professional artists the opportunity to work alongside some of Canada’s most respected directors, designers and actors. Running a theatre company has changed dramatically since Brian first

Brian Richmond, founder and artist director of the Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre.

started Persephone in 1974, he says. In those days, there were not as many companies competing for funding. Tastes in theatre have also changed from decade to decade, but perhaps the biggest change has been in the business of theatre. While the means of communication have changed, business principles are the same, says Brian. “You still have to market your work, you still have to keep




11 13

Brian directs a rehearsal of Of Mice and Men.

Photo: Jeremy Banks

account of your work and you still have to communicate your work.” In the 1970s, however, letters were typed and there was a heavy reliance on telephone, printed material and mail outs. In addition to serving as Artistic Director of Blue Bridge, Brian is in his 11th year of teaching acting and directing at UVic, acting as Department Chair for two terms. Brian has also taught at McGill, Concordia, Simon Fraser, York, Waterloo, Toronto universities and Montreal’s National Theatre School of Canada. A career spanning “over 50 years of successes and failures” in theatre, Brian says he won many prizes particularly with the BC Drama Festival. His most recent “Critic’s Choice Award” for Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf? was a surprise. “I really did not expect it because that was the third year in a row that we had won best professional production, second year in a row for best art director for me and third year in a row for best actor for Meg Tilly in that production.” “I think money awards are lovely because they help with some element of what you’re attempting to do, but non-money awards are very gratifying because they’re generally peer awards, so it’s a strong sign that your peers approve of what you’re doing,” says Brian. “It’s opinion and it’s gratifying when the opinion is going your way.” Brian sees theatre as a social service to the community. “I always think of the theatre as creating this living library that we’re bringing to the general public. And we have to do it on business principles, but it’s a highly speculative business.”

Theatre is storytelling. Growing up in Vancouver, Brian spent a lot of time with his grandparents. “One of the things I observed,” he says, “was how important storytelling is to every human being. I was fascinated listening to the stories of the older people my grandparents associated with. We [theatre] tell stories that mean things to people. That’s why people keep coming to it all the time.” From listening to grandparents’ stories and taking acting lessons in his youth to directing over 80 productions at some of the most celebrated venues with many of Canada’s leading playwrights, Brian feels “the arts have an enduring effect upon culture. They have this ability and capacity to feed us SL generation by generation.”

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16 14


“I came to this club because I wanted to do some silversmithing,” says Darlene. “I thought if I made some jewelry that it might be fun. The club said first I would have to take their lapidary course because you have to learn how to shape the rocks and gems before you can take silversmithing. It ended up I really loved the rocks aspect because I like to cut them and see what’s inside. The colours just amaze me. Now I’m interested in both sides of this hobby.” As club membership chairperson, Darlene adds: “we all share one common interest, the passion for anything that rocks! Our club has families, couples and single individuals and a large number of retirees who enjoy this hobby. We meet on the first Friday of each month at the Richmond Cultural Centre. Our workshop here is where rock can be cut into slabs, shaped, polished and where the silversmithing takes place, so it is a busy place.” The Richmond Gem and Mineral Club has been operating for over 50 years and now has about 150 members ranging in age from 30 to 80 years. Members participate in activities like rock hounding trips, jewelry making, rock and gem shaping, along with silversmithing and related pursuits at their well-equipped workshop. Their equipment includes rock saws, grinding and polishing machines, a kiln, a microscope and silversmithing tools.


Darlene Howe displays a rare rock formation.

Photos: Bev Yaworski


ichmond couple George and Darlene Howe are keen lapidarists. Connoisseurs of gems, minerals, fossils, precious stones and the art of cutting and mounting them, the Howes are members of the Richmond Gem and Mineral Club. Iridescent opals, sparkling crystals, intense turquoise stones, rich jade and rare fossils are a few of the treasures found at Club functions. Gems, rocks and minerals have historically been valued for tools, weapons, decoration and even for their medicinal and magical qualities. George’s attraction to rocks emerged about 10 years ago, while taking a geology course that required him to go out to different Metro Vancouver areas to seek out rock samples and photograph them. “I would drag Darlene with me,” says George. “And we would go to places that we had never been to before.” “We would go to really interesting spots,” adds Darlene. The couple was able to identify a variety of Lower Mainland areas revealing remnants of volcanic activity, glacial till, sandstone and other earth formations. The two became hooked on rocks, joined the Richmond Gem and Mineral Club, and have been involved for about six years. George joined as an extension of his appreciation of geology while Darlene connected for her love of jewelry.

Participants obtain their gems and rocks on outdoor field trips, at Rock and Gem Shows, from specialty retail shops or through word-of-mouth trading. Some even hunt through deserted mines. A code of ethics directs members on their lapidary adventures with strict rules including: respecting private property and never taking samples from na-

tional and provincial parks. Many rock hounds use gems and minerals as a theme for their vacation trips. George and Darlene have travelled around BC, Alberta, Oregon, Wyoming, Arizona, and even to Nicaragua and Guatemala bringing back gems and rocks as their souvenirs. “We went to New Mexico,” says Darlene, “and there’s actually a state park there called Rock Hound Park where you can camp and rock hound. They let people take up to 15 pounds of rocks away. We had so much fun.” George adds: “It’s better than a vacation t-shirt!” One of their treasured discoveries came from digging about three hours in the BC Cariboo area. “You don’t really know, until you cut into the rocks, what is actually inside,” says Darlene. “It’s also then important to cut a rock at the right angle to get at the colour you are looking for. George is really good at looking at a rock and saying, ‘I think it will be nice inside.’” The Howes are particularly enchanted by an earth formation called Thunder eggs. These unique configurations usually look like ordinary rocks on the outside, but slicing them in half and polishing them may reveal intricate patterns, crystals and colours. Thunder eggs are also deeply connected to Native legends. This intriguing hobby has language and terminology all its own. Faceting, casting, micromounting, cabochons (shaped and polished gemstones), and geodes are some terms that newcomers to this fascinating hobby quickly become familiar with aided by classes offered by the Richmond Club. Monthly meetings are held including a show-and-tell, where


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17 15

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George Howe and Kerry Rhodes using equipment in the Richmond Gem and Mineral Club workshop.

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members bring in gems, minerals and rocks to show. There is a raffle draw for prizes and a social time with goodies brought in by members. An informative speaker, a DVD, or demonstrations are often part of the program too. Yearly public displays and sales are also hosted. The club is part of the network of the BC Lapidary Society composed of about 35 clubs across the province. “The important aspect of this club is that you have a place to come to talk to people that share your interest,” says George. SL

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Look Closer… What do you see people, what do you see? Is it just an old woman when you look at me? Do you see that in my life, I gave with an open hand and heart? That I raised children, that I nursed, that I mattered and I taught? That I smiled, that I danced, that I cared and I laughed? Do you know I remember the heartaches and miss the joys of the past? Now my body often fails me and my mind can be weak, The ravages of time have me sometimes cranky, sometimes meek. But my wish is to tell you, to have you realize That all that I was, I am, I still matter – see it in my eyes See that what’s now important has only come to be That you look closer, look close and…

See Me. In our fast paced world, we often don’t take the time to see individuals. This is particularly true of the elderly within our facilities and our community. And when we don’t see, we don’t recognize needs. The Greater Victoria Eldercare Foundation is dedicated to providing the comforts of care to these deserving citizens during their twilight years. Outdated equipment needs to be replaced, community programs that allow people to stay in their homes longer need to be funded and our care facilities need to feel more like home. It will require just over one million dollars to fill these needs and $200,000 is urgently needed to begin the process.

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19 17

Author Profile

Enjoying Every Minute Along the Way BY VERNICE SHOSTAL

Author, historian and tour guide Danda Humphreys.

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North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre

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20 18



Photos: Vernice Shostal


ooking back, I think that my successes have come from being willing and eager to grasp new opportunities without being tied to the outcome,” says Danda Humphreys, author of Government Street: Victoria’s Heritage Mile. The idea of authoring a book came to Danda when she was researching and writing a weekly column for the Times Colonist about the people Victoria’s streets were named after. When folks asked her to show them where Fort Victoria once stood, or how to find a certain building, she became excited about public interest in the city’s history and, as a result, in 1997, published her first of five heritage books. Born in Cheshire, England, Danda lived in six different cities in the British Isles before she moved to Canada. Having begun a career in nursing in England, she did postgraduate training in cancer nursing, research and therapy, worked as a university health nurse, a nurse in National Blood Transfusion Service, as sister-in-charge of a Terminal Care Unit and as State Registered Nurse/sales manager for a pharmaceutical company. In 1970, while still in England, Danda decided to change careers and become a journalist. She began studying at the

London School of Economics, “at the same time Mick Jagger was a student there,” while also working at Macmillan Journals’ Nursing Times magazine. After receiving her National Union of Journalists Press Card, she worked as a healthcare reporter for various magazines and journals and writer/editor for Planned Parenthood UK for a short time. In late 1972, with $100 in her pocket and a few dollars in the bank, Danda made an impulsive decision to immigrate to Canada. She packed all her worldly belonging in five trunks and seven suitcases and, with her ukulele-banjo, boarded the Stefan Batory, a Polish ship used to transport children evacuees from England to Canada during WWII. “I knew very little about Canada,” says Danda. “One of the trunks contained a big jar of Nescafé instant coffee, in case no one [in Canada] had heard of it.” With only a handful of English-speaking passengers on board (other passengers comprised about 600 people from Poland, which was still under communist rule, and 100 Germans), Danda played her ukulele-banjo in the Lounge Bar every night leading pub-style sing-songs. “In that surreal middle-of-the-ocean environment,” says Danda, “I gave little thought to where our ship was taking us. In fact, we were having such a good time that when we finally reached Montreal; I was quite disappointed that we had stopped.”


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21 19

Danda points out bricks on Government Street recording the names of early pioneers and businesses. “Every brick tells a story,” she says.

From Montreal, Danda took a train to Toronto, the centre for publishing in Canada. Her $100 had dwindled to $34, so she stayed at Union Station with her belongings for five days until she found an ad for a book editor in the Toronto Star. The new job allowed Danda to move out of Union Station and into a furnished room. In addition, she found work as a proofreader with a graphic arts company before she moved on to managing editor of Manulife News and freelancing. Four years later, Danda left Manulife to freelance full time, writing for magazines, journals, health agencies and the Ontario Science Centre as a science writer/editor. Dur-

ing that time, she also became involved in community theatre and radio at CJRT (Ryerson) doing twice daily live broadcasts and special interviews. Looking for something new again in May 1982, with her worldly belongings and a budgie bird in a cage, Danda drove across the country to Vancouver. She picked up her first job by reading a copy of Equity magazine in a newspaper shop. Noting the typos, she called the editor. As a result, she ended up proofreading every issue of Equity along with Pacific Yachting, BC, Outdoors and others. In Vancouver, Danda also worked for the Arthritis Centre as media communications co-ordinator and writer for the Public Relations Department of Vancouver General Hospital and international conference proceedings editor for the centre for HIV/AIDS at St. Paul’s Hospital. A new venture in 1988 took Danda to Auckland, New Zealand to work with an international publishing company, but a year later, she returned to Vancouver to become managing editor of the BC Medical Journal, published by the BC medical association. Reinventing herself once more in 1993, Danda joined a business partner to provide public speaking and preparation skills training in the corporate environment, where she worked with many major business organizations in downtown Vancouver and for UBC Executive Programs. Two years later, Danda moved to Victoria and, once again, changed careers. She managed Anne Hathaway’s


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Cottage at the Olde England Inn, while writing a script, and hiring and training six tour guides for the cottage’s 365days-a-year operation. When the Inn closed in 2000, Danda became a tour guide on a Royal Blue Line open-top double-decker bus that showed Victoria to tourists and visitors from a unique top-deck vantage point. At the same time, she was writing a weekly column for the Times Colonist, the Islander, and later the Monitor, Focus Magazine and now for Homes and Living magazine. The proudest moment of Danda’s career came in November 1997 when Heritage House published On the Street Where You Live, Volume I, Pioneer Pathways of Early Victoria, a hard-cover coffee table book. On the Street Where you Live, Volumes II and III were launched in 2000 and 2001, followed by Building Victoria: Men, Myths and Mortar, all of which preceded her most recent Government Street, Victoria’s Heritage Mile, written to commemorate 150 years of Victoria’s incorporation as a city. The book illustrates how Victoria developed from Fort and Government Streets up to Chinatown, back down to the Inner Harbour and right through to the waterfront at Dallas Road. Included are stories about people who lived and worked along Government Street in the early days – gold miners, the city’s first mayor, the American Blacks who came to find land and freedom under the British flag, Robert Service, the bank employee who later found fame and fortune as a bard of the Yukon and others. Over the years, Danda has volunteered with the Crisis




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Line, the Old Cemeteries Society, Recreation Integration Victoria, facilitated a low-vision reading group with a James Bay Community Project and volunteered as a reader at Beacon Hill Villa. Today, she volunteers as an usher at the Belfry Theatre as well as on stage and off stage at Langham Court Theatre. With her partner, each Christmas Day, Danda serves dinner at James Bay New Horizons. “One of the best things about volunteering,” she says, “is you get to learn new things for free!” Researching and writing take up a lot of time, says Danda, but each fall, she tries to start learning something new. “This year it’s English Handbells at James Bay New Horizons” and Celtic Harp at Monterey Centre. An enthusiastic bicycle rider, “for commuting rather than for fitness, although one tends to lead to the other,” Danda knows all the back roads and all the flat roads. A tour guide trainer, professional speaker and an historical storyteller, Danda takes pre-booked groups through Victoria’s historic downtown, Chinatown, Inner Harbour and Emily Carr’s James Bay neighbourhood. She finds new challenges exciting. “Sometimes I think we short change ourselves by not trying new things, going to new places, having something different for dinner on Sunday nights,” says Danda. “My motto is, if a new and exciting opportunity appears in front of you, grab it and go. Enjoy every minute SL along the way.”

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ch episode, including in-depth information ��������������������������������������������� visit ���������������������������������������������� �������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� 22 24 SENIOR LIVING ��������������������������������������

Sponsored by: Coast to Coast, Provinces Plan


For more information about Danda, her books, walks, talks and tours, visit

Giving feels so good Many visually impaired kids don’t know the simple joy of playing on a slide or riding a bike. Vancouver Foundation donors supported a program designed to teach parents, like Alethea’s, how to encourage active play. And we can all see the benefit of this investment. Consider a gift in your Will to Vancouver Foundation and help kids, like Alethea, for years to come. Doing good feels good. For everyone.



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The Many Hats of Leanne Jones BY JUDEE FONG


rivate investigator, writer and musician Leanne Jones was replying to a group email with a friend about his experiences as a former CIA agent, when she noticed another recipient who answered a question with impressive clarity. Leanne recalls, “I emailed my friend and asked, ‘Who is Edson Hendricks?’ and he told me this was the man who had designed the first stages of the Internet. I thought, ‘Wow, there’s a story!’”


Est. 1944

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Photo: Judee Fong


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Private Investigator Leanne Jones partially conceals her identity behind her children’s book, It’s Cool to be Clever, for which she also composed the musical chapter breaks on the iPad app.

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Seizing the opportunity to find out more about this person, Leanne eventually made contact with the elusive and reclusive Mr. Hendricks. He was not interested in having his story told. It was only when Leanne mentioned she would write it as a children’s book that Edson said, “That’s benign. Let’s do it.” It took three years for It’s Cool to be Clever to come to fruition. An iPad app, with Edson narrating, is also available. “There was so much material,” recalls Leanne. “The hardest part was getting the political and technical stuff readable and understood. I had to pare it down to a reasonable length, yet retain the story middle-readers would enjoy picking up. There’s a story in the book about Edson, who could never find anyone that was like him, but he found an Abyssinian cat with all the traits that he had. He remarks, ‘Finally I’d met a character like myself and it turned out to be a cat!’”


Leanne’s diverse background includes being a governess in Japan, a librarian in Germany, a student in Mexico, a journalist covering several court trials and a freelance writer for a number of news magazines. “I have a strong curiosity and my mother used to worry about that,” says Leanne. That curiosity often led to strange circumstances. “I was writing a murder mystery set in Tallinn, Estonia as I was staying with a friend there. I was leaving for Canada the next day but wanted to visit Riga, the Latvian capital first. After a day in Riga, I was stopped at the Estonia border with a visa problem, which eventually got resolved when the border officials grudgingly stamped my re-entry. The catch was I had to return on the next bus, which was a four-hour wait or hitch a ride with two Lithuanian strangers. I took a look and they looked like father and son, both dressed in black leather jackets. ‘I’ll go with them,’ I told the officials. The son spoke some English and asked what I was doing in Tallinn. I didn’t want to tell them I was writing a murder mystery, so I distracted him by asking, ‘What colour is your flag?’ When he told me, I mentioned that it was flying from the building across from where I was staying. He said, ‘You’re living across from the Lithuanian Embassy?’ And I said, ‘I guess so,’ and he said, ‘We’ll drop you right off’ and they dropped me right at my doorstep. I reached back into the car to give them some money, and he said, ‘Take it away – you are a very lucky girl!’ I’m still


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10/19/12 11:56:12 AM


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Senior Living 153, 1581-H Hillside Ave., Victoria BC V8T 2C1


not sure what that was all about!” As a freelance journalist, Leanne wrote for several western province news magazines, covered court trials and did a few courthouse interviews for CHEK-TV. “I actually saw a few murder trials,” she says. “At that time, I was wearing two hats: freelance writing and private investigator. I was switching back and forth, depending on the circumstances. There was the case of a young man in Vancouver who was accused of murdering his wife.” “His family had hired me to look into it. I like to go immediately to the crime area. Next door to the crime scene was a house of university students. The week before the murder, all the houses in the area were broken into. When I attended the inquest, they stated that within a radius of 185 blocks there were only so-many break-ins. At the end of the inquest, they asked if anyone in the audience had anything to say. I put my hand up and I thought I would be speaking publicly, but they hustled me into a backroom.” “I told them ‘Look, it’s a little different having x-number of break-ins over a 185block radius compared to several break-ins near the crime scene the week before.’ The police went back and focused on the student house. An investigator can focus on one case and may see things the police, who have several cases, may not see initially.” The charges against the husband were eventually dropped. Besides her full-time job as private investigator for “Secrets,” Leanne’s fun leisure time is taking music composition lessons from local legend, George Essihos. “George gives me a few chords to compose a piece at home, which I get to play at my next lesson.” Leanne’s original compositions are between each chapter on the app for It’s Cool to be Clever. Successfully juggling her private investigations business, family, writing and music composition, Leanne’s philosophy for her busy life is, “Listen to your inner voice; follow your dreams and make them come true. At the moment, I don’t desire anything. I’m in the right place at the right time.” SL For information on where to purchase It’s Cool to be Clever, visit


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OCTOBER 2009 39


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Fit for the Adventure

Senior Living is excited to bring you this new column designed to offer tips and information to improve different aspects of your health and wellness – so you can fully enjoy life’s adventure! We welcome your feedback.

Healthy Holiday Eating


eep your sanity this holiday season by eating healthfully. Food nurtures the mind as well as the body. With proper nutrients for the brain, you’re more likely to stay calm, alert and think clearly. And you’ll want a calm mind during this busy, overwhelming time of year! Cut back on over-processed foods, like candies and baked goods. They lack nutrition and affect blood sugar levels, creating lethargy and fatigue. Choose the more nutritious foods when you’re the visitor, and serve them to your guests. First, focus on having lots of vegetables, especially the more colourful ones like carrots, red cabbage, spinach, broccoli, peppers and sweet potato. The more colour, the more nutrients – especially disease-fighting antioxidants. Top a baked potato or vegetables with salsa, a colourful all-vegetable condiment. Next, choose a nutritious protein source like turkey. Also consider salmon and other oily fish. These excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids help brain function, contribute to healthy skin, and protect against heart disease. Lastly, add small portions of other (often less-healthy) choices, like breads, dressings and gravy. A typical holiday meal can be up to 3,000 calories – more than an entire day’s caloric needs! Portion control is a huge factor for a healthy bodyweight, so consider serving sizes and calories. Many lower fat options also have fewer calories. Pumpkin pie is lower in calories and fat than pecan pie. GingerWWW.SENIORLIVINGMAG.COM


bread and fig Newton cookies are lower in calories and fat than shortbread cookies and Nanaimo bars. Mix unsalted nuts with raisins for fewer calories and fat per handful. Eating nuts in their shell avoids overindulging, because cracking nuts is time-consuming. A low-fat alternate to high-fat nuts are roasted chestnuts, or sprinkle canned chickpeas with seasonings and toast them in the oven. Healthy holiday eating includes limiting sweets. Allow yourself small portions, so you won’t feel deprived. Eat them slowly, savouring the taste. Satisfy a sweet tooth with naturally sweet fresh fruit instead of candy, cookies or sugar-rich desserts. The nutrients and fibre in the whole fruit contribute to good health and balanced blood sugar and energy levels. Enjoy easy-to-peel mandarin or clementine oranges, low in calories and fat, and high in vitamin C. Alcohol also adds extra calories – and you’ll feel better the next morning if you don’t overindulge! Alternate each alcoholic drink with a non-alcoholic/unsweetened one (water or tea). Overindulging (even with low-fat choices) promotes weight gain, poor digestion and, as a result, poor health. Smaller amounts of food actually fill and satisfy you quickly when you eat slowly and chew thoroughly (until it’s a watery pulp). Slow eating is tough to master, but practice makes perfect! Practice over the holidays, and your New Year’s wish SL for good health may come true. Eve Lees is a health writer/speaker. She was a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Counsellor for 30 years.

Photo: Frances Litman


Share Your Gifts D

ecember is a time for giving and receiving. I love this time of year; everyone seems to be friendlier and more relaxed. Wait… that is until they realize there are only five more days until the “big day” and the gifts aren’t all purchased, the baking isn’t complete and forget about the decorating. Since most of us have more than we need, I have some gift suggestions for the holiday season or any other time of year: 1. Give Compliments – Little compliments can pay big dividends. Often when passing someone that is wearing a colour that looks great on them, I will simply say – great hat, great colour. It brings a smile and a surprised “Thank you!” 2. Practise Kindness – The word kindness comes from an Old English word for family or kin. It refers to an attitude of mind that treats strangers as though they were family. So, next time you are about to judge by external appearances, stop and consciously substitute a positive response. It takes conscious effort, but it will be worth it in the long run. 3. Act Cheerfully – This is something we can each give another. Think about days when you are feeling a little bit blue, and a friend shares time and conversation. It perks up your mood. Share your good mood with others and you will find yourself feeling more cheerful. 4. Ease the Burdens of Others – Many organizations offer help during this season. Spend a few hours helping to serve dinner, or package gifts that will be given to those who may not have much. 5. Smile More – A smile is one of the nicest gifts you can give. A smile can make a face beautiful. Share that smile and watch smiles come back to you. Don’t get me wrong, I love gifts as much as the next person. I love buying them for others and receiving them myself. The gifts listed above are gifts you can give all year long. To each of you, I wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all the best for the coming year. SL

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Theatre & Dinner Packages, Getaway Packages & Gift Certificates are available. Call for details!



Pat Nichol is a speaker and published author. WWW.SENIORLIVINGMAG.COM


31 29

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ASK Goldie

Photo: Jason van der Valk

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Dear Goldie: My wife and I have been happily married for 40 years but, recently, we seem to be disagreeing often. We used to discuss any differences and came to decisions quite agreeably, but things have suddenly changed. Now, she will not discuss or agree to anything I suggest. It is her way or no way, and that is final! This change has happened over the last two months, and I can’t understand her attitude. It is so out of character for her to act this way. I hope you can help the situation. –B.N. Dear B.N.: This sudden change of character sounds serious. You should contact her doctor and inform him/her about the situation. It is normal to have occasional disagreements, but this is clearly not the situation. Do not delay! Your wife needs medical attention. Dear Goldie: We are a large family – six children, four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Christmas is always a big event and this year will be as usual. The problem is that our oldest son, who seems to be happily married, employed and the father of two teenagers is suddenly becoming “Scrooge.” He doesn’t want to participate in any plans for the season. He sees his medical doctor regularly and is in good physical health. –W.C. Dear W.C.: I suggest sitting down with your son and having an open discussion around his reluctance to participate in the family celebration. If he’s unwilling to talk to you about it, perhaps you can speak to his wife to find out if there is something else going behind the scenes that may be of greater concern. If not, you may have to respect his wishes or discuss new SL traditions for your family at this time of year.


Goldie Carlow is a retired registered nurse, clinical counsellor and senior peer counselling trainer. Send letters to Senior Living, Box 153, 1581-H Hillside Ave., Victoria, BC V8T 2C1.

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Senior Peer Counselling Centres – Island

Senior Peer Counselling Centres – Mainland

Campbell River 250-287-3044 Courtenay/Comox 250-890-0099 Duncan 250-748-2133 Nanaimo 250-754-3331 Port Hardy 250-949-5110 Salt Spring Island 250-537-4607 Sidney 250-656-5537 Victoria 250-382-4331

Burnaby 604-291-2258 Coquitlam – Tri-Cities 604-945-4480 New Westminster 604-519-1064 North Vancouver 604-987-8138 Richmond 604-279-7034 Vancouver West End 604-669-7339 Vancouver Westside 604-736-3588



’Tis the Season for Online Shopping Fraud


ith the holiday season upon us, shoppers of all ages will take to the Internet to purchase and deliver their holiday gifts. Online shopping is a convenient way to avoid crowds and line-ups, while buying novelty items, gifts and everyday household products for yourself, your family or friends. But it is important to remember that the Internet is a playground for cyber criminals. Consumers really need to use caution when making purchases online. Some common online shopping scams that can strike at any of time year, but which often proliferate during the holidays are: Online Auction Scams Cyber criminals post a classified ad or try to auction off a product that they do not have, or that is not of the quality or condition that is promised. In some cases, the seller may have even purchased a product with a stolen credit card, and is now trying to sell the stolen goods to you. Gift Card Scams In some cases, gift cards are being fraudulently acquired by scammers and then re-sold online. Fraudulent or stolen gift cards are usually de-activated by the merchant and cannot be used in place of cash (essentially they are worthless). Phishing Scams The creation of fake emails and websites pretending to be from legitimate businesses continues to be a significant and growing problem. Scammers will often create sites masquerading as real companies, such as Amazon or eBay, hoping to lure people into entering private

information that can be later used for the purposes of identity theft, or to download malware, spyware and viruses onto victim’s computers. Counterfeit Products Just about everything, from clothing, to electronics, to DVDs, to jewelry and medication are being counterfeit and sold online. It is easy for criminals to post pictures and descriptions of products that appear to look like the real thing but are, in fact, fake. Protect Yourself The key to protecting yourself is to ensure you are practising smart online shopping habits at all times. • Know whom you are doing business with. Be sure to check out the company’s BBB Business Review before you make a purchase. • When shopping look for the dynamic BBB Online Accredited Business Seal/ Decal. • Always buy gift cards directly from merchants. • Check online sellers ratings and reviews before making a purchase. • Make sure the website you are shopping on is secure. Always go directly to the company’s website, rather than following a link from another source. • Make sure your computer is equipped with the latest web browser and version of security software. • When paying for a product always pay by credit card and use a secure online payment system such as PayPal. • Monitor your bank and credit card statements regularly. WWW.SENIORLIVINGMAG.COM

In most cases, if you are actively seeking out a legitimate reputable online shopping site, you are cautious with your private information, and you are not lured into unsolicited too-good-tobe-true offers, you should have a safe, enjoyable and even stress-free online SL shopping experience.

For more information, contact BBB Mainland BC at 604-682-2711 and or BBB Vancouver Island at 250-386-6348 and

Giving makes us all better The Goodricks danced all their lives… then they left a legacy of good health. Their Life Annuity supported Mr. Goodrick when he needed it most. Now it supports patients with the finest medical equipment. You can do the same. Talk to Beth Cairns at 250-519-1750 or visit DECEMBER 2012

31 33


Carpenter Dominic Mason died in 1989.

Tomorrow, he’ll renovate the playroom at the local homeless shelter. As a carpenter, Dominic renovated homes for his clients. As a child, he and his mother found a home in a shelter when times were hard. A counsellor there showed Dominic a future filled with opportunity, and he never forgot that lifechanging vision.

Thanks to a bequest in his will, a few more children will have a chance to build their dreams. Include your favourite cause in your will or estate plan. Contact a charitable organization, lawyer, financial advisor or local LEAVE A LEGACY™ program.


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New Program Helps Seniors and People with Disabilities Modify Homes


or some people, a new ramp, handrails or walk-in shower can help maintain their independence at home. BC Housing’s new Home Adaptations for Independence (HAFI) program helps low-income B.C. seniors and people with disabilities make home modifications that will allow them to continue living at home. Through HAFI, homeowners and landlords with eligible tenants can apply for financial assistance of up to $20,000 for improvements that make their home more accessible and safe. The goal of the program is to enable people who have physical limitations to live at home longer. People’s physical needs change over time – sometimes, a small improvement to a home can make the difference between being able to live independently or not. Types of eligible projects include: • Handrails in hallways or stairways, • Ramps for ease of access,

• Easy-to-reach work or storage areas in the kitchen, • Lever handles on doors, • Walk-in showers with grab bars, and • Bathtub grab-bars and seats. The projects must be permanent and fixed to the home, although exceptions can be made for equipment that gives access to an existing part of the home (e.g. a bath lift). The program will not cover supportive care, portable aids such as walkers, household appliances, emergency repairs to roofs and furnaces, or maintenance work. Launched in January 2012, HAFI is funded by the Government of Canada and the B.C. government through the Canada-B.C. Affordable Housing Initiative. Through the HAFI program, $15 million in grants or forgivable loans will be distributed to qualifying B.C. residents over the next three years. To qualify for assistance from HAFI, recipients must be a low-income senior or person with a disability; a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant; and a B.C. resident. Someone


Come and see our Newly Renovated building. For more information or to arrange a personal tour, call Leah at 250.331.4104 All other inquiries 250.331.1183 4646 Headquarters Rd. Courtenay

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35 33

Make Your Home Safe for Independent Living Are you a low-income senior or a person with a disability who wants to live safely and independently in the comfort of your home? Do you have difficulty performing day-to-day activities? Does your home need to be adapted to meet your changing needs? If so, you may be eligible for financial assistance under the Home Adaptations for Independence (HAFI) program. Find out today if you are eligible and if you meet all of the requirements as a low-income homeowner or as a landlord applying on behalf of an eligible tenant.

in the household must have a permanent disability or loss of ability that makes it difficult to perform day-to-day activities. As well, the total household income and assets must be below a certain limit. BC Housing can tell you the income and house value limits for your area when you apply. The program is open to both homeowners and those living in market rental accommodation, where rents are at the low-end of market levels; landlords must apply for improvements on behalf of eligible tenants. Eligibility requirements, an application guide and application forms are available at, by calling BC Housing at 604-6467055, by emailing, or visiting any BC Housing office. For those outside the Lower Mainland, call BC Housing toll-free at 1-800-407-7757 SL extension 7055. For more information about the program, visit

������������ To apply or learn more, visit You can also contact BC Housing: Phone: 604-646-7055 Toll-free: 1-800-407-7757 (ext. 7055)






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like Santa Claus. I’ve always liked Santa Claus. He doesn’t frighten me or threaten me. I know the true meaning of Christmas and celebrate it with a joyous heart. Some worry about what Santa Claus is doing to Christmas – destroying its meaning with a fanciful lie. I’m not worried about what Santa is doing to Christmas; I’m more concerned about what I am doing for Christmas. The peace child doesn’t need me to defend him. He is capable of doing that himself. He needs me to be his instrument from which to shout the goodness. I’m sure he’s not overly concerned with a jolly little man in a red suit whose reindeer can fly. We spend a lot of time debating the merits of Christmas and what mankind seeks to do with it. Time could be better spent in not talking about what Christmas should be, but being what Christmas is meant to be. Again, asking ourselves what “we” are helping it to be with patience and long suffering… kindness and not boastfulness. Keeping no record of what others are doing and not critical so much for the wrong, but rejoicing in what Christmas is all about – in the right! Christ came for the non-believer as well

as the believer. He didn’t come to argue. He is far bigger than that. It’s only myth that causes children BY to giggle and wonder. Truth has longevity that lasts a whole lifetime and even beyond. Some retain it and some don’t. No adult takes Santa with them into maturity as a reality forever and ever amen. Even non-believers know what Christmas truly represents. Otherwise, the militant core in the non-believers would not be trying to remove Christ’s name to replace it with “holidays.” It takes a firm belief to so diligently oppose what they call “fiction.” And if we retaliate, venomously denying this fanciful character called Santa Claus, are we any different or better? We complain about the commercialism of Christmas, forgetting or not realizing that on the very first Christmas, Christ was born into commercialism. That’s why every place was full and that forlorn couple could not find lodging. There was no room. Commercialism has no patience or tolerance for truth. But it isn’t a new thing. It is an old thing – dating back to the first Christmas. Santa Claus, if measured by time, is only a tiny firefly in the great expanse

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of Christmas. Just a blink that gives no lasting light like the angels brought over 2,000 years ago. Why do some get so upset that man’s imagination dares to peek in on the season of goodwill? Are we so unsure of our own beliefs to fear the fantasy of others? I like Santa Claus. I like Pinocchio, Bambi and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs too – even Grumpy – but I know they are only fairy tales. But I know my Lord is real and Grumpy can never take that from me. I know Christmas is real too. Not the date, but the “event,” and no red-suited man will ever change that. My responsibility as a Christian is to be ready to herald the good news of Christmas with love and tolerance, with thoughts and actions of peace and goodwill. Anything less is unacceptable. I do not believe a Grinch can steal Christmas; nor can a jolly little man in a red suit. It is not up to the world to instill the true meaning of Christmas into the excited hearts of children or into the lonely hearts of the wanderer in search of a home… or to the desolate and needy who hopes for the hand of mercy and charity to reach out and touch them. That can only be found in the human heart – the Christmas heart that goes in search of those who hope. Santa can’t do that, but the true Christmas spirit can. I refuse to rob children of innocence and wonder. “Unto us a child is born. Unto us a son is given.” Not a Santa but a child – the son of God and the son of man. He doesn’t need us. It is we who need SL him.

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